def validarCierreAnual(self): try: query=QSqlQuery() q=u""" SELECT d.iddocumento FROM documentos d WHERE d.idtipodoc=%d AND YEAR(d.fechacreacion)=%s""" %(constantes.IDCIERREMENSUAL,self.fecha.toString( "yyyy" )) query.prepare(q) if not query.exec_(): raise Exception( "No se pudo ejecutar la consulta para determinar si se cerraron todos los meses del año" ) if query.size()<12 and query.size()>0: raise UserWarning( "No se han cerrado todos los meses del Ejercicio" ) return True except UserWarning as inst: logging.error( unicode( inst ) ) QMessageBox.critical( self, qApp.applicationName(), unicode( inst ) ) self.toolBar.removeAction( self.actionSave ) return False except Exception as inst: logging.critical( unicode( inst ) ) self.toolBar.removeAction( self.actionSave ) QMessageBox.warning( self, qApp.organizationName(),unicode(inst)) return False
def delCliRecord(self): if not self.db.isOpen(): self.statusbar.showMessage( "Database non aperto...", 5000) return selrows = self.cItmSelModel.selectedRows() if not selrows: self.statusbar.showMessage( "No selected customers to delete...", 5000) return if(QMessageBox.question(self, "Delete Customers", "Do you want to delete: {0} customer(s)?".format(len(selrows)), QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No): return QSqlDatabase.database().transaction() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("DELETE FROM clienti WHERE id = :val") for i in selrows: if i.isValid(): query.bindValue(":val", QVariant([0])) query.exec_() QSqlDatabase.database().commit()
def movArqueo(iddoc, difference): """ MOVIMIENTO CONTABLE PARA UN ARQUEO @param iddoc: El id del documento arqueo que genera estos movimientos @type iddoc: int @param difference: La diferencia que existe entre el arqueo y el total de la sesión @type difference: Decimal """ query = QSqlQuery() iddoc = str(iddoc) if difference == 0: raise Exception("Se trato de hacer un movimiento contable de arqueo de monto 0") elif difference > 0: query.prepare("INSERT INTO cuentasxdocumento ( idcuenta, iddocumento, monto) VALUES " + " ( " + CAJAGENERAL + " , " + iddoc + " , " + difference.to_eng_string() + " ) , " + " ( " + OTROSINGRESOS + " , " + iddoc + " , -" + difference.to_eng_string() + " ) " ) else: query.prepare("INSERT INTO cuentasxdocumento ( idcuenta, iddocumento, monto) VALUES " + " ( " + CAJAGENERAL + " , " + iddoc + " , " + difference.to_eng_string() + " ) , " + " ( " + PERDIDAS + " , " + iddoc + " , -" + difference.to_eng_string() + " ) " ) if not query.exec_(): logging.critical(query.lastError().text()) raise Exception("No se pudo ejecutar la consulta para el movimiento contable de arqueo")
def init_db(self): print "here" sql_query = QSqlQuery('''SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'helferlein';''', self.db) size = sql_query.size() print size if size == 0: print "db anlegen" sql_query = QSqlQuery("CREATE DATABASE helferlein;", self.db) print "tabelle schueler anlegen" sql_query = QSqlQuery('''CREATE TABLE SCHUELER ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Name CHAR(100), Vorname CHAR(100), Stufe CHAR(2));''', self.db) print "tabelle fehlzeit anlegen" sql_query.prepare('''CREATE TABLE FEHLZEIT ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, schueler_id INT, Grund CHAR(100), Beginn CHAR(10), Ende CHAR(10), Stunden INT, ist_Beurlaubung INT, Attest INT, klausur_verpasst INT, Schuljahr CHAR(10));''') sql_query.exec_()
def removeRelationship(self): actlayer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer() index = self.modelt.index(0,0) columnindex=0 for i in range(0,self.modelt.columnCount(index)): qresult = self.modelt.headerData(i, Qt.Horizontal, 0) if self.keycolumn == qresult: columnindex=i break idlist = [] for row in range(self.modelt.rowCount()): index = self.modelt.index(row,columnindex) id =,columnindex) idlist.append(id) queryinsert = QSqlQuery() querystr3 = "SELECT " + self.schema + ".del_row(:schema, :ref_id);" # "DELETE FROM " + self.schema+ " prodser.user_cim WHERE " self.keycolumn + " IN (" + stringlist + ");" for id in idlist: # create an item with a caption #print "id="+str(id)+", curruid="+str(curruid)+", fullname="+fullname queryinsert.prepare(querystr3) queryinsert.bindValue(":schema", self.schema) queryinsert.bindValue(":ref_id", id) testquery = queryinsert.exec_() if testquery: print "deleted: ", id else: print "not deleted: " + id + queryinsert.lastError().text() print querystr3 actlayer.setSubsetString("") self.dlg.accept()
def SitesHaveFindSpots(db, siteNumbers): sites = u", ".join(u"'{0}'".format(siteNumber) for siteNumber in siteNumbers) query = QSqlQuery(db) query.prepare(u"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fundstelle WHERE fundortnummer IN ({0})".format(sites)) query.exec_() query.first() return query.value(0)
def getTeacherFromId(self, teacherId): """Retrieve the appropriate Teacher from the given id""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("SELECT first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_code, daytime_phone, evening_phone, email \ FROM teachers WHERE id=:id") numericId = teacherId query.bindValue(":id", numericId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() # Now turn it into the appropriate object first = str(query.value(0).toString()) last = str(query.value(1).toString()) address = str(query.value(2).toString()) city = str(query.value(3).toString()) postal = str(query.value(4).toString()) daytimePhone = str(query.value(5).toString()) eveningPhone = str(query.value(6).toString()) email = str(query.value(7).toString()) retrievedTeacher = Teacher(first, last, address, city, postal, daytimePhone, eveningPhone, email) return retrievedTeacher except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getTeacherFromId FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\ \n\tvalues: {1}\n\terror: {2}".format(query.lastQuery(), numericId, e)
def delDettRecord(self): if not self.db.isOpen(): self.statusbar.showMessage( "Database non aperto...", 5000) return selrows = self.sItmSelModel.selectedRows() if not selrows: self.statusbar.showMessage( "No articles selected to delete...", 5000) return if(QMessageBox.question(self, "Cancellazione righe", "Vuoi cancellare: {0} righe?".format(len(selrows)), QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No): return QSqlDatabase.database().transaction() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("DELETE FROM fattslave WHERE id = :val") for i in selrows: if i.isValid(): query.bindValue(":val", QVariant([0])) query.exec_() QSqlDatabase.database().commit() self.sModel.revertAll() self.mmUpdate()
def getTeachersWithName(self, first, last): """Looks for teachers with the given name""" tList = [] try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("SELECT first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_code, daytime_phone, \ evening_phone, email \ FROM teachers WHERE first_name=:first AND last_name=:last") query.bindValue(":first", first) query.bindValue(":last", last) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() while == True: first = str(query.value(0).toString()) last = str(query.value(1).toString()) address = str(query.value(2).toString()) city = str(query.value(3).toString()) postal = str(query.value(4).toString()) daytimePhone = str(query.value(5).toString()) eveningPhone = str(query.value(6).toString()) email = str(query.value(7).toString()) tList.append(Teacher(first, last, address, city, postal, daytimePhone, eveningPhone, email)) return tList except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getTeachersWithName FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\ \n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e)
def movKardex(iddoc, total): ''' MOVIMIENTO CONTABLE PARA UNA ENTRADA DE BODEGA POR LIQUIDACION O ENTRADA LOCAL @param iddoc: El id del documento que genera estos movimientos @type iddoc: int @param total: El total del movimiento @type total: Decimal ''' query = QSqlQuery() iddoc = str(iddoc) if total == 0: raise Exception("Se trato de hacer un movimiento de monto 0") elif total > 0: query.prepare("INSERT INTO cuentasxdocumento ( idcuenta, iddocumento, monto) VALUES " + " ( " + INVENTARIO + " , " + iddoc + " , " + total.to_eng_string() + " ) , " + " ( " + OTROSINGRESOS + " , " + iddoc + " , -" + total.to_eng_string() + " ) ") else: query.prepare("INSERT INTO cuentasxdocumento ( idcuenta, iddocumento, monto) VALUES " + " ( " + INVENTARIO + " , " + iddoc + " , " + total.to_eng_string() + " ) , " + " ( " + PERDIDAS + " , " + iddoc + " , -" + total.to_eng_string() + " ) ") if not query.exec_(): logging.critical(query.lastError().text()) raise Exception("No se pudo ejecutar la consulta para el movimiento contable de kardex")
def getParticipantsWithName(self, first, last): """Looks for participants with the given name""" pList = [] try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("SELECT first_name, last_name, address, town, postal_code, home_phone, \ cell_phone, email, date_of_birth, school_attending, parent \ FROM soloparticipants WHERE first_name=:first AND last_name=:last") query.bindValue(":first", first) query.bindValue(":last", last) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() while == True: first = str(query.value(0).toString()) last = str(query.value(1).toString()) address = str(query.value(2).toString()) town = str(query.value(3).toString()) postal = str(query.value(4).toString()) home = str(query.value(5).toString()) cell = str(query.value(6).toString()) email = str(query.value(7).toString()) dob = str(query.value(8).toString()) schoolAttending = str(query.value(9).toString()) parent = str(query.value(10).toString()) pList.append(Participant(first, last, address, town, postal, home, cell, email, dob, schoolAttending, parent)) return pList except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getParticipantsWithName FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\ \n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e)
def prepareLinkFromWordInDB(word, html, exclude_uuid): try: html = html.split("<!--StartFragment-->")[1].split( "<!--EndFragment-->")[0] except: html = word str = stem_str(word) remote_sql = QSqlQuery(get_local_connection()) remote_sql.prepare(count_word_in_db_query) # remote_sql.prepare(search_word_in_db_query) remote_sql.bindValue(":word", str) remote_sql.bindValue(":exclude_uuid", exclude_uuid) if remote_sql.exec_(): if num = remote_sql.value(0) if num == 0: return None elif num == 1: return { 'link': "<a href='termin##" + remote_sql.value(1) + "##status##1##word##" + word + "##inithtml##" + html + "' style='color:green'>" + html + "</a>" } elif num > 1: return { 'link': "<a href='termin##" + str + "##status##2##word##" + word + "##inithtml##" + html + "' style='color:red'>" + html + "</a>" } else: return None else: return None
def updateTeacher(self, teacherId, teacher): """Updates a Teacher record""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("UPDATE teachers \ SET first_name=:first, last_name=:last, address=:address, city=:city, postal_code=:postal,\ daytime_phone=:daytimePhone, evening_phone=:eveningPhone, email=:email \ WHERE id=:id") query.bindValue(":first", teacher.first) query.bindValue(":last", teacher.last) query.bindValue(":address", teacher.address) query.bindValue(":city", query.bindValue(":postal", teacher.postal) query.bindValue(":daytimePhone", teacher.daytimePhone) query.bindValue(":eveningPhone", teacher.eveningPhone) query.bindValue(":email", query.bindValue(":id", teacherId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() return "" except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "updateTeacher FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def CadastrarAluguel(aluguel): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("UPDATE Veiculo SET Alugado = 'Sim' WHERE CodigoVeic = "+aluguel.CodigoVeic) query.exec_() db.commit() query.prepare("INSERT INTO Aluguel(DataAluguel, DataPrazo, DataDevolucao, ValorAluguel, " "ValorMulta, KmEntrada, KmSaida, CodigoCli, CodigoVeic) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") query.addBindValue(aluguel.DataAluguel) query.addBindValue(aluguel.DataPrazo) query.addBindValue(aluguel.DataDevolucao) query.addBindValue(aluguel.ValorAluguel) query.addBindValue(aluguel.ValorMulta) query.addBindValue(aluguel.KmEntrada) query.addBindValue(aluguel.KmSaida) query.addBindValue(aluguel.CodigoCli) query.addBindValue(aluguel.CodigoVeic) query.exec_() db.commit()
def addTeacher(self, t): """Adds a new Teacher record to the db""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("INSERT INTO teachers \ (first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_code, daytime_phone, evening_phone, email) \ VALUES (:first, :last, :address, :city, :postal, :daytimePhone, :eveningPhone, :email)") query.bindValue(":first", t.first) query.bindValue(":last", t.last) query.bindValue(":address", t.address) query.bindValue(":city", query.bindValue(":postal", t.postal) query.bindValue(":daytimePhone", t.daytimePhone) query.bindValue(":eveningPhone", t.eveningPhone) query.bindValue(":email", query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() return "" except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "addTeacher FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def updateGroupParticipant(self, participantId, participant): """Updates GroupParticipant record""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("UPDATE groupparticipants \ SET group_name=:groupName, group_size=:groupSize, school_grade=:schoolGrade,\ average_age=:averageAge, participants=:participants, contact=:contact, earliest_performance_time=:earliestPerformanceTime, latest_performance_time=:latestPerformanceTime \ WHERE id=:id") query.bindValue(":groupName", participant.groupName) query.bindValue(":groupSize", participant.groupSize) query.bindValue(":schoolGrade", participant.schoolGrade) query.bindValue(":averageAge", participant.averageAge) query.bindValue(":participants", participant.participants) query.bindValue(":contact", query.bindValue(":earliestPerformanceTime", participant.earliestPerformanceTime) query.bindValue(":latestPerformanceTime", participant.latestPerformanceTime) query.bindValue(":id", participantId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() return "" except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "updateGroupParticipant FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def addGroupParticipant(self, gp): """Adds a new GroupParticipant record to the db""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("INSERT INTO groupparticipants \ (group_name, group_size, school_grade, average_age, participants, contact, earliest_performance_time, latest_performance_time) \ VALUES (:groupName, :groupSize, :schoolGrade, :averageAge, :participants, :contact, :earliestPerformanceTime, :latestPerformanceTime)") query.bindValue(":groupName", gp.groupName) query.bindValue(":groupSize", gp.groupSize) query.bindValue(":schoolGrade", gp.schoolGrade) query.bindValue(":averageAge", gp.averageAge) query.bindValue(":participants", gp.participants) query.bindValue(":contact", query.bindValue(":earliestPerformanceTime", gp.earliestPerformanceTime) query.bindValue(":latestPerformanceTime", gp.latestPerformanceTime) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() return "" except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "addGroupParticipant FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def saveComboValues(self, combobox, text): """ Save the value of the combo box into the form settings values. Only saves new values. """ comboitems = [combobox.itemText(i) for i in range(combobox.count())] name = combobox.objectName() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT value FROM ComboBoxItems WHERE control = :contorl") query.bindValue(":control", name) query.exec_() log("LAST ERROR") log(query.lastError().text()) items = [] while value = query.value(0).toString() if not value.isEmpty(): items.append(str(value)) if not text in comboitems and not text in items: query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO ComboBoxItems (control, value)" "VALUES (:control,:value)") query.bindValue(":control", name) query.bindValue(":value", text) query.exec_() log("LAST ERROR FOR INSERT") log(query.lastError().text())
def DevolverVeiculo(codigoAlug, aluguel): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() select = "SELECT Veiculo.CodigoVeic FROM Aluguel"\ " INNER JOIN Veiculo ON Aluguel.CodigoVeic = Veiculo.CodigoVeic"\ " WHERE Aluguel.CodigoAlug = "+codigoAlug query = QSqlQuery(select) while codigoVeic = str(query.value(0)) sql = "UPDATE Veiculo SET Alugado = 'Não' WHERE CodigoVeic = "+codigoVeic query.prepare(sql) query.exec_() db.commit() sql = "UPDATE Aluguel SET DataDevolucao = '"+aluguel.DataDevolucao+"', ValorMulta = '"+aluguel.ValorMulta\ +"', KmSaida = '"+aluguel.KmSaida\ +"' WHERE CodigoAlug = "+codigoAlug print(sql) query.prepare(sql) print query.exec_() db.commit()
def getEntryFromId(self, entryId): """Retrieve Entry from specified id.""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("SELECT participant_id, teacher_id, discipline, level, class_number, \ class_name, instrument, years_of_instruction, scheduling_requirements FROM entries \ WHERE id=:id") query.bindValue(":id", entryId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() participantID = str(query.value(0).toString()) teacherID = str(query.value(1).toString()) discipline = str(query.value(2).toString()) level = str(query.value(3).toString()) classNumber = str(query.value(4).toString()) className = str(query.value(5).toString()) instrument = str(query.value(6).toString()) yearsOfInstruction = str(query.value(7).toString()) schedulingRequirements = str(query.value(8).toString()) # get associated selections selections = self.getSelectionsFromEntryId(entryId) ee = Entry(participantID, teacherID, discipline, level, yearsOfInstruction, classNumber, className, instrument, selections, schedulingRequirements) return ee except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getEntryFromId FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def get_song_listmodel(self, key = None, parent = None): """Create and return a QStringListModel of songs in database By default all songs are included @param key: Include only songs in given key @param key: String @return: List model to be passed to QListView @type return: QStringListModel""" if key == None: query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT song FROM Patterns") success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO songs = [], while songs.append(query.value(0)) else: query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT song FROM Patterns WHERE key == :key") query.bindValue(":key", key) success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO songs = [], while songs.append(query.value(0)) # Ajatusvirhe return QStringListModel(songs, parent)
def movDeposito( iddoc, deposito, ctabanco ): ''' MOVIMIENTOS CONTABLE PARA UNA ENTRADA COMPRA (-)deposito > sale de Caja genera:id=5, cod=110 001 001 000 (+)deposito > entra a cuenta del banco ctabanco @param iddoc: El id del documento que genera estos movimientos @type iddoc: int @param deposito: TODO @type deposito: Decimal @param ctabanco: TODO @type ctabanco: Decimal ''' iddoc = str( iddoc ) total = deposito.to_eng_string() ctabanco = str( ctabanco ) query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare( "INSERT INTO cuentasxdocumento (idcuenta,iddocumento,monto) values " + "(" + CAJAGENERAL + "," + iddoc + ",-" + total + ")," + "(" + ctabanco + "," + iddoc + "," + total + ")" ) if not query.exec_(): print( iddoc ) print( query.lastError().text() ) raise Exception( "NO SE PUDIERON INSERTAR LAS CUENTAS CONTABLES" )
def btns_click(self, btnid): # curclassname = self.tabWidget.tabText(0) query = QSqlQuery(self.db) # cur = conn.cursor() today = self.g_curbtn = str(btnid).zfill(2) if self.g_curbtn not in self.dict_choices: self.btngroup.button(int(self.g_curbtn)).setStyleSheet(stylesheetstr_new) query.exec_("select count(*) from tmprecord where stusn='" + str(self.g_curbtn) + "'") if query.value(0) == 0: query.prepare("insert into tmprecord (classname, stusn, datequestion) values (:classname, :stusn, :datequestion)") query.bindValue(":classname", self.g_curClassName) query.bindValue(":stusn", self.g_curbtn) query.bindValue(":datequestion", today) query.exec_() self.dict_choices[self.g_curbtn] = "111" else: self.btngroup.button(int(self.g_curbtn)).setStyleSheet(stylesheetstr_old) self.btngroup.button(int(self.g_curbtn)).setIcon(QIcon()) query.exec_("delete from tmprecord where stusn='"+ str(self.g_curbtn) + "'") self.dict_choices.pop(self.g_curbtn) self.btnSysMenu.setFocus()
def fill_fields(self): search_word = self.filterEdit.text() if search_word.strip() != '': search_str = stem_str(search_word) else: search_str = '' query = QSqlQuery(self.local_cn) LIMIT = 100 OFFSET = 0 query.prepare(show_termins_in_link_selector_query) query.bindValue(':search_str', search_str + '%') query.bindValue(':linked', 1) query.bindValue(':limit', LIMIT.__str__()) query.bindValue(':offset', OFFSET.__str__()) if query.exec_(): self.root.takeChildren() while c = QTreeWidgetItem() c.setText(0, query.value(0)) # Заглавное слово c.setData(1, 0, query.value(1)) # uuid self.root.addChild(c) else: print(query.lastError().text()) print("not exec") self.treeWidget.scrollToTop()
def get_song_listmodel(self, key=None, parent=None): """Create and return a QStringListModel of songs in database By default all songs are included @param key: Include only songs in given key @param key: String @return: List model to be passed to QListView @type return: QStringListModel""" if key == None: query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT song FROM Patterns") success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO songs = [], while songs.append(query.value(0)) else: query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT song FROM Patterns WHERE key == :key") query.bindValue(":key", key) success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO songs = [], while songs.append(query.value(0)) # Ajatusvirhe return QStringListModel(songs, parent)
def getAllEntriesInDiscipline(self, discipline): """Returns all the Entries for the given discipline""" entryList = [] try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("SELECT participant_id, teacher_id, discipline, level, class_number, \ class_name, instrument, years_of_instruction, scheduling_requirements, id FROM entries \ WHERE discipline=:discipline") query.bindValue(":discipline", discipline) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() while == True: participantID = str(query.value(0).toString()) teacherID = str(query.value(1).toString()) discipline = str(query.value(2).toString()) level = str(query.value(3).toString()) classNumber = str(query.value(4).toString()) className = str(query.value(5).toString()) instrument = str(query.value(6).toString()) yearsOfInstruction = str(query.value(7).toString()) schedulingRequirements = str(query.value(8).toString()) entryId = str(query.value(9).toString()) # get associated selections selections = self.getSelectionsFromEntryId(entryId) ee = Entry(participantID, teacherID, discipline, level, yearsOfInstruction, classNumber, className, instrument, selections, schedulingRequirements) entryList.append(ee) return entryList except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getAllEntriesInDiscipline FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e) return e
def check_credentials(params, password): """ Check credentials against database. If correct, return 'role', else return False. :param params: Dictionary of parameters, including UserName and db path. :param password: String of password :return role / False: role (string), or false if denied. """ # Connect to database if config.DEBUG_MODE: print('DEBUG_MODE: checking credentials') db_path = os.path.join(params['RNDataStorePath'], params['DbName']) username = params['UserName'] db = database.connect_and_open(db_path, 'roadnet_db') # Query database login_query = QSqlQuery(db) login_query.prepare("""SELECT usertype FROM tblUsers WHERE username =:usr AND userpwd =:pwd""") login_query.bindValue(":usr", username, QSql.Out) login_query.bindValue(":pwd", password, QSql.Out) executed = login_query.exec_() if not executed: raise Exception('Database query failed.') if login_query.first() is True: # i.e. matching record returned # Correct username or password: get role role = login_query.value(0) if role == 'admin': role = 'editor' # Admin role is no longer used else: # Set debug mode settings to thinkwhere and editor and remove lock if config.DEBUG_MODE: params['UserName'] = '******' params['role'] = 'editor' role = 'editor' lock_file_path = os.path.join(params['RNDataStorePath'], 'RNLock') if os.path.isfile(lock_file_path): os.remove(lock_file_path) else: # Wrong username or password: warning message wrong_login_msg = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, " ", "Incorrect username or password", QMessageBox.Ok, None) wrong_login_msg.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) wrong_login_msg.exec_() role = 'init' # Close database del (login_query) connection_name = db.connectionName() db.close() del (db) QSqlDatabase.removeDatabase(connection_name) if config.DEBUG_MODE: print('DEBUG_MODE: closing QSqlDatabase {}'.format(connection_name)) # Return role or None return role
def updateParticipant(self, participantId, participant): """Updates a Participant record""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) query.prepare("""UPDATE participants SET first_name=:first, last_name=:last, address=:address, city=:city, postal_code=:postal, home_phone=:home, cell_phone=:cell, email=:email, date_of_birth=:dob, school_attending=:schoolAttending, parent=:parent, age=:age, school_grade=:schoolGrade, group_name=:groupName, number_participants=:numberParticipants, earliest_time=:earliestTime, latest_time=:latestTime, group_participants=:groupParticipants, average_age=:averageAge, contact=:contact WHERE id=:id""") query.bindValue(":first", participant.first) query.bindValue(":last", participant.last) query.bindValue(":address", participant.address) query.bindValue(":city", query.bindValue(":postal", participant.postal) query.bindValue(":home", participant.home) query.bindValue(":cell", participant.cell) query.bindValue(":email", query.bindValue(":dob", participant.dob) query.bindValue(":schoolAttending", participant.schoolAttending) query.bindValue(":parent", participant.parent) query.bindValue(":age", participant.age) query.bindValue(":schoolGrade", participant.schoolGrade) query.bindValue(":groupName", participant.groupName) query.bindValue(":numberParticipants", participant.numberParticipants) query.bindValue(":earliestTime", participant.earliestPerformanceTime) query.bindValue(":latestTime", participant.latestPerformanceTime) query.bindValue(":groupParticipants", participant.participants) query.bindValue(":averageAge", participant.averageAge) query.bindValue(":contact", query.bindValue(":id", participantId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() return "" except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "updateParticipant FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\n\terror: {1}".format(query, e) return e
def saveDefault(self, control, value): self.removeDefault(control) name = control.objectName() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO DefaultValues (control, value)" "VALUES (:control,:value)") query.bindValue(":control", name) query.bindValue(":value", value) query.exec_()
def create_table(self): """Create table Progression(song, pattern, key) if not exist already""" # Tablen nimen saa vaihtaa query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Progressions(song TEXT PRIMARY KEY, pattern TEXT, key TEXT)") success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO
def _query(self, querystring, **mappings): query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.prepare(querystring) for key, value in mappings.iteritems(): bindvalue = ":{}".format(key) if bindvalue in querystring: query.bindValue(bindvalue, value) return query
def set_info(self, image_date, info): query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.prepare('INSERT INTO copyright (image_date, copyright_info) VALUES (?, ?);') query.addBindValue(image_date) query.addBindValue(info) if not query.exec_(): self.error.emit('Error adding copyright info', query.lastError().text()) return False return True
def _query(self, querystring, **mappings): querystring = querystring.replace(r"\r\n", " ") query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.prepare(querystring) for key, value in mappings.iteritems(): bindvalue = ":{}".format(key) if"{}\b".format(bindvalue), querystring): query.bindValue(bindvalue, value) return query
def _query(self, querystring, **mappings): querystring = querystring.replace(r"\r\n", " ") query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.prepare(querystring) for key, value in mappings.iteritems(): bindvalue = ":{}".format(key) if bindvalue in querystring: query.bindValue(bindvalue, value) return query
def create_table(self): """Create table Progression(song, pattern, key) if not exist already""" # Tablen nimen saa vaihtaa query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Progressions(song TEXT PRIMARY KEY, pattern TEXT, key TEXT)" ) success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO
def ExcluirVeiculo(codigoVeic): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("DELETE FROM Veiculo WHERE CodigoVeic=:codigoVeic") query.bindValue(":codigoVeic", codigoVeic) query.exec_() db.commit()
def ExcluirCliente(codigoCli): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("DELETE FROM Cliente WHERE CodigoCli=:codigoCli") query.bindValue(":codigoCli", codigoCli) query.exec_() db.commit()
def getParticipantFromId(self, participantId): """Retrieve the appropriate Participant from the given id""" try: query = QSqlQuery(self.conn) # if participantId[0] == 's': # query.prepare("SELECT first_name, last_name, address, town, postal_code, home_phone, cell_phone, email, date_of_birth, school_attending, parent \ # FROM soloparticipants WHERE id=:id") # else: # query.prepare("SELECT group_name, group_size, school_grade, average_age, participants, contact \ # FROM groupparticipants WHERE id=:id") query.prepare("SELECT first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_code, home_phone, cell_phone, email, date_of_birth, school_attending, parent, age, school_grade, group_name, number_participants, earliest_time, latest_time, group_participants, average_age, contact \ FROM participants WHERE id=:id") # numericId = participantId[1:] query.bindValue(":id", participantId) query.exec_() if query.isActive() == False: print query.lastError().text() return query.lastError().text() # Now turn it into the appropriate object retrievedParticipant = None # if participantId[0] == 's': first = str(query.value(0).toString()) last = str(query.value(1).toString()) address = str(query.value(2).toString()) city = str(query.value(3).toString()) postal = str(query.value(4).toString()) home = str(query.value(5).toString()) cell = str(query.value(6).toString()) email = str(query.value(7).toString()) dob = str(query.value(8).toString()) schoolAttending = str(query.value(9).toString()) parent = str(query.value(10).toString()) # retrievedParticipant = SoloParticipant(first, last, address, town, postal, home, cell, email, dob, schoolAttending, parent) # else: age = str(query.value(11).toString()) schoolGrade = str(query.value(12).toString()) groupName = str(query.value(13).toString()) groupSize = str(query.value(14).toString()) earliestTime = str(query.value(15).toString()) latestTime = str(query.value(16).toString()) participants = str(query.value(17).toString()) averageAge = str(query.value(18).toString()) contact = str(query.value(19).toString()) # retrievedParticipant = GroupParticipant(groupName, groupSize, schoolGrade, averageAge, participants, contact) retrievedParticipant = Participant(first=first, last=last, address=address, city=city, postal=postal, home=home, cell=cell, email=email, dob=dob, schoolAttending=schoolAttending, parent=parent, age=age, schoolGrade=schoolGrade, groupName=groupName, numberParticipants=groupSize, averageAge=averageAge, participants=participants, contact=contact, earliestPerformanceTime=earliestTime, latestPerformanceTime=latestTime) return retrievedParticipant except Exception, e: # TODO: log this instead of printing to console print "getParticipantFromId FAILED\n\tquery: {0}\ \n\terror: {1}".format(query.lastQuery(), e)
def remove_song(self, song_name): """Removes given song from database @param song_name: name of the song to be removed @type song_name: String""" query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("DELETE FROM Patterns WHERE song == :song") query.bindValue(":song", song_name) success = query.exec_() if not success: return False # TODO return True
def GetFindSpotNumbers(db, siteNumbers): query = QSqlQuery(db) sites = u", ".join(u"'{0}'".format(siteNumber) for siteNumber in siteNumbers) query.prepare(u"SELECT fundortnummer || '.' || fundstellenummer FROM fundstelle WHERE fundortnummer IN ({0})".format(sites)) res = query.exec_() findSpots = [] while findSpots.append(query.value(0)) return findSpots
def login(self, username, password): sql = 'SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE username=:username AND password=:password' q = QSqlQuery() q.prepare(sql) q.bindValue(':username', username) q.bindValue(':password', password) q.exec_() if print "Sesion correcta para %s" % username return True
def save(self): resultado = False try: if not self.database.isOpen(): if not raise UserWarning( u"No se pudo abrir la conexión "\ + "con la base de datos" ) if not self.database.transaction(): raise Exception( u"No se pudo comenzar la transacción" ) query = QSqlQuery() if not query.prepare( """ UPDATE preciosproducto SET activo = 0 WHERE idproducto = :id; """ ): raise Exception( "No se pudo preparar la consulta para actualizar" ) query.bindValue( ":id", self.articuloId) if not query.exec_(): raise Exception( "No se pudo desactivar el precio actual" ) if not query.prepare( """ INSERT INTO preciosproducto(idproducto,precio,unidadesxcaja) VALUES (:id,:precio,:cantidad); """ ): raise Exception( "No se pudo preparar la consulta para insertar los nuevos precios" ) query.bindValue( ":id", self.articuloId) query.bindValue( ":precio", self.precio) query.bindValue( ":unidades", self.unidades ) if not query.exec_(): raise Exception( "No se pudo insertar el nuevo precio" ) if not self.database.commit(): raise Exception( "No se pudo hacer commit" ) resultado = True except UserWarning as inst: self.database.rollback() print unicode( inst ) QMessageBox.critical( self, qApp.organizationName(), unicode( inst ) ) resultado = False finally: if self.database.isOpen(): self.database.close() return resultado
def updateDefinition(uuid, definition, oc): remote_sql = QSqlQuery(get_remote_connection()) if oc: remote_sql.prepare(update_definition_query_OC) else: remote_sql.prepare(update_definition_query) remote_sql.bindValue(":uuid", uuid.__str__()) remote_sql.bindValue(":definition", definition.__str__()) if remote_sql.exec_(): return True else: return False
def show_termins_in_list(self, page): self.currentPage = page # фильтрация списка терминов search_word = self.searchLineEdit.text() if search_word.strip() != '': search_str = search_word else: search_str = '' # показ уже обработанных терминов if self.showLinkedCheck.isChecked(): show_linked = 1 else: show_linked = 0 query = QSqlQuery(self.local_cn) LIMIT = int(self.terminsPerPageComboBos.currentText()) OFFSET = (page - 1) * LIMIT query.prepare(show_termins_in_list_query) query.bindValue(':search_str', search_str + '%') query.bindValue(':linked', show_linked) query.bindValue(':limit', LIMIT.__str__()) query.bindValue(':offset', OFFSET.__str__()) if query.exec_(): self.root.takeChildren() i = 1 f = QFont() f.setBold(True) while c = QTreeWidgetItem() c.setText(0, query.value(0)) # Заглавное слово c.setData(1, 0, query.value(1)) # uuid c.setData(2, 0, i) # номерок if query.value(2) == 1: c.setFont(0, f) self.root.addChild(c) i += 1 pages = 1 query.prepare(show_termins_in_list_count_query) query.bindValue(':search_str', search_str + '%') query.bindValue(':linked', show_linked) if query.exec_() and try: pages = math.ceil(query.value(0) / LIMIT) except: pages = 1 self.draw_paginator(pages, page) else: print(query.lastError().text()) print("not exec") self.terminsTreeWidget.scrollToTop()
def AtualizarCliente(codigoCli, cliente): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("UPDATE Cliente SET Nome = '" + cliente.Nome + "', CPF = '" + cliente.CPF + "', Endereco = '" + cliente.Endereco + "', Email = '" + cliente.Email + "', Telefone = '" + cliente.Telefone + "' WHERE CodigoCli = " + codigoCli) query.exec_() db.commit()
def checkTerminExists(uuid, oc): remote_sql = QSqlQuery(get_remote_connection()) if oc: remote_sql.prepare(get_definition_query_OC) else: remote_sql.prepare(get_definition_query) remote_sql.bindValue(":uuid", uuid.__str__()) if remote_sql.exec_(): if return True else: return False else: return False
def get_song_pattern(self, song_name): """Get chord pattern of given song @param song_name: name of the song in database @type song_name: String @return: pattern @type return: String""" query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT pattern FROM Progressions WHERE song == :song") query.bindValue(":song", song_name) success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO # Get only the first result as song name is primary key. return query.value(0) # pattern is the only column in result set.
def CadastrarCliente(cliente): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare( "INSERT INTO Cliente(Nome, CPF, Endereco, Email, Telefone) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") query.addBindValue(cliente.Nome) query.addBindValue(cliente.CPF) query.addBindValue(cliente.Endereco) query.addBindValue(cliente.Email) query.addBindValue(cliente.Telefone) query.exec_() db.commit()
def compare_pwd(self): """ function that compares the current password to the one the user is trying to change :return: bool True if password matches False if not """ pwd_query = QSqlQuery() pwd_str = "SELECT userpwd FROM tblUsers WHERE username =:user" pwd_query.prepare(pwd_str) pwd_query.bindValue(":user", self.user, QSql.Out) pwd_query.exec_() pwd_query.first() old_pwd = pwd_query.value(0) if self.old_input_pwd != old_pwd: return False else: return True
def get_by_key(self, key): """Get all chord patterns in given key @param key: Song key e.g. C major @type key: String @return: all patterns in key @type return: list""" query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("SELECT pattern FROM Progressions WHERE key == :key") query.bindValue(":key", key) success = query.exec_() if not success: pass # TODO patterns = [] while patterns.append(query.value(0)) return patterns
def insertNewRecord(self, data_dict): query = QSqlQuery(self.handle) if query.prepare(self.insert_query % data_dict): query.bindValue(":photo", data_dict['photo']) return query.exec_() else: return False
def AtualizarVeiculo(codigoVeic, veiculo): conn = ConexaoSQL db = conn.getConexao() query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("UPDATE Veiculo SET Modelo = '" + veiculo.Modelo + "', Marca = '" + veiculo.Marca + "', AnoModelo = " + veiculo.AnoModelo + ", Placa = '" + veiculo.Placa + "', Alugado = '" + veiculo.Alugado + "', Batido = '" + veiculo.Batido + "', KmAtual = '" + veiculo.KmAtual + "', ValorDiaria = '" + veiculo.ValorDiaria + "', Descricao = '" + veiculo.Descricao + "', TipoVeiculo = '" + veiculo.TipoVeiculo + "' WHERE CodigoVeic = " + codigoVeic) query.exec_() db.commit()
def prepare(self, query_string): query = QSqlQuery(self.db) query.setForwardOnly(True) # weird; QSqlQuery instances don't appear to be GC'ed by the time the DB is closed - so I capture them in a strong-ref'd # set and finish them up myself manually. self.__refQuery(query) if query.prepare(query_string): return query raise SyntaxError("failed to prepare query, sql was: '{}', db error: {}".format(query_string, query.lastError().text()))
def get_dds_data_list(self, id_objet, topic_name): query = QSqlQuery(self.db) # "DATA LIKE" to match things like AlarmeV2 even when the topic_name passed is Alarme query.prepare( 'SELECT * FROM DDS WHERE idObjet = :idObjet AND topicName LIKE "{0}%"' .format(topic_name)) query.bindValue(":idObjet", id_objet) # query.bindValue(":topicName", topic_name) if not query.exec_(): logging.error("%s", query.lastError().text()) dds_data_list = [] while dds_data = unicode(query.record().value(3).toString()) dds_data_list.append(dds_data) return dds_data_list
def add_song(self, song_name, pattern, key): """Add a new song to database @param song_name: name of the song to be shown in QListView @type song_name: String @param pattern: chord pattern of the song @type pattern: String @param key: key of the song. Used as filter parameter @type key: String""" query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare( "INSERT INTO Patterns(song, pattern, key) VALUES (:song, :pattern, :key)" ) query.bindValue(":song", song_name) query.bindValue(":pattern", pattern) query.bindValue(":key", key) success = query.exec_() if not success: return False # TODO return True
def getDefinition(uuid, oc): remote_sql = QSqlQuery(get_remote_connection()) if oc: remote_sql.prepare(get_definition_query_OC) else: remote_sql.prepare(get_definition_query) remote_sql.bindValue(":uuid", uuid.__str__()) if remote_sql.exec_(): if definition = remote_sql.value(0).__str__() definition = definition.replace(' ', ' ') definition = definition.replace(' </A>', '</A> ') fs = re.findall(r'<[Aa][^>]*> ', definition) for f in fs: new_f = f.strip() definition = definition.replace(f, new_f) return definition else: return None else: return None
def updateRecord(self, id_, data_dict): # Register id too data_dict['id_'] = id_ # Prepare query query = QSqlQuery(self.handle) if query.prepare(self.update_query % data_dict): query.bindValue(":photo", data_dict['photo']) return query.exec_() else: return False
def replace_all_links_to_this_word(self): remote_query = QSqlQuery(self.remote_cn) local_query = QSqlQuery(self.local_cn) if self.onlyClassified: remote_query.prepare(replace_uuid_in_links_query_OC(self.uuid, self.new_uuid)) else: remote_query.prepare(replace_uuid_in_links_query(self.uuid, self.new_uuid)) local_query.prepare(full_delete_local_termin_by_uuid) local_query.bindValue(":uuid", self.uuid) s1, s2 = False, False QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').transaction() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').transaction() if remote_query.exec_(): s1 = True else: print(remote_query.lastError().text()) print(remote_query.lastQuery()) if local_query.exec_(): s2 = True else: print(local_query.lastError().text()) print(local_query.lastQuery()) if s1 and s2: QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').commit() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').commit() else: QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').rollback() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').rollback() self.finishTrigger.emit(True)
def delete_all_links_to_this_word(self, uuid): remote_query = QSqlQuery(self.remote_cn) remote_query2 = QSqlQuery(self.remote_cn) local_query = QSqlQuery(self.local_cn) if self.onlyClassified: remote_query.prepare(find_all_termins_contains_link_to_uuid_OC(uuid)) else: remote_query.prepare(find_all_termins_contains_link_to_uuid(uuid)) local_query.prepare(full_delete_local_termin_by_uuid) local_query.bindValue(":uuid", uuid) s1, s2 = False, False QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').transaction() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').transaction() if remote_query.exec_(): s1 = True while # update definition new_definition = delete_uuid_from_definition(uuid, remote_query.value(1)) if self.onlyClassified: remote_query2.prepare(update_definition_query_OC) else: remote_query2.prepare(update_definition_query) remote_query2.bindValue(":uuid", remote_query.value(0)) remote_query2.bindValue(":definition", new_definition) else: print(remote_query.lastError().text()) print(remote_query.lastQuery()) if local_query.exec_(): s2 = True else: print(local_query.lastError().text()) print(local_query.lastQuery()) if s1 and s2: QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').commit() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').commit() else: QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('SQLiteConnection').rollback() QtSql.QSqlDatabase.database('PGconnection').rollback() self.finishTrigger.emit(True)