class SchedulerDialog(QDialog): SCHEDULE_TYPES = OrderedDict([ ('days_of_week', DaysOfWeek), ('days_of_month', DaysOfMonth), ('every_x_days', EveryXDays), ]) download = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, recipe_model, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.commit_on_change = True self.previous_urn = None self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('scheduler.png'))) self.setWindowTitle(_("Schedule news download")) self.l = l = QGridLayout(self) # Left panel self.h = h = QHBoxLayout() l.addLayout(h, 0, 0, 1, 1) = s = SearchBox2(self)'scheduler_search_history') self.go_button = b = QToolButton(self) b.setText(_("Go")) b.clicked.connect( h.addWidget(s), h.addWidget(b) = RecipesView(self) l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.recipe_model = recipe_model self.recipe_model.do_refresh() self.count_label = la = QLabel(_('%s news sources') % self.recipe_model.showing_count) la.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) l.addWidget(la, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.recipe_model.searched.connect(, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.recipe_model.searched.connect(self.search_done) # Right Panel self.scroll_area_contents = sac = QWidget(self) self.l.addWidget(sac, 0, 1, 2, 1) sac.v = v = QVBoxLayout(sac) v.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.detail_box = QTabWidget(self) self.detail_box.setVisible(False) self.detail_box.setCurrentIndex(0) v.addWidget(self.detail_box) v.addItem(QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) # First Tab (scheduling) = QWidget() self.detail_box.addTab(, _("&Schedule")) = vt = QVBoxLayout( vt.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.blurb = la = QLabel('blurb') la.setWordWrap(True), la.setOpenExternalLinks(True) vt.addWidget(la) self.frame = f = QFrame( vt.addWidget(f) f.setFrameShape(f.StyledPanel) f.setFrameShadow(f.Raised) f.v = vf = QVBoxLayout(f) self.schedule = s = QCheckBox(_("&Schedule for download:"), f) self.schedule.stateChanged[int].connect(self.toggle_schedule_info) vf.addWidget(s) f.h = h = QHBoxLayout() vf.addLayout(h) self.days_of_week = QRadioButton(_("&Days of week"), f) self.days_of_month = QRadioButton(_("Da&ys of month"), f) self.every_x_days = QRadioButton(_("Every &x days"), f) self.days_of_week.setChecked(True) h.addWidget(self.days_of_week), h.addWidget(self.days_of_month), h.addWidget(self.every_x_days) self.schedule_stack = ss = QStackedWidget(f) self.schedule_widgets = [] for key in reversed(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES): self.schedule_widgets.insert(0, self.SCHEDULE_TYPES[key](self)) self.schedule_stack.insertWidget(0, self.schedule_widgets[0]) vf.addWidget(ss) self.last_downloaded = la = QLabel(f) la.setWordWrap(True) vf.addWidget(la) self.account = acc = QGroupBox( acc.setTitle(_("&Account")) vt.addWidget(acc) acc.g = g = QGridLayout(acc) acc.unla = la = QLabel(_("&Username:"******"&Password:"******"&Show password"), self.account) spw.stateChanged[int].connect(self.set_pw_echo_mode) g.addWidget(spw, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.rla = la = QLabel(_("For the scheduling to work, you must leave calibre running.")) vt.addWidget(la) for b, c in iteritems(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES): b = getattr(self, b) b.toggled.connect(self.schedule_type_selected) b.setToolTip(textwrap.dedent(c.HELP)) # Second tab (advanced settings) self.tab2 = t2 = QWidget() self.detail_box.addTab(self.tab2, _("&Advanced")) self.tab2.g = g = QGridLayout(t2) g.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.add_title_tag = tt = QCheckBox(_("Add &title as tag"), t2) g.addWidget(tt, 0, 0, 1, 2) = la = QLabel(_("&Extra tags:")) self.custom_tags = ct = QLineEdit(self) la.setBuddy(ct) g.addWidget(la), g.addWidget(ct, 1, 1) t2.la2 = la = QLabel(_("&Keep at most:")) la.setToolTip(_("Maximum number of copies (issues) of this recipe to keep. Set to 0 to keep all (disable).")) self.keep_issues = ki = QSpinBox(t2) tt.toggled['bool'].connect(self.keep_issues.setEnabled) ki.setMaximum(100000), la.setBuddy(ki) ki.setToolTip(_( "<p>When set, this option will cause calibre to keep, at most, the specified number of issues" " of this periodical. Every time a new issue is downloaded, the oldest one is deleted, if the" " total is larger than this number.\n<p>Note that this feature only works if you have the" " option to add the title as tag checked, above.\n<p>Also, the setting for deleting periodicals" " older than a number of days, below, takes priority over this setting.")) ki.setSpecialValueText(_("all issues")), ki.setSuffix(_(" issues")) g.addWidget(la), g.addWidget(ki, 2, 1) si = QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) g.addItem(si, 3, 1, 1, 1) # Bottom area self.hb = h = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(h, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.labt = la = QLabel(_("Delete downloaded &news older than:")) self.old_news = on = QSpinBox(self) on.setToolTip(_( "<p>Delete downloaded news older than the specified number of days. Set to zero to disable.\n" "<p>You can also control the maximum number of issues of a specific periodical that are kept" " by clicking the Advanced tab for that periodical above.")) on.setSpecialValueText(_("never delete")), on.setSuffix(_(" days")) on.setMaximum(1000), la.setBuddy(on) on.setValue(gconf['oldest_news']) h.addWidget(la), h.addWidget(on) self.download_all_button = b = QPushButton(QIcon(I('news.png')), _("Download &all scheduled"), self) b.setToolTip(_("Download all scheduled news sources at once")) b.clicked.connect(self.download_all_clicked) self.l.addWidget(b, 3, 0, 1, 1) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, self) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept), bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.download_button = b = bb.addButton(_('&Download now'), bb.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png'))), b.setVisible(False) b.clicked.connect(self.download_clicked) self.l.addWidget(bb, 3, 1, 1, 1) geom = gprefs.get('scheduler_dialog_geometry') if geom is not None: QApplication.instance().safe_restore_geometry(self, geom) def sizeHint(self): return QSize(800, 600) def set_pw_echo_mode(self, state): self.password.setEchoMode(self.password.Normal if state == Qt.Checked else self.password.Password) def schedule_type_selected(self, *args): for i, st in enumerate(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES): if getattr(self, st).isChecked(): self.schedule_stack.setCurrentIndex(i) break def keyPressEvent(self, ev): if ev.key() not in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return): return QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, ev) def break_cycles(self): try: self.recipe_model.searched.disconnect(self.search_done) self.recipe_model.searched.disconnect( except: pass self.recipe_model = None def search_done(self, *args): if self.recipe_model.showing_count < 10: def toggle_schedule_info(self, *args): enabled = self.schedule.isChecked() for x in self.SCHEDULE_TYPES: getattr(self, x).setEnabled(enabled) self.schedule_stack.setEnabled(enabled) self.last_downloaded.setVisible(enabled) def current_changed(self, current, previous): if self.previous_urn is not None: self.commit(urn=self.previous_urn) self.previous_urn = None urn = self.current_urn if urn is not None: self.initialize_detail_box(urn) def accept(self): if not self.commit(): return False self.save_geometry() return QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self): self.save_geometry() return QDialog.reject(self) def save_geometry(self): gprefs.set('scheduler_dialog_geometry', bytearray(self.saveGeometry())) def download_clicked(self, *args): self.commit() if self.commit() and self.current_urn: def download_all_clicked(self, *args): if self.commit() and self.commit(): @property def current_urn(self): current = if current.isValid(): return getattr(current.internalPointer(), 'urn', None) def commit(self, urn=None): urn = self.current_urn if urn is None else urn if not self.detail_box.isVisible() or urn is None: return True if self.account.isVisible(): un, pw = map(unicode_type, (self.username.text(), self.password.text())) un, pw = un.strip(), pw.strip() if not un and not pw and self.schedule.isChecked(): if not getattr(self, 'subscription_optional', False): error_dialog(self, _('Need username and password'), _('You must provide a username and/or password to ' 'use this news source.'), show=True) return False if un or pw: self.recipe_model.set_account_info(urn, un, pw) else: self.recipe_model.clear_account_info(urn) if self.schedule.isChecked(): schedule_type, schedule = \ self.schedule_stack.currentWidget().schedule self.recipe_model.schedule_recipe(urn, schedule_type, schedule) else: self.recipe_model.un_schedule_recipe(urn) add_title_tag = self.add_title_tag.isChecked() keep_issues = '0' if self.keep_issues.isEnabled(): keep_issues = unicode_type(self.keep_issues.value()) custom_tags = unicode_type(self.custom_tags.text()).strip() custom_tags = [x.strip() for x in custom_tags.split(',')] self.recipe_model.customize_recipe(urn, add_title_tag, custom_tags, keep_issues) return True def initialize_detail_box(self, urn): self.previous_urn = urn self.detail_box.setVisible(True) self.download_button.setVisible(True) self.detail_box.setCurrentIndex(0) recipe = self.recipe_model.recipe_from_urn(urn) try: schedule_info = self.recipe_model.schedule_info_from_urn(urn) except: # Happens if user does something stupid like unchecking all the # days of the week schedule_info = None account_info = self.recipe_model.account_info_from_urn(urn) customize_info = self.recipe_model.get_customize_info(urn) ns = recipe.get('needs_subscription', '') self.account.setVisible(ns in ('yes', 'optional')) self.subscription_optional = ns == 'optional' act = _('Account') act2 = _('(optional)') if self.subscription_optional else \ _('(required)') self.account.setTitle(act+' '+act2) un = pw = '' if account_info is not None: un, pw = account_info[:2] if not un: un = '' if not pw: pw = '' self.username.setText(un) self.password.setText(pw) self.show_password.setChecked(False) self.blurb.setText(''' <p> <b>%(title)s</b><br> %(cb)s %(author)s<br/> %(description)s </p> '''%dict(title=recipe.get('title'), cb=_('Created by: '), author=recipe.get('author', _('Unknown')), description=recipe.get('description', ''))) self.download_button.setToolTip( _('Download %s now')%recipe.get('title')) scheduled = schedule_info is not None self.schedule.setChecked(scheduled) self.toggle_schedule_info() self.last_downloaded.setText(_('Last downloaded: never')) ld_text = _('never') if scheduled: typ, sch, last_downloaded = schedule_info d = utcnow() - last_downloaded def hm(x): return (x-x%3600)//3600, (x%3600 - (x%3600)%60)//60 hours, minutes = hm(d.seconds) tm = _('%(days)d days, %(hours)d hours' ' and %(mins)d minutes ago')%dict( days=d.days, hours=hours, mins=minutes) if d < timedelta(days=366): ld_text = tm else: typ, sch = 'day/time', (-1, 6, 0) sch_widget = {'day/time': 0, 'days_of_week': 0, 'days_of_month':1, 'interval':2}[typ] rb = getattr(self, list(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES)[sch_widget]) rb.setChecked(True) self.schedule_stack.setCurrentIndex(sch_widget) self.schedule_stack.currentWidget().initialize(typ, sch) add_title_tag, custom_tags, keep_issues = customize_info self.add_title_tag.setChecked(add_title_tag) self.custom_tags.setText(', '.join(custom_tags)) self.last_downloaded.setText(_('Last downloaded:') + ' ' + ld_text) try: keep_issues = int(keep_issues) except: keep_issues = 0 self.keep_issues.setValue(keep_issues) self.keep_issues.setEnabled(self.add_title_tag.isChecked())
class ConvertDialog(QDialog): hide_text = _('&Hide styles') show_text = _('&Show styles') prince_log = '' prince_file = '' prince_css = '' # GUI definition def __init__(self, mi, fmt, opf, oeb, icon): ''' :param mi: The book metadata :param fmt: The source format used for conversion :param opf: The path to the OPF file :param oeb: An OEB object for the unpacked book :param icon: The window icon ''' self.opf = opf self.oeb = oeb self.mi = mi # The unpacked book needs to be parsed before, to read the contents # of the prince-style file, if it exists self.parse() QDialog.__init__(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle(_('Convert to PDF with Prince')) self.setWindowIcon(icon) self.l = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.l) self.title_label = QLabel(_('<b>Title:</b> %s') % self.mi.title) self.l.addWidget(self.title_label) self.format_label = QLabel(_('<b>Source format:</b> %s') % fmt) self.l.addWidget(self.format_label) self.add_book = QCheckBox(_('&Add PDF to the book record')) self.add_book.setToolTip(_('<qt>Add the converted PDF to the selected book record</qt>')) self.add_book.setChecked(prefs['add_book']) self.add_book.stateChanged.connect(self.set_add_book) self.l.addWidget(self.add_book) self.ll = QHBoxLayout() self.ll.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.l.addLayout(self.ll) self.label_css = QLabel(_('&Custom style:')) self.ll.addWidget(self.label_css) self.css_list = QComboBox() self.css_list.setToolTip(_('<qt>Select one style to use. Additional styles can be created in the plugin configuration</qt>')) for key in sorted(prefs['custom_CSS_list'], key=lambda x: x.lower()): self.css_list.addItem(key, key) self.css_list.setCurrentIndex(self.css_list.findText(prefs['default_CSS'])) self.css_list.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_css) self.ll.addWidget(self.css_list) self.label_css.setBuddy(self.css_list) self.ll_ = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.ll_) self.label_args = QLabel(_('A&dditional command-line arguments:')) self.ll_.addWidget(self.label_args) self.args = QLineEdit(self) self.args.setText(prefs['custom_args_list'][prefs['default_CSS']]) self.args.setToolTip(_('<qt>Specify additional command-line arguments for the conversion</qt>')) self.ll_.addWidget(self.args) self.label_args.setBuddy(self.args) self.css = QTabWidget() self.l.addWidget(self.css) self.css1 = TextEditWithTooltip(self, expected_geometry=(80,20)) self.css1.setLineWrapMode(TextEditWithTooltip.NoWrap) self.css1.load_text(self.replace_templates(prefs['custom_CSS_list'][prefs['default_CSS']]),'css') self.css1.setToolTip(_('<qt>This stylesheet can be modified<br/>The default can be configured</qt>')) i = self.css.addTab(self.css1, _('C&ustom CSS')) self.css.setTabToolTip(i, _('<qt>Custom CSS stylesheet to be used for this conversion</qt>')) monofont = QFont('') monofont.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) if (self.prince_css): self.css2 = QPlainTextEdit() self.css2.setStyleSheet('* { font-family: monospace }') self.css2.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) self.css2.setPlainText(self.prince_css) self.css2.setReadOnly(True) self.css2.setToolTip(_('<qt>This stylesheet cannot be modified</qt>')) i = self.css.addTab(self.css2, _('&Book CSS')) self.css.setTabToolTip(i, _('<qt>Book-specific CSS stylesheet included in the ebook file</qt>')) self.ll = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.ll) if (prefs['show_CSS']): self.toggle = QPushButton(self.hide_text, self) else: self.toggle = QPushButton(self.show_text, self) self.toggle.setToolTip(_('<qt>Show/hide the additional styles used for the conversion</qt>')) self.toggle.clicked.connect(self.toggle_tabs) self.convert = QPushButton(_('Con&vert'), self) self.convert.setToolTip(_('<qt>Run the conversion with Prince</qt>')) self.convert.setDefault(True) self.buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.buttons.addButton(self.toggle, QDialogButtonBox.ResetRole) self.buttons.addButton(self.convert, QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.l.addWidget(self.buttons) self.buttons.accepted.connect(self.prince_convert) self.buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) if (not prefs['show_CSS']): self.css.hide() self.adjustSize() def toggle_tabs(self): ''' Enable/disable the CSS tabs, and store the setting ''' if (self.css.isVisible()): self.css.hide() self.label_args.hide() self.args.hide() self.toggle.setText(self.show_text) self.adjustSize() else: self.toggle.setText(self.hide_text) self.adjustSize() prefs['show_CSS'] = self.css.isVisible() def set_add_book(self): ''' Save the status of the add_book checkbox ''' prefs['add_book'] = self.add_book.isChecked() def set_css(self): ''' Fill the custom CSS text box with the selected stylesheet (and command-line arguments) ''' style = unicode(self.css_list.currentText()) self.css1.load_text(self.replace_templates(prefs['custom_CSS_list'][style]),'css') self.args.setText(prefs['custom_args_list'][style]) prefs['default_CSS'] = style def parse(self): ''' Parse the unpacked OPF file to find and read the prince-style file ''' from calibre.constants import DEBUG from os.path import dirname, join from lxml import etree import codecs if DEBUG: print(_('Parsing book...')) opf_dir = dirname(self.opf) root = etree.parse(self.opf).getroot() metadata = root.find('{*}metadata') for meta in metadata.findall("{*}meta[@name='prince-style']"): prince_id = meta.get('content') for item in self.oeb.manifest: if ( == prince_id): self.prince_file = item.href break if (self.prince_file): fl =, self.prince_file), 'rb', 'utf-8') self.prince_css = fl.close() def replace_templates(self, text): ''' Replace templates (enclosed by '@{@', '@}@') in the input text ''' import re import json from import SafeFormat from calibre.constants import DEBUG matches = list(re.finditer('@{@(.+?)@}@',text,re.DOTALL)) results = {} for match in reversed(matches): result = SafeFormat().safe_format(, self.mi, ('EXCEPTION: '), self.mi) # Escape quotes, backslashes and newlines result = re.sub(r'''['"\\]''', r'\\\g<0>', result) result = re.sub('\n', r'\A ', result) results[] = result text = text[:match.start(0)] + result + text[match.end(0):] if DEBUG: print(_('Replacing templates')) for match in matches: print(_('Found: %s (%d-%d)') % (, match.start(0), match.end(0))) print(_('Replace with: %s') % results[]) return text def prince_convert(self): ''' Call the actual Prince command to convert to PDF ''' from os import makedirs from os.path import dirname, join, exists from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile from calibre.constants import DEBUG from shlex import split as shsplit # All files are relative to the OPF location opf_dir = dirname(self.opf) base_dir = dirname(self.pdf_file) base_dir = join(opf_dir, base_dir) try: makedirs(base_dir) except BaseException: if not exists(base_dir): raise # Create a temporary CSS file with the box contents custom_CSS = PersistentTemporaryFile() custom_CSS.write(unicode(self.css1.toPlainText())) custom_CSS.close() # Create a temporary file with the list of input files file_list = PersistentTemporaryFile() for item in self.oeb.spine: file_list.write(item.href + "\n") file_list.close() # Build the command line command = prefs['prince_exe'] args = ['-v'] if self.prince_file: args.append('-s') args.append(self.prince_file) args.append('-s') args.append( args.append('-l') args.append( args.append('-o') args.append(self.pdf_file) # Additional command-line arguments args.extend(shsplit(self.args.text())) # Hide the convert button and show a busy indicator self.convert.setEnabled(False) self.progress_bar = QProgressBar() self.progress_bar.setRange(0,0) self.progress_bar.setValue(0) self.l.addWidget(self.progress_bar) # Run the command and return the path to the PDF file if DEBUG: print(_('Converting book...')) process = QProcess(self) process.setWorkingDirectory(opf_dir) process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels); process.error.connect(self.error) process.finished.connect(self.end) self.process = process if DEBUG: from subprocess import list2cmdline line = list2cmdline([command] + args) print(_('Command line: %s') % line) process.start(command, args) def error(self, rc): ''' Show a message when there is an error in the command :param rc: The error code ''' from calibre.gui2 import error_dialog # Remove the progress bar while the error message is displayed self.progress_bar.hide() self.progress_bar.deleteLater() error_dialog(self, _('Process error'), _('<p>Error code: %s' '<p>make sure Prince (<a href=""></a>) is installed ' 'and the correct command-line-interface executable is set in the configuration of this plugin, ' 'which is usually:' '<ul><li>In Windows: <code><i>Prince_folder</i>\\Engine\\bin\\prince.exe</code>' ' <li>In Linux: <code>prince</code>' '</ul>') % rc, show=True) self.pdf_file = None self.accept() def end(self, rc): ''' Close and return the filename when the process ends :param rc: The return code (0 if successful) ''' from os.path import join self.prince_log = unicode(self.process.readAllStandardOutput().data()) opf_dir = unicode(self.process.workingDirectory()) if (rc == 0): self.pdf_file = join(opf_dir, self.pdf_file) else: self.pdf_file = None self.accept()
class SchedulerDialog(QDialog): SCHEDULE_TYPES = OrderedDict([ ('days_of_week', DaysOfWeek), ('days_of_month', DaysOfMonth), ('every_x_days', EveryXDays), ]) download = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, recipe_model, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.commit_on_change = True self.previous_urn = None self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('scheduler.png'))) self.setWindowTitle(_("Schedule news download")) self.l = l = QGridLayout(self) # Left panel self.h = h = QHBoxLayout() l.addLayout(h, 0, 0, 1, 1) = s = SearchBox2(self)'scheduler_search_history') self.go_button = b = QToolButton(self) b.setText(_("Go")) b.clicked.connect( self.clear_search_button = cb = QToolButton(self) self.clear_search_button.clicked.connect( cb.setIcon(QIcon(I('clear_left.png'))) h.addWidget(s), h.addWidget(b), h.addWidget(cb) = RecipesView(self) l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.recipe_model = recipe_model self.recipe_model.do_refresh() self.count_label = la = QLabel(_('%s news sources') % self.recipe_model.showing_count) la.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) l.addWidget(la, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.recipe_model.searched.connect(, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.recipe_model.searched.connect(self.search_done) # Right Panel self.scroll_area = sa = QScrollArea(self) self.l.addWidget(sa, 0, 1, 2, 1) sa.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) sa.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroll_area_contents = sac = QWidget(self) sa.setWidget(sac) sac.v = v = QVBoxLayout(sac) v.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.detail_box = QTabWidget(self) self.detail_box.setVisible(False) self.detail_box.setCurrentIndex(0) v.addWidget(self.detail_box) v.addItem(QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) # First Tab (scheduling) = QWidget() self.detail_box.addTab(, _("&Schedule")) = vt = QVBoxLayout( vt.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.blurb = la = QLabel('blurb') la.setWordWrap(True), la.setOpenExternalLinks(True) vt.addWidget(la) vt.addItem(QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.frame = f = QFrame( vt.addWidget(f) f.setFrameShape(f.StyledPanel) f.setFrameShadow(f.Raised) f.v = vf = QVBoxLayout(f) self.schedule = s = QCheckBox(_("&Schedule for download:"), f) self.schedule.stateChanged[int].connect(self.toggle_schedule_info) vf.addWidget(s) f.h = h = QHBoxLayout() vf.addLayout(h) self.days_of_week = QRadioButton(_("&Days of week"), f) self.days_of_month = QRadioButton(_("Da&ys of month"), f) self.every_x_days = QRadioButton(_("Every &x days"), f) self.days_of_week.setChecked(True) h.addWidget(self.days_of_week), h.addWidget(self.days_of_month), h.addWidget(self.every_x_days) self.schedule_stack = ss = QStackedWidget(f) self.schedule_widgets = [] for key in reversed(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES): self.schedule_widgets.insert(0, self.SCHEDULE_TYPES[key](self)) self.schedule_stack.insertWidget(0, self.schedule_widgets[0]) vf.addWidget(ss) self.last_downloaded = la = QLabel(f) la.setWordWrap(True) vf.addWidget(la) vt.addItem(QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) self.account = acc = QGroupBox( acc.setTitle(_("&Account")) vt.addWidget(acc) acc.g = g = QGridLayout(acc) acc.unla = la = QLabel(_("&Username:"******"&Password:"******"&Show password"), self.account) spw.stateChanged[int].connect(self.set_pw_echo_mode) g.addWidget(spw, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.rla = la = QLabel(_("For the scheduling to work, you must leave calibre running.")) vt.addWidget(la) for b, c in self.SCHEDULE_TYPES.iteritems(): b = getattr(self, b) b.toggled.connect(self.schedule_type_selected) b.setToolTip(textwrap.dedent(c.HELP)) # Second tab (advanced settings) self.tab2 = t2 = QWidget() self.detail_box.addTab(self.tab2, _("&Advanced")) self.tab2.g = g = QGridLayout(t2) g.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.add_title_tag = tt = QCheckBox(_("Add &title as tag"), t2) g.addWidget(tt, 0, 0, 1, 2) = la = QLabel(_("&Extra tags:")) self.custom_tags = ct = QLineEdit(self) la.setBuddy(ct) g.addWidget(la), g.addWidget(ct, 1, 1) t2.la2 = la = QLabel(_("&Keep at most:")) la.setToolTip(_("Maximum number of copies (issues) of this recipe to keep. Set to 0 to keep all (disable).")) self.keep_issues = ki = QSpinBox(t2) tt.toggled['bool'].connect(self.keep_issues.setEnabled) ki.setMaximum(100000), la.setBuddy(ki) ki.setToolTip(_( "<p>When set, this option will cause calibre to keep, at most, the specified number of issues" " of this periodical. Every time a new issue is downloaded, the oldest one is deleted, if the" " total is larger than this number.\n<p>Note that this feature only works if you have the" " option to add the title as tag checked, above.\n<p>Also, the setting for deleting periodicals" " older than a number of days, below, takes priority over this setting.")) ki.setSpecialValueText(_("all issues")), ki.setSuffix(_(" issues")) g.addWidget(la), g.addWidget(ki, 2, 1) si = QSpacerItem(20, 40, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) g.addItem(si, 3, 1, 1, 1) # Bottom area self.hb = h = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(h, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.labt = la = QLabel(_("Delete downloaded &news older than:")) self.old_news = on = QSpinBox(self) on.setToolTip(_( "<p>Delete downloaded news older than the specified number of days. Set to zero to disable.\n" "<p>You can also control the maximum number of issues of a specific periodical that are kept" " by clicking the Advanced tab for that periodical above.")) on.setSpecialValueText(_("never delete")), on.setSuffix(_(" days")) on.setMaximum(1000), la.setBuddy(on) on.setValue(gconf['oldest_news']) h.addWidget(la), h.addWidget(on) self.download_all_button = b = QPushButton(QIcon(I('news.png')), _("Download &all scheduled"), self) b.setToolTip(_("Download all scheduled news sources at once")) b.clicked.connect(self.download_all_clicked) self.l.addWidget(b, 3, 0, 1, 1) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Save, self) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept), bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.download_button = b = bb.addButton(_('&Download now'), bb.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png'))), b.setVisible(False) b.clicked.connect(self.download_clicked) self.l.addWidget(bb, 3, 1, 1, 1) geom = gprefs.get('scheduler_dialog_geometry') if geom is not None: self.restoreGeometry(geom) def sizeHint(self): return QSize(800, 600) def set_pw_echo_mode(self, state): self.password.setEchoMode(self.password.Normal if state == Qt.Checked else self.password.Password) def schedule_type_selected(self, *args): for i, st in enumerate(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES): if getattr(self, st).isChecked(): self.schedule_stack.setCurrentIndex(i) break def keyPressEvent(self, ev): if ev.key() not in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return): return QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, ev) def break_cycles(self): try: self.recipe_model.searched.disconnect(self.search_done) self.recipe_model.searched.disconnect( except: pass self.recipe_model = None def search_done(self, *args): if self.recipe_model.showing_count < 10: def toggle_schedule_info(self, *args): enabled = self.schedule.isChecked() for x in self.SCHEDULE_TYPES: getattr(self, x).setEnabled(enabled) self.schedule_stack.setEnabled(enabled) self.last_downloaded.setVisible(enabled) def current_changed(self, current, previous): if self.previous_urn is not None: self.commit(urn=self.previous_urn) self.previous_urn = None urn = self.current_urn if urn is not None: self.initialize_detail_box(urn) def accept(self): if not self.commit(): return False self.save_geometry() return QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self): self.save_geometry() return QDialog.reject(self) def save_geometry(self): gprefs.set('scheduler_dialog_geometry', bytearray(self.saveGeometry())) def download_clicked(self, *args): self.commit() if self.commit() and self.current_urn: def download_all_clicked(self, *args): if self.commit() and self.commit(): @property def current_urn(self): current = if current.isValid(): return getattr(current.internalPointer(), 'urn', None) def commit(self, urn=None): urn = self.current_urn if urn is None else urn if not self.detail_box.isVisible() or urn is None: return True if self.account.isVisible(): un, pw = map(unicode, (self.username.text(), self.password.text())) un, pw = un.strip(), pw.strip() if not un and not pw and self.schedule.isChecked(): if not getattr(self, 'subscription_optional', False): error_dialog(self, _('Need username and password'), _('You must provide a username and/or password to ' 'use this news source.'), show=True) return False if un or pw: self.recipe_model.set_account_info(urn, un, pw) else: self.recipe_model.clear_account_info(urn) if self.schedule.isChecked(): schedule_type, schedule = \ self.schedule_stack.currentWidget().schedule self.recipe_model.schedule_recipe(urn, schedule_type, schedule) else: self.recipe_model.un_schedule_recipe(urn) add_title_tag = self.add_title_tag.isChecked() keep_issues = u'0' if self.keep_issues.isEnabled(): keep_issues = unicode(self.keep_issues.value()) custom_tags = unicode(self.custom_tags.text()).strip() custom_tags = [x.strip() for x in custom_tags.split(',')] self.recipe_model.customize_recipe(urn, add_title_tag, custom_tags, keep_issues) return True def initialize_detail_box(self, urn): self.previous_urn = urn self.detail_box.setVisible(True) self.download_button.setVisible(True) self.detail_box.setCurrentIndex(0) recipe = self.recipe_model.recipe_from_urn(urn) try: schedule_info = self.recipe_model.schedule_info_from_urn(urn) except: # Happens if user does something stupid like unchecking all the # days of the week schedule_info = None account_info = self.recipe_model.account_info_from_urn(urn) customize_info = self.recipe_model.get_customize_info(urn) ns = recipe.get('needs_subscription', '') self.account.setVisible(ns in ('yes', 'optional')) self.subscription_optional = ns == 'optional' act = _('Account') act2 = _('(optional)') if self.subscription_optional else \ _('(required)') self.account.setTitle(act+' '+act2) un = pw = '' if account_info is not None: un, pw = account_info[:2] if not un: un = '' if not pw: pw = '' self.username.setText(un) self.password.setText(pw) self.show_password.setChecked(False) self.blurb.setText(''' <p> <b>%(title)s</b><br> %(cb)s %(author)s<br/> %(description)s </p> '''%dict(title=recipe.get('title'), cb=_('Created by: '), author=recipe.get('author', _('Unknown')), description=recipe.get('description', ''))) self.download_button.setToolTip( _('Download %s now')%recipe.get('title')) scheduled = schedule_info is not None self.schedule.setChecked(scheduled) self.toggle_schedule_info() self.last_downloaded.setText(_('Last downloaded: never')) ld_text = _('never') if scheduled: typ, sch, last_downloaded = schedule_info d = utcnow() - last_downloaded def hm(x): return (x-x%3600)//3600, (x%3600 - (x%3600)%60)//60 hours, minutes = hm(d.seconds) tm = _('%(days)d days, %(hours)d hours' ' and %(mins)d minutes ago')%dict( days=d.days, hours=hours, mins=minutes) if d < timedelta(days=366): ld_text = tm else: typ, sch = 'day/time', (-1, 6, 0) sch_widget = {'day/time': 0, 'days_of_week': 0, 'days_of_month':1, 'interval':2}[typ] rb = getattr(self, list(self.SCHEDULE_TYPES)[sch_widget]) rb.setChecked(True) self.schedule_stack.setCurrentIndex(sch_widget) self.schedule_stack.currentWidget().initialize(typ, sch) add_title_tag, custom_tags, keep_issues = customize_info self.add_title_tag.setChecked(add_title_tag) self.custom_tags.setText(u', '.join(custom_tags)) self.last_downloaded.setText(_('Last downloaded:') + ' ' + ld_text) try: keep_issues = int(keep_issues) except: keep_issues = 0 self.keep_issues.setValue(keep_issues) self.keep_issues.setEnabled(self.add_title_tag.isChecked())
class ConvertDialog(QDialog): hide_text = _('&Hide styles') show_text = _('&Show styles') prince_log = '' prince_file = '' prince_css = '' # GUI definition def __init__(self, mi, fmt, opf, oeb, icon): ''' :param mi: The book metadata :param fmt: The source format used for conversion :param opf: The path to the OPF file :param oeb: An OEB object for the unpacked book :param icon: The window icon ''' self.opf = opf self.oeb = oeb self.mi = mi # The unpacked book needs to be parsed before, to read the contents # of the prince-style file, if it exists self.parse() QDialog.__init__(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle(_('Convert to PDF with Prince')) self.setWindowIcon(icon) self.l = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.l) self.title_label = QLabel(_('<b>Title:</b> %s') % self.mi.title) self.l.addWidget(self.title_label) self.format_label = QLabel(_('<b>Source format:</b> %s') % fmt) self.l.addWidget(self.format_label) self.add_book = QCheckBox(_('&Add PDF to the book record')) self.add_book.setToolTip( _('<qt>Add the converted PDF to the selected book record</qt>')) self.add_book.setChecked(prefs['add_book']) self.add_book.stateChanged.connect(self.set_add_book) self.l.addWidget(self.add_book) self.ll = QHBoxLayout() self.ll.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.l.addLayout(self.ll) self.label_css = QLabel(_('&Custom style:')) self.ll.addWidget(self.label_css) self.css_list = QComboBox() self.css_list.setToolTip( _('<qt>Select one style to use. Additional styles can be created in the plugin configuration</qt>' )) for key in sorted(prefs['custom_CSS_list'], key=lambda x: x.lower()): self.css_list.addItem(key, key) self.css_list.setCurrentIndex( self.css_list.findText(prefs['default_CSS'])) self.css_list.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_css) self.ll.addWidget(self.css_list) self.label_css.setBuddy(self.css_list) self.ll_ = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.ll_) self.label_args = QLabel(_('A&dditional command-line arguments:')) self.ll_.addWidget(self.label_args) self.args = QLineEdit(self) self.args.setText(prefs['custom_args_list'][prefs['default_CSS']]) self.args.setToolTip( _('<qt>Specify additional command-line arguments for the conversion</qt>' )) self.ll_.addWidget(self.args) self.label_args.setBuddy(self.args) self.css = QTabWidget() self.l.addWidget(self.css) self.css1 = TextEditWithTooltip(self, expected_geometry=(80, 20)) self.css1.setLineWrapMode(TextEditWithTooltip.NoWrap) self.css1.load_text( self.replace_templates( prefs['custom_CSS_list'][prefs['default_CSS']]), 'css') self.css1.setToolTip( _('<qt>This stylesheet can be modified<br/>The default can be configured</qt>' )) i = self.css.addTab(self.css1, _('C&ustom CSS')) self.css.setTabToolTip( i, _('<qt>Custom CSS stylesheet to be used for this conversion</qt>')) monofont = QFont('') monofont.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) if (self.prince_css): self.css2 = QPlainTextEdit() self.css2.setStyleSheet('* { font-family: monospace }') self.css2.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) self.css2.setPlainText(self.prince_css) self.css2.setReadOnly(True) self.css2.setToolTip( _('<qt>This stylesheet cannot be modified</qt>')) i = self.css.addTab(self.css2, _('&Book CSS')) self.css.setTabToolTip( i, _('<qt>Book-specific CSS stylesheet included in the ebook file</qt>' )) self.ll = QHBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.ll) if (prefs['show_CSS']): self.toggle = QPushButton(self.hide_text, self) else: self.toggle = QPushButton(self.show_text, self) self.toggle.setToolTip( _('<qt>Show/hide the additional styles used for the conversion</qt>' )) self.toggle.clicked.connect(self.toggle_tabs) self.convert = QPushButton(_('Con&vert'), self) self.convert.setToolTip(_('<qt>Run the conversion with Prince</qt>')) self.convert.setDefault(True) self.buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.buttons.addButton(self.toggle, QDialogButtonBox.ResetRole) self.buttons.addButton(self.convert, QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.l.addWidget(self.buttons) self.buttons.accepted.connect(self.prince_convert) self.buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) if (not prefs['show_CSS']): self.css.hide() self.adjustSize() def toggle_tabs(self): ''' Enable/disable the CSS tabs, and store the setting ''' if (self.css.isVisible()): self.css.hide() self.label_args.hide() self.args.hide() self.toggle.setText(self.show_text) self.adjustSize() else: self.toggle.setText(self.hide_text) self.adjustSize() prefs['show_CSS'] = self.css.isVisible() def set_add_book(self): ''' Save the status of the add_book checkbox ''' prefs['add_book'] = self.add_book.isChecked() def set_css(self): ''' Fill the custom CSS text box with the selected stylesheet (and command-line arguments) ''' style = unicode(self.css_list.currentText()) self.css1.load_text( self.replace_templates(prefs['custom_CSS_list'][style]), 'css') self.args.setText(prefs['custom_args_list'][style]) prefs['default_CSS'] = style def parse(self): ''' Parse the unpacked OPF file to find and read the prince-style file ''' from calibre.constants import DEBUG from os.path import dirname, join from lxml import etree import codecs if DEBUG: print(_('Parsing book...')) opf_dir = dirname(self.opf) root = etree.parse(self.opf).getroot() metadata = root.find('{*}metadata') for meta in metadata.findall("{*}meta[@name='prince-style']"): prince_id = meta.get('content') for item in self.oeb.manifest: if ( == prince_id): self.prince_file = item.href break if (self.prince_file): fl =, self.prince_file), 'rb', 'utf-8') self.prince_css = fl.close() def replace_templates(self, text): ''' Replace templates (enclosed by '@{@', '@}@') in the input text ''' import re import json from import SafeFormat from calibre.constants import DEBUG matches = list(re.finditer('@{@(.+?)@}@', text, re.DOTALL)) results = {} for match in reversed(matches): result = SafeFormat().safe_format(, self.mi, ('EXCEPTION: '), self.mi) # Escape quotes, backslashes and newlines result = re.sub(r'''['"\\]''', r'\\\g<0>', result) result = re.sub('\n', r'\\A ', result) results[] = result text = text[:match.start(0)] + result + text[match.end(0):] if DEBUG: print(_('Replacing templates')) for match in matches: print( _('Found: %s (%d-%d)') % (, match.start(0), match.end(0))) print(_('Replace with: %s') % results[]) return text def prince_convert(self): ''' Call the actual Prince command to convert to PDF ''' from os import makedirs from os.path import dirname, join, exists from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile from calibre.constants import DEBUG from shlex import split as shsplit # All files are relative to the OPF location opf_dir = dirname(self.opf) base_dir = dirname(self.pdf_file) base_dir = join(opf_dir, base_dir) try: makedirs(base_dir) except BaseException: if not exists(base_dir): raise # Create a temporary CSS file with the box contents custom_CSS = PersistentTemporaryFile(mode='w+') custom_CSS.write(unicode(self.css1.toPlainText())) custom_CSS.close() # Create a temporary file with the list of input files file_list = PersistentTemporaryFile(mode='w+') for item in self.oeb.spine: file_list.write(item.href + "\n") file_list.close() # Build the command line command = prefs['prince_exe'] args = ['-v'] if self.prince_file: args.append('-s') args.append(self.prince_file) args.append('-s') args.append( args.append('-l') args.append( args.append('-o') args.append(self.pdf_file) # Additional command-line arguments args.extend(shsplit(self.args.text())) # Hide the convert button and show a busy indicator self.convert.setEnabled(False) self.progress_bar = QProgressBar() self.progress_bar.setRange(0, 0) self.progress_bar.setValue(0) self.l.addWidget(self.progress_bar) # Run the command and return the path to the PDF file if DEBUG: print(_('Converting book...')) process = QProcess(self) process.setWorkingDirectory(opf_dir) process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) process.error.connect(self.error) process.finished.connect(self.end) self.process = process if DEBUG: from subprocess import list2cmdline line = list2cmdline([command] + args) print(_('Command line: %s') % line) process.start(command, args) def error(self, rc): ''' Show a message when there is an error in the command :param rc: The error code ''' from calibre.gui2 import error_dialog # Remove the progress bar while the error message is displayed self.progress_bar.hide() self.progress_bar.deleteLater() error_dialog( self, _('Process error'), _('<p>Error code: %s' '<p>make sure Prince (<a href=""></a>) is installed ' 'and the correct command-line-interface executable is set in the configuration of this plugin, ' 'which is usually:' '<ul><li>In Windows: <code><i>Prince_folder</i>\\Engine\\bin\\prince.exe</code>' ' <li>In Linux: <code>prince</code>' '</ul>') % rc, show=True) self.pdf_file = None self.accept() def end(self, rc): ''' Close and return the filename when the process ends :param rc: The return code (0 if successful) ''' from os.path import join self.prince_log = unicode(self.process.readAllStandardOutput().data()) opf_dir = unicode(self.process.workingDirectory()) if (rc == 0): self.pdf_file = join(opf_dir, self.pdf_file) else: self.pdf_file = None self.accept()