def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): if self.kind == "directory": self.double_clicked.emit() else: print("execute =", os.path.join(self.path, file = "\"" + os.path.join(self.path, + "\"" QProcess.execute("/usr/bin/open " + file)
class Thread_face(QThread): # thread for face detection def __init__(self): super(Thread_face, self).__init__() def run(self): self.plaunch = QProcess() self.plaunch.execute("rosrun", ["ros_vision_demo", ""]) self.plaunch.waitForFinished()
def thunder_add_task(self, url): """ @parame url """ QProcess.execute( os.path.join(self._thunder_path, ThunderDownloader.WIN_THUNDER_TASK_EXE), [url]) print("start add task %s" % url)
def execute_task(self): time.sleep(5) p = QProcess() temp = current_work_queue.pop() proc = temp[0] args = [] args.append(temp[1]) p.execute(proc, args)
class Thread_camera(QThread): # thread for camera node def __init__(self): super(Thread_camera, self).__init__() def run(self): self.plaunch = QProcess() self.plaunch.execute("roslaunch", ["ros_vision_demo", "rs_camera.launch"]) self.plaunch.waitForFinished()
def scroll_yaw(): global yaw yaw = float(ui.Scrollbar_yaw.value()) / 100 pset = QProcess() attributes_postfix = ", frame_id: 'body', auto_arm: true}" attributes = "{pitch: " + repr(pitch) + ", roll: " + repr( roll) + ", yaw: " + repr(yaw) + ", thrust: " + repr( thrust) + attributes_postfix pset.execute("rosservice", ["call", "/set_attitude", attributes])
class Thread_controll(QThread): # thread for controll node def __init__(self): super(Thread_controll, self).__init__() def run(self): self.pcontroll = QProcess() self.pcontroll.execute("roslaunch", ["clever", "clever.launch"]) # = self.pcontroll.execute("roscore") self.pcontroll.waitForFinished()
def click_set(): global pitch, roll, yaw, thrust pset = QProcess() global attributes_postfix attributes = "{pitch: " + repr(pitch) + ", roll: " + repr( roll) + ", yaw: " + repr(yaw) + ", thrust: " + repr( thrust) + attributes_postfix pset.execute("rosservice", ["call", "/set_attitude", attributes]) print(attributes)
def click_unlock(): # ui.video_play = True # print("video_play: " + repr(ui.video_play)) ui.pushButton_unlock.setEnabled(True) # False) ui.pushButton_lock.setEnabled(True) punlock = QProcess() punlock.execute("rosservice", ["call", "/mavros/cmd/arming", "value: true"]) punlock.waitForFinished()
class Thread_stopface(QThread): # thread for stop face tracing def __init__(self): super(Thread_stopface, self).__init__() def run(self): self.pstopface = QProcess() self.pstopface.execute( "rosnode", ["kill", "$(rosnode", "list)", "|", "grep", "face"]) self.pstopface.waitForFinished()
class Thread_client(QThread): # thread for face detection def __init__(self): super(Thread_client, self).__init__() def run(self): self.pclient = QProcess() self.pclient.execute("python", [ "/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/src/ros_vision_demo/scripts/" ]) self.pclient.waitForFinished()
class Thread_stopcontroll(QThread): # thread for shutdown controll nodes def __init__(self): super(Thread_stopcontroll, self).__init__() def run(self): self.pstopcontroll = QProcess() self.pstopcontroll.execute("killall", ["-9", "roslaunch"]) # "rosnode", ["kill", "$(rosnode", "list)", "|", "grep", "face"]) self.pstopcontroll.waitForFinished() self.pstopcontroll.execute("rosnode", ["kill", "-a"]) self.pstopcontroll.waitForFinished()
def shutdown(): server_pid = s.value("EquirectangularViewer/server_pid") if server_pid is not None: pid = int(server_pid) try: if WINDOWS: QProcess.execute('TASKKILL /PID %s' % pid) else: os.kill(pid, 11) except Exception: None return
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: if file = "\"" + self.parent.file_field.path file += "/" + + "\"" print(file) QProcess.execute("/usr/bin/open " + file) else: path = self.parent.current_path print(path) QProcess.startDetached( "/Users/freeaks/source/filer/data/ -p " + path) sys.exit(0)
def stop_recording(self): if self.is_recording: self.process.close() print("stoppe Aufnahme") self.is_recording = False QProcess.execute("killall wget") self.saveRecord() self.stoprec_btn.setVisible(False) self.rec_btn.setVisible(True) self.recordAction.setText( f"starte Aufnahme von {self.urlCombo.currentText()}") self.recordAction.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme("media-record")) else: self.showTrayMessage("Hinweis", "keine Aufnahme gestartet", self.tIcon)
def showInFolder(path, open_file_as_fallback=False): ''' Show a file or folder in explorer/finder, highlighting it where possible. Source: ''' path = os.path.abspath(path) dirPath = path if os.path.isdir(path) else os.path.dirname(path) if sys.platform == 'win32': args = [] args.append('/select,') args.append(QDir.toNativeSeparators(path)) if QProcess.startDetached('explorer', args): return True elif sys.platform == 'darwin': args = [] args.append('-e') args.append('tell application "Finder"') args.append('-e') args.append('activate') args.append('-e') args.append('select POSIX file "%s"' % path) args.append('-e') args.append('end tell') args.append('-e') args.append('return') if not QProcess.execute('/usr/bin/osascript', args): return True #if not QtCore.QProcess.execute('/usr/bin/open', [dirPath]): # return # TODO: Linux is not implemented. It has many file managers (nautilus, xdg-open, etc.) # each of which needs special ways to highlight a file in a file manager window. # Fallback. return QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl(path if open_file_as_fallback else dirPath))
def show_in_file_explorer(path: str) -> bool: # if sys.platform == 'win32': args = [] if not os.path.isdir(path): args.append('/select,') args.append(QDir.toNativeSeparators(path)) QProcess.startDetached('explorer', args) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': args = [ '-e', 'tell application "Finder"', '-e', 'activate', '-e', 'select POSIX file "%s"' % path, '-e', 'end tell', '-e', 'return', ] QProcess.execute('/usr/bin/osascript', args)
def stopProcess(self): """Called by pressing stop button. Kills sen2cor running process.""" # Asking for confirmation result = QMessageBox().question( self.dlg,"Stop process ?"),"Are you sure that you want to stop SEN2COR process ?"), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: if platform.system() == "Windows": # If we are on Windows, there is a way to kill all subprocesses in one command (using /T param) QProcess.execute("cmd", [ "/c", "taskkill", "/PID", str(self.process.processId()), "/T", "/F" ]) else: # If we are on Linux, we have to retrieve all subprocesses PIDs, so as to kill them. # Because SEN2COR creates its own child processes, we don't know their PIDs without retrieving them using ps command. childIds = [] getChild = QProcess() parentPid = str(self.process.processId()) getChild.start( "ps", ["--ppid", parentPid, "-o", "pid", "--no-heading"]) getChild.waitForFinished(5000) lastChildFound = str(getChild.readAllStandardOutput(), encoding='utf-8') lastChildFound = lastChildFound.replace('\n', '') lastChildFound = lastChildFound.replace(' ', '') if len(lastChildFound) >= 1: # Iterate until the last child process found hasn't any subprocess while len(lastChildFound) >= 1: childIds.append(lastChildFound) getChild.start("ps", [ "--ppid", lastChildFound, "-o", "pid", "--no-heading" ]) getChild.waitForFinished(5000) lastChildFound = str(getChild.readAllStandardOutput(), encoding='utf-8') lastChildFound = lastChildFound.replace('\n', '') lastChildFound = lastChildFound.replace(' ', '') QProcess.execute("kill", childIds) else: self.process.terminate()
def test_process(self): proc = QProcess() proc.start('python3', ["/home/kali/Desktop/Sublist3r/", '-d', '']) proc.execute('python3 /home/kali/Desktop/Sublist3r/ -d') proc.start('python3', ['/home/kali/Desktop/Sublist3r/', '-d', '']) proc.execute('whatweb') proc.start('touch test.txt') proc.execute('nmap' ,['']) proc.waitForFinished() result = str(proc.readAllStandardOutput()) proc.execute('dnsenum ')
def apply_wallpaper(self): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ print('Applying wallpaper...') self.update_status_text('Applying wallpaper...') temp_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'bing_wallpaper.jpg'), quality=100) self.changer.apply_wallpaper(temp_path) if self.cb_run_command.isChecked() and self.le_command.text(): self.update_status_text('Running custom command...') error = QProcess.execute(self.le_command.text()) if error: self.system_tray_icon.showMessage( 'Error running command', 'The command specified in the settings failed to run. Please check ' 'the path.', QSystemTrayIcon.Critical) # Check for --quit command switch to see if we need to quit now that the wallpaper has been applied. if print('Closing application...')
def checkForUpdateTriggered(self): QProcess.execute('updater.exe', ['/checknow'])
class WallpaperChanger(object): def __init__(self): self.settings = Settings() self.process = QProcess() def apply_wallpaper(self, filepath): system_platform = platform.system() if system_platform == 'Windows': return self._windows(filepath) elif system_platform == 'Linux': # Read desktop environment from settings. env = self.settings.linux_desktop print('Setting wallpaper using environment "{0:s}"'.format(env)) if env == 'feh': return self._feh(filepath) elif env == 'unity': return self._unity(filepath) elif env == 'xfce4': return self._xfce4(filepath) elif env == 'mate': return self._mate(filepath) elif env == 'kde4': return self._kde4(filepath) elif env == 'cinnamon': return self._cinnamon(filepath) def _windows(self, filepath): import ctypes SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER = 0x14 # According to SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE = 0x2 ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, filepath, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE) def _feh(self, filepath): error = self.process.execute('feh --bg-scale {0:s}'.format(filepath)) return not bool(error) def _unity(self, filepath): error = self.process.execute('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri {0:s}'.format(filepath)) return not bool(error) def _mate(self, filepath): error = self.process.execute('gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename {0:s}'.format(filepath)) return not bool(error) def _xfce4(self, filepath): self.process.start('xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -l') self.process.waitForFinished() properties = re.findall(r'(/backdrop/screen.*(?:last-image|image-path))', str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput())) error = False for item in properties: self.process.start('xfconf-query --channel xfce4-desktop --property {0:s} --set {1:s}'.format(item, '/')) self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start( 'xfconf-query --channel xfce4-desktop --property {0:s} --set {1:s}'.format(item, filepath)) self.process.waitForFinished() if self.process.exitCode(): error = True return not error def _kde4(self, filepath): kde4_js = ''' var wallpaper = "{0:s}"; var activity = activities()[0]; activity.currentConfigGroup = ["Wallpaper","image"]; activity.writeConfig("wallpaper", wallpaper); activity.writeConfig("userswallpaper", wallpaper); activity.reloadConfig(); '''.format(filepath) kde4_js_path = '/tmp/bwc_kde4_js' with open(kde4_js_path, 'w') as kde4_js_file: kde4_js_file.write(kde4_js) self.process.start('qdbus', ['org.kde.plasma-desktop', '/MainApplication', 'loadScriptInInteractiveConsole', kde4_js_path]) self.process.waitForFinished() os.remove(kde4_js_path) self.process.start('dbus-send', ['--dest=org.kde.plasma-desktop', '/MainApplication', 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.reparseConfiguration']) self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start('dbus-send', ['--dest=org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig']) self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start('dbus-send', ['--dest=org.kde.kwin', '/KWin', 'org.kde.KWin.reloadConfig']) self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start('kbuildsycoca4') self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start('kquitapp', ['plasma-desktop']) self.process.waitForFinished() self.process.start('kstart', ['plasma-desktop']) def _cinnamon(self, filepath): error = self.process.execute('gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri "file://{0:s}"'.format(filepath)) return not bool(error)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.setObjectName("myGitClone") root = QFileInfo.path(QFileInfo(QCoreApplication.arguments()[0])) print("root", root) self.icon = QIcon(f"{root}/favicon.ico") self.setWindowIcon(self.icon) self.setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 600) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setMinimumSize(400, 300) self.setDocumentMode(True) self.settings = QSettings('Axel Schneider', self.objectName()) self.createStatusbar() self.createActions() self.createWidgets() QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) self.readSettings() self.statusbar.showMessage("Ready") self.setWindowTitle("myGitClone") ### process ### shell settings self.process = QProcess(self) self.process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) self.process.readyReadStandardError.connect(lambda: self.msg("Error")) self.process.started.connect(lambda: self.msg("starting shell")) self.process.finished.connect(lambda: self.msg("shell ended")) ### widgets ### def createWidgets(self): self.username = "" self.url = "" % self.username self.repoList = [] self.gitList = [] self.dlFolder = QDir.homePath() + "/Downloads" ### table ### = QTableWidget(), 60), QTableWidgetItem("Select")), QTableWidgetItem("Repository Name")) ### username field ### self.uname = QLineEdit("") self.uname.setFixedWidth(180) self.uname.setPlaceholderText("insert user name") self.uname.returnPressed.connect(self.listRepos) ### get repos button ### self.uBtn = QPushButton(QIcon(self.icon), "get Repos List") self.uBtn.setToolTip("get all repos from user") self.uBtn.clicked.connect(self.listRepos) ### get repos button ### self.dlBtn = QPushButton(QIcon.fromTheme("download"), "download selected Repos") self.dlBtn.setToolTip("download selected repos from user") self.dlBtn.setFixedWidth(180) self.dlBtn.clicked.connect(self.create_dl_list) ### Layout self.ubox = QHBoxLayout() self.ubox.addWidget(self.uname) self.ubox.addWidget(self.uBtn) self.ubox.addStretch(1) self.ubox.addWidget(self.dlBtn) self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.wid = QWidget() self.layout.addLayout(self.ubox) self.layout.addWidget( self.wid.setLayout(self.layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.wid) ### actions ### def createActions(self): self.tbar = QToolBar() self.tbar.setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)) self.tbar.setMovable(False) self.tbar.setToolButtonStyle(0) self.tbar.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.PreventContextMenu) self.tbar.setObjectName("tbar") self.addToolBar(self.tbar) self.actionSettings = QAction(self, triggered=self.appSettings, toolTip="set output directory") icon = QIcon.fromTheme("preferences-system") self.actionSettings.setIcon(icon) self.actionSettings.setObjectName("actionSettings") self.actionAbout = QAction(self, triggered=self.aboutApp) icon = QIcon.fromTheme("help-about") self.actionAbout.setIcon(icon) self.tbar.addAction(self.actionSettings) self.tbar.addAction(self.actionAbout) ### statusbar### def createStatusbar(self): self.statusbar = QStatusBar(self) font = QFont() font.setPointSize(7) self.statusbar.setFont(font) self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar") self.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) ### get username from textfield def changeUsername(self): self.username = self.uname.text() self.url = "" % self.username ### get user repos ## def listRepos(self): self.changeUsername() if self.username == "": self.msgBox("please type a username") else: self.repoList = [] repositories = self.get_repositories() print("%s %s" % ("get repos from", self.username)) self.repoList = list(repositories) self.fillTable() self.msg("repos loaded") ### fill table with user repos def fillTable(self): if > 0: for x in range(len(self.repoList)): rep = QTableWidgetItem(self.repoList[x]) checkbox = QCheckBox( checkbox.setStyleSheet("margin-left:20%; margin-right:10%;") checkbox.setCheckState(0), 0, checkbox), 1, rep) ### table context menu def contextMenuEvent(self, event): = QMenu(self) if # copy downloadAction = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("download"), 'download Repo', self) downloadAction.triggered.connect( lambda: self.downloadRepoFromList()) ### def listChanged(self): self.create_dl_list() ### get download list from selected repos def create_dl_list(self): r = "" self.gitList = [] for x in range( if, 0).checkState() == 2: r =, 1).text() self.gitList.append(r) print("%s %s" % (r, "is selected")) self.downloadRepo(r) ### download repo def downloadRepo(self, gitrepo): merror = "" cmd = "git clone --progress --verbose" + str( self.username) + "/" + str(gitrepo) + " " + str( self.dlFolder) + "/" + str(gitrepo) print("%s %s" % ("username is:", self.username)) print(cmd) try: self.process.execute(cmd) except Exception as e: s = str(e) self.errorBox(s) ### download selected repo (context menu) def downloadRepoFromList(self): row =[0].row() gitrepo =, 1).text() cmd = "git clone --progress --verbose" + str( self.username) + "/" + str(gitrepo) + " " + str( self.dlFolder) + "/" + str(gitrepo) print(cmd) self.process.execute(cmd) ### preferences def appSettings(self): if self.dlFolder == "": self.dlFolder = QDir.homePath() self.msg("settings called") path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "select Folder", self.dlFolder) if path: self.dlFolder = path print("%s %s" % ("download folder changed to", self.dlFolder)) def closeEvent(self, e): self.writeSettings() e.accept() ### read settings from config file def readSettings(self): print("reading settings") if self.settings.contains('geometry'): self.setGeometry(self.settings.value('geometry')) if self.settings.contains('downloadFolder'): self.dlFolder = self.settings.value('downloadFolder') self.msg(self.dlFolder) print("%s %s" % ("download folder:", self.dlFolder)) ### write settings to config file def writeSettings(self): print("writing settings") self.settings.setValue('geometry', self.geometry()) self.settings.setValue('downloadFolder', self.dlFolder) ### about window def aboutApp(self): title = "about myGitClone" message = """ <span style='color: #3465a4; font-size: 18pt;font-weight: bold;' >myGitClone</strong></span></p> <h3>based on <a title='git_clones' href='' target='_blank'> git_clones</a> by James</h3> <h4>created by <a title='Axel Schneider' href='' target='_blank'>Axel Schneider</a> with PyQt5</h3> <br> <span style='color: #555753; font-size: 9pt;'>©2019 Axel Schneider, James</strong></span></p> """ self.infobox(title, message) ### error messagebox def errorBox(self, message): mwin = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", message) ### messagebox def infobox(self, title, message): QMessageBox.about(self, title, message).show() ### set statusbar text def msg(self, message): self.statusbar.showMessage(message) def msgBox(self, message): msg = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Information", message) ### begin from git_clones ### def http_get(self): if version_info[0] != 2: req = urlopen(self.url) return'utf-8') req = Request(self.url) request = urlopen(req) return def get_repo_data(self): try: response = self.http_get() except Exception as e: s = str(e) self.errorBox(s) print("Unable to make request to %s's Github page" % self.username) exit(1) else: pattern = r"<a\s?href\W+%s/(.*)\"\s+" % self.username for line in findall(pattern, response): yield line.split('\"')[0] def get_repositories(self): return set([repo for repo in self.get_repo_data()])
def CodeShowClick(self): code = QProcess.execute("explorer code.txt")
def IllustrateClick(self): illustrate = QProcess.execute("explorer illustrate.txt")
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): if self.drawer: self.double_clicked.emit() else: file = "\"" + os.path.join(self.path, + "\"" QProcess.execute("/usr/bin/open " + file)
P_Age_I_Level[Age][4]*\ P_Sex_I_Level[Sex][4]*\ P_Marry_I_Level[Marry][4]*\ P_House_I_Level[House][4]*\ P_Edu_I_Level[Edu][4]*\ P_Last_I_Level[Last][4]*\ P_Work_I_Level[Work][4]*\ P_Level[4] #求出最大概率,确定等级 P_Level_Max = P_Level_1 if P_Level_2 > P_Level_Max: P_Level_Max = P_Level_2 Level = 2 if P_Level_3 > P_Level_Max: P_Level_Max = P_Level_3 Level = 3 if P_Level_4 > P_Level_Max: P_Level_Max = P_Level_4 Level = 4 Level_Set[i] = Level #将最大可能的信用等级写回待分析文件 Wxlsx = copy(AFile) Wsheet = Wxlsx.get_sheet(0) for i in range(1, NUMBER): Wsheet.write(i, 10, Level_Set[i]) #3-预测分析数据-结束 code = QProcess.execute("explorer D9待分析数据.xls")
def run(self): mytask = QProcess() mytask.execute(self.proc, self.args)