def timeout(self): """ 타임아웃 이벤트가 발생하면 호출되는 메서드 """ # 어떤 타이머에 의해서 호출되었는지 확인 sender = self.sender() if self.in_processing: return # 메인 타이머 if id(sender) == id(self.timer): current_time = QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") # 상태바 설정 state = "" if self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() == 1: state = self.server_gubun + " 서버 연결중" else: state = "서버 미연결" self.statusbar.showMessage("현재시간: " + current_time + " | " + state) # log if self.kiwoom.msg: self.logTextEdit.append(self.kiwoom.msg) self.kiwoom.msg = "" elif id(sender) == id(self.timer_stock): automatic_order_time = QTime.currentTime().toString("hhmm") # 자동 주문 실행 # 1100은 11시 00분을 의미합니다. print("current time: %d" % int(automatic_order_time)) if self.is_automatic_order and int(automatic_order_time) >= 900 and int(automatic_order_time) <= 930: self.is_automatic_order = False self.automatic_order() self.set_automated_stocks() # 실시간 조회 타이머 else: if self.realtimeCheckBox.isChecked(): self.inquiry_balance()
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() if index.row() >= len(self.songs) or index.row() < 0: return QVariant() song = self.songs[index.row()] if role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.ToolTipRole): if index.column() == 0: return self._source_name_map.get(song.source, '').strip() elif index.column() == 1: return song.title elif index.column() == 2: m, s = parse_ms(song.duration) duration = QTime(0, m, s) return duration.toString('mm:ss') elif index.column() == 3: return song.artists_name elif index.column() == 4: return song.album_name elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if index.column() == 0: return Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignBaseline elif role == Qt.EditRole: return 1 elif role == Qt.UserRole: return song return QVariant()
def update_duration(self, current_duration): """Calculate the time played and the length of the song. Both of these times are sent to duration_label() in order to display the times on the toolbar. """ duration = self.duration if current_duration or duration: time_played = QTime((current_duration / 3600) % 60, (current_duration / 60) % 60, (current_duration % 60), (current_duration * 1000) % 1000) song_length = QTime((duration / 3600) % 60, (duration / 60) % 60, (duration % 60), (duration * 1000) % 1000) if duration > 3600: time_format = "hh:mm:ss" else: time_format = "mm:ss" time_display = "{} / {}" .format(time_played.toString(time_format), song_length.toString(time_format)) else: time_display = "" self.duration_label.setText(time_display)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.updateTimer = QTimer(self) self.demoStartTime = QTime() self.fpsTime = QTime() self.background = QPixmap() self.scene = None self.mainSceneRoot = None self.frameTimeList = [] self.fpsHistory = [] self.currentFps = Colors.fps self.fpsMedian = -1 self.fpsLabel = None self.pausedLabel = None self.doneAdapt = False self.useTimer = False self.updateTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.companyLogo = None self.qtLogo = None self.setupWidget() self.setupScene() self.setupSceneItems() self.drawBackgroundToPixmap()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GLWidget, self).__init__(parent) midnight = QTime(0, 0, 0) random.seed(midnight.secsTo(QTime.currentTime())) self.object = 0 self.xRot = 0 self.yRot = 0 self.zRot = 0 self.image = QImage() self.bubbles = [] self.lastPos = QPoint() self.trolltechGreen = QColor.fromCmykF(0.40, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) self.trolltechPurple = QColor.fromCmykF(0.39, 0.39, 0.0, 0.0) self.animationTimer = QTimer() self.animationTimer.setSingleShot(False) self.animationTimer.timeout.connect(self.animate) self.animationTimer.start(25) self.setAutoFillBackground(False) self.setMinimumSize(200, 200) self.setWindowTitle("Overpainting a Scene")
def addClicked(self, fileNames): """Fill the playlist with fileNames' info.""" if fileNames is None: return self.playlistTable.setSortingEnabled(False) songsToAdd = len(fileNames) for name, row in zip(fileNames, range(songsToAdd)): currentRow = row + self.playlist.mediaCount() - songsToAdd self.playlistTable.insertRow(currentRow) artist = self.playerCore.getArtist(name)[0] title = self.playerCore.getTitle(name)[0] album = self.playerCore.getAlbum(name)[0] seconds = self.playerCore.getDuration(name) duration = QTime(0, seconds // 60, seconds % 60) duration = duration.toString('mm:ss') rowInfo = [artist, title, album, duration] for info, index in zip(rowInfo, range(4)): cell = QTableWidgetItem(info) self.playlistTable.setItem(currentRow, index, cell) font = QFont(info, weight=QFont.Normal) cell.setFont(font) cell.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.playlistTable.setSortingEnabled(True) for index in range(4): self.playlistTable.resizeColumnToContents(index)
def tick(self): if self.paused or not self.effect: return t = self.tickTimer.msecsTo(QTime.currentTime()) self.tickTimer = QTime.currentTime() self.effect.tick(t / 10.0)
def update_state(self, ms): """update current state in progress Label :param ms: time mm:ss """ m, s = parse_ms(ms) position = QTime(0, m, s) position_text = position.toString('mm:ss') self.setText(position_text + '/' + self.duration_text)
def set_duration(self, ms): """set duration text :param ms: time mm:ss """ m, s = parse_ms(ms) # deal minute and second to QTime arguments duration = QTime(0, m, s) print(m,s) self.duration_text = duration.toString('mm:ss')
def checkDeadDateTime(self): print(QDate.currentDate()) print(QTime.currentTime()) datetime=QDateTime(QDate.currentDate(),QTime.currentTime()) if(datetime<=self.deaddatetime): return True else: return False
class AutoSaver(QObject): """ Class implementing the auto saver. """ AUTOSAVE_IN = 1000 * 3 MAXWAIT = 1000 * 15 def __init__(self, parent, save): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent object (QObject) @param save slot to be called to perform the save operation @exception RuntimeError raised, if no parent is given """ super(AutoSaver, self).__init__(parent) if parent is None: raise RuntimeError("AutoSaver: parent must not be None.") self.__save = save self.__timer = QBasicTimer() self.__firstChange = QTime() def changeOccurred(self): """ Public slot handling a change. """ if self.__firstChange.isNull(): self.__firstChange.start() if self.__firstChange.elapsed() > self.MAXWAIT: self.saveIfNeccessary() else: self.__timer.start(self.AUTOSAVE_IN, self) def timerEvent(self, evt): """ Protected method handling timer events. @param evt reference to the timer event (QTimerEvent) """ if evt.timerId() == self.__timer.timerId(): self.saveIfNeccessary() else: super(AutoSaver, self).timerEvent(evt) def saveIfNeccessary(self): """ Public method to activate the save operation. """ if not self.__timer.isActive(): return self.__timer.stop() self.__firstChange = QTime() self.__save()
def load_settings(self, settings): if settings is not None: cue = Application().cue_model.get(settings['target_id']) if cue is not None: self.cue_id = settings['target_id'] self.seekEdit.setTime( QTime.fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(settings['time'])) self.seekEdit.setMaximumTime( QTime.fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay( self.cueLabel.setText(
def updateDurationInfo(self, currentInfo): duration = self.duration tStr = "" if currentInfo or duration: currentTime = QTime((currentInfo/3600)%60, (currentInfo/60)%60, currentInfo%60, (currentInfo*1000)%1000) totalTime = QTime((duration/3600)%60, (duration/60)%60, duration%60, (duration*1000)%1000); format = 'hh:mm:ss' if duration > 3600 else 'mm:ss' # tStr = currentTime.toString(format) + " / " + totalTime.toString(format) tStr = currentTime.toString(format) else: Str = ""
def added(self, added): """Saves music info in musicOrder.""" for name, index in zip( self.musicOrder[self.playlist.mediaCount() - added:], range(self.playlist.mediaCount() - added, len(self.musicOrder))): name = name[0] artist = self.getArtist(name)[0] title = self.getTitle(name)[0] album = self.getAlbum(name)[0] seconds = self.getDuration(name) duration = QTime(0, seconds // 60, seconds % 60) duration = duration.toString('mm:ss') self.musicOrder[index].extend( [artist, title, album, duration])
def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor @param parent referenec to the parent object (QObject) """ super(Connection, self).__init__(parent) self.__greetingMessage ="undefined") self.__username ="unknown") self.__serverPort = 0 self.__state = Connection.WaitingForGreeting self.__currentDataType = Connection.Undefined self.__numBytesForCurrentDataType = -1 self.__transferTimerId = 0 self.__isGreetingMessageSent = False self.__pingTimer = QTimer(self) self.__pingTimer.setInterval(PingInterval) self.__pongTime = QTime() self.__buffer = QByteArray() self.__client = None self.readyRead.connect(self.__processReadyRead) self.disconnected.connect(self.__disconnected) self.__pingTimer.timeout.connect(self.__sendPing) self.connected.connect(self.__sendGreetingMessage)
def add_item(self, song_model): music_item = QTableWidgetItem(song_model.title) album_item = QTableWidgetItem(song_model.album_name) artist_item = QTableWidgetItem(song_model.artists_name) m, s = parse_ms(song_model.length) duration = QTime(0, m, s) length_item = QTableWidgetItem(duration.toString()) row = self.rowCount() self.setRowCount(row + 1) self.setItem(row, 1, music_item) self.setItem(row, 2, artist_item) self.setItem(row, 3, album_item) self.setItem(row, 4, length_item) self.songs.append(song_model)
def set_settings(self): if self.traffic_id: query = """SELECT Position, Data, Table_Data, Note FROM staff_worker_traffic WHERE Id = %s""" sql_traffic = my_sql.sql_select(query, (self.traffic_id, )) if "mysql.connector.errors" in str(type(sql_traffic)): QMessageBox.critical(self, "Ошибка sql получения записей", sql_traffic.msg, QMessageBox.Ok) return False self.le_position.setText(str(sql_traffic[0][0])) self.dt_date.setDateTime(sql_traffic[0][1]) self.le_note.setText(sql_traffic[0][3]) if sql_traffic[0][2]: self.dt_tabel_date.setDateTime(sql_traffic[0][2]) else: min = sql_traffic[0][1].minute if 0 <= min <= 15: tab_date = sql_traffic[0][1].replace(minute=0) elif 16 <= min <= 45: tab_date = sql_traffic[0][1].replace(minute=30) else: tab_date = sql_traffic[0][1].replace(minute=0) hour_up = sql_traffic[0][1].hour + 1 if hour_up < 24: tab_date = tab_date.replace(hour=hour_up) else: day = sql_traffic[0][1].day tab_date = tab_date.replace(day=day + 1, hour=hour_up-24) self.dt_tabel_date.setDateTime(tab_date) else: date = self.select_date or QDateTime.currentDateTime() datetime = QDateTime(date, QTime.currentTime()) self.dt_date.setDateTime(datetime) self.dt_tabel_date.setDateTime(datetime)
def __init__(self, mode=QPrinter.ScreenResolution): """ Constructor @param mode mode of the printer (QPrinter.PrinterMode) """ super(Printer, self).__init__(mode) self.setMagnification(Preferences.getPrinter("Magnification")) if Preferences.getPrinter("ColorMode"): self.setColorMode(QPrinter.Color) else: self.setColorMode(QPrinter.GrayScale) if Preferences.getPrinter("FirstPageFirst"): self.setPageOrder(QPrinter.FirstPageFirst) else: self.setPageOrder(QPrinter.LastPageFirst) self.setPageMargins( Preferences.getPrinter("LeftMargin") * 10, Preferences.getPrinter("TopMargin") * 10, Preferences.getPrinter("RightMargin") * 10, Preferences.getPrinter("BottomMargin") * 10, QPrinter.Millimeter ) printerName = Preferences.getPrinter("PrinterName") if printerName: self.setPrinterName(printerName) self.time = QTime.currentTime().toString(Qt.LocalDate) = QDate.currentDate().toString(Qt.LocalDate) self.headerFont = Preferences.getPrinter("HeaderFont")
def main(): if settings.get('log:errors'): log_filename = settings.get('log:filename') if log_filename: try: log_file = open(log_filename,"w") print ('Redirecting stderr/stdout... to %s' % log_filename) sys.stderr = log_file sys.stdout = log_file except IOError: print("Lector could not open log file '%s'!\n" % log_filename \ + " Redirecting will not work.") else: print("Log file is not set. Please set it in settings.") app = QApplication(sys.argv) opts = [str(arg) for arg in app.arguments()[1:]] if '--no-scanner' in opts: scanner = False else: scanner = True qsrand(QTime(0, 0, 0).secsTo(QTime.currentTime())) locale = settings.get('ui:lang') if not locale: locale = QLocale.system().name() qtTranslator = QTranslator() if qtTranslator.load(":/translations/ts/lector_" + locale, 'ts'): app.installTranslator(qtTranslator) window = Window(scanner) app.exec_()
def showTime(self): time = QTime.currentTime() text = time.toString('hh:mm') if (time.second() % 2) == 0: text = text[:2] + ' ' + text[3:] self.display(text)
def _process_finished(self, code, status): frmt = OutputWidget.Format.NORMAL if status == QProcess.NormalExit == code: text = translations.TR_PROCESS_EXITED_NORMALLY % code else: text = translations.TR_PROCESS_INTERRUPTED frmt = OutputWidget.Format.ERROR self.outputw.append_text(text, frmt) if self.__current_process is self.main_process: tformat = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0).addMSecs( self.__elapsed.elapsed() + 500) time = tformat.toString("h:mm:ss") if time.startswith("0:"): # Don't display zero hours time = time[2:] self.outputw.append_text(translations.TR_ELAPSED_TIME.format(time)) self.outputw.setReadOnly(True)
def utc(self, rise_set, what): ''' Convert sun rise/set from UTC to local time 'rise_set' is 'Sunrise' or 'Sunset when it is for weatherdata or the index of hour in day forecast when dayforecast''' listtotime = '' # Create a list ['h', 'm', 's'] and pass it to QTime if what == 'weatherdata': listtotime = self.weatherdata[rise_set].split('T')[1].split(':') elif what == 'dayforecast': listtotime = self.tree_day[4][rise_set].get('from').split( 'T')[1].split(':') suntime = QTime(int(listtotime[0]), int(listtotime[1]), int( listtotime[2])) # add the diff UTC-local in seconds utc_time = suntime.addSecs(time.localtime().tm_gmtoff) utc_time_str = utc_time.toString() return utc_time_str
def select_cue(self): if self.cueDialog.exec_() == self.cueDialog.Accepted: cue = self.cueDialog.selected_cues()[0] self.cue_id = self.seekEdit.setMaximumTime( QTime.fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay( self.cueLabel.setText(
def on_resetPushButton_clicked(self): self.timer.stop() self.shiverTimer = QTime(0, 0, 0) self.timerLCDNumber.display(self.shiverTimer.toString(self._FORMAT)) if self.stortPushButton.text() == self._STOP: self.stortPushButton.setText(self._START)
def onTimeChanged(self, time): c_time = QTime.currentTime() if (c_time > time): self.ui.timeEdit.setTime(c_time) return diff = Alarm.__get_diff(self.ui.timeEdit.time().addSecs(60)) print("TIME CHANGED", time, diff) self.timer.timer.start(diff + (60*1000))
def updateClock(self): time = QTime.currentTime() if settings.fullscreenSettings.get("clock-show-seconds", True): timeStr = time.toString("hh:mm:ss") else: timeStr = time.toString("hh:mm") self.setText(timeStr)
def updateClock(self): # What time is it ? cur = QTime.currentTime() self.from_time_updater = True self.ui.timeEdit.setTime(cur) self.from_time_updater = False
def _widgets(self): self.shiverTimer = QTime(0, 0, 0) self.timer = QTimer() self.timerLCDNumber = QLCDNumber() self.timerLCDNumber.setDigitCount(12) self.timerLCDNumber.display("00:00:00.000") self.stortPushButton = QPushButton(self._START) self.resetPushButton = QPushButton(self._RESET)
def saveIfNeccessary(self): """ Public method to activate the save operation. """ if not self.__timer.isActive(): return self.__timer.stop() self.__firstChange = QTime() self.__save()
def handle_time_update(self): time = QTime.currentTime() if self.mode == "hour": self.setRotation(time.hour() * 360. / 12. + time.minute() * 360. / (60*12)) elif self.mode == "minute": self.setRotation(time.minute() * 360. / 60. + time.second() / 60. * 360. / 60.) elif self.mode == "second": self.setRotation(time.second() * 360. / 60.)
def get_total_seconds(t: QTime) -> int: return t.hour() * 3600 + t.minute() * 60 + t.second()
minuteTime = timef.minute() hourTime = timef.hour() secTime = timef.second() print(str(hourTime)+" : "+str(minuteTime)) print("next") if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = MainWindow_V2() win.showFullScreen() sys.exit(app.exec_()) ''' now = QDate.currentDate() print(now.toString(Qt.ISODate)) print(now.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)) datetime = QDateTime.currentDateTime() print(datetime.toString()) timef = QTime.currentTime() print(timef.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)) ''' while True: timef =QTime.currentTime() print(timef.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)) '''
pass class GraphicsView(QGraphicsView): def resizeEvent(self, e): pass if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import math app = QApplication(sys.argv) qsrand(QTime(0, 0, 0).secsTo(QTime.currentTime())) scene = QGraphicsScene(-200, -200, 400, 400) for i in range(10): item = ColorItem() angle = i * 6.28 / 10.0 item.setPos(math.sin(angle) * 150, math.cos(angle) * 150) scene.addItem(item) robot = Robot() robot.setTransform(QTransform.fromScale(1.2, 1.2), True) robot.setPos(0, -20) scene.addItem(robot) view = GraphicsView(scene)
def durationChanged(self, duration): self.positionSlider.setRange(0, duration) mtime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) mtime = mtime.addMSecs(self.mediaPlayer.duration()) self.elbl.setText(mtime.toString())
#!/usr/bin/python3 from PyQt5.QtCore import QDate, QTime, QDateTime, Qt d1 = QDate(2017, 12, 9) t1 = QTime(18, 50, 59) dt1 = QDateTime(d1, t1, Qt.LocalTime) #locale = QLocale(QLocale.English, QLocale.UnitedKingdom) #curr_locale = QLocale() #print(curr_locale.nativeCountryName(),, curr_locale.nativeLanguageName()) print("Datetime: {0}".format(dt1.toString())) print("Date: {0}".format(d1.toString())) print("Time: {0}".format(t1.toString()))
def setup_Ui(self,text): self.setObjectName("View_Menu_Second_Page") self.resize(800, 600) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(230, 20, 321, 51)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.label.setFont(font) self.label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.BlueButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self) self.BlueButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(630, 180, 96, 96)) self.BlueButton.setStyleSheet("#BlueButton {\n" " background-color: #303d5e;\n" " /*minimum size*/\n" " min-width: 96px;\n" " max-width: 96px;\n" " min-height: 96px;\n" " max-height: 96px;\n" " border-radius: 48px; /*Round*/\n" " color: #FFFFFF;\n" "}\n" "#BlueButton:hover {\n" " background-color: #516cb0;\n" "}\n" "#BlueButton:pressed {\n" " background-color: #04070f;\n" "}") self.BlueButton.setObjectName("BlueButton") self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 100, 711, 51)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.label_2.setFont(font) self.label_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 300, 571, 291)) self.label_3.setText("") self.label_3.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("./Pictures/"+text+".png")) self.label_3.setScaledContents(True) self.label_3.setObjectName("label_3") self.dateEdit = QtWidgets.QDateEdit(self) self.dateEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 200, 241, 81)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("MV Boli") font.setPointSize(14) font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.dateEdit.setFont(font) self.dateEdit.setCalendarPopup(True) self.dateEdit.setDate(QDate.currentDate()) self.dateEdit.setObjectName("dateEdit") self.timeEdit = QtWidgets.QTimeEdit(self) self.timeEdit.setTime(QTime.currentTime()) self.timeEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(360, 200, 241, 81)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily("MV Boli") font.setPointSize(14) font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) self.timeEdit.setFont(font) self.timeEdit.setObjectName("timeEdit") _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate self.setWindowTitle(_translate("Form", "Form")) self.label.setText(_translate("Form", text)) self.BlueButton.setText(_translate("Form", "Submit")) self.label_2.setText(_translate("Form", "Please Select The Date and Time You Would Like To View"))
def updateWorkEndTime(self): self.workEndTime = QTime( self.workHoursSpinBox.value(), self.workMinutesSpinBox.value(), self.workSecondsSpinBox.value(), )
def setDuration(self, duration): self.te_duration.setTime(QTime(0, duration, 0))
def on_position_changed(self, position): m, s = parse_ms(position) t = QTime(0, m, s) self.position_label.setText(t.toString('mm:ss'))
def on_duration_changed(self, duration): m, s = parse_ms(duration) t = QTime(0, m, s) self.duration_label.setText(t.toString('mm:ss'))
def updateTime(self): if self.useInternalTime.isChecked(): now = self.internalTime else: now = QTime.currentTime() self.timeEdit.setTime(now)
class PyClockSetup(QtWidgets.QDialog): hexColor = '#ffffff' serialData = '' internalTime = QTime.currentTime() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyClockSetup, self).__init__() self.serial = QSerialPort(self) uic.loadUi('pyclocksetup.ui', self) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.updateTime) self.timer.start(1000) self.serial = QSerialPort(self) self.cp.colorChanged.connect(self.changeColor) self.connectButton.clicked.connect(self.serialConnect) self.setClockButton.clicked.connect(self.setClock) self.blinkingDots.toggled.connect(self.setBlinkingDots) self.leadingZero.toggled.connect(self.setLeadingZero) self.autoBrightness.toggled.connect(self.setAutoBrightness) self.segmentTest.toggled.connect(self.setSegmentTest) self.brightnessSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.changeBrightness) self.colorLabel.setStyleSheet('QLabel {background-color: #ffffff; }') availablePorts = QSerialPortInfo.availablePorts() for port in availablePorts: self.serialPorts.addItem(port.portName()) def serialConnect(self): try: self.serial.close() except: pass port = self.serialPorts.currentText() self.serial.setPortName(port) if self.serial.setBaudRate(115200) self.serial.readyRead.connect(self.serialRead) else: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning', \ 'Cannot connect to {}.'.format(port)) return def changeColor(self, hex): self.hexColor = hex self.colorLabel.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel {{background-color: {}; }}'.format(hex)) (r, g, b, _) = QtGui.QColor(hex).getRgb() print('rgb = ', r, g, b) brightness = self.brightnessSlider.value() / 100.0 r = r / self.redDiv.value() * brightness b = b / self.blueDiv.value() * brightness g = g / self.greenDiv.value() * brightness str = 'color={},{},{}\n'.format(int(r), int(g), int(b)) print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def changeBrightness(self): self.changeColor(self.hexColor) def setClock(self): str = 'time=' + self.timeEdit.time().toString("hh:mm:ss") print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def setBlinkingDots(self): str = 'blink={}'.format((0, 1)[self.blinkingDots.isChecked()]) print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def setLeadingZero(self): str = 'zero={}'.format((0, 1)[self.leadingZero.isChecked()]) print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def setAutoBrightness(self): str = 'auto={}'.format((0, 1)[self.autoBrightness.isChecked()]) print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def setSegmentTest(self): str = 'test={}'.format((0, 1)[self.segmentTest.isChecked()]) print(str) self.serial.write(str.encode()) def updateTime(self): if self.useInternalTime.isChecked(): now = self.internalTime else: now = QTime.currentTime() self.timeEdit.setTime(now) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def serialRead(self): s = self.serial.readAll() try: self.serialData += bytes(s).decode('utf-8') except: print("decoding error...") if '\n' in self.serialData: print(self.serialData) self.internalTime = QTime.fromString(self.serialData.rstrip('\n')) print('Internal time: ', self.internalTime.toString()) self.serialData = ''
class Pricing_Template_Main(QThread): """ Runs in thread. """ txtProgress = pyqtSignal(str) countProgress = pyqtSignal(int) currStatus = pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, src_folder, tgt_folder, keyword, templates, pt_model): super(Pricing_Template_Main, self).__init__() self._src_folder = src_folder self._tgt_folder = tgt_folder self._keyword = keyword self._l_templates = templates self._pt_model = pt_model self.timer = QTime() self.elapsed_time = None self.is_running = True self._progress_count = 0 self._abort_flg = False self._cancel_flg = False self._main_dir = os.getcwd() self.src_price_cnt = 0 self.temp_price_cnt = 0 self.src_scales_cnt = 0 self.temp_scales_cnt = 0 self.src_minf_cnt = 0 self.temp_minf_cnt = 0 self.start_row = self._pt_model._config['StartRow'] def run(self): ''' Read source file to DataFrame and Excel file (for validation) Filter dataframe per Usage Type Perform Mappings Populate the validated dataframe to template ''' # Read source files and load to dataframe # Start timer self.timer.start() self.txtProgress.emit('Loading source files to dataframes.') success = False while not success: try: self.df_price_all = self._pt_model.read_source_to_DF( self._keyword, self._src_folder, 'Pricing') df_scales_all = self._pt_model.read_source_to_DF( self._keyword, self._src_folder, 'Scales') df_minf_all = self._pt_model.read_source_to_DF( self._keyword, self._src_folder, 'MINF') success = True except Exception as e: self.currStatus.emit([self._keyword, 'Load Source', str(e)]) response = None while response is None: response = self._pt_model.replyBtn time.sleep(1) if response == QMessageBox.Close: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None success = True if not self._abort_flg: #Loop on the templates found for i in self._l_templates: usage_type = i[0] ''' Get current status c = Completed i = Ignored NULL = Not started (default) ''' if self._cancel_flg: break status = self._pt_model.get_template_status(usage_type) if status == '': self.txtProgress.emit('Processing ' + usage_type) # Get template worksheets template_file = self._pt_model.get_template_filename( usage_type) template_filename = template_file.split('\\')[-1] # Load Template Workbook self.txtProgress.emit( 'Loading Pricing Template to dataframe.') success = False while not success: try: temp_workbook = self._pt_model.load_workbook( template_file) temp_worksheets = self._pt_model.get_worksheets( temp_workbook) success = True except Exception as e: self.currStatus.emit( [usage_type, 'Load Template', str(e)]) response = None while response is None: response = self._pt_model.replyBtn time.sleep(1) if response == QMessageBox.Abort: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None break elif response == QMessageBox.Retry: self._pt_model.replyBtn = None elif response == QMessageBox.Ignore: self._pt_model.update_template_status( usage_type, 'i') self._pt_model.replyBtn = None continue elif response == QMessageBox.Close: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None break # Filter & Validate Usage type df_price = self._pt_model.filter_df( usage_type, self.df_price_all) df_scales = self._pt_model.filter_df( usage_type, df_scales_all) df_minf = self._pt_model.filter_df(usage_type, df_minf_all) # Prep Source data frame # Drop column fld_Contract_Type df_price.drop('fld_Contract_Type', axis=1, inplace=True) # Rename Column names in dataframe df_price.rename( columns={ 'Partner_Number': 'fld_Business_Partner', 'BillingMaterial_ID_ToBe': 'fld_OTC_Billing_Material_ID', 'fld_Requestor': 'fld_Requester', 'fld_Price': 'fld_Price_Amount', 'fld_Pricing_Bundle_ID': 'fld_Bundle_ID', 'fld_Pricing_Contract_Type': 'fld_Contract_Type', 'fld_Pricing_Contract_SubType': 'fld_Contract_Sub_Type', 'fld_SSCALE_ID': 'fld_Shared_Scale_ID', 'fld_SSCALE_BP': 'fld_Shared_Scale_BP', #'fld_Reach_Indicator': 'fld_Reach_Ind', 'fld_Flight_Range_Code': 'fld_Flight_Range' }, inplace=True) # Add columns to dataframe # Common Audit Fields df_price['fld_Created_By'] = '' df_price['fld_Last_Upd'] = '' df_price['fld_Last_Upd_By'] = 'DATA MIG' df_price['fld_Created'] = '' self.txtProgress.emit( 'Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Filtering and Validating dataframe.') #Loop on the template worksheet for sheet in temp_worksheets: success = False while not success: try: if ('price' in sheet.title.lower() and 'scale' not in sheet.title.lower() ) or ('minq' in sheet.title.lower() or 'caps' in sheet.title.lower() or 'flight' in sheet.title.lower()): self.src_price_cnt = df_price.shape[0] if not df_price.empty and not self._cancel_flg: # Mappings for CAP, Flight range and MINQ if 'minq' in sheet.title.lower( ) or 'caps' in sheet.title.lower( ) or 'flight' in sheet.title.lower(): self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Additional mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') df_price['fld_Counter_ID'] = '*' df_price['fld_Frequency'] = '*' df_price[ 'fld_Type_of_Calendar'] = '*' df_price['fld_Min_Quantity'] = '*' df_price[ 'fld_Scale_Frequency'] = '*' df_price[ 'fld_Reference_Date'] = df_price[ 'fld_Start_Date'] df_price['fld_Range'] = '*' df_price['fld_Scale_Price'] = '*' df_price['fld_Unit_Price'] = '*' df_price['fld_CAP'] = '*' df_price[ 'fld_Billing_Material'] = df_price[ 'fld_OTC_Billing_Material_ID'] df_price['fld_ID'] = '*' df_price['fld_Lower_Bound'] = '*' df_price['fld_Upper_Bound'] = '*' df_price[ 'fld_Flight_Range_Label'] = '*' self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Additional mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Get Mappings self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') l_mapping = self._pt_model.get_template_mappings( usage_type, sheet, df_price, 'Price') self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) if 'flight' in sheet.title.lower(): start_row = 3 else: start_row = self.start_row # Prepare the worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet(sheet, start_row, self.src_price_cnt) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Populate data from dataframe to worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self.temp_price_cnt = self._pt_model.populate_worksheet(sheet, df_price, l_mapping, start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Format worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Formatting worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.format_worksheet(sheet, start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Formatting worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) else: if 'flight' in sheet.title.lower(): start_row = 3 else: start_row = self.start_row # Prepare the worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet( sheet, start_row, 0) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) #Insert empty mapping logs key_tab = 'Price' + '-' + sheet.title self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 2, key_tab, []) if self._cancel_flg: return elif 'scale' in sheet.title.lower(): if not df_scales.empty and not self._cancel_flg: #Merge DataFrame with Price DataFrame self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Merging scales dataframe to Price.' ) merged_price_scale_df = self._pt_model.merge_scale_price_df( df_scales, df_price) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Merging scales dataframe to Price.' ) time.sleep(3) # Mapping logic for Type of calendar and reference_date self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Applying additional scales logic.' ) conditions = [ (merged_price_scale_df[ 'Condition_Type'] == 'ZCUY') | (merged_price_scale_df[ 'Condition_Type'] == 'ZCUA'), (merged_price_scale_df[ 'Condition_Type'] == 'ZCUM') | (merged_price_scale_df[ 'Condition_Type'] == 'ZCUX') ] choices = ['Yearly', 'Monthly'] merged_price_scale_df[ 'fld_Scale_Frequency'] = conditions, choices, default='*') merged_price_scale_df[ 'fld_Type_of_Calendar'] = merged_price_scale_df[ [ 'Condition_Type', 'fld_Start_Date' ]].apply(lambda x: 'Natural' if x['Condition_Type' ] == 'ZCUM' or x['Condition_Type' ] == 'ZCUM' else ('Natural' if (x['Condition_Type' ] == 'ZCUY' or x['Condition_Type' ] == 'ZCUA') and x['fld_Start_Date' ][:8][4:] == '0101' else 'Rolling'), axis=1) merged_price_scale_df[ 'fld_Reference_Date'] = merged_price_scale_df[ [ 'fld_Type_of_Calendar', 'fld_Start_Date' ]].apply(lambda x: x[ 'fld_Start_Date'] if x[ 'fld_Type_of_Calendar' ] == 'Rolling' else 'NA', axis=1) #Add/rename columns to dataframe merged_price_scale_df[ 'fld_Minimum_Fee'] = '*' merged_price_scale_df[ 'fld_Minimum_Fee_BM'] = '*' merged_price_scale_df.rename( columns={ 'MAPPING_TABLE': 'fld_Mapping_Table', 'RANGE': 'fld_Range', 'SCALE_PRICE': 'fld_Scale_Price', }, inplace=True) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Applying additional scales logic.' ) time.sleep(3) # Get Mappings self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') l_mapping = self._pt_model.get_template_mappings( usage_type, sheet, merged_price_scale_df, 'Scales') self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Prepare the worksheet self.src_scales_cnt = merged_price_scale_df.shape[ 0] self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet(sheet, self.start_row, self.src_scales_cnt) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Populate data from dataframe to worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self.temp_scales_cnt = self._pt_model.populate_worksheet(sheet, merged_price_scale_df, l_mapping, self.start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Format worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Formatting worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.format_worksheet(sheet, self.start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Formatting worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) else: # Prepare the worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet( sheet, self.start_row, 0) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) #Insert empty mapping logs key_tab = 'Scales' + '-' + sheet.title self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 2, key_tab, []) if self._cancel_flg: return elif 'minf' in sheet.title.lower(): if not df_minf.empty and not self._cancel_flg: self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing MINQ dataframe ' + sheet.title + '.') # Drop not needed columns added on price dataframe df_price.drop([ 'fld_Counter_ID', 'fld_Frequency', 'fld_Type_of_Calendar', 'fld_Reference_Date', 'fld_Billing_Material' ], axis=1, inplace=True) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing MINQ dataframe ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) #Merge DataFrame with Price DataFrame self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Merging MINF dataframe to Price.' ) df_price_req = df_price[[ 'Short_Text_Key', 'fld_Business_Partner', 'HybrisProduct_ID', 'fld_OTC_Billing_Material_ID', 'fld_MF_Counter', 'fld_Discount', 'fld_Discount_Type', 'fld_Discount_Description', 'fld_Item_Category' ]] #Merge DataFrame with Price DataFrame merged_price_minf_df = self._pt_model.merge_minf_price_df( df_minf, df_price_req) #Rename columns merged_price_minf_df.rename( columns={ 'Start_Date': 'fld_Reference_Date', 'Frequency': 'fld_Frequency', 'Currency': 'fld_Currency', 'fld_OTC_Billing_Material_ID': 'fld_Billing_Material', 'Minimum_Fee': 'fld_Min_Fee', 'fld_MF_Counter': 'fld_Counter_ID', }, inplace=True) merged_price_minf_df[ 'fld_Type_of_Calendar'] = '*' self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Merging MINF dataframe to Price.' ) time.sleep(3) # Get Mappings self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') l_mapping = self._pt_model.get_template_mappings( usage_type, sheet, merged_price_minf_df, 'MINF') self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Getting mappings for ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Prepare the worksheet self.src_minf_cnt = merged_price_minf_df.shape[ 0] self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet(sheet, self.start_row, self.src_minf_cnt) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Populate data from dataframe to worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self.temp_minf_cnt = self._pt_model.populate_worksheet(sheet, merged_price_minf_df, l_mapping, self.start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Populating worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) # Format worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.format_worksheet(sheet, self.start_row) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) else: # Prepare the worksheet self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') #self._pt_model.prepare_worksheet(sheet, self.start_row, 0) self.txtProgress.emit( 'Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Preparing worksheet ' + sheet.title + '.') time.sleep(3) #Insert empty mapping logs key_tab = 'MINF' + '-' + sheet.title self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 2, key_tab, []) if self._cancel_flg: return success = True except Exception as e: self.currStatus.emit([ usage_type, 'Populate Worksheet', sheet.title, str(e) ]) response = None while response is None: response = self._pt_model.replyBtn time.sleep(1) if response == QMessageBox.Abort: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None return elif response == QMessageBox.Retry: self._pt_model.replyBtn = None elif response == QMessageBox.Ignore: self._pt_model.update_template_status( usage_type, 'i') self._pt_model.replyBtn = None success = True elif response == QMessageBox.Close: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None return if self._cancel_flg: break #Update Status self._pt_model.update_template_status(usage_type, 'c') #Price Counts self.txtProgress.emit('Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Generating Data Counts.') if not df_price.empty and not self._abort_flg: data = { 'Source': self.src_price_cnt, 'Template': self.temp_price_cnt } self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'Price', data) else: data = {'Source': 0, 'Template': 0} self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'Price', data) #Scales Counts if not df_scales.empty and not self._abort_flg: data = { 'Source': self.src_scales_cnt, 'Template': self.temp_scales_cnt } self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'Scales', data) else: data = {'Source': 0, 'Template': 0} self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'Scales', data) #MinFee Counts if not df_minf.empty and not self._abort_flg: data = { 'Source': self.src_minf_cnt, 'Template': self.temp_minf_cnt } self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'MINF', data) else: data = {'Source': 0, 'Template': 0} self._pt_model.append_template_logs( usage_type, 3, 'MINF', data) if self._cancel_flg: break self.txtProgress.emit('Finished: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Generating Data Counts.') time.sleep(3) #Save to workbook in output folder status = self._pt_model.get_template_status(usage_type) if status == 'c': success = False while not success: try: self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Saving Workbook to Output Folder.') output_filename = self._tgt_folder + "\\" + template_filename self.txtProgress.emit( 'Started: Processing ' + usage_type + ' - Saving Workbook to Output Folder.') time.sleep(3) success = True except Exception as e: self.currStatus.emit([ usage_type, 'Save Template', output_filename, str(e) ]) response = None while response is None: response = self._pt_model.replyBtn time.sleep(1) if response == QMessageBox.Abort: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None success = True elif response == QMessageBox.Retry: self._pt_model.replyBtn = None elif response == QMessageBox.Ignore: self._pt_model.update_template_status( usage_type, 'i') self._pt_model.replyBtn = None success = True elif response == QMessageBox.Close: self._abort_flg = True self._pt_model.replyBtn = None success = True self._progress_count += 1 self.countProgress.emit(self._progress_count) ####### Program End ######### ### Display Elapsed Time ### self.update_elapsed_time() self.txtProgress.emit('Finished') def stop(self): self.is_running = False def update_elapsed_time(self): secs = self.timer.elapsed() / 1000 mins = (secs / 60) % 60 hours = (secs / 3600) seconds = secs % 60 self.elapsed_time = str(hours).split('.')[0] + ' Hours ' + str( mins).split('.')[0] + ' Minutes ' + str(seconds).split( '.')[0] + ' Seconds' def get_all_usage_types(self): return list(self.df_price_all.USAGE_TYPE_CD.unique())[1:]
def add_to_current_time(t: QTime) -> QTime: secs = get_total_seconds(t) return QTime.currentTime().addSecs(secs)
#!/usr/bin/python3 #QDate, QTime, QDateTime # from PyQt5.QtCore import QDate, QTime, QDateTime, Qt now = QDate.currentDate() print("1: ", now.toString(Qt.ISODate)) print("2: ", now.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)) datetime = QDateTime.currentDateTime() print("3: ", datetime.toString()) time = QTime.currentTime() print("4: ", time.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate))
def handleLabel(self): self.lbl.clear() mtime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.time = mtime.addMSecs(self.mediaPlayer.position()) self.lbl.setText(self.time.toString())
def ShowTime(self): sender = self.sender() # 이벤트 객체에 접근자 cur = QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") if id(sender) == id(self.timer): # 접근자와 timer가 같으면 화면에 표시 self.lcd.display(cur)
def createMailModel(parent): model = QStandardItemModel(0, 3, parent) model.setHeaderData(SUBJECT, Qt.Horizontal, "Subject") model.setHeaderData(SENDER, Qt.Horizontal, "Sender") model.setHeaderData(DATE, Qt.Horizontal, "Date") addMail( model, "Happy New Year!", "Grace K. <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2006, 12, 31), QTime(17, 3)), ) addMail( model, "Radically new concept", "Grace K. <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2006, 12, 22), QTime(9, 44)), ) addMail( model, "Accounts", "*****@*****.**", QDateTime(QDate(2006, 12, 31), QTime(12, 50)), ) addMail( model, "Expenses", "Joe Bloggs <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2006, 12, 25), QTime(11, 39)), ) addMail( model, "Re: Expenses", "Andy <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 2), QTime(16, 5)), ) addMail( model, "Re: Accounts", "Joe Bloggs <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 3), QTime(14, 18)), ) addMail( model, "Re: Accounts", "Andy <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 3), QTime(14, 26)), ) addMail( model, "Sports", "Linda Smith <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 5), QTime(11, 33)), ) addMail( model, "AW: Sports", "Rolf Newschweinstein <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 5), QTime(12, 0)), ) addMail( model, "RE: Sports", "Petra Schmidt <*****@*****.**>", QDateTime(QDate(2007, 1, 5), QTime(12, 1)), ) return model
def __init__(self, parent, callback, gid, persepolis_setting, video_finder_dictionary=None): super().__init__(persepolis_setting) self.parent = parent self.persepolis_setting = persepolis_setting self.video_finder_dictionary = video_finder_dictionary self.download_later_pushButton.hide() # hide download_later_pushButton self.change_name_checkBox.hide() # hide change_name_checkBox self.change_name_lineEdit.hide() # hide change_name_lineEdit # add new QLineEdit and QLineEdit for audio link if we have video finder links if self.video_finder_dictionary: self.link_label_2 = QLabel(self.link_frame) self.link_horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.link_label_2) self.link_lineEdit_2 = QLineEdit(self.link_frame) self.link_horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.link_lineEdit_2) self.link_lineEdit_2.textChanged.connect(self.linkLineChanged) self.link_label.setText( QCoreApplication.translate("addlink_ui_tr", "Video Link: ")) self.link_label_2.setText( QCoreApplication.translate("addlink_ui_tr", "Audio Link: ")) # gid_1 >> video_gid , gid_2 >> audio_gid self.gid_1 = self.video_finder_dictionary['video_gid'] self.gid_2 = self.video_finder_dictionary['audio_gid'] else: self.gid_1 = gid self.callback = callback # detect_proxy_pushButton self.detect_proxy_pushButton.clicked.connect(self.detectProxy) # connect folder_pushButton self.folder_pushButton.clicked.connect(self.changeFolder) self.download_folder_lineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.ok_pushButton.setEnabled(False) self.link_lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.linkLineChanged) # connect OK and canel button self.cancel_pushButton.clicked.connect(self.close) self.ok_pushButton.clicked.connect(self.okButtonPressed) #frames and checkBoxes self.proxy_frame.setEnabled(False) self.proxy_checkBox.toggled.connect(self.proxyFrame) self.download_frame.setEnabled(False) self.download_checkBox.toggled.connect(self.downloadFrame) self.limit_frame.setEnabled(False) self.limit_checkBox.toggled.connect(self.limitFrame) self.start_frame.setEnabled(False) self.start_checkBox.toggled.connect(self.startFrame) self.end_frame.setEnabled(False) self.end_checkBox.toggled.connect(self.endFrame) # get information from data base self.add_link_dictionary_1 = self.parent.persepolis_db.searchGidInAddLinkTable( self.gid_1) self.download_table_dict_1 = self.parent.persepolis_db.searchGidInDownloadTable( self.gid_1) if video_finder_dictionary: self.add_link_dictionary_2 = self.parent.persepolis_db.searchGidInAddLinkTable( self.gid_2) self.download_table_dict_2 = self.parent.persepolis_db.searchGidInDownloadTable( self.gid_2) # create a copy from add_link_dictionary for checking changes finally! self.add_link_dictionary_1_backup = {} for key in self.add_link_dictionary_1.keys(): self.add_link_dictionary_1_backup[ key] = self.add_link_dictionary_1[key] if video_finder_dictionary: self.add_link_dictionary_2_backup = {} for key in self.add_link_dictionary_2.keys(): self.add_link_dictionary_2_backup[ key] = self.add_link_dictionary_2[key] # initialization # disable folder_frame when download is complete if self.video_finder_dictionary: if self.video_finder_dictionary[ 'video_completed'] == 'yes' or self.video_finder_dictionary[ 'audio_completed'] == 'yes': self.folder_frame.setEnabled(False) else: if self.download_table_dict_1['status'] == 'complete': self.folder_frame.setEnabled(False) # link self.link_lineEdit.setText(self.add_link_dictionary_1['link']) if self.video_finder_dictionary: self.link_lineEdit_2.setText(self.add_link_dictionary_2['link']) # ip_lineEdit initialization if self.add_link_dictionary_1['ip']: self.proxy_checkBox.setChecked(True) self.ip_lineEdit.setText(self.add_link_dictionary_1['ip']) # port_spinBox initialization try: self.port_spinBox.setValue( int(self.add_link_dictionary_1['port'])) except: pass # proxy user lineEdit initialization try: self.proxy_user_lineEdit.setText( self.add_link_dictionary_1['proxy_user']) except: pass # proxy pass lineEdit initialization try: self.proxy_pass_lineEdit.setText( self.add_link_dictionary_1['proxy_passwd']) except: pass # download UserName initialization if self.add_link_dictionary_1['download_user']: self.download_checkBox.setChecked(True) self.download_user_lineEdit.setText( self.add_link_dictionary_1['download_user']) # download PassWord initialization try: self.download_pass_lineEdit.setText( self.add_link_dictionary_1['download_passwd']) except: pass # folder_path try: self.download_folder_lineEdit.setText( self.add_link_dictionary_1['download_path']) except: pass # connections try: self.connections_spinBox.setValue( int(self.add_link_dictionary_1['connections'])) except: pass # get categories name and add them to add_queue_comboBox categories_list = self.parent.persepolis_db.categoriesList() for queue in categories_list: if queue != 'All Downloads': self.add_queue_comboBox.addItem(queue) # finding current queue and setting it! self.current_category = self.download_table_dict_1['category'] current_category_index = self.add_queue_comboBox.findText( self.current_category) self.add_queue_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(current_category_index) # add_queue_comboBox event self.add_queue_comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.queueChanged) # limit speed limit = str(self.add_link_dictionary_1['limit_value']) if limit != '0': self.limit_checkBox.setChecked(True) limit_number = limit[0:-1] limit_unit = limit[-1] self.limit_spinBox.setValue(float(limit_number)) if limit_unit == "K": self.limit_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.limit_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) # start_time if self.add_link_dictionary_1['start_time']: # get hour and minute hour, minute = self.add_link_dictionary_1['start_time'].split(':') # set time q_time = QTime(int(hour), int(minute)) self.start_time_qDataTimeEdit.setTime(q_time) self.start_checkBox.setChecked(True) # end_time if self.add_link_dictionary_1['end_time']: # get hour and minute hour, minute = self.add_link_dictionary_1['end_time'].split(':') # set time q_time = QTime(int(hour), int(minute)) self.end_time_qDateTimeEdit.setTime(q_time) self.end_checkBox.setChecked(True) # referer if self.add_link_dictionary_1['referer']: self.referer_lineEdit.setText( str(self.add_link_dictionary_1['referer'])) if self.add_link_dictionary_1['header']: self.header_lineEdit.setText( str(self.add_link_dictionary_1['header'])) if self.add_link_dictionary_1['user_agent']: self.user_agent_lineEdit.setText( str(self.add_link_dictionary_1['user_agent'])) if self.add_link_dictionary_1['load_cookies']: self.load_cookies_lineEdit.setText( (self.add_link_dictionary_1['load_cookies'])) # set window size and position size = self.persepolis_setting.value('PropertiesWindow/size', QSize(520, 425)) position = self.persepolis_setting.value('PropertiesWindow/position', QPoint(300, 300)) self.resize(size) self.move(position)
def _process_started(self): time_str = QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") text = time_str + " Running: " + self.process_name self.outputw.append_text(text) self.outputw.setReadOnly(False)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.setupTrayicon() self.setupVariables() self.setupUi() self.setupConnections() def setupVariables(self): settings = QSettings() self.workEndTime = QTime( int(settings.value(workHoursKey, 0)), int(settings.value(workMinutesKey, 25)), int(settings.value(workSecondsKey, 0)), ) self.restEndTime = QTime( int(settings.value(restHoursKey, 0)), int(settings.value(restMinutesKey, 5)), int(settings.value(restSecondsKey, 0)), ) self.timeFormat = "hh:mm:ss" self.time = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.workTime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.restTime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.totalTime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.currentMode = self.maxRepetitions = -1 self.currentRepetitions = 0 def setupConnections(self): """ Create button connections """ self.startButton.clicked.connect(self.startTimer) self.startButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.startButton.setDisabled(True)) self.startButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.pauseButton.setDisabled(False)) self.startButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.resetButton.setDisabled(False)) self.pauseButton.clicked.connect(self.pauseTimer) self.pauseButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.startButton.setDisabled(False)) self.pauseButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.pauseButton.setDisabled(True)) self.pauseButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.resetButton.setDisabled(False)) self.pauseButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.startButton.setText("continue")) self.resetButton.clicked.connect(self.resetTimer) self.resetButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.startButton.setDisabled(False)) self.resetButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.pauseButton.setDisabled(True)) self.resetButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.resetButton.setDisabled(True)) self.resetButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.startButton.setText("start")) self.acceptTaskButton.pressed.connect(self.insertTask) self.deleteTaskButton.pressed.connect(self.deleteTask) """ Create spinbox connections """ self.workHoursSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateWorkEndTime) self.workMinutesSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateWorkEndTime) self.workSecondsSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateWorkEndTime) self.restHoursSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateRestEndTime) self.restMinutesSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateRestEndTime) self.restSecondsSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateRestEndTime) self.repetitionsSpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.updateMaxRepetitions) """ Create combobox connections """ self.modeComboBox.currentTextChanged.connect(self.updateCurrentMode) """ Create tablewidget connections """ self.tasksTableWidget.cellDoubleClicked.connect( self.markTaskAsFinished) def setupUi(self): self.size_policy = sizePolicy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) """ Create tabwidget """ self.tabWidget = QTabWidget() """ Create tab widgets """ timerWidget = self.setupTimerTab() tasksWidget = self.setupTasksTab() statisticsWidget = self.setupStatisticsTab() """ add tab widgets to tabwidget""" self.timerTab = self.tabWidget.addTab(timerWidget, makeIcon("timer"), "Timer") self.tasksTab = self.tabWidget.addTab(tasksWidget, makeIcon("tasks"), "Tasks") self.statisticsTab = self.tabWidget.addTab(statisticsWidget, makeIcon("statistics"), "Statistics") """ Set mainwindows central widget """ self.setCentralWidget(self.tabWidget) def setupTimerTab(self): settings = QSettings() self.timerContainer = QWidget(self) self.timerContainerLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.timerContainer) self.timerContainer.setLayout(self.timerContainerLayout) """ Create work groupbox""" self.workGroupBox = QGroupBox("Work") self.workGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.workGroupBox) self.workGroupBox.setLayout(self.workGroupBoxLayout) self.workHoursSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=24, value=int(settings.value(workHoursKey, 0)), suffix="h", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) self.workMinutesSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=60, value=int(settings.value(workMinutesKey, 25)), suffix="m", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) self.workSecondsSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=60, value=int(settings.value(workSecondsKey, 0)), suffix="s", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) """ Create rest groupbox""" self.restGroupBox = QGroupBox("Rest") self.restGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.restGroupBox) self.restGroupBox.setLayout(self.restGroupBoxLayout) self.restHoursSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=24, value=int(settings.value(restHoursKey, 0)), suffix="h", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) self.restMinutesSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=60, value=int(settings.value(restMinutesKey, 5)), suffix="m", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) self.restSecondsSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=60, value=int(settings.value(restSecondsKey, 0)), suffix="s", sizePolicy=self.size_policy, ) self.restGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.restHoursSpinBox) self.restGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.restMinutesSpinBox) self.restGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.restSecondsSpinBox) """ Create other groupbox""" self.otherGroupBox = QGroupBox("Other") self.otherGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.otherGroupBox) self.otherGroupBox.setLayout(self.otherGroupBoxLayout) self.repetitionsLabel = QLabel("Repetitions") self.repetitionsSpinBox = QSpinBox( minimum=0, maximum=10000, value=0, sizePolicy=self.size_policy, specialValueText="∞", ) self.modeLabel = QLabel("Mode") self.modeComboBox = QComboBox(sizePolicy=self.size_policy) self.modeComboBox.addItems(["work", "rest"]) self.otherGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.repetitionsLabel) self.otherGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.repetitionsSpinBox) self.otherGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.modeLabel) self.otherGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.modeComboBox) """ Create timer groupbox""" self.lcdDisplayGroupBox = QGroupBox("Time") self.lcdDisplayGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.lcdDisplayGroupBox) self.lcdDisplayGroupBox.setLayout(self.lcdDisplayGroupBoxLayout) self.timeDisplay = QLCDNumber(8, sizePolicy=self.size_policy) self.timeDisplay.setFixedHeight(100) self.timeDisplay.display("00:00:00") self.lcdDisplayGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.timeDisplay) """ Create pause, start and reset buttons""" self.buttonContainer = QWidget() self.buttonContainerLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.buttonContainer) self.buttonContainer.setLayout(self.buttonContainerLayout) self.startButton = self.makeButton("start", disabled=False) self.resetButton = self.makeButton("reset") self.pauseButton = self.makeButton("pause") """ Add widgets to container """ self.workGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.workHoursSpinBox) self.workGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.workMinutesSpinBox) self.workGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(self.workSecondsSpinBox) self.timerContainerLayout.addWidget(self.workGroupBox) self.timerContainerLayout.addWidget(self.restGroupBox) self.timerContainerLayout.addWidget(self.otherGroupBox) self.timerContainerLayout.addWidget(self.lcdDisplayGroupBox) self.buttonContainerLayout.addWidget(self.pauseButton) self.buttonContainerLayout.addWidget(self.startButton) self.buttonContainerLayout.addWidget(self.resetButton) self.timerContainerLayout.addWidget(self.buttonContainer) return self.timerContainer def setupTasksTab(self): settings = QSettings() """ Create vertical tasks container """ self.tasksWidget = QWidget(self.tabWidget) self.tasksWidgetLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.tasksWidget) self.tasksWidget.setLayout(self.tasksWidgetLayout) """ Create horizontal input container """ self.inputContainer = QWidget() self.inputContainer.setFixedHeight(50) self.inputContainerLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.inputContainer) self.inputContainerLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.inputContainer.setLayout(self.inputContainerLayout) """ Create text edit """ self.taskTextEdit = QTextEdit( placeholderText="Describe your task briefly.", undoRedoEnabled=True) """ Create vertical buttons container """ self.inputButtonContainer = QWidget() self.inputButtonContainerLayout = QVBoxLayout( self.inputButtonContainer) self.inputButtonContainerLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.inputButtonContainer.setLayout(self.inputButtonContainerLayout) """ Create buttons """ self.acceptTaskButton = QToolButton(icon=makeIcon("check")) self.deleteTaskButton = QToolButton(icon=makeIcon("trash")) """ Create tasks tablewidget """ self.tasksTableWidget = QTableWidget(0, 1) self.tasksTableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Tasks"]) self.tasksTableWidget.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.tasksTableWidget.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) self.tasksTableWidget.setWordWrap(True) self.tasksTableWidget.setTextElideMode(Qt.ElideNone) self.tasksTableWidget.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.tasksTableWidget.setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.insertTasks(*settings.value(tasksKey, [])) """ Add widgets to container widgets """ self.inputButtonContainerLayout.addWidget(self.acceptTaskButton) self.inputButtonContainerLayout.addWidget(self.deleteTaskButton) self.inputContainerLayout.addWidget(self.taskTextEdit) self.inputContainerLayout.addWidget(self.inputButtonContainer) self.tasksWidgetLayout.addWidget(self.inputContainer) self.tasksWidgetLayout.addWidget(self.tasksTableWidget) return self.tasksWidget def setupStatisticsTab(self): """ Create statistics container """ self.statisticsContainer = QWidget() self.statisticsContainerLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.statisticsContainer) self.statisticsContainer.setLayout(self.statisticsContainerLayout) """ Create work time groupbox """ self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBox = QGroupBox("Work Time") self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBox.setLayout( self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBoxLayout) self.statisticsWorkTimeDisplay = QLCDNumber(8) self.statisticsWorkTimeDisplay.display("00:00:00") self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsWorkTimeDisplay) """ Create rest time groupbox """ self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBox = QGroupBox("Rest Time") self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBox.setLayout( self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBoxLayout) self.statisticsRestTimeDisplay = QLCDNumber(8) self.statisticsRestTimeDisplay.display("00:00:00") self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsRestTimeDisplay) """ Create total time groupbox """ self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBox = QGroupBox("Total Time") self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBox.setLayout( self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBoxLayout) self.statisticsTotalTimeDisplay = QLCDNumber(8) self.statisticsTotalTimeDisplay.display("00:00:00") self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBoxLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsTotalTimeDisplay) """ Add widgets to container """ self.statisticsContainerLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsTotalTimeGroupBox) self.statisticsContainerLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsWorkTimeGroupBox) self.statisticsContainerLayout.addWidget( self.statisticsRestTimeGroupBox) return self.statisticsContainer def setupTrayicon(self): self.trayIcon = QSystemTrayIcon(makeIcon("tomato")) self.trayIcon.setContextMenu(QMenu()) self.quitAction = self.trayIcon.contextMenu().addAction( makeIcon("exit"), "Quit", self.exit) self.quitAction.triggered.connect(self.exit) self.trayIcon.activated.connect(self.onActivate) def leaveEvent(self, event): super(MainWindow, self).leaveEvent(event) self.tasksTableWidget.clearSelection() def closeEvent(self, event): super(MainWindow, self).closeEvent(event) settings = QSettings() settings.setValue(workHoursKey, self.workHoursSpinBox.value()) settings.setValue( workMinutesKey, self.workMinutesSpinBox.value(), ) settings.setValue( workSecondsKey, self.workSecondsSpinBox.value(), ) settings.setValue(restHoursKey, self.restHoursSpinBox.value()) settings.setValue( restMinutesKey, self.restMinutesSpinBox.value(), ) settings.setValue( restSecondsKey, self.restSecondsSpinBox.value(), ) tasks = [] for i in range(self.tasksTableWidget.rowCount()): item = self.tasksTableWidget.item(i, 0) if not item.font().strikeOut(): tasks.append(item.text()) settings.setValue(tasksKey, tasks) def startTimer(self): try: if not self.timer.isActive(): self.createTimer() except: self.createTimer() def createTimer(self): self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.updateTime) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.maybeChangeMode) self.timer.setInterval(1000) self.timer.setSingleShot(False) self.timer.start() def pauseTimer(self): try: self.timer.stop() self.timer.disconnect() except: pass def resetTimer(self): try: self.pauseTimer() self.time = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) self.displayTime() except: pass def maybeStartTimer(self): if self.currentRepetitions != self.maxRepetitions: self.startTimer() started = True else: self.currentRepetitions = 0 started = False return started def updateWorkEndTime(self): self.workEndTime = QTime( self.workHoursSpinBox.value(), self.workMinutesSpinBox.value(), self.workSecondsSpinBox.value(), ) def updateRestEndTime(self): self.restEndTime = QTime( self.restHoursSpinBox.value(), self.restMinutesSpinBox.value(), self.restSecondsSpinBox.value(), ) def updateCurrentMode(self, mode: str): self.currentMode = if mode == "work" else def updateTime(self): self.time = self.time.addSecs(1) self.totalTime = self.totalTime.addSecs(1) if self.modeComboBox.currentText() == "work": self.workTime = self.workTime.addSecs(1) else: self.restTime = self.restTime.addSecs(1) self.displayTime() def updateMaxRepetitions(self, value): if value == 0: self.currentRepetitions = 0 self.maxRepetitions = -1 else: self.maxRepetitions = 2 * value def maybeChangeMode(self): if self.currentMode is and self.time >= self.workEndTime: self.resetTimer() self.modeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) self.incrementCurrentRepetitions() started = self.maybeStartTimer() self.showWindowMessage( Status.workFinished if started else Status.repetitionsReached) elif self.currentMode is and self.time >= self.restEndTime: self.resetTimer() self.modeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) self.incrementCurrentRepetitions() started = self.maybeStartTimer() self.showWindowMessage( Status.restFinished if started else Status.repetitionsReached) def incrementCurrentRepetitions(self): if self.maxRepetitions > 0: self.currentRepetitions += 1 def insertTask(self): task = self.taskTextEdit.toPlainText() self.insertTasks(task) def insertTasks(self, *tasks): for task in tasks: if task: rowCount = self.tasksTableWidget.rowCount() self.tasksTableWidget.setRowCount(rowCount + 1) self.tasksTableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem(task)) self.tasksTableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() self.taskTextEdit.clear() def deleteTask(self): selectedIndexes = self.tasksTableWidget.selectedIndexes() if selectedIndexes: self.tasksTableWidget.removeRow(selectedIndexes[0].row()) def markTaskAsFinished(self, row, col): item = self.tasksTableWidget.item(row, col) font = self.tasksTableWidget.item(row, col).font() font.setStrikeOut(False if item.font().strikeOut() else True) item.setFont(font) def displayTime(self): self.timeDisplay.display(self.time.toString(self.timeFormat)) self.statisticsRestTimeDisplay.display( self.restTime.toString(self.timeFormat)) self.statisticsWorkTimeDisplay.display( self.workTime.toString(self.timeFormat)) self.statisticsTotalTimeDisplay.display( self.totalTime.toString(self.timeFormat)) def showWindowMessage(self, status): if status is Status.workFinished: self.trayIcon.showMessage("Break", choice(work_finished_phrases), makeIcon("tomato")) elif status is Status.restFinished: self.trayIcon.showMessage("Work", choice(rest_finished_phrases), makeIcon("tomato")) else: self.trayIcon.showMessage("Finished", choice(pomodoro_finished_phrases), makeIcon("tomato")) def makeButton(self, text, iconName=None, disabled=True): button = QPushButton(text, sizePolicy=self.size_policy) if iconName: button.setIcon(makeIcon(iconName)) button.setDisabled(disabled) return button def exit(self): self.close() app = QApplication.instance() if app: app.quit() def onActivate(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger:
def __add_current_time(self, text): """Add current time into text""" current_time_str = QTime.currentTime().toString('hh:mm:ss') message = current_time_str + " :: " + text return message
class Board(QFrame): """ Everything to handle the game: Drawing pieces and the board, Handling the mouse and the game logic """ msg2Statusbar = pyqtSignal(str) # todo set the board with and height in square boardWidth = 8 boardHeight = 8 Speed = 300 def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.init() def init(self): """ Initialise all values :return: """ self.boardArray = [[0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3], [3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0], [0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2], [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]] # Timer initialization self.timer = QTimer() self.time = QTime(0, 0, 0) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timerEventGame) self.timerPlayer = QTimer() self.timePlayer = QTime(0, 1, 0) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timerEventPlayer) self.isWaitingAfterLine = False self.numLinesRemoved = 0 # image de la piece de base m'voyez self.image = QImage(WHITE_PIECE) # self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.isStarted = False self.isPaused = False self.reset_game() self.selected_piece = [-1, -1] self.player_turn = 1 # nombre de piece = [nb de piece joueur 1, nb de piece jour 2] self.playersRemaining = [12, 12] # nombre de jump = [nb de jump joueur 1, nb de jump jour 2] self.playersJumps = [0, 0] self.scoreBoard = None self.status = FPLAYER # si le temps du joueur a timeout self.timePassed = False self.startTime = 0 self.interval = 0 # pour changer l'affichage si on jou contre une AI self.isAI = False self.winner = -1 self.aiDifficulties = 2 def timerEventGame(self): """ This function allows to update the game timer and update the scoreBoard. :return: Nothing """ # Update the game timer self.time = self.time.addSecs(1) # Update de UI of the scoreBoard self.scoreBoard.updateUI() def initPlayerTimer(self): """ Init the player timer when the player begin his turn. :return: Nothing """ self.timerPlayer = QTimer() self.timePlayer = QTime(0, 1, 0) def startTimerInter(self, interval): """ Start the player timer with an given interval. :param interval: The interval from which time must resume :return: Nothing """ self.timerPlayer.start(interval) def startTimerPlayer(self): """" Function to start a player timer with an interval of 1000. """ self.interval = 1000 self.startTime = time.time() self.timerPlayer.start(1000) def timerEventPlayer(self): """ This function allows to update the timer of the player one. :return: Nothing """ self.timePlayer = self.timePlayer.addSecs(-1) if self.timerPlayer.isActive(): if self.timePlayer.minute() * 60 + self.timePlayer.second() < 1: self.timePassed = True self.timerPassedEndGame() self.scoreBoard.updateUI() def setScoreBoard(self, scoreBoard): """ This function allows to get the scoreBoard class to use it later in the code. :param scoreBoard: The class scoreBoard :return: Nothing """ self.scoreBoard = scoreBoard def print_board_array(self): """ Prints the boardArray in an attractive way :return: Nothing """ print("boardArray:") print('\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in self.boardArray])) def mouse_pos_to_col_row(self, event): """ Convert the mouse click event to a row and column. :param event: The click event :return: The click's position with the following format: [x, y] (Example: [3, 4]) """ return [int(event.x() / self.square_width()), int(event.y() / self.square_height())] def square_width(self): """ This function allows to return the width of one square in the board. :return: The width of one square in the board. """ return self.contentsRect().width() / Board.boardWidth def square_height(self): """ This function allows to return the height of one square in the board. :return: The height of one square in the board """ return self.contentsRect().height() / Board.boardHeight def start(self): """starts game""" if self.isPaused: return self.isStarted = True self.isWaitingAfterLine = False self.numLinesRemoved = 0 self.reset_game() self.timer.start(1000) self.startTimerPlayer() # self.timerPlayer.start(1000) def pause(self): """pauses game""" if not self.isStarted: return self.isPaused = not self.isPaused if self.isPaused: self.timerPlayer.stop() self.timer.stop() self.status = "Game paused" elapsedTime = self.startTime - time.time() self.startTime -= elapsedTime self.interval -= int(elapsedTime * 1000) else: self.timer.start() self.startTimerInter(self.interval) if self.player_turn == 1: self.status = FPLAYER elif self.isAI: self.status = AIPLAYER else: self.status = SPLAYER self.scoreBoard.updateUI() self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): """paints the board and the pieces of the game""" painter = QPainter(self) self.draw_board_squares(painter) self.draw_pieces(painter) def new_place(self, turn, row, col, change): """ Change the piece place :param turn: :param row: :param col: :param change: :return: """ self.boardArray[row][col] = self.boardArray[self.selected_piece[1]][self.selected_piece[0]] if (row == 0 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 2) or (row == 7 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 3): self.boardArray[row][col] += 2 self.boardArray[self.selected_piece[1]][self.selected_piece[0]] = 1 if change == 1: self.selected_piece = [-1, -1] else: self.selected_piece = [col, row] self.player_turn = turn self.scoreBoard.updateUI() def first_player_take(self, row, col): """ Take a piece for the first player :param row: :param col: :return: """ p = 2 change = 1 b = 0 r = self.selected_piece[1] c = self.selected_piece[0] if self.boardArray[r][c] == 2 and r > 1 and c > 1 and self.boardArray[r - 2][c - 2] == 1 and \ self.boardArray[r - 1][c - 1] == 3: b = 1 elif self.boardArray[r][c] == 2 and r > 1 and c < 6 and self.boardArray[r - 2][c + 2] == 1 and \ self.boardArray[r - 1][c + 1] == 3: b = 1 if b == 0 and self.player_turn == 1 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] - 1 \ and (col == self.selected_piece[0] + 1 or col == self.selected_piece[0] - 1): self.new_place(2, row, col, change) elif self.player_turn == 1 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] - 2 \ and col == self.selected_piece[0] + 2 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 3: self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] = 1 self.playersRemaining[1] -= 1 if self.playersRemaining[1] == 0: self.timePassed = True self.player_turn = 2 self.timerPassedEndGame() self.playersJumps[0] += 1 if row > 1 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 3: p = 1 change = 0 elif row > 1 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 3: p = 1 change = 0 self.new_place(p, row, col, change) elif self.player_turn == 1 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] - 2 \ and col == self.selected_piece[0] - 2 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 3: self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] = 1 self.playersRemaining[1] -= 1 if self.playersRemaining[1] == 0: self.timePassed = True self.player_turn = 2 self.timerPassedEndGame() self.playersJumps[0] += 1 if row > 1 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 3: p = 1 change = 0 elif row > 1 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 3: p = 1 change = 0 self.new_place(p, row, col, change) def second_player_take(self, row, col): """ Take a piece for the second player :param row: :param col: :return: """ p = 1 change = 1 b = 0 r = self.selected_piece[1] c = self.selected_piece[0] if self.boardArray[r][c] == 3 and r < 6 and c > 1 and self.boardArray[r + 2][c - 2] == 1 and \ self.boardArray[r + 1][c - 1] == 2: b = 1 elif self.boardArray[r][c] == 3 and r < 6 and c < 6 and self.boardArray[r + 2][c + 2] == 1 and \ self.boardArray[r + 1][c + 1] == 2: b = 1 if b == 0 and self.player_turn == 2 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] + 1 \ and (col == self.selected_piece[0] + 1 or col == self.selected_piece[0] - 1): self.new_place(p, row, col, change) elif self.player_turn == 2 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] + 2 \ and col == self.selected_piece[0] + 2 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 2: self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] = 1 self.playersRemaining[0] -= 1 if self.playersRemaining[0] == 0: self.timePassed = True self.player_turn = 1 self.timerPassedEndGame() self.playersJumps[1] += 1 if row < 6 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 2: p = 2 change = 0 elif row < 6 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 2: p = 2 change = 0 self.new_place(p, row, col, change) elif self.player_turn == 2 and self.boardArray[row][col] == 1 and row == self.selected_piece[1] + 2 \ and col == self.selected_piece[0] - 2 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 2: self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] = 1 self.playersRemaining[0] -= 1 if self.playersRemaining[0] == 0: self.timePassed = True self.player_turn = 1 self.timerPassedEndGame() self.playersJumps[1] += 1 if row < 6 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 2: p = 2 change = 0 elif row < 6 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 2: p = 2 change = 0 self.new_place(p, row, col, change) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Get the pos clicked and call the game logic :param event: :return: """ if not self.isPaused: clicked = self.mouse_pos_to_col_row(event) if clicked: self.logicGame(clicked) def AI(self): """ Creates the AI class with the array board. Then, it get the positions choosed by the AI. Finally it call the logic Game to move the piece. :return: Nothing """ self.selected_piece = [-1, -1] = AI(self.boardArray) positions = self.logicGame([positions[0][1], positions[0][0]]) self.logicGame([positions[1][1], positions[1][0]]) def timerPassedEndGame(self): """ When a player take a lot of time to play (1 minutes) :return: -1 (value for the end of the game) """ self.status = ENDGAME self.timerPlayer.stop() self.timer.stop() if self.player_turn == 1: if not self.isAI: self.winner = 2 else: self.winner = 3 else: self.winner = 1 # self.scoreBoard.updateUI() # self.init() return -1 def logicGame(self, positions): """ Game logic to manage pieces moves :param positions: :return: """ row = positions[1] col = positions[0] if self.timePassed: return self.timerPassedEndGame() if self.player_turn == 1: self.status = FPLAYER elif self.isAI: self.status = AIPLAYER else: self.status = SPLAYER if self.selected_piece == [-1, -1]: if self.player_turn == 1: b = 0 for r in range(0, len(self.boardArray)): for c in range(0, len(self.boardArray[0])): if self.boardArray[r][c] == 2 and r > 1 and c > 1 and self.boardArray[r - 2][c - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[r - 1][c - 1] == 3: b = 1 elif self.boardArray[r][c] == 2 and r > 1 and c < 6 and self.boardArray[r - 2][c + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[r - 1][c + 1] == 3: b = 1 if self.boardArray[row][col] == self.player_turn + 1: if (b == 0 and row > 0 and col > 0 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 1) \ or (b == 0 and row > 0 and col < 7 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 1): self.selected_piece = positions elif row > 1 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 3: self.selected_piece = positions elif row > 1 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 3: self.selected_piece = positions elif self.player_turn == 2: b = 0 for r in range(0, len(self.boardArray)): for c in range(0, len(self.boardArray[0])): if self.boardArray[r][c] == 3 and r < 6 and c > 1 and self.boardArray[r + 2][c - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[r + 1][c - 1] == 2: b = 1 elif self.boardArray[r][c] == 3 and r < 6 and c < 6 and self.boardArray[r + 2][c + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[r + 1][c + 1] == 2: b = 1 if self.boardArray[row][col] == self.player_turn + 1: if (b == 0 and row < 7 and col > 0 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 1) \ or (b == 0 and row < 7 and col < 7 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 1): self.selected_piece = positions elif row < 6 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 2: self.selected_piece = positions elif row < 6 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 2: self.selected_piece = positions else: if self.selected_piece == positions: self.selected_piece = [-1,-1] return self.first_player_take(row, col) self.second_player_take(row, col) if self.player_turn == 1: self.status = FPLAYER else: self.status = SPLAYER self.initPlayerTimer() self.startTimerPlayer() if self.player_turn == 2 and self.isAI: self.AI() def keyPressEvent(self, event): """processes key press events if you would like to do any""" if not self.isStarted or self.curPiece.shape() == Piece.NoPiece: super(Board, self).keyPressEvent(event) return key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_P: self.pause() return if self.isPaused: return elif key == Qt.Key_Left: self.try_move(self.curPiece, self.curX - 1, self.curY) elif key == Qt.Key_Right: self.try_move(self.curPiece, self.curX + 1, self.curY) elif key == Qt.Key_Down: self.try_move(self.curPiece.rotateRight(), self.curX, self.curY) elif key == Qt.Key_Up: self.try_move(self.curPiece.rotateLeft(), self.curX, self.curY) elif key == Qt.Key_Space: self.dropDown() elif key == Qt.Key_D: self.oneLineDown() else: super(Board, self).keyPressEvent(event) def timerEvent(self, event): """handles timer event""" #todo adapter this code to handle your timers if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId(): pass else: super(Board, self).timerEvent(event) def reset_game(self): """clears pieces from the board""" # 2d int/Piece array to story the state of the game # 2 pion blanc, 3 pion noir self.boardArray = [[0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3], [3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0], [0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2], [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]] self.selected_piece = [-1, -1] # self.print_board_array() def try_move(self, new_x, new_y): """tries to move a piece""" def draw_board_squares(self, painter): """ This function allows to draw all the square on the board. :param painter: The painter :return: Nothing """ # todo set the default colour of the brush images = [QImage(WHITE_SQUARE), QImage(BLACK_SQUARE)] idx = 0 for row in range(0, Board.boardHeight): for col in range(0, Board.boardWidth): # Todo set this value equal the transformation you would like in the column direction (x) colTransformation = col * self.square_width() # Todo set this value equal the transformation you would like in the column direction (y) row_transformation = row * self.square_height() final_image = images[idx].scaled(self.square_width(), self.square_height()) painter.drawImage(colTransformation, row_transformation, final_image) #painter.restore() idx = 1 if idx == 0 else 0 idx = 1 if idx == 0 else 0 def color_brush_white(self, row, col, i): """ Set the brush color for white pieces :param row: :param col: :param i: :return: """ brush_color = if self.player_turn == 1 and self.selected_piece[1] == row and self.selected_piece[0] == col: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(100, 255, 100) elif self.player_turn == 1 and self.selected_piece == [-1, -1]: if i > 0 and row > 0 and col > 0 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 1: brush_color = Qt.white elif i > 0 and row > 0 and col < 7 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 1: brush_color = Qt.white elif row > 1 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col - 1] == 3: brush_color = Qt.white elif row > 1 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row - 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row - 1][col + 1] == 3: brush_color = Qt.white return brush_color def color_brush_black(self, row, col, i): """ Set the brush color for black pieces :param row: :param col: :param i: :return: """ brush_color = if self.player_turn == 2 and self.selected_piece[1] == row and self.selected_piece[0] == col: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(100, 100, 255) elif self.player_turn == 2 and self.selected_piece == [-1, -1]: if i > 0 and row < 7 and col > 0 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 1: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 255) elif i > 0 and row < 7 and col < 7 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 1: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 255) elif row < 6 and col > 1 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col - 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col - 1] == 2: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 255) elif row < 6 and col < 6 and self.boardArray[row + 2][col + 2] == 1 and self.boardArray[row + 1][col + 1] == 2: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 255) return brush_color def draw_pieces(self, painter): """draw the prices on the board""" brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(200, 200, 200) images = [QImage(WHITE_PIECE), QImage(BLACK_PIECE), QImage(WHITE_KING), QImage(BLACK_KING), QImage(BLACK_SQUARE)] idx = 0 i = 0 y = 1 while i < 2: for row in range(0, len(self.boardArray)): for col in range(0, len(self.boardArray[0])): col_transformation = col * self.square_width() row_transformation = row * self.square_height() ## Todo victoire quand bloquer if self.boardArray[row][col] == 2: brush_color = self.color_brush_white(row, col, i) idx = 0 elif self.boardArray[row][col] == 1: brush_color = idx = 4 elif self.boardArray[row][col] == 3: brush_color = self.color_brush_black(row, col, i) idx = 1 elif self.boardArray[row][col] == 4: brush_color = self.color_brush_white(row, col, i) idx = 2 elif self.boardArray[row][col] == 5: brush_color = self.color_brush_black(row, col, i) idx = 3 elif self.boardArray[row][col] == 6: brush_color = QColor.fromRgb(128, 128, 128) if self.boardArray[row][col] != 0: painter.setPen(brush_color) if brush_color == Qt.white or brush_color == QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 255): y = 2 # Todo draw some the pieces as eclipses radius_width = (self.square_width() / 10 * 8) / 2 radius_height = (self.square_height() / 10 * 8) / 2 center = QPoint(col_transformation + (self.square_width() / 2), row_transformation + (self.square_height() / 2)) if idx != 4: painter.drawEllipse(center, radius_width, radius_height) self.image = images[idx].scaled(radius_width * 2, radius_height * 2) painter.drawImage(center.x() - radius_width, center.y() - radius_height, self.image) #painter.restore() self.update() i += y
def positionChanged(self, position): self.positionSlider.setValue(position) mtime = QTime(0, 0, 0, 0) mtime = mtime.addMSecs(self.mediaPlayer.position()) self.lbl.setText(mtime.toString())
def delay(): #QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) #QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1) t = QTime.currentTime().addMSecs(1) while QTime.currentTime() < t: QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 1)
def on_pushButton_SetTime_clicked(self): tmStr = self._ui.lineEdit_Time.text() tm = QTime.fromString(tmStr, 'hh:mm:ss') self._ui.timeEdit.setTime(tm)
def showTime(self): date = QDate.currentDate() time = QTime.currentTime() self.timeEdit.setTime(time) self.dateEdit.setDate(date)
def on_duration_changed(self, duration): duration = duration * 1000 m, s = parse_ms(duration) t = QTime(0, m, s) self.progress_slider.set_duration(duration) self.duration_label.setText(t.toString('mm:ss'))
def startParty(self): self.partyStarted.emit(QTime.currentTime())
def updateRestEndTime(self): self.restEndTime = QTime( self.restHoursSpinBox.value(), self.restMinutesSpinBox.value(), self.restSecondsSpinBox.value(), )