def bind(self, win_id: str, key: str = None, command: str = None, *, mode: str = 'normal', default: bool = False) -> None: """Bind a key to a command. If no command is given, show the current binding for the given key. Using :bind without any arguments opens a page showing all keybindings. Args: key: The keychain to bind. Examples of valid keychains are `gC`, `<Ctrl-X>` or `<Ctrl-C>a`. command: The command to execute, with optional args. mode: The mode to bind the key in (default: `normal`). See `:help bindings.commands` for the available modes. default: If given, restore a default binding. """ if key is None: url = QUrl('qute://bindings') if mode != "normal": url.setFragment(mode) tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id) tabbed_browser.load_url(url, newtab=True) return seq = self._parse_key(key) if command is None: if default: # :bind --default: Restore default with self._handle_config_error(): self._keyconfig.bind_default(seq, mode=mode, save_yaml=True) return # No --default -> print binding with self._handle_config_error(): cmd = self._keyconfig.get_command(seq, mode) if cmd is None:"{} is unbound in {} mode".format(seq, mode)) else:"{} is bound to '{}' in {} mode".format( seq, cmd, mode)) return with self._handle_config_error(): self._keyconfig.bind(seq, command, mode=mode, save_yaml=True)
def __stripUrl(self, url): """ Private method to strip off all unneeded parts of a URL. @param url URL to be stripped (QUrl) @return stripped URL (QUrl) """ cleanUrl = QUrl(url) cleanUrl.setQuery("") cleanUrl.setUserInfo("") authority = cleanUrl.authority() if authority.startswith("@"): authority = authority[1:] cleanUrl = QUrl("{0}://{1}{2}".format(cleanUrl.scheme(), authority, cleanUrl.path())) cleanUrl.setFragment("") return cleanUrl
def __stripUrl(self, url): """ Private method to strip off all unneeded parts of a URL. @param url URL to be stripped (QUrl) @return stripped URL (QUrl) """ cleanUrl = QUrl(url) if qVersion() >= "5.0.0": cleanUrl.setQuery("") else: cleanUrl.setQueryItems([]) cleanUrl.setUserInfo("") authority = cleanUrl.authority() if authority.startswith("@"): authority = authority[1:] cleanUrl = QUrl("{0}://{1}{2}".format( cleanUrl.scheme(), authority, cleanUrl.path())) cleanUrl.setFragment("") return cleanUrl