Пример #1
    def __init__(self, main):
        # Current theme
        self.theme_key = ''
        self.default = 'solarized_lt'
        self.hsv = [0.00, 0.29, 0.35]  # dark rose
        self.theme_contrast = 65
        self.d = OrderedDict()
        self._ui_palette = None
        self._palette = None
        self._accent_palettes = {}
        self.current_hex = ''
        self.gradient = QtGui.QRadialGradient(0, 0, 300)
        self.background_lightness = 0.5
        self.custom = False
        # Theme management
        self.default_themes = color_themes
        self.custom_themes = OrderedDict()

        # Create some defaults
        self.activate_color_theme(self.default, try_to_remember=False)
        self.red = c(220, 50, 47)
        self.blue = c(38, 139, 210)

        # Keep an eye on relevant changes
Пример #2
    def compute_palette(self, hsv, contrast=55, faded=False):
        """ Create/get root color and build palette around it.
        :param hsv:
        Leaves custom colors as they are. """

        self.hsv = hsv
        self.theme_contrast = contrast
        # # This is the base color ##
        key = c()
        self.current_hex = key.name()
        r, g, b, a = key.getRgbF()
        h, s, l = rgb_to_husl(r, g, b)
        if l > 50:
            back_l = max(0, l - contrast)
            accent_l = min(l, 62)
            back_l = min(99, l + contrast)
            accent_l = max(45, l)
        background1 = c()
        bg_rgb = husl_to_rgb(h, s, back_l)
        self.d['content1'] = key
        con2 = adjust_lightness(key, 8)
        con3 = adjust_lightness(key, -8)
        self.d['content2'] = con2
        self.d['content3'] = con3
        self.d['content1tr'] = shady(key, 0.5)
        self.d['content2tr'] = shady(con2, 0.5)
        self.d['content3tr'] = shady(con3, 0.5)

        for i, accent in enumerate(accents):
            # accent colors have the same luminence as key color
            adjusted_accent = c(accent)
            ar, ag, ab, aa = accent.getRgbF()
            ach, acs, acl = rgb_to_husl(ar, ag, ab)
            # if bw:
            #    acs = 0
            if faded:
                acs /= 2
            ar, ag, ab = husl_to_rgb(ach, acs, accent_l)
            adjusted_accent.setRgbF(ar, ag, max(0, ab))
            self.d['accent%s' % (i + 1)] = adjusted_accent
            self.d['accent%str' % (i + 1)] = shady(adjusted_accent, 0.5)
        self.d['background1'] = background1
        if l < 0.7:
            background2 = adjust_lightness(background1, -8)
            background2 = adjust_lightness(background1, 8)
        self.d['background2'] = background2
        self.gradient.setColorAt(1, self.d['background1'])
        self.gradient.setColorAt(0, self.d['background1'].lighter())
        self.background_lightness = background1.lightnessF()
Пример #3
 def get_color_name(self, color) -> str:
     """ Try to find the closest matching color from a dictionary of color names
     :param color: can be HSV(!) tuple, palette key (str) or QColor
     if isinstance(color, (tuple, list)):
         cc = c()
         cc.setHsvF(color[0], color[1], color[2])
     elif isinstance(color, str):
         cc = self.get(color)
     elif isinstance(color, QColor):
         cc = color
         log.critical('Unknown color: ', color)
         return 'unknown'
     if not cc:
         log.critical('Unknown color: ', color)
         return 'unknown'
     r, g, b, a = cc.getRgb()
     d_min = 100000
     best = 0
     for i, (name, hex, rgb) in enumerate(color_names):
         ir, ig, ib = rgb
         d = (r - ir) * (r - ir) + (g - ig) * (g - ig) + (b - ib) * (b - ib)
         if d < d_min:
             d_min = d
             best = i
     return color_names[best][0]
Пример #4
 def get_color_name(self, color) -> str:
     """ Try to find the closest matching color from a dictionary of color names
     :param color: can be HSV(!) tuple, palette key (str) or QColor
     if isinstance(color, (tuple, list)):
         cc = c()
         cc.setHsvF(color[0], color[1], color[2])
     elif isinstance(color, str):
         cc = self.get(color)
     elif isinstance(color, QColor):
         cc = color
         log.critical('Unknown color: ', color)
         return 'unknown'
     if not cc:
         log.critical('Unknown color: ', color)
         return 'unknown'
     r, g, b, a = cc.getRgb()
     d_min = 100000
     best = 0
     for i, (name, hex, rgb) in enumerate(color_names):
         ir, ig, ib = rgb
         d = (r - ir) * (r - ir) + (g - ig) * (g - ig) + (b - ib) * (b - ib)
         if d < d_min:
             d_min = d
             best = i
     return color_names[best][0]
Пример #5
    def compute_palette(self, hsv, contrast=55, faded=False):
        """ Create/get root color and build palette around it.
        :param hsv:
        Leaves custom colors as they are. """

        self.hsv = hsv
        self.theme_contrast = contrast
        # # This is the base color ##
        key = c()
        self.current_hex = key.name()
        r, g, b, a = key.getRgbF()
        h, s, l = rgb_to_husl(r, g, b)
        if l > 50:
            back_l = max(0, l - contrast)
            accent_l = min(l, 62)
            back_l = min(99, l + contrast)
            accent_l = max(45, l)
        background1 = c()
        bg_rgb = husl_to_rgb(h, s, back_l)
        self.d['content1'] = key
        self.d['content2'] = adjust_lightness(key, 8)
        self.d['content3'] = adjust_lightness(key, -8)
        for i, accent in enumerate(accents):
            # accent colors have the same luminence as key color
            adjusted_accent = c(accent)
            ar, ag, ab, aa = accent.getRgbF()
            ach, acs, acl = rgb_to_husl(ar, ag, ab)
            # if bw:
            #    acs = 0
            if faded:
                acs /= 2
            ar, ag, ab = husl_to_rgb(ach, acs, accent_l)
            adjusted_accent.setRgbF(ar, ag, max(0, ab))
            self.d['accent%s' % (i + 1)] = adjusted_accent
            self.d['accent%str' % (i + 1)] = shady(adjusted_accent, 0.5)
        self.d['background1'] = background1
        if l < 0.7:
            background2 = adjust_lightness(background1, -8)
            background2 = adjust_lightness(background1, 8)
        self.d['background2'] = background2
        self.gradient.setColorAt(1, self.d['background1'])
        self.gradient.setColorAt(0, self.d['background1'].lighter())
        self.background_lightness = background1.lightnessF()
Пример #6
 def get(self, key, allow_none=False) -> QColor:
     """ Shortcut to palette dictionary (self.d) """
     color = self.d.get(key, None)
     if color or allow_none:
         return color
     log.warning(f"Missing color '{key}'.")
     color = c(0, 0, 255)
     return color
Пример #7
    def inactive(self, color) -> QColor:

        :param color:
        nc = c(color)
        return nc
Пример #8
 def get(self, key, allow_none=False) -> QColor:
     """ Shortcut to palette dictionary (self.d) """
     color = self.d.get(key, None)
     if color or allow_none:
         return color
     log.critical(f"Missing color '{key}'.")
     color = c(0, 0, 255)
     self.set_color(key, color, can_save=False)
     return color
Пример #9
    def inactive(self, color) -> QColor:

        :param color:
        nc = c(color)
        return nc
Пример #10
 def get(self, key, allow_none=False) -> QColor:
     """ Shortcut to palette dictionary (self.d) """
     color = self.d.get(key, None)
     if color or allow_none:
         return color
     log.critical(f"Missing color '{key}'.")
     color = c(0, 0, 255)
     self.set_color(key, color, can_save=False)
     return color
Пример #11
# base00    #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #626262 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195  23  51
# base0     #839496 12/6 brblue   244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186  13  59
# base1     #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan   245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180   9  63
# base2     #eee8d5  7/7 white    254 #e4e4e4 92 -00  10 238 232 213  44  11  93
# base3     #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite  230 #ffffd7 97  00  10 253 246 227  44  10  99
# yellow    #b58900  3/3 yellow   136 #af8700 60  10  65 181 137   0  45 100  71
# orange    #cb4b16  9/3 brred    166 #d75f00 50  50  55 203  75  22  18  89  80
# red       #dc322f  1/1 red      160 #d70000 50  65  45 220  50  47   1  79  86
# magenta   #d33682  5/5 magenta  125 #af005f 50  65 -05 211  54 130 331  74  83
# violet    #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50  15 -45 108 113 196 237  45  77
# blue      #268bd2  4/4 blue      33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45  38 139 210 205  82  82
# cyan      #2aa198  6/6 cyan      37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05  42 161 152 175  74  63
# green     #859900  2/2 green     64 #5f8700 60 -20  65 133 153   0  68 100  60

sol = [
    c(0, 43, 54),
    c(7, 54, 66),
    c(88, 110, 117),
    c(101, 123, 131),
    c(131, 148, 150),
    c(147, 161, 161),
    c(238, 232, 213),
    c(253, 246, 227)
accents = [
    c(181, 137, 0),
    c(203, 75, 22),
    c(220, 50, 47),
    c(211, 54, 130),
    c(108, 113, 196),
    c(38, 139, 210),
Пример #12
# base01    #586e75 10/7 brgreen  240 #585858 45 -07 -07  88 110 117 194  25  46
# base00    #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #626262 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195  23  51
# base0     #839496 12/6 brblue   244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186  13  59
# base1     #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan   245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180   9  63
# base2     #eee8d5  7/7 white    254 #e4e4e4 92 -00  10 238 232 213  44  11  93
# base3     #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite  230 #ffffd7 97  00  10 253 246 227  44  10  99
# yellow    #b58900  3/3 yellow   136 #af8700 60  10  65 181 137   0  45 100  71
# orange    #cb4b16  9/3 brred    166 #d75f00 50  50  55 203  75  22  18  89  80
# red       #dc322f  1/1 red      160 #d70000 50  65  45 220  50  47   1  79  86
# magenta   #d33682  5/5 magenta  125 #af005f 50  65 -05 211  54 130 331  74  83
# violet    #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50  15 -45 108 113 196 237  45  77
# blue      #268bd2  4/4 blue      33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45  38 139 210 205  82  82
# cyan      #2aa198  6/6 cyan      37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05  42 161 152 175  74  63
# green     #859900  2/2 green     64 #5f8700 60 -20  65 133 153   0  68 100  60

sol = [c(0, 43, 54), c(7, 54, 66), c(88, 110, 117), c(101, 123, 131), c(131, 148, 150),
       c(147, 161, 161), c(238, 232, 213), c(253, 246, 227)]
accents = [c(181, 137, 0), c(203, 75, 22), c(220, 50, 47), c(211, 54, 130), c(108, 113, 196),
           c(38, 139, 210), c(42, 161, 152), c(133, 153, 0)]

color_themes = OrderedDict([('solarized_dk', {
    'name': 'Solarized dark',
    'hsv': [sol[3].hueF(), sol[3].saturationF(), sol[3].valueF()],
    'build': 'solarized_dk'
}), ('solarized_lt', {
    'name': 'Solarized light',
    'hsv': [sol[4].hueF(), sol[4].saturationF(), sol[4].valueF()],
    'build': 'solarized_lt',
}), ('random', {
    'name': 'Random for each treeset',