def updateItems(self): if not self._model: return if self.currentItem(): self._lastID = self.currentItem().data(0, Qt.UserRole) self._updating = True self.clear() plots = self._model.getPlotsByImportance() h = ["Main"),"Secondary"),"Minor")] for i in range(3): cat = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [h[i]]) cat.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightLight))) cat.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightedTextDark))) cat.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) f = cat.font(0) f.setBold(True) cat.setFont(0, f) cat.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.addTopLevelItem(cat) # cat.setChildIndicatorPolicy(cat.DontShowIndicator) for ID in plots[i]: name = self._model.getPlotNameByID(ID) if not self._filter.lower() in name.lower(): continue item = QTreeWidgetItem(cat, [name]) item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, ID) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if self._showSubPlot: f = item.font(0) f.setBold(True) item.setFont(0, f) for subID, name, summary in self._model.getSubPlotsByID( ID): sub = QTreeWidgetItem(item, [name]) # sub.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, "{}:{}".format(ID, subID)) sub.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, ID) if ID == self._lastID: self.setCurrentItem(item) self.expandAll() self._updating = False
def updateItems(self): if not self._model: return if self.currentItem(): self._lastID = self.currentItem().data(0, Qt.UserRole) self._updating = True self.clear() plots = self._model.getPlotsByImportance() h = ["Main"),"Secondary"),"Minor")] for i in range(3): cat = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [h[i]]) cat.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightLight))) cat.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightedTextDark))) cat.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) f = cat.font(0) f.setBold(True) cat.setFont(0, f) cat.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.addTopLevelItem(cat) # cat.setChildIndicatorPolicy(cat.DontShowIndicator) for ID in plots[i]: name = self._model.getPlotNameByID(ID) if not self._filter.lower() in name.lower(): continue item = QTreeWidgetItem(cat, [name]) item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, ID) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if self._showSubPlot: f = item.font(0) f.setBold(True) item.setFont(0, f) for subID, name, summary in self._model.getSubPlotsByID(ID): sub = QTreeWidgetItem(item, [name]) # sub.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, "{}:{}".format(ID, subID)) sub.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, ID) if ID == self._lastID: self.setCurrentItem(item) self.expandAll() self._updating = False
def nodesChanged(self, address, nodeid, connidx): if nodeid[0] < len(self.hosts): host = self.hosts[nodeid[0]] else: host = QTreeWidgetItem(self.nodetree) hostname = address if address in ['', 'localhost']: hostname = 'This computer' f = host.font(0) f.setBold(True) host.setExpanded(True) btn = QPushButton(self.nodetree) btn.setText(hostname) btn.setFlat(True) btn.setStyleSheet('font-weight:bold') btn.setIcon( QIcon(settings.data_path + '/graphics/icons/addnode.svg')) btn.setIconSize(QSize(24, 16)) btn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) btn.setMaximumHeight(16) btn.clicked.connect(manager.instance.addNode) self.nodetree.setItemWidget(host, 0, btn) self.hosts.append(host) node = QTreeWidgetItem(host) node.setText(0, '%d:%d <init>' % nodeid) node.setText(1, '00:00:00') node.connidx = connidx node.nodeid = nodeid self.nodes.append(node)
def nodesChanged(self, address, nodeid, connidx): if nodeid[0] < len(self.hosts): host = self.hosts[nodeid[0]] else: host = QTreeWidgetItem(self.nodetree) hostname = address if address in ['', 'localhost']: hostname = 'This computer' f = host.font(0) f.setBold(True) # host.setFont(0, f) # host.setText(0, hostname) host.setExpanded(True) btn = QPushButton(self.nodetree) # btn.setFont(0, f) btn.setText(hostname) btn.setFlat(True) btn.setStyleSheet('font-weight:bold') btn.setIcon(QIcon(data_path + '/graphics/icons/addnode.svg')) btn.setIconSize(QSize(24, 16)) btn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) btn.setMaximumHeight(16) btn.clicked.connect(manager.instance.addNode) self.nodetree.setItemWidget(host, 0, btn) self.hosts.append(host) node = QTreeWidgetItem(host) node.setText(0, '%d:%d <init>' % nodeid) node.setText(1, '00:00:00') node.connidx = connidx node.nodeid = nodeid self.nodes.append(node)
def __createResultItem(self, file, statements, executed, coverage, excluded, missing): """ Private method to create an entry in the result list. @param file filename of file (string) @param statements amount of statements (integer) @param executed amount of executed statements (integer) @param coverage percent of coverage (integer) @param excluded list of excluded lines (string) @param missing list of lines without coverage (string) """ itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.resultList, [ file, str(statements), str(executed), "{0:.0f}%".format(coverage), excluded, missing ]) for col in range(1, 4): itm.setTextAlignment(col, Qt.AlignRight) if statements != executed: font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) for col in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(col, font)
def __generateItem(self, revision, changeset, signature): """ Private method to generate a patch item in the list of patches. @param revision revision number (string) @param changeset changeset of the bookmark (string) @param signature signature of the changeset (string) """ if revision == "" and changeset == "": QTreeWidgetItem(self.signaturesList, [signature]) else: revString = "{0:>7}:{1}".format(revision, changeset) topItems = self.signaturesList.findItems( revString, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(topItems) == 0: # first signature for this changeset topItm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.signaturesList, [ "{0:>7}:{1}".format(revision, changeset)]) topItm.setExpanded(True) font = topItm.font(0) font.setBold(True) topItm.setFont(0, font) else: topItm = topItems[0] QTreeWidgetItem(topItm, [signature])
def __generateItem(self, revision, changeset, signature): """ Private method to generate a patch item in the list of patches. @param revision revision number (string) @param changeset changeset of the bookmark (string) @param signature signature of the changeset (string) """ if revision == "" and changeset == "": QTreeWidgetItem(self.signaturesList, [signature]) else: revString = "{0:>7}:{1}".format(revision, changeset) topItems = self.signaturesList.findItems(revString, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(topItems) == 0: # first signature for this changeset topItm = QTreeWidgetItem( self.signaturesList, ["{0:>7}:{1}".format(revision, changeset)]) topItm.setExpanded(True) font = topItm.font(0) font.setBold(True) topItm.setFont(0, font) else: topItm = topItems[0] QTreeWidgetItem(topItm, [signature])
def __populateVenvList(self): """ Private method to populate the list of virtual environments. """ environments = self.__manager.getEnvironmentEntries() for venvName in environments: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.venvList, [ venvName, environments[venvName]["path"], environments[venvName]["interpreter"], ]) itm.setData(0, VirtualenvManagerDialog.PythonVariantRole, environments[venvName]["variant"]) itm.setData(0, VirtualenvManagerDialog.IsGlobalRole, environments[venvName]["is_global"]) itm.setData(0, VirtualenvManagerDialog.IsCondaRole, environments[venvName]["is_conda"]) itm.setData(0, VirtualenvManagerDialog.IsRemoteRole, environments[venvName]["is_remote"]) itm.setData(0, VirtualenvManagerDialog.ExecPathRole, environments[venvName]["exec_path"]) # show remote environments with underlined font if environments[venvName]["is_remote"]: font = itm.font(0) font.setUnderline(True) for column in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(column, font) else: # local environments # show global environments with bold font if environments[venvName]["is_global"]: font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) for column in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(column, font) # show Anaconda environments with italic font if environments[venvName]["is_conda"]: font = itm.font(0) font.setItalic(True) for column in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(column, font) self.__resizeSections()
def __refreshCookiesList(self): """ Private slot to refresh the cookies list. """ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) cookies = self.__manager.flashCookies() self.cookiesList.clear() counter = 0 originDict = {} for cookie in cookies: cookieOrigin = cookie.origin if cookieOrigin.startswith("."): cookieOrigin = cookieOrigin[1:] if cookieOrigin in originDict: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(originDict[cookieOrigin]) else: newParent = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cookiesList) newParent.setText(0, cookieOrigin) newParent.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("dirOpen.png")) self.cookiesList.addTopLevelItem(newParent) originDict[cookieOrigin] = newParent itm = QTreeWidgetItem(newParent) suffix = "" if cookie.path.startswith( self.__manager.flashPlayerDataPath() + "/"): suffix =" (settings)") if cookie.path + "/" + in ( self.__manager.newCookiesList()): suffix +=" [new]") font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(font) itm.parent().setExpanded(True) itm.setText( 0,"{0}{1}", "name and suffix").format(, suffix)) itm.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, cookie) counter += 1 if counter > 100: QApplication.processEvents() counter = 0 self.removeAllButton.setEnabled( self.cookiesList.topLevelItemCount() > 0) self.removeButton.setEnabled(False) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def addTopLevelItem(self, name): item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.tree, [name]) item.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightLight))) item.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightedTextDark))) item.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) f = item.font(0) f.setBold(True) item.setFont(0, f) return item
def __refreshCookiesList(self): """ Private slot to refresh the cookies list. """ QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) cookies = self.__manager.flashCookies() self.cookiesList.clear() counter = 0 originDict = {} for cookie in cookies: cookieOrigin = cookie.origin if cookieOrigin.startswith("."): cookieOrigin = cookieOrigin[1:] if cookieOrigin in originDict: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(originDict[cookieOrigin]) else: newParent = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cookiesList) newParent.setText(0, cookieOrigin) newParent.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("dirOpen.png")) self.cookiesList.addTopLevelItem(newParent) originDict[cookieOrigin] = newParent itm = QTreeWidgetItem(newParent) suffix = "" if cookie.path.startswith( self.__manager.flashPlayerDataPath() + "/"): suffix =" (settings)") if cookie.path + "/" + in \ self.__manager.newCookiesList(): suffix +=" [new]") font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(font) itm.parent().setExpanded(True) itm.setText(0,"{0}{1}", "name and suffix").format(, suffix)) itm.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, cookie) counter += 1 if counter > 100: QApplication.processEvents() counter = 0 self.removeAllButton.setEnabled( self.cookiesList.topLevelItemCount() > 0) self.removeButton.setEnabled(False) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def render_association_to_row(self, association, row: QTreeWidgetItem): uploaded = association["file"]["createdAt"][:-1] # Trim trailing "Z" uploaded = datetime.fromisoformat(uploaded) row.setText(Cols.filename, association["file"]["filename"]) row.setText(Cols.version, association["file"]["version"]) row.setText(Cols.uploaded_at, uploaded.strftime(self.time_format)) row.setText(Cols.description, association["file"]["description"]) if association["file"]["owner"] == "epc": font: QFont = row.font(Cols.creator) font.setBold(True) row.setFont(Cols.creator, font) row.setForeground(Cols.creator, self.color_blue) row.setFont(Cols.creator, row.font(Cols.creator)) row.setText(Cols.creator, "EPC Power") else: row.setFont(Cols.creator, row.font(Cols.uploaded_at)) row.setForeground(Cols.creator, self.color_black) row.setText(Cols.creator, association["file"].get("createdBy")) if association.get("model"): model_name = " " + association["model"]["name"] if association.get("customer"): relationship = Relationships.customer rel_text = association["customer"]["name"] + "," + model_name elif association.get("site"): relationship = rel_text = association["site"]["name"] + "," + model_name else: relationship = Relationships.model rel_text = "All" + model_name else: relationship = Relationships.inverter rel_text = "SN: " + association["inverter"]["serialNumber"] self.show_relationship(row, relationship, rel_text)
def nodesChanged(self, data): for host_id, host_data in data.items(): host = self.hosts.get(host_id) if not host: host = QTreeWidgetItem(self.nodetree) self.maxhostnum += 1 host.host_num = self.maxhostnum host.host_id = host_id hostname = 'This computer' if host_id == ) else str(host_id) f = host.font(0) f.setBold(True) host.setExpanded(True) host.setText(0, hostname) host.setText(1, f'(nodes: {len(host_data["nodes"])})') host.nodes = host_data['nodes'] self.hosts[host_id] = host
def updateItems(self): if not self._model: return if self.currentItem(): self._lastID = self.currentItem().data(0, Qt.UserRole) self._updating = True self.clear() characters = self._model.getCharactersByImportance() h = ["Main"),"Secondary"),"Minor")] for i in range(3): # Create category item cat = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [h[i]]) cat.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightLight))) cat.setForeground(0, QBrush(QColor(S.highlightedTextDark))) cat.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) f = cat.font(0) f.setBold(True) cat.setFont(0, f) self.addTopLevelItem(cat) # cat.setChildIndicatorPolicy(cat.DontShowIndicator) for c in characters[i]: name = # Check if name passes filter if not self._filter.lower() in name.lower(): continue item = QTreeWidgetItem(cat, [name]) item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, c.ID()) px = QPixmap(32, 32) color = QColor(c.color()) px.fill(color) item.setIcon(0, QIcon(px)) if c.ID() == self._lastID: self.setCurrentItem(item) self.expandAll() self._updating = False
def nodesChanged(self, data): for host_id, host_data in data.items(): host = self.hosts.get(host_id) if not host: host = QTreeWidgetItem(self.nodetree) self.maxhostnum += 1 host.host_num = self.maxhostnum host.host_id = host_id hostname = 'This computer' if host_id == ) else str(host_id) f = host.font(0) f.setBold(True) host.setExpanded(True) btn = QPushButton(self.nodetree) btn.host_id = host_id btn.setText(hostname) btn.setFlat(True) btn.setStyleSheet('font-weight:bold') btn.setIcon( QIcon( os.path.join(bs.settings.gfx_path, 'icons/addnode.svg'))) btn.setIconSize(QSize(24, 16)) btn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) btn.setMaximumHeight(16) btn.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.nodetree.setItemWidget(host, 0, btn) self.hosts[host_id] = host for node_num, node_id in enumerate(host_data['nodes']): if node_id not in self.nodes: # node_num = node_id[-2] * 256 + node_id[-1] node = QTreeWidgetItem(host) node.setText( 0, '{}:{} <init>'.format(host.host_num, node_num + 1)) node.setText(1, '00:00:00') node.node_id = node_id node.node_num = node_num + 1 node.host_num = host.host_num self.nodes[node_id] = node
def __createEntry(self, description, entryText, entryVersion): """ Private method to generate a program entry. @param description descriptive text (string) @param entryText text to show (string) @param entryVersion version string to show (string). """ itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.programsList, [description]) font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(0, font) if len(entryVersion): QTreeWidgetItem(itm, [entryText, entryVersion]) itm.setExpanded(True) else: itm.setText(1,"(not found)")) QApplication.processEvents() self.programsList.header().resizeSections(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.programsList.header().setStretchLastSection(True)
def updateItems(self): if not self._model: return if self.currentItem(): self._lastID = self.currentItem().data(0, Qt.UserRole) self._updating = True self.clear() persos = self._model.getPersosByImportance() h = ["Main"),"Secondary"),"Minor")] for i in range(3): cat = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [h[i]]) cat.setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor( cat.setForeground(0, QBrush(Qt.darkBlue)) cat.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) f = cat.font(0) f.setBold(True) cat.setFont(0, f) self.addTopLevelItem(cat) # cat.setChildIndicatorPolicy(cat.DontShowIndicator) for ID in persos[i]: name = self._model.getPersoNameByID(ID) if not self._filter.lower() in name.lower(): continue item = QTreeWidgetItem(cat, [name]) item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, ID) px = QPixmap(32, 32) color = QColor(self._model.getPersoColorByID(ID)) px.fill(color) item.setIcon(0, QIcon(px)) if ID == self._lastID: self.setCurrentItem(item) self.expandAll() self._updating = False
def __generateItem(self, commit, name, msg="", bold=False, italic=False): """ Private method to generate a tag item in the tag list. @param commit commit id of the tag/branch (string) @param name name of the tag/branch (string) @param msg tag annotation message @param bold flag indicating to show the entry in bold (boolean) @param italic flag indicating to show the entry in italic (boolean) """ itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.tagList) itm.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, commit) itm.setData(1, Qt.DisplayRole, name) if msg: itm.setData(2, Qt.DisplayRole, msg) itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignRight) if bold or italic: font = itm.font(1) if bold: font.setBold(True) if italic: font.setItalic(True) itm.setFont(1, font)
def nodesChanged(self, data): for host_id, host_data in data.items(): host = self.hosts.get(host_id) if not host: host = QTreeWidgetItem(self.nodetree) self.maxhostnum += 1 host.host_num = self.maxhostnum host.host_id = host_id hostname = 'This computer' if host_id == else str(host_id) f = host.font(0) f.setBold(True) host.setExpanded(True) btn = QPushButton(self.nodetree) btn.host_id = host_id btn.setText(hostname) btn.setFlat(True) btn.setStyleSheet('font-weight:bold') btn.setIcon(QIcon(os.path.join(bs.settings.gfx_path, 'icons/addnode.svg'))) btn.setIconSize(QSize(24, 16)) btn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) btn.setMaximumHeight(16) btn.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.nodetree.setItemWidget(host, 0, btn) self.hosts[host_id] = host for node_num, node_id in enumerate(host_data['nodes']): if node_id not in self.nodes: # node_num = node_id[-2] * 256 + node_id[-1] node = QTreeWidgetItem(host) node.setText(0, '{}:{} <init>'.format(host.host_num, node_num + 1)) node.setText(1, '00:00:00') node.node_id = node_id node.node_num = node_num + 1 node.host_num = host.host_num self.nodes[node_id] = node
def __createProgramEntry(self, description, exe, versionCommand="", versionStartsWith="", versionPosition=0, version="", versionCleanup=None, versionRe=None, exeModule=None): """ Private method to generate a program entry. @param description descriptive text (string) @param exe name of the executable program (string) @param versionCommand command line switch to get the version info (str). If this is empty, the given version will be shown. @param versionStartsWith start of line identifying version info (string) @param versionPosition index of part containing the version info (integer) @keyparam version version string to show (string) @keyparam versionCleanup tuple of two integers giving string positions start and stop for the version string (tuple of integers) @keyparam versionRe regexp to determine the line identifying version info (string). Takes precedence over versionStartsWith. @keyparam exeModule list of command line parameters to execute a module with the program given in exe (e.g. to execute a Python module) (list of str) @return version string of detected or given version (string) """ itmList = self.programsList.findItems(description, Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) if itmList: itm = itmList[0] else: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.programsList, [description]) font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(0, font) rememberedExe = exe if not exe: itm.setText(1,"(not configured)")) else: if os.path.isabs(exe): if not Utilities.isExecutable(exe): exe = "" else: exe = Utilities.getExecutablePath(exe) if exe: available = True if (versionCommand and (versionStartsWith != "" or (versionRe is not None and versionRe != "")) and versionPosition): proc = QProcess() proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) if exeModule: args = exeModule[:] + [versionCommand] else: args = [versionCommand] proc.start(exe, args) finished = proc.waitForFinished(10000) if finished: output = str(proc.readAllStandardOutput(), Preferences.getSystem("IOEncoding"), 'replace') if (exeModule and exeModule[0] == "-m" and ("ImportError:" in output or "ModuleNotFoundError:" in output or proc.exitCode() != 0)): version ="(module not found)") available = False else: if versionRe is None: versionRe = "^{0}".format( re.escape(versionStartsWith)) versionRe = re.compile(versionRe, re.UNICODE) for line in output.splitlines(): if try: version = line.split()[versionPosition] if versionCleanup: version = version[versionCleanup[ 0]:versionCleanup[1]] break except IndexError: version ="(unknown)") available = False else: version ="(unknown)") available = False else: version ="(not executable)") available = False if exeModule: citm = QTreeWidgetItem( itm, ["{0} {1}".format(exe, " ".join(exeModule)), version]) else: citm = QTreeWidgetItem(itm, [exe, version]) citm.setData(0, self.ToolAvailableRole, available) itm.setExpanded(True) else: if itm.childCount() == 0: itm.setText(1,"(not found)")) else: citm = QTreeWidgetItem( itm, [rememberedExe,"(not found)")]) citm.setData(0, self.ToolAvailableRole, False) itm.setExpanded(True) QApplication.processEvents() self.programsList.header().resizeSections(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.programsList.header().setStretchLastSection(True) return version
def __createProgramEntry(self, description, exe, versionCommand="", versionStartsWith="", versionPosition=0, version="", versionCleanup=None, versionRe=None): """ Private method to generate a program entry. @param description descriptive text (string) @param exe name of the executable program (string) @param versionCommand command line switch to get the version info (string) if this is empty, the given version will be shown. @param versionStartsWith start of line identifying version info (string) @param versionPosition index of part containing the version info (integer) @keyparam version version string to show (string) @keyparam versionCleanup tuple of two integers giving string positions start and stop for the version string (tuple of integers) @keyparam versionRe regexp to determine the line identifying version info (string). Takes precedence over versionStartsWith. @return version string of detected or given version (string) """ itmList = self.programsList.findItems(description, Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) if itmList: itm = itmList[0] else: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.programsList, [description]) font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(0, font) if not exe: itm.setText(1,"(not configured)")) else: if os.path.isabs(exe): if not Utilities.isExecutable(exe): exe = "" else: exe = Utilities.getExecutablePath(exe) if exe: if versionCommand and \ (versionStartsWith != "" or (versionRe is not None and versionRe != "")) and \ versionPosition: proc = QProcess() proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) proc.start(exe, [versionCommand]) finished = proc.waitForFinished(10000) if finished: output = str(proc.readAllStandardOutput(), Preferences.getSystem("IOEncoding"), 'replace') if versionRe is None: versionRe = "^{0}".format( re.escape(versionStartsWith)) versionRe = re.compile(versionRe, re.UNICODE) for line in output.splitlines(): if try: version = line.split()[versionPosition] if versionCleanup: version = version[versionCleanup[0]: versionCleanup[1]] break except IndexError: version ="(unknown)") else: version ="(unknown)") else: version ="(not executable)") QTreeWidgetItem(itm, [exe, version]) itm.setExpanded(True) else: itm.setText(1,"(not found)")) QApplication.processEvents() self.programsList.header().resizeSections(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.programsList.header().setStretchLastSection(True) return version
def _populateTree(self): """Set the content of the chapter/page tree. """ dblPages = self.dblValue.isChecked() wpPage = self.wpValue.value() fstPage = self.poValue.value() - 1 pTotal = 0 tPages = 1 theList = [] for _, tLevel, tTitle, wCount in self._theToC: pCount = math.ceil(wCount / wpPage) if dblPages: pCount += pCount % 2 pTotal += pCount theList.append((tLevel, tTitle, wCount, pCount)) pMax = pTotal - fstPage self.tocTree.clear() for tLevel, tTitle, wCount, pCount in theList: newItem = QTreeWidgetItem() if tPages <= fstPage: progPage = numberToRoman(tPages, True) progText = "" else: cPage = tPages - fstPage pgProg = 100.0 * (cPage - 1) / pMax if pMax > 0 else 0.0 progPage = f"{cPage:n}" progText = f"{pgProg:.1f}{nwUnicode.U_THSP}%" newItem.setIcon(self.C_TITLE, self.theTheme.getIcon("doc_h%d" % tLevel)) newItem.setText(self.C_TITLE, tTitle) newItem.setText(self.C_WORDS, f"{wCount:n}") newItem.setText(self.C_PAGES, f"{pCount:n}") newItem.setText(self.C_PAGE, progPage) newItem.setText(self.C_PROG, progText) newItem.setTextAlignment(self.C_WORDS, Qt.AlignRight) newItem.setTextAlignment(self.C_PAGES, Qt.AlignRight) newItem.setTextAlignment(self.C_PAGE, Qt.AlignRight) newItem.setTextAlignment(self.C_PROG, Qt.AlignRight) # Make pages and titles/partitions stand out if tLevel < 2: bFont = newItem.font(self.C_TITLE) if tLevel == 0: bFont.setItalic(True) else: bFont.setBold(True) bFont.setUnderline(True) newItem.setFont(self.C_TITLE, bFont) tPages += pCount self.tocTree.addTopLevelItem(newItem) return
def __createProgramEntry(self, description, exe, versionCommand="", versionStartsWith="", versionPosition=0, version="", versionCleanup=None, versionRe=None): """ Private method to generate a program entry. @param description descriptive text (string) @param exe name of the executable program (string) @param versionCommand command line switch to get the version info (string) if this is empty, the given version will be shown. @param versionStartsWith start of line identifying version info (string) @param versionPosition index of part containing the version info (integer) @keyparam version version string to show (string) @keyparam versionCleanup tuple of two integers giving string positions start and stop for the version string (tuple of integers) @keyparam versionRe regexp to determine the line identifying version info (string). Takes precedence over versionStartsWith. @return version string of detected or given version (string) """ itmList = self.programsList.findItems( description, Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) if itmList: itm = itmList[0] else: itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.programsList, [description]) font = itm.font(0) font.setBold(True) itm.setFont(0, font) if not exe: itm.setText(1,"(not configured)")) else: if os.path.isabs(exe): if not Utilities.isExecutable(exe): exe = "" else: exe = Utilities.getExecutablePath(exe) if exe: if versionCommand and \ (versionStartsWith != "" or (versionRe is not None and versionRe != "")) and \ versionPosition: proc = QProcess() proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) proc.start(exe, [versionCommand]) finished = proc.waitForFinished(10000) if finished: output = str(proc.readAllStandardOutput(), Preferences.getSystem("IOEncoding"), 'replace') if versionRe is None: versionRe = "^{0}".format( re.escape(versionStartsWith)) versionRe = re.compile(versionRe, re.UNICODE) for line in output.splitlines(): if try: version = line.split()[versionPosition] if versionCleanup: version = version[ versionCleanup[0]:versionCleanup[1] ] break except IndexError: version ="(unknown)") else: version ="(unknown)") else: version ="(not executable)") QTreeWidgetItem(itm, [exe, version]) itm.setExpanded(True) else: itm.setText(1,"(not found)")) QApplication.processEvents() self.programsList.header().resizeSections(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.programsList.header().setStretchLastSection(True) return version
def loadToolsJSON(self, tw): json_tools_path = app_dirs.user_config_dir + "/tools_urls.json" if not os.path.exists(json_tools_path): # todo: update if too old try: r = requests.get(json_url) r.raise_for_status() with open(json_tools_path, "w") as f: f.write(r.text) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: debug_log(e, logging.ERROR) if not os.path.exists(json_tools_path): return with open(json_tools_path, "r") as tools_url_file: tools_json = json.load(tools_url_file) tw.setColumnCount(4) tw.headerItem().setHidden(False) tw.headerItem().setText(0,"Name")) tw.headerItem().setText(1,"Category")) tw.headerItem().setText(2,"Download")) tw.headerItem().setText(3,"Status")) req = QTreeWidgetItem() req.setText(0,"Required")) # req.setCheckState(0,2) tw.addTopLevelItem(req) opt = QTreeWidgetItem() opt.setText(0,"Optional")) # opt.setCheckState(0,0) tw.addTopLevelItem(opt) for title, values in tools_json.items(): item = QTreeWidgetItem() item.setText(0, title) font = item.font(0) font.setBold(True) item.setFont(0, font) required = values['required'] platform_s = values['platform'] if required: req.addChild(item) item.setCheckState(0, 2) else: opt.addChild(item) item.setCheckState(0, 0) if self.checkInstalled(title): item.setText(3,"Installed")) item.setDisabled(True) item.setCheckState(0, 2) else: item.setText(3,"Not installed")) url = values['url'] try: url64 = values['url64'] except KeyError: url64 = "" install_dir = values['install_dir'] if (platform.machine() == "AMD64") and not (url64 == ""): item.setData(0, dataURL, url64) else: item.setData(0, dataURL, url) item.setData(0, dataInstallDir, install_dir) category = values['category'] item.setText(1, category) description = values['description'] di = QTreeWidgetItem() label = QLabel(description) label.setWordWrap(True) item.addChild(di) tw.setItemWidget(di, 0, label) tw.setFirstItemColumnSpanned(di, False) item.setExpanded(True) # req.setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem.DontShowIndicator) # opt.setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem.DontShowIndicator) req.setExpanded(True) opt.setExpanded(True) tw.resizeColumnToContents(1) tw.resizeColumnToContents(2) tw.resizeColumnToContents(3) tw.resizeColumnToContents(0) delayTimer = QTimer(self) delayTimer.timeout.connect(self.getDLsize) delayTimer.setInterval(100) delayTimer.setSingleShot(True) delayTimer.start()
def __createResultItem(self, file, line, pos, message, fixed, autofixing, ignored): """ Private method to create an entry in the result list. @param file file name of the file (string) @param line line number of issue (integer or string) @param pos character position of issue (integer or string) @param message message text (string) @param fixed flag indicating a fixed issue (boolean) @param autofixing flag indicating, that we are fixing issues automatically (boolean) @param ignored flag indicating an ignored issue (boolean) @return reference to the created item (QTreeWidgetItem) """ from .CodeStyleFixer import FixableCodeStyleIssues if self.__lastFileItem is None: # It's a new file self.__lastFileItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.resultList, [file]) self.__lastFileItem.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) self.__lastFileItem.setExpanded(True) self.__lastFileItem.setData(0, self.filenameRole, file) fixable = False code, message = message.split(None, 1) itm = QTreeWidgetItem( self.__lastFileItem, ["{0:6}".format(line), code, message]) if code.startswith(("W", "-")): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("warning.png")) elif code.startswith("N"): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("namingError.png")) elif code.startswith("D"): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("docstringError.png")) else: itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("syntaxError.png")) if fixed: itm.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("issueFixed.png")) elif code in FixableCodeStyleIssues and not autofixing: itm.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("issueFixable.png")) fixable = True itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignRight) itm.setTextAlignment(1, Qt.AlignHCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(1, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(2, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setData(0, self.filenameRole, file) itm.setData(0, self.lineRole, int(line)) itm.setData(0, self.positionRole, int(pos)) itm.setData(0, self.messageRole, message) itm.setData(0, self.fixableRole, fixable) itm.setData(0, self.codeRole, code) itm.setData(0, self.ignoredRole, ignored) if ignored: font = itm.font(0) font.setItalic(True) for col in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(col, font) return itm
def __createResultItem(self, filename, line, pos, message, fixed, autofixing, ignored): """ Private method to create an entry in the result list. @param filename file name of the file (string) @param line line number of issue (integer or string) @param pos character position of issue (integer or string) @param message message text (string) @param fixed flag indicating a fixed issue (boolean) @param autofixing flag indicating, that we are fixing issues automatically (boolean) @param ignored flag indicating an ignored issue (boolean) @return reference to the created item (QTreeWidgetItem) """ from .CodeStyleFixer import FixableCodeStyleIssues if self.__lastFileItem is None: # It's a new file self.__lastFileItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.resultList, [ self.__project.getRelativePath(filename)]) self.__lastFileItem.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) self.__lastFileItem.setExpanded(True) self.__lastFileItem.setData(0, self.filenameRole, filename) fixable = False code, message = message.split(None, 1) itm = QTreeWidgetItem( self.__lastFileItem, ["{0:6}".format(line), code, message]) if code.startswith(("W", "-", "C", "M")): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("warning.png")) elif code.startswith("N"): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("namingError.png")) elif code.startswith("D"): itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("docstringError.png")) else: itm.setIcon(1, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("syntaxError.png")) if fixed: itm.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("issueFixed.png")) elif code in FixableCodeStyleIssues and not autofixing and \ code not in self.__noFixCodesList: itm.setIcon(0, UI.PixmapCache.getIcon("issueFixable.png")) fixable = True itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignRight) itm.setTextAlignment(1, Qt.AlignHCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(1, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setTextAlignment(2, Qt.AlignVCenter) itm.setData(0, self.filenameRole, filename) itm.setData(0, self.lineRole, int(line)) itm.setData(0, self.positionRole, int(pos)) itm.setData(0, self.messageRole, message) itm.setData(0, self.fixableRole, fixable) itm.setData(0, self.codeRole, code) itm.setData(0, self.ignoredRole, ignored) if ignored: font = itm.font(0) font.setItalic(True) for col in range(itm.columnCount()): itm.setFont(col, font) return itm