def __init__(self, avatar_file, name, task): super(ContributorView, self).__init__() layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() layout.setHorizontalSpacing(12) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Make rounded avatar bitmap avatar_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(avatar_file) bitmap = QtGui.QBitmap(avatar_pixmap.width(), avatar_pixmap.height()) bitmap.fill(QtCore.Qt.color0) p = QtGui.QPainter(bitmap) p.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.color1) p.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), bitmap.width() / 2, bitmap.height() / 2) avatar_pixmap.setMask(bitmap) p.end() self.avatar_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.avatar_label.setPixmap(avatar_pixmap) self.avatar_label.setScaledContents(True) self.avatar_label.setObjectName("roundedAvatar") layout.addWidget(self.avatar_label, 0, 0, 2, 1) self.name_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(name) layout.addWidget(self.name_label, 0, 1) self.task_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(task) self.task_label.setObjectName("fontFaint") layout.addWidget(self.task_label, 1, 1) self.setLayout(layout)
def __mergeImages(imagePaths): """ Combines a list of images into one image. Used for combining manacost images. """ firstImage = QtGui.QPixmap(imagePaths[0]) width = firstImage.width() height = firstImage.height() mergedImage = QtGui.QPixmap(width * len(imagePaths), height) bitMap = QtGui.QBitmap(mergedImage) bitMap.clear() mergedImage.setMask(bitMap) painter = QtGui.QPainter(mergedImage) topleft = (0, 0) for imagePath in imagePaths: image = QtGui.QPixmap(imagePath) rect = QtCore.QRect(topleft[0], topleft[1], width, height) painter.drawPixmap(rect, image, image.rect()) topleft = (topleft[0] + width, topleft[1]) return mergedImage
def pixmap(self, QSize, QIcon_Mode=None, QIcon_State=None): pm = QtGui.QIconEngine.pixmap(self, QSize, QIcon_Mode, QIcon_State) if self.mask: pm.setMask( QtGui.QBitmap( self.mask.scaled(QSize, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio))) return pm
def move(self, event): """ Mouse is moving """ if self.figure.canvas.toolbar._active is None: vlim = self.axes.viewLim dlim = self.axes.dataLim tmp0 = self.axes.transData.transform((vlim.x0, vlim.y0)) tmp1 = self.axes.transData.transform((vlim.x1, vlim.y1)) width, height = tmp1 - tmp0 width /= self.mdata.shape[1] height /= self.mdata.shape[0] width *= dlim.width / vlim.width height *= dlim.height / vlim.height cwidth = (2 * self.mywidth - 1) cb = QtGui.QBitmap(cwidth * width, cwidth * height) cb.fill(QtCore.Qt.color1) self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(cb)) if event.inaxes == self.axes and is True: row = int((event.ydata - self.lmod.zrange[0]) / self.lmod.d_z) + 1 col = int((event.xdata) / self.lmod.dxy) aaa = self.axes.get_xbound()[-1] bbb = self.mdata.shape[1] ccc = aaa / bbb col = int((event.xdata) / ccc) xdata = col ydata = row if self.newline is True: self.newline = False self.set_mdata(xdata, ydata) elif xdata != self.xold: mmm = float(ydata - self.yold) / (xdata - self.xold) ccc = ydata - mmm * xdata x_1 = min([self.xold, xdata]) x_2 = max([self.xold, xdata]) for i in range(x_1 + 1, x_2 + 1): jold = int(mmm * (i - 1) + ccc) jnew = int(mmm * i + ccc) if jold > jnew: jold, jnew = jnew, jold for j in range(jold, jnew + 1): self.set_mdata(i, j) elif ydata != self.yold: y_1 = min([self.yold, ydata]) y_2 = max([self.yold, ydata]) for j in range(y_1, y_2 + 1): self.set_mdata(xdata, j) self.xold = xdata self.yold = ydata self.slide_grid(self.mdata)
def createBrushes(): circles = [] brushes = [] for i in range(9): m, im = createCircle(i) circles.append(m) pm = QtGui.QBitmap().fromImage(im) brushes.append(pm) return circles, brushes
def fillImage(self, pixmap, painter, roi, param, source): """Draw image in roi. """ x, y, w, h = roi fillPixmap = QPixmap(param.fillPath) if not fillPixmap.isNull(): fillPixmap = fillPixmap.scaled(w, h, QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio) mask = self.getMask(pixmap, x, y, w, h, param.shape, None, QtCore.Qt.white, painter.setClipRegion(QtGui.QRegion(QtGui.QBitmap(mask))) painter.drawPixmap(x, y, fillPixmap) painter.setClipping(False)
def main(): """ Resets to its original settings """ global OutlineColor, OutlinePen, OutlineBrush, TileAlphaColors OutlinePen = QtGui.QPen(OutlineColor, 4) OutlineBrush = QtGui.QBrush(OutlineColor) for g, game in enumerate(['M1', 'M3', 'MW', 'WU']): for t, theme in enumerate([ 'overworld', 'underground', 'castle', 'airship', 'underwater', 'hauntedhouse' ]): TileAlphaMasks[(g, t)] = QtGui.QBitmap( 'metamakerdata/masks/%s_%s.png' % (game, theme))
def InitUI(self): self.core = EmuCore() self.emu_thread = QtCore.QThread() self.core.moveToThread(self.emu_thread) self.open_act = QtWidgets.QAction('Open ROM', self) self.open_act.triggered.connect(Util.Launch) exit_act = QtWidgets.QAction('Exit', self) exit_act.triggered.connect(self.emu_thread.quit) exit_act.triggered.connect(QtWidgets.qApp.quit) """ self.save_act = QtWidgets.QAction('Save state', self) self.save_act.triggered.connect(self.core.sys8.SaveState) self.save_act.setEnabled(False) self.load_act = QtWidgets.QAction('Load state', self) self.load_act.triggered.connect(self.core.sys8.LoadState) self.load_act.setEnabled(False) """ menubar = self.menuBar() filemenu = menubar.addMenu('File') filemenu.addAction(self.open_act) filemenu.addAction(exit_act) """ emumenu = menubar.addMenu('Emulation') emumenu.addAction(self.save_act) emumenu.addAction(self.load_act) """ self.native = QtGui.QBitmap(64, 32) self.native.fill(QtCore.Qt.color1) self.scaled = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self.scaled.setPixmap( self.native.scaled(1280, 640, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)) self.setCentralWidget(self.scaled) self.painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.native) self.painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.color0) self.setGeometry(320, 210, 1280, 660) # Improve this later self.setWindowTitle('PYHC-8') self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('icon.bmp')) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
def move(self, event): """ Mouse is moving """ if self.figure.canvas.toolbar._active is None: vlim = self.axes.viewLim xptp = self.lmod.xrange[1] - self.lmod.xrange[0] yptp = self.lmod.yrange[1] - self.lmod.yrange[0] if xptp > 10000 or yptp > 10000: xptp /= 1000 yptp /= 1000 tmp0 = self.axes.transData.transform((vlim.x0, vlim.y0)) tmp1 = self.axes.transData.transform((vlim.x1, vlim.y1)) width, height = tmp1 - tmp0 width /= self.mdata.shape[1] height /= self.mdata.shape[0] width *= xptp / vlim.width height *= yptp / vlim.height cwidth = (2 * self.mywidth - 1) cb = QtGui.QBitmap(cwidth * width, cwidth * height) cb.fill(QtCore.Qt.color1) self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(cb)) if self.axes.xaxis.get_label_text().find('km') > -1: cdiv = 1000. else: cdiv = 1. dxy = self.lmod.dxy / cdiv xmin = self.lmod.xrange[0] / cdiv ymin = self.lmod.yrange[0] / cdiv if event.inaxes == self.axes and is True: col = int((event.xdata - xmin) / dxy) + 1 row = int((event.ydata - ymin) / dxy) + 1 xdata = col ydata = row if self.newline is True: self.newline = False self.set_mdata(xdata, ydata) elif xdata != self.xold: mmm = float(ydata - self.yold) / (xdata - self.xold) ccc = ydata - mmm * xdata x_1 = min([self.xold, xdata]) x_2 = max([self.xold, xdata]) for i in range(x_1 + 1, x_2 + 1): jold = int(mmm * (i - 1) + ccc) jnew = int(mmm * i + ccc) if jold > jnew: jold, jnew = jnew, jold for j in range(jold, jnew + 1): self.set_mdata(i, j) elif ydata != self.yold: y_1 = min([self.yold, ydata]) y_2 = max([self.yold, ydata]) for j in range(y_1, y_2 + 1): self.set_mdata(xdata, j) self.xold = xdata self.yold = ydata self.slide_grid(self.mdata)
def resetBitmap(self): self.pix = QtGui.QBitmap(self.size()) self.pix.fill( # 设置黑色背景