def mousePressEvent( self, event ): # handle an internal move # start a drag event if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.dragDropRect().contains(event.pos()): # create the pixmap pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget(self, self.rect()) # create the mimedata mimeData = QMimeData() mimeData.setText('ItemTitle::%s' % (self.title())) # create the drag drag = QDrag(self) drag.setMimeData(mimeData) drag.setPixmap(pixmap) drag.setHotSpot(event.pos()) if not drag.exec_(): self._accordianWidget.emitItemDragFailed(self) event.accept() # determine if the expand/collapse should occur elif event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.expandCollapseRect().contains(event.pos()): self._clicked = True event.accept() else: event.ignore()
def set_clipboard_image(self): """Export the formatted output to an image and store it in the clipboard. The image stored in the clipboard is a PNG file with alpha transparency. """ div ='.output') images = {} for background in (Qt.transparent, Qt.white): image = QImage(div.geometry().size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) image.fill(background) painter = QPainter(image) div.render(painter) painter.end() images[background] = image # Windows needs this buffer hack to get alpha transparency in # the copied PNG. buffer_ = QBuffer() images[Qt.transparent].save(buffer_, 'PNG') buffer_.close() data = QMimeData() data.setData('PNG', data.setImageData(images[Qt.white]) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(data)
def mimeData(self, indexes): """Encodes ``indexes`` as mime data for dragging.""" # serialize data as xml root = etree.Element('stringlist') for index in indexes: element = self._get_element_for_index(index) root.append(deepcopy(element)) serialized = etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True) mimedata = QMimeData() mimedata.setData('text/xml', serialized) return mimedata
def test_edit_order_add_rename_documents(self): app = widget = self.widget mw = widget.edit_new_order(self.customer_id) widget.controller_part.view.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self._fill_order_part("Order part one") # Put the cursor back on the first line so the next document drop is tied to it. QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, widget.controller_part.view, Qt.Key_Up) app.processEvents() # app.exec_() # Drop a document tmp_file, tmp_path = self._make_tmp_file() mime_data = QMimeData() url = "file:///{}".format(os.path.abspath(tmp_path).replace('\\', '/')) mainlog.debug("Dropping at {}".format(QUrl(url).toString())) mime_data.setUrls([QUrl(url)]) make_document_drop(widget.documents_widget.view, QPoint(10, 10), mime_data) self._clear_tmp_file(tmp_file, tmp_path) # Now it has been dropped, rename it # (this tests things like non-delayed create, delayed rename) model = widget.documents_widget.model fn_ndx = model.prototype.index_of("filename") ndx = model.index(0, fn_ndx) model.setData(ndx, "New name", Qt.UserRole) #app.exec_() # Now save the whole order widget.setFocus() QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, app.focusWidget(), Qt.Key_S, Qt.ControlModifier) # modifier, delay app.processEvents() order = dao.order_dao.find_by_id(widget._current_order.order_id) #app.exec_() self.assertEqual(1, len([0].documents), "One document was added on the first part") documents = [d for d in[0].documents] # Set to array self.assertEqual("New name", documents[0].filename, "Rename should've been applied")
def mouseMoveEvent(self, mme): if mme.button() == Qt.NoButton and self._drag_start: # for some reason, the left button is being mapped to NoButton drag_distance = mme.pos() - self._drag_start drag_distance = drag_distance.manhattanLength() if drag_distance > QApplication.startDragDistance(): drag = QDrag(self) mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setText(self.label_spidername.text()) drag.setMimeData(mime_data) drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction) super(SpiderToolButton, self).mouseMoveEvent(mme)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, mme): if mme.button( ) == Qt.NoButton and self._drag_start: # for some reason, the left button is being mapped to NoButton drag_distance = mme.pos() - self._drag_start drag_distance = drag_distance.manhattanLength() if drag_distance > QApplication.startDragDistance(): drag = QDrag(self) mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setText(self.label_spidername.text()) drag.setMimeData(mime_data) drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction) super(SpiderToolButton, self).mouseMoveEvent(mme)
def test_edit_order_documents(self): app = widget = self.widget mw = # order = self._make_order() # order_id = order.order_id # widget.reset_order(order.order_id) widget.edit_new_order(self.customer_id) widget.controller_part.view.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) # QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, app.focusWidget(), Qt.Key_Escape) # modifier, delay # QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, widget.controller_part.view, Qt.Key_F5, Qt.ShiftModifier) # modifier, delay # app.processEvents() self._fill_order_part("Order part two") # Put the cursor back on the first line so the next document drop is tied to it. QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, widget.controller_part.view, Qt.Key_Up) app.processEvents() # app.exec_() tmp_file, tmp_path = self._make_tmp_file() mime_data = QMimeData() url = "file:///{}".format(os.path.abspath(tmp_path).replace('\\', '/')) mainlog.debug("Dropping at {}".format(QUrl(url).toString())) mime_data.setUrls([QUrl(url)]) make_document_drop(widget.documents_widget.view, QPoint(10, 10), mime_data) self._clear_tmp_file(tmp_file, tmp_path) # That's fine, but I'll need to pilot the file chooser dialog, and that's hard :-( # But even if I find my way around that, I'll have to mock the file server... :-( # QTest.keyEvent(QTest.Click, app.focusWidget(), Qt.Key_S, Qt.ControlModifier) # modifier, delay app.processEvents() order = dao.order_dao.find_by_id(widget._current_order.order_id) #app.exec_() self.assertEqual(1, len([0].documents), "One document was added on the first part")
def __init__(self, p_data=None): """ Initialise the instance. """ QMimeData.__init__(self) # Keep a local reference to be returned if possible. self._local_instance = p_data if p_data is not None: # We may not be able to pickle the data. try: p_data = dumps(p_data) except Exception: return self.setData(self.MIME_TYPE, dumps(p_data.__class__) + p_data)
def __init__ ( self, data = None ): """ Initialise the instance. """ QMimeData.__init__( self ) # Keep a local reference to be returned if possible: self._local_instance = data if data is not None: # We may not be able to pickle the data: try: pdata = dumps( data ) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() pdata = dumps( None ) # This format (as opposed to using a single sequence) allows the # type to be extracted without unpickling the data itself. self.setData( self.MIME_TYPE, dumps( data.__class__ ) + pdata )
def copy(self): """Copy to the clipboard""" data = QMimeData() text = '\n'.join([cursor.selectedText() \ for cursor in self.cursors()]) data.setText(text) data.setData(self.MIME_TYPE, text.encode('utf8')) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(data)
def _drag_urls ( self, urls ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setUrls( urls ) return mime_data
def _drag_color ( self, color ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setColorData( color ) return mime_data
def _drag_files ( self, files ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setUrls( [ QUrl( file ) for file in files ] ) return mime_data
def _drag_hmtl ( self, html ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setHtml( html ) return mime_data
def _drag_text ( self, text ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setText( text ) return mime_data
def _drag_image ( self, image ): mime_data = QMimeData() mime_data.setImageData( image ) return mime_data
def set_clipboard_html(self): """Place the HTML displayed in the HTML view widget into the system clipboard. """ data = QMimeData() data.setText(self.plain) data.setHtml(self.html) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(data)