def is_online_callback(self): outputBytes = self.process.readAll().data() outputUnicode = outputBytes.decode('utf-8') try: outputObject = json.loads(outputUnicode) except ValueError as errorMessage: print(errorMessage) return brush = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) if outputObject.get('error'): color = QColor(255, 0, 0) #red onlineStatus = 'Off' else: color = QColor(0, 255, 0) #green onlineStatus = 'On' brush.setColor(color) itemWidget = self.table_widget_item itemWidget.setBackground(brush) itemWidget.setText(onlineStatus)
def is_online_callback(self): outputBytes = self.process.readAll().data() outputUnicode = outputBytes.decode("utf-8") try: outputObject = json.loads(outputUnicode) except ValueError as errorMessage: print(errorMessage) return brush = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) if outputObject.get("error"): color = QColor(255, 0, 0) # red onlineStatus = "Off" else: color = QColor(0, 255, 0) # green onlineStatus = "On" brush.setColor(color) itemWidget = self.table_widget_item itemWidget.setBackground(brush) itemWidget.setText(onlineStatus)
def recolor_cells(self, min_val, max_val): cmap = ColorMapper(max_val, min_val) the_items = self.get_all_table_items() for the_item in the_items: the_qtype = the_item.type() if the_qtype > QSTRING: data_item = (self.inv_qtype(the_qtype)(the_item.text())) the_color = cmap.rgb_color_from_val(data_item) newBrush = QBrush() newBrush.setColor(QColor(the_color[0], the_color[1], the_color[2])) newBrush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) the_item.setBackground(newBrush)
def __init__(self, data_list, header_rows=0, roundit=None, cmap=None, click_handler=None, resize_columns=True, stretch_last=False, header_text=None, row_height=0, sort_column=0, sort_order=QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder): self._data_list = data_list self._nrows = len(self._data_list) self._ncols = len(self._data_list[0]) QTableWidget.__init__(self, self._nrows, self._ncols) self.setWordWrap(True) # I think it is already true by default if header_rows > 0: self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self._data_list[0]) self._data_list = self._data_list[1:] self._nrows -= 1 for r in range(self._nrows): for c in range(self._ncols): data_item = self._data_list[r][c] qtype = self.get_qtype(data_item) if (roundit != None) and (qtype == QFLOAT): # @UndefinedVariable data_item = round(data_item, roundit) if (r < header_rows - 1): data_item = "_" + str(data_item) # do this so the header rows are sorted to the top # newItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(data_item)) newItem = QTableWidgetItem(type=qtype) if type(data_item) == str: newItem.setText(data_item) else: newItem.setData(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, data_item) if r < header_rows - 1: newItem.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12, QFont.Bold)) else: newItem.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 12)) if (cmap != None) and (type(data_item) == float) and (r >= header_rows): the_color = cmap.rgb_color_from_val(data_item) newBrush = QBrush() newBrush.setColor(QColor(the_color[0], the_color[1], the_color[2])) newBrush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) newItem.setBackground(newBrush) self.setItem(r, c, newItem) if resize_columns: self.resizeColumnsToContents() self.resizeRowsToContents() self.sortItems(0, order=QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) self.setSortingEnabled(True) if row_height != 0: vh = self.verticalHeader() vh.setDefaultSectionSize(row_height) if click_handler != None: self._click_handler = click_handler self.itemClicked.connect(self.item_click_action) if stretch_last: hh = self.horizontalHeader() hh.setStretchLastSection(True) self.roundit = roundit self.header_rows = header_rows
def recolorold(self): cmap = ColorMapper(self.max_val.value, self.min_val.value) for r in range(self._nrows): for c in range(self._ncols): data_item = self._data_list[r][c] qtype = self.get_qtype(data_item) if (self.roundit != None) and (qtype == QFLOAT): # @UndefinedVariable data_item = round(data_item, self.roundit) # newItem = QTableWidgetItem(str(data_item)) if (qtype > QSTRING) and (r >= self.header_rows - 1): the_color = cmap.rgb_color_from_val(data_item) newBrush = QBrush() newBrush.setColor(QColor(the_color[0], the_color[1], the_color[2])) newBrush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) self.tableWidget.item(r, c).setBackground(newBrush)
def is_online(self, tableWidgetItem): Stream.clear_streams() process = QProcess() self.process = process self.table_widget_item = tableWidgetItem arguments = ["--json"] + self.arguments process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) process.start("livestreamer", arguments) process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.is_online_callback) brush = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) color = QColor(255, 255, 255) # white brush.setColor(color) tableWidgetItem.setBackground(brush) tableWidgetItem.setText("Checking..") Stream.ALL_STREAMS.append(self)
def is_online(self, tableWidgetItem): Stream.clear_streams() process = QProcess() self.process = process self.table_widget_item = tableWidgetItem arguments = ['--json'] + self.arguments process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) process.start('livestreamer', arguments) process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.is_online_callback) brush = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) color = QColor(255, 255, 255) #white brush.setColor(color) tableWidgetItem.setBackground(brush) tableWidgetItem.setText('Checking..') Stream.ALL_STREAMS.append(self)
class SelectBox(QRubberBand): """ Subclass of `QRubberBand`_ TOWRITE """ def __init__(self, s, parent=None): """ Default class constructor. :param `s`: TOWRITE :type `s`: QRubberBand.Shape :param `parent`: Pointer to a parent widget instance. :type `parent`: `QWidget`_ """ super(SelectBox, self).__init__(parent) # private self._leftBrushColor = QColor() self._rightBrushColor = QColor() self._leftPenColor = QColor() self._rightPenColor = QColor() self._alpha = 255 # quint8 #: TODO: what is the initial int? self._dirBrush = QBrush() self._leftBrush = QBrush() self._rightBrush = QBrush() self._dirPen = QPen() self._leftPen = QPen() self._rightPen = QPen() self._boxDir = False #: TODO: is this initial bool value right? # Default values self.setColors(QColor(Qt.darkGreen), QColor(, QColor(Qt.darkBlue), QColor(, 32) def setDirection(self, dir): """ TOWRITE :param `dir`: TOWRITE :type `dir`: int """ if not dir: self._dirPen = self._leftPen self._dirBrush = self._leftBrush else: self._dirPen = self._rightPen self._dirBrush = self._rightBrush self._boxDir = dir def setColors(self, colorL, fillL, colorR, fillR, newAlpha): """ TOWRITE :param `colorL`: TOWRITE :type `colorL`: `QColor`_ :param `fillL`: TOWRITE :type `fillL`: `QColor`_ :param `colorR`: TOWRITE :type `colorR`: `QColor`_ :param `fillR`: TOWRITE :type `fillR`: `QColor`_ :param `newAlpha`: TOWRITE :type `newAlpha`: int """ qDebug("SelectBox setColors()") self._alpha = newAlpha self._leftPenColor = colorL # TODO: allow customization self._leftBrushColor = QColor(,,, alpha) self._rightPenColor = colorR # TODO: allow customization self._rightBrushColor = QColor(,,, alpha) self._leftPen.setColor(self._leftPenColor) self._leftPen.setStyle(Qt.DashLine) self._leftBrush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) self._leftBrush.setColor(self._leftBrushColor) self._rightPen.setColor(self._rightPenColor) self._rightPen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine) self._rightBrush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) self._rightBrush.setColor(self._rightBrushColor) if not self._boxDir: self._dirPen = self._leftPen self._dirBrush = self._leftBrush else: self._dirPen = self._rightPen self._dirBrush = self._rightBrush self.forceRepaint() def paintEvent(self, event): """ Handles the ``paintEvent`` event for :class:`SelectBox`. :param `event`: A `QPaintEvent`_ to be processed. """ painter = QPainter(self) painter.setPen(self._dirPen) width, height = self.width(), self.height() painter.fillRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, self._dirBrush) painter.drawRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1) def forceRepaint(self): """ Force repaint the rubberband. .. NOTE:: HACK: Take that QRubberBand! """ # HACK: Take that QRubberBand! hack = self.size() # QSize self.resize(hack + QSize(1, 1)) self.resize(hack)
class SelectBox(QRubberBand): """ Subclass of `QRubberBand`_ TOWRITE """ def __init__(self, s, parent=None): """ Default class constructor. :param `s`: TOWRITE :type `s`: QRubberBand.Shape :param `parent`: Pointer to a parent widget instance. :type `parent`: `QWidget`_ """ super(SelectBox, self).__init__(s, parent) # private self._leftBrushColor = QColor() self._rightBrushColor = QColor() self._leftPenColor = QColor() self._rightPenColor = QColor() self._alpha = 255 # quint8 #: TODO: what is the initial int? self._dirBrush = QBrush() self._leftBrush = QBrush() self._rightBrush = QBrush() self._dirPen = QPen() self._leftPen = QPen() self._rightPen = QPen() self._boxDir = False #: TODO: is this initial bool value right? # Default values self.setColors(QColor(Qt.darkGreen), QColor(, QColor(Qt.darkBlue), QColor(, 32) def paintEvent(self, event): """ Handles the ``paintEvent`` event for :class:`SelectBox`. :param `event`: A `QPaintEvent`_ to be processed. """ painter = QPainter(self) painter.setPen(self._dirPen) width, height = self.width(), self.height() painter.fillRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, self._dirBrush) painter.drawRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1) def forceRepaint(self): """ Force repaint the rubberband. .. NOTE:: HACK: Take that QRubberBand! """ # HACK: Take that QRubberBand! hack = self.size() # QSize self.resize(hack + QSize(1, 1)) self.resize(hack) # Slots ------------------------------------------------------------------ @Slot(int) def setDirection(self, dir): """ TOWRITE :param `dir`: TOWRITE :type `dir`: int """ if not dir: self._dirPen = self._leftPen self._dirBrush = self._leftBrush else: self._dirPen = self._rightPen self._dirBrush = self._rightBrush self._boxDir = dir @Slot(QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, int) def setColors(self, colorL, fillL, colorR, fillR, newAlpha): """ TOWRITE :param `colorL`: TOWRITE :type `colorL`: `QColor`_ :param `fillL`: TOWRITE :type `fillL`: `QColor`_ :param `colorR`: TOWRITE :type `colorR`: `QColor`_ :param `fillR`: TOWRITE :type `fillR`: `QColor`_ :param `newAlpha`: TOWRITE :type `newAlpha`: int """ qDebug("SelectBox setColors()") self._alpha = newAlpha self._leftPenColor = colorL # TODO: allow customization self._leftBrushColor = QColor(,,, self._alpha) self._rightPenColor = colorR # TODO: allow customization self._rightBrushColor = QColor(,,, self._alpha) self._leftPen.setColor(self._leftPenColor) self._leftPen.setStyle(Qt.DashLine) self._leftBrush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) self._leftBrush.setColor(self._leftBrushColor) self._rightPen.setColor(self._rightPenColor) self._rightPen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine) self._rightBrush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) self._rightBrush.setColor(self._rightBrushColor) if not self._boxDir: self._dirPen = self._leftPen self._dirBrush = self._leftBrush else: self._dirPen = self._rightPen self._dirBrush = self._rightBrush self.forceRepaint()