class UiMain(QMainWindow): """ The main gui interface, invokes all windows and ties everything together """ def __init__(self): """ automatically called __init__ function """ super(UiMain, self).__init__() # initialize all the variables that are going to be defined in the # future self.update_dialog = None self.update_dialog_lbl = None self.app_select_box = None self.selector_lbl = None self.current_playing_lbl = None self.current_playing = None self.misc_messages = None self.start_btn = None self.output_dir_lbl = None self.select_output_dir_btn = None self.output_cur_dir_lbl = None self.active_items_list = None self.inactive_items_list = None self.switch_active_item_button_off = None self.switch_active_item_button_on = None self.switch_output_split_btn = None self.switch_output_split_lbl = None # initialize the system tray # self.system_tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self) # self.system_tray.setIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # # self.system_tray.setToolTip('SMG') # self.system_tray.activated.connect(self.on_systray_activated) # initialize the main window self.setObjectName('self') self.setWindowTitle('SMG - By Azeirah') self.resize(400, 250) # Gives the self an icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # create the tabs # the tab widget itself self.tabbed_windows = QTabWidget(self) self.tabbed_windows.resize(400, 300) # tab 1, contains the music player selection self.music_players = QFrame() # tab 2, contains options self.options = QFrame() self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.music_players, 'Music players') self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.options, 'Options') # initializes the two tabs, with all the code down below self.tab_music_players() self.tab_options() # shows the main window # self.update() CheckUpdateThread = Thread(target=self.update) CheckUpdateThread.setName('CheckUpdateThread') def closeEvent(self, event): """ an automatically called function when the program is about to close. """ # Stops all Threads. These would continue to run in the background # Even if the window was closed. Main.running = False # close the ZuneNowPlaying.exe process if Constants.SUBP: Constants.SUBP.kill() def changeEvent(self, event): # if event.type() == QEvent.WindowStateChange: # if self.isMinimized(): # event.ignore() # self.hide() # self.system_tray.showMessage('Running', 'Running in the # background.') # return super(UiMain, self).changeEvent(event) def on_systray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: @staticmethod def toggle_split(event): # 0 = Qt.Unchecked The item is unchecked. # 1 = Qt.PartiallyChecked The item is partially checked. Items in # hierarchical models may be partially checked if some, but not all, # of # their children are checked. # 2 = Qt.Checked The item is checked. if event == 0: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = False elif event == 2: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = True def update(self): """ Checks a webpage for current version, compares this to built-in current versions, and shows update dialog if necessary """ try: ver = urlopen('')\ .read() except IOError: # if for some reason it couldn't retrieve the version, set it to # automatically ignore the update: False ver = False if not float(VERSION) >= float(ver): self.popup = QDialog(self) self.popup.setModal(True) self.popup.setGeometry(200, 100, 500, 100) self.popup_text = QLabel(self.popup) self.popup_text.setGeometry(5, 5, 500, 30) self.popup_text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.popup_text.setText( """There is an update available. Run update.exe or <a href=''>download the update manually</a>""" ) # reply = QMessageBox.question(Constants.UI, 'Message', # "Do you want to update?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) # if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: # import atexit # import subprocess # def runUpdater(): # import time # time.sleep(3) # subprocess.Popen(resource_path('update.exe')) # atexit.register(runUpdater) # sys.exit() # Constants.update_dialog = QWidget() # Constants.update_dialog.resize(350, 100) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path\ # ('icon.png'))) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowTitle('Updater') # Constants.update_dialog_lbl = QLabel(Constants.update_dialog) # Constants.update_dialog_lbl.setGeometry(10, 40, 340, 12) # # updateThread = Thread(target = update.update) # updateThread.setName('updateThread') # updateThread.start() def tab_music_players(self): """ Everything inside the Music players tab gets created here.""" # self.music_players # Creates the box with all the music players inside of it self.app_select_box = QComboBox(self.music_players) self.app_select_box.setGeometry(135, 10, 150, 25) # Whenever you change the application, it runs the selectnewapp func self.app_select_box.activated[str].connect(self.select_new_app) # Creates the label for the selection combobox self.selector_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.selector_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 150, 25) self.selector_lbl.setText('Select your music player: ') # Creates the label for the current playing song (and the current # playing song label) self.current_playing_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing_lbl.setGeometry(10, 45, 150, 25) self.current_playing_lbl.setText('Current playing song: ') self.current_playing = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing.setGeometry(117, 45, 250, 25) self.current_playing.setText(Misc.noSongPlaying) # Creates a label which displays any additional messages self.misc_messages = QLabel(self.music_players) self.misc_messages.setGeometry(10, 80, 390, 24) self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.misc_message()) self.misc_messages.setOpenExternalLinks(True) # adds all the music players into the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # creates the start button self.start_btn = QPushButton(self.music_players) self.start_btn.setGeometry(75, 120, 250, 35) self.start_btn.setText('Start') # links the start button to the self.start function QObject.connect( self.start_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: Thread(target=self.start, name='startbutton').start()) def tab_options(self): """ Everything inside the Options tab gets created here. """ # self.options # This section is for selecting output dir # Creates the output dir label self.output_dir_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.output_dir_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 125, 15) self.output_dir_lbl.setText('Change Output Directory: ') # Creates the output dir button self.select_output_dir_btn = QPushButton(self.options) self.select_output_dir_btn.setGeometry(137, 8, 30, 20) self.select_output_dir_btn.setText('...') # Creates the output dir currentdir Lineedit self.output_cur_dir_lbl = QLineEdit(self.options) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setGeometry(170, 6, 210, 25) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setReadOnly(True) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText( Constants.CONFIG.get('directories', 'current_song')) # when the '...' button is clicked, show a dialog (fire func # disp_dialog) QObject.connect(self.select_output_dir_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.disp_dialog) # This section is for selecting what players you use # The box with all the active players self.active_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.active_items_list.setGeometry(10, 40, 150, 100) # The box with all the inactive players self.inactive_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.inactive_items_list.setGeometry(230, 40, 150, 100) # Populate the two boxes with active and inactive items for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.active_items_list.addItem(item) for item in Constants.INACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item) # The buttons responsible for switching # off button self.switch_active_item_button_off = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setText('->'.decode('utf-8')) # Makes the -> readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_off.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setGeometry(175, 55, 40, 30) # on button self.switch_active_item_button_on = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setText('<-'.decode('utf-8')) # makes <- readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_on.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setGeometry(175, 90, 40, 30) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_on, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.switch_item_on) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_off, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.switch_item_off) # A button to toggle the split output in half option. It's a temporary # fix for the Foobar double output problem. self.switch_output_split_btn = QCheckBox(self.options) self.switch_output_split_btn.setCheckState(Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) self.switch_output_split_btn.setGeometry(10, 140, 40, 30) self.switch_output_split_btn.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_split) # The label for the split toggle self.switch_output_split_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setText( "Split the output text in half (don't use this if you don't need it)" ) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setGeometry(30, 140, 300, 30) def switch_item_on(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) on """ try: # If an item from the active box is selected # Remove it and place it inside the inactive box item_taken = self.inactive_items_list.takeItem( self.inactive_items_list.currentRow()) self.active_items_list.addItem(item_taken) active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) Constants.CONFIG.set('active', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('inactive', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def switch_item_off(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) off """ try: # If an item from the inactive box is selected. # Remove it and place it inside the active box item_taken = self.active_items_list.takeItem( self.active_items_list.currentRow()) self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item_taken) # update activeItems active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # Updates the active items Constants property Constants.CONFIG.set('inactive', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('active', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def disp_dialog(self): """ displays the dialog which select a directory for output. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() Constants.CONFIG.set('directories', 'current_song', fname) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText( Constants.CONFIG.get('directories', 'current_song')) def select_new_app(self, text): """ Sets the new application to check for """ try: Main.selectedProgram = ITEMS[text] except KeyError: # catches the empty option, it's obviously not in the dict pass # custom message for zune if Main.selectedProgram == 'zune': self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.ZuneNotification) # custom message for webplayers which require the groovemarklet elif text.find('*'): self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.GetGroovemarklet) def start(self): """ When the start button is pressed, start the main program loop """ if Main.selectedProgram: if not Main.running: self.start_btn.setText('Stop') Main.running = True try: pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) except pythoncom.com_error: # already initialized. pass thread = Thread(target=Main.enumWindows, name='enumWindows') else: self.start_btn.setText('Start') Main.running = False self.set_playing(Misc.noSongPlaying) Wr.write('') def set_playing(self, title=''): """ Sets the text of the label of what song is playing """ # print 'setting title: ', title self.current_playing.setText(title)
class UiMain(QMainWindow): """ The main gui interface, invokes all windows and ties everything together """ def __init__(self): """ automatically called __init__ function """ super(UiMain, self).__init__() # initialize all the variables that are going to be defined in the # future self.update_dialog = None self.update_dialog_lbl = None self.app_select_box = None self.selector_lbl = None self.current_playing_lbl = None self.current_playing = None self.misc_messages = None self.start_btn = None self.output_dir_lbl = None self.select_output_dir_btn = None self.output_cur_dir_lbl = None self.active_items_list = None self.inactive_items_list = None self.switch_active_item_button_off = None self.switch_active_item_button_on = None self.switch_output_split_btn = None self.switch_output_split_lbl = None # initialize the system tray # self.system_tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self) # self.system_tray.setIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # # self.system_tray.setToolTip('SMG') # self.system_tray.activated.connect(self.on_systray_activated) # initialize the main window self.setObjectName('self') self.setWindowTitle('SMG - By Azeirah') self.resize(400, 250) # Gives the self an icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # create the tabs # the tab widget itself self.tabbed_windows = QTabWidget(self) self.tabbed_windows.resize(400, 300) # tab 1, contains the music player selection self.music_players = QFrame() # tab 2, contains options self.options = QFrame() self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.music_players, 'Music players') self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.options, 'Options') # initializes the two tabs, with all the code down below self.tab_music_players() self.tab_options() # shows the main window def closeEvent(self, event): """ an automatically called function when the program is about to close. """ # Stops all Threads. These would continue to run in the background # Even if the window was closed. Main.running = False # close the ZuneNowPlaying.exe process if Constants.SUBP: Constants.SUBP.kill() def changeEvent(self, event): # if event.type() == QEvent.WindowStateChange: # if self.isMinimized(): # event.ignore() # self.hide() # self.system_tray.showMessage('Running', 'Running in the # background.') # return super(UiMain, self).changeEvent(event) def on_systray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: @staticmethod def toggle_split(event): # 0 = Qt.Unchecked The item is unchecked. # 1 = Qt.PartiallyChecked The item is partially checked. Items in # hierarchical models may be partially checked if some, but not all, # of # their children are checked. # 2 = Qt.Checked The item is checked. if event == 0: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = False elif event == 2: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = True def update(self): """ Checks a webpage for current version, compares this to built-in current versions, and shows update dialog if necessary """ try: ver = urlopen('')\ .read() except IOError: # if for some reason it couldn't retrieve the version, set it to # automatically ignore the update: False ver = False if not float(VERSION) >= float(ver): self.popup = QDialog(self) self.popup.setModal(True) self.popup.setGeometry(200, 100, 500, 100) self.popup_text = QLabel(self.popup) self.popup_text.setGeometry(5, 5, 500, 30) self.popup_text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.popup_text.setText( """There is an update available. Run update.exe or <a href=''>download the update manually</a>""") # reply = QMessageBox.question(Constants.UI, 'Message', # "Do you want to update?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) # if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: # import atexit # import subprocess # def runUpdater(): # import time # time.sleep(3) # subprocess.Popen(resource_path('update.exe')) # atexit.register(runUpdater) # sys.exit() # Constants.update_dialog = QWidget() # Constants.update_dialog.resize(350, 100) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path\ # ('icon.png'))) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowTitle('Updater') # Constants.update_dialog_lbl = QLabel(Constants.update_dialog) # Constants.update_dialog_lbl.setGeometry(10, 40, 340, 12) # # updateThread = Thread(target = update.update) # updateThread.setName('updateThread') # updateThread.start() def tab_music_players(self): """ Everything inside the Music players tab gets created here.""" # self.music_players # Creates the box with all the music players inside of it self.app_select_box = QComboBox(self.music_players) self.app_select_box.setGeometry(135, 10, 150, 25) # Whenever you change the application, it runs the selectnewapp func self.app_select_box.activated[str].connect(self.select_new_app) # Creates the label for the selection combobox self.selector_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.selector_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 150, 25) self.selector_lbl.setText('Select your music player: ') # Creates the label for the current playing song (and the current # playing song label) self.current_playing_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing_lbl.setGeometry(10, 45, 150, 25) self.current_playing_lbl.setText('Current playing song: ') self.current_playing = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing.setGeometry(117, 45, 250, 25) self.current_playing.setText(Misc.noSongPlaying) # Creates a label which displays any additional messages self.misc_messages = QLabel(self.music_players) self.misc_messages.setGeometry(10, 80, 390, 24) self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.misc_message()) self.misc_messages.setOpenExternalLinks(True) # adds all the music players into the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # creates the start button self.start_btn = QPushButton(self.music_players) self.start_btn.setGeometry(75, 120, 250, 35) self.start_btn.setText('Start') # links the start button to the self.start function QObject.connect(self.start_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: Thread(target=self.start, name='startbutton').start()) def tab_options(self): """ Everything inside the Options tab gets created here. """ # self.options # This section is for selecting output dir # Creates the output dir label self.output_dir_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.output_dir_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 125, 15) self.output_dir_lbl.setText('Change Output Directory: ') # Creates the output dir button self.select_output_dir_btn = QPushButton(self.options) self.select_output_dir_btn.setGeometry(137, 8, 30, 20) self.select_output_dir_btn.setText('...') # Creates the output dir currentdir Lineedit self.output_cur_dir_lbl = QLineEdit(self.options) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setGeometry(170, 6, 210, 25) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setReadOnly(True) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText(Constants.CONFIG. get('directories', 'current_song')) # when the '...' button is clicked, show a dialog (fire func # disp_dialog) QObject.connect(self.select_output_dir_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.disp_dialog) # This section is for selecting what players you use # The box with all the active players self.active_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.active_items_list.setGeometry(10, 40, 150, 100) # The box with all the inactive players self.inactive_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.inactive_items_list.setGeometry(230, 40, 150, 100) # Populate the two boxes with active and inactive items for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.active_items_list.addItem(item) for item in Constants.INACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item) # The buttons responsible for switching # off button self.switch_active_item_button_off = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setText('->'.decode('utf-8')) # Makes the -> readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_off.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setGeometry(175, 55, 40, 30) # on button self.switch_active_item_button_on = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setText('<-'.decode('utf-8')) # makes <- readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_on.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setGeometry(175, 90, 40, 30) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_on, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.switch_item_on) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_off, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.switch_item_off) # A button to toggle the split output in half option. It's a temporary # fix for the Foobar double output problem. self.switch_output_split_btn = QCheckBox(self.options) self.switch_output_split_btn.setCheckState(Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) self.switch_output_split_btn.setGeometry(10, 140, 40, 30) self.switch_output_split_btn.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_split) # The label for the split toggle self.switch_output_split_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setText( "Split the output text in half (don't use this if you don't need it)") self.switch_output_split_lbl.setGeometry(30, 140, 300, 30) def switch_item_on(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) on """ try: # If an item from the active box is selected # Remove it and place it inside the inactive box item_taken = self.inactive_items_list.takeItem( self.inactive_items_list.currentRow()) self.active_items_list.addItem(item_taken) active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) Constants.CONFIG.set('active', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('inactive', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def switch_item_off(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) off """ try: # If an item from the inactive box is selected. # Remove it and place it inside the active box item_taken = self.active_items_list.takeItem( self.active_items_list.currentRow()) self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item_taken) # update activeItems active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # Updates the active items Constants property Constants.CONFIG.set('inactive', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('active', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def disp_dialog(self): """ displays the dialog which select a directory for output. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() Constants.CONFIG.set('directories', 'current_song', fname) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText(Constants.CONFIG. get('directories', 'current_song')) def select_new_app(self, text): """ Sets the new application to check for """ try: Main.selectedProgram = ITEMS[text] except KeyError: # catches the empty option, it's obviously not in the dict pass # custom message for zune if Main.selectedProgram == 'zune': self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.ZuneNotification) # custom message for webplayers which require the groovemarklet elif text.find('*'): self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.GetGroovemarklet) def start(self): """ When the start button is pressed, start the main program loop """ if Main.selectedProgram: if not Main.running: self.start_btn.setText('Stop') Main.running = True try: pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) except pythoncom.com_error: # already initialized. pass thread = Thread( target=Main.enumWindows, name='enumWindows') else: self.start_btn.setText('Start') Main.running = False self.set_playing(Misc.noSongPlaying) Wr.write('') def set_playing(self, title=''): """ Sets the text of the label of what song is playing """ # print 'setting title: ', title self.current_playing.setText(title)
class Form(QDialog): def __init__(self, term, state, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) Lib.prepareModalDialog(self) self.addingText = term self.state = state ListWidgetItem.model = state.model ListWidgetItem.refresh = self.refresh self.buttons = [] self.createWidgets() self.layoutWidgets() self.createConnections() self.setWindowTitle("Edit Groups — {}".format( QApplication.applicationName())) self.refresh() settings = QSettings() self.updateToolTips( bool( int( settings.value(Gopt.Key.ShowDialogToolTips, Gopt.Default.ShowDialogToolTips)))) def createWidgets(self): self.listWidget = QListWidget() self.buttonLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.linkButton = None for icon, text, slot, tip in ((":/add.svg", "&Add", self.add, """\ <p><b>Add</b> (Alt+A)</p><p>Add a new Normal Group.</p>"""), (":/edit.svg", "&Rename", self.rename, """\ <p><b>Rename</b> (Alt+R)</p><p>Rename the current Group.</p>"""), (":/grouplink.svg", "&Link",, """\ <p><b>Link</b> (Alt+L)</p><p>Change the current group into a Linked Group.</p> <p>This means that the pages of every entry in this group will be merged and synchronized, and any future changes to the pages of any entries in this group will be propagated to all the other entries in this group to keep them all synchronized.</p>"""), (":/groups.svg", "&Unlink", self.unlink, """\ <p><b>Unlink</b> (Alt+U)</p><p>Change the current group into a Normal (unlinked) Group. If the linked group has entries, the <b>Delete Linked Group</b> dialog will pop up.</p>"""), (":/groupset.svg", "&View", self.viewGroup, """\ <p><b>View</b> (Alt+V)</p><p>View the current group in the Filtered View.</p>"""), (":/delete.svg", "&Delete", self.delete, """\ <p><b>Delete</b> (Alt+D)</p><p>Remove entries from the current normal group and then delete the group. If the current group is a linked group that has entries, the <b>Delete Linked Group</b> dialog will pop up.</p>"""), (":/help.svg", "Help",, """\ Help on the Groups dialog"""), (":/dialog-close.svg", "&Close", self.accept, """\ <p><b>Close</b></p><p>Close the dialog.</p>""")): button = QPushButton(QIcon(icon), text) button.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) if text in {"&Close", "Help"}: self.buttonLayout.addStretch() else: self.buttons.append(button) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(button) button.clicked.connect(slot) self.tooltips.append((button, tip)) if text == "&Link": self.linkButton = button button.setEnabled(False) elif text == "&Unlink": self.unlinkButton = button button.setEnabled(False) self.tooltips.append((self.listWidget, "List of Groups")) def layoutWidgets(self): layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.listWidget) layout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) self.setLayout(layout) def createConnections(self): self.listWidget.currentRowChanged.connect(self.updateUi) def updateUi(self): for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(True) item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item is not None: gid = self.linkButton.setEnabled(self.state.model.safeToLinkGroup(gid)) self.unlinkButton.setEnabled(self.state.model.isLinkedGroup(gid)) def refresh(self, *, text=None, index=None): self.listWidget.clear() for row, (gid, name, linked) in enumerate(self.state.model.allGroups()): item = ListWidgetItem(name) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setBackground(self.palette().base() if row % 2 else self.palette().alternateBase()) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, gid) item.setIcon( QIcon(":/grouplink.svg" if linked else ":/groups.svg")) self.listWidget.addItem(item) if self.listWidget.count(): self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(0) if index is not None: self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(index) elif text is not None: for i in range(self.listWidget.count()): if self.listWidget.item(i).text() == text: self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(i) break self.updateUi() def add(self): item = ListWidgetItem(self.addingText, adding=True) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.listWidget.insertItem(0, item) self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(0) for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(False) self.listWidget.editItem(item) def rename(self): item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item is not None: for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(False) self.listWidget.editItem(item) def link(self): item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item is not None: gid = if not self.state.model.safeToLinkGroup(gid): return # Should never happen self.state.model.linkGroup(gid) self.refresh(index=self.listWidget.currentRow()) def unlink(self): item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item is not None: gid = if not self.state.model.groupMemberCount(gid): self.state.model.unlinkGroup(gid) else: with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): form = Forms.DeleteOrUnlink.Form("Unlink", gid, self.state, self) form.exec_() self.refresh(index=self.listWidget.currentRow()) def viewGroup(self): item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item: self.state.viewFilteredPanel.setGroup(item) def delete(self): # No need to restore focus widget row = self.listWidget.currentRow() item = self.listWidget.item(row) if item is None: return gid = for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(False) deleteItem = False if (not self.state.model.isLinkedGroup(gid) or not self.state.model.groupMemberCount(gid)): with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete Group — {}".format(QApplication.applicationName()), "<p>Delete Group “{}”?</p>".format(item.text()), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self.state.model.deleteGroup(gid) deleteItem = True else: with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): form = Forms.DeleteOrUnlink.Form("Delete", gid, self.state, self) deleteItem = form.exec_() if deleteItem: item = self.listWidget.takeItem(row) del item self.updateUi() def help(self):"xix_ref_dlg_groups.html")
class Form(QDialog): def __init__(self, state, info, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) Lib.prepareModalDialog(self) self.state = state = info ListWidgetItem.refresh = self.refresh = info self.helpPage = self.createWidgets() self.layoutWidgets() self.setWindowTitle("{} — {}".format(, QApplication.applicationName())) self.refresh() settings = QSettings() self.updateToolTips( bool( int( settings.value(Gopt.Key.ShowDialogToolTips, Gopt.Default.ShowDialogToolTips)))) def createWidgets(self): self.listWidget = QListWidget() self.buttonLayout = QVBoxLayout() for icon, text, slot, tip in ((":/add.svg", "&Add", self.add, """\ <p><b>Add</b></p><p>Add an item to the {} list.</p>""".format(, (":/edit.svg", "&Edit", self.edit, """\ <p><b>Edit</b></p><p>Edit the {} list's current item.</p>""".format(, (":/delete.svg", "&Remove...", self.remove, """\ <p><b>Remove</b></p><p>Remove the {} list's current item.</p>""".format(, (":/help.svg", "Help",, """\ Help on the {} dialog""".format(, (":/dialog-close.svg", "&Close", self.accept, """\ <p><b>Close</b></p><p>Close the dialog.</p>""")): button = QPushButton(QIcon(icon), text) button.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) if text in {"&Close", "Help"}: self.buttonLayout.addStretch() self.buttonLayout.addWidget(button) button.clicked.connect(slot) self.tooltips.append((button, tip)) self.tooltips.append((self.listWidget, def layoutWidgets(self): layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.listWidget) layout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) self.setLayout(layout) def refresh(self, *, text=None): self.listWidget.clear() cursor = for row, record in enumerate(cursor.execute( item = ListWidgetItem(record[0]) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setBackground(self.palette().base() if row % 2 else self.palette().alternateBase()) self.listWidget.addItem(item) if self.listWidget.count(): self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(0) if text is not None: for i in range(self.listWidget.count()): if self.listWidget.item(i).text() == text: self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(i) break def add(self): item = ListWidgetItem(ADDING) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.listWidget.insertItem(0, item) self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(0) self.listWidget.editItem(item) def edit(self): item = self.listWidget.currentItem() if item is not None: self.listWidget.editItem(item) def remove(self): # No need to restore focus widget row = self.listWidget.currentRow() item = self.listWidget.item(row) if item is None: return with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Remove {} — {}".format(, QApplication.applicationName()), "Remove {} “{}”?".format(, item.text()), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: cursor = cursor.execute(, (item.text(), )) item = self.listWidget.takeItem(row) del item def help(self):
class CC_window(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(CC_window, self).__init__() self.version = '0.2' glo = QVBoxLayout(self) self.Runningo = None self.Looping = None self.P = CC_thread() if name == 'nt': ficon = r_path('images\\favicon.png') licon = r_path('images\\logo.png') else: ficon = r_path('images/favicon.png') licon = r_path('images/logo.png') = QFont("", 13, QFont.Bold) self.sf = QFont("", 10, QFont.Bold) self.SelfIinit(QIcon(ficon)) self.a_btn(licon, glo) self.ss_btns(glo) self.i_list(glo) self.cl_btn(glo) self.l_btns(glo) self.f_btns(glo) self.ds_bar(glo) self.setLayout(glo) self.activateWindow() def SelfIinit(self, icon): self.setWindowTitle('chrome-cut ' + self.version) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 200, 150) self.setMinimumWidth(600) self.setMaximumWidth(600) self.setMinimumHeight(500) self.setMaximumHeight(500) # Setting Icon self.setWindowIcon(icon) QToolTip.setFont(self.sf) def msgApp(self, title, msg): uinfo = QMessageBox.question(self, title, msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if uinfo == QMessageBox.Yes: return 'y' if uinfo == QMessageBox.No: return 'n' def closeEvent(self, event=None): if self.P.isRunning(): response = self.msgApp("Making sure", "Sure, you want to exit while looping ?") if response == 'y': if event is not None: event.accept() self.P.stop() exit(0) else: if event is not None: event.ignore() else: if event is not None: event.accept() exit(0) def center(self): qrect = self.frameGeometry() cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qrect.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qrect.topLeft()) def a_btn(self, icon, glo): def show_about(): Amsg = "<center>All credit reserved to the author of chrome-cut " Amsg += " version " + self.version Amsg += ", This work is a free, open-source project licensed " Amsg += " under Mozilla Public License version 2.0 . <br><br>" Amsg += " visit us for more infos and how-tos :<br> " Amsg += "<b><a href=''> " Amsg += " </a> </b></center>" Amsgb = "About chrome-cut" return QMessageBox.about(self, Amsgb, Amsg) self.abutton = QPushButton('', self) self.abutton.setIcon(QPixmap(icon)) self.abutton.setIconSize(QSize(500, 100)) self.abutton.setToolTip('About chrome-cut') self.abutton.clicked.connect(show_about) glo.addWidget(self.abutton) def ss_btns(self, glo): self.lebutton = QPushButton('Scan IP address', self) self.lebutton.setToolTip( 'Insert and check if a specific IP is a valid chrome cast') self.lebutton.setFont( self.lebutton.clicked.connect(self.sip_input) glo.addWidget(self.lebutton) def sip_input(self): self.lebutton.setEnabled(False) self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.s_bar.showMessage('> Checking out the IP ..') msg = "<center>Enter suspected IP to check : <br><i><u>Usually it is " msg += "on 192.168.what_have_you.188</i></center>" text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Scan IP", msg) if okPressed and text != '': self.setCursor(Qt.BusyCursor) ch = is_ccast(text) if ch: self.il_add([text]) self.unsetCursor() self.lebutton.setEnabled(True) return True else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage( '! Error: inserted IP is not chrome cast device') self.unsetCursor() self.lebutton.setEnabled(True) return True self.s_bar.clearMessage() self.lebutton.setEnabled(True) return True def i_list(self, glo): self.ci_list = QListWidget() self.ci_list.setToolTip("List of discovered devices") self.ci_list.setEnabled(False) self.setFont(self.sf) glo.addWidget(self.ci_list) def cl_btn(self, glo): self.cle_btn = QPushButton('Clear devices list') self.cle_btn.setToolTip("Remove all devices from the list") self.cle_btn.setFont(self.sf) self.cle_btn.setEnabled(False) self.cle_btn.clicked.connect(self.il_add) glo.addWidget(self.cle_btn) def l_btns(self, glo): hlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.llo = QCheckBox("Looping") self.llo.setToolTip( 'Automate repeating the smae command on the smae device selected ') self.llo.setEnabled(False) self.nlo = QLineEdit() self.nlo.setPlaceholderText("duration in seconds. Default is 10") self.nlo.setEnabled(False) self.nlo.setToolTip("Duration of sleep after each loop") self.lbtn = QPushButton('Stop') self.lbtn.setEnabled(False) self.lbtn.setFont( self.llo.setFont(self.sf) self.lbtn.setToolTip("stop on-going command or loop") self.llo.toggled.connect(self.loped) self.lbtn.clicked.connect(partial(self.inloop_state, out=True)) hlayout.addWidget(self.llo) hlayout.addWidget(self.nlo) hlayout.addWidget(self.lbtn) glo.addLayout(hlayout) def loped(self): if self.Looping: self.Looping = None self.llo.setChecked(False) self.nlo.setEnabled(False) else: self.Looping = True self.llo.setChecked(True) self.nlo.setEnabled(True) return True def f_btns(self, glo): hlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.ksbutton = QPushButton('Kill stream', self) self.ksbutton.setToolTip('Kill whetever been streamed') self.ksbutton.setFont( self.ksbutton.clicked.connect(self.k_act) self.sbutton = QPushButton('Stream', self) self.sbutton.setFont( self.sbutton.setToolTip('Stream a youtube video') self.fbutton = QPushButton('Factory reset', self) self.fbutton.setFont( self.fbutton.setToolTip('Factory reset the device') self.fbutton.clicked.connect(self.fr_act) self.sbutton.clicked.connect(self.yv_input) self.ksbutton.setEnabled(False) self.sbutton.setEnabled(False) self.fbutton.setEnabled(False) hlayout.addWidget(self.ksbutton) hlayout.addWidget(self.sbutton) hlayout.addWidget(self.fbutton) glo.addLayout(hlayout) def ch_dur(th=None, dur=10): if len(dur) >= 1: try: dur = int(dur) except: dur = None if dur is None or not isinstance(dur, int): self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage( '! Error: wrong duration entery, only integers') return None else: dur = 10 return dur def k_act(self): if self.ci_list.count() >= 1: cr = self.ci_list.currentRow() if cr is None or cr <= 0: cr = 0 ip = self.ci_list.item(cr).text() if self.Looping is not None: dur = self.ch_dur(self.nlo.text()) if dur is None: return True self.P = CC_thread(cancel_app, dur, ip) self.P.start() self.P.somesignal.connect(self.handleStatusMessage) self.P.setTerminationEnabled(True) self.inloop_state() return True else: ch = cancel_app(ip) if ch is None: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: failed to kill stream ..') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.s_bar.showMessage('# Stream got killed ') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: No items selected from the list') self.eout() return True def fr_act(self): if self.ci_list.count() >= 1: cr = self.ci_list.currentRow() if cr is None or cr <= 0: cr = 0 ip = self.ci_list.item(cr).text() if self.Looping is not None: dur = self.ch_dur(self.nlo.text()) if dur is None: return True self.P = CC_thread(reset_cc, dur, ip) self.P.start() self.P.somesignal.connect(self.handleStatusMessage) self.P.setTerminationEnabled(True) self.inloop_state() return True else: ch = reset_cc(ip) if ch is None: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage( '! Error: failed to factory reset ..') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.s_bar.showMessage('# Got factory reseted ') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: No items selected from the list') self.eout() return True def y_act(self, link=None): if self.ci_list.count() >= 1: cr = self.ci_list.currentRow() if cr is None or cr <= 0: cr = 0 ip = self.ci_list.item(cr).text() if self.Looping is not None: dur = self.ch_dur(self.nlo.text()) if dur is None: return True self.P = CC_thread(send_app, dur, ip, link) self.P.start() self.P.somesignal.connect(self.handleStatusMessage) self.P.setTerminationEnabled(True) self.inloop_state() return True else: ch = reset_cc(ip) if ch is None: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: failed to stream link ..') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.s_bar.showMessage('# Streamed the link ') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: No items selected from the list') self.eout() return True def yv_input(self): text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Stream youtube", "Enter youtube video link to be streamed :") if okPressed and text != '': ntext = text.split('?') if len(ntext) <= 1: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: Invalid youtube linkd ') return False ntext = ntext[1] if ntext != '' and len(ntext) > 1 and "youtube" in text: self.y_act(ntext) return True else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage('! Error: Invalid youtube linkd ') return False @Slot(object) def handleStatusMessage(self, message): self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_loop) self.s_bar.showMessage(message) def il_add(self, items=[]): if len(items) >= 1: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) for i in items: fitem = self.ci_list.findItems(i, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(fitem) >= 1: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_error) self.s_bar.showMessage( '! Error: Device exists in the list') else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.ci_list.addItem(i) self.s_bar.showMessage('# Device was found and added') if not self.P.isRunning(): self.cle_btn.setEnabled(True) self.ci_list.setEnabled(True) self.llo.setEnabled(True) self.nlo.setEnabled(True) self.ksbutton.setEnabled(True) self.sbutton.setEnabled(True) self.fbutton.setEnabled(True) else: self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) self.s_bar.showMessage('# Cleard devices list') self.ci_list.clear() self.cle_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ci_list.setEnabled(False) self.ksbutton.setEnabled(False) self.llo.setEnabled(False) self.nlo.setEnabled(False) self.sbutton.setEnabled(False) self.fbutton.setEnabled(False) return True def inloop_state(self, out=False): if not out: self.lbtn.setEnabled(True) self.cle_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ci_list.setEnabled(False) self.ksbutton.setEnabled(False) self.llo.setEnabled(False) self.nlo.setEnabled(False) self.sbutton.setEnabled(False) self.fbutton.setEnabled(False) else: if self.P.isRunning(): self.P.stop() self.lbtn.setEnabled(False) self.cle_btn.setEnabled(True) self.ci_list.setEnabled(True) self.ksbutton.setEnabled(True) self.llo.setEnabled(True) self.nlo.setEnabled(True) self.sbutton.setEnabled(True) self.fbutton.setEnabled(True) self.s_bar.clearMessage() return True def ds_bar(self, glo): self.s_bar = QStatusBar() self.s_error = "QStatusBar{color:red;font-weight:1000;}" self.s_loop = "QStatusBar{color:black;font-weight:1000;}" self.s_norm = "QStatusBar{color:blue;font-style:italic;" self.s_norm += "font-weight:500;}" self.s_bar.setStyleSheet(self.s_norm) glo.addWidget(self.s_bar) def eout(self): msgg = "<center>" msgg += " Opps, a critical error has occurred, we will be " msgg += " grateful if you can help fixing it, by reporting to us " msgg += " at : <br><br> " msgg += "<b><a href=''> " msgg += " </a></b> </center>" mm = QMessageBox.critical(self, "Critical Error", msgg, QMessageBox.Ok) exit(0)