def getMsgBox(self, text, nRoom): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle("Room: " + str(nRoom)) msgBox.setText(text) msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.exec_()
def mainbutton_clicked(self, button): if button == self.main_reset: for cat in self.base_cfg.get_categories(): for setting in self.base_cfg.get_settings(cat): self.widget_list[cat][setting].updateValue(self.base_cfg.get_setting(cat,setting)) elif button == self.main_defaults: for cat in self.def_cfg.get_categories(): for setting in self.def_cfg.get_settings(cat): self.widget_list[cat][setting].updateValue(self.def_cfg.get_setting(cat,setting)) elif button == self.main_apply: bad_settings = self.validate_settings() if bad_settings == []: self.save_settings() self.main_apply.setEnabled(False) self.main_reset.setEnabled(False) else: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Must fix the following invalid settings before quitting:") msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) info = '' for setting in bad_settings: new = '%s,%s<br>' % setting info = '%s%s' % (info, new) msgBox.setInformativeText(info) msgBox.exec_()
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) # check if the target in supported try: platform = sys.argv[1] PLATFORMS[platform.replace('.', '_')]() except KeyError: warn_box = QMessageBox() warn_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) warn_box.setText("Unknown platform: {}".format(platform)) warn_box.exec_() return 1 except IndexError: print("You must specify the target in the command line") except NotImplementedError as exc: install_it, = exc.args if query_user(platform): install_it() else: warn_box = QMessageBox() warn_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) warn_box.setText( "You can install the platform later by typing:\n" + str(install_it.__doc__)) warn_box.exec_() else: print("Platform {} is installed".format(platform)) sys.exit(0)
def showContextMenu(self, pos): """ Shows a context menu to add a node in the graph widget """ gpos = self.graphicsView.mapToGlobal(pos) menu = QMenu() actionAddNode = menu.addAction("Add Node") QAction = menu.exec_(gpos) if (actionAddNode == QAction): (text, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self.graphicsView, "Insert Node Name", "Please insert a name for the node") if ok: if text not in self.nodesToQNodes: #User clicked on ok. Otherwise do nothing self.gv.add_node(text) node = self.gv.get_node(text) qnode = self.createQtNode(node, 0, 0, QColor(204, 255, 255)) self.graphicsView.scene().addItem(qnode) qnode.setPos(self.graphicsView.mapToScene(gpos)) qnode.setPos(qnode.x(), qnode.y() - 200) self.nodesToQNodes[node] = qnode else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("The node already exists.") msg.exec_() self.searchNode(text)
def verify_user(self, profileid=None): if profileid is None: profileid=self.current_profileid if len(profileid) == 0: return False try: username = gameslist.username_from_profile_id(profileid) except gameslist.NoSuchProfileError: return False if windows.desura_running(username): return True verify_dialog = QMessageBox() verify_dialog.setText("<b>Verify your identity</b><br />Sign in to Desura to continue with account <b>{0}</b> to confirm your identity".format(username)) verify_dialog.setInformativeText("<i>Waiting for Desura sign-in...</i>") verify_dialog.setWindowTitle("Sign into Desura to continue") verify_dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Cancel) verify_dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) verify_dialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) desurawaiter = DesuraWaiter(username) desurawaiter.finished.connect(verify_dialog.close) desurawaiter.start() verify_dialog.exec_() if windows.desura_running(username): return True else: desurawaiter.terminate() return False
def displayError(self, message, details=None): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(message) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) if details != None: msgBox.setDetailedText(details) msgBox.exec_()
def onAbout(self): msgBox = QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setIconPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/sherlock.png")) msgBox.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "Pythonthusiast", None)) msgBox.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Well Watson, isn't it obvious to you that Qt rocks?", None)) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.exec_()
def onSearch(self): try: limit = int(self.tleLimit.text().strip()) except ValueError: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle('Invalid upper limit') msgBox.setText('Please enter a valid upper limit') msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() return if limit < self.LOWER_LIMIT: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle('Invalid upper limit') msgBox.setText('Please enter a valid upper limit') msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() return if self.rbAKS.isChecked(): algorithm = aks elif self.rbMR.isChecked(): algorithm = millerRabbin, limit - 1)
def error(self, error): if error == QNetworkSession.UnknownSessionError: msgBox = QMessageBox(self.parent()) msgBox.setText('This application requires network access to function.') msgBox.setInformativeText('Press Cancel to quit the application.') msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry | QMessageBox.Cancel) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Retry) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Retry: QTimer.singleShot(0, elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: self.close() elif error == QNetworkSession.SessionAbortedError: msgBox = QMessageBox(self.parent()) msgBox.setText('Out of range of network') msgBox.setInformativeText('Move back into range and press Retry, or press Cancel to quit the application') msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Retry | QMessageBox.Cancel) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Retry) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Retry: QTimer.singleShot(0, elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: self.close()
def showStatusPopup(self): msgBox = QMessageBox( self.status.boxIcon, "System status", '<span style="color: white;">' + self.status.message + '</span>' ) msgBox.exec_()
def show_error(self, error): err = QMessageBox() err.setWindowTitle("Join error") err.setText(error) err.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) err.setModal(True) err.exec_()
def askWhichAction(self): """ Ask the user what to do if no chunk worked: - Try again - Re-test the current last working chunk - Cancel :return: An integer value indicating the pressed button: - 0 if the user wants to try again - 1 if the user wants to re-test - 2 if the user wants to cancel """ messageBox = QMessageBox() messageBox.setWindowTitle(Strings.searcherTabAskActionMessageBoxTitle) messageBox.setText(Strings.searcherTabAskActionMessageBoxText) tryAgainButton = messageBox.addButton( Strings.searcherTabAskActionMessageBoxButtonTryAgainText, QMessageBox.RejectRole) reTestButton = messageBox.addButton( Strings.searcherTabAskActionMessageBoxButtonReTestText, QMessageBox.NoRole) cancelButton = messageBox.addButton( Strings.searcherTabAskActionMessageBoxButtonCancelText, QMessageBox.YesRole) messageBox.exec_() if messageBox.clickedButton() == tryAgainButton: return 0 elif messageBox.clickedButton() == reTestButton: return 1 elif messageBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton: return 2
def __init__(self, emoji=None): """ This class allows you to add() video files and convert them to gifs. Output files are going to be in the same folder as the input files. """ super(Handbrake, self).__init__() = TasksPool() x: self.return_signal.emit(x)) # If we supply Emoji object, then if isinstance(emoji, Emoji): video_file = abspath(join(emoji.folder, + Config()()['name_delimiter'] + emoji.version + '.mov')) if not exists(video_file): video_file = abspath(join(emoji.folder, + '-' + emoji.version + '.mov')) if exists(video_file): self.add(video_file) else: error_msg = 'Failed to locate {}, based on {}.'.format(video_file, emoji.name_no_ext) self.return_signal.emit(__name__ + error_msg) logger.warning(error_msg) error_box = QMessageBox() error_box.setStyleSheet(stylesheet.houdini) error_box.setWindowTitle('Handbrake mov to mp4 conversion: File error') error_box.setText(error_msg) error_box.exec_() elif isinstance(emoji, str): video_file = emoji if exists(video_file): self.add(video_file)
def insert(self): p = self.aFileModel.insert() if p: msgDuplBox = QMessageBox() msgDuplBox.setText('\n'.join(p) + "\n\n...file(s) already being tracked.") msgDuplBox.exec_()
def load_data(): file_name = GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.findChild(QLineEdit, "lineEditFilename").text() dir_path = GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.findChild(QLineEdit, "lineEditDirectory").text() file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(u"Plik o podanej nazwie już istnieje.") msgBox.setInformativeText(u"Czy chcesz go nadpisać?") msgBox.addButton(u"Tak", QMessageBox.AcceptRole) abortButton = msgBox.addButton(u"Nie", QMessageBox.Abort) msgBox.exec_() if msgBox.buttonClicked() == abortButton: return if file_name: update_load_data_config() data_reader = DataReader(GlobalElements.Config["start_channel"], GlobalElements.Config["end_channel"], GlobalElements.Config["output_format"], GlobalElements.Config["line_numbers"], file_path, GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.findChild(QPlainTextEdit, "plainTextEditDescription").toPlainText()) data_reader.start() GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.findChild(QLineEdit, "lineEditFilename").clear() GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.findChild(QPlainTextEdit, "plainTextEditDescription").clear() GlobalElements.LoadFilesDialog.accept() else: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(u"Niepoprawna nazwa pliku!") msgBox.exec_()
def verify_user(self, profileid=None): if profileid is None: profileid = self.current_profileid if len(profileid) == 0: return False try: username = gameslist.username_from_profile_id(profileid) except gameslist.NoSuchProfileError: return False if windows.desura_running(username): return True verify_dialog = QMessageBox() verify_dialog.setText( "<b>Verify your identity</b><br />Sign in to Desura to continue with account <b>{0}</b> to confirm your identity" .format(username)) verify_dialog.setInformativeText( "<i>Waiting for Desura sign-in...</i>") verify_dialog.setWindowTitle("Sign into Desura to continue") verify_dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Cancel) verify_dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) verify_dialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint) desurawaiter = DesuraWaiter(username) desurawaiter.finished.connect(verify_dialog.close) desurawaiter.start() verify_dialog.exec_() if windows.desura_running(username): return True else: desurawaiter.terminate() return False
def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if not event: return False if event.type() != QEvent.KeyPress: return False if event.key() not in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): return False print "Obj", obj if obj == self.loginEdit: print "Changing focus" self.passwordEdit.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) elif obj == self.passwordEdit: message = "" icon = None if not (self.loginEdit.text() or self.passwordEdit.text()): message = "Please enter your credentials" icon = QMessageBox.Warning else: message = "Login Successfull" icon = QMessageBox.Information messageBox = QMessageBox() messageBox.setText(message) messageBox.addButton("OK", QMessageBox.AcceptRole) messageBox.setIcon(icon) messageBox.exec_() return False
def __loadKeyFile(self): file, extType = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Choose Key File') if file != '': # get algorithm type and keysize from the key file with open(file, 'r') as f: try: # auth should be 'k' # k should be the key # alg will be the algorithm and 3 digit keylingth (128, 192 or 256) auth, k, alg ='_') # check the auth and algorithm if auth == 'k' and alg is not None: self.key = bytearray.fromhex(k) self.algo_type = alg[:3] self.keysize = int(alg[3:]) self.key_label.setText(binascii.hexlify(self.key).decode()) else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle('error') msg.setText("Please Select a Valid Key File") msg.exec_() # value error will be thrown if the selected file contents can not be split into auth, key and algorithm except ValueError: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle('error') msg.setText("Please Select a Valid Key File") msg.exec_()
def grammarAnalysis(self): self.useTree() os.system("python < "+ self.fileName + "| tail -n +3 > tmp.json") try: with open("tmp.json", 'r') as f: j = json.loads( text_file = open("tmp.xml", "w") #text_file.write("<body>\n") text_file.write(json2xml(j)) #text_file.write("</body>\n") text_file.close() except: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Syntax Error.") msgBox.exec_() self.useConsole() with open("tmp.json", 'r') as f: self.consoleField.setPlainText( ) return #os.system("rm tmp.json") fileName = "tmp.xml" if True: f = QtCore.QFile(fileName) if document = QtXml.QDomDocument() if document.setContent(f): newModel = DomModel(document, self) self.treeView.setModel(newModel) self.model = newModel self.xmlPath = fileName f.close() #os.system("rm tmp.xml") self.semanticButt.setEnabled(True)
def show_message(self): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(self.help_text + " ") # The spaces keep the window from being too narrow. msgBox.setInformativeText(self.informative_text) msgBox.adjustSize() msgBox.exec_()
def processCancelled(self): = False msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle('Error') msg.setText('The Encryption Process Has Been Successfully Cancelled') msg.exec_()
def cmdElimina_click(self): """Evento che gestisce il tasto di elimina""" msgBox = QMessageBox() if self.myWidget.lstRubrica.currentIndex(): index = self.myWidget.lstRubrica.currentIndex().row() rec = self.tableModel.record(index) nome = rec.value("nome") cognome = rec.value("cognome") msgBox.setText("Si conferma l'eliminazione del contatto %s %s?" % (nome, cognome)) msgBox.setInformativeText( "Se si procede con l'eliminazione il contatto verrà eliminato definitivamente." ) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = msgBox.exec_() if (ret == QMessageBox.Ok): self.tableModel.removeRow(index) self.tableModel.submitAll() else: msgBox.setText("Occorre selezionare un elemento!") msgBox.exec_()
def log(txt): if DEBUG_MSGBOX: from PySide.QtGui import QMessageBox msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(txt) msgBox.exec_() else: print txt
def check_if_folder_exists(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.save_folder_editline.text()): msgBox = QMessageBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, text=ERROR_NO_DIR_MESSAGE) msgBox.setWindowTitle(ERROR_NO_DIR_TITLE) msgBox.exec_() self.save_folder_editline.setText(self.parent.default_save_folder)
def choose_color(self): color = QColorDialog().getColor() if color.isValid(): self.button.setStyleSheet(u'background-color:' + else: msgbox = QMessageBox() msgbox.setWindowTitle(u'No Color was Selected') msgbox.exec_()
def showMessageBox(self, msg): warning = QMessageBox(self) warning.setFont(View.labelsFont()) warning.setStyleSheet('QMessageBox {background: white}') warning.setWindowTitle("Error") warning.setText(msg) warning.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) warning.addButton("Ok", QMessageBox.AcceptRole).setFont(View.editsFont()) warning.exec_()
def accept(self): """Overriding accept slot for plausibility checking.""" if len(self.textStart.text()) > 0 and len(self.textEnd.text()) > 0: super(DialogAddConnection, self).accept() else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("Start and End fields have to be filled out")) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.exec_()
def dump_msh(self): filename, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Select .MSH', os.getcwd(), 'MSH Files (*.msh)') mup = msh2_unpack.MSHUnpack(filename) msh = mup.unpack() msh.dump(filename + '.dump') msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowTitle('MSH Suite') msg_box.setText('Dumped to {0}.'.format(filename + '.dump')) msg_box.exec_()
def _detail_error_msg(self, title, error_text, error_detailed_text): msg = QMessageBox(self.new_wallet_ui) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setText(error_text) msg.setInformativeText("Detailed error information below:") msg.setDetailedText(error_detailed_text) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec_()
def check_if_digit(self): try: int(self.interval_time_lineedit.text()) except: msgBox = QMessageBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, text=ERROR_NO_INT_MESSAGE) msgBox.setWindowTitle(ERROR_NO_INT_TITLE) msgBox.exec_() self.interval_time_lineedit.setText(str(self.parent.interval_time))
def cmd_create(): tabName = lineEditTabName.text() if not tabName: msgbox = QMessageBox( self ) msgbox.setText( "�̸��� �������ּ���".decode( 'utf-8' ) ) msgbox.exec_() return self.tabWidget.addTab( tabName ) dialog.deleteLater()
def cmd_create(): tabName = lineEditTabName.text() if not tabName: msgbox = QMessageBox( self ) msgbox.setText( "�̸��� �������ּ���".decode( 'utf-8' ) ) msgbox.exec_() return self.tabWidget.addTab( tabName ) dialog.close()
def setLang(self, lang): """Sets the UI language. Warns a restart is required.""" old = self.config.get('Appearance', 'lang') if old != lang: self.config.set('Appearance', 'lang', lang) with open(self.config.configFile, 'w+') as f: self.config.write(f) msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(self.str_langChanged) msgBox.exec_()
def query_user(platform): msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowTitle("This plaform is not installed!") ok = msg_box.addButton("Install now", QMessageBox.AcceptRole) later = msg_box.addButton("Install later", QMessageBox.RejectRole) msg_box.setEscapeButton(later) msg_box.setDefaultButton(ok) msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg_box.setText("Do you want to install target\n{} ?".format(platform)) msg_box.exec_() return msg_box.clickedButton() == ok
def choose_color(): color = QColorDialog().getColor() msgbox = QMessageBox() if color.isValid(): pixmap = QPixmap(50, 50) pixmap.fill(color) msgbox.setWindowTitle(u'Selected Color') msgbox.setIconPixmap(pixmap) else: msgbox.setWindowTitle(u'No Color was Selected') msgbox.exec_()
def download_button_pressed(self): if self.ui.textEditDownload is not None: if self.check_url(self.ui.textEditDownload.toPlainText()): #subprocess.Popen(self.return_youtube_dl_cmd()) system(self.return_youtube_dl_cmd()) else: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msgBox.setText("Error in URL") msgBox.setInformativeText("Please check the URL you provided.") msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.exec_()
def event_about(self): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle(APP_NAME) msgBox.setWindowIcon(QIcon(APP_ICON)) msgBox.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) msgBox.setText( ''' \n%s %s programmed by Snir Turgeman\nIf you found some bugs, please report to [email protected] \nEnjoy!\n ''' % (APP_NAME, APP_VERSION) ) msgBox.exec_()
def setToolsSettings(legacy, relative): pref = preferences() if legacy: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.setText( translate( "Path", "Legacy tools are deprecated. They will be removed after version 0.20", )) msgBox.exec_() pref.SetBool(UseLegacyTools, legacy) pref.SetBool(UseAbsoluteToolPaths, relative)
def showReportDialog(self): """Shows a dialog that lets the user generate a report.""" d = DialogCreateReport(self._db, self) ret = d.exec_() if ret == DialogCreateReport.Accepted: cons = d.getSelectedConnections() if len(cons) > 0: self.generateReport(cons) else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("No connections selected")) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.exec_()
class Form(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(Form,self).__init__(parent) self.usernamelabel = QLabel("Username : "******"Password : "******"Login") self.username.setPlaceholderText("Enter Username Here") self.password.setPlaceholderText("Enter Password Here") layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(self.usernamelabel,0,0) layout.addWidget(self.passwordlabel,1,0) layout.addWidget(self.username,0,1) layout.addWidget(self.password,1,1) layout.addWidget(self.okbutton) self.setLayout(layout) self.usernamelist = ['priyank','stupendo','ayaan'] self.passwordlist = ['priyank','stupendo','ayaan'] self.connect(self.okbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.loginfunction) def loginfunction(self): usernamestatus = False usernameindex = -1 passwordstatus = False passwordindex = -1 for currentusername in range(len(self.usernamelist)): if self.passwordlist[currentusername] == self.username.text(): usernamestatus = True usernameindex = self.usernamelist.index(self.passwordlist[currentusername]) for currentpassword in range(len(self.passwordlist)): if self.usernamelist[currentpassword] ==self.password.text(): passwordstatus = True passwordindex = self.passwordlist.index(self.usernamelist[currentpassword]) if usernamestatus == True and passwordstatus ==True and usernameindex == passwordindex: self.hide() w2 = chooseoption.Form1(self) else: self.msgBox = QMessageBox() self.msgBox.setText("Bloody Hacker!!!") self.msgBox.exec_()
def reset(self, fp): = False # create and show message box detailing the location of the decrypted file msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle('Decryption Complete') msg.setText('<b>The decrypted file is saved to the location:</b> <i>'+fp+'</i>') msg.exec_() # create the choose mode screen and show global choose_mode_screen choose_mode_screen = ChooseMode() self.close()
def doImport(self): index = self.getCurrentRowValue( Constant.CONST_COLUMN_IMPORT_MOVEMENT_HIDDEN_ID) if (index is not None): operation = self.imLO.movementList[int(index)] print(operation.externalID) newID = None taxNewID = None if (isinstance(operation, Movement)): rs = DaoMovement.getMovementsByExternalID(operation.externalID) if len(rs) == 0: if (operation.OID == "NEW"): newID = DaoMovement.insertMovement(operation) if ( is not None and == "NEW"): rs = DaoTax.getTaxByExternalID( if len(rs) == 0: taxNewID = DaoTax.insert( elif (isinstance(operation, CorporateEvent)): rs = DaoCorporateEvent.getCorporateEventByExternalID( operation.externalID) if len(rs) == 0: newID = DaoCorporateEvent.insert(operation) print(newID) if ( is not None): rs = DaoTax.getTaxByExternalID( if len(rs) == 0: = newID taxNewID = DaoTax.insert( elif (isinstance(operation, CashMovement)): rs = DaoCashMovement.getCashMovementsByExternalID( operation.externalID) if len(rs) == 0: newID = DaoCashMovement.insert(operation) box = QMessageBox() box.setWindowTitle('ADD') if (newID is None and taxNewID is None): box.setText("CANNOT ADD externalID " + operation.externalID) else: if (newID is not None and taxNewID is not None): box.setText("INSERTED MOVEMENT " + operation.externalID + " NEWID: " + str(newID) + " NEWTAXID: " + str(taxNewID)) elif (newID is not None and taxNewID is None): box.setText("INSERTED MOVEMENT " + operation.externalID + " NEWID: " + str(newID)) else: box.setText("INSERTED TAX " + + " NEWTAXID: " + str(taxNewID)) box.exec_()
def save(self): if not HAVE_PYVTK: msg = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, 'Error', 'VTK output disabled. Pleas install pyvtk.') msg.exec_() return filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save as vtk file')[0] base_name = filename.split('.vtu')[0].split('.vtk')[0].split('.pvd')[0] if base_name: if len(self.U) == 1: write_vtk(self.grid, NumpyVectorArray(self.U[0], copy=False), base_name, codim=self.codim) else: for i, u in enumerate(self.U): write_vtk(self.grid, NumpyVectorArray(u, copy=False), '{}-{}'.format(base_name, i), codim=self.codim)
def Launch(): """This function checks whether or not the user has selected one or more objects. It then calls the '_Launch_Main_Dialog' class. """ if len(gui.Selection.getSelection()) > 0: __Launch_Main_Dialog() else: message = 'No FreeCAD objects have been selected for MultiCopy!' message_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical, 'MultiCopy - Error Message', message ) message_box.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal) message_box.exec_()
def exception(parent, ex, buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, defaultButton=QMessageBox.NoButton): title = type(ex).__name__ message = str(ex) tb = StringIO() if hasattr(ex, '__traceback__'): exc_traceback = ex.__traceback__ else: exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, file=tb) msgbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical, title, message, buttons, parent) msgbox.setDefaultButton(defaultButton) msgbox.setDetailedText(tb.getvalue()) msgbox.exec_()
def on_override_panels(): """ Override HyperShade and NodeEditor creation callback""" override_info_box = QMessageBox() override_info_box.setWindowTitle(WINDOW_TITLE) override_info_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) override_info_box.setText( 'Buttons will be added to HyperShade toolbar and Node Editor toolbar.<br/>' 'Changes will exists during this session.') override_info_box.setInformativeText( '<i>Read Help to set this settings permanent</i>') override_info_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) override_info_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) override_info_box.exec_() mttOverridePanels.override_panels()
def on_override_panels(): """ Override HyperShade and NodeEditor creation callback""" override_info_box = QMessageBox() override_info_box.setWindowTitle(WINDOW_TITLE) override_info_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) override_info_box.setText( 'Buttons will be added to HyperShade toolbar and Node Editor toolbar.<br/>' 'Changes will exists during this session.' ) override_info_box.setInformativeText('<i>Read Help to set this settings permanent</i>') override_info_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) override_info_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) override_info_box.exec_() mttOverridePanels.override_panels()
def help_gpus(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) msg.setText("Setting the number of GPUs") msg.setWindowTitle("Number of GPUs") if not self.HAVE_CUDA: info = "No GPUs are detected on your system" else: gpu_id = 0 is_available = True while is_available: try: cmt.cuda_set_device(gpu_id) is_available = True except Exception: is_available = False info = "%d GPU is detected on your system" % (gpu_id + 1) msg.setInformativeText("SpyKING CIRCUS can use several GPUs\n" "either locally or on multiple machine\n" "using MPI (see documentation)" "\n" "\n" "%s" % info) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Close) msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Close) answer = msg.exec_()
def save(self): mainlog.debug("") errors = self.controller.model.validate() if errors: showTableEntryErrorBox(errors) return False tt_start_time = datetime(self.edit_date.year, self.edit_date.month,, 6, 0, 0) edited_proxy_tts = self.controller.model.model_to_objects( lambda: TimetrackProxy()) employee_id = self.current_employee_id_selected # for tt in edited_proxy_tts: # mainlog.debug(type(tt)) # mainlog.debug(str(tt)) try: save_proxy_timetracks(edited_proxy_tts, tt_start_time, employee_id) return True except Exception as e: msgBox = QMessageBox(self) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msgBox.setText("There was an error while saving your data") msgBox.setInformativeText(str(e)) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) # msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok); ret = msgBox.exec_() return False
def check_editor_preferences(): # get preference values of external app path photo_dir = cmds.optionVar(exists='PhotoshopDir') image_dir = cmds.optionVar(exists='EditImageDir') # if there is no external app, request for an app path if not photo_dir and not image_dir: pref_warn = QMessageBox() pref_warn.setWindowTitle(WINDOW_TITLE) pref_warn.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) pref_warn.setText( '<b>Applications for Editing Image Files</b> ' 'is not set in your preferences.<br>' 'Maya needs it to send image in the right Image Editor ' 'instead of file system association.') pref_warn.setInformativeText('Do you want to select an application ?') pref_warn.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) pref_warn.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) pref_warn.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = pref_warn.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: app_path = cmds.fileDialog2( fileFilter='Image editor application (*.exe)', caption='Select image editor application', startingDirectory=os.path.expandvars('%ProgramFiles%'), fileMode=1) if app_path is not None: cmds.optionVar(sv=('PhotoshopDir', app_path[0])) cmds.optionVar(sv=('EditImageDir', app_path[0]))
def change_auth(self): # If we already are authenticated, this click sets up to # remove authentication --- if print "everpad remove" # You really want to do this???? LOL # MKG - want to move to provider msgBox = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical,"You are trying to remove authorisation"),""" Are you sure want to remove authoristion? It remove all not synced changes! """.strip()), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) ret = msgBox.exec_() # if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: # self.update_tabs() # If not athenticated then authenticate --- else: #self.ui.tabWidget.hide() #self.ui.webView.hide() self.update_tabs()
def editingFinishedHandler(self): settings = QSettings() old = settings.value("computation/reduce",QtReduceDefaults.REDUCE) new = self.reduceBinary.text() if old == new: return self.reduceBinary.blockSignals(True) tit = "Change Binary?" txt ="Do you really want to change this setting?") itxt ="If yes, then the binary ") itxt += '"' + new + '" ' itxt +="will be used at the next restart.") mbox = QMessageBox(self) mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) mbox.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) mbox.setWindowTitle(tit) mbox.setText(txt) mbox.setInformativeText(itxt) mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No) button = mbox.exec_() if button == QMessageBox.Yes: settings.setValue("computation/reduce",new) else: self.reduceBinary.setText(old) self.reduceBinary.blockSignals(False)
def choose_color(): # Select color color = QColorDialog().getColor() # Report about result of selection in QMessageBox dialog msgbox = QMessageBox() if color.isValid(): # Create a memory image 50x50 filled with selected color to display # as a icon in the msgbox dialog pixmap = QPixmap(50, 50) pixmap.fill(color) msgbox.setWindowTitle(u'Selected Color') msgbox.setIconPixmap(pixmap) else: msgbox.setWindowTitle(u'No Color was Selected') msgbox.exec_()
def prompt_for_closing_apps(self, apps_string): ''' Function to prompt user for prompting user for closing the restricted apps. ''' msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setInformativeText("Kindly Close The Application") msg.setWindowTitle("ERROR!!!") msg.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) #added by RSR #msg.setDetailedText("The details are as follows:") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setText("Looks like application {} is Open".format( apps_string.upper())) msg.exec_() return True