def requestPixmap(self, path, rsize, size): """@reimp @public @param[in] providerId unicode unused @param[out] rsize QSize @param[in] size QSize @return QPixmap not None virtual QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize) """ ret = QPixmap(QUrl(path).toLocalFile()) if ret.isNull(): derror("failed to load image: '%s'" % path) elif size != ret.size() and not size.isEmpty() and not ret.size( ).isEmpty(): if ret.width() * size.height() > ret.height() * size.width(): ret = ret.scaledToHeight(min(800, size.height()), Qt.SmoothTransformation) else: w = 1000 if ret.width() > ret.height() else 600 ret = ret.scaledToWidth(min(w, size.width()), Qt.SmoothTransformation) #elif size != ret.size(): # ret = (ret.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) if not size.isEmpty() else # ret.scaledToWidth(size.width(), Qt.SmoothTransformation) if size.width() > 0 else # ret.scaledToHeight(size.height(), Qt.SmoothTransformation) if size.height() > 0 else # ret) rsize.setWidth(ret.width()) rsize.setHeight(ret.height()) return ret
def load_image(self, img_path): """Load an image in widget from a file. Args: img_path -- Path of image file to load (str) """ img_path = str(img_path) pixmap = QPixmap(img_path) self.imglabel.setPixmap(pixmap) self.imglabel.resize(pixmap.size()) self.namelabel.setText(f"File: {img_path}") self._img_path = img_path self._initial_size = pixmap.size()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SearchEdit, self).__init__(parent) clr_pixmap = QPixmap(':/icons/clear.png') self._btn_clear = QToolButton(self) self._btn_clear.setIcon(clr_pixmap) self._btn_clear.setIconSize(clr_pixmap.size()) self._btn_clear.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) self._btn_clear.setStyleSheet('QToolButton { border: none; padding: 0px; }'); self._btn_clear.clicked.connect(self.clear) fw = #TODO: Make a Search glyph show up properly self.setStyleSheet('QLineEdit { padding-right: %dpx; }' % (self._btn_clear.sizeHint().width() + fw + 1)) msz = self.minimumSizeHint() self.setMinimumSize(max([msz.width(), self._btn_clear.sizeHint().height() + fw * 2 + 2]), max([msz.height(), self._btn_clear.sizeHint().height() + fw * 2 + 2])) self.setPlaceholderText('Search')
def requestPixmap(self, name, rsize, size): """@reimp @public @param[in] providerId unicode unused @param[out] rsize QSize @param[in] size QSize @return QPixmap not None virtual QPixmap requestPixmap(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize) """ ret = QPixmap(rc.image_path(name)) if ret.isNull(): derror("failed to load image: '%s'" % name) elif ret.size() != size: ret = ( ret.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) if not size.isEmpty() else ret.scaledToWidth( size.width(), Qt.SmoothTransformation) if size.width() > 0 else ret.scaledToHeight(size.height(), Qt.SmoothTransformation) if size.height() > 0 else ret) rsize.setWidth(ret.width()) rsize.setHeight(ret.height()) return ret
if 'coords' in self.flags: print('x: {:.2f} {}'.format(x * scale, units)) print('y: {:.2f} {}'.format(y * scale, units)) print('angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(angle)) def draw_line(self, linef): line = QGraphicsLineItem(linef) line.setPen(QPen(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)), 1)) self.addItem(line) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) loader = QUiLoader() ui = loader.load('line_gui.ui') pixmap = QPixmap(u'Top.jpg') pixmap = pixmap.scaled(2 * pixmap.size()) scene = GraphicsScene('tricavity', ['axis', 'coords'], scale_triplet=(.55, 3.04, 3.08)) pix_item = scene.addPixmap(pixmap) pix_item.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) layout = ui.findChild(QGridLayout, 'gridLayout') view = QGraphicsView(scene) layout.addWidget(view) app.exec_()
if 'coords' in self.flags: print('x: {:.2f} {}'.format(x*scale, units)) print('y: {:.2f} {}'.format(y*scale, units)) print('angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(angle)) def draw_line(self, linef): line = QGraphicsLineItem(linef) line.setPen(QPen(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)), 1)) self.addItem(line) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) loader = QUiLoader() ui = loader.load('line_gui.ui') pixmap = QPixmap(u'Top.jpg') pixmap = pixmap.scaled(2*pixmap.size()) scene = GraphicsScene('tricavity', ['axis', 'coords'], scale_triplet=(.55,3.04,3.08)) pix_item = scene.addPixmap(pixmap) pix_item.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) layout = ui.findChild(QGridLayout, 'gridLayout') view = QGraphicsView(scene) layout.addWidget(view) app.exec_()