def __init__(self, engine): super().__init__(engine) self.component = QQmlComponent(self.engine) self.component.loadUrl('src/views/qml/components/PreviewCard.qml') self.projects_list = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, 'projects') self.project_to_remove = None self.load_projects()
def __init__(self, engine): super().__init__(engine) self.component = QQmlComponent(self.engine) self.component.loadUrl('src/views/qml/components/TemplateListItem.qml') self.templates_list = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, 'templatesListColumn') self.load_templates() self.current = None
def _qmlLoad( self, qmlfile ): engine = QQmlEngine() main_qml = Path(ATHENA_SRC_DIR) / 'qml' / qmlfile component = QQmlComponent(engine, main_qml.as_uri() ) if ( component.status() != QQmlComponent.Ready ): print ("Error loading QML:") print(component.errorString()) result = component.create() # Need to hold a reference in python to the QQmlComponent, or else # PySide2 will helpfully delete the material object along with it # after this function ends. self._qtrefs.append(component) return result
def load(self): self.component = component = QQmlComponent( self.engine.engine, self.qmlUrl, QQmlComponent.PreferSynchronous) assert not component.isLoading() if component.isError(): for err in component.errors(): print("Error:", err.url(), err.line(), err)
## and conditions see For further ## information use the contact form at ## ## GNU General Public License Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ## Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ## included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ## information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ## be met: ## ## $QT_END_LICENSE$ ## ############################################################################# import sys from helper import adjust_filename from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlEngine, QQmlComponent app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlEngine() component = QQmlComponent(engine) # This should segfault if the QDeclarativeComponent has not QQmlEngine component.loadUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(adjust_filename('foo.qml', __file__)))
class TemplateView(View): def __init__(self, engine): super().__init__(engine) self.component = QQmlComponent(self.engine) self.component.loadUrl('src/views/qml/components/TemplateListItem.qml') self.templates_list = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, 'templatesListColumn') self.load_templates() self.current = None def load_templates(self): """ Loads all existing templates and creates ui entries for them. """ templates = template_controller.get_templates() for template in templates: self.add_template(template) def add_template(self, template): """ Creates a ui entry for single template """ item = self.component.create() item.setProperty('name', item.setProperty('template_id', template.template_id) item.setObjectName(template.template_id) item.setParentItem(self.templates_list) item.setParent(self.templates_list) @Slot(str, str, str) def create_template_clicked(self, name, filename, path): """ Called when new template button is clicked. Creates a new template. Args: name (string): Name of the template, entered by user filename (string): File name of the template entered by user path (string): Path of the template, entered by user """ try: template = template_controller.create_template( name, filename, path, '') self.add_template(template) except PermissionError: self.show_error(get_literal('template_creation_failed'), get_literal('permission_denied')) except FileExistsError: self.show_error(get_literal('template_already_exists'), get_literal('permission_denied')) except InvalidValueError as err: self.show_error(get_literal('template_creation_failed'), str(err)) @Slot(str) def remove_template(self, template_id): """ Called when remove button is clicked on a template Removes the template Args: template_id (string): Id of the template to remove """ template_controller.remove_template(template_id) obj = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, template_id) obj.deleteLater() @Slot(str) def edit_clicked(self, template_id): """ Called when edit button is clicked on a template Opens template editing view. Args: template_id (string): Id of the template to open the edit view for """ source = template_controller.get_source(template_id) child = self.root.findChild(QObject, 'editTemplateDialog') child.setProperty('visible', True) child = self.root.findChild(QObject, 'editTemplateDialogContent') child.setProperty('text', source) self.current = template_id @Slot(str) def save_clicked(self, source): """ Called when save button is clicked. Saves the template being edited currently. Args: source (string): Source of the template to save """ template_store.write(self.current, source) @Slot(result=str) def get_default_path(self): """ Returns default path where templates shall be saved Returns: string: Default path """ return config.get_value('default_template_path')
import sys from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlEngine, QQmlComponent app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlEngine() component = QQmlComponent(engine) # This should segfault if the QDeclarativeComponent has not QQmlEngine component.loadUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile('foo.qml'))
def __init__(self): super(ComponentChanger, self).__init__(None) self._current_component = QQmlComponent() self._changes = []
def initialize(self, size: QSize, shareContext: QOpenGLContext) -> None: """ Initialize offscreen renderer. Args: size: The size of the area available for rendering. shareContext: OpenGL context used as a share context. Raises: RuntimeError: If the renderer has already been initialized. """ print(f'QmlOffscreenRenderer.initialize: {size}') if self.initialized: raise RuntimeError('Already initialized') format = QSurfaceFormat() format.setDepthBufferSize(16) format.setStencilBufferSize(8) context = QOpenGLContext() context.setFormat(format) context.setShareContext(shareContext) context.create() self.size = size self.context = context # Create offscreen surface with initialized format self._surface = surface = QOffscreenSurface() surface.setFormat(context.format()) surface.create() # Set up quick rendering self._control = control = QQuickRenderControl() self._window = window = QQuickWindow(control) self._engine = engine = QQmlEngine() if not engine.incubationController(): engine.setIncubationController(window.incubationController()) # Don't polish/sync/render immediately for better performance, use a timer self._renderTimer = renderTimer = QTimer() renderTimer.setSingleShot(True) renderTimer.setInterval(5) renderTimer.timeout.connect(self._onRenderTimer) self._syncTimer = syncTimer = QTimer() syncTimer.setSingleShot(True) syncTimer.setInterval(5) syncTimer.timeout.connect(self._onSyncTimer) syncTimer.destroyed.connect(self._onSyncTimerDestroyed) # Request to create frame buffer window.sceneGraphInitialized.connect(self._onSceneGraphInitialized) # Request to release frame buffer window.sceneGraphInvalidated.connect(self._onSceneGraphInvalidated) # Only render is needed control.renderRequested.connect(self._onRenderRequested) # Polish, sync & render control.sceneChanged.connect(self._onSceneChanged) self.initialized = True # Load QML component self._component = component = QQmlComponent(self._engine, self.qmlUrl) if component.isLoading(): component.statusChanged.connect(self._onComponentStatusChanged) else: self._attachRootItem()
class HomeView(View): def __init__(self, engine): super().__init__(engine) self.component = QQmlComponent(self.engine) self.component.loadUrl('src/views/qml/components/PreviewCard.qml') self.projects_list = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, 'projects') self.project_to_remove = None self.load_projects() def load_projects(self): """ Loads existing projets to ui """ projects = project_controller.get_projects() for project in projects: self.add_project(project) def add_project(self, project): """ Adds a project entry to ui Args: project (Project): Project model """ item = self.component.create() item.setProperty('project_id', project.project_id) item.setProperty('name', item.setProperty( 'modified', f'Last modified: {self.timestamp_to_date(project.last_modified)}') item.setObjectName(project.project_id) item.setParentItem(self.projects_list) item.setParent(self.projects_list) def timestamp_to_date(self, timestamp): """ Converts a ISO 8601 date to datetime object Args: timestamp (string): ISO 8601 date representation Returns: datetime: Created datetime object """ return dateutil.parser.isoparse(timestamp).strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M') @Slot(str, str, str) def create_project_clicked(self, name, path, template_name): """ Callback to create project Args: name (string): Name that user entered path (string): Path that user entered template_name (string): Template name """ try: project = project_controller.create_project( name, path, template_name) self.add_project(project) except InvalidValueError as err: self.show_error(get_literal('project_creation_failed'), str(err)) except DirectoryNotEmptyError: self.show_error(get_literal('project_creation_failed'), get_literal('dir_not_empty')) except ProjectExistsError: self.show_error(get_literal('project_creation_failed'), get_literal('projects_already_exists')) except PermissionError: self.show_error(get_literal('project_creation_failed'), get_literal('permission_denied')) @Slot(result=str) def get_default_path(self): """ Returns default project path to ui Returns: string: Default path """ return config.get_value('default_project_path') @Slot(str) def request_project_removal(self, project_id): """ Called when user would like to remove a project. Shows a confirmation dialog to the user. Args: project_id (string): Id of the project to remove """ self.project_to_remove = project_id project = project_controller.get_project_by_id(project_id) if not project: return child = self.root.findChild(QObject, 'confirmRemovalDialog') child.setProperty('visible', True) child.setProperty('text', f'Do you want to remove project {}?') @Slot(result=str) def remove_confirmed(self): """ Called when user has confirmed project removal dialog. Returns: string: Id of the project to remove """ project_controller.remove_project(self.project_to_remove) child = self.root.findChild(QQuickItem, self.project_to_remove) child.deleteLater() return self.project_to_remove @Slot() def load_templates(self): """ Fetches all templates and returns a list of their names. Returns: string: list of names of the templates """ templates = template_controller.get_template_names() dropdown = self.root.findChild(QObject, 'templateDropdown') dropdown.set_model([''] + templates)