Пример #1
 def test_transformer(self):
     import os
     from PySpice.Spice.Netlist import Circuit
     circuit = Circuit('Diode Characteristic Curve')
     circuit.L('primary', 'Vlp', 'Vdrain', '{l_trf}')
     circuit.C('resonance', 'Vlv', 'Vdrain', '{cap_r}')
     circuit.L('secondary', 'Vls', 'ghv', '{Ls}')
     circuit.R('secondary', 'Vls', 1, 5.15)
     circuit.K('flyback', 'Lprimary', 'Lsecondary', 1)
Пример #2
skidl_L1['p', 'n'] += net_1, net_2

skidl_L2 = L(ref='2', value=5, m=5, temp=5, dtemp=5, ic=5)
skidl_L2['p', 'n'] += net_1, net_2

skidl_K = K(ind1=skidl_L1, ind2=skidl_L2, coupling=5)
skidl_circ = generate_netlist()

# In[28]:

pyspice_circ = Circuit('')
#inductors need to exsist to then be coupled
pyspice_circ.L('1', 'N1', 'N2', 5, m=5, temp=5, dtemp=5, ic=5)
pyspice_circ.L('2', 'N1', 'N2', 5, m=5, temp=5, dtemp=5, ic=5)
pyspice_circ.K('1', 'L1', 'L2', coupling_factor=5)

# In[29]:

netlist_comp_check(skidl_circ, pyspice_circ)

# ## L            | Inductor
# PySpice/PySpice/Spice/BasicElement.py; class Inductor(DipoleElement)
# skidl/skidl/libs/pyspice_sklib.py; name="L"
# ngspice 3.2.9 Inductors:
# LYYYYYYY n| n- <value > <mname > <nt=val> <m=val> <scale=val> <temp=val> <dtemp=val> <tc1=val> <tc2=val> <ic=init_condition >
Пример #3
frequency = 1e3
period = 1 / frequency
omega = 2 * np.pi * frequency

I_P1 = 100
L_P1 = 1e-6
L_S1 = 10e-6
K_P1S1 = 0.1

circuit = Circuit('2CoupledInductors')

#Primary Side
circuit.I('I2', circuit.gnd, 'N1', 'AC ' + str(I_P1) + '')
circuit.L('L_P1', circuit.gnd, 'N1', str(L_P1))

# Secondary Side
circuit.L('L_S1', circuit.gnd, 'N2', str(L_S1))
circuit.K('K_P1S1', 'LL_P1', 'LL_S1',
          K_P1S1)  # NB, it adds an L to the name of the inductor ...


# # Do the simulation
# simulator = circuit.simulator(temperature=25, nominal_temperature=25)
# analysis = simulator.ac(variation='lin', number_of_points=1, start_frequency=frequency, stop_frequency=frequency)

# # Print the results
# print('--- Results ---')
# for node in analysis.nodes.values():
#   print('Node {}: {:5.2f} V'.format(str(node), float(abs(node))))