def setCanonFlags(config): setPrePostFlags(config) # configure forward/reverse mode if config.mode: if config.mode[0] == 'f': UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistConstantsFlag(False) UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistStringsFlag(False) elif config.mode[0] == 'r': UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistConstantsFlag(True) UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistStringsFlag(False) # set symtab type defaults if config.r8: Symtab.setTypeDefaults((fs.DoubleStmt, []), (fs.IntegerStmt, [])) if config.removeFunction: UnitCanonicalizer.setKeepFunctionDef(False) if config.hoistConstantsFlag: UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistConstantsFlag(config.hoistConstantsFlag) if config.hoistStringsFlag: UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistStringsFlag(config.hoistStringsFlag) if config.subroutinizeIntegerFunctions: UnitCanonicalizer.setSubroutinizeIntegerFunctions(True) if config.keepGoing: CanonError.keepGoing() if config.warn: DebugManager.warnOnlyOn(config.warn) if config.progress: DebugManager.dumpProgress() if config.includePaths: Ffile.setIncludeSearchPath(config.includePaths) if config.nonStandard: useNonStandard(config.nonStandard) if (config.overloading): UnitCanonicalizer.setOverloadingMode()
def setSourceProcessingFlags(config): # set outputFormat explicitly if format or output file are supplied by user. # otherwise, outputFormat is set to inputFormat during parsing if config.outputFormat == None: if config.outputFile: ext = os.path.splitext(config.outputFile)[1] config.outputFormat = Ffile.get_format(ext) setOutputFormat(config.outputFormat) elif (config.outputFormat <> 'fixed') and (config.outputFormat <> 'free'): opt.error( "outputFormat option must be specified with either 'fixed' or 'free' as an argument" ) else: setOutputFormat(config.outputFormat) if config.outputLineLength: setOutputLineLength(config.outputLineLength) if config.inputLineLength: setInputLineLength(config.inputLineLength) # set symtab type defaults Symtab.setTypeDefaults((fs.RealStmt, []), (fs.IntegerStmt, [])) # parse info units if config.infoUnitFile: from PyFort.fortUnit import fortUnitIterator for aUnit in fortUnitIterator(config.infoUnitFile, config.inputFormat): # need to parse this so the type information is available, but do not modify or print units pass # set verbosity DebugManager.setVerbose(config.isVerbose) DebugManager.setQuiet(config.noWarnings) DebugManager.setCheck(config.check)
def setUp(self): self.typetab = Typetab() s = Symtab() s.enter_name('TOP', C1.topSE) ts = Symtab(s) ts.enter_name('foo', C1.fooSE) self.symtab = ts
def setUp(self): t = Symtab() t.enter_name('TOP', C1.topSE) ts = Symtab(t) ts.enter_name('fOo', C1.fooSE) self.ts = ts
def _beginProcedureUnit(aProcedureDeclStmt, cur): ''' called for function/subroutine statements within an interface block ''' localSymtab = Symtab(cur.val.symtab) DebugManager.debug('[Line '+str(aProcedureDeclStmt.lineNumber)+']: stmt2unit._beginProcedureUnit:' \ +' called for '+aProcedureDeclStmt.__class__.__name__+': "'+str(aProcedureDeclStmt)+'"' \ +' changing from current symtab "'+str(cur.val.symtab)+'"' \ +' to local symtab "'+str(localSymtab)+'"') entry = aProcedureDeclStmt.makeSymtabEntry(localSymtab) localSymtab.enter_name(, entry) cur.val.symtab.enter_name(, entry) cur.val.symtab = localSymtab if (isinstance(aProcedureDeclStmt, fs.FunctionStmt)): cur.val._in_iface._in_procedureFuncDecl = aProcedureDeclStmt return aProcedureDeclStmt
def __skipThisType(onlyRequired,key,typeClass,aRanks): return ((onlyRequired and (((key,typeClass,aRanks) not in _requiredSubroutinizedIntrinsics) or (Symtab.getRealTypeDefault()[0]==fs.DoubleStmt and typeClass==fs.RealStmt and (key, fs.DoubleStmt,aRanks) in _requiredSubroutinizedIntrinsics))) or (not onlyRequired and Symtab.getRealTypeDefault()[0]==fs.DoubleStmt and typeClass==fs.RealStmt))
def _beginInterface(anInterfaceStmt, cur): if ( cur.val.symtab.enter_name(, SymtabEntry(SymtabEntry.InterfaceEntryKind())) cur.val._in_iface = InterfaceInfo(, cur.val._in_iface) DebugManager.debug('[Line ' + str(anInterfaceStmt.lineNumber) + ']: stmt2unit._beginInterface(' + str(anInterfaceStmt) + ')') if ( # collect all the procedurenames in a mock symtab... localSymtab = Symtab(cur.val.symtab) cur.val.symtab = localSymtab # local attribute added on to convey the name to _endInterface return anInterfaceStmt
def __init__(self, parent=None, fmod=None): 'create a unit' self.cmnt = None self.uinfo = None self.decls = [] self.execs = [] self.contains = [] self.ulist = [] self.end = [] self.parent = parent if parent: self.nestLevel = parent.nestLevel + 1 else: self.nestLevel = 0 self.symtab = Symtab(_symtab_of(parent)) self.fmod = fmod self._in_iface = None # this would be set to an InterfaceInfo instance if we are in an interface self._in_drvdType = None # this would be set to the name of the derived type being processed self._drvdTypeDefaultAccess = None # this would be set for access while the derived type is being processed self._in_functionDecl = None # this will be set to the FunctionDeclStmt if a function is being processed self._in_subroutineDecl = None # this will be set to the SubroutineDeclStmt if a subroutine is being processed DebugManager.debug('new unit created: ' + str(self) + ', new symtab being created = ' + str(self.symtab))
from Setup import * from unittest import * from useparse import * from PyUtil.symtab import Symtab, globalTypeTable from PyUtil.typetab import TypetabEntry from PyFort.inference import expressionType, _TypeContext, _kw2type, _lenfn import PyFort.fortStmts as fortStmts from PyFort.fortStmts import LogicalStmt, CharacterStmt, IntegerStmt, RealStmt, DoubleStmt, ComplexStmt, DoubleCplexStmt from PyFort.fortStmts import _Prec, _Kind, _F77Len Symtab.setTypeDefaults((fortStmts.RealStmt, []), (fortStmts.IntegerStmt, [])) theSymtab = Symtab() class TypeUtils(TestCase): '''Typing, and misc xform utilities ''' def test1(self): '_kw2type' self.assertEquals(_kw2type('real'), fortStmts.RealStmt) self.assertEquals(_kw2type('doubleprecision'), fortStmts.DoubleStmt) self.assertEquals(_kw2type('integer'), fortStmts.IntegerStmt) self.assertEquals(_kw2type('logical'), fortStmts.LogicalStmt) def test2(self): '_lenfn' self.assertEquals(str(_lenfn(15)), '*15')
def __init__(self): self.symtab = Symtab()
from Setup import * from unittest import * from PyUtil.symtab import Symtab, globalTypeTable from PyFort.inference import expressionType from PyFort.stmt2unit import * from PyFort.stmt2unit import _implicit from useparse import * Symtab.setTypeDefaults((fs.RealStmt,[]),(fs.IntegerStmt,[])) class U(object): def __init__(self): self.symtab = Symtab() class _curr(object): def __init__(self): self.val = U() class C1(TestCase): def test1(self): 'implicit action' cur = _curr() # s0 = pps('parameter (special=2)') # s1 = pps('implicit integer(special) (a-f)') # sr = _implicit(s1,cur) v = cur.val.symtab
from unittest import * from PyUtil.errors import UserError from PyUtil.symtab import Symtab from PyFort.fortUnit import fortUnitIterator from PyFort.fortStmts import RealStmt, IntegerStmt from PyFort.flow import setOutputFormat from import UnitCanonicalizer, CanonError from PyUtil.debugManager import DebugManager from PyFort.flow import setOutputFormat ''' Unit tests for canonicalizer ''' DebugManager.setQuiet(True) Symtab.setTypeDefaults((RealStmt, []), (IntegerStmt, [])) def compareFiles(assertFunc, originalFileName, RefFileName, format, hoistStrings=False): try: (fd, testFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp() testFile = open(testFileName, 'w') setOutputFormat(format) UnitCanonicalizer.setHoistStringsFlag(hoistStrings) for aUnit in fortUnitIterator(fname_t(originalFileName), format): setOutputFormat(format) UnitCanonicalizer(aUnit).canonicalizeUnit().printit(testFile)