def phasers(game): if game.enterprise.phaser_damage > 0: game.display(Quips.jibe_damage("phaser")) game.display() return kships = game.game_map.get_area_klingons() if len(kships) == 0: game.display(_("There are no Klingon ships in this sector.")) game.display() return game.display(_("Phasers locked on target.")) phaser_energy = game.read_double( _("Enter phaser energy (1--{0}): ").format( if not phaser_energy or phaser_energy < 1 or phaser_energy > game.display(_("Invalid energy level.")) game.display() return game.display() game.display(_("Firing phasers...")) destroyed_ships = [] for ss, ship in enumerate(kships): -= int(phaser_energy) if < 0: = 0 break dist = Calc.distance(game.game_map.xpos, game.game_map.ypos, ship.xpos, ship.ypos) delivered_energy = phaser_energy * (1.0 - dist / 11.3) ship.shield_level -= int(delivered_energy) if ship.shield_level <= 0: game.display( _("Enemy ship destroyed at [{xpos},{ypos}].").format( xpos=ship.xpos + 1, ypos=ship.ypos + 1)) game.display(Quips.jibe_defeat('enemy')) destroyed_ships.append(ship) else: game.display( _("Hit ship at [{xpos},{ypos}].").format( xpos=ship.xpos + 1, ypos=ship.ypos + 1)) game.display( _("Enemy shield down to {shield_level}.").format( shield_level=ship.shield_level)) game.game_map.remove_area_items(destroyed_ships) if game.game_map.count_area_klingons() > 0: game.display() ShipKlingon.attack_if_you_can(game) game.display() game.enterprise.damage(game, Probabilities.PHASERS)
def long_range_scan(self, game): if self.long_range_scan_damage > 0: game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('long ranged scanner')) game.display() return pw_sector = game.game_map.sector if pw_sector < 4: pw_sector = 5 elif pw_sector > 60: pw_sector = 60 lines = [] for peek in range(pw_sector - 4, pw_sector + 5): quad = game.game_map.scan_sector(peek) lines.append(f"SEC: {quad.number:>03}") lines.append(f"{Glyphs.KLINGON}: {quad.area_klingons:>03}") lines.append(f"{Glyphs.STARBASE}: {quad.area_starbases:>03}") lines.append(f"{Glyphs.STAR}: {quad.area_stars:>03}") dots = ' +' + ('-' * 35) + '+' game.display(dots) game.display(_(' | LONG RANGE SCAN |')) game.display(dots) for ss in range(0, (len(lines) - 1), 12): for offs in range(4): line = f' | {lines[ss+offs]:<9} | {lines[ss+4+offs]:<9} | {lines[ss+8+offs]:<9} |' game.display(line) game.display(dots) game.display() if not game.enterprise.damage(game, Probabilities.SRS)
def damage(self, game, item): ''' Damage the Enterprise. ''' if not Probabilities.should_damage_enterprise(game, item): return damage = Probabilities.calc_damage(game, item) if item < 0: item = random.randint(0, 6) if item == 0: self.navigation_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('warp engine')) elif item == 1: self.short_range_scan_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('short range scanner')) elif item == 2: self.long_range_scan_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('long range scanner')) elif item == 3: self.shield_control_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('shield control')) elif item == 4: self.computer_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('main computer')) elif item == 5: self.photon_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('torpedo controller')) elif item == 6: self.phaser_damage = damage game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('phaser')) game.display()
def short_range_scan(self, game): if self.short_range_scan_damage > 0: game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('short ranged scanner')) game.display() else: quad = game.game_map.get_pw_sector() Sector.display_area(game, quad) game.display() if not game.enterprise.damage(game, Probabilities.SRS)
def run(self): ''' The game loop - runs until the game is over. ''' fr = gettext.translation('startrek2020', localedir='locale', languages=['fr']) fr.install() self.show_strings(TrekStrings.LOGO_TREKER) game.star_date = random.randint(2250, 2300) game.time_remaining = random.randint(40, 45) game.destroyed = False stars = random.randint(500, 700) # 4096 = ALL aliens = random.randint(14, 24) starbases = random.randint(6, 8) game.game_map.randomize(starbases, stars, aliens) dest = WarpDest(64, 0) game.move_to(dest) game.game_map.get_area(64).name = 'Outer Limits' self.print_mission() self.show_strings(TrekStrings.HELM_CMDS) running = True try: while self.game_on(): if not self.command_prompt(): break if self.is_testing: self.destoryed = False ShipStarbase.dock_enterprise(self.enterprise) ShipStarbase.launch_enterprise(self.enterprise) self.enterprise.shield_level = 1000 except ErrorEnterpriseCollision as ex: if ex.glyph == Glyphs.KLINGON: self.display(_("You flew into a KLINGON!")) if ex.glyph == Glyphs.STARBASE: self.display(_("You flew into a STARBASE?")) if ex.glyph == Glyphs.STAR: self.display(_("You flew into a STAR?")) self.destroyed = True game.display() Stats.show_exit_status(game) game.display() if self.destroyed == True: self.display(Quips.jibe_fatal_mistake()) game.display() return False
def show_exit_status(game): if game.destroyed: msg = _("MISSION FAILED: SHIP DESTROYED") game.show_banner([msg], '!') elif == 0: msg = _("MISSION FAILED: OUT OF ENERGY.") game.show_banner([msg], '!') elif game.game_map.game_klingons == 0: msg = _("MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"), _("ENEMIES DESTROYED"), _( "WELL DONE!") game.show_banner(msg) elif game.time_remaining == 0: msg = _("MISSION FAILED: OUT OF TIME.") game.show_banner([msg], '!') else: ary = [_("::::::::: MISSION ABORTED :::::::::"), Quips.jibe_quit()] game.show_banner(ary, ':')
def computer(game): if game.enterprise.computer_damage > 0: game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('computer')) game.display() return game.show_strings(TrekStrings.CPU_CMDS) command ="Enter computer command: ")).strip().lower() if command == "rec": Stats.show_galactic_status(game) elif command == "sta": Stats.show_ship_status(game) elif command == "tor": Calc.show_torp_targets(game) elif command == "bas": Calc.show_starbase(game) else: game.display() game.display(_("Invalid computer command.")) game.display() game.enterprise.damage(game, Probabilities.COMPUTER)
def torpedos(game): if game.enterprise.photon_damage > 0: game.display(Quips.jibe_damage('photon launcher')) game.display() return if game.enterprise.photon_torpedoes == 0: game.display(_("Photon torpedoes exhausted.")) game.display() return if game.game_map.count_area_klingons() == 0: game.display(_("There are no Klingon ships in this sector.")) game.display() return shot = game.read_xypos() if not shot: game.display(_("Invalid shot.")) game.display() return game.display() game.display(_("Photon torpedo fired...")) game.enterprise.photon_torpedoes -= 1 hit = False for ship in game.game_map.get_area_objects(): if game.is_testing: print( f'{ship.glyph}({ship.xpos},{ship.ypos}), shot({shot.xpos},{shot.ypos})' ) if ship.xpos == shot.xpos and ship.ypos == shot.ypos: if ship.glyph == Glyphs.KLINGON: num = game.game_map.get_game_id(ship) game.display( _("Klingon ship #{num} destroyed.").format(num=num)) game.display(Quips.jibe_defeat('enemy')) game.game_map.remove_area_items([ship]) hit = True break elif ship.glyph == Glyphs.STARBASE: game.game_map.game_starbases -= 1 num = game.game_map.get_game_id(ship) game.display( _("Federation Starbase #{num} destroyed!").format( num=num)) game.display(Quips.jibe_defeat('commander')) game.game_map.remove_area_items([ship]) hit = True break elif ship.glyph == Glyphs.STAR: num = game.game_map.get_game_id(ship) game.display( _("Torpedo vaporizes star #{num}!").format(num=num)) game.display(Quips.jibe_defeat('academic')) game.game_map.remove_area_items([ship]) hit = True break if not hit: game.display(_("Torpedo missed.")) if game.game_map.count_area_klingons() > 0: game.display() ShipKlingon.attack_if_you_can(game) game.display() game.enterprise.damage(game, Probabilities.PHOTON)