def _minigui_report_search_status(self, leaves): """Prints the current MCTS search status to stderr. Reports the current search path, root node's child_Q, root node's child_N, the most visited path in a format that can be parsed by one of the STDERR_HANDLERS in minigui.ts. Args: leaves: list of leaf MCTSNodes returned by tree_search(). """ root = self._player.get_root() msg = { "id": hex(id(root)), "n": int(root.N), "q": float(root.Q), } msg["childQ"] = [int(round(q * 1000)) for q in root.child_Q] msg["childN"] = [int(n) for n in root.child_N] ranked_children = root.rank_children() variations = {} for i in ranked_children[:15]: if root.child_N[i] == 0 or i not in root.children: break c = coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(i)) child = root.children[i] nodes = child.most_visited_path_nodes() moves = [coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(m.fmove)) for m in nodes] variations[c] = { "n": int(root.child_N[i]), "q": float(root.child_Q[i]), "moves": [c] + moves, } if leaves: path = [] leaf = leaves[0] while leaf != root: path.append(leaf.fmove) leaf = leaf.parent if path: path.reverse() variations["live"] = { "n": int(root.child_N[path[0]]), "q": float(root.child_Q[path[0]]), "moves": [coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(m)) for m in path] } if variations: msg["variations"] = variations dbg("mg-update:%s" % json.dumps(msg, sort_keys=True))
def _minigui_report_position(self): root = self._player.get_root() position = root.position board = [] for row in range(go.N): for col in range(go.N): stone = position.board[row, col] if stone == go.BLACK: board.append("X") elif stone == go.WHITE: board.append("O") else: board.append(".") msg = { "id": hex(id(root)), "toPlay": "B" if position.to_play == 1 else "W", "moveNum": position.n, "stones": "".join(board), "gameOver": position.is_game_over(), "caps": position.caps, } if root.parent and root.parent.parent: msg["parentId"] = hex(id(root.parent)) msg["q"] = float(root.parent.Q) if position.recent: msg["move"] = coords.to_gtp(position.recent[-1].move) dbg("mg-position:%s" % json.dumps(msg, sort_keys=True))
def print_example(examples, i): example = examples[i] p = parse_board(example) print('\nExample %d of %d, %s to play, winner is %s' % (i + 1, len(examples), 'Black' if p.to_play == 1 else 'White', 'Black' if example.value > 0 else 'White')) if example.n != -1: print( 'N:%d Q:%.3f picked:%s' % (example.n, example.q, coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(example.c)))) board_lines = str(p).split('\n')[:-2] mean = np.mean(example.pi[example.pi > 0]) mx = np.max(example.pi) pi_lines = ['PI'] for row in range(go.N): pi = [] for col in range(go.N): stone = p.board[row, col] idx = row * go.N + col if example.c != -1: picked = example.c == row * go.N + col else: picked = False pi.append(format_pi(example.pi[idx], stone, mean, mx, picked)) pi_lines.append(' '.join(pi)) pi_lines.append( format_pi(example.pi[-1], go.EMPTY, mean, mx, example.c == go.N * go.N)) for b, p in zip(board_lines, pi_lines): print('%s | %s' % (b, p))
def mvp_gg(self): """Returns most visited path in go-gui VAR format e.g. 'b r3 w c17...""" output = [] for node in self.most_visited_path_nodes(): if max(node.child_N) <= 1: break output.append(coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(node.fmove))) return ' '.join(output)
def most_visited_path(self): output = [] node = self for node in self.most_visited_path_nodes(): output.append('%s (%d) ==> ' % (coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(node.fmove)), node.N)) output.append('Q: {:.5f}\n'.format(node.Q)) return ''.join(output)
def play_move(self, c, color=None, mutate=False): # Obeys CGOS Rules of Play. In short: # No suicides # Chinese/area scoring # Positional superko (this is very crudely approximate at the moment.) if color is None: color = self.to_play pos = self if mutate else copy.deepcopy(self) if c is None: pos = pos.pass_move(mutate=mutate) return pos if not self.is_move_legal(c): raise IllegalMove('{} move at {} is illegal: \n{}'.format( 'Black' if self.to_play == BLACK else 'White', coords.to_gtp(c), self)) potential_ko = is_koish(self.board, c) place_stones(pos.board, color, [c]) captured_stones = pos.lib_tracker.add_stone(color, c) place_stones(pos.board, EMPTY, captured_stones) opp_color = color * -1 new_board_delta = np.zeros([N, N], dtype=np.int8) new_board_delta[c] = color place_stones(new_board_delta, color, captured_stones) if len(captured_stones) == 1 and potential_ko == opp_color: new_ko = list(captured_stones)[0] else: new_ko = None if pos.to_play == BLACK: new_caps = (pos.caps[0] + len(captured_stones), pos.caps[1]) else: new_caps = (pos.caps[0], pos.caps[1] + len(captured_stones)) pos.n += 1 pos.caps = new_caps pos.ko = new_ko pos.recent += (PlayerMove(color, c), ) # keep a rolling history of last 7 deltas - that's all we'll need to # extract the last 8 board states. pos.board_deltas = np.concatenate( (new_board_delta.reshape(1, N, N), pos.board_deltas[:6])) pos.to_play *= -1 return pos
def cmd_genmove(self, color=None): if color is not None: self._accomodate_out_of_turn(color) if self._courtesy_pass: # If courtesy pass is True and the previous move was a pass, we'll # pass too, regardless of score or our opinion on the game. position = self._player.get_position() if position.recent and position.recent[-1].move is None: return "pass" move = self._player.suggest_move(self._player.get_position()) if self._player.should_resign(): self._player.set_result(-1 * self._player.get_position().to_play, was_resign=True) return "resign" self._player.play_move(move) if self._player.get_root().is_done(): self._player.set_result(self._player.get_position().result(), was_resign=False) return coords.to_gtp(move)
def describe(self): ranked_children = self.rank_children() soft_n = self.child_N / max(1, sum(self.child_N)) prior = self.child_prior p_delta = soft_n - prior p_rel = np.divide( p_delta, prior, out=np.zeros_like(p_delta), where=prior != 0) # Dump out some statistics output = [] output.append('{q:.4f}\n'.format(q=self.Q)) output.append(self.most_visited_path()) output.append( 'move : action Q U P P-Dir N soft-N p-delta p-rel') for i in ranked_children[:15]: if self.child_N[i] == 0: break output.append( '\n{!s:4} : {: .3f} {: .3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:5d} {:.4f} {: .5f} {: .2f}' .format( coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(i)), self.child_action_score[i], self.child_Q[i], self.child_U[i], self.child_prior[i], self.original_prior[i], int(self.child_N[i]), soft_n[i], p_delta[i], p_rel[i])) return ''.join(output)
def _heatmap(self, sort_order, node, prop): return "\n".join([ "{!s:6} {}".format(coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(key)), node.__dict__.get(prop)[key]) for key in sort_order if node.child_N[key] > 0 ][:20])
def play(network): """Plays out a self-play match, returning a MCTSPlayer object containing. - the final position - the n x 362 tensor of floats representing the mcts search probabilities - the n-ary tensor of floats representing the original value-net estimate where n is the number of moves in the game """ readouts = FLAGS.num_readouts # defined in # Disable resign in 5% of games if random.random() < FLAGS.resign_disable_pct: resign_threshold = -1.0 else: resign_threshold = None player = MCTSPlayer(network, resign_threshold=resign_threshold) player.initialize_game() # Must run this once at the start to expand the root node. first_node = player.root.select_leaf() prob, val = first_node.incorporate_results(prob, val, first_node) while True: start = time.time() player.root.inject_noise() current_readouts = player.root.N # we want to do "X additional readouts", rather than "up to X readouts". while player.root.N < current_readouts + readouts: player.tree_search() if FLAGS.verbose >= 3: print(player.root.position) print(player.root.describe()) if player.should_resign(): player.set_result(-1 * player.root.position.to_play, was_resign=True) break move = player.pick_move() player.play_move(move) if player.root.is_done(): player.set_result(player.root.position.result(), was_resign=False) break if (FLAGS.verbose >= 2) or (FLAGS.verbose >= 1 and player.root.position.n % 10 == 9): print('Q: {:.5f}'.format(player.root.Q)) dur = time.time() - start print('%d: %d readouts, %.3f s/100. (%.2f sec)' % (player.root.position.n, readouts, dur / readouts * 100.0, dur)) if FLAGS.verbose >= 3: print('Played >>', coords.to_gtp(coords.from_flat(player.root.fmove))) if FLAGS.verbose >= 2: utils.dbg('%s: %.3f' % (player.result_string, player.root.Q)) utils.dbg(player.root.position, player.root.position.score()) return player