def isCorePlot(argsList): x = argsList[0] y = argsList[1] iCiv = argsList[2] reborn = utils.getReborn(iCiv) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: if (x, y) in Areas.getCoreArea(iCiv): return 1 return 0
def startCongress(self): self.bPostWar = (len(self.lWinners) > 0) utils.debugTextPopup('Congress takes place') self.inviteToCongress() if self.bPostWar: iHostPlayer = [iWinner for iWinner in self.lWinners if gc.getPlayer(iWinner).isAlive()][0] else: iHostPlayer = utils.getRandomEntry([iInvitee for iInvitee in self.lInvites if gc.getPlayer(iInvitee).getNumCities() > 0]) # normal congresses during war time may be too small because all civilisations are tied up in global wars if len(self.lInvites) < 3: data.iCongressTurns /= 2 data.currentCongress = None return # establish contact between all participants for iThisPlayer in self.lInvites: for iThatPlayer in self.lInvites: if iThisPlayer != iThatPlayer: tThisPlayer = gc.getTeam(iThisPlayer) if not tThisPlayer.canContact(iThatPlayer):, False) self.sHostCityName = utils.getRandomEntry(utils.getOwnedCoreCities(iHostPlayer, utils.getReborn(iHostPlayer))).getName() # moved selection of claims after the introduction event so claims and their resolution take place at the same time if utils.getHumanID() in self.lInvites: self.startIntroductionEvent(True) # procedure continues from the makeClaimHuman event bHumanInGlobalWar = False if isGlobalWar(): lAttackers, lDefenders = determineAlliances(data.iGlobalWarAttacker, data.iGlobalWarDefender) bHumanInGlobalWar = utils.getHumanID() in lAttackers + lDefenders # unless the player isn't involved, in that case resolve from here if utils.getHumanID() not in self.lInvites: # since Congresses now can occur during autoplay, don't display these congresses to the player if gc.getGame().getGameTurn() >= getTurnForYear(tBirth[utils.getHumanID()]): self.startIntroductionEvent(False, bHumanInGlobalWar) else: # select claims first, then move on to voting directly since the player isn't involved for iLoopPlayer in self.lInvites: if not self.canClaim(iLoopPlayer): continue self.dPossibleClaims[iLoopPlayer] = self.selectClaims(iLoopPlayer) for iLoopPlayer in self.lInvites: if iLoopPlayer not in self.dPossibleClaims: continue if utils.getHumanID() != iLoopPlayer: self.makeClaimAI(iLoopPlayer) self.voteOnClaims()
def startCongress(self): self.bPostWar = (len(self.lWinners) > 0) utils.debugTextPopup('Congress takes place') self.inviteToCongress() if self.bPostWar: iHostPlayer = self.lWinners[0] else: iHostPlayer = utils.getRandomEntry(self.lInvites) # establish contact between all participants for iThisPlayer in self.lInvites: for iThatPlayer in self.lInvites: if iThisPlayer != iThatPlayer: tThisPlayer = gc.getTeam(iThisPlayer) if not tThisPlayer.canContact(iThatPlayer):, False) self.sHostCityName = utils.getRandomEntry(utils.getCoreCityList(iHostPlayer, utils.getReborn(iHostPlayer))).getName() # moved selection of claims after the introduction event so claims and their resolution take place at the same time if utils.getHumanID() in self.lInvites: self.startIntroductionEvent(True) # procedure continues from the makeClaimHuman event # unless the player isn't involved, in that case resolve from here if utils.getHumanID() not in self.lInvites: # since Congresses now can occur during autoplay, don't display these congresses to the player if gc.getGame().getGameTurn() >= getTurnForYear(tBirth[utils.getHumanID()]): self.startIntroductionEvent(False) else: # select claims first, then move on to voting directly since the player isn't involved for iLoopPlayer in self.lInvites: if not self.canClaim(iLoopPlayer): continue self.dPossibleClaims[iLoopPlayer] = self.selectClaims(iLoopPlayer) for iLoopPlayer in self.lInvites: if iLoopPlayer not in self.dPossibleClaims: continue if utils.getHumanID() != iLoopPlayer: self.makeClaimAI(iLoopPlayer) self.voteOnClaims()