def getTECarray(pp,time,server="",prefix="igsg",earth_rot=0,ionexPath="./"): date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(time) part_of_day= date_parms[3] * 24 #get relevant ionex file ionexf=ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath) tecinfo=ionex.readTEC(ionexf) vtecs=[] for latpp,lonpp in zip(np.degrees(pp[:,1]),np.degrees(pp[:,0])): vTEC=ionex.getTECinterpol(time=part_of_day,lat=latpp,lon=lonpp,tecinfo=tecinfo,apply_earth_rotation=earth_rot) vtecs.append(vTEC) return vtecs
def main(argv): args = parser.parse_args(argv) MS = args.MSfiles server = args.server prefix = args.prefix (timerange, timestep, pointing, stat_names, stat_pos) = PosTools.getMSinfo(MS) start_time = timerange[0] end_time = timerange[1] timerange[0] = start_time - timestep timerange[1] = end_time + timestep times, timerange = PosTools.getIONEXtimerange(timerange, timestep) if len(times[-1]) == 0 or times[-1][-1] < timerange[1]: timestmp = list(times[-1]) timestmp.append( timerange[1] ) #add one extra step to make sure you have a value for all times in the MS in case timestep hase been changed times[-1] = np.array(timestmp) for time_array in times[:: -1]: #check in reverse order, since datamight not be available for latest days starttime = time_array[0] date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction( starttime) if not "http" in server: #ftp server use ftplib ionexf = ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=server, prefix=prefix, outpath=args.ionexpath) else: ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=server, prefix=prefix, outpath=args.ionexpath) if ionexf == -1: if not "" in server: "cannot get IONEX data, try fast product server instead") server = "" prefix = "igrg" ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=server, prefix=prefix, outpath=args.ionexpath) if ionexf == -1: logging.error( "IONEX data not available, even not from fast product server" ) return False return True
def download_IONEX(ms_input,server="",prefix='CODG',ionexPath="IONEXdata/"): """ Call getIONEX() once for every day that is covered by one of the input MSs Parameters ---------- ms_input : list or str list of MS filenames, or string with list, or single MS filename server : str URL of the server where the IONEX files can be found prefix : str prefix of the IONEX files ionexPath : str directory where to store the IONEX files """ mslist = input2strlist_nomapfile(ms_input) if ionexPath[-1] != '/': print "download_IONEX: ionexPath doesn't end in \"/\", adding that character." ionexPath += '/' dates_done = [] numfiles = len(mslist) if numfiles>100: printstat = True else: printstat = False for (i,MS) in enumerate(mslist): if printstat and (i+1)%100==0: print "Working on file %d out of %d"%(i+1,numfiles) obstable = pt.table(MS+'::OBSERVATION', ack=False) time_range = obstable.col('TIME_RANGE')[0] for timestamp in time_range: date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(timestamp) datestr = "%d-%0.2d-%0.2d" % date_parms[0:3] if datestr not in dates_done: print "Downloading IONEX file for:",datestr ionexf=ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath) if type(ionexf) != str or not os.path.isfile(ionexf): print "Failed to download IONEX file for date:",datestr raise EnvironmentError dates_done.append(datestr)
def getTECarray( pp, time, server="", prefix="igsg", earth_rot=0, ionexPath="/home/users/mevius/IONEXdata/"): date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(time) part_of_day = date_parms[3] * 24 #get relevant ionex file ionexf = ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=server, prefix=prefix, outpath=ionexPath) tecinfo = ionex.readTEC(ionexf) vtecs = [] for latpp, lonpp in zip(np.degrees(pp[:, 1]), np.degrees(pp[:, 0])): vTEC = ionex.getTECinterpol(time=part_of_day, lat=latpp, lon=lonpp, tecinfo=tecinfo, apply_earth_rotation=earth_rot) vtecs.append(vTEC) return np.array(vtecs)
def download_IONEX(ms_input,server="",prefix='CODG',ionexPath="IONEXdata/"): """ Call getIONEX() once for every day that is covered by one of the input MSs Parameters ---------- ms_input : list or str list of MS filenames, or string with list, or single MS filename server : str URL of the server where the IONEX files can be found prefix : str prefix of the IONEX files ionexPath : str directory where to store the IONEX files """ mslist = input2strlist_nomapfile(ms_input) dates_done = [] numfiles = len(mslist) if numfiles>100: printstat = True else: printstat = False for (i,MS) in enumerate(mslist): if printstat and (i+1)%100==0: print "Working on file %d out of %d"%(i+1,numfiles) obstable = pt.table(MS+'::OBSERVATION', ack=False) time_range = obstable.col('TIME_RANGE')[0] for timestamp in time_range: date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(timestamp) datestr = "%d-%0.2d-%0.2d" % date_parms[0:3] if datestr not in dates_done: print "Downloading IONEX file for:",datestr ionexf=ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath) dates_done.append(datestr)
def main(MSfiles, h5parmdb, solset_name="sol000", timestepRM=300, ionex_server="", ionex_prefix='CODG', ionexPath="./", earth_rot=0, proxyServer=None, proxyPort=None, proxyType=None, proxyUser=None, proxyPass=None): '''Add rotation measure to existing h5parmdb Args: MSfiles (string) : path + filename of Measurement Set h5parmdb (string) : name of existing h5parm solset_name (string) : optional name of solset in h5parmdb, if not set, first one will be chosen timestep (float) : timestep in seconds ionex_server (string) : ftp server for IONEX files ionex_prefix (string) : prefix of IONEX files ionexPath (string) : location where IONEX files are stored earth_rot (float) : parameter to determine how much earth rotation is taken \ into account when interpolating IONEX data. (0 is none, 1 is full) ''' try: mslist = MSfiles.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').replace(' ', '').replace( "'", "").split(',') except AttributeError: mslist = MSfiles if len(mslist) == 0: raise ValueError( "Did not find any existing directory in input MS list!") pass else: MS = mslist[0] pass if not os.path.exists(h5parmdb): logging.error('Could not find h5parmdb: ' + h5parmdb) return (1) data = h5parm(h5parmdb, readonly=False) if not solset_name in data.getSolsetNames(): makesolset(MS, data, solset_name) solset = data.getSolset(solset_name) soltabs = solset.getSoltabs() station_names = sorted(solset.getAnt().keys()) if 'RMextract' in [ for s in soltabs]: logging.warning('Soltab RMextract exists already. Skipping...') return (0) #extract the timerange information (timerange, timestep, pointing, stat_names, stat_pos) = PosTools.getMSinfo(MS) start_time = timerange[0] end_time = timerange[1] timerange[0] = start_time - timestep timerange[1] = end_time + timestep times, timerange = PosTools.getIONEXtimerange(timerange, timestep) if len(times[-1]) == 0 or times[-1][-1] < timerange[1]: timestmp = list(times[-1]) timestmp.append( timerange[1] ) #add one extra step to make sure you have a value for all times in the MS in case timestep hase been changed times[-1] = np.array(timestmp) for time_array in times[:: -1]: #check in reverse order, since datamight not be available for latest days starttime = time_array[0] date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction( starttime) if not proxyServer: if not "http" in ionex_server: #ftp server use ftplib ionexf = ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, outpath=ionexPath) else: ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, outpath=ionexPath) else: ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, outpath=ionexPath, proxy_server=proxyServer, proxy_type=proxyType, proxy_port=proxyPort, proxy_user=proxyUser, proxy_pass=proxyPass) if ionexf == -1: if not "" in ionex_server: "cannot get IONEX data, try fast product server instead") if not proxyServer: ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile( time=date_parms, server="", prefix="igrg", outpath=ionexPath) else: ionexf = ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile( time=date_parms, server="", prefix="igrg", outpath=ionexPath, proxy_server=proxyServer, proxy_type=proxyType, proxy_port=proxyPort, proxy_user=proxyUser, proxy_pass=proxyPass) if ionexf == -1: logging.error( "IONEX data not available, even not from fast product server") return (-1) if not proxyServer: rmdict = getRM.getRM(MS, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, ionexPath=ionexPath, timestep=timestepRM, earth_rot=earth_rot) else: rmdict = getRM.getRM(MS, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, ionexPath=ionexPath, timestep=timestepRM, earth_rot=earth_rot, proxy_server=proxyServer, proxy_type=proxyType, proxy_port=proxyPort, proxy_user=proxyUser, proxy_pass=proxyPass) if not rmdict: if not ionex_server: raise ValueError( "One or more IONEX files is not found on disk and download is disabled!\n" "(You can run \"bin/\" outside the pipeline if needed.)" ) else: raise ValueError( "Couldn't get RM information from RMextract! (But I don't know why.)" )'Adding rotation measure values to: ' + solset_name + ' of ' + h5parmdb) rm_vals = np.array( [rmdict["RM"][stat.decode()].flatten() for stat in station_names]) new_soltab = solset.makeSoltab(soltype='rotationmeasure', soltabName='RMextract', axesNames=['ant', 'time'], axesVals=[station_names, rmdict['times']], vals=rm_vals, weights=np.ones_like(rm_vals, dtype=np.float16)) return (0) data.close()
def getRM(MS=None, server="", prefix='codg', ionexPath="IONEXdata/", earth_rot=0, timerange=0, use_azel = False,ha_limit=-1000,use_filter=None, **kwargs): '''optional arguments are: radec or pointing : [ra,dec] in radians, or if use_azel =True, az + el in radians, timestep in s, timerange = [start, end]in MJD seconds, otherwise use start_time/end_time (casa timestring,eg. 2012/11/21/12:00:00 or 56252.5d NEEDS PYRAP) , stat_names = list of strings per station, stat_positions = list of length 3 numpy arrays, containing station_position in ITRF meters. useEMM = boolean, use EMM for Earth magnetic field, otherwise WMM cooefficients will be used. out_file = string, if given the data points will be written to a text file. use_mean = True if you only want report for mean of station positions use_filter =standard deviation,or list of standard deviations (time,long, lat) to gaussian filter TEC data TIME_OFFSET = float, offset time at start and end to ensure all needed values are calculated, Returns the (timegrid,timestep,TEC) where TEC is a dictionary containing 1 enumpyarray per station in stat_names. If stat_names is not given, the station names will either be extracted from the MS or st1...stN ''' #print ('earth_rot', earth_rot) #print ('timerange ', timerange) #print ('use_azel ', use_azel) stat_names=[] useEMM=False use_mean = False myobject = '' timestep=60 pointing=[0.,0.5*np.pi] out_file='' stat_pos=[PosTools.posCS002] use_proxy = False #stat_names=['LOFAR_CS002'] if not (MS is None): (timerange,timestep,pointing,stat_names,stat_pos)=PosTools.getMSinfo(MS); for key in kwargs.keys(): if key=='use_mean': use_mean = kwargs[key] stat_pos_mean = False if key=='radec' or key=='pointing': pointing = kwargs[key] if key=='object': myobject = kwargs[key] #out_file = 'RMextract_report_' + myobject if key=='start_time': start_time=kwargs[key] time_in_sec = False if key=='end_time': end_time=kwargs[key] time_in_sec = False if key=='timestep': timestep=kwargs[key] if key=='stat_names': stat_names=kwargs[key] if key=='out_file': out_file=kwargs[key] if key=='TIME_OFFSET': TIME_OFFSET=kwargs[key] if key=='stat_positions': stat_pos=kwargs[key] if not stat_names: stat_names =['st%d'%(i+1) for i in range(len(stat_pos))] if key=='useEMM': useEMM=kwargs[key] if key=="proxy_server": #Check to see if user wants to use a proxy for downloading IONEX files. use_proxy = True proxy_server=kwargs["proxy_server"] proxy_type=kwargs["proxy_type"] proxy_port=kwargs["proxy_port"] proxy_user=kwargs["proxy_user"] proxy_pass=kwargs["proxy_pass"] if timerange != 0: start_time = timerange[0] end_time = timerange[1] time_in_sec = True reference_time = start_time timerange[0] = start_time - timestep timerange[1] = end_time + timestep str_start_time=PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_hms(reference_time) else: timerange,str_start_time,reference_time=PosTools.get_time_range(start_time,end_time,timestep,time_in_sec,0) if str_start_time==-1: return if useEMM: #print ("USING EMM for EarthMagnetic Field") emm=EMM.EMM() else: emm=EMM.WMM() times,timerange=PosTools.getIONEXtimerange(timerange,timestep) if len(times[-1])==0 or times[-1][-1]<timerange[1]: timestmp=list(times[-1]) timestmp.append(timerange[1]) #add one extra step to make sure you have a value for all times in the MS in case timestep hase been changed times[-1]=np.array(timestmp) timegrid=np.array([]) TECs={}; Bs={} Bpars={} air_mass={}; RMs={}; azimuth={}; elevation={}; flags={} if len(out_file) and len(myobject): out_file = out_file + '_' + myobject else: if len(myobject): out_file = 'RMextract_report_' + myobject # print header section of report if len(out_file): if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) log = open(out_file, 'a') log.write ('Observing %s\n' % myobject) if not (MS is None): log.write ('Using measurement set %s\n' % MS) if use_azel: log.write ('observing at a fixed azimuth and elevation \n') log.write ('station_positions %s \n' % stat_pos) log.write ('\n') for st in stat_names: azimuth[st] = [] elevation[st] = [] air_mass[st] = [] Bs[st]=[] Bpars[st]=[] RMs[st]=[] TECs[st]=[] air_mass[st]=[] flags[st]=[] for time_array in times: #get RM per timeslot starttime=time_array[0] #print ("getting ionexfile for",starttime) date_parms = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(starttime) dayofyear = date(date_parms[0],date_parms[1],date_parms[2]).timetuple().tm_yday[0]+float(dayofyear)/365. #get relevant ionex file if not use_proxy: if not "http" in server: #ftp server use ftplib ionexf=ionex.getIONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath) else: ionexf=ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath) else: ionexf=ionex.get_urllib_IONEXfile(time=date_parms,server=server,prefix=prefix,outpath=ionexPath,proxy_server=proxy_server,proxy_type=proxy_type,proxy_port=proxy_port,proxy_user=proxy_user,proxy_pass=proxy_pass) assert (ionexf!=-1),"error getting ionex data" tecinfo=ionex.readTEC(ionexf,use_filter=use_filter) if use_mean: if not stat_pos_mean: stn_mean = stat_pos.mean(0) stat_pos = [] stat_pos.append(stn_mean) stat_pos_mean = True #print ('stat_pos.mean', stn_mean) for station,position in zip(stat_names,stat_pos): #print ('generating data for station ', station) for time in time_array: result = PosTools.obtain_observation_year_month_day_fraction(time) part_of_day= result[3] * 24 if use_azel: az = pointing[0] el = pointing[1] flags[station].append(1) else: az,el = PosTools.getAzEl(pointing,time,position,ha_limit) if az==-1 and el==-1: return if az==999 and el==999: #outsite hadec range air_mass[station].append(-999) azimuth[station].append(-999) elevation[station].append(-999) Bs[station].append([-999,-999,-999]) Bpars[station].append(-999) RMs[station].append(-999) TECs[station].append(-999) #sTEC value flags[station].append(0) continue flags[station].append(1) latpp,lonpp,height,lon,lat,am1=PosTools.getlonlatheight(az,el,position) if latpp==-1 and lonpp==-1 and height==-1: return #get VTEC from IONEX interpolation vTEC=ionex.getTECinterpol(time=part_of_day,lat=latpp,lon=lonpp,tecinfo=tecinfo,apply_earth_rotation=earth_rot) TECs[station].append(vTEC*am1) #STEC value emm.lon = lonpp = latpp emm.h= ION_HEIGHT / 1.0e3 Bpar=-1*emm.getProjectedField(lon,lat)# minus sign since the radiation is towards the Earth BField=emm.getXYZ() Bs[station].append(BField) air_mass[station].append(am1) azimuth[station].append(az) elevation[station].append(el) Bpars[station].append(Bpar) #calculate RM constant comes from VtEC in TECU,B in nT, RM = 2.62 RMs[station].append((Bpar*vTEC*am1)*2.62e-6) if use_mean: break timegrid=np.concatenate((timegrid,time_array)); for st in stat_names: air_mass[station] = np.array(air_mass[st]) azimuth[station] = np.array(azimuth[st]) elevation[station] = np.array(elevation[st]) TECs[st]=np.array(TECs[st]) Bs[st]=np.array(Bs[st]) Bpars[st]=np.array(Bpars[st]) RMs[st]=np.array(RMs[st]) flags[st]=np.array(flags[st]) if use_mean: break big_dict={} big_dict['STEC']=TECs big_dict['Bpar']=Bpars big_dict['BField']=Bs big_dict['AirMass']=air_mass big_dict['elev']=elevation big_dict['azimuth']=azimuth big_dict['RM']=RMs big_dict['times']=timegrid big_dict['timestep']=timestep big_dict['station_names'] = stat_names big_dict['stat_pos'] = stat_pos big_dict['flags'] = flags big_dict['reference_time'] = reference_time # finish writing computed data to report if len(out_file): time_range=[big_dict['times'][0],big_dict['times'][-1]] log.write ('start and end times %s %s \n' % (time_range[0], time_range[1])) log.write ('reference time for rel_time=0: year month day hr min sec %s %s %s %s %s %s \n' % str_start_time) if use_azel: log.write ('observing at azimuth and elevation %s %s \n' % (pointing[0], pointing[1])) else: log.write ('observation direction %s %s \n' % (pointing[0], pointing[1])) log.write ('\n') k = 0 for key in big_dict['station_names']: seq_no = 0 if use_mean: log.write ('data for station mean position at %s\n' % (stat_pos[k])) else: log.write ('data for station %s at position %s\n' % (key, stat_pos[k])) log.write ('seq rel_time time_width El Az STEC RM (rad/m2) VTEC factor \n') for i in range (timegrid.shape[0]): el = big_dict['elev'][key][i] if el < 0 : ok = 1 stec = 0.0 rm = 0.0 vtec_factor = 1.0 else: ok = 0 stec =big_dict['STEC'][key][i] rm = big_dict['RM'][key][i] vtec_factor = 1.0 / big_dict['AirMass'][key][i] az = big_dict['azimuth'][key][i] rel_time = timegrid[i] - reference_time if i == 0: time_width = reference_time - timegrid[i] else: time_width = timegrid[i] - timegrid[i-1] log.write("%s : %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (seq_no, ok, rel_time, time_width, el, az, stec, rm, vtec_factor)) seq_no = seq_no + 1 k = k + 1 if use_mean: break log.write (' \n') log.close() print ('****** finished ionosphere predictions report: ', out_file) else: print ('*********** finished ionosphere predictions ***************') return big_dict