file = TFile(output + ".root") runPileup = None ipoint = 0 for key in file.GetListOfKeys(): kname = key.GetName() if (kname.find('pileup_') < 0): continue runnb = int(kname.split('_')[1]) h = file.Get(kname) avgpileup = h.GetMean() rmspileup = h.GetRMS() evol.SetPoint(ipoint, runnb, avgpileup) evol.SetPointError(ipoint, 0, 0, rmspileup, rmspileup) ipoint = ipoint + 1 if (runPileup is None): runPileup = h.Clone('runPileup') formatPlot(runPileup, 1, 1, 1, 20, 0, True, True, 1, 1, 1) file.Close() setStyle() c = getNewCanvas("evolc", "evolc", False) c.SetWindowSize(1200, 600) c.Divide(2, 1) evol.Draw('ap') runPileup.DrawNormalized('hist') c.SaveAs(output + "_summary.C") c.SaveAs(output + "_summary.root") print "Average pileup: " + str(runPileup.GetMean()) + ' +/- ' + str( runPileup.GetMeanError())
file = TFile(output+".root") runPileup=None ipoint=0 for key in file.GetListOfKeys() : kname=key.GetName() if(kname.find('pileup_')<0): continue runnb=int(kname.split('_')[1]) h=file.Get(kname) avgpileup=h.GetMean() rmspileup=h.GetRMS() evol.SetPoint(ipoint,runnb,avgpileup) evol.SetPointError(ipoint,0,0,rmspileup,rmspileup) ipoint=ipoint+1 if(runPileup is None) : runPileup = h.Clone('runPileup') formatPlot( runPileup, 1,1,1,20,0,True,True,1,1,1) file.Close() setStyle() c = getNewCanvas("evolc","evolc",False) c.SetWindowSize(1200,600) c.Divide(2,1) evol.Draw('ap') runPileup.DrawNormalized('hist') c.SaveAs(output + "_summary.C") c.SaveAs(output + "_summary.root") print "Average pileup: " + str(runPileup.GetMean()) + ' +/- ' + str(runPileup.GetMeanError())
cnv3 =getNewCanvas('fractfitc','fracfitc',False) cnv3.SetWindowSize(1500,500) cnv3.Divide(3,1) fracFitter=[] icnv=0 for c in cats: prefix='' if(c!='all') : prefix=c+'_' icnv = icnv+1 #inclusive distributions spimpose = ROOT.TList() mcmodelH=plotF.Get('localAnalysis/'+c+'/'+prefix+'avgwrongmodelmlj') mcmodelH.SetTitle('MC model') formatPlot(mcmodelH,8,9,2,1,0,True,False,8,8,8) datamodelH =plotF.Get('localAnalysis/'+c+'/'+prefix+'datawrongmodelmlj') datamodelH.SetTitle('data model') formatPlot(datamodelH,1,9,2,1,0,True,False,1,1,1) spimpose.Add(mcmodelH) spimpose.Add(datamodelH) stack = ROOT.TList() mcWrongH=plotF.Get('localAnalysis/'+c+'/'+prefix+'avgwrongmlj') formatPlot(mcWrongH,809,1,1,0,1001,True,False,1,809,809) mcWrongH.SetTitle('Wrong assignments') mcCorrectH=plotF.Get('localAnalysis/'+c+'/'+prefix+'avgcorrectmlj') formatPlot(mcCorrectH,614,1,1,0,1001,True,False,1,614,614) mcCorrectH.SetTitle('Correct assignments') stack .Add(mcWrongH) stack .Add(mcCorrectH)
def runOverSamples(samplesDB, integratedLumi=1.0, inputDir='data', outputDir='data/plots', getFromDir='', forceNormalization=False ) : #open the file which describes the sample jsonFile = open(samplesDB,'r') procList=json.load(jsonFile,encoding='utf-8').items() stackplots=[] spimposeplots=[] dataplots=[] plottitles=[] generalLabel='CMS preliminary, #sqrt{s}=7 TeV, #int L=%3.1f fb^{-1}' % (integratedLumi/1000) samplehtml="<tr><th colspan=\"3\"><large>Samples used in analysis</large></th></tr>" #run over sample for proc in procList : #run over processes iprocess=0 for desc in proc[1] : iprocess=iprocess+1 procplots=[] procplotstitles=[] isdata = getByLabel(desc,'isdata',False) forceDataNorm = getByLabel(desc,'forceDataNorm',False) spimpose = getByLabel(desc,'spimpose',False) color = rootConst(getByLabel(desc,'color',1)) line = getByLabel(desc,'line', 1) lwidth = getByLabel(desc,'lwidth', 1) fill = getByLabel(desc,'fill',1001) marker = getByLabel(desc,'marker',20) lcolor = rootConst(getByLabel(desc,'lcolor',color)) fcolor = rootConst(getByLabel(desc,'fcolor',color)) mcolor = rootConst(getByLabel(desc,'fcolor',color)) tag = getByLabel(desc,'tag','') samplehtml+="<tr><th colspan=\"3\">"+tag+" (" if(isdata) : samplehtml += "data" else : samplehtml +="mc" samplehtml+=") </th></tr>\n" #run over items in process data = getByLabel(desc,'data') normto = getByLabel(desc,'normto',-1) for d in data : #get the plots plots=getControlPlots(d,isdata,inputDir,getFromDir) dtag=getByLabel(d,'dtag') if(plots==None):continue if(len(plots)==0): continue #compute the normalization weight=1 absNorm=False sfactor = getByLabel(d,'sfactor',1) xsec = getByLabel(d,'xsec',-1) br = getByLabel(d,'br',[]) brprod=1.0 if(xsec>0 or forceDataNorm) : for ibr in br : brprod = brprod*ibr weight = integratedLumi*sfactor*xsec*brprod samplehtml+="<tr><td>"+dtag+"</td>" samplehtml+="<td>"+str(xsec) + "x" +str(brprod) + "x" + str(sfactor) + "</td>" samplehtml+="<td><small>" + getByLabel(d,'dset','n/a') + "</small></td></tr>\n" #book keep the result iplot=0 for p in plots.items(): #create the base plot for this sample if non existing if(len(procplots)<=iplot): procplotstitles.append( p[1].GetTitle() ) # newname=p[1].GetName()+'_'+str(iprocess) newname=p[1].GetName() newplot=p[1].Clone( newname ) newplot.Reset('ICE') newplot.SetTitle(tag) formatPlot(newplot, color,line,lwidth,marker,fill,True,True,lcolor,fcolor,mcolor) procplots.append( newplot ) #apply new normalization p[1].Scale(weight) #add to base plot #print ' Normalizing plots from ' + dtag + ' with abs=' + str(absNorm) + ' and weight=' + str(weight) procplots[iplot].Add(p[1]) iplot=iplot+1 #overall normalization if(normto>0) : #print ' Normalizing final yields to: ' + str(normto) for p in procplots: total=p.Integral() if(total>0): p.Scale(normto/total) #store the final result if(len(procplots)==0): continue plottitles=procplotstitles if(not isdata) : if(not spimpose) : stackplots.append(procplots) else : spimposeplots.append(procplots) else : dataplots.append(procplots) #save copy in plotter.root pOut = TFile.Open(outputDir+"/plotter.root","UPDATE") #pDir = pOut.mkdir( 'proc_'+str(iprocess) ) pDir = pOut.mkdir( tag.replace('/','-') ) for i in xrange(0,len(procplots)): procplots[i].Write() pOut.Close() print 'Output plots available @ ' + outputDir + '/plotter.root' showControlPlots(stackplots,spimposeplots,dataplots,plottitles,generalLabel,outputDir,samplehtml,forceNormalization)
cnv3.SetWindowSize(1500, 500) cnv3.Divide(3, 1) fracFitter = [] icnv = 0 for c in cats: prefix = '' if (c != 'all'): prefix = c + '_' icnv = icnv + 1 #inclusive distributions spimpose = ROOT.TList() mcmodelH = plotF.Get('localAnalysis/' + c + '/' + prefix + 'avgwrongmodelmlj') mcmodelH.SetTitle('MC model') formatPlot(mcmodelH, 8, 9, 2, 1, 0, True, False, 8, 8, 8) datamodelH = plotF.Get('localAnalysis/' + c + '/' + prefix + 'datawrongmodelmlj') datamodelH.SetTitle('data model') formatPlot(datamodelH, 1, 9, 2, 1, 0, True, False, 1, 1, 1) spimpose.Add(mcmodelH) spimpose.Add(datamodelH) stack = ROOT.TList() mcWrongH = plotF.Get('localAnalysis/' + c + '/' + prefix + 'avgwrongmlj') formatPlot(mcWrongH, 809, 1, 1, 0, 1001, True, False, 1, 809, 809) mcWrongH.SetTitle('Wrong assignments') mcCorrectH = plotF.Get('localAnalysis/' + c + '/' + prefix + 'avgcorrectmlj') formatPlot(mcCorrectH, 614, 1, 1, 0, 1001, True, False, 1, 614, 614) mcCorrectH.SetTitle('Correct assignments')
dataZMassRegionCtr = h.Clone(evcat+'_datactr') dataZMassRegionCtr.SetDirectory(0) else : dataZMassRegionCtr.Add(h) else: otherKeys.append(kname) if(otherZMassRegionCtr is None): otherZMassRegionCtr = h.Clone(evcat+'_otherctr') otherZMassRegionCtr.SetDirectory(0) else : otherZMassRegionCtr.Add(h) f.Close() #re-scale factors topRescaleFactor = ROOT.TH1F(evcat+'kttbar',eventCategoryTitles[ievcat-1]+';Selection step; N_{out}/N_{in}',len(rescaleRegions),0,len(rescaleRegions)) formatPlot(topRescaleFactor,1,1,1,20+ievcat,0,True,True,1,0,1) otherRescaleFactor = ROOT.TH1F(evcat+'kothers',eventCategoryTitles[ievcat-1]+';Selection step; N_{out}/N_{in}',len(rescaleRegions),0,len(rescaleRegions)) formatPlot(otherRescaleFactor,1,1,1,20+ievcat,0,True,True,1,0,1) ipoint=0 for reg in rescaleRegions: ipoint=ipoint+1 topYields=[] otherYields=[] for cat in reg[1] : for i in xrange(1,topZMassRegionCtr.GetXaxis().GetNbins()): ibinLabel= topZMassRegionCtr.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i) if( ibinLabel != cat) : continue topYieldsVal = topZMassRegionCtr.GetBinContent(i)
dataZMassRegionCtr.Add(h) else: otherKeys.append(kname) if (otherZMassRegionCtr is None): otherZMassRegionCtr = h.Clone(evcat + '_otherctr') otherZMassRegionCtr.SetDirectory(0) else: otherZMassRegionCtr.Add(h) f.Close() #re-scale factors topRescaleFactor = ROOT.TH1F( evcat + 'kttbar', eventCategoryTitles[ievcat - 1] + ';Selection step; N_{out}/N_{in}', len(rescaleRegions), 0, len(rescaleRegions)) formatPlot(topRescaleFactor, 1, 1, 1, 20 + ievcat, 0, True, True, 1, 0, 1) otherRescaleFactor = ROOT.TH1F( evcat + 'kothers', eventCategoryTitles[ievcat - 1] + ';Selection step; N_{out}/N_{in}', len(rescaleRegions), 0, len(rescaleRegions)) formatPlot(otherRescaleFactor, 1, 1, 1, 20 + ievcat, 0, True, True, 1, 0, 1) ipoint = 0 for reg in rescaleRegions: ipoint = ipoint + 1 topYields = [] otherYields = [] for cat in reg[1]: for i in xrange(1, topZMassRegionCtr.GetXaxis().GetNbins()):