def addHistToTGraphPoisson(self, h, g, w=1.): for i in range(0, g.GetN()): # shifted by +1, i.e. over/underflow err = h.GetBinError(i + 1) y = h.GetBinContent(i + 1) binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i + 1) # From alpha = 1. - 0.6827 n = int( round(y * binWidth / w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha / 2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0. u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n + 1, 1) if n != 0. else 0. g.SetPointEYlow( i, math.sqrt(((n - l) / binWidth * w)**2 + g.GetErrorYlow(i)**2)) g.SetPointEYhigh( i, math.sqrt(((u - n) / binWidth * w)**2 + g.GetErrorYhigh(i)**2)) gx = Double(0.) gy = Double(0.) g.GetPoint(i, gx, gy) g.SetPoint(i, gx, y + gy)
def convertToPoisson(h): graph = TGraphAsymmErrors() q = (1-0.6827)/2. for i in range(1,h.GetNbinsX()+1): x=h.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i) xLow =h.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(i) xHigh =h.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i) y=h.GetBinContent(i) yLow=0 yHigh=0 if y !=0.0: yLow = y-Math.chisquared_quantile_c(1-q,2*y)/2. yHigh = Math.chisquared_quantile_c(q,2*(y+1))/2.-y graph.SetPoint(i-1,x,y) graph.SetPointEYlow(i-1,yLow) graph.SetPointEYhigh(i-1,yHigh) graph.SetPointEXlow(i-1,0.0) graph.SetPointEXhigh(i-1,0.0) graph.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph.SetLineWidth(2) graph.SetMarkerSize(1.) graph.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) return graph
def __init__( self, process_list, sf = None, df = None ): self.__processes = process_list if sf and df: self.__sf = sf self.__df = df alpha = 1 - 0.6827 self.__sfCRGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.__sf) self.__dfCRGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.__df) for g in [self.__sfCRGraph, self.__dfCRGraph]: for i in range(g.GetN()): N = g.GetY()[i] LowErr = 0 if N == 0 else Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2, N, 1.) UpErr = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2, N+1, 1.) # recommended by StatComm (1.8) # Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, N+1, 1.) # gives 1.2, strictly 68% one-sided g.SetPointEYlow(i, N-LowErr) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, UpErr-N) for p in self.__processes: if in ['nonpromptSF', 'nonpromptDF']: nom, low, high = [], [], [] for ib in range(p.nominal().GetXaxis().GetNbins()): if in ['nonpromptDF']: hnp = self.__dfCRGraph else: hnp = self.__sfCRGraph npcr = hnp.GetY()[ib] npcrErrLow = hnp.GetEYlow()[ib] npcrErrHigh = hnp.GetEYhigh()[ib] np = p.nominal().GetBinContent(ib+1) npErr = p.nominal().GetBinError(ib+1) alpha = np/npcr if npcr > 0 else npErr nom.append(npcr*alpha) low.append(npcrErrLow*alpha) high.append(npcrErrHigh*alpha) hnom = p.nominal().Clone() for ib in range(hnom.GetXaxis().GetNbins()): hnom.SetBinContent(ib+1, nom[ib]) npGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(hnom) for ib in range(hnom.GetXaxis().GetNbins()): npGraph.SetPointEYlow(ib, low[ib]) npGraph.SetPointEYhigh(ib, high[ib]) if in ['nonpromptDF']: self.__dfGraph = npGraph else: self.__sfGraph = npGraph self.__uncertainties = set() for p in self.__processes: self.__uncertainties = self.__uncertainties.union( set( p.uncertaintySources() ) )
def calculatePoissonErrors(n, confidenceInterval=0.6827): ## Calcultes the Poisson error for a given numer # n number of entries # confidenceInterval probability covered inside the error band from ROOT import Math n = round(n) invIntegral = (1. - confidenceInterval) / 2. lo = Math.gamma_quantile(invIntegral, n, 1.) if n != 0 else 0. hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(invIntegral, n + 1, 1.) return n - lo, hi - n
def GetZVal(p, excess): '''The function normal_quantile converts a p-value into a significance, i.e. the number of standard deviations corresponding to the right-tail of Gaussian ''' if excess: zval = Math.normal_quantile(1 - p, 1) else: zval = Math.normal_quantile(p, 1) return zval
def getDataPoissonErrors(hist, kPoisson=False, drawZeroBins=False, drawXbars=False, centerBin=True): '''Make data poisson errors for a histogram with two different methods: - TH1.kPoisson - chi-squared quantile ''' # # if kPoisson: hist.SetBinErrorOption(TH1D.kPoisson) Nbins = hist.GetNbinsX() xaxis = hist.GetXaxis() alpha = (1 - 0.6827) / 2. graph = TGraphAsymmErrors(Nbins) graph.SetName(hist.GetName() + "_graph") graph.SetTitle(hist.GetTitle()) for i in xrange(1, Nbins + 1): N = hist.GetBinContent(i) if N <= 0 and not drawZeroBins: continue dN = hist.GetBinError(i) yscale = 1 if centerBin: x = xaxis.GetBinCenter(i) else: x = xaxis.GetBinLowEdge(i) if N > 0 and dN > 0 and abs(dN**2 / N - 1) > 1e-4: # check is error is Poisson yscale = (dN**2 / N) N = (N / dN)**2 if kPoisson: EYlow = hist.GetBinErrorLow(i) EYup = hist.GetBinErrorUp(i) else: EYlow = (N - Math.chisquared_quantile_c(1 - alpha, 2 * N) / 2.) if N > 0 else 0 EYup = Math.chisquared_quantile_c(alpha, 2 * (N + 1)) / 2. - N y = yscale * N EXup = xaxis.GetBinUpEdge(i) - x if drawXbars else 0 EXlow = x - xaxis.GetBinLowEdge(i) if drawXbars else 0 graph.SetPoint(i - 1, x, y) graph.SetPointError(i - 1, EXlow, EXup, EYlow, EYup) #print ">>> getDataPoissonErrors - bin %2d: (x,y) = ( %3.1f - %4.2f + %4.2f, %4.2f - %4.2f + %4.2f )"%(i,x,EXlow,EXup,y,EYlow,EYup) graph.SetLineWidth(hist.GetLineWidth()) graph.SetLineColor(hist.GetLineColor()) graph.SetLineStyle(hist.GetLineStyle()) graph.SetMarkerSize(hist.GetMarkerSize()) graph.SetMarkerColor(hist.GetMarkerColor()) graph.SetMarkerStyle(hist.GetMarkerStyle()) return graph
def pass_lepton_RelIso(lid, ltightId): """Return True if lepton passes tightID. Args: lid (int): Lepton ID. ltightId (bool): Tight ID. """ if abs(lid) == 11: return ltightId elif abs(lid) == 13: if ltightId < return True if else: return False # We have 2 good (loose) leptons which MAY form a Z candidate. loose_lep_arr = [] # Do an OSSF check: if (lid1 + lid2) != 0: if verbose: print(f"Event {evt_num} failed OSSF check.") continue # Do we want tight Z1 leptons? if force_z1_leps_tightID: if (not ltightId1) or (not ltightId2): continue lorvec_lep1 = Math.PtEtaPhiMVector(lpt1, leta1, lphi1, lmass1) lorvec_lep2 = Math.PtEtaPhiMVector(lpt2, leta2, lphi2, lmass2) z_cand = lorvec_lep1 + lorvec_lep2 if (z_cand.M() < 12) or (z_cand.M() > 120): print(f"Event {evt_num} failed m(Z1) window.") continue # Good Z candidate! Save these lepton indices. z_cand_lep_ndcs.append((ndx1, ndx2)) # Need to check lepton kinematics (dxy, dz, SIP3D) # if make_valid_z1_candidate(lep1, lep2): # All Z1 candidates found! # my_lep_ls = # z1_cand_ls = get_all_z1_candidates() # If the event made it this far, the leptons are good! evt_info_d["n_evts_ge4_passing_leps"] += 1
def get_LorentzVector(self, include_FSR=True): """Return a Lorentz vector version of this lepton.""" if include_FSR: return Math.PtEtaPhiMVector( self.lpt, self.leta, self.lphi, self.lmass ) return Math.PtEtaPhiMVector( self.lpt_NoFSR, self.leta_NoFSR, self.lphi_NoFSR, self.lmass_NoFSR )
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) error = 0.0 # Loop over the events for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] / signalYield # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Computing the error error = error + weight * ( 1 - net.sactivate(variables)[0])**self.norm # Loop over the events for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] / backgroundYield # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Computing the error error = error + weight * ( net.sactivate(variables)[0])**self.norm # Set the fitness value to the chomosome = 1 - Math.pow(error / 2, 1. / self.norm)
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) error = 0.0 # Loop over the events for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0]/signalYield # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Computing the error error = error + weight*(1 - net.sactivate(variables)[0])**self.norm # Loop over the events for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0]/backgroundYield # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Computing the error error = error + weight*(net.sactivate(variables)[0])**self.norm # Set the fitness value to the chomosome = 1 - Math.pow(error/2, 1./self.norm)
def cdf_generator(self, histo, binN): mean = histo.GetBinContent(binN) sdev = TMath.Sqrt(mean) maxK = mean + 4 * sdev # mean + 4 * mean ks = linspace(0, maxK, 101) # xrange(maxK)# [k for k in xrange(maxK)] cdf = {pos: [ks[pos], Math.inc_gamma_c(ks[pos]+1, mean)] for pos in xrange(len(ks))} # dictionary wich contains the x and y info of the cdf in a list of two elements. e.g. cdf[1] -> [0, 0]. return deepcopy(cdf)
def getprobability(S, dof): """.. function:: checkchisquared(S,dof) -> p Knowing that S follows a chi square distribution (with dof degrees of freem), return the probability that S is fulfill the hypothesis """ from ROOT import Math return Math.chisquared_cdf(S, dof)
def get_pt(vector): # Get pT from a given Lorentz vector pT = None try: pT = vector.Perp() except AttributeError: pT = Math.sqrt(vector.Perp2()) return pT
def createTGraphPoisson(self, h, w=1.): g = TGraphAsymmErrors(h) for i in range(0, g.GetN()): y = h.GetBinContent(i+1) binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i+1) # From alpha = 1. - 0.6827 n = int(round(y*binWidth/w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0. u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n+1, 1) # print y*binWidth/w, n, y, u, l g.SetPointEYlow(i, (n-l)/binWidth*w) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, (u-n)/binWidth*w) return g
def getprobability(S,dof): """.. function:: checkchisquared(S,dof) -> p Knowing that S follows a chi square distribution (with dof degrees of freem), return the probability that S is fulfill the hypothesis """ from ROOT import Math return Math.chisquared_cdf(S,dof)
def get_lorentz_vector_new(particle): # Get the Lorentz Vector of a given particle (Math::LorentzVector class) vector = Math.PxPyPzMVector() vector.SetPx(particle.core.p4.px) vector.SetPy( vector.SetPz(particle.core.p4.pz) vector.SetM(particle.core.p4.mass) return vector
def LineShapePDF(shapes, mass, histo): # import ROOT from ROOT import Math x = shapes.binxcenters y = np.array([]) if mass in shapes.shapes.keys(): y = np.array(shapes.shapes[mass]) else: input_masses = shapes.shapes.keys() min_mass = min(input_masses) max_mass = max(input_masses) ml = mass yl = np.array([]) mh = mass yh = np.array([]) if mass < min_mass: print "** WARNING: ** Attempting to extrapolate below the lowest input mass. The extrapolated shape(s) might not be reliable." m_temp = input_masses m_temp.sort() ml = m_temp[0] mh = m_temp[1] elif mass > max_mass: print "** WARNING: ** Attempting to extrapolate above the highest input mass. The extrapolated shape(s) might not be reliable." m_temp = input_masses m_temp.sort(reverse=True) ml = m_temp[1] mh = m_temp[0] else: ml = max([ m for m in input_masses if m<mass ]) mh = min([ m for m in input_masses if m>mass ]) yl = np.array(shapes.shapes[ml]) yh = np.array(shapes.shapes[mh]) y = ((yh - yl)/float(mh-ml))*float(mass - ml) + yl # define interpolator interpolator = Math.Interpolator(len(x)) interpolator.SetData(len(x), array('d',x), array('d',y.tolist())) for i in range(0, histo.GetNbinsX()+1): xcenter = histo.GetBinCenter(i)/float(mass) if xcenter > shapes.binxcenters[0] and xcenter < shapes.binxcenters[-1]: xlow = histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(i)/float(mass) if xlow < shapes.binxcenters[0]: xlow = shapes.binxcenters[0] xhigh = histo.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(i)/float(mass) if xhigh > shapes.binxcenters[-1]: xhigh = shapes.binxcenters[-1] integral = interpolator.Integ(xlow, xhigh) histo.SetBinContent( i, (integral if integral >= 0. else 0.) ) else: histo.SetBinContent(i, 0.) # histo.Scale( 1./histo.Integral() ) histo.Scale( sum(y)/histo.Integral() )
def createTGraphPoisson(self, h, w=1.): g = TGraphAsymmErrors(h) for i in range(0, g.GetN()): y = h.GetBinContent(i + 1) binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i + 1) # From alpha = 1. - 0.6827 n = int( round(y * binWidth / w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha / 2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0. u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n + 1, 1) # print y*binWidth/w, n, y, u, l g.SetPointEYlow(i, (n - l) / binWidth * w) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, (u - n) / binWidth * w) return g
def addHistToTGraphPoisson(self, h, g, w=1.): for i in range(0, g.GetN()): # shifted by +1, i.e. over/underflow err = h.GetBinError(i+1) y = h.GetBinContent(i+1) binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i+1) # From alpha = 1. - 0.6827 n = int(round(y*binWidth/w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0. u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n+1, 1) if n != 0. else 0. g.SetPointEYlow(i, math.sqrt(((n-l)/binWidth*w)**2 + g.GetErrorYlow(i)**2)) g.SetPointEYhigh(i, math.sqrt(((u-n)/binWidth*w)**2 + g.GetErrorYhigh(i)**2)) gx = Double(0.) gy = Double(0.) g.GetPoint(i, gx, gy) g.SetPoint(i, gx, y + gy)
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Histogram holders signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1) backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background', self.nbins, 0, 1) # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Reset histograms signalHistogram.Reset() backgroundHistogram.Reset() # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) # Loop over the events creating signal histogram for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Loop over the events creating background histogram for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight) fitness = 0 # Computing fitness for bin in xrange(1, signalHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1): signal = signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) background = backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) total = signal + background if total > 0: fitness = fitness + signal**2 / (signal + background) # Adding fitness to genome = Math.sqrt(fitness)
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Histogram holders signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1) backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background', self.nbins, 0, 1) # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Reset histograms signalHistogram.Reset() backgroundHistogram.Reset() # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) # Loop over the events creating signal histogram for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Loop over the events creating background histogram for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight) fitness = 0 # Computing fitness for bin in xrange(1,signalHistogram.GetNbinsX()+1): signal = signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) background = backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) total = signal + background if total > 0: fitness = fitness + signal**2/(signal+background) # Adding fitness to genome = Math.sqrt(fitness)
def mean_poisson_pval(d, b, b_error, conv_width=3, step_size=1): """ Mostly transcribed from (including the docstring) Convolve a Gaussian (non-negative part) with a Poisson. Background is b+-b_error, and we need the mean Poisson probability to observe at least d (if d >=b, else at most d), given this PDF for b. The way is to cut the PDF or b into segments, whose area is exactly calculable, take the Poisson probability at the center of each gaussian slice, and average the probabilities using the area of each slice as weight. But here, currently, we are guaranteed to have d > b so some of this simplifies. d - data counts b - background counts b_error - error in bkg counts conv_width - range of l in convolution loop (I think this is how many sigmas of to convolve) step_size - step size for convolution TODO: I think there might be a better way to do this using ROOT.TMath """ if b_error == 0: return TMath.Gamma(d, b) # Guaranteed to have d > b, so this is equivalent to commonFunctions.h:503 # TODO: Pythonify the following mean, total_weight = 0.0, 0.0 l = -conv_width while l <= conv_width: bcenter = max(0, b + l*b_error) this_slice_weight = Math.normal_cdf(l + 0.5*step_size) - Math.normal_cdf(l - 0.5*step_size) this_pval = poisson_pval(d, bcenter) mean += this_pval*this_slice_weight total_weight += this_slice_weight l += step_size return mean / total_weight
def scat(x, par): """ A = par[0] sigma = par[1] tau = par[2] b = par[3] """ t0 = par[0] A = par[1] sigma = par[2] tau = par[3] b = par[4] dt = (x[0] - t0) t1 = tau * dt t3 = sigma * sigma t5 = tau * tau t9 = math.exp(-(0.4e1 * t1 - t3) / t5 / 0.4e1) t10 = 1.77245385090552 t19 = Math.erf((0.2e1 * t1 - t3) / sigma / tau / 0.2e1) return (A * t9 * t10 * sigma * (t19 + 0.1e1) / 0.2e1 + b)
def CalFtest(fit1, fit2): print fit1.fitname, fit2.fitname print 1. - Math.fdistribution_cdf(fit1.chindof / fit2.chindof, fit1.ndof, fit2.ndof)
continue if in_ev == 1: # Check the status of this particle try: if line.split()[1] is "1": # We have a final state particle on this line s.n_particles += 1 PID_v.push_back(int(line.split()[0])) P_X_v.push_back(float(line.split()[6])) P_Y_v.push_back(float(line.split()[7])) P_Z_v.push_back(float(line.split()[8])) E_v.push_back(float(line.split()[9])) M_v.push_back(float(line.split()[10])) VecLep = Math.LorentzVector('ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<float>')( float(line.split()[6]), float(line.split()[7]), float(line.split()[8]), float(line.split()[9])) P4_v.push_back(VecLep) pass pass except: pass if in_wgt == 1: # <wgt id='rwgt_11'> +2.2580107e-03 </wgt> # Check the weight try: wgt = line.rsplit('>')[1].split()[0] Wgt_v.push_back(float(wgt)) pass except:
if tmpJetPTTwo > jetPTCut: #Counter if not ifTwoBool: ifTwoCount += 1 ifTwoBool = True #Getting the eta dif between the two jets tmpEtaDif = abs(ev.Jet_eta[i] - ev.Jet_eta[j]) #Checking if the eta dif passes the eta dif cut if tmpEtaDif > jetEtaDifCut: #Counter if not ifThreeBool: ifThreeCount += 1 ifThreeBool = True #Getting four vectors for the two jets, using pt, eta, phi, and mass tmpVecOne = Math.PtEtaPhiMVector( ev.Jet_pt[i], ev.Jet_eta[i], ev.Jet_phi[i], ev.Jet_mass[i]) tmpVecTwo = Math.PtEtaPhiMVector( ev.Jet_pt[j], ev.Jet_eta[j], ev.Jet_phi[j], ev.Jet_mass[j]) #Adding four vectors together and getting their invariant mass tmpDiJetVec = tmpVecOne + tmpVecTwo tmpInvMass = tmpDiJetVec.M() #Checking if their InvMass passes the InvMass cut if tmpInvMass > jetInvMassCut: #Counter if not ifFourBool: ifFourCount += 1 ifFourBool = True #Selecting by summed jet pt
def __call__(self, event): #corrected electrons to put into the event corre1s = [] corre2s = [] corrgs = [] Zs = [] Zgs = [] corrPtName1 = self._lep1CorrPt corrPtName2 = self._lep2CorrPt corrPtNameG = self._gamCorrPt corrEtaName1 = self._lep1CorrEta corrEtaName2 = self._lep2CorrEta corrEtaNameG = self._gamCorrEta corrPhiName1 = self._lep1CorrPhi corrPhiName2 = self._lep2CorrPhi corrPt_1 = getattr(event, corrPtName1) corrPt_2 = getattr(event, corrPtName2) corrPt_G = getattr(event, corrPtNameG) corrEta_1 = getattr(event, corrEtaName1) corrEta_2 = getattr(event, corrEtaName2) corrEta_G = getattr(event, corrEtaNameG) corrPhi_1 = getattr(event, corrPhiName1) corrPhi_2 = getattr(event, corrPhiName2) for i in range(event.N_PATFinalState): #recalculate the photon vector from the PV corrgs.append(TLorentzVector()) pv = Math.XYZPoint(event.pvX[i], event.pvY[i], event.pvZ[i]) phoSC = Math.XYZPoint(event.gPositionX[i], event.gPositionY[i], event.gPositionZ[i]) phoTemp = Math.XYZVector(phoSC.X() - pv.X(), phoSC.Y() - pv.Y(), phoSC.Z() - pv.Z()) corrE_G = corrPt_G[i] * math.cosh(corrEta_G[i]) phoP3 = phoTemp.unit() * corrE_G phoP4 = Math.XYZTVector(phoP3.x(), phoP3.y(), phoP3.z(), corrE_G) corrgs[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(, phoP4.eta(), phoP4.phi(), 0.0) #create e1 corrected LorentzVector and error corre1s.append(TLorentzVector()) pt1 = corrPt_1[i] eta1 = corrEta_1[i] phi1 = corrPhi_1[i] corre1s[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(pt1, eta1, phi1, self._leptonMass) #create e2 corrected LorentzVector and error corre2s.append(TLorentzVector()) pt2 = corrPt_2[i] eta2 = corrEta_2[i] phi2 = corrPhi_2[i] corre2s[-1].SetPtEtaPhiM(pt2, eta2, phi2, self._leptonMass) #make composite particles Zs.append(corre1s[-1] + corre2s[-1]) Zgs.append(corre1s[-1] + corre2s[-1] + corrgs[-1]) #add the newly calculated particles back to the event #using a common naming setattr(event, 'ell1', corre1s) setattr(event, 'ell2', corre2s) setattr(event, 'gam', corrgs) setattr(event, 'Z', Zs) setattr(event, 'Zg', Zgs)
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Histogram holders signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1) backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background', self.nbins, 0, 1) # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Reset histograms signalHistogram.Reset() backgroundHistogram.Reset() # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) # Loop over the events creating signal histogram for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Signal overall normalization scale signalScale = signalYield/len(signalSample) # Loop over the events creating background histogram for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Background overall normalization scale backgroundScale = backgroundYield/len(backgroundSample) # Random generators rcount = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535))) rsignal = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535))) rbackground = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535))) zscore = 0.; sqweight = 0. # Computing weighted z-score for bin in xrange(1,signalHistogram.GetNbinsX()+1): newz = 0.; oldz = 0. # Computing the zvalue per bin for point in xrange(1,self.mpoints+1): # Sample background background = Math.gamma_quantile(rbackground.Uniform(), (backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin)/backgroundScale)+1., backgroundScale ) # Background larger that zero if background > 0.: # Sampling signal signal = Math.gamma_quantile(rsignal.Uniform(), (signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin)/signalScale)+1., signalScale ) # Sampling count count = rcount.Poisson(signal+background) # Computing pvalue pvalue = Math.poisson_cdf_c(count,background) + Math.poisson_pdf(count,background) # Computing zvalue zvalue = self.minz if pvalue < 1.0: zvalue = Math.normal_quantile_c(pvalue,1) # zvalue iterative average newz = (zvalue + (point - 1)*oldz)/point # Computing relative difference error = math.fabs((newz - oldz)/newz) # Convergency criteria if error < self.error: break # Updating oldz oldz = newz if point == self.mpoints: self.message('Warning reach maximum number of integration %s points.' % point) weight = self.weight(signalHistogram.GetBinCenter(bin)) zscore = zscore + weight * newz sqweight = sqweight + weight**2 # Fitness function is zscore transform back to 1 - pvalue # Set the fitness value to the chomosome = 1. - Math.normal_cdf_c(zscore/Math.sqrt(sqweight))
import copy from CMGTools.RootTools.physicsobjects.Particle import Particle #COLIN should make a module for lorentz vectors (and conversions) #instanciating template from ROOT import Math PtEtaPhiE4DLV = Math.PtEtaPhiE4D(float) PtEtaPhiM4DLV = Math.PtEtaPhiM4D(float) class PhysicsObject(Particle): '''Extends the cmg::PhysicsObject functionalities.''' def __init__(self, physObj): self.physObj = physObj super(PhysicsObject, self).__init__() def __copy__(self): '''Very dirty trick, the physObj is deepcopied...''' # print 'call copy', self physObj = copy.deepcopy( self.physObj ) newone = type(self)(physObj) newone.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) newone.physObj = physObj return newone def scaleEnergy( self, scale ): p4 = self.physObj.p4() p4 *= scale self.physObj.setP4( p4 ) ## p4 = self.physObj.polarP4()
Nzj = zmumuj_data.Get('TotEvts').GetVal()*ztautauj.Get('NormEvts').GetVal()/zmumuj.Get('NormEvts').GetVal() #Nwt = (Nevts - (Nqcd + Nzj))*(wtOttbar/(1+wtOttbar)) Nwt = powheg_predictions.Get("Wt_dr_xsec").GetVal() * L * totaleff_wt Nsig = Nevts - Nqcd - Nzj - Nwt Nbkg = Nqcd + Nzj + Nwt acc = TFile("/user2/sfarry/workspaces/top/tuples/ttbar_acc.root") A = acc.Get('acc').GetVal() A_err = acc.Get('acc_err').GetVal() xsec = Nsig * A / (totaleff * L ) from math import floor #poisson uncertainties alpha = 1 - 0.68268942 Nwt_err_lo = Nwt - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nwt),1) Nzj_err_lo = Nzj - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nzj),1) Nqcd_err_lo = Nqcd - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nqcd),1) Nbkg_err_lo = Nbkg - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nbkg),1) Nwt_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nwt)+1,1) - Nwt Nzj_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nzj)+1,1) - Nzj Nqcd_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nqcd)+1,1) - Nqcd Nbkg_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nbkg)+1,1) - Nbkg stat_err = xsec / sqrt(Nevts) syst_err = xsec * sqrt(pow(totaleff_err / totaleff, 2) + pow(A_err / A, 2) + pow(Nbkg_err_hi/(Nevts - Nbkg),2)) lumi_err = xsec * 0.039 print "Number of selected events: %f +/- %f" %(Nevts, sqrt(Nevts)) print "Same sign background : %f + %f - %f" %(Nqcd, Nqcd_err_hi, Nqcd_err_lo)
def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample): # Histogram holders signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1) backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background', self.nbins, 0, 1) # Loop over the chromosomes in the population for genome in population: # Reset histograms signalHistogram.Reset() backgroundHistogram.Reset() # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward) net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome) # Loop over the events creating signal histogram for event in signalSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Signal overall normalization scale signalScale = signalYield / len(signalSample) # Loop over the events creating background histogram for event in backgroundSample: # Extract variables and weight variables = event[1:] weight = event[0] # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets net.flush() # Net output output = net.sactivate(variables)[0] # Filling histograms backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight) # Background overall normalization scale backgroundScale = backgroundYield / len(backgroundSample) # Random generators rcount = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535))) rsignal = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535))) rbackground = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535))) zscore = 0. sqweight = 0. # Computing weighted z-score for bin in xrange(1, signalHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1): newz = 0. oldz = 0. # Computing the zvalue per bin for point in xrange(1, self.mpoints + 1): # Sample background background = Math.gamma_quantile( rbackground.Uniform(), (backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) / backgroundScale) + 1., backgroundScale) # Background larger that zero if background > 0.: # Sampling signal signal = Math.gamma_quantile( rsignal.Uniform(), (signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) / signalScale) + 1., signalScale) # Sampling count count = rcount.Poisson(signal + background) # Computing pvalue pvalue = Math.poisson_cdf_c( count, background) + Math.poisson_pdf( count, background) # Computing zvalue zvalue = self.minz if pvalue < 1.0: zvalue = Math.normal_quantile_c(pvalue, 1) # zvalue iterative average newz = (zvalue + (point - 1) * oldz) / point # Computing relative difference error = math.fabs((newz - oldz) / newz) # Convergency criteria if error < self.error: break # Updating oldz oldz = newz if point == self.mpoints: self.message( 'Warning reach maximum number of integration %s points.' % point) weight = self.weight(signalHistogram.GetBinCenter(bin)) zscore = zscore + weight * newz sqweight = sqweight + weight**2 # Fitness function is zscore transform back to 1 - pvalue # Set the fitness value to the chomosome = 1. - Math.normal_cdf_c( zscore / Math.sqrt(sqweight))