def dip_residual_method(): hh = TH2F("hh", "", 20, hodo_center - 4.0, hodo_center + 4.0, 200, -2, 2) cuts = 'n_tracks==1 && amp_max[{}]>1000 && amp_max[{}]>1000'.format( self.xtal[0], self.xtal[1]) t_tree.Draw("(fit_time[{0}]-fit_time[{1}]):{2}>>hh".format( self.xtal[0], self.xtal[1], axis[0]), cuts, "COLZ") # Plot dt vs (X or Y) hh.FitSlicesY() # Fit slices with gaussians gr = TGraphErrors(t_file.Get( "hh_1")) # hh_1 is the histo of means from FitSlicesY ## Sorry for the confusing names. We plot dt vs (X or Y), so dt is our y_var, and dx is our x_var, the distance term (ie X OR Y) points = range(gr.GetN()) dx = array('d', gr.GetX()) dt = array('d', gr.GetY()) p1 = TF1("p1", "pol1") TGraph(gr.GetN(), dx, dt).Fit("p1", "WQ") # Fit dt_mean vs Y linearly ## Sum each 3 consecutive residuals, take the max from this value's abs(), and the middle index is where the "dip" is farthest from the fit, the "center" res = [dt[i] - p1.Eval(dx[i]) for i in points] # The residual between the fit and data sum_res = [abs(sum(res[i:i + 3])) for i in points[:-2] ] # Sum 3 residuals ([:-2] to avoid index out of range) axis_center = dx[ sum_res.index(max(sum_res)) + 1] # +1 b/c we index the 1st out of 3 residuals, but we want the middle one return axis_center
def _convert_tgrapherrors(root_obj: TGraphErrors) -> dict: """ Take the values from a TGraphErrors and add them to a series of arrays Parameters ---------- root_obj : TGraphError ROOT TGraphError Returns ------- dict Dictionary with x, y, xerr, yerr points """ xm, ym, x_errm, y_errm = (root_obj.GetX(), root_obj.GetY(), root_obj.GetEX(), root_obj.GetEY()) x, y, x_err, y_err = [], [], [], [] for n in range(0, root_obj.GetN()): x.append(xm[n]) y.append(ym[n]) x_err.append(x_errm[n]) y_err.append(y_errm[n]) return {'x': np.array(x), 'y': np.array(y), 'xerr': np.array(x_err), 'yerr': np.array(y_err)}
def sub2pull(dataHist, pdfwErrs): from ROOT import TGraphErrors from math import sqrt ThePull = TGraphErrors(dataHist.GetN()) pdfi = 0 for i in range(0, ThePull.GetN()): while (dataHist.GetX()[i] > pdfwErrs.GetX()[pdfi]): pdfi += 1 #print 'pull point:',i,'pdfi:',pdfi diff = dataHist.GetY()[i] - pdfwErrs.GetY()[pdfi] if (diff < 0): err2 = pdfwErrs.GetErrorY(pdfi)**2 + dataHist.GetErrorYhigh(i)**2 else: err2 = pdfwErrs.GetErrorY(pdfi)**2 + dataHist.GetErrorYlow(i)**2 if (err2>0): pull = diff/(sqrt(err2)*1.2) else: pull = 0 ThePull.SetPoint(i, dataHist.GetX()[i], pull) ThePull.SetPointError(i, 0., 1.) ThePull.SetName(dataHist.GetName() + "_pull") ThePull.SetTitle("data") return ThePull
def testIthr(): lines = get_lines('DAC_scan_ithr_0x40to0xf0.dat') gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraphErrors() fUnit = 1000. / 0.7 yUnit = 'e^{-}' for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] in ['#', '\n']: continue fs = line.rstrip().split() ix = int(fs[0]) gr1.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[2]) * fUnit) gr1.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[3]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[4]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[5]) * fUnit) useAtlasStyle() gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Threshold [" + yUnit + "]") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("I_{Thre} code") # h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.2) gPad.SetTicks(1, 0) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.16) y1b = 0 y2b = 15 x1 = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y1 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmin() y2 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmax() raxis = TGaxis(x1, y1, x1, y2, y1b, y2b, 506, "+L") raxis.SetLineColor(2) raxis.SetLabelColor(2) raxis.SetTitleColor(2) raxis.SetTitle("ENC [" + yUnit + "]") raxis.Draw() nP = gr2.GetN() Ys = gr2.GetY() EYs = gr2.GetEY() Y = array( 'd', [y1 + (y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * (Ys[i] - y1b) for i in range(nP)]) EY = array('d', [(y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * EYs[i] for i in range(nP)]) gr2x = TGraphErrors(nP, gr2.GetX(), Y, gr2.GetEX(), EY) gr2x.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr2x.SetLineColor(2) gr2x.SetMarkerColor(2) gr2x.Draw('Psame') waitRootCmdX()
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("", "--spline3", action="store_true", dest="spline3", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() from ROOT import TFile, TGraph, TGraphErrors, NULL import csv with open(options.inputfile) as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=" ", skipinitialspace=True) rows = list(reader) outfile = TFile("%s.root" % options.inputfile, "RECREATE") g = TGraphErrors(len(rows)) for i, row in enumerate(rows): g.SetPoint(i, float(row[1]) / 1000., float(row[2])) g.SetPointError(i, 0.0, float(row[3])) if options.spline3: g_spline3 = TGraph(10 * (g.GetN() - 1)) x = g.GetX() y = g.GetY() for i in range(g.GetN() - 1): step = (x[i + 1] - x[i]) / 10 for j in range(10): index = 10 * i + j x_ = x[i] + j * step y_ = g.Eval(x_, NULL, "S") g_spline3.SetPoint(index, x_, y_) g_spline3.SetName(options.inputfile) g_spline3.Write() else: g.SetName(options.inputfile) g.Write() outfile.Close()
def addErrors(err1, err2): from ROOT import TGraphErrors from math import sqrt newErrs = TGraphErrors(err1) for i in range(0, newErrs.GetN()): newErrs.SetPoint(i, newErrs.GetX()[i], err1.GetY()[i] + err2.GetY()[i]) newErrs.SetPointError(i, err1.GetErrorX(i), sqrt(err1.GetErrorY(i)**2 + \ err2.GetErrorY(i)**2) ) return newErrs
def ApplyBinShiftCorrectionGeneral(self, hist, fit): """ Alternative method for bin shift correction: - Apply user-default model for bin-shift correction - don't multiply by pt @param hist: Input spectrum for the bin shift correction @param fit: Model for the bin-shift correction @return: The bin-shift corrected spectrum as graph """ h = deepcopy(hist) hist.SetName("htemp") result = TGraphErrors(h) for i in range(0, result.GetN()): result.GetEX()[i] = 0. y = 0 #for now 10 iterations fixes for k in range(0, 10): for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): y = fit.Integral(h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) / h.GetBinWidth(i) x = self.FindX(y, fit, h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) result.GetX()[i - 1] = x # remove points that are 0 while result.GetY()[0] < 1.e-99: result.RemovePoint(0) mybin = 0 for biniter in range(0, result.GetN()): if result.GetY()[biniter] < 1.e-99: mybin = biniter break while result.RemovePoint(mybin) > 0: continue return result
def GetData(file, scale=1., sed=True, title='SED', barUL=True): GetData.Ng += 1 g = TGraphErrors(file) gUL = TGraphErrors() if sed: for i in range(g.GetN()): g.GetY()[i] = pow(g.GetX()[i], 2) * g.GetY()[i] * 1e-6 / scale g.GetEY()[i] = pow(g.GetX()[i], 2) * g.GetEY()[i] * 1e-6 / scale g.GetX()[i] *= 1e-3 idel = 0 nUL = 0 while idel < g.GetN(): if g.GetEY()[idel] < 0: gUL.SetPoint(nUL, g.GetX()[idel], g.GetY()[idel]) if barUL: gUL.SetPointError(nUL, 0, g.GetY()[idel] * 1e-5) nUL += 1 g.RemovePoint(idel) else: idel += 1 if sed: g.SetTitle(title + ";Energy [GeV];E^{2}dN/dE [TeV cm^{-2} s^{-1}]") else: g.SetTitle(title + ";Energy [MeV];dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} MeV^{-1}]") g.SetLineColor(kRed) g.SetMarkerColor(kRed) g.SetMarkerStyle(20) g.SetName("g%d" % GetData.Ng) gUL.SetLineColor(g.GetLineColor()) gUL.SetName("gUL%d" % GetData.Ng) return g, gUL
def getGraph(Ts, filename): lines = None with open(filename) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() Tx = None for line in lines: ### find the associated tamperature line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: Tx = None continue if line[0] == '#': fs = line.split() data = fs[1] + ' ' + fs[2] b = parse(data) if b is None: continue for x in Ts: for y in x.Times: if b > y[0] and b < y[1]: Tx = x print b, Tx.T break if Tx is not None: break continue if Tx is None: continue ### Add the samples to it fs = line.split(',') if len(fs) < 3: continue[2])) gr1 = TGraphErrors() for t in Ts: if len( == 0: continue ### calculate the mean and err ### Fill in the tgraph print t.T, len(, nm.mean(, nm.std( i = gr1.GetN() gr1.SetPoint(i, t.T, nm.mean( gr1.SetPointError(i, 0, nm.std( return gr1
def scanKK(): '''Used to test the scan of one or more parameters''' nChips = 19 # the magic number # nChan = len(chans) iP = 1 cd = CommonData() cd.setupConnection() sc1 = SensorConfig(cd) ### get list of chains to be updated # chains = set([sc1.tms1mmX19chainSensors[sc1.tms1mmX19sensorInChain[c]][0] for c in chans]) chan = 5 # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 3., 0., 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 0.732, 1.68, 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [0.75, 2.15, 0.7, 0., 0., 0.] show = True g1 = None if show: g1 = TGraphErrors() xj = open('scan_KK_6.ttl','w') ### point insert scan ipar = 2 pts = [(0.,None),(3.,None)] while True: print pts pt, xy, r1, k = insertPoint(pts) print '-'*30 print pt,xy,r1, k print '-'*30 if xy<3 and (r1<0.01 or xy/r1<0.1 or k<0.007): break cd.inputVs[ipar] = pt cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) sc1.update_sensor(chan) time.sleep(3) cd.fetch() m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') if g1: n1 = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n1, pt, m) g1.SetPointError(n1, 0, v) if xy == 999: pts[r1] = (pt,m) else: pts.append((pt,m)) ### simple scan # while cd.inputVs[0]>0.001: # cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) # sc1.update_sensor(chan) # time.sleep(2) # cd.fetch() # # m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) # print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) # xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') # # if g1: # g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), cd.inputVs[0], m) # cd.inputVs[0] *= 2./3 if g1: g1.SetMarkerStyle(4) g1.SetMarkerColor(2) g1.SetLineColor(2) g1.Draw("AP") h1 = g1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle(cd.voltsNames[ipar]+' [V]') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92,"Chip %d"%chan) waitRootCmdX()
def analyzeData(country, total, active, recovered, deaths, tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate, doSmearing, doFit): ntuple = [ tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate ] farFromMax = 0.95 growthRate = 0.13 carryingCapacity = 4e5 ################ # Active cases # ################ myCanvActive = TCanvas('myCanvActive_' + country, 'Active cases ' + country) xValues = [ i for i in range(len(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] yValues = [ active[k] for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] erryValues = assignErrors(yValues) myGraphActive = TGraphErrors() myGraphActive.SetMarkerStyle(20) for i in range(len(xValues)): myGraphActive.SetPoint(myGraphActive.GetN(), xValues[i], yValues[i]) myGraphActive.SetPointError(myGraphActive.GetN() - 1, 0, erryValues[i]) myGraphActive.Draw('APE1') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Active cases affected by CoViD-19') historyActive = 0. for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())): if i < tStart: historyActive += active[k] ntuple.extend([historyActive, xValues, yValues, erryValues]) print('==> History active cases:', historyActive) ################### # Build the model # ################### evActive = evolution([yValues[0], carryingCapacity, growthRate], tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, historyActive) if doFit == True: evActive.runOptimization(xValues, yValues, erryValues, [], doSmearing) evActive.evolve(evActive.tStop, evActive.parValues, True) if doSmearing == True: evActive.smearing() evActiveGraphN = evActive.getGraphN() evActiveGraphN.Draw('PL same') statActive = evActive.addStats(evActive.parNames, evActive.parValues) print( '==> Active cases, history active cases, p-infected, Carrying capacity, total population alive', evActive.evolve(tStop, evActive.parValues), 'at day', tStop) print('==> Percentage population with antibodies', round(100. * evActive.totalInfected(tStop) / totalPopulation), '% at day', tStop, '(herd immunity at', evActive.herdImmunity(), '%)') print('==> Doubling time:', round(log(2.) / evActive.parValues[2], 1), 'days') now = TLine( len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, evActive.fitFun.Eval(len(active) - 1)) now = TLine(len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, 1) now.SetLineColor(4) now.SetLineWidth(2) now.Draw('same') willbe = TLine(evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), 0, evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), evActive.fitFun.GetMaximum()) willbe.SetLineColor(6) willbe.SetLineWidth(2) willbe.Draw('same') myCanvActiveR0 = TCanvas('myCanvActiveR0_' + country, 'R0 ' + country) evActiveGraphR0 = evActive.getGraphR0(evActiveGraphN) evActiveGraphR0.Draw('APL') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('R') myCanvActiveR0.SetGrid() myCanvActiveR0.Modified() myCanvActiveR0.Update() myCanvActive.SetGrid() myCanvActive.Modified() myCanvActive.Update() ################# # CONTROL PLOTS # ################# ############### # Total cases # ############### myCanvTotal = TCanvas('myCanvTotal_' + country, 'Total cases ' + country) myGraphTotal = TGraphErrors() myGraphTotal.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(total.keys()): myGraphTotal.SetPoint(myGraphTotal.GetN(), myGraphTotal.GetN(), total[k]) myGraphTotal.SetPointError(myGraphTotal.GetN() - 1, 0, sqrt(total[k])) myGraphTotal.Draw('APE1') myGraphTotal.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphTotal.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Total cases affected by CoViD-19') myCanvTotal.SetGrid() myCanvTotal.Modified() myCanvTotal.Update() ########## # Deaths # ########## myCanvDeaths = TCanvas('myCanvDeaths_' + country, 'Deaths ' + country) myGraphDeaths = TGraphErrors() myGraphDeaths.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(deaths.keys()): myGraphDeaths.SetPoint(myGraphDeaths.GetN(), myGraphDeaths.GetN(), deaths[k]) myGraphDeaths.SetPointError(myGraphDeaths.GetN() - 1, 0, sqrt(deaths[k])) myGraphDeaths.Draw('APE1') myGraphDeaths.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphDeaths.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('Total deaths') myCanvDeaths.SetGrid() myCanvDeaths.Modified() myCanvDeaths.Update() ######################## # Ratio deaths / total # ######################## myCanvRatio01 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio01_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio01 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio01.SetMarkerStyle(20) for k in sorted(deaths.keys()): myGraphRatio01.SetPoint(myGraphRatio01.GetN(), myGraphRatio01.GetN(), deaths[k] / total[k]) myGraphRatio01.SetPointError( myGraphRatio01.GetN() - 1, 0, myGraphRatio01.GetY()[myGraphRatio01.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(deaths[k] / (deaths[k] * deaths[k]) + total[k] / (total[k] * total[k]))) myGraphRatio01.Draw('APE1') myGraphRatio01.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio01.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Total deaths / Total cases') myCanvRatio01.SetGrid() myCanvRatio01.Modified() myCanvRatio01.Update() ############################################ # Ratio delta(deaths + recovered) / active # ############################################ myCanvRatio02 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio02_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio02 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio02.SetMarkerStyle(20) sortedKeys = sorted(deaths.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(sortedKeys[1:]): numerator = abs(deaths[k] - deaths[sortedKeys[i]] + recovered[k] - recovered[sortedKeys[i]]) denominator = active[k] myGraphRatio02.SetPoint( myGraphRatio02.GetN(), myGraphRatio02.GetN() + 1, numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio02.SetPointError( myGraphRatio02.GetN() - 1, 0, (myGraphRatio02.GetY()[myGraphRatio02.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(numerator / pow(numerator, 2) + denominator / pow(denominator, 2))) if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio02.Draw('AP') myGraphRatio02.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio02.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( '#Delta Recovered (alive + dead) / Active cases') myCanvRatio02.SetGrid() myCanvRatio02.Modified() myCanvRatio02.Update() ###################################### # Ratio delta(deaths) / delta(total) # ###################################### myCanvRatio03 = TCanvas('myCanvRatio03_' + country, 'Ratio ' + country) myGraphRatio03 = TGraphErrors() myGraphRatio03.SetMarkerStyle(20) sortedKeys = sorted(deaths.keys()) for i, k in enumerate(sortedKeys[1:]): numerator = abs(deaths[k] - deaths[sortedKeys[i]]) denominator = total[k] - total[sortedKeys[i]] myGraphRatio03.SetPoint( myGraphRatio03.GetN(), myGraphRatio03.GetN() + 1, numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio03.SetPointError( myGraphRatio03.GetN() - 1, 0, (myGraphRatio03.GetY()[myGraphRatio03.GetN() - 1] * sqrt(numerator / pow(numerator, 2) + denominator / pow(denominator, 2))) if denominator != 0 else 0) myGraphRatio03.Draw('AP') myGraphRatio03.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphRatio03.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( '#Delta deaths / #Delta total') myCanvRatio03.SetGrid() myCanvRatio03.Modified() myCanvRatio03.Update() if doFit == False: return [ ntuple, myCanvTotal, myGraphTotal, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, myCanvDeaths, myGraphDeaths, myCanvRatio01, myGraphRatio01, myCanvRatio02, myGraphRatio02, myCanvRatio03, myGraphRatio03 ] return [ ntuple, myCanvTotal, myGraphTotal, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, evActive, evActiveGraphN, statActive, now, willbe, myCanvActiveR0, evActiveGraphR0, myCanvDeaths, myGraphDeaths, myCanvRatio01, myGraphRatio01, myCanvRatio02, myGraphRatio02, myCanvRatio03, myGraphRatio03 ]
def plot2BodyDist(theFitter, pars, chi2, ndf, Err = -1, NP = False, Prefix = "Mjj", Left = False): from ROOT import gPad, TLatex, TCanvas, kRed, kCyan, kBlue, \ RooFit, RooPlot, RooCurve, RooAbsReal, TGraphErrors, TLine, \ RooWjjMjjFitter if pars.includeMuons and pars.includeElectrons: modeString = '' elif pars.includeMuons: modeString = 'Muon' elif pars.includeElectrons: modeString = 'Electron' else: modeString = '' mf = theFitter.stackedPlot(False, RooWjjMjjFitter.mjj, Left) mf.SetName("%s_Stacked" % (Prefix)); sf = theFitter.residualPlot(mf, "h_background", "dibosonPdf", False) sf.SetName("%s_Subtracted" % (Prefix)); pf = theFitter.residualPlot(mf, "h_total", "", True) pf.SetName("%s_Pull" % (Prefix)) pf2 = pf.emptyClone("%s_Pull_Corrected" % (Prefix)) pf2.SetMinimum(-5.) pf2.SetMaximum(5.) corrPull = False lf = theFitter.stackedPlot(True, RooWjjMjjFitter.mjj, Left) lf.SetName("%s_Stacked_Log" % (Prefix)); if Err > 0: totalPdf = theFitter.getWorkSpace().pdf('totalPdf') ## Ntotal = totalPdf.expectedEvents(iset) ## print 'Ntotal:',Ntotal h_dibosonPdf = sf.getCurve('h_dibosonPdf') totalPdf.plotOn(sf, RooFit.ProjWData(theFitter.getWorkSpace().data('data')), RooFit.Normalization(Err, RooAbsReal.Raw), #RooFit.AddTo('h_dibosonPdf', 1., 1.), #RooFit.Invisible(), RooFit.Name('h_ErrUp'), RooFit.Range('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.NormRange('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.LineColor(kRed), RooFit.LineStyle(3)) h_ErrUp = sf.getCurve('h_ErrUp') sf.remove('h_ErrUp', False) ErrBand = TGraphErrors(h_dibosonPdf.GetN(), h_dibosonPdf.GetX(), h_dibosonPdf.GetY()) for pt in range(1, ErrBand.GetN()): ErrBand.SetPointError(pt, 0, h_ErrUp.interpolate(ErrBand.GetX()[pt])) ErrBand.SetName("ErrBand") ErrBand.SetTitle("Uncertainty") ErrBand.SetLineColor(kRed) ## ErrBand.SetLineWidth(0) ## ErrBand.SetLineStyle(0) ErrBand.SetFillColor(kRed) ErrBand.SetFillStyle(3353) #ErrBand.Draw('ap3') #h_ErrUp.Draw('lp') #gPad.Update() #gPad.WaitPrimitive() ## h_ErrUp.Draw("al") ## h_ErrUp.GetXaxis().Set(36, 40., 400.) ## gPad.Update() ## gPad.WaitPrimitive() ## h_UpBand = RooCurve("h_UpBand", "Uncertainty", h_dibosonPdf, h_ErrUp, ## 1., 1.) ## h_UpBand.SetLineStyle(3) ## h_UpBand.SetLineColor(kBlue+1) ## h_DownBand = RooCurve("h_DownBand", "Uncertainty", h_dibosonPdf, h_ErrUp, ## 1., -1.) ## h_DownBand.SetLineStyle(3) ## h_DownBand.SetLineColor(kBlue+1) ## sf.addPlotable(h_UpBand, "L") ## sf.addPlotable(h_DownBand, "L") sf.addObject(ErrBand, "3") #sf.Print("v") sf.drawAfter('h_dibosonPdf', 'ErrBand') #sf.Print("v") sf.drawAfter('ErrBand', 'theData') #sf.Print("v") sf.findObject('theLegend').AddEntry(ErrBand, 'Uncertainty', 'f') sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1NDC(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC() - 0.057) sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC()) corrPull = True pf2.addObject(sub2pull(sf.getHist('theData'), sf.findObject('ErrBand')), 'p0') for item in range(0, int(pf.numItems())): firstItem = pf.getObject(item) if (type(firstItem) == TLine): newLine = TLine(firstItem) newLine.SetY1(4.) newLine.SetY2(-4.) pf2.addObject(newLine, 'l') #SetOwnership(newLine, False) if NP: NPPdf = theFitter.makeNPPdf(); NPNorm = 4.*0.11*46.8/12.*pars.intLumi if (modeString == 'Electron'): if pars.njets == 2: NPNorm *= 0.0381 elif pars.njets == 3: NPNorm *= 0.0123 else: if pars.njets == 2: NPNorm *= 0.0550 elif pars.njets == 3: NPNorm *= 0.0176 print '**** N_NP:', NPNorm,'****' NPPdf.plotOn(sf, RooFit.ProjWData(theFitter.getWorkSpace().data('data')), RooFit.Normalization(NPNorm, RooAbsReal.Raw), RooFit.AddTo('h_dibosonPdf', 1., 1.), RooFit.Name('h_NP'), RooFit.Range('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.NormRange('RangeForPlot'), RooFit.LineColor(kBlue), RooFit.LineStyle(2)) h_NP = sf.getCurve('h_NP') sf.drawBefore('h_dibosonPdf', 'h_NP') #sf.Print("v") sf.findObject('theLegend').AddEntry(h_NP, "CDF-like Signal", "L") sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1NDC(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC() - 0.057) sf.findObject('theLegend').SetY1(sf.findObject('theLegend').GetY1NDC()) l = TLatex() l.SetNDC() l.SetTextSize(0.045) l.SetTextFont(42) cstacked = TCanvas("cstacked", "stacked") mf.Draw() if (chi2 > 0): l.DrawLatex(0.55, 0.49, '#chi^{2}/dof = %0.3f/%d' % (chi2, ndf) ) pyroot_logon.cmsLabel(cstacked, pars.intLumi/1000, prelim = True) cstacked.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) cstacked.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c2 = TCanvas("c2", "stacked_log") c2.SetLogy() lf.Draw() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c2, pars.intLumi/1000) c2.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked_log.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c2.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Stacked_log.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c3 = TCanvas("c3", "subtracted") sf.Draw() pyroot_logon.cmsLabel(c3, pars.intLumi/1000, prelim = True) c3.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Subtracted.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c3.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Subtracted.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c4 = TCanvas("c4", "pull") pf.Draw() c4.SetGridy() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c4, pars.intLumi/1000) c4.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c4.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c5 = None if corrPull: c5 = TCanvas("c5", "corrected pull") pf2.Draw() c5.SetGridy() pyroot_logon.cmsPrelim(c5, pars.intLumi/1000) c5.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull_Corrected.pdf' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) c5.Print('Wjj_%s_%s_%ijets_Pull_Corrected.png' % (Prefix, modeString, pars.njets)) return ([mf,sf,pf2,lf],[cstacked,c2,c3,c5])
def runGlobalFit(country, active, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate, doSmearing, doFit): tStart = 0 tStop = 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40 + 50 + 200 timeList = [ 9, 9 + 6, 9 + 6 + 12, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40, 9 + 6 + 12 + 42 + 61 + 40 + 50, tStop ] ntuple = [ tStart, tStop, totalPopulation, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability, recoveryRate ] ################ # Active cases # ################ myCanvActive = TCanvas('myCanvActive_' + country, 'Active cases ' + country) xValues = [ i for i in range(len(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] yValues = [ active[k] for i, k in enumerate(sorted(active.keys())) if i >= tStart and i <= tStop ] erryValues = assignErrors(yValues) myGraphActive = TGraphErrors() myGraphActive.SetMarkerStyle(20) for i in range(len(xValues)): myGraphActive.SetPoint(myGraphActive.GetN(), xValues[i], yValues[i]) myGraphActive.SetPointError(myGraphActive.GetN() - 1, 0, erryValues[i]) myGraphActive.Draw('APE1') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') myGraphActive.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Active cases affected by CoViD-19') ntuple.extend([ 0, xValues, yValues, erryValues, timeList, 1894, 16052, 0.435, 0.438, 0.308, 0.216, 0.054, 0.435 / 2.5, 0.435 / 1.5, 0.435 ]) # 0.0133, 0.175, 0.217, 0.393 if doFit == True: ################### # Build the model # ################### evActive = evolution([ntuple[11], ntuple[12], ntuple[13]], tStart, timeList[0], totalPopulation, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) evolutions = [ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + i]], timeList[i], timeList[i + 1], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) for i in range(3) ] evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 3]], timeList[3], timeList[4], 0, 0.035, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 8) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 4]], timeList[4], timeList[5], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 2.5) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 5]], timeList[5], timeList[6], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability / 1.5) ]) evolutions.extend([ evolution([0, 0, ntuple[14 + 6]], timeList[6], timeList[7], 0, recoveryRate, symptomaticFraction, transmissionProbability) ]) istat, parValues, parNames = evActive.runGlobalOptimization( evolutions, xValues, yValues, erryValues, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], doSmearing) evActive.evolveGlobal(evolutions, evolutions[-1].tStop, parValues, True) if doSmearing == True: evActive.smearing() evActive.setFitFun(evActive.evolveLookUpWrapper, tStart, tStop, parNames, parValues) evActiveGraphN = evActive.getGraphN() evActiveGraphN.Draw('PL same') statActive = evActive.addStats(parNames, parValues) print( '==> Active cases, history active cases * dt, p-infected, Carrying capacity, total population alive', evActive.evolveGlobal(evolutions, tStop, parValues), 'at day', tStop) print( '==> Percentage population with antibodies', round(100. * evActive.totalInfectedGlobal(evolutions, tStop, parValues) / totalPopulation), '% at day', tStop) now = TLine( len(active) - 1, 0, len(active) - 1, evActive.fitFun.Eval(len(active) - 1)) now.SetLineColor(4) now.SetLineWidth(2) now.Draw('same') willbe = TLine(evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), 0, evActive.fitFun.GetMaximumX(), evActive.fitFun.GetMaximum()) willbe.SetLineColor(6) willbe.SetLineWidth(2) willbe.Draw('same') myCanvActiveR0 = TCanvas('myCanvActiveR0_' + country, 'R0 ' + country) evActiveGraphR0 = evActive.getGraphR0(evActiveGraphN) evActiveGraphR0.Draw('APL') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time (days)') evActiveGraphR0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('R') myCanvActiveR0.SetGrid() myCanvActiveR0.Modified() myCanvActiveR0.Update() myCanvActive.SetGrid() myCanvActive.Modified() myCanvActive.Update() if doFit == False: return [ntuple, myCanvActive, myGraphActive] return [ ntuple, myCanvActive, myGraphActive, evActive, evActiveGraphN, statActive, now, willbe, myCanvActiveR0, evActiveGraphR0 ]
def main(): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) BIAS_DIR = global_paths.BIASDIR+args.btagging+"/" if args.year == 'run2c': BIAS_DIR += "combined_run2/" #BIAS_DIR += "combined_run2_signal{}/" ## individual plots stored in run2c_masspoints ## extract pulls pulls = TGraphErrors() for m in range(1600,8001,100): #try: pull0=int(PULL0[m]) #pull0=10. #tfile = TFile.Open(BIAS_DIR+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}.root".format(mass=m), "READ") #tfile = TFile.Open(BIAS_DIR.format(pull0)+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}.root".format(mass=m), "READ") #tree = tfile.Get("tree_fit_sb") tree = TChain("tree_fit_sb") for seed in ['123456', '234567', '345678', '456789', '567891', '678912', '789123', '891234', '912345', '123459']: tree.Add(BIAS_DIR+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}_{seed}.root".format(mass=m, seed=seed)) ## the method proposed in the documemtation #hist = TH1D("hist", "hist", 20, -5, 5) #tree.Project("hist", "(r-1)/(0.5*(rHiErr+rLoErr))") #fit_func = TF1("gaussfit","gaus" , -5., 5.) #hist.Fit(fit_func, "E") #pulls.SetPoint(pulls.GetN(), m, fit_func.GetParameter(1)) ## get mean of gaussian fit ## Alberto's method #hist = TH1D("s_pulls", ";%s/#sigma_{r};Number of toys" % ("(r - "+str(pull0)+")"), 25, -5, +5) # hist = TH1D("s_pulls", ";%s/#sigma_{r};Number of toys" % ("#Deltar"), 25, -5, +5) # for i in range(tree.GetEntries()): if hist.GetEntries() >= 1000: continue tree.GetEntry(i) #print "r = {} (+{}, -{})".format(tree.r, tree.rHiErr, tree.rLoErr) ##if tree.rLoErr < 0.: continue if abs(tree.r+1.) < 0.001: continue if abs(tree.r-1.) < 0.001: continue if abs(tree.r-0.) < 0.001: continue #if abs(tree.rLoErr)>8.: continue # trying to skip these values FIXME if tree.rHiErr==0. or tree.rLoErr==0.: continue #print "r = {} (+{}, -{})".format(tree.r, tree.rHiErr, tree.rLoErr) #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/(0.5*(abs(tree.rHiErr)+abs(tree.rLoErr))) ## documentation approach #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r-pull0 < 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## Alberto's sign convention pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r-pull0 > 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## my own approach #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r < 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## Alberto's sign convention but depending directly on the sign of r #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r > 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## my own approach with an rErr dependence on r, not r-1 hist.Fill(pull) ## individual plots for checking the fit quality c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Pulls", 600, 600) #c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) #c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) #c1.GetPad(0).SetBottomMargin(0.15) #c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) hist.GetXaxis().SetLimits(-5, 5.) hist.GetYaxis().SetLimits(0, 200.) hist.SetMinimum(0.) hist.SetMaximum(190.) c1.SetTopMargin(0.05) ##print "@ m= {}: \t mean = {}".format(m, hist.GetMean()) #pulls.SetPoint(pulls.GetN(), m, hist.GetMean()) ## get actual mean of histogram fit_func = TF1("gaussfit","gaus" , -3., 3.) ###fit_func.SetParameter(1, hist.GetMean()) #fit_func.SetParameter(1, 0.) ###fit_func.SetParLimits(1, -0.8, 0.8) #fit_func.SetParameter(2, 1.) ###fit_func.SetParameter(0, 45.) ###fit_func.SetParLimits(0, 30., 100.) hist.Fit(fit_func, "E") hist.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year='run2') drawMass("m_{Z'} = "+str(m)+" GeV") c1.Print("plots/bias/run2c_masspoints/bias_fit_"+str(m)+"_"+args.year+".pdf") c1.Print("plots/bias/run2c_masspoints/bias_fit_"+str(m)+"_"+args.year+".png") n = pulls.GetN() pulls.SetPoint(n, m, fit_func.GetParameter(1)) ## get fitted gaussian mean pulls.SetPointError(n, 0., fit_func.GetParError(1)) ## set gaussian width as error hist.Delete() c1.Delete() #tfile.Close() #except: # print "something went wrong in m =", m ## draw pulls c = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 600) pulls.SetTitle(";m_{Z'} (GeV);mean #Deltar/#sigma_{r}") pulls.SetMarkerStyle(2) pulls.SetMarkerColor(2) pulls.SetLineColor(2) pulls.SetLineWidth(2) #pulls.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(1020) pulls.SetMinimum(-0.5) pulls.SetMaximum(0.5) pulls.Draw("APL") zeroline = TGraph() zeroline.SetPoint(zeroline.GetN(), 1000, 0) zeroline.SetPoint(zeroline.GetN(), 8600, 0) zeroline.SetMarkerStyle(7) zeroline.SetMarkerSize(0) zeroline.SetLineStyle(15) zeroline.SetLineColor(1) zeroline.Draw("PL") c.SetGrid() pulls.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) pulls.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) pulls.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) pulls.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) pulls.GetXaxis().SetLimits(1350., 8150.) c.SetTopMargin(0.05) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year='run2') c.Print("plots/bias/bias_study_"+args.year+".png") c.Print("plots/bias/bias_study_"+args.year+".pdf")
jmean = gmean.Eval(m, 0, "S") jsigma = gsigma.Eval(m, 0, "S") jalpha1 = galpha1.Eval(m, 0, "S") jslope1 = gslope1.Eval(m, 0, "S") jalpha2 = galpha2.Eval(m, 0, "S") jslope2 = gslope2.Eval(m, 0, "S") else: jmean = fmean.GetParameter(0) + fmean.GetParameter(1)*m + fmean.GetParameter(2)*m*m jsigma = fsigma.GetParameter(0) + fsigma.GetParameter(1)*m + fsigma.GetParameter(2)*m*m jalpha1 = falpha1.GetParameter(0) + falpha1.GetParameter(1)*m + falpha1.GetParameter(2)*m*m jslope1 = fslope1.GetParameter(0) + fslope1.GetParameter(1)*m + fslope1.GetParameter(2)*m*m jalpha2 = falpha2.GetParameter(0) + falpha2.GetParameter(1)*m + falpha2.GetParameter(2)*m*m jslope2 = fslope2.GetParameter(0) + fslope2.GetParameter(1)*m + fslope2.GetParameter(2)*m*m inorm.SetPoint(inorm.GetN(), m, syield) signalNorm[m].setVal(max(0., syield)) imean.SetPoint(imean.GetN(), m, jmean) if jmean > 0: vmean[m].setVal(jmean) isigma.SetPoint(isigma.GetN(), m, jsigma) if jsigma > 0: vsigma[m].setVal(jsigma) ialpha1.SetPoint(ialpha1.GetN(), m, jalpha1) if not jalpha1==0: valpha1[m].setVal(jalpha1) islope1.SetPoint(islope1.GetN(), m, jslope1) if jslope1 > 0: vslope1[m].setVal(jslope1) ialpha2.SetPoint(ialpha2.GetN(), m, jalpha2)
def showENC(self): tree1 = TTree() header = 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W' first = True for f in self.dataFiles: if first: tree1.ReadFile(f, header) else: tree1.ReadFile(f) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', self.bins[0], tree1.GetMinimum('vH-vL') * 0.8, tree1.GetMaximum('vH-vL') * 1.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) if self.Info:, 0.6, self.Info) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()
def showENC(): fname1 = '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat' tree1 = TTree() tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat', 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W') tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan2_mod.dat' ) tree1.Show(500) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', 50, 0.12, 0.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) # g1.SetMarkerColor(3) # g1.SetLineColor(3) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') # p1.Fit(fun1) # fun1a = p1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) # p1.Draw("Esame") v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()
def ApplyBinShiftCorrection(self, hist): """ Apply bin-shift correction to the input spectrum using an iterative procedure @param hist: Input spectrum @return: Bin-shift corrected spectrum """ h = deepcopy(hist) h.SetName("htemp") # Bin shift correction performed in model specturm * pt for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): pt = h.GetBinCenter(i) h.SetBinContent(i, h.GetBinContent(i) * pt) h.SetBinError(i, h.GetBinError(i) * pt) result = TGraphErrors(h) for i in range(0, result.GetN()): result.GetEX()[i] = 0. fitfun = TF1("fitfun", "([0]*(1.+x/[1])^(-[2])*x)-[3]", 0.15, 100.0) fitfun.SetParameter(0, 1000) fitfun.SetParameter(1, 1) fitfun.SetParameter(2, 5) fitfun.FixParameter(3, 0) h.Fit(fitfun, "") self.__StableFit(h, fitfun, True) # Iterative approach: # - Use model to get the mean of the function inside the bin # - Get the X where the mean is found # - Use the new coordinate (x,y) for the next iteration of the fit # for now 10 iterations fixed for k in range(1, 11): for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): y = fitfun.Integral(h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) / h.GetBinWidth(i) result.GetX()[i - 1] = self.FindX(y, fitfun, h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) self.__StableFit(result, fitfun, False) # Undo multiplication with pt for i in range(0, result.GetN()): pt = result.GetX()[i] result.GetY()[i] /= pt result.GetEY()[i] /= pt #remove points that are 0 while result.GetY()[0] < 1.e-99: result.RemovePoint(0) bval = 0 for mybin in range(0, result.GetN() + 1): if result.GetY()[bin] < 1.e-99: bval = mybin break while result.RemovePoint(bval) > 0: continue return result
def showDAC(fname, Infox=None, saveName='temp_figs/test', mode=1): lines = None with open(fname, 'r') as f1: lines = f1.readlines() gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraph() gr3 = TGraph() gr4 = TGraph() largeError = -1 largeErrorI = None largeErrorMS = None for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue elif line[0] == '#': fs = line.split() code = int(fs[3][5:], 16) print code else: ms = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')][1::2] if mode == 0: ms = [float(line)] mean = nm.mean(ms) error = nm.std(ms) if error > largeError: largeError = error largeErrorI = code largeErrorMS = ms gr1.SetPoint(code, code, mean) gr1.SetPointError(code, 0, error) print largeErrorI, largeErrorMS, nm.mean(largeErrorMS), nm.mean(ms) for i in range(len(largeErrorMS)): gr4.SetPoint(i, i, largeErrorMS[i]) N = gr1.GetN() Ys = gr1.GetY() print Ys[0], Ys[N - 1], Ys[largeErrorI] LSB = (Ys[N - 1] - Ys[0]) / (N - 1) print LSB for i in range(N): gr2.SetPoint(i, i, Ys[i] - (Ys[0] + i * LSB)) gr3.SetPoint(i, i, Ys[i] - Ys[i - 1] - LSB if i > 0 else 0) line = TLine() lt = TLatex() cav1 = TCanvas('cav1', 'cav1', 1000, 800) cav1.Divide(2, 2) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('U [V]') ln1 = line.DrawLine(0, Ys[0], N - 1, Ys[N - 1]) ln1.SetLineColor(2) rgInfo = '[{0:.2g},{1:.2g}] V'.format(Ys[0], Ys[N - 1]) if Infox: rgInfo = Infox + ': ' + rgInfo lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.85, rgInfo) gr4.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr4.Draw('AP') h4 = gr4.GetHistogram() h4.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#it{i}th') h4.GetYaxis().SetTitle('U [V]') lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.2, 0.85, "{0:d} measurements for code={1:d}".format(len(largeErrorMS), largeErrorI)) gr2.SetFillColor(2) gr2.Draw('APB') h2 = gr2.GetHistogram() h2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('INL [V]') lY = LSB if gr2.GetMean(2) > 0 else -LSB ln2 = line.DrawLine(0, lY, N, lY) ln2.SetLineStyle(2) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.6, 0.85, "Max INL={0:.1f} LSB".format(max([abs(x) for x in gr2.GetY()]) / LSB)) gr3.SetFillColor(4) gr3.Draw('APB') h3 = gr3.GetHistogram() h3.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Code') h3.GetYaxis().SetTitle('DNL [V]') lY = LSB if gr3.GetMean(2) > 0 else -LSB ln3 = line.DrawLine(0, lY, N, lY) ln3.SetLineStyle(2) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.6, 0.85, "Max DNL={0:.1f} LSB".format(max([abs(x) for x in gr3.GetY()]) / LSB)) waitRootCmdX(saveName)
def studyVqqResolution(rootFile): #get all from file histos = {} inF = TFile.Open(rootFile) keys = inF.GetListOfKeys() for k in keys: obj = inF.Get(k.GetName()) obj.SetDirectory(0) histos[k.GetName()] = obj inF.Close() #plot gROOT.SetBatch() gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetStatFont(42) kin = ['', '30to40', '40to50', '50to75', '75to100', '100toInf'] for k in kin: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) c.SetCanvasSize(1000, 500) c.SetWindowSize(1000, 500) c.Divide(2, 1) histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].SetTitle('barrel') histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'].Draw('hist') histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineStyle(7) histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].SetTitle('endcap') histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'].Draw('histsame') leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(histos['deta' + k + 'barrel'], 'barrel', 'f') leg.AddEntry(histos['deta' + k + 'endcap'], 'endcap', 'f') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() drawHeader() histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].SetTitle('barrel') histos['dphi' + k + 'barrel'].Draw('hist') histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineWidth(2) histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetLineStyle(7) histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].SetTitle('endcap') histos['dphi' + k + 'endcap'].Draw('histsame') c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('dr_%s.png' % k) labels = [] responseVars = ['dpt', 'den', 'dphi', 'deta', 'dr'] for r in responseVars: barrelResponse = TGraphErrors() barrelResponse.SetName(r + 'barrelresponse') barrelResponse.SetLineWidth(2) barrelResponse.SetFillStyle(0) barrelResponse.SetMarkerStyle(20) barrelCoreResponse = barrelResponse.Clone(r + 'barrelcoreresponse') endcapResponse = TGraphErrors() endcapResponse.SetName(r + 'endcapresponse') endcapResponse.SetLineWidth(2) endcapResponse.SetFillStyle(0) endcapResponse.SetMarkerStyle(24) endcapCoreResponse = endcapResponse.Clone(r + 'endcapresponse') for k in kin: c.Clear() c.SetWindowSize(1000, 500) c.Divide(2, 1) for i in [1, 2]: reg = 'barrel' if i == 2: reg = 'endcap' h = histos[r + k + reg] x = RooRealVar("x", h.GetXaxis().GetTitle(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) data = RooDataHist("data", "dataset with x", RooArgList(x), h) frame = x.frame() RooAbsData.plotOn(data, frame, RooFit.DataError(RooAbsData.SumW2)) mean1 = RooRealVar("mean1", "mean1", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1", "sigma1", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss1 = RooGaussian("g1", "g", x, mean1, sigma1) if r == 'dpt' or r == 'den': mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean2", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma2", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) alphacb = RooRealVar("alphacb", "alphacb", 1, 0.1, 3) ncb = RooRealVar("ncb", "ncb", 4, 1, 100) gauss2 = RooCBShape("cb2", "cb", x, mean2, sigma2, alphacb, ncb) else: mean1.setRange(0, 0.5) mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean", 0, 0, 1) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss2 = RooGaussian("g2", "g", x, mean2, sigma2) frac = RooRealVar("frac", "fraction", 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) if data.sumEntries() < 100: frac.setVal(1.0) frac.setConstant(True) model = RooAddPdf("sum", "g1+g2", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList(frac)) status = model.fitTo(data, RooFit.Save()).status() if status != 0: continue model_cdf = model.createCdf(RooArgSet(x)) cl = 0.90 ul = 0.5 * (1.0 + cl) closestToCL = 1.0 closestToUL = -1 closestToMedianCL = 1.0 closestToMedian = -1 for ibin in xrange(1, h.GetXaxis().GetNbins() * 10): xval = h.GetXaxis().GetXmin() + ( ibin - 1) * h.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(ibin) / 10. x.setVal(xval) cdfValToCL = math.fabs(model_cdf.getVal() - ul) if cdfValToCL < closestToCL: closestToCL = cdfValToCL closestToUL = xval cdfValToCL = math.fabs(model_cdf.getVal() - 0.5) if cdfValToCL < closestToMedianCL: closestToMedianCL = cdfValToCL closestToMedian = xval RooAbsPdf.plotOn(model, frame) frame.Draw() if i == 1: drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'txt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) kinReg = k.replace('to', '-') kinReg = kinReg.replace('Inf', '#infty') labels[ilab].AddText('[' + reg + '] ' + kinReg) labels[ilab].Draw() resolutionVal = math.fabs(closestToUL - closestToMedian) responseGr = barrelResponse responseCoreGr = barrelCoreResponse coreResolutionVal = sigma1.getVal() coreResolutionErr = sigma1.getError() if frac.getVal() < 0.7 and (sigma2.getVal() < sigma1.getVal()): coreResolutionVal = sigma2.getVal() coreResolutionErr = sigma2.getError() if i == 2: responseGr = endcapResponse responseCoreGr = endcapCoreResponse if k != '': nrespPts = responseGr.GetN() kinAvg = 150 kinWidth = 50 if k == '30to40': kinAvg = 35 kinWidth = 5 if k == '40to50': kinAvg = 45 kinWidth = 5 if k == '50to75': kinAvg = 62.5 kinWidth = 12.5 elif k == '75to100': kinAvg = 87.5 kinWidth = 12.5 responseGr.SetPoint(nrespPts, kinAvg, resolutionVal) responseCoreGr.SetPoint(nrespPts, kinAvg, coreResolutionVal) responseCoreGr.SetPointError(nrespPts, kinWidth, coreResolutionErr) labels.append(TPaveText(0.15, 0.7, 0.4, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'fitrestxt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #1 (f=%3.3f)' % frac.getVal()) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean1.getVal(), mean1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma1.getVal(), sigma1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #2 (f=%3.3f)' % (1 - frac.getVal())) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean2.getVal(), mean2.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma2.getVal(), sigma2.getError())) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs(r + 'res_' + k + '.png') frame = TGraphErrors() frame.SetPoint(0, 0, 0) frame.SetPoint(1, 200, 0.3) frame.SetMarkerStyle(1) frame.SetFillStyle(0) frame.SetName('frame') cresp = TCanvas('cresp', 'cresp', 500, 500) frame.Draw('ap') barrelResponse.Draw('pl') endcapResponse.Draw('pl') frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Resolution %3.2f C.L." % cl) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frame.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) drawHeader() leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(barrelResponse, 'barrel', 'fp') leg.AddEntry(endcapResponse, 'endcap', 'fp') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cresp.Modified() cresp.Update() cresp.SaveAs(r + 'res_evol.png') frameCore = frame.Clone('framecore') cresp.Clear() frameCore.Draw('ap') barrelCoreResponse.Draw('pl') endcapCoreResponse.Draw('pl') frameCore.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frameCore.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Core resolution") frameCore.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frameCore.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) frameCore.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.2) drawHeader() leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(barrelCoreResponse, 'barrel', 'fp') leg.AddEntry(endcapCoreResponse, 'endcap', 'fp') leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cresp.Modified() cresp.Update() cresp.SaveAs(r + 'rescore_evol.png') bosons = ['h', 'z', 'w'] kin = ['', '50', '100'] region = ['', 'bb', 'eb', 'ee'] for k in kin: for r in region: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) histos['mjj' + k + r].Rebin() histos['mjj' + k + r].Draw() ic = 1 leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.AddEntry(histos['mjj' + k + r], 'inclusive', 'f') for b in bosons: if histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Integral() <= 0: continue ic = ic + 1 histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Rebin() histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetLineColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetLineWidth(2) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetMarkerColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetMarkerStyle(1) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetFillStyle(3000 + ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].SetFillColor(ic) histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r].Draw('histsame') leg.AddEntry(histos[b + 'mjj' + k + r], b, "f") leg.SetNColumns(ic) leg.Draw() drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.65, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(k + r + 'mjj') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) regionTitle = "inclusive" if r == 'bb': regionTitle = 'barrel-barrel' if r == 'eb': regionTitle = 'endcap-barrel' if r == 'ee': regionTitle = 'endcap-endcap' labels[ilab].AddText(regionTitle) ptthreshold = 30 if k != '': ptthreshold = float(k) labels[ilab].AddText('p_{T}>%3.0f GeV' % ptthreshold) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('mjj' + k + r + '.png') massResolutionGrs = [] for r in region: massResolution = TGraphErrors() massResolution.SetName(r + 'dm') massResolution.SetLineWidth(2) massResolution.SetFillStyle(0) massResolution.SetMarkerStyle(20 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetMarkerColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetLineColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolution.SetFillColor(1 + len(massResolutionGrs)) massResolutionGrs.append(massResolution) for k in kin: c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) h = histos['dmjj' + k + r] x = RooRealVar("x", h.GetXaxis().GetTitle(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) data = RooDataHist("data", "dataset with x", RooArgList(x), h) frame = x.frame() RooAbsData.plotOn(data, frame, RooFit.DataError(RooAbsData.SumW2)) mean1 = RooRealVar("mean1", "mean1", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1", "sigma1", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) gauss1 = RooGaussian("g1", "g", x, mean1, sigma1) mean2 = RooRealVar("mean2", "mean2", 0, -0.5, 0.5) sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "sigma2", 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) alphacb = RooRealVar("alphacb", "alphacb", 1, 0.1, 3) ncb = RooRealVar("ncb", "ncb", 4, 1, 100) gauss2 = RooCBShape("cb2", "cb", x, mean2, sigma2, alphacb, ncb) frac = RooRealVar("frac", "fraction", 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) model = RooAddPdf("sum", "g1+g2", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList(frac)) status = model.fitTo(data, RooFit.Save()).status() if status != 0: continue RooAbsPdf.plotOn(model, frame) frame.Draw() labels.append(TPaveText(0.6, 0.65, 0.85, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(r + k + 'dmfitrestxt') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #1 (f=%3.3f)' % frac.getVal()) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean1.getVal(), mean1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma1.getVal(), sigma1.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('Gaussian #2 (f=%3.3f)' % (1 - frac.getVal())) labels[ilab].AddText('#mu=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (mean2.getVal(), mean2.getError())) labels[ilab].AddText('#sigma=%3.3f#pm%3.3f' % (sigma2.getVal(), sigma2.getError())) labels[ilab].Draw() drawHeader() labels.append(TPaveText(0.15, 0.8, 0.4, 0.9, 'brNDC')) ilab = len(labels) - 1 labels[ilab].SetName(k + r + 'dmjj') labels[ilab].SetBorderSize(0) labels[ilab].SetFillStyle(0) labels[ilab].SetTextFont(42) labels[ilab].SetTextAlign(12) regionTitle = "inclusive" if r == 'bb': regionTitle = 'barrel-barrel' if r == 'eb': regionTitle = 'endcap-barrel' if r == 'ee': regionTitle = 'endcap-endcap' labels[ilab].AddText(regionTitle) ptthreshold = 30 if k != '': ptthreshold = float(k) labels[ilab].AddText('p_{T}>%3.0f GeV' % ptthreshold) labels[ilab].Draw() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('dmjj' + k + r + '.png') massResolution.SetTitle(regionTitle) ip = massResolution.GetN() x = 40 xerr = 10 if k == '50': x = 75 xerr = 25 elif k == '100': x = 150 xerr = 50 y = sigma1.getVal() yerr = sigma1.getError() if frac.getVal() < 0.8: if sigma2.getVal() < sigma1.getVal(): y = sigma2.getVal() ey = sigma2.getError() massResolution.SetPoint(ip, x, y) massResolution.SetPointError(ip, xerr, yerr) frame = TGraphErrors() frame.SetPoint(0, 0, 0) frame.SetPoint(1, 200, 0.2) frame.SetMarkerStyle(1) frame.SetFillStyle(0) frame.SetName('dmframe') cdmevol = TCanvas('cdmevol', 'cdmevol', 500, 500) frame.Draw('ap') leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.92, 0.9, 0.98) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) for dmGr in massResolutionGrs: dmGr.Draw('pl') leg.AddEntry(dmGr, dmGr.GetTitle(), 'fp') frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Leading quark transverse momentum [GeV]") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Core resolution") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) frame.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) drawHeader() leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.Draw() cdmevol.Modified() cdmevol.Update() cdmevol.SaveAs('dm_evol.png') c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 600, 600) histos['sel'].Draw('histtext') drawHeader() c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('selection.png') return
def acceptance(year): genPoints = [ 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7000, 8000 ] treeSign = {} ngenSign = {} nevtSign = {} nevtSign_eta = {} nevtSign_dEta = {} eff = TGraphErrors() eff_eta = TGraphErrors() eff_dEta = TGraphErrors() for i, m in enumerate(genPoints): ngenSign[m] = 0. nevtSign[m] = 0. nevtSign_eta[m] = 0. nevtSign_dEta[m] = 0. if year == "run2": years = ['2016', '2017', '2018'] else: years = [year] for yr in years: signName = "MC_signal_{}_M{}".format(yr, m) sfile = TFile(ACCEPTANCEDIR + signName + "_acceptanceHist.root", "READ") ngenSign[m] += sample["ZpBB_M" + str(m)]['genEvents'][yr] #all_events_hist = sfile.Get('all_events') #nEvents = all_events_hist.GetBinContent(1) #ngenSign[m] += nEvents passing_events_hist = sfile.Get('passing') eta_flag_hist = sfile.Get('eta_flag') dEta_flag_hist = sfile.Get('dEta_flag') nEvents = passing_events_hist.GetBinContent(1) nEvents_eta = eta_flag_hist.GetBinContent(1) nEvents_dEta = dEta_flag_hist.GetBinContent(1) nevtSign[m] += nEvents nevtSign_eta[m] += nEvents_eta nevtSign_dEta[m] += nEvents_dEta sfile.Close() print m, ":", nevtSign[m], "/", ngenSign[ m], "=", nevtSign[m] / ngenSign[m] if nevtSign[m] == 0 or ngenSign[m] < 0: continue n = eff.GetN() eff.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff_eta.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign_eta[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff_eta.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign_eta[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff_dEta.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign_dEta[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff_dEta.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign_dEta[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff.SetMarkerColor(4) eff.SetMarkerStyle(24) eff.SetMarkerSize(2) eff.SetLineColor(4) eff.SetLineWidth(3) eff_eta.SetMarkerColor(2) eff_eta.SetMarkerStyle(23) eff_eta.SetMarkerSize(2) eff_eta.SetLineColor(2) eff_eta.SetLineWidth(2) eff_eta.SetLineStyle(2) eff_dEta.SetMarkerColor(418) eff_dEta.SetMarkerStyle(23) eff_dEta.SetMarkerSize(2) eff_dEta.SetLineColor(418) eff_dEta.SetLineWidth(2) eff_dEta.SetLineStyle(2) n = eff.GetN() maxEff = 0. leg = TLegend(0.15, 0.7, 0.95, 0.8) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) #leg.SetY1(leg.GetY2()-len([x for x in channels if eff[x].GetN() > 0])/2.*0.045) leg.AddEntry(eff, "total") leg.AddEntry(eff_eta, "|#eta|<2.5") leg.AddEntry(eff_dEta, "#Delta#eta<1.1") #legS = TLegend(0.5, 0.85-0.045, 0.9, 0.85) #legS.SetBorderSize(0) #legS.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 #legS.SetFillColor(0) #legS.AddEntry(eff['sum'], "Total efficiency (1 b tag + 2 b tag)", "pl") c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signal Acceptance", 1200, 800) eff.Draw("APL") eff_eta.Draw("SAME, PL") eff_dEta.Draw("SAME, PL") leg.Draw() #legS.Draw() #setHistStyle(eff["sum"], 1.1) eff.SetTitle(";m_{Z'} (GeV);Acceptance") eff.SetMinimum(0.) eff.SetMaximum(max(1.5, maxEff * 1.5)) #0.65 eff.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) eff.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) eff.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) eff.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) eff.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1500, 8000) c1.SetTopMargin(0.05) #drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=year) #Preliminary #drawCMS(-1, "Work in Progress", year=year, suppressCMS=True) drawCMS(-1, "", year=year, suppressCMS=True) drawAnalysis("") c1.Print("plots/Efficiency/" + year + "_Acceptance.pdf") c1.Print("plots/Efficiency/" + year + "_Acceptance.png")
x[0] - steps[0] - steps[1] - steps[2]) return tax / x[0] * 100. data = [] data.append([10, [0, 8025]]) data.append([15, [8025, 32550]]) data.append([25, [32550, 78850]]) data.append([28, [78850, 164550]]) data.append([33, [164550, 357700]]) data.append([35, [357700, 1000000]]) gr = TGraphErrors(0) for dd in data: yVal = dd[0] xVal = dd[1] xAve = (xVal[0] + xVal[1]) / 2. xErr = (xVal[1] - xVal[0]) / 2. gr.SetPoint(gr.GetN(), xAve, yVal) gr.SetPointError(gr.GetN() - 1, xErr, 0.) gr.Draw("alp") canTax = TF1("canTax", canadianTax, 0., 1000000., 0) canTax.Draw("same") yy = raw_input("wanna quit?") if yy == "n": print "ok"
def signal(category): interPar = True n = len(genPoints) cColor = color[category] if category in color else 4 nBtag = category.count('b') isAH = False #relict from using Alberto's more complex script if not os.path.exists(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR): os.makedirs(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR) #*******************************************************# # # # Variables and selections # # # #*******************************************************# X_mass = RooRealVar("jj_mass_widejet", "m_{jj}", X_min, X_max, "GeV") j1_pt = RooRealVar("jpt_1", "jet1 pt", 0., 13000., "GeV") jj_deltaEta = RooRealVar("jj_deltaEta_widejet", "", 0., 5.) jbtag_WP_1 = RooRealVar("jbtag_WP_1", "", -1., 4.) jbtag_WP_2 = RooRealVar("jbtag_WP_2", "", -1., 4.) fatjetmass_1 = RooRealVar("fatjetmass_1", "", -1., 2500.) fatjetmass_2 = RooRealVar("fatjetmass_2", "", -1., 2500.) jid_1 = RooRealVar("jid_1", "j1 ID", -1., 8.) jid_2 = RooRealVar("jid_2", "j2 ID", -1., 8.) jnmuons_1 = RooRealVar("jnmuons_1", "j1 n_{#mu}", -1., 8.) jnmuons_2 = RooRealVar("jnmuons_2", "j2 n_{#mu}", -1., 8.) jnmuons_loose_1 = RooRealVar("jnmuons_loose_1", "jnmuons_loose_1", -1., 8.) jnmuons_loose_2 = RooRealVar("jnmuons_loose_2", "jnmuons_loose_2", -1., 8.) nmuons = RooRealVar("nmuons", "n_{#mu}", -1., 10.) nelectrons = RooRealVar("nelectrons", "n_{e}", -1., 10.) HLT_AK8PFJet500 = RooRealVar("HLT_AK8PFJet500", "", -1., 1.) HLT_PFJet500 = RooRealVar("HLT_PFJet500", "", -1., 1.) HLT_CaloJet500_NoJetID = RooRealVar("HLT_CaloJet500_NoJetID", "", -1., 1.) HLT_PFHT900 = RooRealVar("HLT_PFHT900", "", -1., 1.) HLT_AK8PFJet550 = RooRealVar("HLT_AK8PFJet550", "", -1., 1.) HLT_PFJet550 = RooRealVar("HLT_PFJet550", "", -1., 1.) HLT_CaloJet550_NoJetID = RooRealVar("HLT_CaloJet550_NoJetID", "", -1., 1.) HLT_PFHT1050 = RooRealVar("HLT_PFHT1050", "", -1., 1.) #HLT_DoublePFJets100_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets100_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71" , "", -1., 1. ) #HLT_DoublePFJets116MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets116MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71", "", -1., 1. ) #HLT_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71", "", -1., 1. ) #HLT_DoublePFJets200_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets200_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71" , "", -1., 1. ) #HLT_DoublePFJets350_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets350_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71" , "", -1., 1. ) #HLT_DoublePFJets40_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71 =RooRealVar("HLT_DoublePFJets40_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71" , "", -1., 1. ) weight = RooRealVar("eventWeightLumi", "", -1.e9, 1.e9) # Define the RooArgSet which will include all the variables defined before # there is a maximum of 9 variables in the declaration, so the others need to be added with 'add' variables = RooArgSet(X_mass) variables.add( RooArgSet(j1_pt, jj_deltaEta, jbtag_WP_1, jbtag_WP_2, fatjetmass_1, fatjetmass_2, jnmuons_1, jnmuons_2, weight)) variables.add( RooArgSet(nmuons, nelectrons, jid_1, jid_2, jnmuons_loose_1, jnmuons_loose_2)) variables.add( RooArgSet(HLT_AK8PFJet500, HLT_PFJet500, HLT_CaloJet500_NoJetID, HLT_PFHT900, HLT_AK8PFJet550, HLT_PFJet550, HLT_CaloJet550_NoJetID, HLT_PFHT1050)) #variables.add(RooArgSet(HLT_DoublePFJets100_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71, HLT_DoublePFJets116MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71, HLT_DoublePFJets128MaxDeta1p6_DoubleCaloBTagDeepCSV_p71, HLT_DoublePFJets200_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71, HLT_DoublePFJets350_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71, HLT_DoublePFJets40_CaloBTagDeepCSV_p71)) X_mass.setRange("X_reasonable_range", X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) X_mass.setRange("X_integration_range", X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) if VARBINS: binsXmass = RooBinning(len(abins) - 1, abins) X_mass.setBinning(binsXmass) plot_binning = RooBinning( int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin()) / 100.), X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) else: X_mass.setBins(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin()) / 10)) binsXmass = RooBinning(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin()) / 100.), X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) plot_binning = binsXmass X_mass.setBinning(plot_binning, "PLOT") #X_mass.setBins(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin())/10)) #binsXmass = RooBinning(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin())/100), X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) #X_mass.setBinning(binsXmass, "PLOT") massArg = RooArgSet(X_mass) # Cuts if BTAGGING == 'semimedium': SRcut = aliasSM[category] #SRcut = aliasSM[category+"_vetoAK8"] else: SRcut = alias[category].format(WP=working_points[BTAGGING]) #SRcut = alias[category+"_vetoAK8"].format(WP=working_points[BTAGGING]) if ADDSELECTION: SRcut += SELECTIONS[options.selection] print " Cut:\t", SRcut #*******************************************************# # # # Signal fits # # # #*******************************************************# treeSign = {} setSignal = {} vmean = {} vsigma = {} valpha1 = {} vslope1 = {} valpha2 = {} vslope2 = {} smean = {} ssigma = {} salpha1 = {} sslope1 = {} salpha2 = {} sslope2 = {} sbrwig = {} signal = {} signalExt = {} signalYield = {} signalIntegral = {} signalNorm = {} signalXS = {} frSignal = {} frSignal1 = {} frSignal2 = {} frSignal3 = {} # Signal shape uncertainties (common amongst all mass points) xmean_jes = RooRealVar( "CMS" + YEAR + "_sig_" + category + "_p1_scale_jes", "Variation of the resonance position with the jet energy scale", 0.02, -1., 1.) #0.001 smean_jes = RooRealVar( "CMS" + YEAR + "_sig_" + category + "_p1_jes", "Change of the resonance position with the jet energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_jer = RooRealVar( "CMS" + YEAR + "_sig_" + category + "_p2_scale_jer", "Variation of the resonance width with the jet energy resolution", 0.10, -1., 1.) ssigma_jer = RooRealVar( "CMS" + YEAR + "_sig_" + category + "_p2_jer", "Change of the resonance width with the jet energy resolution", 0., -10, 10) xmean_jes.setConstant(True) smean_jes.setConstant(True) xsigma_jer.setConstant(True) ssigma_jer.setConstant(True) for m in massPoints: signalMass = "%s_M%d" % (stype, m) signalName = "ZpBB_{}_{}_M{}".format(YEAR, category, m) sampleName = "ZpBB_M{}".format(m) signalColor = sample[sampleName][ 'linecolor'] if signalName in sample else 1 # define the signal PDF vmean[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vmean", "Crystal Ball mean", m, m * 0.96, m * 1.05) smean[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_mean", "@0*(1+@1*@2)", RooArgList(vmean[m], xmean_jes, smean_jes)) vsigma[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vsigma", "Crystal Ball sigma", m * 0.0233, m * 0.019, m * 0.025) ssigma[m] = RooFormulaVar( signalName + "_sigma", "@0*(1+@1*@2)", RooArgList(vsigma[m], xsigma_jer, ssigma_jer)) valpha1[m] = RooRealVar( signalName + "_valpha1", "Crystal Ball alpha 1", 0.2, 0.05, 0.28 ) # number of sigmas where the exp is attached to the gaussian core. >0 left, <0 right salpha1[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_alpha1", "@0", RooArgList(valpha1[m])) #vslope1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vslope1", "Crystal Ball slope 1", 10., 0.1, 20.) # slope of the power tail vslope1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vslope1", "Crystal Ball slope 1", 13., 10., 20.) # slope of the power tail sslope1[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_slope1", "@0", RooArgList(vslope1[m])) valpha2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_valpha2", "Crystal Ball alpha 2", 1.) valpha2[m].setConstant(True) salpha2[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_alpha2", "@0", RooArgList(valpha2[m])) #vslope2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vslope2", "Crystal Ball slope 2", 6., 2.5, 15.) # slope of the higher power tail ## FIXME test FIXME vslope2_estimation = -5.88111436852 + m * 0.00728809389442 + m * m * ( -1.65059568762e-06) + m * m * m * (1.25128996309e-10) vslope2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vslope2", "Crystal Ball slope 2", vslope2_estimation, vslope2_estimation * 0.9, vslope2_estimation * 1.1) # slope of the higher power tail ## FIXME end FIXME sslope2[m] = RooFormulaVar( signalName + "_slope2", "@0", RooArgList(vslope2[m])) # slope of the higher power tail signal[m] = RooDoubleCrystalBall(signalName, "m_{%s'} = %d GeV" % ('X', m), X_mass, smean[m], ssigma[m], salpha1[m], sslope1[m], salpha2[m], sslope2[m]) # extend the PDF with the yield to perform an extended likelihood fit signalYield[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_yield", "signalYield", 50, 0., 1.e15) signalNorm[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_norm", "signalNorm", 1., 0., 1.e15) signalXS[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_xs", "signalXS", 1., 0., 1.e15) signalExt[m] = RooExtendPdf(signalName + "_ext", "extended p.d.f", signal[m], signalYield[m]) # ---------- if there is no simulated signal, skip this mass point ---------- if m in genPoints: if VERBOSE: print " - Mass point", m # define the dataset for the signal applying the SR cuts treeSign[m] = TChain("tree") if YEAR == 'run2': pd = sample[sampleName]['files'] if len(pd) > 3: print "multiple files given than years for a single masspoint:", pd sys.exit() for ss in pd: if not '2016' in ss and not '2017' in ss and not '2018' in ss: print "unknown year given in:", ss sys.exit() else: pd = [x for x in sample[sampleName]['files'] if YEAR in x] if len(pd) > 1: print "multiple files given for a single masspoint/year:", pd sys.exit() for ss in pd: if options.unskimmed: j = 0 while True: if os.path.exists(NTUPLEDIR + ss + "/" + ss + "_flatTuple_{}.root".format(j)): treeSign[m].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + "/" + ss + "_flatTuple_{}.root".format(j)) j += 1 else: print "found {} files for sample:".format(j), ss break else: if os.path.exists(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root"): treeSign[m].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") else: print "found no file for sample:", ss if treeSign[m].GetEntries() <= 0.: if VERBOSE: print " - 0 events available for mass", m, "skipping mass point..." signalNorm[m].setVal(-1) vmean[m].setConstant(True) vsigma[m].setConstant(True) salpha1[m].setConstant(True) sslope1[m].setConstant(True) salpha2[m].setConstant(True) sslope2[m].setConstant(True) signalNorm[m].setConstant(True) signalXS[m].setConstant(True) continue #setSignal[m] = RooDataSet("setSignal_"+signalName, "setSignal", variables, RooFit.Cut(SRcut), RooFit.WeightVar("eventWeightLumi*BTagAK4Weight_deepJet"), RooFit.Import(treeSign[m])) setSignal[m] = RooDataSet("setSignal_" + signalName, "setSignal", variables, RooFit.Cut(SRcut), RooFit.WeightVar(weight), RooFit.Import(treeSign[m])) if VERBOSE: print " - Dataset with", setSignal[m].sumEntries( ), "events loaded" # FIT entries = setSignal[m].sumEntries() if entries < 0. or entries != entries: entries = 0 signalYield[m].setVal(entries) # Instead of eventWeightLumi #signalYield[m].setVal(entries * LUMI / (300000 if YEAR=='run2' else 100000) ) if treeSign[m].GetEntries(SRcut) > 5: if VERBOSE: print " - Running fit" frSignal[m] = signalExt[m].fitTo(setSignal[m], RooFit.Save(1), RooFit.Extended(True), RooFit.SumW2Error(True), RooFit.PrintLevel(-1)) if VERBOSE: print "********** Fit result [", m, "] **", category, "*" * 40, "\n", frSignal[ m].Print(), "\n", "*" * 80 if VERBOSE: frSignal[m].correlationMatrix().Print() drawPlot(signalMass + "_" + category, stype + category, X_mass, signal[m], setSignal[m], frSignal[m]) else: print " WARNING: signal", stype, "and mass point", m, "in category", category, "has 0 entries or does not exist" # Remove HVT cross sections #xs = getCrossSection(stype, channel, m) xs = 1. signalXS[m].setVal(xs * 1000.) signalIntegral[m] = signalExt[m].createIntegral( massArg, RooFit.NormSet(massArg), RooFit.Range("X_integration_range")) boundaryFactor = signalIntegral[m].getVal() if boundaryFactor < 0. or boundaryFactor != boundaryFactor: boundaryFactor = 0 if VERBOSE: print " - Fit normalization vs integral:", signalYield[ m].getVal(), "/", boundaryFactor, "events" signalNorm[m].setVal(boundaryFactor * signalYield[m].getVal() / signalXS[m].getVal() ) # here normalize to sigma(X) x Br = 1 [fb] vmean[m].setConstant(True) vsigma[m].setConstant(True) valpha1[m].setConstant(True) vslope1[m].setConstant(True) valpha2[m].setConstant(True) vslope2[m].setConstant(True) signalNorm[m].setConstant(True) signalXS[m].setConstant(True) #*******************************************************# # # # Signal interpolation # # # #*******************************************************# ### FIXME FIXME just for a test FIXME FIXME #print #print #print "slope2 fit results:" #print #y_vals = [] #for m in genPoints: # y_vals.append(vslope2[m].getVal()) #print "m =", genPoints #print "y =", y_vals #sys.exit() ### FIXME FIXME test end FIXME FIXME # ====== CONTROL PLOT ====== color_scheme = [ 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 633 ] c_signal = TCanvas("c_signal", "c_signal", 800, 600) frame_signal = X_mass.frame() for j, m in enumerate(genPoints): if m in signalExt.keys(): #print "color:",(j%9)+1 #print "signalNorm[m].getVal() =", signalNorm[m].getVal() #print "RooAbsReal.NumEvent =", RooAbsReal.NumEvent signal[m].plotOn( frame_signal, RooFit.LineColor(color_scheme[j]), RooFit.Normalization(signalNorm[m].getVal(), RooAbsReal.NumEvent), RooFit.Range("X_reasonable_range")) frame_signal.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 10000) frame_signal.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) #drawCMS(-1, "Work in Progress", year=YEAR, suppressCMS=True) #drawCMS(-1, "", year=YEAR, suppressCMS=True) drawAnalysis(category) drawRegion(category) c_signal.SaveAs(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_Signal.pdf") c_signal.SaveAs(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_Signal.png") #if VERBOSE: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") # ====== CONTROL PLOT ====== # Normalization gnorm = TGraphErrors() gnorm.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);integral (GeV)") gnorm.SetMarkerStyle(20) gnorm.SetMarkerColor(1) gnorm.SetMaximum(0) inorm = TGraphErrors() inorm.SetMarkerStyle(24) fnorm = TF1("fnorm", "pol9", 700, 3000) fnorm.SetLineColor(920) fnorm.SetLineStyle(7) fnorm.SetFillColor(2) fnorm.SetLineColor(cColor) # Mean gmean = TGraphErrors() gmean.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);gaussian mean (GeV)") gmean.SetMarkerStyle(20) gmean.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gmean.SetLineColor(cColor) imean = TGraphErrors() imean.SetMarkerStyle(24) fmean = TF1("fmean", "pol1", 0, 10000) fmean.SetLineColor(2) fmean.SetFillColor(2) # Width gsigma = TGraphErrors() gsigma.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);gaussian width (GeV)") gsigma.SetMarkerStyle(20) gsigma.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gsigma.SetLineColor(cColor) isigma = TGraphErrors() isigma.SetMarkerStyle(24) fsigma = TF1("fsigma", "pol1", 0, 10000) fsigma.SetLineColor(2) fsigma.SetFillColor(2) # Alpha1 galpha1 = TGraphErrors() galpha1.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);crystal ball lower alpha") galpha1.SetMarkerStyle(20) galpha1.SetMarkerColor(cColor) galpha1.SetLineColor(cColor) ialpha1 = TGraphErrors() ialpha1.SetMarkerStyle(24) falpha1 = TF1("falpha", "pol1", 0, 10000) #pol0 falpha1.SetLineColor(2) falpha1.SetFillColor(2) # Slope1 gslope1 = TGraphErrors() gslope1.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);exponential lower slope (1/Gev)") gslope1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gslope1.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gslope1.SetLineColor(cColor) islope1 = TGraphErrors() islope1.SetMarkerStyle(24) fslope1 = TF1("fslope", "pol1", 0, 10000) #pol0 fslope1.SetLineColor(2) fslope1.SetFillColor(2) # Alpha2 galpha2 = TGraphErrors() galpha2.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);crystal ball upper alpha") galpha2.SetMarkerStyle(20) galpha2.SetMarkerColor(cColor) galpha2.SetLineColor(cColor) ialpha2 = TGraphErrors() ialpha2.SetMarkerStyle(24) falpha2 = TF1("falpha", "pol1", 0, 10000) #pol0 falpha2.SetLineColor(2) falpha2.SetFillColor(2) # Slope2 gslope2 = TGraphErrors() gslope2.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);exponential upper slope (1/Gev)") gslope2.SetMarkerStyle(20) gslope2.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gslope2.SetLineColor(cColor) islope2 = TGraphErrors() islope2.SetMarkerStyle(24) fslope2 = TF1("fslope", "pol1", 0, 10000) #pol0 fslope2.SetLineColor(2) fslope2.SetFillColor(2) n = 0 for i, m in enumerate(genPoints): if not m in signalNorm.keys(): continue if signalNorm[m].getVal() < 1.e-6: continue if gnorm.GetMaximum() < signalNorm[m].getVal(): gnorm.SetMaximum(signalNorm[m].getVal()) gnorm.SetPoint(n, m, signalNorm[m].getVal()) #gnorm.SetPointError(i, 0, signalNorm[m].getVal()/math.sqrt(treeSign[m].GetEntriesFast())) gmean.SetPoint(n, m, vmean[m].getVal()) gmean.SetPointError(n, 0, min(vmean[m].getError(), vmean[m].getVal() * 0.02)) gsigma.SetPoint(n, m, vsigma[m].getVal()) gsigma.SetPointError( n, 0, min(vsigma[m].getError(), vsigma[m].getVal() * 0.05)) galpha1.SetPoint(n, m, valpha1[m].getVal()) galpha1.SetPointError( n, 0, min(valpha1[m].getError(), valpha1[m].getVal() * 0.10)) gslope1.SetPoint(n, m, vslope1[m].getVal()) gslope1.SetPointError( n, 0, min(vslope1[m].getError(), vslope1[m].getVal() * 0.10)) galpha2.SetPoint(n, m, salpha2[m].getVal()) galpha2.SetPointError( n, 0, min(valpha2[m].getError(), valpha2[m].getVal() * 0.10)) gslope2.SetPoint(n, m, sslope2[m].getVal()) gslope2.SetPointError( n, 0, min(vslope2[m].getError(), vslope2[m].getVal() * 0.10)) #tmpVar = w.var(var+"_"+signalString) #print m, tmpVar.getVal(), tmpVar.getError() n = n + 1 gmean.Fit(fmean, "Q0", "SAME") gsigma.Fit(fsigma, "Q0", "SAME") galpha1.Fit(falpha1, "Q0", "SAME") gslope1.Fit(fslope1, "Q0", "SAME") galpha2.Fit(falpha2, "Q0", "SAME") gslope2.Fit(fslope2, "Q0", "SAME") # gnorm.Fit(fnorm, "Q0", "", 700, 5000) #for m in [5000, 5500]: gnorm.SetPoint(gnorm.GetN(), m, gnorm.Eval(m, 0, "S")) #gnorm.Fit(fnorm, "Q", "SAME", 700, 6000) gnorm.Fit(fnorm, "Q", "SAME", 1800, 8000) ## adjusted recently for m in massPoints: if vsigma[m].getVal() < 10.: vsigma[m].setVal(10.) # Interpolation method syield = gnorm.Eval(m) spline = gnorm.Eval(m, 0, "S") sfunct = fnorm.Eval(m) #delta = min(abs(1.-spline/sfunct), abs(1.-spline/syield)) delta = abs(1. - spline / sfunct) if sfunct > 0 else 0 syield = spline if interPar: #jmean = gmean.Eval(m) #jsigma = gsigma.Eval(m) #jalpha1 = galpha1.Eval(m) #jslope1 = gslope1.Eval(m) #jalpha2 = galpha2.Eval(m) #jslope2 = gslope2.Eval(m) jmean = gmean.Eval(m, 0, "S") jsigma = gsigma.Eval(m, 0, "S") jalpha1 = galpha1.Eval(m, 0, "S") jslope1 = gslope1.Eval(m, 0, "S") jalpha2 = galpha2.Eval(m, 0, "S") jslope2 = gslope2.Eval(m, 0, "S") else: jmean = fmean.GetParameter( 0) + fmean.GetParameter(1) * m + fmean.GetParameter(2) * m * m jsigma = fsigma.GetParameter(0) + fsigma.GetParameter( 1) * m + fsigma.GetParameter(2) * m * m jalpha1 = falpha1.GetParameter(0) + falpha1.GetParameter( 1) * m + falpha1.GetParameter(2) * m * m jslope1 = fslope1.GetParameter(0) + fslope1.GetParameter( 1) * m + fslope1.GetParameter(2) * m * m jalpha2 = falpha2.GetParameter(0) + falpha2.GetParameter( 1) * m + falpha2.GetParameter(2) * m * m jslope2 = fslope2.GetParameter(0) + fslope2.GetParameter( 1) * m + fslope2.GetParameter(2) * m * m inorm.SetPoint(inorm.GetN(), m, syield) signalNorm[m].setVal(max(0., syield)) imean.SetPoint(imean.GetN(), m, jmean) if jmean > 0: vmean[m].setVal(jmean) isigma.SetPoint(isigma.GetN(), m, jsigma) if jsigma > 0: vsigma[m].setVal(jsigma) ialpha1.SetPoint(ialpha1.GetN(), m, jalpha1) if not jalpha1 == 0: valpha1[m].setVal(jalpha1) islope1.SetPoint(islope1.GetN(), m, jslope1) if jslope1 > 0: vslope1[m].setVal(jslope1) ialpha2.SetPoint(ialpha2.GetN(), m, jalpha2) if not jalpha2 == 0: valpha2[m].setVal(jalpha2) islope2.SetPoint(islope2.GetN(), m, jslope2) if jslope2 > 0: vslope2[m].setVal(jslope2) #### newly introduced, not yet sure if helpful: vmean[m].removeError() vsigma[m].removeError() valpha1[m].removeError() valpha2[m].removeError() vslope1[m].removeError() vslope2[m].removeError() #signalNorm[m].setConstant(False) ## newly put here to ensure it's freely floating in the combine fit #c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Crystal Ball", 1200, 1200) #if not isAH else 1200 #c1.Divide(2, 3) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Crystal Ball", 1800, 800) c1.Divide(3, 2) gmean.SetMinimum(0.) gmean.Draw("APL") imean.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME gsigma.SetMinimum(0.) gsigma.Draw("APL") isigma.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME galpha1.Draw("APL") ialpha1.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME galpha1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.1) #adjusted upper limit from 5 to 2 gslope1.Draw("APL") islope1.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME gslope1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 150.) #adjusted upper limit from 125 to 60 if True: #isAH: galpha2.Draw("APL") ialpha2.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME galpha2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 2.) gslope2.Draw("APL") islope2.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(category) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) ## new FIXME gslope2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 20.) c1.Print(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_SignalShape.pdf") c1.Print(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_SignalShape.png") c2 = TCanvas("c2", "Signal Efficiency", 800, 600) gnorm.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gnorm.SetMarkerStyle(20) gnorm.SetLineColor(cColor) gnorm.SetLineWidth(2) gnorm.Draw("APL") inorm.Draw("P, SAME") gnorm.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(genPoints[0] - 100, genPoints[-1] + 100) gnorm.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., gnorm.GetMaximum() * 1.25) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=YEAR) #drawCMS(-1, "Work in Progress", year=YEAR, suppressCMS=True) #drawCMS(-1, "", year=YEAR, suppressCMS=True) drawAnalysis(category) drawRegion(category) c2.Print(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_SignalNorm.pdf") c2.Print(PLOTDIR + "MC_signal_" + YEAR + "/" + stype + "_" + category + "_SignalNorm.png") #*******************************************************# # # # Generate workspace # # # #*******************************************************# # create workspace w = RooWorkspace("Zprime_" + YEAR, "workspace") for m in massPoints: getattr(w, "import")(signal[m], RooFit.Rename(signal[m].GetName())) getattr(w, "import")(signalNorm[m], RooFit.Rename(signalNorm[m].GetName())) getattr(w, "import")(signalXS[m], RooFit.Rename(signalXS[m].GetName())) w.writeToFile(WORKDIR + "MC_signal_%s_%s.root" % (YEAR, category), True) print "Workspace", WORKDIR + "MC_signal_%s_%s.root" % ( YEAR, category), "saved successfully"
def plotDistributionComparisonPlot(cfg): multiGraph = TMultiGraph() multiGraph.SetName("triggerRateMultiGraph") tfiles = [] histograms = [] canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 800) '''Contains the legend''' legend = TLegend(0.3, 0.7, 0.90, 0.9) '''Maximum value container, used to scale histograms''' maximumY = float("-inf") pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.05) # Upper and lower plot are joined #pad1.SetBottomMargin(0) # Upper and lower plot are joined pad1.SetGridx() # Vertical grid pad1.Draw() # Draw the upper pad: pad1 # pad1 becomes the current pad for histogramFileNameAndTitle in cfg.plots: tfile = TFile(histogramFileNameAndTitle[0]) tfiles.append(tfile) histogram = tfile.Get(histogramFileNameAndTitle[1]) histograms.append(histogram) if histogram.ClassName() == "TH1F": histogram.SetStats(0) # No statistics on upper plot maximumY = histogram.GetMaximum( ) if histogram.GetMaximum() > maximumY else maximumY legend.AddEntry(histogram, histogramFileNameAndTitle[2], "l") # histograms[0] settings histograms[0].SetMarkerColor(4) histograms[0].SetLineColor(4) histograms[0].SetLineWidth(1) # Y axis histograms[0] plot settings histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.55) #histograms[0].Scale(1./histograms[0].GetEntries()) if histograms[0].ClassName() == "TH1F": histograms[0].Draw( "SAME HIST") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] else: histograms[0].Draw( "SAME APE") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] #multiGraph.Add(histograms[0]) if getattr(cfg, "xRange", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.xRange[0], cfg.xRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "xAxisLabel", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(cfg.xAxisLabel) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yAxisLabel", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle(cfg.yAxisLabel) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yRange", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.yRange[0], cfg.yRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() else: maximumY *= 1.1 histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-6, maximumY) if getattr(cfg, "logY", False): canvas.SetLogy() # histograms[1] settings histograms[1].SetMarkerColor(2) histograms[1].SetLineColor(2) histograms[1].SetLineWidth(1) #histograms[1].Scale(1./histograms[1].GetEntries()) if histograms[1].ClassName() == "TH1F": histograms[1].Draw( "SAME HIST") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] else: histograms[1].Draw( "SAME PE") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] #multiGraph.Add(histograms[1]) #if multiGraph.GetListOfGraphs() != None: # multiGraph.Draw("SAME PE") # Do not draw the Y axis label on the upper plot and redraw a small # axis instead, in order to avoid the first label (0) to be clipped. #histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) #axis = TGaxis( 0, 20, 0, maximumY, 20, maximumY, 510,"") #axis.SetLabelFont(43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) #axis.SetLabelSize(15) #axis.Draw() # Adding a small text with the chi-squared chiSquared = 0 if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): numberOfBins = histograms[0].GetN() numberOfDegreesOfFreedom = numberOfBins else: numberOfBins = histograms[0].GetNbinsX() numberOfDegreesOfFreedom = numberOfBins for x in xrange( 1, numberOfBins + 1 ): # numberOfBins contains last bin, numberOfBins+1 contains the overflow (latter excluded), underflow also excluded if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): binContent0 = histograms[0].GetY()[x - 1] else: binContent0 = histograms[0].GetBinContent(x) if (histograms[1].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[1].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): binContent1 = histograms[1].GetY()[x - 1] else: binContent1 = histograms[1].GetBinContent(x) bin0ErrorSquared = binContent0 bin1ErrorSquared = binContent1 #bin1ErrorSquared = 0 if (binContent0 == 0) and (binContent1 == 0): numberOfDegreesOfFreedom -= 1 #No data means one less degree of freedom else: binDifferenceSquared = (binContent0 - binContent1)**2 chiSquaredTerm = binDifferenceSquared / (bin0ErrorSquared + bin1ErrorSquared) chiSquared += chiSquaredTerm if chiSquaredTerm > chiSquaredWarningThreshold: if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): print "Bin", x, "-", histograms[0].GetX()[ x - 1], "has a CS=", chiSquaredTerm else: print "Bin", x, "-", histograms[0].GetBinCenter( x), "has a CS=", chiSquaredTerm chiSquareLabel = TPaveText(0.7, 0.6, 0.9, 0.4) chiSquareLabel.AddText("#chi^{2}/ndf = " + str(chiSquared) + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + str(chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom)) chiSquareLabel.Draw() print "FINAL CS IS", format( chiSquared, ".2f") + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + format( chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom, ".2f") legend.SetHeader( "#chi^{2}/ndf = " + format(chiSquared, ".2f") + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + format(chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom, ".2f"), "C") legend.Draw() # lower plot will be in pad # Go back to the main canvas before defining pad2 pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.2) pad2.SetGridx() # vertical grid pad2.Draw() # pad2 becomes the current pad pad2.SetGridy() # Define the ratio plot ratioPlot = TGraphErrors(histograms[0]) ratioPlot.SetName("ratioPlot") graph_histo0 = TGraphErrors(histograms[0]) graph_histo1 = TGraphErrors(histograms[1]) ratioPlot.SetLineColor(1) ratioPlot.SetMinimum(0.6) # Define Y .. ratioPlot.SetMaximum(1.5) # .. range #ratioPlot.Sumw2() #ratioPlot.SetStats(0) # No statistics on lower plot #Dividing point by point for index in xrange(0, ratioPlot.GetN()): if graph_histo1.GetY()[index] == 0: ratioPlot.GetY()[index] = 0 ratioPlot.GetEY()[index] = 0 else: ratioPlot.GetY()[index] /= graph_histo1.GetY()[index] ratioPlot.GetEY()[index] = sqrt( ((graph_histo1.GetY()[index])**2 * (graph_histo0.GetEY()[index])**2 + (graph_histo0.GetY()[index])**2 * (graph_histo1.GetEY()[index])**2) / (graph_histo1.GetY()[index])**4) ratioPlot.SetMarkerStyle(21) if getattr(cfg, "xRange", None) is not None: ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.xRange[0], cfg.xRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yRangeRatio", None) is not None: ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.yRangeRatio[0], cfg.yRangeRatio[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPlot.Draw("APE") # Draw the ratio plot line0 = TLine(ratioPlot.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1, ratioPlot.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1) line0.SetLineColor(2) line0.SetLineWidth(2) line0.SetLineStyle(2) line0.Draw() # Ratio plot (ratioPlot) settings ratioPlot.SetTitle("") # Remove the ratio title # Y axis ratio plot settings ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Ratio #frac{blue}{red}") ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.55) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont( 43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) # X axis ratio plot settings ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(20) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(4.) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont( 43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) xRangeBinning = getattr(cfg, "simplifiedRatioPlotXRangeBinning", None) if xRangeBinning is not None: simplifiedRatioPlot = TGraphErrors(len(xRangeBinning) - 1) simplifiedRatioPlot.SetName("simplifiedRatioPlot") ratioPlotIndex = 0 for idx in xrange(0, simplifiedRatioPlot.GetN()): yAverage = 0. yMax = float("-inf") yMin = float("+inf") nPoints = 0. simplifiedRatioPlot.GetX()[idx] = (xRangeBinning[idx] + xRangeBinning[idx + 1]) / 2. simplifiedRatioPlot.GetEX()[idx] = (xRangeBinning[idx + 1] - xRangeBinning[idx]) / 2. while (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] < xRangeBinning[idx]): ratioPlotIndex += 1 while ((ratioPlotIndex < ratioPlot.GetN()) and (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] < xRangeBinning[idx + 1]) and (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] >= xRangeBinning[idx])): yAverage += ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] if (yMax < ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] + ratioPlot.GetEY()[ratioPlotIndex]): yMax = ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] + ratioPlot.GetEY( )[ratioPlotIndex] if (yMin > ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] - ratioPlot.GetEY()[ratioPlotIndex]): yMin = ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] - ratioPlot.GetEY( )[ratioPlotIndex] nPoints += 1. ratioPlotIndex += 1 simplifiedRatioPlot.GetY()[idx] = yAverage / nPoints simplifiedRatioPlot.GetEY()[idx] = (yMax - yMin) / 2. saveFile = TFile(cfg.saveFileName, "RECREATE") canvas.Write() histograms[0].Write() histograms[1].Write() if multiGraph.GetListOfGraphs() != None: multiGraph.Write() ratioPlot.Write() if xRangeBinning is not None: simplifiedRatioPlot.Write() saveFile.Close() for tfile in tfiles: tfile.Close()
def signal(channel, stype): if 'VBF' in channel: stype = 'XZHVBF' else: stype = 'XZH' # HVT model if stype.startswith('X'): signalType = 'HVT' genPoints = [800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000] massPoints = [x for x in range(800, 5000+1, 100)] interPar = True else: print "Signal type", stype, "not recognized" return n = len(genPoints) category = channel cColor = color[category] if category in color else 1 nElec = channel.count('e') nMuon = channel.count('m') nLept = nElec + nMuon nBtag = channel.count('b') if '0b' in channel: nBtag = 0 X_name = "VH_mass" if not os.path.exists(PLOTDIR+stype+category): os.makedirs(PLOTDIR+stype+category) #*******************************************************# # # # Variables and selections # # # #*******************************************************# X_mass = RooRealVar( "X_mass", "m_{ZH}", XBINMIN, XBINMAX, "GeV") J_mass = RooRealVar( "H_mass", "jet mass", LOWMIN, HIGMAX, "GeV") V_mass = RooRealVar( "V_mass", "V jet mass", -9., 1.e6, "GeV") CSV1 = RooRealVar( "H_csv1", "", -999., 2. ) CSV2 = RooRealVar( "H_csv2", "", -999., 2. ) DeepCSV1= RooRealVar( "H_deepcsv1", "", -999., 2. ) DeepCSV2= RooRealVar( "H_deepcsv2", "", -999., 2. ) H_ntag = RooRealVar( "H_ntag", "", -9., 9. ) H_dbt = RooRealVar( "H_dbt", "", -2., 2. ) H_tau21 = RooRealVar( "H_tau21", "", -9., 2. ) H_eta = RooRealVar( "H_eta", "", -9., 9. ) H_tau21_ddt = RooRealVar( "H_ddt", "", -9., 2. ) MaxBTag = RooRealVar( "MaxBTag", "", -10., 2. ) H_chf = RooRealVar( "H_chf", "", -1., 2. ) MinDPhi = RooRealVar( "MinDPhi", "", -1., 99. ) DPhi = RooRealVar( "DPhi", "", -1., 99. ) DEta = RooRealVar( "DEta", "", -1., 99. ) Mu1_relIso = RooRealVar( "Mu1_relIso", "", -1., 99. ) Mu2_relIso = RooRealVar( "Mu2_relIso", "", -1., 99. ) nTaus = RooRealVar( "nTaus", "", -1., 99. ) Vpt = RooRealVar( "V.Pt()", "", -1., 1.e6 ) V_pt = RooRealVar( "V_pt", "", -1., 1.e6 ) H_pt = RooRealVar( "H_pt", "", -1., 1.e6 ) VH_deltaR=RooRealVar( "VH_deltaR", "", -1., 99. ) isZtoNN = RooRealVar( "isZtoNN", "", 0., 2. ) isZtoEE = RooRealVar( "isZtoEE", "", 0., 2. ) isZtoMM = RooRealVar( "isZtoMM", "", 0., 2. ) isHtobb = RooRealVar( "isHtobb", "", 0., 2. ) isVBF = RooRealVar( "isVBF", "", 0., 2. ) isMaxBTag_loose = RooRealVar( "isMaxBTag_loose", "", 0., 2. ) weight = RooRealVar( "eventWeightLumi", "", -1.e9, 1.e9 ) Xmin = XBINMIN Xmax = XBINMAX # Define the RooArgSet which will include all the variables defined before # there is a maximum of 9 variables in the declaration, so the others need to be added with 'add' variables = RooArgSet(X_mass, J_mass, V_mass, CSV1, CSV2, H_ntag, H_dbt, H_tau21) variables.add(RooArgSet(DEta, DPhi, MaxBTag, MinDPhi, nTaus, Vpt)) variables.add(RooArgSet(DeepCSV1, DeepCSV2,VH_deltaR, H_tau21_ddt)) variables.add(RooArgSet(isZtoNN, isZtoEE, isZtoMM, isHtobb, isMaxBTag_loose, weight)) variables.add(RooArgSet(isVBF, Mu1_relIso, Mu2_relIso, H_chf, H_pt, V_pt,H_eta)) #X_mass.setRange("X_extended_range", X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) X_mass.setRange("X_reasonable_range", X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) X_mass.setRange("X_integration_range", Xmin, Xmax) X_mass.setBins(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin())/100)) binsXmass = RooBinning(int((X_mass.getMax() - X_mass.getMin())/100), X_mass.getMin(), X_mass.getMax()) X_mass.setBinning(binsXmass, "PLOT") massArg = RooArgSet(X_mass) # Cuts SRcut = selection[category]+selection['SR'] print " Cut:\t", SRcut #*******************************************************# # # # Signal fits # # # #*******************************************************# treeSign = {} setSignal = {} vmean = {} vsigma = {} valpha1 = {} vslope1 = {} smean = {} ssigma = {} salpha1 = {} sslope1 = {} salpha2 = {} sslope2 = {} a1 = {} a2 = {} sbrwig = {} signal = {} signalExt = {} signalYield = {} signalIntegral = {} signalNorm = {} signalXS = {} frSignal = {} frSignal1 = {} frSignal2 = {} frSignal3 = {} # Signal shape uncertainties (common amongst all mass points) xmean_fit = RooRealVar("sig_p1_fit", "Variation of the resonance position with the fit uncertainty", 0.005, -1., 1.) smean_fit = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p1_fit", "Change of the resonance position with the fit uncertainty", 0., -10, 10) xmean_jes = RooRealVar("sig_p1_scale_jes", "Variation of the resonance position with the jet energy scale", 0.010, -1., 1.) #0.001 smean_jes = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p1_jes", "Change of the resonance position with the jet energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xmean_e = RooRealVar("sig_p1_scale_e", "Variation of the resonance position with the electron energy scale", 0.001, -1., 1.) smean_e = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p1_scale_e", "Change of the resonance position with the electron energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xmean_m = RooRealVar("sig_p1_scale_m", "Variation of the resonance position with the muon energy scale", 0.001, -1., 1.) smean_m = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p1_scale_m", "Change of the resonance position with the muon energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_fit = RooRealVar("sig_p2_fit", "Variation of the resonance width with the fit uncertainty", 0.02, -1., 1.) ssigma_fit = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p2_fit", "Change of the resonance width with the fit uncertainty", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_jes = RooRealVar("sig_p2_scale_jes", "Variation of the resonance width with the jet energy scale", 0.010, -1., 1.) #0.001 ssigma_jes = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p2_jes", "Change of the resonance width with the jet energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_jer = RooRealVar("sig_p2_scale_jer", "Variation of the resonance width with the jet energy resolution", 0.020, -1., 1.) ssigma_jer = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p2_jer", "Change of the resonance width with the jet energy resolution", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_e = RooRealVar("sig_p2_scale_e", "Variation of the resonance width with the electron energy scale", 0.001, -1., 1.) ssigma_e = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p2_scale_e", "Change of the resonance width with the electron energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xsigma_m = RooRealVar("sig_p2_scale_m", "Variation of the resonance width with the muon energy scale", 0.040, -1., 1.) ssigma_m = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p2_scale_m", "Change of the resonance width with the muon energy scale", 0., -10, 10) xalpha1_fit = RooRealVar("sig_p3_fit", "Variation of the resonance alpha with the fit uncertainty", 0.03, -1., 1.) salpha1_fit = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p3_fit", "Change of the resonance alpha with the fit uncertainty", 0., -10, 10) xslope1_fit = RooRealVar("sig_p4_fit", "Variation of the resonance slope with the fit uncertainty", 0.10, -1., 1.) sslope1_fit = RooRealVar("CMSRunII_sig_p4_fit", "Change of the resonance slope with the fit uncertainty", 0., -10, 10) xmean_fit.setConstant(True) smean_fit.setConstant(True) xmean_jes.setConstant(True) smean_jes.setConstant(True) xmean_e.setConstant(True) smean_e.setConstant(True) xmean_m.setConstant(True) smean_m.setConstant(True) xsigma_fit.setConstant(True) ssigma_fit.setConstant(True) xsigma_jes.setConstant(True) ssigma_jes.setConstant(True) xsigma_jer.setConstant(True) ssigma_jer.setConstant(True) xsigma_e.setConstant(True) ssigma_e.setConstant(True) xsigma_m.setConstant(True) ssigma_m.setConstant(True) xalpha1_fit.setConstant(True) salpha1_fit.setConstant(True) xslope1_fit.setConstant(True) sslope1_fit.setConstant(True) # the alpha method is now done. for m in massPoints: signalString = "M%d" % m signalMass = "%s_M%d" % (stype, m) signalName = "%s%s_M%d" % (stype, category, m) signalColor = sample[signalMass]['linecolor'] if signalName in sample else 1 # define the signal PDF vmean[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vmean", "Crystal Ball mean", m, m*0.5, m*1.25) smean[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_mean", "@0*(1+@1*@2)*(1+@3*@4)*(1+@5*@6)*(1+@7*@8)", RooArgList(vmean[m], xmean_e, smean_e, xmean_m, smean_m, xmean_jes, smean_jes, xmean_fit, smean_fit)) vsigma[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vsigma", "Crystal Ball sigma", m*0.035, m*0.01, m*0.4) sigmaList = RooArgList(vsigma[m], xsigma_e, ssigma_e, xsigma_m, ssigma_m, xsigma_jes, ssigma_jes, xsigma_jer, ssigma_jer) sigmaList.add(RooArgList(xsigma_fit, ssigma_fit)) ssigma[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_sigma", "@0*(1+@1*@2)*(1+@3*@4)*(1+@5*@6)*(1+@7*@8)*(1+@9*@10)", sigmaList) valpha1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_valpha1", "Crystal Ball alpha", 1., 0., 5.) # number of sigmas where the exp is attached to the gaussian core. >0 left, <0 right salpha1[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_alpha1", "@0*(1+@1*@2)", RooArgList(valpha1[m], xalpha1_fit, salpha1_fit)) vslope1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_vslope1", "Crystal Ball slope", 10., 1., 60.) # slope of the power tail #10 1 60 sslope1[m] = RooFormulaVar(signalName + "_slope1", "@0*(1+@1*@2)", RooArgList(vslope1[m], xslope1_fit, sslope1_fit)) salpha2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_alpha2", "Crystal Ball alpha", 2, 1., 5.) # number of sigmas where the exp is attached to the gaussian core. >0 left, <0 right sslope2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_slope2", "Crystal Ball slope", 10, 1.e-1, 115.) # slope of the power tail #define polynomial #a1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_a1", "par 1 for polynomial", m, 0.5*m, 2*m) a1[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_a1", "par 1 for polynomial", 0.001*m, 0.0005*m, 0.01*m) a2[m] = RooRealVar(signalName + "_a2", "par 2 for polynomial", 0.05, -1.,1.) #if channel=='nnbbVBF' or channel=='nn0bVBF': # signal[m] = RooPolynomial(signalName,"m_{%s'} = %d GeV" % (stype[1], m) , X_mass, RooArgList(a1[m],a2[m])) #else: # signal[m] = RooCBShape(signalName, "m_{%s'} = %d GeV" % (stype[1], m), X_mass, smean[m], ssigma[m], salpha1[m], sslope1[m]) # Signal name does not have the channel signal[m] = RooCBShape(signalName, "m_{%s'} = %d GeV" % (stype[1], m), X_mass, smean[m], ssigma[m], salpha1[m], sslope1[m]) # Signal name does not have the channel # extend the PDF with the yield to perform an extended likelihood fit signalYield[m] = RooRealVar(signalName+"_yield", "signalYield", 100, 0., 1.e6) signalNorm[m] = RooRealVar(signalName+"_norm", "signalNorm", 1., 0., 1.e6) signalXS[m] = RooRealVar(signalName+"_xs", "signalXS", 1., 0., 1.e6) signalExt[m] = RooExtendPdf(signalName+"_ext", "extended p.d.f", signal[m], signalYield[m]) vslope1[m].setMax(50.) vslope1[m].setVal(20.) #valpha1[m].setVal(1.0) #valpha1[m].setConstant(True) if 'bb' in channel and 'VBF' not in channel: if 'nn' in channel: valpha1[m].setVal(0.5) elif '0b' in channel and 'VBF' not in channel: if 'nn' in channel: if m==800: valpha1[m].setVal(2.) vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.04) elif 'ee' in channel: valpha1[m].setVal(0.8) if m==800: #valpha1[m].setVal(1.2) valpha1[m].setVal(2.5) vslope1[m].setVal(50.) elif 'mm' in channel: if m==800: valpha1[m].setVal(2.) vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.03) else: vmean[m].setVal(m*0.9) vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.08) elif 'bb' in channel and 'VBF' in channel: if 'nn' in channel: if m!=1800: vmean[m].setVal(m*0.8) vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.08) valpha1[m].setMin(1.) elif 'ee' in channel: valpha1[m].setVal(0.7) elif 'mm' in channel: if m==800: vslope1[m].setVal(50.) valpha1[m].setVal(0.7) elif '0b' in channel and 'VBF' in channel: if 'nn' in channel: valpha1[m].setVal(3.) vmean[m].setVal(m*0.8) vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.08) valpha1[m].setMin(1.) elif 'ee' in channel: if m<2500: valpha1[m].setVal(2.) if m==800: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.05) elif m==1000: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.03) elif m>1000 and m<1800: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.04) elif 'mm' in channel: if m<2000: valpha1[m].setVal(2.) if m==1000 or m==1800: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.03) elif m==1200 or m==1600: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.04) #if m < 1000: vsigma[m].setVal(m*0.06) # If it's not the proper channel, make it a gaussian #if nLept==0 and 'VBF' in channel: # valpha1[m].setVal(5) # valpha1[m].setConstant(True) # vslope1[m].setConstant(True) # salpha2[m].setConstant(True) # sslope2[m].setConstant(True) # ---------- if there is no simulated signal, skip this mass point ---------- if m in genPoints: if VERBOSE: print " - Mass point", m # define the dataset for the signal applying the SR cuts treeSign[m] = TChain("tree") for j, ss in enumerate(sample[signalMass]['files']): treeSign[m].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if treeSign[m].GetEntries() <= 0.: if VERBOSE: print " - 0 events available for mass", m, "skipping mass point..." signalNorm[m].setVal(-1) vmean[m].setConstant(True) vsigma[m].setConstant(True) salpha1[m].setConstant(True) sslope1[m].setConstant(True) salpha2[m].setConstant(True) sslope2[m].setConstant(True) signalNorm[m].setConstant(True) signalXS[m].setConstant(True) continue setSignal[m] = RooDataSet("setSignal_"+signalName, "setSignal", variables, RooFit.Cut(SRcut), RooFit.WeightVar(weight), RooFit.Import(treeSign[m])) if VERBOSE: print " - Dataset with", setSignal[m].sumEntries(), "events loaded" # FIT signalYield[m].setVal(setSignal[m].sumEntries()) if treeSign[m].GetEntries(SRcut) > 5: if VERBOSE: print " - Running fit" frSignal[m] = signalExt[m].fitTo(setSignal[m], RooFit.Save(1), RooFit.Extended(True), RooFit.SumW2Error(True), RooFit.PrintLevel(-1)) if VERBOSE: print "********** Fit result [", m, "] **", category, "*"*40, "\n", frSignal[m].Print(), "\n", "*"*80 if VERBOSE: frSignal[m].correlationMatrix().Print() drawPlot(signalMass, stype+channel, X_mass, signal[m], setSignal[m], frSignal[m]) else: print " WARNING: signal", stype, "and mass point", m, "in channel", channel, "has 0 entries or does not exist" # Remove HVT cross section (which is the same for Zlep and Zinv) if stype == "XZHVBF": sample_name = 'Zprime_VBF_Zh_Zlephinc_narrow_M-%d' % m else: sample_name = 'ZprimeToZHToZlepHinc_narrow_M%d' % m xs = xsection[sample_name]['xsec'] signalXS[m].setVal(xs * 1000.) signalIntegral[m] = signalExt[m].createIntegral(massArg, RooFit.NormSet(massArg), RooFit.Range("X_integration_range")) boundaryFactor = signalIntegral[m].getVal() if VERBOSE: print " - Fit normalization vs integral:", signalYield[m].getVal(), "/", boundaryFactor, "events" if channel=='nnbb' and m==5000: signalNorm[m].setVal(2.5) elif channel=='nn0b' and m==5000: signalNorm[m].setVal(6.7) else: signalNorm[m].setVal( boundaryFactor * signalYield[m].getVal() / signalXS[m].getVal()) # here normalize to sigma(X) x Br(X->VH) = 1 [fb] a1[m].setConstant(True) a2[m].setConstant(True) vmean[m].setConstant(True) vsigma[m].setConstant(True) valpha1[m].setConstant(True) vslope1[m].setConstant(True) salpha2[m].setConstant(True) sslope2[m].setConstant(True) signalNorm[m].setConstant(True) signalXS[m].setConstant(True) #*******************************************************# # # # Signal interpolation # # # #*******************************************************# # ====== CONTROL PLOT ====== c_signal = TCanvas("c_signal", "c_signal", 800, 600) frame_signal = X_mass.frame() for m in genPoints[:-2]: if m in signalExt.keys(): signal[m].plotOn(frame_signal, RooFit.LineColor(sample["%s_M%d" % (stype, m)]['linecolor']), RooFit.Normalization(signalNorm[m].getVal(), RooAbsReal.NumEvent), RooFit.Range("X_reasonable_range")) frame_signal.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 6500) frame_signal.Draw() drawCMS(-1, YEAR, "Simulation") drawAnalysis(channel) drawRegion(channel) c_signal.SaveAs(PLOTDIR+"/"+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_Signal.pdf") c_signal.SaveAs(PLOTDIR+"/"+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_Signal.png") #if VERBOSE: raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") # ====== CONTROL PLOT ====== # Normalization gnorm = TGraphErrors() gnorm.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);integral (GeV)") gnorm.SetMarkerStyle(20) gnorm.SetMarkerColor(1) gnorm.SetMaximum(0) inorm = TGraphErrors() inorm.SetMarkerStyle(24) fnorm = TF1("fnorm", "pol9", 800, 5000) #"pol5" if not channel=="XZHnnbb" else "pol6" #pol5*TMath::Floor(x-1800) + ([5]*x + [6]*x*x)*(1-TMath::Floor(x-1800)) fnorm.SetLineColor(920) fnorm.SetLineStyle(7) fnorm.SetFillColor(2) fnorm.SetLineColor(cColor) # Mean gmean = TGraphErrors() gmean.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);gaussian mean (GeV)") gmean.SetMarkerStyle(20) gmean.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gmean.SetLineColor(cColor) imean = TGraphErrors() imean.SetMarkerStyle(24) fmean = TF1("fmean", "pol1", 0, 5000) fmean.SetLineColor(2) fmean.SetFillColor(2) # Width gsigma = TGraphErrors() gsigma.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);gaussian width (GeV)") gsigma.SetMarkerStyle(20) gsigma.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gsigma.SetLineColor(cColor) isigma = TGraphErrors() isigma.SetMarkerStyle(24) fsigma = TF1("fsigma", "pol1", 0, 5000) fsigma.SetLineColor(2) fsigma.SetFillColor(2) # Alpha1 galpha1 = TGraphErrors() galpha1.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);crystal ball lower alpha") galpha1.SetMarkerStyle(20) galpha1.SetMarkerColor(cColor) galpha1.SetLineColor(cColor) ialpha1 = TGraphErrors() ialpha1.SetMarkerStyle(24) falpha1 = TF1("falpha", "pol0", 0, 5000) falpha1.SetLineColor(2) falpha1.SetFillColor(2) # Slope1 gslope1 = TGraphErrors() gslope1.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);exponential lower slope (1/Gev)") gslope1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gslope1.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gslope1.SetLineColor(cColor) islope1 = TGraphErrors() islope1.SetMarkerStyle(24) fslope1 = TF1("fslope", "pol0", 0, 5000) fslope1.SetLineColor(2) fslope1.SetFillColor(2) # Alpha2 galpha2 = TGraphErrors() galpha2.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);crystal ball upper alpha") galpha2.SetMarkerStyle(20) galpha2.SetMarkerColor(cColor) galpha2.SetLineColor(cColor) ialpha2 = TGraphErrors() ialpha2.SetMarkerStyle(24) falpha2 = TF1("falpha", "pol0", 0, 5000) falpha2.SetLineColor(2) falpha2.SetFillColor(2) # Slope2 gslope2 = TGraphErrors() gslope2.SetTitle(";m_{X} (GeV);exponential upper slope (1/Gev)") gslope2.SetMarkerStyle(20) gslope2.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gslope2.SetLineColor(cColor) islope2 = TGraphErrors() islope2.SetMarkerStyle(24) fslope2 = TF1("fslope", "pol0", 0, 5000) fslope2.SetLineColor(2) fslope2.SetFillColor(2) n = 0 for i, m in enumerate(genPoints): if not m in signalNorm.keys(): continue if signalNorm[m].getVal() < 1.e-6: continue signalString = "M%d" % m signalName = "%s_M%d" % (stype, m) if gnorm.GetMaximum() < signalNorm[m].getVal(): gnorm.SetMaximum(signalNorm[m].getVal()) gnorm.SetPoint(n, m, signalNorm[m].getVal()) gmean.SetPoint(n, m, vmean[m].getVal()) gmean.SetPointError(n, 0, min(vmean[m].getError(), vmean[m].getVal()*0.02)) gsigma.SetPoint(n, m, vsigma[m].getVal()) gsigma.SetPointError(n, 0, min(vsigma[m].getError(), vsigma[m].getVal()*0.05)) galpha1.SetPoint(n, m, valpha1[m].getVal()) galpha1.SetPointError(n, 0, min(valpha1[m].getError(), valpha1[m].getVal()*0.10)) gslope1.SetPoint(n, m, vslope1[m].getVal()) gslope1.SetPointError(n, 0, min(vslope1[m].getError(), vslope1[m].getVal()*0.10)) galpha2.SetPoint(n, m, salpha2[m].getVal()) galpha2.SetPointError(n, 0, min(salpha2[m].getError(), salpha2[m].getVal()*0.10)) gslope2.SetPoint(n, m, sslope2[m].getVal()) gslope2.SetPointError(n, 0, min(sslope2[m].getError(), sslope2[m].getVal()*0.10)) n = n + 1 print "fit on gmean:" gmean.Fit(fmean, "Q0", "SAME") print "fit on gsigma:" gsigma.Fit(fsigma, "Q0", "SAME") print "fit on galpha:" galpha1.Fit(falpha1, "Q0", "SAME") print "fit on gslope:" gslope1.Fit(fslope1, "Q0", "SAME") galpha2.Fit(falpha2, "Q0", "SAME") gslope2.Fit(fslope2, "Q0", "SAME") #for m in [5000, 5500]: gnorm.SetPoint(gnorm.GetN(), m, gnorm.Eval(m, 0, "S")) gnorm.Fit(fnorm, "Q", "SAME", 700, 5000) for m in massPoints: signalName = "%s_M%d" % (stype, m) if vsigma[m].getVal() < 10.: vsigma[m].setVal(10.) # Interpolation method syield = gnorm.Eval(m) spline = gnorm.Eval(m, 0, "S") sfunct = fnorm.Eval(m) #delta = min(abs(1.-spline/sfunct), abs(1.-spline/syield)) delta = abs(1.-spline/sfunct) if sfunct > 0 else 0 syield = spline if interPar: jmean = gmean.Eval(m) jsigma = gsigma.Eval(m) jalpha1 = galpha1.Eval(m) jslope1 = gslope1.Eval(m) else: jmean = fmean.GetParameter(0) + fmean.GetParameter(1)*m + fmean.GetParameter(2)*m*m jsigma = fsigma.GetParameter(0) + fsigma.GetParameter(1)*m + fsigma.GetParameter(2)*m*m jalpha1 = falpha1.GetParameter(0) + falpha1.GetParameter(1)*m + falpha1.GetParameter(2)*m*m jslope1 = fslope1.GetParameter(0) + fslope1.GetParameter(1)*m + fslope1.GetParameter(2)*m*m inorm.SetPoint(inorm.GetN(), m, syield) signalNorm[m].setVal(syield) imean.SetPoint(imean.GetN(), m, jmean) if jmean > 0: vmean[m].setVal(jmean) isigma.SetPoint(isigma.GetN(), m, jsigma) if jsigma > 0: vsigma[m].setVal(jsigma) ialpha1.SetPoint(ialpha1.GetN(), m, jalpha1) if not jalpha1==0: valpha1[m].setVal(jalpha1) islope1.SetPoint(islope1.GetN(), m, jslope1) if jslope1 > 0: vslope1[m].setVal(jslope1) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Crystal Ball", 1200, 800) c1.Divide(2, 2) gmean.SetMinimum(0.) gmean.Draw("APL") imean.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) gsigma.SetMinimum(0.) gsigma.Draw("APL") isigma.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) galpha1.Draw("APL") ialpha1.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) galpha1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 5.) gslope1.Draw("APL") islope1.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) gslope1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 125.) if False: galpha2.Draw("APL") ialpha2.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) gslope2.Draw("APL") islope2.Draw("P, SAME") drawRegion(channel) gslope2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 10.) c1.Print(PLOTDIR+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_SignalShape.pdf") c1.Print(PLOTDIR+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_SignalShape.png") c2 = TCanvas("c2", "Signal Efficiency", 800, 600) gnorm.SetMarkerColor(cColor) gnorm.SetMarkerStyle(20) gnorm.SetLineColor(cColor) gnorm.SetLineWidth(2) gnorm.Draw("APL") inorm.Draw("P, SAME") gnorm.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(genPoints[0]-100, genPoints[-1]+100) gnorm.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., gnorm.GetMaximum()*1.25) drawCMS(-1,YEAR , "Simulation") drawAnalysis(channel) drawRegion(channel) c2.Print(PLOTDIR+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_SignalNorm.pdf") c2.Print(PLOTDIR+stype+category+"/"+stype+"_SignalNorm.png") #*******************************************************# # # # Generate workspace # # # #*******************************************************# # create workspace w = RooWorkspace("ZH_RunII", "workspace") for m in massPoints: getattr(w, "import")(signal[m], RooFit.Rename(signal[m].GetName())) getattr(w, "import")(signalNorm[m], RooFit.Rename(signalNorm[m].GetName())) getattr(w, "import")(signalXS[m], RooFit.Rename(signalXS[m].GetName())) w.writeToFile("%s%s.root" % (WORKDIR, stype+channel), True) print "Workspace", "%s%s.root" % (WORKDIR, stype+channel), "saved successfully" sys.exit()
class RatePlotProducerPileUp(Analyzer): '''Analyzer creating a rate plot with pile up events and saving it to ROOT and SVG format. Example:: rate = cfg.Analyzer( RatePlotProducerPileUp, file_label = 'tfile1', plot_name = 'rate', plot_title = 'A rate plot', zerobias_rate = 1/25e-9, input_objects = 'jets', bins = [30, 40, 50, 60], yscale = 1e6, scale_factors = [3, 5, 4] ) * file_label: (Facultative) Name of a TFileService. If specified, the histogram will be saved in that root file, otherwise it will be saved in a <plot_name>.png and <plot_name>.root file * plot_name: Name of the plot (Key in the output root file). * plot_title: Title of the plot. * bins: Array containing the bins to be tested * zerobias_rate: zero bias trigger rate, 40 MHz @ 25 ns bunch spacing * input_objects: name of the particle collection * yscale: y level of the reference line * scale_factors: custom factors to be applied to the bin, 1 is assumed in case of missing parameter or if less factors than bins are provided ''' '''Generates a threshold function''' def thresholdTriggerGenerator(self, threshold): def thresholdTrigger(ptc): return > threshold return thresholdTrigger def beginLoop(self, setup): super(RatePlotProducerPileUp, self).beginLoop(setup) self.hasTFileService = hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "file_label") if self.hasTFileService: servname = '_'.join([ '', self.cfg_ana.file_label ]) tfileservice =[servname] self.rootfile = tfileservice.file else: self.rootfile = TFile( '/'.join([self.dirName, self.cfg_ana.plot_name + '.root']), 'recreate') bins = array("f", self.cfg_ana.bins) self.histogram = TH1F(self.cfg_ana.plot_name, self.cfg_ana.plot_title, len(bins) - 1, bins) self.numberOfEvents = self.cfg_comp.nGenEvents def process(self, event): '''Process the event. event must contain * self.cfg_ana.input_objects: collection of objects to be selected These objects must be usable by the filtering function self.cfg_ana.trigger_func. ''' input_collection = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.input_objects) #We want accept events without objects if the threshold is 0 or less startIdx = 0 #Adding events for that thresholds for x in range(0, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): if self.cfg_ana.bins[x] <= 0: self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) startIdx = x + 1 #startIdx keeps track of where the positive thresholds start # MET is not iterable, it is a single object # We treat here single objects if not isinstance(input_collection, collections.Iterable): for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(input_collection): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) else: #If no item passes the threshold I can stop break elif isinstance(input_collection, collections.Mapping): # Iterating through all the objects for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Checking what thresholds are satisfied isPassed = False for key, val in input_collection.iteritems(): # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(val): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) isPassed = True # We don't need to check for other objects break if not isPassed: #If no objects passes the threshold I can stop break else: for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Checking what thresholds are satisfied isPassed = False for obj in input_collection: # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(obj): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) isPassed = True # We don't need to check for other objects break if not isPassed: #If no objects passes the threshold I can stop break def write(self, setup): #Rescaling to corresponding rate if self.cfg_ana.normalise: normalisation = self.cfg_ana.zerobias_rate / self.numberOfEvents self.graphErrors = TGraphErrors(self.histogram) for x in xrange(0, self.graphErrors.GetN()): #Rescaling everything to have rates self.graphErrors.GetEY()[x] *= normalisation self.graphErrors.GetY()[x] *= normalisation self.graphErrors.SetName(self.cfg_ana.plot_name) self.histogram = self.graphErrors if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "scale_factors"): for x in xrange(0, len(self.cfg_ana.scale_factors)): self.histogram.SetBinContent( x + 1, self.histogram.GetBinContent(x + 1) * self.cfg_ana.scale_factors[x]) self.histogram.Write() xMax = self.histogram.GetXaxis().GetXmax() xMin = self.histogram.GetXaxis().GetXmin() yMin = self.histogram.GetMinimum() yMax = self.histogram.GetMaximum() self.histogram.SetMarkerStyle(20) self.histogram.SetMarkerColor(4) self.histogram.SetLineColor(1) c1 = TCanvas("canvas_" + self.cfg_ana.plot_name, self.cfg_ana.plot_title, 600, 600) c1.SetGridx() c1.SetGridy() self.histogram.Draw("PE") c1.SetLogy(True) c1.Update() c1.Print(self.cfg_ana.plot_name + ".svg", "svg")
NSMassPoint.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.42) # 1.2 = 20% larger NSMassPoint.SetTitleOffset(0.42) # 1.2 = 20% larger NSMassPoint.SetTitle("Bkg Estimtae in each signal injected mass point: Trijet Inclusive Window: "+str(windowWidth)) NSMassPoint.SetMarkerStyle(1) NSMassPoint.GetYaxis().SetRange(1, 1000000) NSMassPoint.SetMarkerColor(0) NSMassPoint.SetLineColor(0) NSMassPoint.Draw() #this is to make sure the x axis of pad1 mataches that of pad2 NSErrorBar.SetFillColor(29) NSErrorBar.SetMarkerColor(1) NSErrorBar.Draw("LE3 same") NSErrorBar.Draw("P same") #NSMassPoint.Draw("E same") print("N : ", NSErrorBar.GetN()) #NSErrorBar.Draw("P") #JBMassPoint.SetMarkerStyle(2) #JBMassPoint.SetMarkerColor(2) #JBMassPoint.SetLineColor(2) #JBMassPoint.Draw("P same") JBGraph.SetMarkerStyle(5) JBGraph.SetMarkerColor(2) JBGraph.SetLineColor(2) JBGraph.Draw("P same") r.gStyle.SetOptStat(0); #leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.34,0.81,0.51) leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6,0.7,0.99,0.90)
def main(): args = parser() filename = args.filename os.system('mkdir -p rootfiles') os.system('mkdir -p plots') f = tables.open_file(filename) print(f"Successfully opened file: {filename}.") data = f.get_node('/data') print("Read /data") event_ids = getDataCol('event_id', data) waveforms = getDataCol('waveform', data) times = getDataCol('time', data) timestamps = getDataCol('timestamp', data) thresFlags = getDataCol('thresholdFlags', data) i_1V1 = getDataCol('i_1V1', data) i_1V35 = getDataCol('i_1V35', data) i_1V8 = getDataCol('i_1V8', data) i_2V5 = getDataCol('i_2V5', data) i_3V3 = getDataCol('i_3V3', data) v_1V1 = getDataCol('v_1V1', data) v_1V35 = getDataCol('v_1V35', data) v_1V8 = getDataCol('v_1V8', data) v_2V5 = getDataCol('v_2V5', data) v_3V3 = getDataCol('v_3V3', data) nsamples = len(waveforms[0]) fq = np.linspace(0, 240, nsamples) gmean = np.mean(waveforms[0]) globalmean = np.mean(waveforms) print(np.mean(waveforms[0])) c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 600) c.Draw() c.SetGrid() of = TFile('rootfiles/{0}.root'.format(filename.split('.h', 1)[0]), "RECREATE") h = TH1D('qdist', 'qdist;ADC count;Entry', 500, -100, 900) hpk = TH1D('peak', 'peak;ADC count;Entry', 500, -100, 900) havg = TH1D('avgwf', 'Averaged Waveform;Sampling Bin;ADC count', nsamples, 0, nsamples) havgfft = TH1D('avgfft', 'FFT Averaged Waveform;Frequency [MHz];Amplitude [LSB]', int(len(fq) / 2) + 1, 0, 120 + 240 / (nsamples - 1)) hifft = TH1D('Subtwf', 'Averaged Waveform;Sampling Bin;ADC count', nsamples, 0, nsamples) hsfft = TH1D('Subtfft', 'FFT Averaged Waveform;Frequency [MHz];Amplitude [LSB]', int(len(fq) / 2) + 1, 0, 120 + 240 / (nsamples - 1)) hsspe = TH1D('qdist_subt', 'qdist_subt;ADC count;Entry', 500, -100, 900) hmax = TH1D('hmax', 'hmax;ADC count;Entry', 500, -100, 900) bsfluc = TH1D('bsfluc', 'bsfluc;ADC count;Entry', 100, int(globalmean) - 50, int(globalmean) + 50) bsshift = TGraphErrors() bsshift.SetName('bsshift') bsshift.SetTitle('bsshift;Event Number;Baseline [LSB]') nrshift = TGraphErrors() nrshift.SetName('nrshift') nrshift.SetTitle('NoiseRateShift;Event Number;Noise Rate [Hz]') rmsshift = TGraphErrors() rmsshift.SetName('rmsshift') rmsshift.SetTitle('RMSNoiseShift;Event Number;RMS Noise [LSB]') rmstime = TGraphErrors() rmstime.SetName('rmstime') rmstime.SetTitle('rmstime;Unix time [s];RMS Noise [LSB]') powerc = TGraphErrors() powerc.SetName('powerc') powerc.SetTitle('powerc;Event Number;Power Consumption [W]') h_powerc = TH1D('h_powerc', 'h_powerc;Power Consumption [W];Entry', 100, 0, 5) winmin = args.minimum winmax = args.minimum + args.window bsstart = args.baselineEst print(f'Total #Events: {len(waveforms)}') print( f'Setting... Window [{winmin}:{winmax}] and Pedestal start from {bsstart}.\n' ) topdir = gDirectory.GetDirectory(gDirectory.GetPath()) subdir = topdir.mkdir("Waveforms") subdir2 = topdir.mkdir("FFT") subdir3 = topdir.mkdir("proj") thrdir = topdir.mkdir("thresFlags") fltwfs = [] starttimestamp = timestamps[0] procN = len(waveforms) if args.nevents > 0: procN = args.nevents for i in tqdm(range(procN)): if i < args.nskip: continue waveform = waveforms[i] timestamp = timestamps[i] bsfluc.Fill(np.mean(waveform)) n = bsshift.GetN() bsshift.Set(n + 1) bsshift.SetPoint(n, i, np.mean(waveform)) bsshift.SetPointError(n, 0, np.std(waveform)) n = rmsshift.GetN() rmsshift.Set(n + 1) rmsshift.SetPoint(n, i, np.std(waveform)) rmsshift.SetPointError(n, 0, 0) hmax.Fill(np.max(waveform) - np.mean(waveform)) timeinterval = ((timestamp - starttimestamp - i * nsamples) / 240.e6 - i * 0.501) nr = 0 nrerr = 0 if timeinterval > 0: nr = (i + 1) / timeinterval nrerr = np.sqrt(i + 1) / timeinterval n = nrshift.GetN() nrshift.Set(n + 1) nrshift.SetPoint(n, i, nr) nrshift.SetPointError(n, 0, nrerr) # FFT & IFFT ### F_abs_amp = doFFT(waveform) F = np.fft.fft(waveform) F2 = np.copy(F) fc = 60 df = 2 F2[(fq > fc - df) & (fq < fc + df)] = 0 F2[(fq > 2 * fc - df) & (fq < 2 * fc + df)] = 0 F2[(fq > 240 - fc - df) & (fq < 240 - fc + df)] = 0 F2_abs = np.abs(F2) F2_abs_amp = F2_abs / len(waveform) * 2 F2_abs_amp[0] = F_abs_amp[0] / 2 F2_ifft = np.fft.ifft(F2) F2_ifft_real = F2_ifft.real ###### baseline_mean = np.mean(waveform[bsstart:nsamples]) if args.fixbs: baseline_mean = globalmean center = int(baseline_mean) proj = TH1D(f'proj{i}', f'Projection waveform{i};ADC count;Entry', 300, center - 150, center + 150) selected = waveform[waveform < np.mean(waveform) + 10] for j in range(len(selected)): proj.Fill(selected[j]) #proj.Fit("gaus") #if len(selected) > 0: # f = proj.GetFunction('gaus') # norm = f.GetParameter(0) # mean = f.GetParameter(1) # sigma = f.GetParameter(2) reduced_waveform = waveform - baseline_mean scale = (nsamples - bsstart) / (winmax - winmin) #h.Fill(sum(waveform[winmin:winmax])-sum(waveform[bsstart:nsamples])/scale) h.Fill(sum(reduced_waveform[winmin:winmax])) hsspe.Fill( np.sum(F2_ifft_real[winmin:winmax]) - baseline_mean * (winmax - winmin)) hpk.Fill( max(waveform[winmin:winmax]) - np.mean(waveform[bsstart:nsamples])) hfft = TH1D(f'FFT{i}', 'FFT{i};Frequency [MHz];Amplitude [LSB]', int(len(fq) / 2) + 1, 0, 120 + 240 / (nsamples - 1)) hfft2 = TH1D(f'FFT2{i}', 'FFT2{i};Frequency [MHz];Amplitude [LSB]', int(len(fq) / 2) + 1, 0, 120 + 240 / (nsamples - 1)) for j in range(int(len(F_abs_amp) / 2. + 1)): hfft.Fill(fq[j], F_abs_amp[j]) hfft2.Fill(fq[j], F2_abs_amp[j]) h2 = TH1D(f'w{i}', 'Waveform{i};Sampling Bin;ADC count', nsamples, 0, nsamples) for j in range(len(waveform)): h2.Fill(j, waveform[j]) #h2.Draw("hist") #if np.max(F2_abs_amp[1:int(len(F2_abs_amp)/2.+1)]) > 0.5: # c.SetLogy(0) # h2.SetLineColor(4) # h2.Draw("hist") # c.Print(f"plots/w{i}.pdf(") # c.SetLogy(1) # hfft.SetLineColor(4) # hfft.Draw("hist") # c.Print(f"plots/w{i}.pdf)") htot = TH1D(f'thresflags{i}', 'ThresholdFlags{i};Sampling Bin;Threshold Flag', nsamples, 0, nsamples) for j in range(len(thresFlags[i])): htot.Fill(j, thresFlags[i][j]) if max(waveform) - baseline_mean < args.threshold: continue fltwfs.append(waveform) if args.silent: del hfft del hfft2 del h2 del htot del proj del waveform del timestamp del F del F2 gc.collect() continue hfft.Write() h2.Write() proj.Write() htot.Write() print('') for i in range(len(i_1V1)): internal_power = v_1V1[i] * i_1V1[i] + v_1V35[i] * i_1V35[i] + v_1V8[ i] * i_1V8[i] + v_2V5[i] * i_2V5[i] + v_3V3[i] * i_3V3[i] n = powerc.GetN() powerc.Set(n + 1) powerc.SetPoint(n, i, internal_power * 1e-3) powerc.SetPointError(n, 0, 0) h_powerc.Fill(internal_power * 1e-3) avgfltwfs = np.mean(fltwfs, axis=0) for i in range(len(avgfltwfs)): havg.Fill(i, avgfltwfs[i]) Favg_abs_amp = doFFT(avgfltwfs) Favg = np.fft.fft(avgfltwfs) Favg2 = np.copy(Favg) Favg2[(fq > 59) & (fq < 61)] = 0 Favg2[(fq > 119) & (fq < 121)] = 0 Favg2[(fq > 179) & (fq < 181)] = 0 Favg2_abs = np.abs(Favg2) Favg2_abs_amp = Favg2_abs / len(avgfltwfs) * 2 Favg2_abs_amp[0] = Favg_abs_amp[0] / 2 Favg2_ifft = np.fft.ifft(Favg2) Favg2_ifft_real = Favg2_ifft.real for i in range(int(len(Favg_abs_amp) / 2. + 1)): havgfft.Fill(fq[i], Favg_abs_amp[i]) for i in range(int(len(Favg2_abs_amp) / 2. + 1)): hsfft.Fill(fq[i], Favg2_abs_amp[i]) for i in range(len(Favg2_ifft_real)): hifft.Fill(i, Favg2_ifft_real[i]) h.Write() hpk.Write() havg.Write() havgfft.Write() hsfft.Write() hifft.Write() hsspe.Write() hmax.Write() bsfluc.Write() bsshift.Write() nrshift.Write() rmsshift.Write() powerc.Write() h_powerc.Write() of.Close() f.close()