def getXSecCurve(name, kFac, massDependent=False): smoother = TGraphSmooth("normal") X = [] Y = [] file = open('tools/xsec_%s.txt' % name, 'r') for entries in file: entry = entries.split() X.append(float(entry[0])) if not SPIN2: kFac = getAlphaSFactor(float(entry[0])) if massDependent: kFac = kFac * getMassDependentKFactor(float(entry[0])) Y.append(float(entry[1]) * kFac / 1928) aX = numpy.array(X) aY = numpy.array(Y) Graph = TGraph(len(X), aX, aY) GraphSmooth = smoother.SmoothSuper(Graph, "linear") if name == "ssm": GraphSmooth.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) if GUT: GraphSmooth.SetLineWidth(2) GraphSmooth.SetLineColor(colors[name]) if SPIN2: Graph.SetLineColor(colors[name]) Graph.SetLineWidth(3) return deepcopy(Graph) else: if massDependent: GraphSmooth.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) return deepcopy(GraphSmooth)
def getCurve(h): # Temporary draw c = TCanvas() h.Smooth() h.SetContour(2) #h.Draw("COLZ") h.Draw("CONT Z LIST") c.Update() # Get contours curves = [] conts = TObjArray(gROOT.GetListOfSpecials().FindObject("contours")) gs = TGraphSmooth("normal") gin = TGraph(conts.At(0).At(0)) gout = gs.SmoothSuper(gin, "", 3) x_m = array('d', []) x_p = array('d', []) y_m = array('d', []) y_p = array('d', []) for p in xrange(0, gout.GetN()): gr_x = ROOT.Double(0.) gr_y = ROOT.Double(0.) gout.GetPoint(p, gr_x, gr_y) x_m.append(-gr_x) y_m.append(-gr_y) x_p.append(gr_x) y_p.append(gr_y) # if opt == 'w': # x_p[0] = 0. # x_m[0] = 0. curves.append(TGraph(len(x_p), x_p, y_p)) curves.append(TGraph(len(x_m), x_m, y_m)) curves.append(TGraph(len(x_p), x_p, y_m)) curves.append(TGraph(len(x_m), x_m, y_p)) c.Close() return curves
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): #fileForHEPData = TFile("plots/"+output+"_forHEPData.root","RECREATE") fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) print massPoint, limits[massPoint][medianNr] expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] xPointsForErrors = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) xPointsForErrors.append(0) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) xPointsErrors = numpy.array(xPointsForErrors) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2SigForHEPData = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(expX), expX, expY, numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(expected2SigLow), numpy.array(expected2SigHigh)) GraphErr1SigForHEPData = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(expX), expX, expY, numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(expected1SigLow), numpy.array(expected1SigHigh)) GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) #cCL=TCanvas("cCL", "cCL",0,0,567,384) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 600, 450) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.063) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.14) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.12) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) if SPIN2: signals = ["RS_kMpl01", "RS_kMpl005", "RS_kMpl001"] elif GUT: signals = ["ssm", "psi", "kai", "eta", "I", "S", "N"] else: signals = ["ssm", "psi"] xSecCurves = [] for signal in signals: xSecCurves.append(getXSecCurve(signal, kFacs[signal])) #xSecCurves.append(getXSecCurve(signal,kFacs[signal],massDependent=True)) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 200, 5500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if SPIN2: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] G_{KK} / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z" ) else: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z' / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") # if SPIN2: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") # else: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 5500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(1e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") if not EXPONLY: GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") for curve in xSecCurves: curve.Draw("lsame") plCMS = TPaveLabel(.16, .81, .27, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetFillStyle(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.16, .76, .27, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetFillStyle(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) if "2017" in output or "Combination" in output: plPrelim.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") #leg=TLegend(0.540517,0.623051,0.834885,0.878644,"","brNDC") Default leg = TLegend(0.5, 0.58, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") if SPIN2: leg = TLegend(0.5, 0.58, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.0425) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") print ratioLabels leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "%s Obs. 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Obs. 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[0], "l") else: if not EXPONLY: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Obs. 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Exp. 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Exp. (68%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Exp. (95%)", "f") leg1 = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.9, 0.55, "", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.05) if GUT: leg1 = TLegend(0.6, 0.35, 0.75, 0.623051, "", "brNDC") if SPIN2: leg1 = TLegend(0.7, 0.35, 0.9, 0.58, "G_{KK} (LO x 1.6)", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.045) for index, signal in enumerate(signals): xSecCurves[index].SetName(labels[signal]) xSecCurves[index].Write(labels[signal]) leg1.AddEntry(xSecCurves[index], labels[signal], "l") leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .27, .885, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif "2017" in output or "Combination" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "42.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "41.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .27, .885, .9, .99, "77.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 78.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.SetTicks(1, 1) plotPad.RedrawAxis() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(200, 1, 5500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(200, 0.8, 5500, 1.2, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") #GraphErr2SigForHEPData.SetName("graph2Sig") #GraphErr2SigForHEPData.Write("graph2Sig") #GraphErr1SigForHEPData.SetName("graph1Sig") #GraphErr1SigForHEPData.Write("graph1Sig") #GraphExp.SetName("graphExp") #GraphExp.Write("graphExp") #GraphObs.SetName("graphObs") #GraphObs.Write("graphObs") #fileForHEPData.Write() #fileForHEPData.Close() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow + 1) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) smoother = TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX = [] zprimeY = [] fileZPrime = open('tools/xsec_SSM.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry = entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpX = numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY = numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime = TGraph(481, zpX, zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth = smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime, "linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX = [] zprimePsiY = [] fileZPrimePsi = open('tools/xsec_PSI.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry = entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpPsiX = numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY = numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi = TGraph(481, zpPsiX, zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth = smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi, "linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 120, 4500) else: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 400, 4500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X)" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)" ) elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(120, 4500) else: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(400, 4500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(4e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") if not SPIN2: GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg = TLegend(0.540517, 0.623051, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "% Observed 95% CL limit" % ratioLabel[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Observed 95% CL limit" % ratioLabel[0], "l") else: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Observed 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Expected 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Expected 95% CL limit, 1 s.d.", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Expected 95% CL limit, 2 s.d.", "f") leg1 = TLegend(0.665517, 0.483051, 0.834885, 0.623051, "", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.032) if not SPIN2: leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimePsiSmooth, "Z'_{#Psi} (LOx1.3)", "l") leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimeSmooth, "Z'_{SSM} (LOx1.3)", "l") leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plCMS = TPaveLabel(.12, .81, .22, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.12, .76, .25, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) plPrelim.Draw() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(400, 1, 4500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(400, 0.9, 4500, 1.1, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, interference, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} xSecs = getFittedXSecCurve("CI_%s" % interference, 1.3) for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) print massPoint, limits[massPoint][medianNr] expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) xSecCurves = [] xSecCurves.append(getFittedXSecCurve("CI_%s" % interference, 1.3)) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 10, 46) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Lambda [TeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrow#mu#mu +X) [pb]" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrowee +X) [pb]") elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}) [pb]" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(10, 46) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(5e-4) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(1) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") if not EXPONLY: GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") for curve in xSecCurves: print curve.Eval(28) #curve.Draw() curve.Draw("sameR") plCMS = TPaveLabel(.15, .81, .25, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetFillStyle(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.15, .76, .275, .82, "Supplementary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetFillStyle(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) #plPrelim.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg = TLegend(0.440517, 0.523051, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") print ratioLabels leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "%s Observed 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Observed 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[0], "l") else: if not EXPONLY: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Obs. 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Exp. 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Exp. (68%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Exp. (95%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(xSecCurves[0], labels[interference], "l") leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif "2017" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "42.1 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 42.1 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.RedrawAxis() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(200, 1, 5500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(200, 0.8, 5500, 1.2, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False): obsLimits = {} for obsFile in obs: if 'width' in obsFile: width = obsFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' obsLimits[width] = createObsGraph(obsFile) if SMOOTH: for width, obsGraph in obsLimits.iteritems(): smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = obsGraph obsLimits[width] = copy.deepcopy( smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005)) obsLimits[width].SetLineWidth(3) expLimits = {} for expFile in exp: if 'width' in expFile: width = expFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' expLimits[width] = createExpGraph(expFile) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() smoother = TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX = [] zprimeY = [] fileZPrime = open('tools/xsec_ssm.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry = entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpX = numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY = numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime = TGraph(481, zpX, zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth = smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime, "linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX = [] zprimePsiY = [] fileZPrimePsi = open('tools/xsec_psi.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry = entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpPsiX = numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY = numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi = TGraph(481, zpPsiX, zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth = smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi, "linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 200, 5500) else: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 400, 4500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X)" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)" ) elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 5500) else: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(400, 4500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(4e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() plCMS = TPaveLabel(.12, .81, .22, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.12, .76, .25, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) plPrelim.Draw() leg = TLegend(0.430517, 0.623051, 0.734885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) colors = { '01': ROOT.kBlue, '03': ROOT.kRed, '05': ROOT.kGreen + 3, '10': ROOT.kOrange } for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) obsGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(obsGraph, "Observed 95% CL limit width 0.6%", "l") else: leg.AddEntry(obsGraph, "Observed 95%% CL limit width %d%%" % int(width), "l") for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) expGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(expGraph, "Expected 95% CL limit width 0.6%, median", "l") else: leg.AddEntry( expGraph, "Expected 95%% CL limit width %d%%, median" % (int(width)), "l") # if not SPIN2: # GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") # GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def makeLimitPlot(output,obs,exp,chan,printStats=False): fileForHEPData = TFile("plots/"+output+"_forHEPData.root","RECREATE") obsLimits = {} for obsFile in obs: if 'width' in obsFile: width = obsFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' obsLimits[width] = createObsGraph(obsFile) if SMOOTH: for width,obsGraph in obsLimits.iteritems(): smooth_obs=TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth=obsGraph obsLimits[width]=copy.deepcopy(smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth,"linear",0,0.005)) obsLimits[width].SetLineWidth(3) expLimits = {} for expFile in exp: if 'width' in expFile: width = expFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' expLimits[width] = createExpGraph(expFile) cCL=TCanvas("cCL", "cCL",0,0,600,450) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.063) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.14) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.12) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad","plotPad",0,0,1,1) plotPad.Draw() smoother=TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2=TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX=[] zprimeY=[] fileZPrime=open('tools/xsec_ssm.txt','r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry=entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1])/1928) zpX=numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY=numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime=TGraph(len(zprimeX),zpX,zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth=smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime,"linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen+3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX=[] zprimePsiY=[] fileZPrimePsi=open('tools/xsec_psi.txt','r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry=entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1])/1928) zpPsiX=numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY=numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi=TGraph(len(zprimePsiX),zpPsiX,zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth=smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi,"linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph=TH1F("DummyGraph","",100,200,5500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if SPIN2: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] G_{KK} / #sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") else: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z' / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") # if SPIN2: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") # else: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200,5500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(3e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) DummyGraph.Draw() plCMS=TPaveLabel(.16,.76,.27,.83,"CMS","NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim=TPaveLabel(.16,.76,.27,.82,"Preliminary","NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) # plPrelim.Draw() leg=TLegend(0.420517,0.7,0.85,0.878644,"","brNDC") legWidth=TLegend(0.625,0.5,0.9,0.7,"width","brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.0425) legWidth.SetTextSize(0.0425) colors = {'01':ROOT.kBlue,'03':ROOT.kRed,'05':ROOT.kGreen+3,'10':ROOT.kOrange} # for width in sorted(obsLimits): # obsGraph = obsLimits[width] # if colors.has_key(width): # obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) # obsGraph.Draw("lsame") # if width == '0.006': # leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Observed 95% CL limit width 0.6%","l") # else: # leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Observed 95%% CL limit width %d%%"%int(width),"l") # # for width in sorted(expLimits): # expGraph = expLimits[width] # if colors.has_key(width): # expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) # expGraph.Draw("lsame") # if width == '0.006': # leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Expected 95% CL limit width 0.6%, median","l") # else: # leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Expected 95%% CL limit width %d%%, median"%(int(width)),"l") for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) obsGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Obs. 95% CL limit","l") for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) expGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Exp. 95% CL limit, median","l") for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) if width == '0.006': legWidth.AddEntry(obsGraph,"0.6%","l") else: legWidth.AddEntry(obsGraph,"%d%%"%int(width),"l") if not SPIN2: GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") leg1=TLegend(0.625,0.35,0.825,0.5,"","brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.0375) leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimeSmooth,"Z'_{SSM} (width 2.97%)","l") leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimePsiSmooth,"Z'_{#Psi} (width 0.53%)","l") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #plCMS.Draw() plotPad.SetTicks(1,1) plotPad.RedrawAxis() leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") legWidth.SetLineWidth(0) legWidth.SetLineStyle(0) legWidth.SetLineColor(0) legWidth.SetFillStyle(0) legWidth.SetNColumns(2) legWidth.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan=="mumu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.885,.9,.99,"36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elel"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.885,.9,.99,"35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elmu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.27,.885,.9,.99,"35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})","NBNDC") else: if (chan=="mumu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.905,.9,.99,"13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elel"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.905,.9,.99,"2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elmu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.4,.905,.9,.99,"12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)","NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.RedrawAxis() for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] obsGraph.SetName("graphObs%s"%width) obsGraph.Write("graphObs%s"%width) for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] expGraph.SetName("graphExp%s"%width) expGraph.Write("graphExp%s"%width) fileForHEPData.Write() fileForHEPData.Close() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL,output)