def DrawStackHistograms(histograms, outname, blind=True, verbose=False): #hists_sorted = sorted(histograms, key=lambda h: h.Integral()) hs = THStack("h_stack", "") h_obs = None l = TLegend(0.77, 0.60, 0.90, 0.87) for hist in histograms: hname = hist.GetName() if "data_obs" in hname: if not blind: h_obs = hist SetHistogramStyle(h_obs, "Observed") l.AddEntry(h_obs, "Observed", "p") else: SetHistogramStyle(hist) label = GetLabelName(hist) hs.Add(hist) l.AddEntry(hist, label, "f") h_est = hs.GetStack().Last().Clone() if verbose: est_err = Double(0.) nbins_est = h_est.GetNbinsX() est_yields = h_est.IntegralAndError(1, nbins_est, est_err) print "predicted yields :", est_yields, "+/-", est_err if not blind: print "observed yields :", h_obs.Integral() # draw # SetCMSStyle() TODO canvas = TCanvas() gPad.SetLogy() #ymax_hs = hs.GetMaximum() #ymax = ymax_hs if h_obs is None else max(ymax_hs, h_obs.GetMaximum()) ymax = 10000 ymin = 0.1 hs.SetMaximum(ymax) hs.SetMinimum(ymin) hs.Draw("HIST") l.Draw("same") if not blind: h_obs.Draw("same") canvas.SaveAs(outname)
ntotalbkg = ntotalbkg + numevt if bkgsamples[fname]["name"] == "QCD": numqcd = numevt if hnames[1] == printHistName: string = "%s : %s = %f \n" % (fname, bkgsamples[fname]["name"], numevt) fNevt.write(string) print fname, " : ", bkgsamples[fname][ "name"], " = ", "{0:.5g}".format( numevt), " scale : ", "{0:.3g}".format(scale) #print fname, " : ", scale ## Add to Stack hs.Add(h_tmp) #hh_tmp -> add h tmp sig, hs->other k = k + 1 h_bkg = hs.GetStack().Last() """ #Sig Stack hsHct = THStack() ntotalHct = 0 m = 0 for fname in hctsamples.keys(): h_Hct = hctsamples[fname]["file"].Get(hctsamples[fname]["hname"][i]) nbins = h_Hct.GetNbinsX() h_Hct.AddBinContent( nbins, h_Hct.GetBinContent( nbins+1 ) ) h_Hct.SetLineColor(hctsamples[fname]["col"]) ## normalization scale = datasamples[datasamples.keys()[mode]]["lumi"]/(hctsamples[fname]["total"]/hctsamples[fname]["xsection"])
def createPlots_(plot, compounddetectorname): """Cumulative material budget from simulation. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget inferred from the simulation starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the DETECTORS dictionary. The function will automatically skip non-existent detectors. """ theDirname = "Figures" hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return # We need to keep the file content alive for the lifetime of the # full function.... subDetectorFiles = [] hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFiles.append(TFile(subDetectorFilename)) subDetectorFile = subDetectorFiles[-1] print("Opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) prof_X0_XXX = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % plots[plot].plotNumber) hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX.ProjectionX() # category profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = assignOrAddIfExists_( hist_X0_elements.setdefault(label, None), prof_X0_elements[label]) cumulative_matbdg = TH1D( "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetNbinsX(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): setColorIfExists_(hist_X0_detectors, det, color) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Tracker + ECAL + HCal + HGCal + MB + MGNT # stack stackTitle_SubDetectors = "Material Budget;%s;%s" % (plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_SubDetectors = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_SubDetectors) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): stack_X0_SubDetectors.Add(histo) cumulative_matbdg.Add(histo, 1) # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 800, 800) #can_SubDetectors.Range(0,0,25,25) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_SubDetectors.Draw("HIST") #stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.130, 0.7, 0.93, 0.90) #(0.180,0.8,0.98,0.90) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(2) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.130, 0.627, 0.352, 0.687, "NDC") #(0.180,0.727,0.402,0.787,"NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.root" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (compounddetectorname, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().SetMarkerStyle(34) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 1.0, 3.5) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( -3.5, -1.0) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) #Also print them to give them exact numbers etavalues = [] matbudginX0 = [] matbudginIntLen = [] for binx in range( 0, stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().GetNbins()): bincontent = stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent( binx) if bincontent == 0: continue etavalues.append( stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinCenter(binx)) if plot == "x_vs_eta": matbudginX0.append(bincontent) d1 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInX0': matbudginX0} df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d1).round(2) df1.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df1 if plot == "l_vs_eta": matbudginIntLen.append(bincontent) d2 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInIntLen': matbudginIntLen} df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2).round(2) df2.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df2 return cumulative_matbdg
def createCompoundPlots(detector, plot): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested @plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary (imported from plot_utils. """ theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot) if not goodToGo: return theDetectorFile = TFile(theDetectorFilename) # # get TProfiles prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): #print label, num, color, leg prof_X0_elements[label] = theDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX() hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) hist_X0_elements[label].SetLineColor(kBlack) files = [] if detector in COMPOUNDS.keys(): for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector][1:]: subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector # open file if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): continue subDetectorFile = TFile(subDetectorFilename) files.append(subDetectorFile) print("*** Open file... %s" % subDetectorFilename) # subdetector profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label].Add( prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX( "B_%s" % prof_X0_elements[label].GetName()), +1.000) # stack stackTitle = "Material Budget %s;%s;%s" % (detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0 = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): stack_X0.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s" % (detector, plot) can = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(1) # Draw stack_X0.Draw("HIST") stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) # Legenda theLegend = TLegend(0.40, 0.65, 0.60, 0.89) if plot == "x_vs_phi" or plot == "l_vs_phi": theLegend = TLegend(0.65, 0.30, 0.89, 0.70) if plot == "x_vs_R" or plot == "l_vs_R": theLegend = TLegend(0.75, 0.60, 0.95, 0.90) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): theLegend.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend.Draw() # Store can.Update() can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) #Let's also save the total accumulated budget vs eta since muon id relies #on adequate calorimeter thickness if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (detector, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 3.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-3., 0.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot))
rebinnedHist[ih].Write() rebinnedData.Write() # forget about plotting right now. Just make a template. ## purpose for plotting rebinnedData.Scale(1., "width") stack = THStack() print rebinnedHist.keys() for ih in rebinnedHist: rebinnedHist[ih].Scale(1., "width") stack.Add(rebinnedHist[ih]) if postfitPlots: MC = stack.GetStack().Last().Clone("MC") x = rebinnedData.Chi2Test(MC, "UW CHI2/NDF") chi2Text = "#chi^{2}/NDF=%.2f" % x canvasRatio = TCanvas('c1Ratio', 'c1Ratio', W, H) canvasRatio.SetFillColor(0) canvasRatio.SetBorderMode(0) canvasRatio.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvasRatio.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvasRatio.SetLeftMargin(L / W) canvasRatio.SetRightMargin(R / W) canvasRatio.SetTopMargin(T / H) canvasRatio.SetBottomMargin(B / H) canvasRatio.SetTickx(0) canvasRatio.SetTicky(0) canvasRatio.Draw()
def createCompoundPlots(detector, plot, geometry): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested @plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary (imported from plot_utils. """ setTDRStyle() theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot, geometry) if not goodToGo: return hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() # stack stackTitle = "%s;%s;%s" % (detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0 = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle); theLegend = TLegend(0.50, 0.70, 0.70, 0.90); def setRanges(h): legendSpace = 1. + 0.3 # 30% minY = h.GetYaxis().GetXmin() maxY = h.GetBinContent(h.GetMaximumBin()) * legendSpace h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(minY, maxY) for label, [num, color, leg] in six.iteritems(hist_label_to_num): # We don't want the sum to be added as part of the stack if label is 'SUM': continue hist_X0_elements[label] = get1DHisto_(detector, num + plots[plot].plotNumber, geometry) hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) hist_X0_elements[label].SetLineColor(kBlack) stack_X0.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) if hist_X0_elements[label].Integral() > 0.: theLegend.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") # canvas canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s" % (detector, plot) can = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can.Range(0,0,25,25) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) # Draw setRanges(stack_X0.GetStack().Last()) stack_X0.Draw("HIST"); stack_X0.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.035) stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.035) theLegend.Draw(); cmsMark = TLatex() cmsMark.SetNDC(); cmsMark.SetTextAngle(0); cmsMark.SetTextColor(kBlack); cmsMark.SetTextFont(61) cmsMark.SetTextSize(5e-2) cmsMark.SetTextAlign(11) cmsMark.DrawLatex(0.16,0.86,"CMS") simuMark = TLatex() simuMark.SetNDC(); simuMark.SetTextAngle(0); simuMark.SetTextColor(kBlack); simuMark.SetTextSize(3e-2) simuMark.SetTextAlign(11) simuMark.DrawLatex(0.16,0.82,"#font[52]{Simulation Internal}") # Store can.Update(); can.SaveAs( "%s/%s_%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot, geometry)) can.SaveAs( "%s/%s_%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot, geometry))
bdt_data.Draw('P SAME') bdt_sig.SetFillStyle(0) bdt_sig.Draw('HIST SAME E') if gen: bdt_sig_gen.SetFillStyle(0) bdt_sig_gen.Draw('HIST SAME E') bdt_data.Draw("axis same") l.Draw("same") label.Draw("same") r_bdt_data = bdt_data.Clone("r_bdt_data") r_bdt_data.SetLineColor(1) r_bdt_data.SetMarkerStyle(20) r_bdt_data.SetMarkerSize(0.5) r_bdt_data.SetTitle("") r_bdt_data.Divide(hs_bdt_bkg.GetStack().Last()) y = r_bdt_data.GetYaxis() y.SetTitle("Data/MC") y.SetNdivisions(505) y.SetTitleSize(0.11) y.SetRangeUser(0.6, 1.4) y.SetTitleOffset(0.35) y.SetLabelSize(0.1) x = r_bdt_data.GetXaxis() x.SetTitleSize(0.11) x.SetTitleOffset(1.0) x.SetLabelSize(0.1) r_bdt_data.Draw("EP") c1.Print('histo_' + tmva_version + '_' + ch + '_bdt.pdf') ################################################
if bkgsamples[fname]["name"] == "QCD": numqcd = numevt if hnames[1] == printHistName: string = "%s : %s = %f \n" % (fname, bkgsamples[fname]["name"], numevt) fNevt.write(string) print fname, " : ", bkgsamples[fname][ "name"], " = ", "{0:.5g}".format( numevt) # " scale : " ,"{0:.1g}".format(scale) #print fname, " : ", scale ## Add to Stack hs.Add(h_tmp) #hh_tmp -> add h tmp sig, hs->other k = k + 1 h_bkg = hs.GetStack().Last() #Sig Stack hsHct = THStack() ntotalHct = 0 m = 0 for fname in hctsamples.keys(): h_Hct = hctsamples[fname]["file"].Get(hctsamples[fname]["hname"][i]) nbins = h_Hct.GetNbinsX() h_Hct.AddBinContent(nbins, h_Hct.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) h_Hct.SetLineColor(hctsamples[fname]["col"]) ## normalization scale = datasamples[datasamples.keys()[mode]]["lumi"] / (
def PlotDataMC(dataFiles_, mcFiles_, signalFiles_, dataDirec_, mcDirec_, signalDirec_, drawPads_, Lumi_, SigScale_, ol_, log_, Tags_, VarBatch_, CutsType_, verbose_, noQCD_): print "Plotting Data / MC" gROOT.ProcessLine( "gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError" ) # kPrint, kInfo, kWarning, kError, kBreak, kSysError, kFatal gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetErrorX(0.0001) HHWWggTags = [] ##-- Get Tags for t in Tags_: HHWWggTags.append(t) cuts, cutNames = GetCuts(CutsType_) ##-- if var batch is loose, need separate titles for variables since it will be sum of vars * bools if (VarBatch_ == "Loose"): finalStateVars, varNames = GetVars( VarBatch_) # get vars from var batch if (verbose_): print "finalStateVars = ", finalStateVars print "varNames = ", varNames else: finalStateVars = GetVars(VarBatch_) # get vars from var batch if (verbose_): #print"cuts:",cuts print "cutNames:", cutNames print "vars:", finalStateVars ##-- For each data file (can just be one) for dF_ in dataFiles_: cutBatchTag_pairs = [] dataNevents_list = [] MC_names = [] MC_Nevents_lists = [] MC_Nevents_noweight_lists = [] ##-- For each category (Ex: HHWWggTag_0, HHWWggTag_1, HHWWggTag_2, combined) for itag, HHWWggTag in enumerate(HHWWggTags): if (verbose_): print "tag:", HHWWggTag dPath = "%s/%s" % (dataDirec_, dF_) dFile = TFile.Open(dPath) if (HHWWggTag == "combined"): ch = TChain('tagsDumper/trees/Data_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0') ch.Add("%s/tagsDumper/trees/Data_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0" % (dPath)) ch.Add("%s/tagsDumper/trees/Data_13TeV_HHWWggTag_1" % (dPath)) ch.Add("%s/tagsDumper/trees/Data_13TeV_HHWWggTag_2" % (dPath)) else: ch = TChain('tagsDumper/trees/Data_13TeV_%s' % (HHWWggTag)) ch.Add(dPath) BLIND_CUT = "(CMS_hgg_mass < 115 || CMS_hgg_mass > 135)" MC_WEIGHT = "1*weight" ZERO_CUT = "ZERO_CUT" MC_CUT = "%s*(%s)*(%s)" % (MC_WEIGHT, BLIND_CUT, ZERO_CUT) DATA_CUT = "%s*(%s)" % (BLIND_CUT, ZERO_CUT) SIGNAL_CUT = "%s*(%s)" % (MC_WEIGHT, ZERO_CUT ) # no blind cut on signal ##-- For each cut for ic, cut in enumerate(cuts): #if(verbose_): print"Plotting with selection:",cut cutName = cutNames[ic] cutBatchTag = "%s_%s" % (cutName, HHWWggTag) cutBatchTag_pairs.append(cutBatchTag) dataNevents = -999 these_MC_Nevents = [] these_MC_Nevents_noweights = [] outputFolder = "%s/%s" % (ol_, cutName) if (not os.path.exists(outputFolder)): os.system('mkdir %s' % (outputFolder)) os.system('cp %s/index.php %s' % (ol_, outputFolder)) MC_CUT += "*(%s)" % (cut) DATA_CUT += "*(%s)" % (cut) SIGNAL_CUT += "*(%s)" % (cut) ##-- For each variable for iv, v in enumerate(finalStateVars): if (VarBatch_ == "Loose"): varTitle = varNames[iv] else: varTitle = GetVarTitle(v) if (verbose_): print "Plotting variable:", varTitle MC_CUT = MC_CUT.replace( "ZERO_CUT", "(%s != 0) && (%s != -999)" % (v, v)) DATA_CUT = DATA_CUT.replace( "ZERO_CUT", "(%s != 0) && (%s != -999)" % (v, v)) SIGNAL_CUT = SIGNAL_CUT.replace( "ZERO_CUT", "(%s != 0) && (%s != -999)" % (v, v)) MC_CUT_NOWEIGHT = MC_WEIGHT.replace(MC_WEIGHT, "(1)") if (varTitle == "weight"): MC_CUT = MC_CUT.replace( MC_WEIGHT, "(1)" ) # if you want to plot the "weight" variable, you should not scale it by weight! ##-- Can add printing of cuts to debug # if(verbose_): # print"MC_CUT:",MC_CUT # print"DATA_CUT:",DATA_CUT ##-- legend = TLegend(0.55, 0.65, 0.89, 0.89) legend.SetTextSize(0.025) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillStyle(0) xbins, xmin, xmax = GetBins(varTitle) ##-- Fill histogram with data Data_h_tmp = TH1F('Data_h_tmp', varTitle, xbins, xmin, xmax) Data_h_tmp.SetTitle("%s" % (varTitle)) Data_h_tmp.SetMarkerStyle(8) exec('ch.Draw("%s >> Data_h_tmp","%s")' % (v, DATA_CUT)) ##-- Only save number of events for first variable. Should be same for all because same cut is used if (iv == 0): dataNevents = Data_h_tmp.GetEntries() dataNevents_list.append(dataNevents) # print"Blinded Data numEvents:",Data_h_tmp.GetEntries() DataHist = Data_h_tmp.Clone("DataHist") DataHist.SetDirectory(0) legend.AddEntry(DataHist, "Data", "P") ##-- Get histograms with MC Backgrounds bkgStack = THStack("bkgStack", "bkgStack") histos = [] histCategories = [] for i, mcF_ in enumerate(mcFiles_): mcPath = "%s/%s" % (mcDirec_, mcF_) mcFile = TFile.Open(mcPath) treeName = GetMCTreeName(mcF_) MC_Category = GetMCCategory(mcF_) if (verbose_): # print"Background File:",mcPath print "Background:", MC_Category ##-- If noQCD set to true, skip QCD for Tag_0 and Tag_1 if (MC_Category == "QCD") and ( noQCD_) and (HHWWggTag == "HHWWggTag_0" or HHWWggTag == "HHWWggTag_1"): print "Skipping QCD" these_MC_Nevents_noweights.append( 0) # Set yields to 0 for table these_MC_Nevents.append( 0) # Set yields to 0 for table if (itag == 0 and ic == 0 and iv == 0): MCname = GetMCName(mcF_) MC_names.append( MCname ) # Skipping QCD, but still save name for yields because tag_2 may not be 0 continue ##-- Define TChain based on categories if (HHWWggTag == "combined"): mc_ch = TChain( 'tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0' % (treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0" % (mcPath, treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_1" % (mcPath, treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_2" % (mcPath, treeName)) else: mc_ch = TChain('tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_%s' % (treeName, HHWWggTag)) mc_ch.Add(mcPath) xbins, xmin, xmax = GetBins(varTitle) exec( "MC_h_tmp_%s = TH1F('MC_h_tmp_%s',varTitle,xbins,xmin,xmax)" % (i, i)) exec( "MC_h_tmp_noweight_%s = TH1F('MC_h_tmp_noweight_%s',varTitle,xbins,xmin,xmax)" % (i, i)) thisHist = eval("MC_h_tmp_%s" % (i)) mcColor = GetMCColor(MC_Category) ##-- If GJet or QCD sample, need to remove prompt-prompt events if (MC_Category == "GJet" or MC_Category == "QCD"): if (verbose_): print "Remove prompt-prompt" removePromptPromptCut = "(!((Leading_Photon_genMatchType == 1) && (Subleading_Photon_genMatchType == 1)))" # selection: remove events where both photons are prompt original_MC_CUT = "%s" % (MC_CUT) this_MC_CUT = "%s*(%s)" % (original_MC_CUT, removePromptPromptCut) this_MC_CUT_NOWEIGHT = this_MC_CUT.replace( MC_WEIGHT, "(1)") eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetFillColor(eval(mcColor))" % (i)) eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetLineColor(eval(mcColor))" % (i)) if (MC_Category == "GJet" or MC_Category == "QCD"): exec('mc_ch.Draw("%s >> MC_h_tmp_%s","%s")' % (v, i, this_MC_CUT)) else: exec('mc_ch.Draw("%s >> MC_h_tmp_%s","%s")' % (v, i, MC_CUT)) eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.Scale(float(Lumi_))" % (i)) ##-- MC reweighting for HHWWgg backgrounds (turned off for now) # reWeightVals = ReWeightMC(mcF_) # doReWeight, reWeightScale = reWeightVals[0], reWeightVals[1] # print"doReWeight,reWeightScale:",doReWeight, reWeightScale # if(doReWeight): # if(verbose_): # print"ReWeighting MC" # print"With scale: ",reWeightScale # eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.Scale(float(reWeightScale))"%(i)) ## ##-- Only save for 1st variable. Should be same for all variables if (iv == 0): if (MC_Category == "GJet" or MC_Category == "QCD"): exec( 'mc_ch.Draw("%s >> MC_h_tmp_noweight_%s","%s")' % (v, i, this_MC_CUT_NOWEIGHT)) else: exec( 'mc_ch.Draw("%s >> MC_h_tmp_noweight_%s","%s")' % (v, i, MC_CUT_NOWEIGHT)) these_MC_Nevents_noweights.append( eval("MC_h_tmp_noweight_%s.Integral()" % (i))) these_MC_Nevents.append( eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.Integral()" % (i))) ##-- Only need to get MC names once if (itag == 0 and ic == 0 and iv == 0): MCname = GetMCName(mcF_) MC_names.append( MCname) # get shorter MC name here newHist = thisHist.Clone("newHist") ##-- Set title based on treeName newHist.SetTitle(MC_Category) newHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(mcF_) newHist.SetDirectory(0) histos.append(newHist) histCategories.append(MC_Category) sig_histos = [] sig_histCategories = [] ##-- Add Signal to plots for i, sigF_ in enumerate(signalFiles_): sigPath = "%s/%s" % (signalDirec_, sigF_) sigFile = TFile.Open(sigPath) treeName = GetMCTreeName(sigF_) MC_Category = GetMCCategory(sigF_) if (verbose_): # print"Signal File:",sigPath print "Signal:", MC_Category if (HHWWggTag == "combined"): mc_ch = TChain( 'tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0' % (treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_0" % (sigPath, treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_1" % (sigPath, treeName)) mc_ch.Add( "%s/tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_HHWWggTag_2" % (sigPath, treeName)) else: mc_ch = TChain('tagsDumper/trees/%s_13TeV_%s' % (treeName, HHWWggTag)) mc_ch.Add(sigPath) xbins, xmin, xmax = GetBins(varTitle) exec( "MC_h_tmp_%s = TH1F('MC_h_tmp_%s',v,xbins,xmin,xmax)" % (i, i)) thisHist = eval("MC_h_tmp_%s" % (i)) mcColor = GetMCColor(MC_Category) ##-- Style options for signal to distinguish from Data, Background # eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetFillColor(eval(mcColor))"%(i)) # eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetFillStyle(3004)"%(i)) ##-- eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetFillColorAlpha(eval(mcColor),0.1)" % (i)) eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.SetLineColor(eval(mcColor))" % (i)) exec('mc_ch.Draw("%s >> MC_h_tmp_%s","%s")' % (v, i, SIGNAL_CUT)) eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.Scale(float(Lumi_))" % (i)) # should scale to luminosity by default SigXS_Scale = GetXScale( "HHWWgg_v2-6" ) # how to scale the XS which is by default in flashgg 1fb if (verbose_): print "SigXS_Scale: ", SigXS_Scale eval("MC_h_tmp_%s.Scale(float(SigXS_Scale))" % (i)) # should scale to luminosity by default newHist = thisHist.Clone("newHist") ##-- Set title based on treeName newHist.SetTitle(MC_Category) newHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(sigF_) newHist.SetLineStyle(1) newHist.SetLineWidth(5) newHist.SetDirectory(0) sig_histos.append(newHist) sig_histCategories.append(MC_Category) MC_AddedtoLegend = { "QCD": 0, "SMhgg": 0, "GJet": 0, "DiPhoJets": 0, "DiPhoJetsBox": 0, # "W1JetsToLNu" : 0, # "W2JetsToLNu" : 0, # "W3JetsToLNu" : 0, # "W4JetsToLNu" : 0, "WJets": 0, "WW": 0, "tt": 0, "DY": 0, "WGGJets": 0, "WGJJ": 0, "ttW": 0 } Signals_AddedtoLegend = {"HHWWgg_SM": 0} ##-- Order histograms by MC category orderedHistos = OrderHistos(histos, histCategories) sig_orderedHistos = OrderHistos(sig_histos, sig_histCategories) ##-- Add backgrounds to background stack for h in orderedHistos: bkgStack.Add(h, 'hist') bkgName = h.GetTitle() added = MC_AddedtoLegend[bkgName] if (added): continue else: legend.AddEntry(h, bkgName, "F") MC_AddedtoLegend[bkgName] = 1 ##-- By default draw background save background contributions. Later delete if not wanted outName = "%s/BackgroundsTest_%s.png" % (outputFolder, HHWWggTag) bkgOutName = "%s/BackgroundsPADS_%s_%s.png" % ( outputFolder, varTitle, HHWWggTag) SimpleDrawHisto(bkgStack, "PADS", bkgOutName, varTitle) bkgOutName = bkgOutName.replace(".png", ".pdf") SimpleDrawHisto(bkgStack, "PADS", bkgOutName, varTitle) ##-- Add text box with selection type offset = 0 selText = TLatex(0.129, 0.85, cutName) selText.SetNDC(1) selText.SetTextSize(0.04) CatText = TLatex(0.129, 0.8, HHWWggTag) CatText.SetNDC(1) CatText.SetTextSize(0.04) stackSum = bkgStack.GetStack().Last( ) #->Draw(); # for computing ratio stackSum.Sumw2() stackSum.SetLineColor(kBlack) stackSum.SetLineStyle( 7) # to distinguish from data uncertainty DataHist.SetLineColor(kBlack) DataHist.Sumw2() xTitle = GetXaxisTitle(varTitle) DataHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) if (log_): DataHist.SetMinimum(0.01) stackSum.SetMinimum(0.01) bkgStack.SetMinimum(0.01) ##-- Define ratio plot for computing Data / MC ratio rp = TRatioPlot(DataHist, stackSum) rp.SetH1DrawOpt("P") rp.SetH2DrawOpt("hist") # rp.SetGraphDrawOpt("PE2") dMax = DataHist.GetMaximum() bMax = stackSum.GetMaximum() maxHeight = max(dMax, bMax) ##-- Create the entire picture: Combine Data, MC, Data / MC ratio and signal in one plot for fileType in ["pdf"]: gStyle.SetErrorX(0.0001) # varTitle = GetVarTitle(v) outName = "%s/DataMC_%s_%s.%s" % ( outputFolder, varTitle, HHWWggTag, fileType) if (log_): outName = "%s/DataMC_%s_%s_log.%s" % ( outputFolder, varTitle, HHWWggTag, fileType) else: outName = "%s/DataMC_%s_%s_nonLog.%s" % ( outputFolder, varTitle, HHWWggTag, fileType) DataMCRatio_c = TCanvas("DataMCRatio_c", "DataMCRatio_c", 600, 800) rp.Draw("nogrid") rp.GetLowYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) DataMCRatio_c.Update() ratioGraph = rp.GetCalculationOutputGraph() ratioGraph.SetMarkerStyle(8) ratioGraph.SetMarkerSize(0.5) # rp.SetGraphDrawOpt("EP") # rp.SetGraphDrawOpt("EPZ2") # rp.GetLowerRefYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC") rp.GetUpperRefYaxis().SetTitle("Entries") rp.GetLowerRefYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC") rp.GetLowerPad().Update() if (log_): rp.GetUpperRefYaxis().SetRangeUser( 0.1, maxHeight * 100.) else: rp.GetUpperRefYaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, maxHeight * 1.3) UpperPad = rp.GetUpperPad() bkgStack.Draw("same") stackSum.Draw("sameE") DataHist.Draw("samePE") for sig_hist in sig_histos: sigMax = sig_hist.GetMaximum() if sigMax == 0: sigMax = 1 ##-- No user input signal scale if (SigScale_ == -999): sigScale = (float(maxHeight) / 10.) / float( sigMax ) # in order to scale signal to 10th of max of plot sig_hist.Scale(sigScale) ##-- User input signal scale else: if (verbose_): print "user sig scale:", SigScale_ sigScale = SigScale_ sig_hist.Scale(sigScale) for sig_h in sig_orderedHistos: # sigName = "%s X %d"%(sig_h.GetTitle(),sigScale) sigName = sig_h.GetTitle() added = Signals_AddedtoLegend[sigName] if (added): continue else: legend.AddEntry( sig_h, "%s * %.5g" % (sig_h.GetTitle(), sigScale), "FL") Signals_AddedtoLegend[sigName] sig_hist.Draw("samehist") legend.Draw("same") selText.Draw("same") CatText.Draw("same") rp.GetLowerRefGraph().SetMinimum(0.5) rp.GetLowerRefGraph().SetMaximum(1.5) Npoints = rp.GetLowerRefGraph().GetN() for ip in range(0, Npoints): rp.GetLowerRefGraph().SetPointEXhigh(ip, 0) rp.GetLowerRefGraph().SetPointEXlow(ip, 0) if (log_): UpperPad.SetLogy() UpperPad.Update() rp.GetLowerPad().cd() lowerPad = rp.GetLowerPad() rp.GetLowerRefYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC") lineAtOne = TLine(lowerPad.GetUxmin(), 1, lowerPad.GetUxmax(), 1) lineAtOne.SetLineStyle(3) lineAtOne.Draw("same") rp.GetLowerPad().Update() DataMCRatio_c.Update() DataMCRatio_c.SaveAs(outName) outName = outName.replace(".pdf", ".png") DataMCRatio_c.SaveAs(outName) if (not drawPads_): bkgOutName = "%s/BackgroundsPADS_%s_%s.png" % ( outputFolder, varTitle, HHWWggTag) os.system('rm %s' % (bkgOutName)) bkgOutName = bkgOutName.replace(".png", ".pdf") os.system('rm %s' % (bkgOutName)) MC_CUT = MC_CUT.replace( "(%s != 0) && (%s != -999)" % (v, v), "ZERO_CUT") DATA_CUT = DATA_CUT.replace( "(%s != 0) && (%s != -999)" % (v, v), "ZERO_CUT") MC_Nevents_lists.append(these_MC_Nevents) MC_Nevents_noweight_lists.append(these_MC_Nevents_noweights) ##-- Produce table with number of events for each MC, total MC, and data CreateYieldsTables(cutBatchTag_pairs, dataNevents_list, MC_names, MC_Nevents_lists, MC_Nevents_noweight_lists, ol_)
hist1 = TH1D("hist1", "hist1", 10, 0, 100) hist2 = TH1D("hist2", "hist2", 10, 0, 100) hist1.Sumw2() hist2.Sumw2() stack = THStack("stack", "stack") for i in xrange(1000): weight1 = gRandom.Gaus(1, 0.1) weight2 = gRandom.Gaus(1, 0.2) hist1.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(55, 20), weight1) hist2.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(50, 25), weight2) stack.Add(hist1) stack.Add(hist2) hist_stack = stack.GetStack().Last() print "\n>>> hist_stack = stack.GetStack().Last()" print ">>> hist_stack = %s" % hist_stack print ">>> type(hist_stack) = %s" % type(hist_stack) print ">>> hist_stack.GetName() = %s" % hist_stack.GetName() print ">>> hist_stack.GetTitle() = %s" % hist_stack.GetTitle() print "\n>>> comparing integrals" print ">>> stack = %s" % hist_stack.Integral() print ">>> hist1 = %s" % hist1.Integral() print ">>> hist2 = %s" % hist2.Integral() print "\n>>> comparing entries" print ">>> stack = %s" % hist_stack.GetEntries() print ">>> hist1 = %s" % hist1.GetEntries() print ">>> hist2 = %s" % hist2.GetEntries()
class Histogram: def __init__(self, Samples, directory): self.PropName = directory.GetName() dircontents = directory.GetListOfKeys() firsthisto = directory.Get(dircontents.At(0).GetName()) #firsthisto.Print("ALL") self.ForLegend = {} self.XSections = {} self.AllSampleHistos = {} for sample in Samples: if sample.IsData: self.DataSName = sample.HistoCat # h_in_dir = directory.Get( "%s_%s" % ( self.PropName , sample.Name ) ) # if h_in_dir : # h_in_dir.reset() # setattr( self , sample.Name , h_in_dir ) # else: hnew = firsthisto.Clone("%s_%s" % (self.PropName, sample.Name)) hnew.Reset() setattr(self, sample.Name, hnew) hhh = getattr(self, sample.Name) hhh.SetLineColor(1) hhh.SetLineWidth(2) if not sample.IsData: hhh.SetFillColor(sample.Color) hhh.SetFillStyle(1001) else: hhh.SetStats(0) self.AllSampleHistos[sample.Name] = hhh if (self.ForLegend.get(sample.HistoCat)): self.ForLegend[sample.HistoCat].append(sample.Name) else: self.ForLegend[sample.HistoCat] = [sample.Name] self.XSections[sample.Name] = sample.XSection def AddFile(self, directory, catname=""): ##find all relevant histograms in the file and add them to your histos for sample in self.AllSampleHistos: h_name = "" if catname == "": h_name = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.PropName, self.PropName, sample) else: h_name = "%s/%s_%s_%s" % (self.PropName, catname, self.PropName, sample) h_in_dir = directory.Get(h_name) if h_in_dir: # print h_name # print directory.GetPath() # h_in_dir.Print("ALL") self.AllSampleHistos[sample].Add(h_in_dir) def Write(self, fout): fout.mkdir(self.PropName).cd() for sample in self.AllSampleHistos: self.AllSampleHistos[sample].Write() if hasattr(self, "Canvas"): self.Canvas.Write() for leg in self.FinalHistos: self.FinalHistos[leg].Write() self.Stack.GetStack().Last().Write("SumMC") @staticmethod def AddLabels(histo, labels): if labels: for i in range(1, histo.GetNbinsX() + 1): if not i > len(labels): histo.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, labels[i - 1]) def Draw(self, lumi, cft, labels=None, catname=""): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) self.FinalHistos = {} for sample in self.AllSampleHistos: Histogram.AddLabels(self.AllSampleHistos[sample], labels) self.AllSampleHistos[sample].SetBit(TH1.kNoTitle) if sample in self.ForLegend[self.DataSName]: continue ntotal = getattr(cft, sample).GetBinContent(1) if ntotal == 0: print "Sample %s has no entries" % (sample) continue factor = lumi * self.XSections[sample] / ntotal #print "%s factor : (%.2f*%.2f)/%.0f = %.3f" % (sample , lumi , self.XSections[sample] , ntotal , factor) self.AllSampleHistos[sample].Scale(factor) self.Stack = THStack("%s_stack" % (self.PropName), self.PropName) #Histogram.AddLabels( self.Stack.GetHistogram() , labels ) for finalh in self.ForLegend: for hname in self.ForLegend[finalh]: #print "Adding %s to %s" % ( hname , finalh ) if self.FinalHistos.get(finalh): self.FinalHistos[finalh].Add(self.AllSampleHistos[hname]) else: self.FinalHistos[finalh] = self.AllSampleHistos[ hname].Clone("_%s_%s" % (self.PropName, finalh)) Histogram.AddLabels(self.FinalHistos[finalh], labels) self.FinalHistos[finalh].SetBit(TH1.kNoTitle) #self.FinalHistos[finalh].SetLineColor( 0 ) self.FinalHistos[finalh].SetTitle(finalh) if finalh == self.DataSName: self.DataHisto = self.FinalHistos[finalh] else: self.Stack.Add(self.FinalHistos[finalh]) self.Canvas = TCanvas("%s_%s_C" % (self.PropName, catname)) self.Pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.25, 1, 1) self.Pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.1) self.Pad1.Draw() self.DataHisto.Draw("E") #getattr( self , self.DataSName ).Draw("E") self.Stack.Draw("HIST SAME") self.DataHisto.Draw("E SAME P") #getattr( self , self.DataSName ).Draw("E SAME") self.Legend = TLegend(0.7, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9, "", "brNDC") entry = self.Legend.AddEntry(self.DataHisto, "Data", "lp") for finalh in reversed(self.ForLegend.keys()): if finalh == self.DataSName: continue self.Legend.AddEntry(self.FinalHistos[finalh], finalh, "f") self.Legend.Draw() self.Pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.24) self.Pad2.SetTopMargin(0.1) self.Pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.1) self.Pad2.Draw() self.Ratio = self.DataHisto.Clone("Ratio_%s" % (self.PropName)) self.Ratio.SetStats(0) self.Ratio.Divide(self.Stack.GetStack().Last()) if labels: Histogram.AddLabels(self.Ratio, ["" for s in labels]) self.Ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2) self.Ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC") #self.Ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) self.Ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.2) self.Ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.25) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) self.Ratio.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.09) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.18) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(509) self.Ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.25) self.Ratio.SetFillStyle(3001) self.Ratio.Draw("ep") self.LineOne = TLine(self.Ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1.00, self.Ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1.00) self.LineOne.SetLineWidth(2) self.LineOne.SetLineStyle(7) self.LineOne.Draw()
rawevt = h_tmp.GetEntries() ntotalbkg = ntotalbkg + numevt if hnames[1] == printHistName or 'DNN' in hnames[1]: string_nevt += "%f \n" % (numevt) string_fname += "%s : %s = %f \n" % ( fname, bkgsamples[fname]["name"], numevt) print fname, " : ", bkgsamples[fname][ "name"], " = ", "{0:.5g}".format( numevt), " scale : ", "{0:.3g}".format(scale) if printscale: print scale ## Add to Stack hs.Add(h_tmp) #hh_tmp -> add h tmp sig, hs->other k = k + 1 h_bkg = hs.GetStack().Last() #Sig Stack #Add Hut hsHut = THStack() ntotalHut = 0 n = 0 for fname in hutsamples.keys(): h_Hut = hutsamples[fname]["file"].Get( datasamples[datasamples.keys()[0]]["hname"][i]) nbins = h_Hut.GetNbinsX() h_Hut.AddBinContent(nbins, h_Hut.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) h_Hut.SetLineColor(hutsamples[fname]["col"]) ## normalization
def drawHisto(histlist,histoD,xTitle,yTitle,outName,uncHists=""): legend = TLegend(0.35, 0.72, 0.85, 0.92,"") #,"brNDC" legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetTextSize(0.045) legend.SetNColumns(2) myStack = THStack("myStack","") for hist in histlist: myStack.Add(hist,"hist") histoErr = histlist[0].Clone() for iHist in range(1,len(histlist)): histoErr.Add(histlist[iHist]) MCCount = myStack.GetStack().Last().Integral() DataCount = histoD.Integral() MCNormFactor = DataCount/MCCount # myStack.Delete() myStack = THStack("myStack","") for hist in histlist: hist.Scale(MCNormFactor) myStack.Add(hist,"hist") histoErr.Scale(MCNormFactor) if uncHists!="": MCMean = myStack.GetStack().Last().Clone() MCErr = MCMean.Clone() MCErr.Reset() for ibin in range(1,MCMean.GetNbinsX()+1): thisbinunc = 0 for ihist in uncHists: thisbinunc += ihist.GetBinContent(ibin)**2 #sum assuming correlated sfunc = thisbinunc**0.5*MCNormFactor if args.nostat: MCMean.SetBinError(ibin, sfunc) MCErr.SetBinContent(ibin, sfunc) else: MCMean.SetBinError(ibin, math.sqrt(sfunc**2 + histoErr.GetBinError(ibin)**2)) MCErr.SetBinContent(ibin, math.sqrt(sfunc**2 + histoErr.GetBinError(ibin)**2)) c = TCanvas("main","main",1200,1200) c.SetCanvasSize(1200,1200) upperCanvas = TPad("up","up",0,0.24,1,1) upperCanvas.SetBottomMargin(0.03) upperCanvas.SetLeftMargin(0.12) upperCanvas.SetTopMargin(0.06) # upperCanvas.SetLogy(isLog) upperCanvas.Draw() myStack.Draw() myStack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yTitle) myStack.GetHistogram().GetZaxis().SetTitle() myStack.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.048) myStack.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) myStack.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.78) myStack.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) legend.Draw("same") if uncHists!="": MCMean.Draw("e2 same") MCMean.SetFillColor(kGreen) MCMean.SetLineColor(kGreen) MCMean.SetMarkerSize(0) MCMean.SetFillStyle(3013) if not args.nostat: histoErr.Draw("e2 same") # histoErr.Sumw2() histoErr.SetFillColor(kGray+3) histoErr.SetLineColor(kGray+3) histoErr.SetMarkerSize(0) histoErr.SetFillStyle(3013) histoMC = myStack.GetStack().Last() histoBkg= myStack.GetStack().Before(histoMC) print "Total MC:", histoMC.Integral(), ", Data:",histoD.Integral() histoD.Draw("same p e") legend.AddEntry(histoD,"Data","PE") for hist in histlist: legend.AddEntry(hist,hist.GetName().replace('uds','udsg').replace('b','bottom').replace('c','charm'),'f') legend.AddEntry(histoErr,"MC Stat. Unc.",'f') if uncHists!="": legend.AddEntry(MCMean,"SF Unc.",'f') maxY = histoD.GetMaximum() #if myStack.GetMinimum() >= 0: myStack.SetMinimum(1e-3) myStack.SetMaximum(maxY*1.35) lowerCanvas = TPad("down","down",0,0,1,0.26) lowerCanvas.Draw() lowerCanvas.SetTicky(1) lowerCanvas.SetLeftMargin(0.1) lowerCanvas.SetRightMargin(0.1) lowerCanvas.SetTopMargin(0.0) lowerCanvas.SetBottomMargin(0.4) lowerCanvas.SetLeftMargin(0.12) lowerCanvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) lowerCanvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) lowerCanvas.SetGridy() histoRatio = histoD.Clone() histoRatio.Divide(histoMC) for ib in range(1,histoRatio.GetNbinsX()+1): if histoD.GetBinContent(ib) != 0: histoRatio.SetBinError(ib, histoD.GetBinError(ib)/histoD.GetBinContent(ib)*histoRatio.GetBinContent(ib)) else: histoRatio.SetBinError(ib,0.) histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC") histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.38) histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) histoRatio.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) histoRatio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.19) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.88) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.07) histoRatio.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) histoRatio.SetTitle("") histoRatio.Draw("P e") histoRatio.SetMaximum(1.49) histoRatio.SetMinimum(0.51) if uncHists!="": RatioErr = MCErr.Clone() RatioErr.Divide(histoMC) RatioErrVals = RatioErr.Clone() for ibin in range(1,RatioErr.GetNbinsX()+1): RatioErrVals.SetBinContent(ibin,1.) RatioErrVals.SetBinError(ibin,RatioErr.GetBinContent(ibin)) RatioErrVals.Draw("e2 same") RatioErrVals.SetFillColor(kGreen) RatioErrVals.SetLineColor(kGreen) RatioErrVals.SetMarkerSize(0) RatioErrVals.SetFillStyle(3013) if not args.nostat: RatioStatUnc = histoMC.Clone() for ibin in range(1,RatioStatUnc.GetNbinsX()+1): RatioStatUnc.SetBinContent(ibin,1) if histoMC.GetBinContent(ibin) != 0: RatioStatUnc.SetBinError(ibin,histoMC.GetBinError(ibin)/histoMC.GetBinContent(ibin)) else: RatioStatUnc.SetBinError(ibin,0) RatioStatUnc.Draw("e2 same") RatioStatUnc.SetFillColor(kGray+3) RatioStatUnc.SetLineColor(kGray+3) RatioStatUnc.SetMarkerSize(0) RatioStatUnc.SetFillStyle(3013) histoRatio.Draw("P e same") # To bring on top hLine = TLine(-0.2,1,1,1) hLine.SetLineColor(kRed) hLine.Draw() # if drawDataMCRatioLine: # MCCount = histoMC.Integral() # if MCCount > 0.: # DataCount = histoD.Integral() # MCNormFactor = DataCount/MCCount # hLine2 = TLine(start,MCNormFactor,end,MCNormFactor) # hLine2.SetLineColor(kBlue) # hLine2.Draw() # ---------------------------------------------------------- # ======================== LaTeX ========================== texTL = TLatex() texTL.SetTextSize(0.07) texTL.SetTextAlign(13) texTR = TLatex() texTR.SetTextSize(0.05) texTR.SetTextAlign(31) # if dataset=="" or noRatio: # texTL.DrawLatexNDC(0.13,0.87, "CMS #it{#bf{Preliminary}}") # texTR.DrawLatexNDC(0.89,0.91, "#bf{"+str(lumi/1000.)+" fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}") # else: texTL.DrawLatexNDC(0.16,0.92, "CMS") # #it{#bf{Preliminary}}") if args.prelim: texTL2 = TLatex() texTL2.SetTextSize(0.05) texTL2.SetTextAlign(13) suff = "#it{#bf{Preliminary}}" texTL2.DrawLatexNDC(0.16,0.85, suff) texTR.DrawLatexNDC(0.89,0.95, "#bf{"+str(lumi/1000.)+" fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}") # ---------------------------------------------------------- c.SaveAs(outName+".pdf") c.SaveAs(outName+".png")