Пример #1
def pt_wrt_axis(axis, particles):
    """Transverse momentum of a set of particles wrt to a given axis.

    axis must be a TVector3 object,
    particles must be a list of particle objects
    total_momentum = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0)

    for particle in particles:
        total_momentum += particle.p4()

    return total_momentum.Perp(axis)
Пример #2
    def analyze(self, event):
        # Get Jet and Muon collections
        jet = Collection(event, 'Jet')
        muon = Collection(event, 'Muon')
        trigObj = Collection(event, 'TrigObj')

        #### Construct the trigger object collection containing muons triggering a single iso muon trigger
        selTrigObj = []
        for tr in trigObj:
            if not abs(tr.id) == 13: continue
            #print 'Trig muon found! with filterBits: ', tr.filterBits
            if not (bool(tr.filterBits & 2) or bool(tr.filterBits & 8)):
            t = TLorentzVector()
            t.SetPtEtaPhiM(tr.pt, tr.eta, tr.phi, 0.105)
        #print 'len(selTrigObj) = ', len(selTrigObj)

        #### Selection of tag and probe muons
        # Tag: pT, eta, tightId, iso
        # Probe: pT, eta
        tags = []
        probes = []
        pair = []
        index = 0
        for mu in muon:
            if not abs(mu.eta) < 2.4 or not mu.pt > self.kProbePt:
                index += 1
            if mu.pt > self.kTagPt and mu.tightId and mu.pfRelIso04_all < self.kTagIso:
                tp = TLorentzVector()
                tp.SetPtEtaPhiM(mu.pt, mu.eta, mu.phi, mu.mass)
                if self.IsMatched(tp, selTrigObj): tags.append(index)
            else: probes.append(index)
            index += 1
        if len(tags) == 0: return False
        if len(tags) + len(probes) < 2: return False

        ### Forming TnP pairs with leptons passing Tag selection
        ### If two tight muons, you have two TnP pairs!
        ### If one tag has more than one probe candidate, the pairs are not selected
        for t1 in tags:
            nProbesFound = 0
            tp1 = TLorentzVector()
            tp1.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[t1].pt, muon[t1].eta, muon[t1].phi,
            for t2 in tags:
                if t2 == t1: continue
                tp2 = TLorentzVector()
                tp2.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[t2].pt, muon[t2].eta, muon[t2].phi,
                mass = (tp1 + tp2).M()
                if mass > self.kMaxMass or mass < self.kMinMass: continue
                ### The tag must match a trigger object:
                if nProbesFound == 0:
                    nProbesFound += 1
                    pair.append([t1, t2])
                else:  # This tag has 2 or more probes!!
                    pair = pair[:-1]

        ### Forming TnP pairs with a Tag lepton and Probe leptons
        for t in tags:
            nProbesFound = 0
            tp = TLorentzVector()
            tp.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[t].pt, muon[t].eta, muon[t].phi, muon[t].mass)
            for p in probes:
                pp = TLorentzVector()
                pp.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[p].pt, muon[p].eta, muon[p].phi,
                mass = (tp + pp).M()
                if mass > self.kMaxMass or mass < self.kMinMass: continue
                ### The tag must match a trigger object:
                if nProbesFound == 0:
                    nProbesFound += 1
                    pair.append([t, p])
                else:  # This tag has 2 or more probes!!
                    pair = pair[:-1]

        # Check that we have at least one pair... calculate the mass of the pair
        if len(pair) == 0: return False  # events with 1 or 2 pairs!

        rho = event.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll
        print "[%i] rho = %1.2f" % (self.i, rho)
        self.i += 1

        # Set variables for tag, probe and event
        for thisPair in pair:
            ti, pi = thisPair
            ptag = TLorentzVector()
            ppro = TLorentzVector()
            ptag.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[ti].pt, muon[ti].eta, muon[ti].phi,
            ppro.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[pi].pt, muon[pi].eta, muon[pi].phi,
            mass = (ptag + ppro).M()

            # Trigger requirement... IsoMu27
            if self.year == 17:
                passTrigger = event.HLT_IsoMu27
            elif self.year == 16:
                passTrigger = event.HLT_IsoMu24 or event.HLT_IsoTkMu24
            elif self.year == 18:
                passTrigger = event.HLT_IsoMu24

            # Compute HT and MET
            ht = 0
            met = event.METFixEE2017_pt if self.year == 17 else event.MET_pt
            for j in jet:
                if self.filenameJECrecal != "":
                    ht += j.pt if j.pt > 30 else 0

            isdata = 0 if hasattr(event, 'Muon_genPartFlav') else 1

            # Tag kinematics
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_pt", muon[ti].pt)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_eta", muon[ti].eta)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_phi", muon[ti].phi)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_mass", muon[ti].mass)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_charge", muon[ti].charge)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_iso", muon[ti].pfRelIso04_all)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_dz", muon[ti].dz)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_dxy", muon[ti].dxy)

            tagMatch = 1 if isdata else (muon[ti].genPartFlav == 1
                                         or muon[ti].genPartFlav == 15)
            self.out.fillBranch("Tag_isGenMatched", tagMatch)

            # Probe kinematics
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_pt", muon[pi].pt)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_eta", muon[pi].eta)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_phi", muon[pi].phi)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_mass", muon[pi].mass)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_charge", muon[pi].charge)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_dxy", muon[pi].dxy)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_dz", muon[pi].dz)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_SIP3D", muon[pi].sip3d)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_iso", muon[pi].pfRelIso04_all)

            # Probe ID and ISO flags (from nanoAOD tag IDs)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passL", 1)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passM", muon[pi].mediumId)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMP", muon[pi].mediumPromptId)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passT", muon[pi].tightId)
                                muon[pi].pfRelIso04_all <= 0.4)
                                muon[pi].pfRelIso04_all <= 0.25)
                                muon[pi].pfRelIso04_all <= 0.20)
                                muon[pi].pfRelIso04_all <= 0.15)
                                muon[pi].miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4)
                                muon[pi].miniPFRelIso_all < 0.2)
                                muon[pi].miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1)
                                muon[pi].miniPFRelIso_all < 0.05)

            probeMatch = 1 if isdata else (muon[pi].genPartFlav == 1
                                           or muon[pi].genPartFlav == 15)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_isGenMatched", probeMatch)

            # Other working points: SIP2D and dpt/pt
                                muon[pi].ptErr / muon[pi].pt < 0.2)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passSIP4", muon[pi].sip3d < 4)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passSIP8", muon[pi].sip3d < 8)

            # Probe Lepton MVA (from nanoAOD, for the moment)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMVAL", muon[pi].mvaId >= 1)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMVAM", muon[pi].mvaId >= 2)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMVAT", muon[pi].mvaId >= 3)

            # MultiIso... calculate jet-JecLepAware ptRel, ptRatio
            jetId = muon[pi].jetIdx
            MiniRelIso = muon[pi].miniPFRelIso_all
            jetRelIso = muon[pi].jetRelIso  # jetRelIso = 1/ptRatio - 1
            if jetId == -1:  # No jet matching....
                ptRel = 0
                ptRatio = 1 / (jetRelIso + 1)
                # from Muon_jetRelIso in nanoAOD
                if doCalculateJecLepAwareFromNanoAOD:
                    jetRelIso = muon[pi].jetRelIso  # jetRelIso = 1/ptRatio - 1
                    ptRatio = 1 / (jetRelIso + 1)
                    jetJECLepAwarePt = muon[pi].pt * (jetRelIso + 1)
                    lp = TLorentzVector()
                    jt = TLorentzVector()
                    lp.SetPtEtaPhiM(muon[pi].pt, muon[pi].eta, muon[pi].phi,
                    jt.SetPtEtaPhiM(jetJECLepAwarePt, jet[jetId].eta,
                                    jet[jetId].phi, jet[jetId].mass)
                    ptRel = lp.Perp((jt - lp).Vect())
                    j = jet[jetId]
                    corr = self.jetReCalibrator.getCorrection(j, rho)
                    print 'corr = %1.2f, jet Pt = %1.2f' % (corr, j.pt)
                    ptRel = self.ptRelv2(muon[pi], j, corr)
                    print 'ptRel = ', ptRel
                    ptRatio = muon[pi].pt / self.jetLepAwareJEC(
                        muon[pi], j, corr).Pt()
                    print 'ptRatio = ', ptRatio

            # Definitions from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/SUSLeptonSF
            passMultiIsoL = MiniRelIso < 0.20 and (ptRatio > 0.69
                                                   or ptRel > 6.0)
            passMultiIsoM = MiniRelIso < 0.16 and (ptRatio > 0.76
                                                   or ptRel > 7.2)
            passMultiIsoM2017 = MiniRelIso < 0.12 and (ptRatio > 0.80
                                                       or ptRel > 7.5)
            passMultiIsoM2017v2 = MiniRelIso < 0.11 and (ptRatio > 0.74
                                                         or ptRel > 6.8)
            print 'passMultiIsoL = ', passMultiIsoL
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMultiIsoL", passMultiIsoL)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMultiIsoM", passMultiIsoM)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_passMultiIsoM2017", passMultiIsoM2017)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_ptRatio", ptRatio)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_ptRel", ptRel)
            self.out.fillBranch("Probe_jetRelIso", jetRelIso)

            # TnP variables
            self.out.fillBranch("TnP_mass", mass)
            self.out.fillBranch("TnP_trigger", passTrigger)
            self.out.fillBranch("TnP_npairs", len(pair))
            self.out.fillBranch("TnP_met", met)
            self.out.fillBranch("TnP_ht", ht)
        return False
Пример #3
    hCutflow.Fill(ncut, evtwt)

    # Pass 2D Isolation
    dRMin = 999999.9
    for j in centjets:
        dR = j.DeltaR(primarylep)
        jet_p3 = j.Vect()
        delPtRel = (lep_p3.Cross(jet_p3)).Mag() / jet_p3.Mag()
        hDR.Fill(dR, evtwt)
        hDelPtRel.Fill(delPtRel, evtwt)
        if dR < dRMin:
            nearestJetP4 = j
            dRMin = dR
            dPtRel = delPtRel
    # Store extra variables
    ptRel = nearestJetP4.Perp(primarylep.Vect())
    hPtRel.Fill(ptRel, evtwt)
    hDRMin.Fill(dRMin, evtwt)
    nearestJet_p3 = nearestJetP4.Vect()
    hDPtRel.Fill(dPtRel, evtwt)
    h2DPtRelDRMin.Fill(dRMin, ptRel, evtwt)
    h2DdPtRelDRMin.Fill(dRMin, dPtRel, evtwt)
    if dPtRel < 25.0 and dRMin < 0.4: continue
    ncut += 1
    hCutflow.Fill(ncut, evtwt)

    hdptreldRafter.Fill(dRMin, dPtRel, evtwt)

    # ST greater than 400
    if ST < 400: continue
    ncut += 1
Пример #4
    lep_p3 = lepP4.Vect()

    # Pass 2D Isolation
    for j in jetsP4:
        dR = j.DeltaR(lepP4)
        jet_p3 = j.Vect()
        delPtRel = (lep_p3.Cross(jet_p3)).Mag() / jet_p3.Mag()
        hDR.Fill(dR, evtwt)
        hDelPtRel.Fill(delPtRel, evtwt)
        h2DdPtReldR.Fill(dR, delPtRel, evtwt)
        if dR < dRMin:
            nearestJetP4 = j
            dRMin = dR
            dPtRel = delPtRel
    # Store extra variables
    ptRel = nearestJetP4.Perp(lepP4.Vect())
    hPtRel.Fill(ptRel, evtwt)
    hDRMin.Fill(dRMin, evtwt)
    hDPtRel.Fill(dPtRel, evtwt)
    h2DPtRelDRMin.Fill(dRMin, ptRel, evtwt)
    h2DdPtRelDRMin.Fill(dRMin, dPtRel, evtwt)
    if dPtRel < 10.0 and dRMin < 0.1: continue
    ncut += 1
    hCutflow.Fill(ncut, evtwt)

    # 3 or more central jets
    if len(centjets) < 3: continue
    ncut += 1
    hCutflow.Fill(ncut, evtwt)
    # 1 or more forward jets
    if len(fjets) < 1: continue