def create2dHist(varname, params, title): if "to_pt" in varname and "tagRate" in varname: h = TProfile(varname, title, 50, params["plotPtRange"][0], params["plotPtRange"][1]) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#tau_{vis} p_{T} [GeV]") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("tagging efficiency") if "to_eta" in varname and "tagRate" in varname: h = TProfile(varname, title, 50, params["plotEtaRange"][0], params["plotEtaRange"][1]) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#tau_{vis} #eta") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("tagging efficiency") h.Sumw2() return h
def plotting_init(data, trainvar, histo_dict, masses, weights='totalWeight'): """ Initializes the plotting Parameters: ----------- data : pandas DataFrame Data to be used for creating the TProfiles trainvar : str Name of the training variable. histo_dict : dict Dictionary containing the info for plotting for a given trainvar masses : list List of masses to be used [weights='totalWeight'] : str What column to be used for weight in the data. Returns: -------- canvas : ROOT.TCanvas instance canvas to be plotted on profile : ROOT.TProfile instance profile for the fitting """ canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'TProfile plot', 200, 10, 700, 500) canvas.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(6) canvas.GetFrame().SetBorderMode(-1) signal_data = data.loc[data['target'] == 1] gen_mHH_values = np.array(signal_data['gen_mHH'].values, dtype=np.float) trainvar_values = np.array(signal_data[trainvar].values, dtype=np.float) weights = np.array(signal_data[weights].values, dtype=np.float) sanity_check = len(gen_mHH_values) == len(trainvar_values) == len(weights) assert sanity_check title = 'Profile of ' + str(trainvar) + ' vs gen_mHH' num_bins = (len(masses) - 1) xlow = masses[0] xhigh = (masses[(len(masses) - 1)] + 100.0) ylow = histo_dict["min"] yhigh = histo_dict["max"] profile = TProfile('profile', title, num_bins, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh) mass_bins = np.array(masses, dtype=float) profile.SetBins((len(mass_bins) - 1), mass_bins) profile.GetXaxis().SetTitle("gen_mHH (GeV)") profile.GetYaxis().SetTitle(str(trainvar)) for x, y, w in zip(gen_mHH_values, trainvar_values, weights): profile.Fill(x, y, w) profile.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() return canvas, profile
def generator(nuslice_tree, rootfile, pset): n_bins = pset.n_bins drift_distance = pset.DriftDistance bin_width = drift_distance/n_bins half_bin_width = bin_width/2. xvals = np.arange(half_bin_width, drift_distance, bin_width) xerrs = np.array([half_bin_width] * len(xvals)) dist_to_anode_bins = n_bins dist_to_anode_low = 0. dist_to_anode_up = drift_distance profile_bins = n_bins profile_option = 's' # errors are the standard deviation dy_spreads = [None] * n_bins dy_means = [None] * n_bins dy_hist = TH2D("dy_hist", "#Delta y", dist_to_anode_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.dy_bins, pset.dy_low, pset.dy_up) dy_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dy_hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("y_flash - y_TPC (cm)") dy_prof = TProfile("dy_prof", "Profile of dy_spreads in #Delta y", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.dy_low*2, pset.dy_up*2, profile_option) dy_prof.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dy_prof.GetYaxis().SetTitle("y_flash - y_TPC (cm)") dy_h1 = TH1D("dy_h1", "", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up) dy_h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dy_h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("y_flash - y_TPC (cm)") dz_spreads = [None] * n_bins dz_means = [None] * n_bins dz_hist = TH2D("dz_hist", "#Delta z", dist_to_anode_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.dz_bins, pset.dz_low, pset.dz_up) dz_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dz_hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("z_flash - z_TPC (cm)") dz_prof = TProfile("dz_prof", "Profile of dz_spreads in #Delta z", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.dz_low*2.5, pset.dz_up*2.5, profile_option) dz_prof.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dz_prof.GetYaxis().SetTitle("z_flash - z_TPC (cm)") dz_h1 = TH1D("dz_h1", "", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up) dz_h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") dz_h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("z_flash - z_TPC (cm)") rr_spreads = [None] * n_bins rr_means = [None] * n_bins rr_hist = TH2D("rr_hist", "PE Spread", dist_to_anode_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.rr_bins, pset.rr_low, pset.rr_up) rr_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") rr_hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RMS flash (cm)") rr_prof = TProfile("rr_prof", "Profile of PE Spread", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.rr_low, pset.rr_up, profile_option) rr_prof.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") rr_prof.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RMS flash (cm)") rr_h1 = TH1D("rr_h1", "", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up) rr_h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") rr_h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RMS flash (cm)") if detector == "sbnd": pe_spreads = [None] * n_bins pe_means = [None] * n_bins pe_hist = TH2D("pe_hist", "Uncoated/Coated Ratio", dist_to_anode_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.pe_bins, pset.pe_low, pset.pe_up) pe_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") pe_hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio_{uncoated/coated}") pe_prof = TProfile("pe_prof", "Profile of Uncoated/Coated Ratio", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.pe_low, pset.pe_up, profile_option) pe_prof.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") pe_prof.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio_{uncoated/coated}") pe_h1 = TH1D("pe_h1", "", profile_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up) pe_h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") pe_h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio_{uncoated/coated}") match_score_scatter = TH2D("match_score_scatter", "Scatter plot of match scores", dist_to_anode_bins, dist_to_anode_low, dist_to_anode_up, pset.score_hist_bins, pset.score_hist_low, pset.score_hist_up*(3./5.)) match_score_scatter.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance from anode (cm)") match_score_scatter.GetYaxis().SetTitle("match score (arbitrary)") match_score_hist = TH1D("match_score", "Match Score", pset.score_hist_bins, pset.score_hist_low, pset.score_hist_up) match_score_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("match score (arbitrary)") for e in nuslice_tree: slice = e.charge_x dy_hist.Fill(slice, e.flash_y - e.charge_y) dy_prof.Fill(slice, e.flash_y - e.charge_y) dz_hist.Fill(slice, e.flash_z - e.charge_z) dz_prof.Fill(slice, e.flash_z - e.charge_z) rr_hist.Fill(slice, e.flash_r) rr_prof.Fill(slice, e.flash_r) if detector == "sbnd": pe_hist.Fill(slice, e.flash_ratio) pe_prof.Fill(slice, e.flash_ratio) # fill histograms for match score calculation from profile histograms for ib in list(range(0, profile_bins)): ibp = ib + 1 dy_h1.SetBinContent(ibp, dy_prof.GetBinContent(ibp)) dy_h1.SetBinError(ibp, dy_prof.GetBinError(ibp)) dy_means[int(ib)] = dy_prof.GetBinContent(ibp) dy_spreads[int(ib)] = dy_prof.GetBinError(ibp) dz_h1.SetBinContent(ibp, dz_prof.GetBinContent(ibp)) dz_h1.SetBinError(ibp, dz_prof.GetBinError(ibp)) dz_means[int(ib)] = dz_prof.GetBinContent(ibp) dz_spreads[int(ib)] = dz_prof.GetBinError(ibp) rr_h1.SetBinContent(ibp, rr_prof.GetBinContent(ibp)) rr_h1.SetBinError(ibp, rr_prof.GetBinError(ibp)) rr_means[int(ib)] = rr_prof.GetBinContent(ibp) rr_spreads[int(ib)] = rr_prof.GetBinError(ibp) if detector == "sbnd": pe_h1.SetBinContent(ibp, pe_prof.GetBinContent(ibp)) pe_h1.SetBinError(ibp, pe_prof.GetBinError(ibp)) pe_means[int(ib)] = pe_prof.GetBinContent(ibp) pe_spreads[int(ib)] = pe_prof.GetBinError(ibp) for e in nuslice_tree: slice = e.charge_x # calculate match score isl = int(slice/bin_width) score = 0. if dy_spreads[isl] <= 1.e-8: print("Warning zero spread.\n", f"slice: {slice}. isl: {isl}. dy_spreads[isl]: {dy_spreads[isl]} ") dy_spreads[isl] = dy_spreads[isl+1] if dz_spreads[isl] <= 1.e-8: print("Warning zero spread.\n", f"slice: {slice}. isl: {isl}. dz_spreads[isl]: {dz_spreads[isl]} ") dz_spreads[isl] = dz_spreads[isl+1] if rr_spreads[isl] <= 1.e-8: print("Warning zero spread.\n", f"slice: {slice}. isl: {isl}. rr_spreads[isl]: {rr_spreads[isl]} ") rr_spreads[isl] = rr_spreads[isl+1] if detector == "sbnd" and pe_spreads[isl] <= 1.e-8: print("Warning zero spread.\n", f"slice: {slice}. isl: {isl}. pe_spreads[isl]: {pe_spreads[isl]} ") pe_spreads[isl] = pe_spreads[isl+1] score += abs(abs(e.flash_y-e.charge_y) - dy_means[isl])/dy_spreads[isl] score += abs(abs(e.flash_z-e.charge_z) - dz_means[isl])/dz_spreads[isl] score += abs(e.flash_r-rr_means[isl])/rr_spreads[isl] if detector == "sbnd" and pset.UseUncoatedPMT: score += abs(e.flash_ratio-pe_means[isl])/pe_spreads[isl] match_score_scatter.Fill(slice, score) match_score_hist.Fill(score) metrics_filename = 'fm_metrics_' + detector + '.root' hfile = gROOT.FindObject(metrics_filename) if hfile: hfile.Close() hfile = TFile(metrics_filename, 'RECREATE', 'Simple flash matching metrics for ' + detector.upper()) dy_hist.Write() dy_prof.Write() dy_h1.Write() dz_hist.Write() dz_prof.Write() dz_h1.Write() rr_hist.Write() rr_prof.Write() rr_h1.Write() if detector == "sbnd": pe_hist.Write() pe_prof.Write() pe_h1.Write() match_score_scatter.Write() match_score_hist.Write() hfile.Close() canv = TCanvas("canv") dy_hist.Draw() crosses = TGraphErrors(n_bins, array('f', xvals), array('f', dy_means), array('f', xerrs), array('f', dy_spreads)) crosses.SetLineColor(9) crosses.SetLineWidth(3) crosses.Draw("Psame") canv.Print("dy.pdf") canv.Update() dz_hist.Draw() crosses = TGraphErrors(n_bins, array('f', xvals), array('f', dz_means), array('f', xerrs), array('f', dz_spreads)) crosses.SetLineColor(9) crosses.SetLineWidth(3) crosses.Draw("Psame") canv.Print("dz.pdf") canv.Update() rr_hist.Draw() crosses = TGraphErrors(n_bins, array('f', xvals), array('f', rr_means), array('f', xerrs), array('f', rr_spreads)) crosses.SetLineColor(9) crosses.SetLineWidth(3) crosses.Draw("Psame") canv.Print("rr.pdf") canv.Update() if detector == "sbnd": pe_hist.Draw() crosses = TGraphErrors(n_bins, array('f', xvals), array('f', pe_means), array('f', xerrs), array('f', pe_spreads)) crosses.SetLineColor(9) crosses.SetLineWidth(3) crosses.Draw("Psame") canv.Print("pe.pdf") canv.Update() match_score_scatter.Draw() canv.Print("match_score_scatter.pdf") canv.Update() match_score_hist.Draw() canv.Print("match_score.pdf") canv.Update() sleep(20)
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Scan over ROOT files to find the '+ \ 'lumisections belonging to a specific run.') parser.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='enable batch mode') parser.add_argument('--dataset', required=True, choices=['PromptReco2015', \ 'ReRecoOct2015', 'ReRecoDec2015', 'PromptReco2016', \ '2015ReRecoJan2017', '2016ReRecoJan2017'], \ help='specify data-taking period and reconstruction') parser.add_argument('-n', nargs=1, default=1, type=int, help='Specify '+ \ 'the number of ZeroBias datasets to be included') parser.add_argument('-run', nargs=1, required=True, type=int, \ help='Specify the run number for the selection of '+ \ 'the lumisections') parser.add_argument('-range', nargs=2, type=int, help='Specify a range '+ \ 'in lumisections for the histogram') parser.add_argument('-X', dest='coords', action='append_const', \ const='vtx_x', help='look for vtx_x') parser.add_argument('-Y', dest='coords', action='append_const', \ const='vtx_y', help='look for vtx_y') parser.add_argument('-noscan', action='store_const', const=True, \ default=False, help='don\'t repeat the scan of the '+ \ 'ROOT files, just do the plotting') parser.add_argument('-title', nargs=1, help='Specify a title for the '+ \ 'histogram') args = parser.parse_args() from importlib import import_module from lsctools import config from lsctools.config import options as O, EOSPATH as eos from import openRootFileU, closeRootFile, writeFiles, \ plotName, plotTitle, loadFiles, plotPath, \ drawSignature from lsctools.prepare import loopOverRootFiles from ROOT import TChain, TObject, TProfile, TCanvas, gStyle, gPad getattr(config, 'PCC' + args.dataset)() O['fulltrees'] = O['fulltrees'][:args.n] run =[0] files = [] if args.noscan: files = loadFiles('fulltrees_' + str(run)) else: def action(tree, filename): condition = 'run == ' + str(run) if tree.GetEntries(condition) > 0: files.append(filename) print '<<< Found file:', filename loopOverRootFiles(action, 'fulltrees') writeFiles(files, 'fulltrees_' + str(run)) chain = TChain(O['treename']['fulltrees']) for filename in files: chain.Add(eos + filename) name = 'vtxPos_perLS' title1 = 'run' + str(run) + '_perLS' title2 = 'Run ' + str(run) if (args.title): title2 = args.title[0] + ' (' + title2 + ')' f = openRootFileU(name) if args.range: mini = args.range[0] maxi = args.range[1] title1 += '_from' + str(mini) + 'to' + str(maxi) else: print '<<< Get minimum lumisection' mini = int(chain.GetMinimum('LS')) print '<<< Get maximum lumisection' maxi = int(chain.GetMaximum('LS')) for coord in args.coords: print '<<< Analyze coordinate', coord histname = plotName(coord + '_' + title1, timestamp=False) histtitl = plotTitle('- ' + title2) histfile = plotName(coord + '_' + title1) histpath = plotPath(coord + '_' + title1) hist = TProfile(histname, histtitl, maxi - mini + 1, mini - 0.5, maxi + 0.5) chain.Draw(coord + '*1e4:LS>>' + histname, 'run == ' + str(run), 'goff') hist.Write('', TObject.kOverwrite) print '<<< Save plot:', histpath canvas = TCanvas() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) hist.Draw() hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('LS') hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(coord + ' [#mum]') hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) for axis in [hist.GetXaxis(), hist.GetYaxis()]: axis.SetTitleFont(133) axis.SetTitleSize(16) axis.SetLabelFont(133) axis.SetLabelSize(12) axis.CenterTitle() drawSignature(histfile) gPad.Modified() gPad.Update() canvas.Print(histpath) canvas.Close() closeRootFile(f, name)
color = [4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8] filename = 'ecal_ratio_multi.pdf' #Get Actual Data #d=h5py.File("/eos/project/d/dshep/LCD/V1/EleEscan/EleEscan_1_1.h5") d = h5py.File("/afs/", 'r') X = np.array(d.get('ECAL')[0:num_events], np.float64) Y = np.array(d.get('target')[0:num_events][:, 1], np.float64) X[X < 1e-6] = 0 Y = Y Data = np.sum(X, axis=(1, 2, 3)) for j in np.arange(num_events): Eprof.Fill(Y[j], Data[j] / Y[j]) Eprof.SetTitle("Ratio of Ecal and Ep") Eprof.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Ep") Eprof.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Ecal/Ep") Eprof.Draw() Eprof.Fit('pol6') c.Update() Eprof.GetFunction("pol6").SetLineColor(color[0]) c.Update() Eprof.SetStats(0) Eprof.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.04) Eprof.SetLineColor(color[0]) legend = TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) legend.AddEntry(Eprof, "Data", "l") Gprof = [] for i, gweight in enumerate(gweights): Gprof.append(TProfile("Gprof" + str(i), "Gprof" + str(i), 100, 0, 500)) #Gprof[i].SetStates(0) #Generate events