def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config, epsilon=0.2):
        ftree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, start_config)
        rtree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, goal_config)
        plan = []

        if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'):

        NUM_ITERATIONS = 100000
        for iter in range(NUM_ITERATIONS):

            # pick random goal tree and connect path tree
            rand_tree, rand_goal_config = (ftree, goal_config) if len(
                ftree.vertices) < len(rtree.vertices) else (rtree,
            connect_tree = ftree if len(ftree.vertices) >= len(
                rtree.vertices) else rtree

            # random goal plan
            v_new = self.RandomGoalPlan(rand_tree, rand_goal_config)
            # connect path plan
            if (v_new is not None) and self.ConnectPlan(
                    connect_tree, v_new, epsilon):

            if (iter % 10 == 0):
                d_f = self.planning_env.ComputeDistance(
                    ftree.GetNearestVertex(goal_config)[1], goal_config)
                d_r = self.planning_env.ComputeDistance(
                    rtree.GetNearestVertex(start_config)[1], start_config)
                print(iter, ' Closest ftree dist to end goal :', d_f,
                      '; Closest rtree dist to start goal :', d_r)

        dist = self.planning_env.ComputeDistance(ftree.vertices[-1],
        print("Dist=", dist)
        if dist < epsilon:
            plan_f, fid = [ftree.vertices[-1]], len(ftree.vertices) - 1
            while (fid != ftree.GetRootId()):
                fid = ftree.edges[fid]
            plan_r, rid = [rtree.vertices[-1]], len(rtree.vertices) - 1
            while (rid != rtree.GetRootId()):
                rid = rtree.edges[rid]
            plan = plan_f[::-1]

            if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'):
                if self.planning_env.visualize:
                        self.planning_env.PlotEdge(plan[i - 1], plan[i])
                        for i in range(1, len(plan))

        return plan
    def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config, epsilon = 0.001):
        ftree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, start_config)
        rtree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, goal_config)
        plan = []

        if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'):

        while True:
            sample = self.planning_env.GenerateRandomConfiguration()
            f_vid, f_vtx = ftree.GetNearestVertex(sample)
            r_vid, r_vtx = rtree.GetNearestVertex(sample)
            f_best = self.planning_env.Extend(f_vtx, sample)
            # grow towards f_best if possible
            sample = f_best if f_best != None else sample
            r_best = self.planning_env.Extend(r_vtx, sample)
            if f_best is not None:
                f_new_vid = ftree.AddVertex(f_best)
                ftree.AddEdge(f_vid, f_new_vid)
                self.planning_env.PlotEdge(f_vtx, f_best)
            if r_best is not None:
                r_new_vid = rtree.AddVertex(r_best)
                rtree.AddEdge(r_vid, r_new_vid)
                self.planning_env.PlotEdge(r_vtx, r_best)
            if f_best != None and r_best != None:
                dist = self.planning_env.ComputeDistance(f_best, r_best)
                if dist < epsilon:
                    # build plan here
                    cursor = f_new_vid
                    while(cursor != ftree.GetRootId()):
                        cursor = ftree.edges[cursor]
                    cursor = r_new_vid
                    while(cursor != rtree.GetRootId()):
                        cursor = rtree.edges[cursor]

        return plan
Пример #3
    def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config, epsilon=0.001):
        start_time = time.time()
        ftree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, start_config)
        rtree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, goal_config)
        plan = []
        rplan = []
        fplan = []
        expansions = 0

        if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'):
        # TODO: Here you will implement the rrt connect planner
        #  The return path should be an array
        #  of dimension k x n where k is the number of waypoints
        #  and n is the dimension of the robots configuration space

        print "startConfig = [%.2f, %.2f]" % (start_config[0], start_config[1])
        print "goalConfig = [%.2f, %.2f]" % (goal_config[0], goal_config[1])
        disc = True
        while (disc):
            if (random.random() < 0.5):
                desConfig = self.planning_env.GenerateRandomConfiguration()
                desConfig = goal_config
            expansions += 1
            [nearID, nearConfig] = ftree.GetNearestVertex(desConfig)
            extension = self.planning_env.Extend(nearConfig, desConfig)
            if (extension != None):
                extIDf = ftree.AddVertex(extension)
                ftree.AddEdge(nearID, extIDf)
                #self.planning_env.PlotEdge(nearConfig, extension);

            #if(numpy.array_equal(extension, goal_config)):
            #    disc = False

            if (random.random() < 0.95):
                desConfig = self.planning_env.GenerateRandomConfiguration()
                desConfig = start_config
            expansions += 1
            [nearID, nearConfig] = rtree.GetNearestVertex(desConfig)
            extension = self.planning_env.Extend(nearConfig, desConfig)
            if (extension != None):
                extIDr = rtree.AddVertex(extension)
                rtree.AddEdge(nearID, extIDr)
                #self.planning_env.PlotEdge(nearConfig, extension);

            #if(numpy.array_equal(extension, start_config)):
            #    disc = False

            for i in range(len(ftree.vertices)):
                if (numpy.linalg.norm(
                        numpy.array(desConfig) -
                        numpy.array(ftree.vertices[i])) < 5):
                    lastlink = self.planning_env.Extend(
                        extension, ftree.vertices[i])
                    if (numpy.array_equal(lastlink, ftree.vertices[i])):
                        lastIDr = rtree.AddVertex(lastlink)
                        rtree.AddEdge(extIDr, lastIDr)
                        #self.planning_env.PlotEdge(extension, lastlink);
                        disc = False
                        extIDf = i
                        expansions += 1
        lastlink_cp = lastlink
        rplan.insert(0, goal_config)
        while 1:
            if (extIDr == rtree.GetRootId()):
                rplan.insert(1, extension)
            extIDr = rtree.edges[extIDr]
            extension = rtree.vertices[extIDr]

        plan = list(reversed(rplan))

        plan.insert(0, start_config)
        while 1:
            if (extIDf == ftree.GetRootId()):
                plan.insert(1, lastlink)
            extIDf = ftree.edges[extIDf]
            lastlink = ftree.vertices[extIDf]

        for config in plan:
            print "fconfig = [%.2f, %.2f]" % (config[0], config[1])
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
        print "Total expansions = %d" % (expansions)
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
        print("--- %s path length ---" % len(plan))
        print("--- %s vertices ---" %
              (len(ftree.vertices) + len(rtree.vertices) - 1))

        return plan
Пример #4
    def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config, epsilon = 0.001):

        ftree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, start_config)
        rtree = RRTTree(self.planning_env, goal_config)
        plan = []

        if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'):
        # TODO: Here you will implement the rrt connect planner
        #  The return path should be an array
        #  of dimension k x n where k is the number of waypoints
        #  and n is the dimension of the robots configuration space


        dist = float('inf')
        count = 0
        while dist > epsilon:
            # Bias Sampling with P of sampling towards the Goal = 0.1
            if not count % 2:
                p = random.random()
                if p < 0.1:
                    f_q_r = goal_config
                    f_q_r = self.planning_env.GenerateRandomConfiguration()
                f_q_r = numpy.copy(r_q_c)
            # Get the Vertex closest to q_r
            f_sid, f_q_n = ftree.GetNearestVertex(f_q_r)

            # Using linear interpolation to get the furthest vertex without collision
            f_q_c = self.planning_env.Extend(f_q_n, f_q_r)

            # Add vertex to the tree
            f_eid = ftree.AddVertex(f_q_c)

            # Add an edge on the tree
            ftree.AddEdge(f_sid, f_eid)

            if self.visualize:
                self.planning_env.PlotEdge(f_q_n, f_q_c)

            if count % 2:
                p = random.random()
                if p < 0.1:
                    r_q_r = start_config
                    r_q_r = self.planning_env.GenerateRandomConfiguration()
                r_q_r = numpy.copy(f_q_c)

            # r_q_r = numpy.copy(f_q_c)
            #for reverse tree
            r_sid, r_q_n = rtree.GetNearestVertex(r_q_r)

            # Using linear interpolation to get the furthest vertex without collision
            r_q_c = self.planning_env.Extend(r_q_n, r_q_r)


            # Add vertex to the r tree
            r_eid = rtree.AddVertex(r_q_c)

            # Add an edge on the r tree
            rtree.AddEdge(r_sid, r_eid)

            # Check how close we are to the goal
            dist = self.planning_env.ComputeDistance(f_q_c, r_q_c)
            count += 1
            # print q_n
            print f_q_c, f_q_n, r_q_c, r_q_n, r_q_r
            print rtree, ftree
            if self.visualize:
                self.planning_env.PlotEdge(r_q_n, r_q_c)

        print("trees constructed")
        vid = f_eid
        while (vid != ftree.GetRootId()):
            plan = [ftree.vertices[vid]] + plan
            vid = ftree.edges[vid]

        vid = r_eid
        while (vid != rtree.GetRootId()):
            vid = rtree.edges[vid]
            plan = plan + [rtree.vertices[vid]]

        print("finished adding plan")
        print plan
        return plan