def find_sensors(max_time=2, max_sensors=None): """ Use zeroconf to scan the local network for NRP sensors. :param float max_time: The maximum time we will wait, in seconds :param int max_sensors: Stop the search after this many sensors have been found :return: A list of NRPZeroconf objects describing the found sensors. :rtype: list[NRPZeroconf] """ return net.zeroconf_scan(ZCListener(), max_time, max_sensors)
def find_zva(max_time=2, max_devices=None): """ Use zeroconf to scan the local network for ZVA VNAs :param float max_time: The maximum time we will wait, in seconds :param int max_devices: Stop the search after this many devices have been found :return: A list of ZVAZeroconf objects describing the found devices. :rtype: list[ZVAZeroconf] """ return net.zeroconf_scan(ZCListener(), max_time, max_devices)
def find_smb100a(max_time=2, max_devices=None): """ Use zeroconf to scan the local network for SMB100A generators. :param float max_time: The maximum time we will wait, in seconds :param int max_devices: Stop the search after this many devices have been found :return: A list of SMB100AZeroconf objects describing the found devices. :rtype: list[SMB100AZeroconf] """ return net.zeroconf_scan(ZCListener(), max_time, max_devices)