Пример #1
    def run_engine(self, game, proj,c_args):
        Runs the backend engine for the game.
        self.cmd_args = c_args
        self.project = proj

        self.project.cash = self.project.expected_budget()

        self.game_obj = game

        thread_time = (0, 0)
        self.timer = Repeated_Timer(config["game_speed"], self.progress_time)

        while not self.finished:
Пример #2
class SimulationEngine():
    This is the main backend engine for the entire game.

    @untestable - Would require running an entire scenario in the game to test
    def __init__(self):
        # gmt_time is represented as a list [hours, day, month, year]
        self.gmt_time = datetime.datetime(2014,1,1,0,0,0)
        self.finished = False
        self.project = None
        self.game_obj = None

    def all_finished(self):
        Returns True when all tasks in all modules have completed, False otherwise
        for module in self.project.modules:
            if not module.completed:
                return False
        return True

    def calc_progress(self):
        This function calculates the progress of each module assigned to each team 
        if the team is currently working. A team is considered to be working from 
        9:00 for a number of hours based on "developer_daily_effort".
        for location in self.project.locations:
            local_time = self.gmt_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=location.time_zone)
            for team in location.teams:
                if team.module:
                    team.module.total_hours += 1
                if local_time.weekday() < 5:     
                    if local_time.hour >= 9 and local_time.hour <= 9 + config["developer_daily_effort"]:
                        self.project.cash -= config["developer_hourly_cost"] * team.size
                        self.project.budget += config["developer_hourly_cost"] * team.size
                        if team.module:
                            if location.calc_fail(self.project.home_site, self.cmd_args["F_SHOW"]):
                                problem = team.module.add_problem()
                                if problem and not self.cmd_args["P_SUPPRESS"]:
                                    print "Problem occured at", location.name
                                    print "Problem:", problem
                            if not self.cmd_args["P_SUPPRESS"]:
                                print 'Module:', team.module.name, ' (',  location.name ,')', '- Current Effort Expended:', \
                                    str(team.module.progress), 'ph - Expected Total Effort:', \
                                    str(team.module.expected_cost), 'ph - Actual Total Effort:', \
                                    str(team.module.actual_cost), 'ph (ph = person-hours)'
                            if not self.cmd_args["P_SUPPRESS"]:
                                print 'Warning: Team ' + team.name + ' has no module assigned.'

    def progress_time(self):
        This function is called every x seconds to "progress" the game by 1 hour.
        self.gmt_time += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

        if not self.cmd_args["P_SUPPRESS"]:
            print str(self.gmt_time.day) + "-" + str(self.gmt_time.month) + "-" + str(self.gmt_time.year) + " " + str(self.gmt_time.hour) + ":00 GMT"


        self.project.current_time += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)    #add to overall

        self.game_obj.update(self.project)  # Tell UI to update

        self.finished = self.all_finished()
        if self.finished:

    def run_engine(self, game, proj,c_args):
        Runs the backend engine for the game.
        self.cmd_args = c_args
        self.project = proj

        self.project.cash = self.project.expected_budget()

        self.game_obj = game

        thread_time = (0, 0)
        self.timer = Repeated_Timer(config["game_speed"], self.progress_time)

        while not self.finished:

    def pause(self):
        Pause the game.

    def resume(self):
        Resume the game after being paused.