def main(argv):
    global experiments
    global current_experiment
    global processed_batches
    global mobile_connections
    global desktop_connections

    data = json.loads(json_data)
    for entry in data["cdns"]:
        cdn_regex.append(re.compile(entry["pattern"], re.I))

    for file in sys.argv:
        if not file == sys.argv[0]: # if I got a penny for every dirty hack I ever used...
            exp = Experiment()
            current_experiment = exp
            print file
            sql = "select * from desktopMeasurement"
            read_batch_from_sql(file, sql, exp._processed_desktop_batches)
            sql = "select * from mobileMeasurement"
            read_batch_from_sql(file, sql, exp._processed_mobile_batches)

            sql = "select * from desktopConnections"
            read_connection_from_sql(file,sql, exp._desktop_connections)
            sql = "select * from mobileConnections"
            read_connection_from_sql(file,sql, exp._mobile_connections)
            #assign the connections to the corresponding batches
            for conn in exp._mobile_connections:
                exp._processed_mobile_batches[conn._parentBatchID - 1]._active_connections.append(conn)
            for conn in exp._desktop_connections:
                exp._processed_desktop_batches[conn._parentBatchID - 1]._active_connections.append(conn)

    ######################HARDCODED STUFF
    exp1 = experiments[0]
    exp2 = experiments[1]
    exp3 = experiments[2]

    for x,y,z in zip(exp1._processed_mobile_batches, exp2._processed_mobile_batches, exp3._processed_mobile_batches):
        batch = RequestBatch()
        batch._getCount = (x._getCount + y._getCount + z._getCount ) / 3.0
        batch._dnsCount = (x._dnsCount + y._dnsCount + z._dnsCount ) / 3.0
        batch._downstreamVolumeBytes = (x._downstreamVolumeBytes + y._downstreamVolumeBytes + z._downstreamVolumeBytes ) / 3.0
        batch._nr_of_host_contacts = (x._nr_of_host_contacts + y._nr_of_host_contacts + z._nr_of_host_contacts ) / 3.0
        batch._upstreamVolumeBytes = (x._upstreamVolumeBytes + y._upstreamVolumeBytes + z._upstreamVolumeBytes ) / 3.0
        batch._connectionCount = (x._connectionCount + y._connectionCount + z._connectionCount ) / 3.0
        batch._nr_of_webbgus = (x._nr_of_webbgus + y._nr_of_webbgus + z._nr_of_webbgus ) / 3.0
        batch._requestURL = x._requestURL

        x_cdn_volume = 0
        x_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in x._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                x_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                x_normal_volume += connection._current_volume
        y_cdn_volume = 0
        y_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in y._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                y_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                y_normal_volume += connection._current_volume

        z_cdn_volume = 0
        z_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in z._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                z_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                z_normal_volume += connection._current_volume

        cdn_avg = float(z_cdn_volume + y_cdn_volume + x_cdn_volume) / 3.0
        normal_avg = float(x_normal_volume + y_normal_volume + z_normal_volume) / 3.0

        avg_normal_conn = Connection()
        avg_cdn_conn = Connection()

        avg_normal_conn._is_CDN_connection = False
        avg_normal_conn._current_volume = normal_avg
        avg_normal_conn._DNS = "dirtyhack"

        avg_cdn_conn._is_CDN_connection = True
        avg_cdn_conn._current_volume = cdn_avg
        avg_cdn_conn._DNS = "akamai" #dirty hack aswell



    for x,y,z in zip(exp1._processed_desktop_batches, exp2._processed_desktop_batches, exp3._processed_desktop_batches):
        batch = RequestBatch()
        batch._getCount = (x._getCount + y._getCount + z._getCount ) / 3.0
        batch._dnsCount = (x._dnsCount + y._dnsCount + z._dnsCount ) / 3.0
        batch._downstreamVolumeBytes = (x._downstreamVolumeBytes + y._downstreamVolumeBytes + z._downstreamVolumeBytes ) / 3.0
        batch._nr_of_host_contacts = (x._nr_of_host_contacts + y._nr_of_host_contacts + z._nr_of_host_contacts ) / 3.0
        batch._upstreamVolumeBytes = (x._upstreamVolumeBytes + y._upstreamVolumeBytes + z._upstreamVolumeBytes ) / 3.0
        batch._connectionCount = (x._connectionCount + y._connectionCount + z._connectionCount ) / 3.0
        batch._nr_of_webbgus = (x._nr_of_webbgus + y._nr_of_webbgus + z._nr_of_webbgus ) / 3.0
        batch._requestURL = x._requestURL

        x_cdn_volume = 0
        x_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in x._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                x_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                x_normal_volume += connection._current_volume
        y_cdn_volume = 0
        y_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in y._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                y_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                y_normal_volume += connection._current_volume

        z_cdn_volume = 0
        z_normal_volume = 0
        for connection in z._active_connections:
            if connection._is_CDN_connection:
                z_cdn_volume += connection._current_volume
                z_normal_volume += connection._current_volume

        cdn_avg = float(z_cdn_volume + y_cdn_volume + x_cdn_volume) / 3.0
        normal_avg = float(x_normal_volume + y_normal_volume + z_normal_volume) / 3.0

        avg_normal_conn = Connection()
        avg_cdn_conn = Connection()

        avg_normal_conn._is_CDN_connection = False
        avg_normal_conn._current_volume = normal_avg
        avg_normal_conn._DNS = "dirtyhack"

        avg_cdn_conn._is_CDN_connection = True
        avg_cdn_conn._current_volume = cdn_avg
        avg_cdn_conn._DNS = "akamai" #dirty hack aswell

    print len(processed_batches)

   # for x,y,z in zip(exp1._processed_mobile_batches, exp2._processed_mobile_batches, exp3._processed_mobile_batches)
     #   result_mobile_http_gets.append((x+y+z)/3.0)