def decisionTreeRMR(self,featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,fakeFeatureMatrix,fakeLabels,technique,OUTPUT_START): re = Resampling() dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name+'/F2_Scores/'+OUTPUT_START+'-'+technique+'F2_DecisionTreeResultsRMR.txt','a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,test_size=0.20,random_state=40) #----------- Analysis URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) print 'Performing Oversampling' featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = re.RMROversampling(URL_Train, Label_Train) print 'After Oversampling...' print 'Total: '+str(len(phishingLabel2)) print 'Ratio: ' print collections.Counter(phishingLabel2) parameters_DecisionTree = {'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'splitter': ('best', 'random')} estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier() # totalSamples = len(Label_Train) # positiveCount = int(Label_Train.count('1')) #should be 65% of total # predictionResult.write("Percentage of positive samples in training phase: %.2f " % (positiveCount/float(totalSamples))) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_DecisionTree, n_jobs=15,scoring=ftwo_scorer) URL_Test = list(URL_Test) featureMatrix2 = list(featureMatrix2) phishingLabel2 = list(phishingLabel2),phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) print "Type of REsult is:" print type(result) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = fbeta_score(Label_Test, result,beta = my_beta,pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def rbmClassifyb1Smote(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name + '/RBMResultsb1Smote.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) estimator = BernoulliRBM() svm = SVC() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.ADASYNOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = Pipeline(steps=[('rbm', estimator), ('SVC', svm)]), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write( "RBM Classification with Borderline-1 Smote Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix)))
def mlpBoostb1SMOTE(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/F1_Scores/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'F1_MLPResultsSmoteb1.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) parameters_MLP = { 'activation': ('identity', 'tanh', 'logistic', 'relu'), 'solver': ('lbfgs', 'sgd', 'adam'), 'learning_rate': ('constant', 'invscaling', 'adaptive'), 'max_iter': [200, 300, 400, 500] } URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) estimator = MLPClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.b1smoteOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_MLP, n_jobs=15, scoring='accuracy'), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() #predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() # f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label=1.0) # predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) predictionResult.write("\nThe accuracy_score is:" + str(accuracyScore)) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def decisionTreeRMR(self,featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,fakeFeatureMatrix,fakeLabels,technique): re = Resampling() dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name+'/'+technique+'DecisionTreeResultsRMR.txt','a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,test_size=0.20,random_state=40) #----------- Analysis URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) print 'Train Test Split:' print 'Training Values:' print 'Total:' + str(len(Label_Train)) print 'Phishy: '+str(list(Label_Train).count(1)) print 'Non Phishy:' + str(list(Label_Train).count(0)) print 'Testing Values:' print 'Total:' + str(len(Label_Test)) print 'Phishy: ' + str(list(Label_Test).count(1)) print 'Non Phishy:' + str(list(Label_Test).count(0)) print 'Performing Oversampling' featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = re.RMROversampling(URL_Train, Label_Train) print 'After Oversampling...' print 'Total: '+str(len(phishingLabel2)) print 'Ratio: ' print collections.Counter(phishingLabel2) parameters_DecisionTree = {'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'splitter': ('best', 'random')} estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier() # totalSamples = len(Label_Train) # positiveCount = int(Label_Train.count('1')) #should be 65% of total # predictionResult.write("Percentage of positive samples in training phase: %.2f " % (positiveCount/float(totalSamples))) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_DecisionTree, n_jobs=1),phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) #print "Type of REsult is:" #print type(result) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write("Decision Tree with RMR Classification Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix))) print 'Decision Tree Classification Completed with Avg. Score: ' + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix))
def KNNADASYN(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/F2_Scores/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'F2_KNNResultsADASYN.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) parameters_KNN = { 'n_neighbors': [5, 10, 30, 50], 'algorithm': ('auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree') } URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) estimator = KNN_Classifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.ADASYNOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_KNN, n_jobs=15, scoring=ftwo_scorer), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = fbeta_score(Label_Test, result, beta=my_beta, pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f2_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def randomForestRMR(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/F1_Scores/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'F1_RandomForestResultsRMR.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) parameters_RandomForest = { 'n_estimators': [10, 100, 1000], 'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'oob_score': (True, False), 'warm_start': (True, False) } estimator = RandomForestClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.RMROversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_RandomForest, n_jobs=15, scoring=ftwo_scorer), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def main(): X_bar = np.array([[-94.234001, -139.953995, -1.342158, 0.025863], [-94.234001, -139.953995, -1.342158, 0.079745], [-94.234001, -139.953995, -1.342158, 0.13982], [-94.234001, -139.953995, -1.342158, 0.200218]]) print(X_bar.shape) print(X_bar[0, 3]) sampleObj = Resampling() X_bar_resampled = sampleObj.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) print(X_bar_resampled)
def supportVectorSMOTE(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'SVMResultsSmote.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) parameters_SVC = { 'C': [1.0, 10.0, 30.0], 'kernel': ('rbf', 'sigmoid', 'linear'), 'probability': (True, False), 'shrinking': (True, False), 'decision_function_shape': ('ovo', 'ovr', 'None') } # totalSamples = len(Label_Train) # positiveCount = int(Label_Train.count('1')) # should be 65% of total # predictionResult.write("Percentage of positive samples in training phase: %.2f " % (positiveCount / float(totalSamples))) estimator = SVC() clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_SVC, n_jobs=15) rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.ADASYNOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write( "SVM Classification with Smote Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix)))
def adaBoostSVMSmote(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/F1_Scores/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'F1_AdaBoostResultsSVMSmote.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) parameters_adaBoost = { 'n_estimators': [50, 100, 1000], 'algorithm': ('SAMME', 'SAMME.R') } URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) estimator = AdaBoostClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.SVMsmoteOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_adaBoost, n_jobs=15), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def supportVectorADASYN(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/' + technique + 'SVMResultsADASyn.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) parameters_SVC = { 'C': [1.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 22.0, 30.0], 'kernel': ('rbf', 'sigmoid', 'linear'), 'probability': (True, False), 'shrinking': (True, False), 'decision_function_shape': ('ovo', 'ovr', 'None') } estimator = SVC() clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_SVC, n_jobs=8) rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.ADASYNOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write( "SVM Classification with ADASYN Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix)))
def decisionTreeNoOversampling(self,featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,fakeFeatureMatrix,fakeLabels,technique,OUTPUT_START): re = Resampling() dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name+'/F2_Scores/'+OUTPUT_START+'-'+technique+'F2_DecisionTreeResultsNoOversampling.txt','a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,test_size=0.20) print 'Originally length of URL_Train is:' print len(URL_Train) print URL_Test.shape print URL_Train.shape print Label_Train.shape parameters_DecisionTree = {'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'splitter': ('best', 'random')} estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier() clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_DecisionTree, n_jobs=15,scoring=ftwo_scorer),Label_Train) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() # predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = fbeta_score(Label_Test, result,beta = my_beta,pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def adaBoostADASYN(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open( dir_name + '/' + technique + 'AdaBoostResultsADASYN.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split( featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) parameters_adaBoost = { 'n_estimators': [50, 100, 1000], 'algorithm': ('SAMME', 'SAMME.R') } URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) estimator = AdaBoostClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.ADASYNOversampling( URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_adaBoost, n_jobs=8), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write( "Ada Boost Classification with ADASYN Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix)))
def gaussianBoostb1SMOTE(self, featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, fakeFeatureMatrix, fakeLabels, technique, OUTPUT_START): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name + '/F2_Scores/' + OUTPUT_START + '-' + technique + 'F2_GaussianResultsSmoteb1.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) URL_Train = list(URL_Train) # for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: # URL_Train.append(everyFeature) # # Label_Train = list(Label_Train) # for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: # Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) #estimator = AdaBoostClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2, phishingLabel2 = rm.b1smoteOversampling(URL_Train, Label_Train) clf = GaussianProcessClassifier(n_jobs=15), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = fbeta_score(Label_Test, result, beta=my_beta, pos_label=1.0) predictionResult.write("\nThe f2_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() # accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) # accuracyScore = 0 # aucMetric = 0 # rocAucScore = 0 # rocAucScoreMicro=0 # rocAucScoreMacro=0 # rocAucScoreWeighted=0 # # accuracyScore = accuracy_score(Label_Test, result) # # aucMetric = auc(Label_Test, result, reorder=True) # rocAucScoreMicro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='micro') # rocAucScoreMacro = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='macro') # rocAucScoreWeighted = roc_auc_score(Label_Test, result,average='weighted') except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e))
def decisionTreeNoOversampling(self,featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,fakeFeatureMatrix,fakeLabels,technique): re = Resampling() dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name+'/'+technique+'DecisionTreeResultsNoOversampling.txt','a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,test_size=0.20) print 'Originally length of URL_Train is:' print len(URL_Train) #----------- Analysis URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) URL_Train = numpy.array(URL_Train,dtype='double') Label_Train = numpy.array(Label_Train,dtype='double') print 'Append Fake Features to Training Set....New length of Training is:' print len(URL_Train) print len(Label_Train) print 'Train Test Split:' print 'Training Values:' print 'Total:' + str(len(Label_Train)) print 'Phishy: '+str(list(Label_Train).count(1)) print 'Non Phishy:' + str(list(Label_Train).count(0)) print 'Testing Values:' print 'Total:' + str(len(Label_Test)) print 'Phishy: ' + str(list(Label_Test).count(1)) print 'Non Phishy:' + str(list(Label_Test).count(0)) parameters_DecisionTree = {'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'splitter': ('best', 'random')} estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier() clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_DecisionTree, n_jobs=1),Label_Train) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write("Decision Tree Classification without Oversampling Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix))) print 'Decision Tree Classification Completed with Avg. Score: ' + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix))
def randomForestb1SMOTE(self,featureMatrix,phishingURLLabel,fakeFeatureMatrix,fakeLabels,technique): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) predictionResult = open(dir_name + '/'+technique+'RandomForestResultsb1Smote.txt', 'a+') predictionResult.truncate() accuracy_matrix = [] try: URL_Train, URL_Test, Label_Train, Label_Test = train_test_split(featureMatrix, phishingURLLabel, test_size=0.20) parameters_RandomForest = {'n_estimators': [10, 100, 1000], 'criterion': ('gini', 'entropy'), 'oob_score': (True, False), 'warm_start': (True, False)} URL_Train = list(URL_Train) for everyFeature in fakeFeatureMatrix: URL_Train.append(everyFeature) Label_Train = list(Label_Train) for everyFakeLabel in fakeLabels: Label_Train.append(everyFakeLabel) estimator = RandomForestClassifier() rm = Resampling() featureMatrix2,phishingLabel2 = rm.b1smoteOversampling(URL_Train,Label_Train) clf = GridSearchCV(estimator, parameters_RandomForest, n_jobs=8), phishingLabel2) result = clf.predict(URL_Test) predictionResult.write(str(result)) predictionResult.flush() predictionResult.write("\nThe 1's are:" + str(collections.Counter(result))) predictionResult.flush() f1Score = f1_score(Label_Test, result, pos_label='1', average='macro') predictionResult.write("\nThe f1_score is:" + str(f1Score)) predictionResult.flush() accuracy_matrix.append(f1Score) except Exception as e: predictionResult.write(str(e)) predictionResult.write("Random Forest Classification with Borderline-1 SMOTE Completed with Avg. Score: " + str(np.mean(accuracy_matrix)))
def main(): src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 1 #X_bar = np.transpose(np.array([5.75300000e+03, 1.71200000e+03, -4.57011189e-01])) X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) print(X_bar.shape) vis_flag = 1 first_time_idx = True x_est_odom = [] y_est_odom = [] for time, line in enumerate(logfile): meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot flag = 0 for m in range(0, num_particles): #print("First",X_bar.shape) x_t0 = X_bar[0][0:3] #print(x_t0.shape) x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) print("1---------", x_t1) #input() if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges #w_t=1 w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) # flag=1; # break # w_t = 1/num_particles print("2-----------------", X_bar_new) X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) else: X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3])) print("3-------------------", X_bar_new) X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3])) #print("Second",x_t1.shape) #print("Threee",X_bar_new.shape) #if(flag==1): #break print("4-------------------------", X_bar_new) X_bar = X_bar_new print("5--------------------------", X_bar) u_t0 = u_t1 x_est_odom.append(X_bar[0][0]) y_est_odom.append(X_bar[0][1]) plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap='Greys') #plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.draw() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(x_est_odom, y_est_odom)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() vis_flag = 1 if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') occupancy_map = binary_map(occupancy_map) motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 500 X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) print('X_bar shape:', X_bar.shape) ## Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop first_time_idx = True for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): start_time = time.time() meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement if (meas_type == "L"): meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3] time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[6:-1] if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue u_t1 = odometry_robot if sum(abs(u_t1[:2] - u_t0[:2])) < 1 and abs(u_t1[2] - u_t0[2]) < (3.14 / 20): print('skip') ## skip states that doesn't moved continue if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, occupancy_map) # impplement multiprocessing for args = [[X_bar[m], u_t0, u_t1, ranges, motion_model, sensor_model] for m in range(0, num_particles)] with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=16) as p: res = p.starmap(combine_motion_sensor, args) X_bar = np.asarray(res) #'log2_Xbar/'+str(time_idx)+'.npy',X_bar) # save Xbar for accelerate display u_t0 = u_t1 ## RESAMPLING X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) end_time = time.time() print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s") print('time_cost for 1 time step:', end_time - start_time) if time_idx > 300: # stop display when time_idx>300, for saving time vis_flag = 0
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() #num_particles = 500 num_particles = 100 X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) #X_bar = np.array([[5000, 4000, np.pi,1]]) #X_bar[0,0:3] vis_flag = 1 """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) first_time_idx = True for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) # continue if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan #print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s" if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot for m in range(0, num_particles): """ MOTION MODEL """ x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) """ SENSOR MODEL """ if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges print("in sensor model") w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) print("outside sensor model") print(w_t) #input() # w_t = 1/num_particles X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) else: X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3])) X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 # """ # RESAMPLING # """ X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) # fig = plt.figure() # # plt.switch_backend('TkAgg') # print("Bot-pos",X_bar[9,0:2]) # #print("Xbar",X_bar) # mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager(); # mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize()) # plt.ion(); plt.imshow(occupancy_map, cmap='Greys'); plt.axis([0, 800, 0, 800]); # plt.plot(X_bar[:,0]/10.0,X_bar[:,1]/10.0,'o',color='red') # plt.plot(x_t1[0]/10.0,x_t1[1]/10.0,'o',color='yellow') # # plt.pause(1) # plt.close() if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata3.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') #lookup = np.load('lookup_zero.npy') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map, lookup_flag=True) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 1000 #X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) #X_bar = np.array([[6500,1500,1*np.pi/2,1]]) vis_flag = True count = 0 """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) first_time_idx = True for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): #vis_flag = count % 1 == 0 #vis_flag = False count += 1 # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] if ((time_stamp <= 0.0)): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) or meas_type == "O"): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) continue if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s") if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot num_rays = sensor_model.num_rays if meas_type == "O": xqs, yqs, xms, yms = None, None, None, None elif meas_type == "L": xqs = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays)) yqs = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays)) xms = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays)) yms = np.zeros((num_particles,num_rays)) for m in range(0, num_particles): #print(m) """ MOTION MODEL """ x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] #print('before motion: {}, {}, {}'.format(x_t0[0], x_t0[1], 180/np.pi*x_t0[2])) x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) #print('after motion: {}, {}, {}'.format(x_t1[0], x_t1[1], 180/np.pi*x_t1[2])) x = int(x_t1[0]/10) y = int(x_t1[1]/10) if not(0 <= occupancy_map[y, x] <= 0.0) and meas_type == "L": #print('dumping particle') w_t = 0 X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) continue """ SENSOR MODEL """ if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges w_t, probs, z_casts, xqs[m], yqs[m], xms[m], yms[m] = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) else: X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3])) #print(w_t) X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 if vis_flag: #visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, xqs, yqs, xms, yms) visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx) """ RESAMPLING """ if (meas_type == "L"): X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar)
# -----------------initialize variables------------------- alpha1 = 0 alpha2 = 0 alpha3 = 0 # increasing these two variables appears to make the particles move farther alpha4 = 0 mot = MotionModel(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4) M = 1000 # number of particles map = MapBuilder('../map/wean.dat') mapList = map.getMap() mapInit(mapList) sensorModel = SensorModel('../map/wean.dat') resampler = Resampling() # ------------initialize particles throughout map-------- # generate list of locations with '0' value counter = 0 goodLocs_x = [] goodLocs_y = [] for i in range(0, 800): for j in range(0, 800): if mapList[i][j] == 0: counter = counter + 1 goodLocs_x.append(i) goodLocs_y.append(j) # randomly select from those locations with '0' value p_x = []
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from CaricaDati import CaricaPickles from CreaDB2 import DBWhole from OpenRaw import OpenRaw from Resampling import Resampling from MessaInDepth import MessaInDepth from joblib import dump, load import matplotlib.gridspec as grds from Metrics import SignalStats # This program allow to perform automatic depth matching by loading a dataset and performing a 2-steps-Shift using 2 neural networks. The probability of shift are visualized # in a subplot listaMov=[1.5,-1.25,9.5,0.4,0.25,4] #This are the shift value sampled using the Depth matching program #Loading test dataset N=90 [Cores2,Logs2]=OpenRaw(2,0) [RicCores2,RicLogs]=Resampling(Logs2,Cores2,N,0) BLIND=DBWhole(RicCores2,RicLogs,N,listaMov,10) Xt=BLIND[:,0:-1] yt=BLIND[:,-1] #Loading models BestPipe=load('./MLModels/MigliorMod90BT2Final')# NN for bulk shift BestPiperef=load('./MLModels/MigliorMod90BT2Final') # NN for refined shift # Prediction of the original and transformed signal yp2=BestPipe.predict_proba(Xt) Div=int((BLIND.shape[1]-1)/2-1) Xt3=-Xt yprib=BestPipe.predict_proba(Xt3) Xt4=np.concatenate([np.flip(Xt[:,0:Div+1],axis=1),np.flip(Xt[:,Div+1:Div*2+2],axis=1)],axis=1) ypflip=BestPipe.predict_proba(Xt4)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 700 X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) vis_flag = 1 """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) first_time_idx = True for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) # continue if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s") if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot for m in range(0, num_particles): """ MOTION MODEL """ x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) """ SENSOR MODEL """ if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) else: X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3])) X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 """ RESAMPLING """ X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) if vis_flag: # meas_vals[3:6] - [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame # meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, qy, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 3000 og_num_particles = num_particles sumd = 0 # --------------------------------------------------- # Create intial set of particles X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) # Useful for debugging, places particles near correct starting area for log1 #X_bar = init_debug(num_particles) # --------------------------------------------------- vis_flag = 1 # --------------------------------------------------- # Weights are dummy weights for testing motion model w0_vals = np.ones((1, num_particles), dtype=np.float64) w_t = w0_vals / num_particles #---------------------------------------------------- """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) iter_num = 0 first_time_idx = True for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame # print "odometry_robot = ", odometry_robot time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) #continue if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str( time_stamp) + "s" if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot yd = u_t1[1] - u_t0[1] xd = u_t1[0] - u_t0[0] d = math.sqrt(pow(xd, 2) + pow(yd, 2)) if d < 1.0: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx) continue if d > 20: # lost robot print('\nROBOT IS LOST!!!\nResetting particles...\n') X_bar = init_particles_freespace(og_num_particles, occupancy_map) num_particles = og_num_particles X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t0 = u_t1 visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx) sumd = 0 else: sumd = sumd + d for m in range(0, num_particles): """ MOTION MODEL """ x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) #motion_last = math.sqrt((x_t1[0,1]-x_t0[0,1])**2 + (x_t1[0,0]-x_t0[0,0])**2) # --------------------------------------------------- # For testing Motion Model # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) # --------------------------------------------------- """ SENSOR MODEL """ if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges x_l1 = motion_model.laser_position(odometry_laser, u_t1, x_t1) #print w_t.shape w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_l1) # #print w_t.shape # if w_t > 0.0 and X_bar[m,3] > 0.0: # w_new = math.log(X_bar[m,3]) + math.log(w_t) # w_new = math.exp(w_new) # else: # w_new = 0.0 X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, [[w_t]])) #time.sleep(10) else: X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, [[X_bar[m, 3]]])) # sorted_particles = X_bar[X_bar[:,3].argsort()] # print(sorted_particles[499,3]) X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 X_bar[:, 3] = X_bar[:, 3] / sum(X_bar[:, 3]) """ RESAMPLING """ if sumd > 10.0: # X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler_rand(X_bar, occupancy_map) sumd = 0 if X_bar[:, 3].var() < 9.0e-8 and num_particles > 500: num_particles = num_particles - 300 print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles elif X_bar[:, 3].var() < 1.0e-7 and num_particles > 300: num_particles = num_particles - 100 print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles # if num_particles < og_num_particles and X_bar[:,3].var() > 5.0e-7: # num_particles = num_particles + 100 # print 'Adapting particles\nCurrent particle size = ', num_particles X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar, num_particles) #print X_bar[:,3].var() if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, time_idx)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 100 time_period = 10 # X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) vis_flag = 1 vis_type = 'mean' # {mean, max} """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) first_time_idx = True count = 0 for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # if time_idx % 9 != 0: continue # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O") ): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) continue count = count + 1 if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan # print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s" if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot for m in range(0, num_particles): """ MOTION MODEL """ x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) """ SENSOR MODEL """ if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) # w_t = 1/num_particles # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) new_wt = X_bar[m, 3] * motion_model.give_prior( x_t1, u_t1, x_t0, u_t0) X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, new_wt)) else: X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m, 3])) if (vis_type == 'max'): best_particle_idx = np.argmax(X_bar_new, axis=0)[-1] vis_particle = X_bar_new[best_particle_idx][:-1] elif (vis_type == 'mean'): # ipdb.set_trace() X_weighted = X_bar_new[:, :3] * X_bar_new[:, 3:4] X_mean = np.sum(X_weighted, axis=0) vis_particle = X_mean / sum(X_bar_new[:, 3:4]) # print(X_bar_new[:,-1].T) sensor_model.visualization = True sensor_model.plot_measurement = True # sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(ranges, vis_particle) sensor_model.visualization = False sensor_model.plot_measurement = False X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 """ RESAMPLING """ #if(np.mean(x_t1 - x_t0) > 0.2): X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) add_particles = num_particles / 5 # time_period = 10 if (count % time_period == 0 or sum(X_bar[:, -1]) == 0): X_bar_re_init = init_particles_freespace(add_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar[:, -1] = 1.0 / (num_particles + add_particles) X_bar_re_init[:, -1] = 1.0 / (num_particles + add_particles) X_bar = np.concatenate((X_bar, X_bar_re_init), axis=0) num_particles = X_bar.shape[0] print num_particles if (count % 100 == 0): time_period = time_period * 5 # X_bar = resampler.multinomial_sampler(X_bar) # check if importance too low # thres = 1e-29 # indices = np.where(X_bar[:,3] > thres)[0] # print(X_bar.shape[0] - indices.shape[0]) # temp = init_particles_freespace(X_bar.shape[0] - indices.shape[0], occupancy_map) # X_bar = np.concatenate((X_bar[indices], temp), axis = 0) # X_bar[:,-1] = 1.0/num_particles if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 300 X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) vis_flag = 1 print("a1: ",motion_model.alpha_1,"\na2: ",motion_model.alpha_2,"\na3: ",\ motion_model.alpha_3,"\na4: ",motion_model.alpha_4,"\nstdv: ",sensor_model.stdDevHit, \ "\nlamd: ", sensor_model.lambdaShort,"\nzhit: ",sensor_model.zHit,"\nzsht: ",sensor_model.zShort, \ "\nzmax: ", sensor_model.zMax, "\nzrnd: ", sensor_model.zRand, "\ncert: ", sensor_model.certainty, \ "\nlsub: ", sensor_model.laserSubsample) """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) first_time_idx = True #initialize worker threads p = ThreadPool(15) for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] #if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) # continue if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s") if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue X_bar_new = np.zeros((num_particles, 4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot # X_bar.shape[0] (length) decreases from 500 to 499 after time step 1 #PARALLELIZED MOTION MODEL x_t0Arr = [[u_t0, u_t1, X_bar[m, 0:3]] for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0])] x_t1Arr =, x_t0Arr) #PARALLELIZED SENSOR MODEL if (meas_type == "L"): z_t = ranges sensInArr = [[z_t, x_t1Arr[m]] for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0])] w_tArr =, sensInArr) for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]): X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1Arr[m], w_tArr[m])) else: for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]): X_bar_new[m, :] = np.hstack((x_t1Arr[m], X_bar[m, 3])) # for m in range(0, X_bar.shape[0]): # # #MOTION MODEL # # x_t0 = X_bar[m, 0:3] # x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) # # # #SENSOR MODEL # # if (meas_type == "L"): # z_t = ranges # w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) # # w_t = 1/num_particles # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) # else: # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3])) X_bar = X_bar_new u_t0 = u_t1 """ RESAMPLING """ X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] particles : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ ########################################### SET THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES ##################################### num_particles = 10000 ########################################### SET THE NUMBER OF PARTICLES ##################################### src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' #src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata5.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() map_size_x = map_obj.get_map_size_x() map_size_y = map_obj.get_map_size_y() logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() particles = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) #particles = np.array([[4100,3990,3,1],[4060,3990,3,1],[4000,3990,3,1],[4000,3990,2,1],[6150,1270,1.7,1]]) # The particles above are # In the correct location with approximately the correct angle # Correct angle but a little farther out into the hallway # Correct angle but squarely in the hallway # In the center of the hallway and at wrong angle # Completely wrong in the big room at the bottom vis_flag = 1 """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ first_time_idx = True lastUsedOdometry = np.array([0, 0, 0]) imageNumber = 0 for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # time_idx is just a counter # line is the text from a line in the file. # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[ 0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring( line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double state = meas_vals[ 0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) # continue if (meas_type == "L"): # Laser data odometry_laser = meas_vals[ 3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame #print(odometry_laser) delta = odometry_laser - lastUsedOdometry distance = math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]) # Don't update if it didn't move if ((distance < 35) and (delta[2] < .05) ): # Don't update or do anything if the robot is stationary print( "Time: %f\tDistance: %f\tangle: %f\tDidn't move enough..." % (time_stamp, distance, delta[2])) continue print("Time: %f\tDistance: %f\tangle: %f" % (time_stamp, distance, delta[2])) lastUsedOdometry = odometry_laser ranges = meas_vals[ 6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan else: #print("Skipping this record because it is an odometry record.") continue #print "Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s" if (first_time_idx): lastState = state first_time_idx = False continue #particles_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64) currentState = state # MOTION MODEL - move each particle startTime = time.time() for m in range(num_particles): oldParticle = particles[m, 0:3] particles[m, 0:3] = motion_model.update( lastState, currentState, oldParticle) # This is [X,Y,theta] # # Use this line for testing probabilities # newParticle = particles[m,0:3] ######### Don't update the position of the particle.#################### print("Motion model completed in %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)) # Typically takes .125 seconds for # 10000 particles # SENSOR MODEL - find the liklihood of each particle startTime = time.time() for m in range(num_particles): particles[m, 3] = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model( ranges, particles[m, 0:3]) print("Sensor model completed in %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)) # Typically takes 7.85 seconds for # 10000 particles lastState = currentState # print '***********Particles before normalizing***************' # print(particles) # #normalize the weights #minWeight = min(particles[:,3]); #maxWeight = max(particles[:,3]); #weightRng = (maxWeight - minWeight); #if (abs(weightRng)<0.0000001): # particles[:,3] = (1/float(num_particles))*np.ones(num_particles); #else: # particles[:,3] = (particles[:,3] - minWeight)/weightRng; #print '***********Particles after normalizing***************' # #print(particles) #particles = resampler.low_variance_sampler(particles,num_particles) particles = resampler.multinomial_sampler(particles, num_particles) #print("Completed in %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)) # this is currently taking about .4 seconds per particle # Resampling typically takes 8 ms for 5000 particles. if vis_flag: imageNumber += 1 visualize_map(occupancy_map, particles, imageNumber)
def main(): """ Description of variables used u_t0 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [odometry_frame] u_t1 : particle state odometry reading [x, y, theta] at time t [odometry_frame] x_t0 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time (t-1) [world_frame] x_t1 : particle state belief [x, y, theta] at time t [world_frame] X_bar : [num_particles x 4] sized array containing [x, y, theta, wt] values for all particles z_t : array of 180 range measurements for each laser scan """ """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata2.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() # get the free space map occupancy_map = filter_close_map(occupancy_map) # occupancy_map = np.logical_and(occupancy_map<occu_thresh, occupancy_map>=0) logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = init_n_particles # X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar = np.vstack((X_bar, init_test_particle())) # X_bar = init_test_particle() num_particles, _ = X_bar.shape vis_flag = 1 """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ # if vis_flag: # visualize_map(occupancy_map) # draw_robot(X_bar) first_time_idx = True u_t0 = np.array([0]) for time_idx, line in enumerate(logfile): # Read a single 'line' from the log file (can be either odometry or laser measurement) meas_type = line[0] # L : laser scan measurement, O : odometry measurement meas_vals = np.fromstring(line[2:], dtype=np.float64, sep=' ') # convert measurement values from string to double odometry_robot = meas_vals[0:3] # odometry reading [x, y, theta] in odometry frame time_stamp = meas_vals[-1] # if ((time_stamp <= 0.0) | (meas_type == "O")): # ignore pure odometry measurements for now (faster debugging) # continue ranges = np.array([0]) if (meas_type == "L"): odometry_laser = meas_vals[3:6] # [x, y, theta] coordinates of laser in odometry frame ranges = meas_vals[6:-1] # 180 range measurement values from single laser scan print("Processing time step " + str(time_idx) + " at time " + str(time_stamp) + "s") if (first_time_idx): u_t0 = odometry_robot first_time_idx = False continue # X_bar_new = np.zeros( (num_particles,4), dtype=np.float64) u_t1 = odometry_robot #X_bar_new = X_bar # pool = Pool(4) for m in range(0, num_particles): X_bar[m, :] = parallel_motion_sensor_model(m, u_t0, u_t1, ranges, meas_type, sensor_model, motion_model, X_bar[m, :]) # X_bar_new[m,:] = pool.apply_async(parallel_motion_sensor_model, (m, u_t0, u_t1, ranges, meas_type, # sensor_model, motion_model, X_bar_new[m,:])) # pool.close() # pool.join() # for m in range(0, num_particles): # # """ # MOTION MODEL # """ # if np.linalg.norm(u_t0 - u_t1) != 0: # x_t0 = X_bar[m,:3] # x_t1 = motion_model.update(u_t0, u_t1, x_t0) # else: # x_t0 = X_bar[m, :3] # x_t1 = x_t0 # # # """ # SENSOR MODEL # """ # if (meas_type == "L" ) and (np.linalg.norm(u_t0-u_t1) != 0): # z_t = ranges # w_t = sensor_model.beam_range_finder_model(z_t, x_t1) # # w_t = 1/num_particles # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, w_t)) # else: # X_bar_new[m,:] = np.hstack((x_t1, X_bar[m,3])) #X_bar = X_bar_new moved = np.linalg.norm(u_t0-u_t1) != 0 u_t0 = u_t1 """ RESAMPLING """ if moved: if meas_type == "L": X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) print (X_bar.shape) num_particles, _ = X_bar.shape if vis_flag: visualize_timestep(X_bar, time_idx, occupancy_map)
from Resampling import Resampling import numpy as np num_particles=20 y0_vals = np.random.uniform( 3600, 4300, (num_particles, 1) ) x0_vals = np.random.uniform( 3500, 5000, (num_particles, 1) ) theta0_vals = np.random.uniform( -3.14, 3.14, (num_particles, 1) ) # initialize weights for all particles w0_vals = np.random.uniform(0,100,(num_particles,1)) w0_vals = w0_vals / num_particles X_bar = np.hstack((x0_vals,y0_vals,theta0_vals,w0_vals)) resampler = Resampling() print(X_bar) for i in range(num_particles): X_bar = resampler.low_variance_sampler(X_bar) print(X_bar) input()
""" """ Initialize Parameters """ src_path_map = '../data/map/wean.dat' src_path_log = '../data/log/robotdata1.log' map_obj = MapReader(src_path_map) occupancy_map = map_obj.get_map() # logfile = open(src_path_log, 'r') with open(src_path_log, 'r') as f: logs = f.readlines() motion_model = MotionModel() sensor_model = SensorModel(occupancy_map) resampler = Resampling() num_particles = 500 # X_bar = init_particles_random(num_particles, occupancy_map) X_bar = init_particles_freespace(num_particles, occupancy_map) vis_flag = 1 vis_type = 'mean' # {mean, max} addition = True """ Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm : Main Loop """ if vis_flag: visualize_map(occupancy_map) # initialize plot to save the video of the full sequence # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
def Mine_Pipline(X_tensor, Y_tensor, FeatureNames, eval_model, select_model, oversampling=False): try: clf_fs = SelectFromModel(get_model(eval_model)) # feature selection clf_classifier = get_model(select_model) #classifier model # initial parameters accuracy_train = 0 accuracy_test = 0 loo = LeaveOneOut() predict_label = [] Important_features = [] for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X_tensor): # separate training data and testing data X_train, X_test = X_tensor[train_index], X_tensor[test_index] y_train, y_test = Y_tensor[train_index], Y_tensor[test_index] # fit the feature selection model, y_train) X_train_fs = clf_fs.transform(X_train) # print ("X_train: ", X_train.shape) # print("X_train: ", X_train_fs.shape) # get selected feature and save selected features name in a list feature_select_bool = clf_fs.get_support() selected_feature = [] i = 0 for item in feature_select_bool: if item == True: selected_feature.append(FeatureNames[i]) i = i + 1 Important_features.append(selected_feature) # Over-sample the data after feature selection if (oversampling == True): re = Resampling() X_train_fs, y_train = re.smoteOversampling(X_train_fs, y_train) # Transform the testing data X_test = clf_fs.transform(X_test) # fit the classifier, y_train) # predict training data and testing data #pred_train = clf_classifier.predict(X_train_fs) pred = clf_classifier.predict(X_test) #accuracy_train += accuracy_score(y_train, pred_train) accuracy_test += accuracy_score(y_test, pred) # print(y_test,pred) # print(accuracy_test) predict_label.append(pred) acc_result = (accuracy_test / len(X_tensor)) # print("Classifier: ",select_model, "Evaluator: ",eval_model) # print("Gensim accuracy_train:", accuracy_train / len(X_tensor)) # print("Gensim accuracy_test:", accuracy_test / len(X_tensor)) predict_label = np.array(predict_label) fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(Y_tensor, predict_label, pos_label=1) auc1 = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) CM = confusion_matrix(Y_tensor, predict_label, labels=[1, 0]).ravel() CR = classification_report(Y_tensor, predict_label) # print("Confusion Matrix: ",CM) #print(CR,"AUC= ",auc1) return acc_result, CM, CR, auc1, predict_label, Important_features except: return -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1