def __init__(self):

        self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.image = None
        self.maskArray = None
        self.filename = None
        self.residualSaliencyFilter = ResidualSaliencyFilter()

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath +

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        dwgImage = builder.get_object("dwgImage")
        dwgSegmentation = builder.get_object("dwgSegmentation")
        dwgSaliency = builder.get_object("dwgSaliency")
        self.adjBrushSize = builder.get_object("adjBrushSize")
        self.comboBrushType = builder.get_object("comboBrushType")
        self.comboPixelClass = builder.get_object("comboPixelClass")

        self.dwgImageDisplay = Display(dwgImage)
        self.dwgSegmentationDisplay = Display(dwgSegmentation)
        self.dwgSaliencyDisplay = Display(dwgSaliency)

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):

        self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.image = None
        self.maskArray = None
        self.filename = None
        self.residualSaliencyFilter = ResidualSaliencyFilter()

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath + "/GUI/")

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        dwgImage = builder.get_object("dwgImage")
        dwgSegmentation = builder.get_object("dwgSegmentation")
        dwgSaliency = builder.get_object("dwgSaliency")
        self.adjBrushSize = builder.get_object("adjBrushSize")
        self.comboBrushType = builder.get_object("comboBrushType")
        self.comboPixelClass = builder.get_object("comboPixelClass")

        self.dwgImageDisplay = Display(dwgImage)
        self.dwgSegmentationDisplay = Display(dwgSegmentation)
        self.dwgSaliencyDisplay = Display(dwgSaliency)

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()
    def processBag( self, bag ):
        FLIP_IMAGE = bool( self.options.frameFlip == "True" )
        print "frameFlip = ", FLIP_IMAGE
        bagFrameIdx = 0
        frameIdx = 0
        impactFrameIdx = None
        # Setup filters
        opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(
        motionDetectionFilter = MotionDetectionFilter()
        imageFlowFilter = ImageFlowFilter()
        residualSaliencyFilter = ResidualSaliencyFilter()
        # Process bag file
        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():
            if self.workCancelled:
                # We've been given the signal to quit
            if msg._type == "sensor_msgs/Image":
                bagFrameIdx += 1
                if (bagFrameIdx-1)%self.PROCESSED_FRAME_DIFF != 0:
                print "Processing image", frameIdx
                # Get input image
                image = cv.CreateMatHeader( msg.height, msg.width, cv.CV_8UC3 )
                cv.SetData( image,, msg.step )
                if FLIP_IMAGE:
                    cv.Flip( image, None, 1 )
                # Convert to grayscale
                grayImage = cv.CreateMat( msg.height, msg.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
                cv.CvtColor( image, grayImage, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY )
                grayImageNumpPy = np.array( grayImage )
                # Calculate optical flow
                opticalFlowArrayX, opticalFlowArrayY = \
                    opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlow( grayImage )
                # Detect motion
                    if frameIdx == 0:
                        motionImage = PyVarFlowLib.createMotionMask( 
                            grayImageNumpPy, grayImageNumpPy )
                        motionImage = PyVarFlowLib.createMotionMask( 
                            np.array( self.grayScaleImageList[ frameIdx - 1 ] ), 
                            grayImageNumpPy )
                    motionImage = motionDetectionFilter.calcMotion( grayImage )
                # Work out the left most point in the image where motion appears
                motionTest = np.copy( motionImage )
                cv.Erode( motionTest, motionTest )
                if frameIdx == 0:
                    leftMostMotion = motionImage.shape[ 1 ]
                    leftMostMotion = self.leftMostMotionList[ frameIdx - 1 ]
                leftMostMotionDiff = 0
                for i in range( leftMostMotion ):
                    if motionTest[ :, i ].max() > 0:
                        leftMostMotionDiff = abs( leftMostMotion - i )
                        leftMostMotion = i
                segmentationMask = np.zeros( ( msg.height, msg.width ), dtype=np.uint8 )
                FRAMES_BACK = 3
                if impactFrameIdx == None:        
                    if leftMostMotionDiff > 18 and leftMostMotion < 0.75*msg.width:
                        # Found impact frame
                        impactFrameIdx = frameIdx
                    PROCESS_IMPACT = False
                    if PROCESS_IMPACT and frameIdx - impactFrameIdx == FRAMES_BACK:
                        # Should now have enough info to segment object
                        impactMotionImage = self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx ]
                        print "Aligning"
                        postImpactRealFarFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, motionImage )
                        print "Aligning"
                        postImpactFarFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx + 2 ] )
                        print "Aligning"
                        postImpactNearFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx + 1 ] )
                        segmentationMask = np.maximum( np.maximum( np.maximum( 
                            impactMotionImage, postImpactNearFlow[ 3 ] ), postImpactFarFlow[ 3 ] ), postImpactRealFarFlow[ 3 ] )
                        cv.Dilate( segmentationMask, segmentationMask )
                        print "Aligning"
                        preImpactRealFarFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx - 8 ] )
                        print "Aligning"
                        preImpactFarFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx - 6 ] )
                        print "Aligning"
                        preImpactNearFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( impactMotionImage, self.motionImageList[ impactFrameIdx - 4 ] )
                        subMask = np.maximum( np.maximum( 
                            preImpactRealFarFlow[ 3 ], preImpactFarFlow[ 3 ] ), preImpactNearFlow[ 3 ] )
                        cv.Erode( subMask, subMask )
                        cv.Dilate( subMask, subMask )
                        cv.Dilate( subMask, subMask )
                        cv.Dilate( subMask, subMask )
                        subMask[ subMask > 0 ] = 255
                        diffImage = segmentationMask.astype( np.int32 ) - subMask.astype( np.int32 )
                        diffImage[ diffImage < 0 ] = 0
                        diffImage = diffImage.astype( np.uint8 )
                        cv.Erode( diffImage, diffImage )
                        #diffImage[ diffImage > 0 ] = 255

                        #segmentationMask = subMask
                        segmentationMask = diffImage
                        #segmentationMask = np.where( diffImage > 128, 255, 0 ).astype( np.uint8 )
                # Calculate image flow
                #imageFlow = imageFlowFilter.calcImageFlow( motionImage )
                ## Calculate saliency map
                #saliencyMap, largeSaliencyMap = residualSaliencyFilter.calcSaliencyMap( grayImageNumpPy )
                #blobMap = np.where( largeSaliencyMap > 128, 255, 0 ).astype( np.uint8 )
                #blobMap, numBlobs = PyBlobLib.labelBlobs( blobMap )
                #print "found", numBlobs, "blobs"
                #largeSaliencyMap = np.where( largeSaliencyMap > 128, 255, 0 ).astype( np.uint8 )
                # Threshold the saliency map
                #largeSaliencyMap = (largeSaliencyMap > 128).astype(np.uint8) * 255
                #cv.AdaptiveThreshold( largeSaliencyMap, largeSaliencyMap, 255 )
                # Detect clusters within the saliency map
                #NUM_CLUSTERS = 5
                #numSamples = np.sum( saliencyMap )
                #sampleList = np.ndarray( ( numSamples, 2 ), dtype=np.float32 )
                #sampleListIdx = 0
                #for y in range( saliencyMap.shape[ 0 ] ):
                    #for x in range( saliencyMap.shape[ 1 ] ):
                        #numNewSamples = saliencyMap[ y, x ]
                        #if numNewSamples > 0:
                            #sampleList[ sampleListIdx:sampleListIdx+numNewSamples, 0 ] = x
                            #sampleList[ sampleListIdx:sampleListIdx+numNewSamples, 1 ] = y
                            #sampleListIdx += numNewSamples
                #sampleList[ 0:numSamples/2 ] = ( 20, 20 )
                #sampleList[ numSamples/2: ] = ( 200, 200 )
                #labelList = np.ndarray( ( numSamples, 1 ), dtype=np.int32 )
                #cv.KMeans2( sampleList, NUM_CLUSTERS, labelList, 
                    #(cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10, 0.01) )
                #saliencyScaleX = float( largeSaliencyMap.shape[ 1 ] ) / saliencyMap.shape[ 1 ]
                #saliencyScaleY = float( largeSaliencyMap.shape[ 0 ] ) / saliencyMap.shape[ 0 ]
                clusterList = []
                #for clusterIdx in range( NUM_CLUSTERS ):
                    #clusterSamples = sampleList[ 
                        #np.where( labelList == clusterIdx )[ 0 ], : ]

                    #if clusterSamples.size <= 0:
                        #mean = ( 0.0, 0.0 )
                        #stdDev = 0.0
                        #mean = clusterSamples.mean( axis=0 )
                        #mean = ( mean[ 0 ]*saliencyScaleX, mean[ 1 ]*saliencyScaleY )
                        #stdDev = clusterSamples.std()*saliencyScaleX
                    #clusterList.append( ( mean, stdDev ) )
                # Work out the maximum amount of motion we've seen in a single frame so far
                #motionCount = motionImage[ motionImage > 0 ].size
                #if frameIdx == 0:
                    #lastMotionCount = 0
                    #lastMotionCount = self.maxMotionCounts[ frameIdx - 1 ]
                #if motionCount < lastMotionCount:
                    #motionCount = lastMotionCount
                ## Work out diffImage    
                #diffImage = np.array( motionImage, dtype=np.int32 ) \
                     #- np.array( imageFlow[ 3 ], dtype=np.int32 )
                #diffImage = np.array( np.maximum( diffImage, 0 ), dtype=np.uint8 )
                # Segment the image
                #workingMask = np.copy( motionImage )
                #workingMask = np.copy( diffImage )
                workingMask = np.copy( segmentationMask )
                kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx( 
                    cols=3, rows=3, 
                    anchorX=1, anchorY=1, shape=cv.CV_SHAPE_CROSS )
                cv.Erode( workingMask, workingMask, kernel )
                cv.Dilate( workingMask, workingMask )
                extraExtraMask = np.copy( workingMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( extraExtraMask, extraExtraMask )
                allMask = np.copy( extraExtraMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                cv.Dilate( allMask, allMask )
                possibleForeground = workingMask > 0
                if workingMask[ possibleForeground ].size >= 100 \
                    and frameIdx >= 16:
                    print "Msk size", workingMask[ possibleForeground ].size
                    print workingMask[ 0, 0:10 ]
                    fgModel = cv.CreateMat( 1, 5*13, cv.CV_64FC1 )
                    bgModel = cv.CreateMat( 1, 5*13, cv.CV_64FC1 )
                    #workingMask[ possibleForeground ] = self.GC_FGD
                    #workingMask[ possibleForeground == False ] = self.GC_PR_BGD
                    #workingMask[ : ] = self.GC_PR_BGD
                    #workingMask[ possibleForeground ] = self.GC_FGD
                    workingMask[ : ] = self.GC_BGD
                    workingMask[ allMask > 0 ] = self.GC_PR_BGD
                    workingMask[ extraExtraMask > 0 ] = self.GC_PR_FGD
                    workingMask[ possibleForeground ] = self.GC_FGD
                    if frameIdx == 16:
                        # Save mask
                        maskCopy = np.copy( workingMask )
                        maskCopy[ maskCopy == self.GC_BGD ] = 0
                        maskCopy[ maskCopy == self.GC_PR_BGD ] = 64
                        maskCopy[ maskCopy == self.GC_PR_FGD ] = 128
                        maskCopy[ maskCopy == self.GC_FGD ] = 255
                        print "Unused pixels", \
                            maskCopy[ (maskCopy != 255) & (maskCopy != 0) ].size
                        outputImage = cv.CreateMat( msg.height, msg.width, cv.CV_8UC3 )
                        cv.CvtColor( maskCopy, outputImage, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR )
                        cv.SaveImage( "output.png", image );
                        cv.SaveImage( "outputMask.png", outputImage ); 
                        print "Saved images"
                    #print "Set Msk size", workingMask[ workingMask == self.GC_PR_FGD ].size
                    imageToSegment = image #self.inputImageList[ frameIdx - FRAMES_BACK ]
                    imageCopy = np.copy( imageToSegment )
                    cv.CvtColor( imageCopy, imageCopy, cv.CV_BGR2RGB )
                    print "Start seg"
                    cv.GrabCut( imageCopy, workingMask, 
                        (0,0,0,0), fgModel, bgModel, 12, self.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK )
                    print "Finish seg"
                    segmentation = np.copy( imageToSegment )
                    segmentation[ (workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD) & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD) ] = 0
                    black = (workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD) & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD)
                    #motionImage = np.where( black, 0, 255 ).astype( np.uint8 )
                    # Refine the segmentation
                    REFINE_SEG = False
                    if REFINE_SEG:
                        motionImageCopy = np.copy( motionImage )
                        cv.Erode( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        #cv.Erode( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        #cv.Erode( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        workingMask[ motionImageCopy > 0 ] = self.GC_PR_FGD
                        workingMask[ motionImageCopy == 0 ] = self.GC_PR_BGD
                        cv.Dilate( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        cv.Dilate( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        cv.Dilate( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        cv.Dilate( motionImageCopy, motionImageCopy )
                        workingMask[ motionImageCopy == 0 ] = self.GC_BGD
                        print "Other seg"
                        cv.GrabCut( imageCopy, workingMask, 
                            (0,0,0,0), fgModel, bgModel, 12, self.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK )
                        print "Other seg done"
                        segmentation = np.copy( imageToSegment )
                        segmentation[ (workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD) & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD) ] = 0
                        black = (workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD) & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD)
                        motionImage = np.where( black, 0, 255 ).astype( np.uint8 )
                    segmentation = np.zeros( ( image.height, image.width ), dtype=np.uint8 )
                # Save output data
                self.inputImageList[ frameIdx ] = image
                self.grayScaleImageList[ frameIdx ] = grayImage
                self.opticalFlowListX[ frameIdx ] = opticalFlowArrayX
                self.opticalFlowListY[ frameIdx ] = opticalFlowArrayY
                self.motionImageList[ frameIdx ] = motionImage
                self.segmentationList[ frameIdx ] = segmentation
                self.segmentationMaskList[ frameIdx ] = segmentationMask
                #self.maxMotionCounts[ frameIdx ] = motionCount
                #self.imageFlowList[ frameIdx ] = imageFlow
                #self.saliencyMapList[ frameIdx ] = largeSaliencyMap
                #self.saliencyClusterList[ frameIdx ] = clusterList
                self.leftMostMotionList[ frameIdx ] = leftMostMotion
                frameIdx += 1
                self.numFramesProcessed += 1
        if not self.workCancelled:
            SAVE_MOTION_IMAGES = True
            BASE_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/motion_images/motion_{0:03}.png"
            if SAVE_MOTION_IMAGES and len( self.motionImageList ) > 0:
                width = self.motionImageList[ 0 ].shape[ 1 ]
                height = self.motionImageList[ 0 ].shape[ 0 ]
                colourImage = np.zeros( ( height, width, 3 ), dtype=np.uint8 )
                for frameIdx, motionImage in enumerate( self.motionImageList ):
                    colourImage[ :, :, 0 ] = motionImage
                    colourImage[ :, :, 1 ] = motionImage
                    colourImage[ :, :, 2 ] = motionImage
                    outputName = BASE_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME.format( frameIdx + 1 )
                    cv.SaveImage( outputName, colourImage )
            # Recalculate impactFrameIdx
            width = self.motionImageList[ 0 ].shape[ 1 ]
            totalMotionDiff = 0
            maxMotionDiff = 0
            impactFrameIdx = None
            for motionIdx in range( 1, len( self.leftMostMotionList ) ):
                motionDiff = abs( self.leftMostMotionList[ motionIdx ] \
                    - self.leftMostMotionList[ motionIdx - 1 ] )
                totalMotionDiff += motionDiff
                if motionDiff > maxMotionDiff and totalMotionDiff > 0.5*width:
                    maxMotionDiff = motionDiff
                    impactFrameIdx = motionIdx
            if maxMotionDiff <= 18:
                impactFrameIdx = None
            if impactFrameIdx != None:
                preMotionImages = []
                postMotionImages = []
                impactMotionImage = None
                NUM_FRAMES_BEFORE = 3
                prefix = self.options.outputPrefix
                if prefix != "":
                    prefix += "_"
                BASE_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/impact_images/" + prefix + "motion_{0:03}.png"
                START_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/impact_images/" + prefix + "start_motion.png"
                START_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/impact_images/" + prefix + "start.png"
                IMPACT_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/impact_images/" + prefix + "impact.png"
                SEGMENTATION_IMAGE_NAME = self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/impact_images/" + prefix + "segmentation.png"
                NUM_FRAMES_AFTER = 3
                width = self.motionImageList[ 0 ].shape[ 1 ]
                height = self.motionImageList[ 0 ].shape[ 0 ]
                colourImage = np.zeros( ( height, width, 3 ), dtype=np.uint8 )
                for frameIdx in range( impactFrameIdx - NUM_FRAMES_BEFORE,
                    impactFrameIdx + NUM_FRAMES_AFTER + 1 ):
                    motionImage = self.motionImageList[ frameIdx ]  
                    if frameIdx < impactFrameIdx:
                        preMotionImages.append( motionImage )
                    elif frameIdx == impactFrameIdx:
                        impactMotionImage = motionImage
                    else: # frameIdx > impactFrameIdx
                        postMotionImages.append( motionImage )
                    colourImage[ :, :, 0 ] = motionImage
                    colourImage[ :, :, 1 ] = motionImage
                    colourImage[ :, :, 2 ] = motionImage
                    outputName = BASE_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME.format( frameIdx - impactFrameIdx )
                    cv.SaveImage( outputName, colourImage )
                motionDetectionFilter.calcMotion( self.grayScaleImageList[ 0 ] )
                startMotionImage = motionDetectionFilter.calcMotion( 
                    self.grayScaleImageList[ impactFrameIdx ] )
                colourImage[ :, :, 0 ] = startMotionImage
                colourImage[ :, :, 1 ] = startMotionImage
                colourImage[ :, :, 2 ] = startMotionImage  
                cv.SaveImage( START_MOTION_IMAGE_NAME, colourImage )
                cv.CvtColor( self.inputImageList[ 0 ], colourImage, cv.CV_RGB2BGR )    
                cv.SaveImage( START_IMAGE_NAME, colourImage )
                cv.CvtColor( self.inputImageList[ impactFrameIdx ], colourImage, cv.CV_RGB2BGR )    
                cv.SaveImage( IMPACT_IMAGE_NAME, colourImage )
                print "Segmenting..."
                segmentation = self.produceSegmentation( self.inputImageList[ 0 ], 
                    impactMotionImage, preMotionImages, postMotionImages )
                cv.CvtColor( segmentation, colourImage, cv.CV_RGB2BGR )    
                cv.SaveImage( SEGMENTATION_IMAGE_NAME, colourImage )
        print "Finished processing bag file"
        if bool( self.options.quitAfterFirstSegmentation == "True" ):
            print "Trying to quit"
            self.onWinMainDestroy( None )
            print "Not trying to quit so neeah"
Пример #4
class MainWindow:

    FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([255, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8)
    PROBABLY_FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([0, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8)
    BACKGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([0, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8)

    # Classes of pixel in GrabCut algorithm
    GC_BGD = 0  # background
    GC_FGD = 1  # foreground
    GC_PR_BGD = 2  # most probably background
    GC_PR_FGD = 3  # most probably foreground

    # GrabCut algorithm flags
    GC_EVAL = 2

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self):

        self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.image = None
        self.maskArray = None
        self.filename = None
        self.residualSaliencyFilter = ResidualSaliencyFilter()

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath + "/GUI/")

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        dwgImage = builder.get_object("dwgImage")
        dwgSegmentation = builder.get_object("dwgSegmentation")
        dwgSaliency = builder.get_object("dwgSaliency")
        self.adjBrushSize = builder.get_object("adjBrushSize")
        self.comboBrushType = builder.get_object("comboBrushType")
        self.comboPixelClass = builder.get_object("comboPixelClass")

        self.dwgImageDisplay = Display(dwgImage)
        self.dwgSegmentationDisplay = Display(dwgSegmentation)
        self.dwgSaliencyDisplay = Display(dwgSaliency)

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onWinMainDestroy(self, widget, data=None):

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def main(self):
        # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
        # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def makeBrush(self):

        brushSize = self.adjBrushSize.get_value()
        brushShape = (brushSize, brushSize)
        self.brush = np.zeros(brushSize, dtype=np.uint8)

        brushRadius = int(brushSize / 2)
        self.brushIndices = np.indices(brushShape) - brushRadius
        brushType = self.comboBrushType.get_active_text()
        if brushType == "Circle":
            i = self.brushIndices
            circleIndices = np.where(i[0] * i[0] + i[1] * i[1] <= brushRadius * brushRadius)
            self.brushIndices = self.brushIndices[:, circleIndices[0], circleIndices[1]]

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def alterMask(self, x, y, pixelClass):

        if self.maskArray != None:

            indices = np.copy(self.brushIndices)
            indices[0] += y
            indices[1] += x

            validIndices = indices[
                    (indices[0] >= 0)
                    & (indices[1] >= 0)
                    & (indices[0] < self.maskArray.shape[0])
                    & (indices[1] < self.maskArray.shape[1])
            self.maskArray[validIndices[0], validIndices[1]] = pixelClass


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def redrawImageWithMask(self):
        self.composedImage = np.copy(self.image)
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray == self.GC_FGD] = self.FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray == self.GC_PR_FGD] = self.PROBABLY_FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray == self.GC_BGD] = self.BACKGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getCurPixelClass(self):

        pixelClassText = self.comboPixelClass.get_active_text()
        if pixelClassText == "Background":
            return self.GC_BGD
        elif pixelClassText == "Probably Foreground":
            return self.GC_PR_FGD
            return self.GC_FGD

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def chooseImageFile(self):

        result = None

        dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(
            title="Choose Image File",
            buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT),

        dialog.set_current_folder(self.scriptPath + "/../../test_data/saliency")

        filter = gtk.FileFilter()
        filter.set_name("Image Files")

        result =

        if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
            result = dialog.get_filename()


        return result

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onMenuItemOpenImageActivate(self, widget):

        filename = self.chooseImageFile()

        if filename != None:
            self.image = cv.LoadImageM(filename)
            cv.CvtColor(self.image, self.image, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)

            # Create a mask and blank segmentation that matches the size of the image
            self.maskArray = np.ones((self.image.height, self.image.width), np.uint8) * self.GC_PR_BGD
            self.segmentation = np.zeros((self.image.height, self.image.width, 3), np.uint8)


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onMenuItemOpenMaskActivate(self, widget):

        # Map for translating mask values
        PIXEL_MAP = {0: self.GC_BGD, 64: self.GC_PR_BGD, 128: self.GC_PR_FGD, 255: self.GC_FGD}

        if self.image == None:
            return  # No image to apply mask to yet

        filename = self.chooseImageFile()

        if filename != None:
            maskImage = cv.LoadImageM(filename)
            if maskImage.width != self.image.width or maskImage.height != self.image.height:

                print "Error: Mask doesn't match the size of the current image"

            # maskImageGray = cv.CreateMat( self.image.height, self.image.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
            self.maskArray = np.ndarray((self.image.height, self.image.width), np.uint8)
            cv.CvtColor(maskImage, self.maskArray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)

            # Convert the pixel values over to the correct values for the pixel type
            translationArray = [
                (self.maskArray == sourcePixelValue, PIXEL_MAP[sourcePixelValue]) for sourcePixelValue in PIXEL_MAP
            for translation in translationArray:
                self.maskArray[translation[0]] = translation[1]

            # Redraw the main image to show the mask

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onMenuItemQuitActivate(self, widget):

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnClearMaskClicked(self, widget):
        if self.image != None:
            self.maskArray = np.ones((self.image.height, self.image.width), np.uint8) * self.GC_PR_BGD

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnSegmentClicked(self, widget):

        if self.maskArray != None:
            workingMask = np.copy(self.maskArray)

            fgModel = cv.CreateMat(1, 5 * 13, cv.CV_64FC1)
            cv.Set(fgModel, 0)
            bgModel = cv.CreateMat(1, 5 * 13, cv.CV_64FC1)
            cv.Set(bgModel, 0)

            workingImage = np.copy(self.image)
            cv.GrabCut(workingImage, workingMask, (0, 0, 0, 0), fgModel, bgModel, 12, self.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK)

            self.segmentation = np.copy(self.image)
            self.segmentation[(workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD) & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD)] = 0

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnCreateSaliencyMaskClicked(self, widget):

        ROI_X = 0
        ROI_Y = 76
        ROI_WIDTH = 230
        ROI_HEIGHT = 100

        # ROI_WIDTH = 10

        if self.image != None:

            # Create a saliency map from the current image
            grayImage = np.ndarray((self.image.height, self.image.width), dtype=np.uint8)
            cv.CvtColor(self.image, grayImage, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)

            saliencyMap, largeSaliencyMap = self.residualSaliencyFilter.calcSaliencyMap(grayImage)

            # Threshold to get blobs
            blobPixels = largeSaliencyMap >= 160
            largeSaliencyMap[blobPixels] = 255
            largeSaliencyMap[blobPixels == False] = 0

            # Label blobs
            largeSaliencyMap, numBlobs = PyBlobLib.labelBlobs(largeSaliencyMap)

            # Find blobs in the region of interest
            testMap = np.copy(largeSaliencyMap)
            testMap[:ROI_Y, :] = 0  # Mask out area above the ROI
            testMap[:, :ROI_X] = 0  # Mask out area to the left of the ROI
            testMap[ROI_Y + ROI_HEIGHT :] = 0  # Mask out area below the ROI
            testMap[:, ROI_X + ROI_WIDTH :] = 0  # Mask out area to the right of the ROI

            biggestBlobIdx = None
            biggestBlobSize = 0

            for blobIdx in range(1, numBlobs + 1):
                if testMap[testMap == blobIdx].size > 0:
                    blobSize = largeSaliencyMap[largeSaliencyMap == blobIdx].size
                    if blobSize > biggestBlobSize:
                        biggestBlobSize = blobSize
                        biggestBlobIdx = blobIdx

            # Isolate the largest blob
            if biggestBlobIdx != None:
                biggestBlobPixels = largeSaliencyMap == biggestBlobIdx
                print biggestBlobPixels.size
                largeSaliencyMap[biggestBlobPixels] = self.GC_PR_FGD
                largeSaliencyMap[biggestBlobPixels == False] = self.GC_PR_BGD

                # Use the largest blob as the segmentation mask
                self.maskArray = largeSaliencyMap

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onComboBrushTypeChanged(self, widget):

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onAdjBrushSizeValueChanged(self, widget):

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgImageButtonPressEvent(self, widget, data):

        if data.button == 1:
            self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.getCurPixelClass())
            self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.GC_PR_BGD)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgImageMotionNotifyEvent(self, widget, data):

        self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.getCurPixelClass())

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onImageMaskChanged(self, widget, data, pixelClass):

        imgRect = self.dwgImageDisplay.getImageRectangleInWidget(widget)
        if imgRect != None:

            x = data.x - imgRect.x
            y = data.y - imgRect.y
            self.alterMask(x, y, pixelClass)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgImageExposeEvent(self, widget, data):

        imgRect = self.dwgImageDisplay.drawPixBufToDrawingArea(data.area)

        if imgRect != None:

            imgRect = imgRect.intersect(data.area)

            # Add in the mask
            # if self.maskArray != None:
            # self.maskArrayRGB.fill( 0 )
            # self.maskArrayRGB[ self.maskArray == self.GC_FGD ] = self.FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR

            # self.drawingArea.window.draw_pixbuf(
            # self.drawingArea.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ],
            # self.pixBuf, srcX, srcY,
            # redrawRect.x, redrawRect.y, redrawRect.width, redrawRect.height )

            # Draw an overlay to show the selected segmentation
            # if self.markerBuffer != None:

            # graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
            # graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 0 ) )

            # blockY = imgRect.y
            # for y in range( self.markerBuffer.shape[ 0 ] ):

            # blockX = imgRect.x
            # for x in range( self.markerBuffer.shape[ 1 ] ):

            # if self.markerBuffer[ y, x ]:
            # points = [ (blockX+int((i*2)%self.opticalFlowBlockWidth), blockY+2*int((i*2)/self.opticalFlowBlockWidth)) \
            # for i in range( int(self.opticalFlowBlockWidth*self.opticalFlowBlockHeight/4) ) ]

            # widget.window.draw_points( graphicsContext, points )

            # blockX += self.opticalFlowBlockWidth

            # blockY += self.opticalFlowBlockHeight

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgSegmentationExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None):


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgSaliencyExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None):


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def update(self):

        lastTime = time.clock()

        while 1:

            curTime = time.clock()

            yield True

        yield False
class MainWindow:

    FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([255, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8)
    PROBABLY_FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([0, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8)
    BACKGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR = np.array([0, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8)

    # Classes of pixel in GrabCut algorithm
    GC_BGD = 0  # background
    GC_FGD = 1  # foreground
    GC_PR_BGD = 2  # most probably background
    GC_PR_FGD = 3  # most probably foreground

    # GrabCut algorithm flags
    GC_EVAL = 2

    def __init__(self):

        self.scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.image = None
        self.maskArray = None
        self.filename = None
        self.residualSaliencyFilter = ResidualSaliencyFilter()

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(self.scriptPath +

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        dwgImage = builder.get_object("dwgImage")
        dwgSegmentation = builder.get_object("dwgSegmentation")
        dwgSaliency = builder.get_object("dwgSaliency")
        self.adjBrushSize = builder.get_object("adjBrushSize")
        self.comboBrushType = builder.get_object("comboBrushType")
        self.comboPixelClass = builder.get_object("comboPixelClass")

        self.dwgImageDisplay = Display(dwgImage)
        self.dwgSegmentationDisplay = Display(dwgSegmentation)
        self.dwgSaliencyDisplay = Display(dwgSaliency)

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()

    def onWinMainDestroy(self, widget, data=None):

    def main(self):
        # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
        # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).

    def makeBrush(self):

        brushSize = self.adjBrushSize.get_value()
        brushShape = (brushSize, brushSize)
        self.brush = np.zeros(brushSize, dtype=np.uint8)

        brushRadius = int(brushSize / 2)
        self.brushIndices = np.indices(brushShape) - brushRadius
        brushType = self.comboBrushType.get_active_text()
        if brushType == "Circle":
            i = self.brushIndices
            circleIndices = np.where(
                i[0] * i[0] + i[1] * i[1] <= brushRadius * brushRadius)
            self.brushIndices = self.brushIndices[:, circleIndices[0],

    def alterMask(self, x, y, pixelClass):

        if self.maskArray != None:

            indices = np.copy(self.brushIndices)
            indices[0] += y
            indices[1] += x

            validIndices = indices[ :,
                np.where( (indices[ 0 ]>=0) & (indices[ 1 ]>=0) \
                    & (indices[ 0 ] < self.maskArray.shape[ 0 ]) \
                    & (indices[ 1 ] < self.maskArray.shape[ 1 ]) ) ]
            self.maskArray[validIndices[0], validIndices[1]] = pixelClass


    def redrawImageWithMask(self):
        self.composedImage = np.copy(self.image)
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray ==
                           self.GC_FGD] = self.FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray == self.
                           GC_PR_FGD] = self.PROBABLY_FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR
        self.composedImage[self.maskArray ==
                           self.GC_BGD] = self.BACKGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR


    def getCurPixelClass(self):

        pixelClassText = self.comboPixelClass.get_active_text()
        if pixelClassText == "Background":
            return self.GC_BGD
        elif pixelClassText == "Probably Foreground":
            return self.GC_PR_FGD
            return self.GC_FGD

    def chooseImageFile(self):

        result = None

        dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(
            title="Choose Image File",
            buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK,

        dialog.set_current_folder(self.scriptPath +

        filter = gtk.FileFilter()
        filter.set_name("Image Files")

        result =

        if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
            result = dialog.get_filename()


        return result

    def onMenuItemOpenImageActivate(self, widget):

        filename = self.chooseImageFile()

        if filename != None:
            self.image = cv.LoadImageM(filename)
            cv.CvtColor(self.image, self.image, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)

            # Create a mask and blank segmentation that matches the size of the image
            self.maskArray = np.ones((self.image.height, self.image.width),
                                     np.uint8) * self.GC_PR_BGD
            self.segmentation = np.zeros(
                (self.image.height, self.image.width, 3), np.uint8)


    def onMenuItemOpenMaskActivate(self, widget):

        # Map for translating mask values
        PIXEL_MAP = {
            0: self.GC_BGD,
            64: self.GC_PR_BGD,
            128: self.GC_PR_FGD,
            255: self.GC_FGD

        if self.image == None:
            return  # No image to apply mask to yet

        filename = self.chooseImageFile()

        if filename != None:
            maskImage = cv.LoadImageM(filename)
            if maskImage.width != self.image.width \
                or maskImage.height != self.image.height:

                print "Error: Mask doesn't match the size of the current image"

            #maskImageGray = cv.CreateMat( self.image.height, self.image.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
            self.maskArray = np.ndarray((self.image.height, self.image.width),
            cv.CvtColor(maskImage, self.maskArray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)

            # Convert the pixel values over to the correct values for the pixel type
            translationArray = \
                [ ( self.maskArray == sourcePixelValue, PIXEL_MAP[ sourcePixelValue ] ) \
                    for sourcePixelValue in PIXEL_MAP ]
            for translation in translationArray:
                self.maskArray[translation[0]] = translation[1]

            # Redraw the main image to show the mask

    def onMenuItemQuitActivate(self, widget):

    def onBtnClearMaskClicked(self, widget):
        if self.image != None:
            self.maskArray = np.ones((self.image.height, self.image.width),
                                     np.uint8) * self.GC_PR_BGD

    def onBtnSegmentClicked(self, widget):

        if self.maskArray != None:
            workingMask = np.copy(self.maskArray)

            fgModel = cv.CreateMat(1, 5 * 13, cv.CV_64FC1)
            cv.Set(fgModel, 0)
            bgModel = cv.CreateMat(1, 5 * 13, cv.CV_64FC1)
            cv.Set(bgModel, 0)

            workingImage = np.copy(self.image)
            cv.GrabCut(workingImage, workingMask, (0, 0, 0, 0), fgModel,
                       bgModel, 12, self.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK)

            self.segmentation = np.copy(self.image)
            self.segmentation[(workingMask != self.GC_PR_FGD)
                              & (workingMask != self.GC_FGD)] = 0

    def onBtnCreateSaliencyMaskClicked(self, widget):

        ROI_X = 0
        ROI_Y = 76
        ROI_WIDTH = 230
        ROI_HEIGHT = 100

        #ROI_WIDTH = 10

        if self.image != None:

            # Create a saliency map from the current image
            grayImage = np.ndarray((self.image.height, self.image.width),
            cv.CvtColor(self.image, grayImage, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)

            saliencyMap, largeSaliencyMap = self.residualSaliencyFilter.calcSaliencyMap(

            # Threshold to get blobs
            blobPixels = largeSaliencyMap >= 160
            largeSaliencyMap[blobPixels] = 255
            largeSaliencyMap[blobPixels == False] = 0

            # Label blobs
            largeSaliencyMap, numBlobs = PyBlobLib.labelBlobs(largeSaliencyMap)

            # Find blobs in the region of interest
            testMap = np.copy(largeSaliencyMap)
            testMap[:ROI_Y, :] = 0  # Mask out area above the ROI
            testMap[:, :ROI_X] = 0  # Mask out area to the left of the ROI
            testMap[ROI_Y + ROI_HEIGHT:] = 0  # Mask out area below the ROI
            testMap[:, ROI_X +
                    ROI_WIDTH:] = 0  # Mask out area to the right of the ROI

            biggestBlobIdx = None
            biggestBlobSize = 0

            for blobIdx in range(1, numBlobs + 1):
                if testMap[testMap == blobIdx].size > 0:
                    blobSize = largeSaliencyMap[largeSaliencyMap ==
                    if blobSize > biggestBlobSize:
                        biggestBlobSize = blobSize
                        biggestBlobIdx = blobIdx

            # Isolate the largest blob
            if biggestBlobIdx != None:
                biggestBlobPixels = (largeSaliencyMap == biggestBlobIdx)
                print biggestBlobPixels.size
                largeSaliencyMap[biggestBlobPixels] = self.GC_PR_FGD
                largeSaliencyMap[biggestBlobPixels == False] = self.GC_PR_BGD

                # Use the largest blob as the segmentation mask
                self.maskArray = largeSaliencyMap

    def onComboBrushTypeChanged(self, widget):

    def onAdjBrushSizeValueChanged(self, widget):

    def onDwgImageButtonPressEvent(self, widget, data):

        if data.button == 1:
            self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.getCurPixelClass())
            self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.GC_PR_BGD)

    def onDwgImageMotionNotifyEvent(self, widget, data):

        self.onImageMaskChanged(widget, data, self.getCurPixelClass())

    def onImageMaskChanged(self, widget, data, pixelClass):

        imgRect = self.dwgImageDisplay.getImageRectangleInWidget(widget)
        if imgRect != None:

            x = data.x - imgRect.x
            y = data.y - imgRect.y
            self.alterMask(x, y, pixelClass)

    def onDwgImageExposeEvent(self, widget, data):

        imgRect = self.dwgImageDisplay.drawPixBufToDrawingArea(data.area)

        if imgRect != None:

            imgRect = imgRect.intersect(data.area)

            # Add in the mask
            #if self.maskArray != None:
            #self.maskArrayRGB.fill( 0 )
            #self.maskArrayRGB[ self.maskArray == self.GC_FGD ] = self.FOREGROUND_BRUSH_COLOUR

            #self.drawingArea.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ],
            #self.pixBuf, srcX, srcY,
            #redrawRect.x, redrawRect.y, redrawRect.width, redrawRect.height )

            # Draw an overlay to show the selected segmentation
            #if self.markerBuffer != None:

            #graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
            #graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 0 ) )

            #blockY = imgRect.y
            #for y in range( self.markerBuffer.shape[ 0 ] ):

            #blockX = imgRect.x
            #for x in range( self.markerBuffer.shape[ 1 ] ):

            #if self.markerBuffer[ y, x ]:
            #points = [ (blockX+int((i*2)%self.opticalFlowBlockWidth), blockY+2*int((i*2)/self.opticalFlowBlockWidth)) \
            #for i in range( int(self.opticalFlowBlockWidth*self.opticalFlowBlockHeight/4) ) ]

            #widget.window.draw_points( graphicsContext, points )

            #blockX += self.opticalFlowBlockWidth

            #blockY += self.opticalFlowBlockHeight

    def onDwgSegmentationExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None):


    def onDwgSaliencyExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None):


    def update(self):

        lastTime = time.clock()

        while 1:

            curTime = time.clock()

            yield True

        yield False