def DataframeParser(): dataframeParser = ArgumentParser( add_help = False ) dataframeGroup = dataframeParser.add_argument_group("TuningTools DATA framework configuration" , "") dataframeGroup.add_argument( '--data-framework', type = Dataframe, action = RetrieveDataFramework, default=NotSet, help = """Specify which data framework should be used in the job.""" ) return dataframeParser
def CoreFrameworkParser(): coreFrameworkParser = ArgumentParser( add_help = False) coreFrameworkGroup = coreFrameworkParser.add_argument_group("TuningTools CORE configuration" , "") coreFrameworkGroup.add_argument( '-core', '--core-framework', type = AvailableTuningToolCores, action = RetrieveCoreFramework, help = """ Specify which core framework should be used in the job.""" \ + ( " Current default is: " + AvailableTuningToolCores.tostring( coreConf.default() ) )) return coreFrameworkParser
def CrossValStatsMonParser(): crossValStatsMonParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description= 'Retrieve cross-validation-monitoring information performance.', conflict_handler='resolve') reqArgs = crossValStatsMonParser.add_argument_group( "required arguments", "") reqArgs.add_argument( '-f', '--file', action='store', required=True, help= """The crossvalidation data files or folders that will be used to run the analysis.""") reqArgs.add_argument( '-d', '--dataPath', default=None, required=True, help="""The tuning data file to retrieve the patterns.""") optArgs = crossValStatsMonParser.add_argument_group( "optional arguments", "") optArgs.add_argument('--debug', default=False, type=BooleanStr, help="Debug mode") optArgs.add_argument('--grid', default=False, type=BooleanStr, help="Enable the grid filter tag.") optArgs.add_argument('--doBeamer', default=False, type=BooleanStr, help="Enable the beamer creation.") optArgs.add_argument('--doShortSlides', default=False, type=BooleanStr, help="Enable the beamer short slides.") optArgs.add_argument('--reference', default=None, help="The reference string to be used.") optArgs.add_argument('--output', '-o', default="report", help="the output file path to the data") optArgs.add_argument('--choicesfile', '-c', default=None, help="the .mat file with the neuron choices ") return crossValStatsMonParser
def TuningExpertParser(): tuningExpertParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Tune expert discriminator for a specific TuningTool data.', conflict_handler='resolve', parents=[TuningJobParser()]) tuningExpertParser.delete_arguments('data') tuningExpertParser.suppress_arguments(core='keras') tuneExpDataArgs = tuningExpertParser.add_argument_group( "required arguments", "") tuneExpDataArgs.add_argument( '-dc', '--data-calo', action='store', metavar='data_calo', required=True, help= "The calorimeter data file that will be used to tune the discriminators" ) tuneExpDataArgs.add_argument( '-dt', '--data-track', action='store', metavar='data_track', required=True, help= "The tracking data file that will be used to tune the discriminators") tuneExpDataArgs.add_argument( '-nc', '--network-calo', action='store', metavar='nn_calo', required=True, help= """List of files of the calorimeter neural networks performance analysis. There must be one file per bin and they must be ordered from the first et bin to the last, and for each et the eta bins must also be ordered. Example: For et-bins 0 and 1 and eta-bins 0, 1 and 2 the files must be in the order: Et0 Eta0, Et0 Eta1, Et0 Eta2, Et1 Eta0, Et1 Eta1, Et1 Eta2. In order to obtain such files, it is necessary to run the executable""") tuneExpDataArgs.add_argument( '-nt', '--network-track', action='store', metavar='nn_track', required=True, help= """List of files of the tracking neural networks performance analysis. For more information see explanation of network_calo argument.""" ) return tuningExpertParser
#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess as sp, json, pprint, pickle, requests, tempfile, os try: from RingerCore import ArgumentParser, loggerParser from RingerCore import emptyArgumentsPrintHelp, Logger, printArgs except ImportError: from argparse import ArgumentParser loggerParser = None pass parentParser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parentReqParser = parentParser.add_argument_group("required arguments", '') parentReqParser.add_argument( '-u', '--url', required=True, metavar='URL', action='store', nargs='+', help="Bigpanda urls to retrieve the job configuration.") parents = [parentParser, loggerParser] if loggerParser else [parentParser] parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'Retrieve configuration from panda job and create a file to run the job locally', parents=parents, conflict_handler='resolve') if loggerParser: parser.make_adjustments()
# for et = 1:nEtBin # for eta = 1:nEtaBin # for sort = 1:nSort # projCollection{et,eta,sort} = A % your matrix projection here! # end # end # end # save('your pp file name', 'nEtaBin', 'nEtBin', 'projCollection') # from RingerCore import Logger, LoggingLevel, save, load, ArgumentParser, emptyArgumentsPrintHelp from TuningTools import fixPPCol import numpy as np import sys, os mainParser = ArgumentParser() mainParser.add_argument('-i','--input', action='store', required = True, help = "The input files [.mat] that will be used to generate a extract the preproc proj matrix.\ Your matlab file must be inside: projCollection = [[[]]], nEtaBin = int, nEtBin = int, \ nSort = int") mainParser.add_argument('-o','--output', action='store', required = False, default = 'ppCol', help = "The output file") emptyArgumentsPrintHelp( mainParser ) mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger( __name__, LoggingLevel.INFO ) args=mainParser.parse_args() import
__all__ = ['tuningJobParser', 'tuningExpertParser'] from RingerCore import NotSet, ArgumentParser, BooleanStr from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import RingerOperation from TuningTools.TuningJob import BatchSizeMethod from TuningTools.coreDef import hasFastnet, hasExmachina from TuningTools.parsers.BaseModuleParser import coreFrameworkParser from TuningTools.CrossValid import CrossValidMethod ################################################################################ # Create tuningJob file related objects ################################################################################ tuningJobParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Tune discriminator for a specific TuningTool data.', conflict_handler='resolve', parents=[coreFrameworkParser]) tuningDataArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group("required arguments", "") tuningDataArgs.add_argument( '-d', '--data', action='store', metavar='data', required=True, help="The data file that will be used to tune the discriminators") tuningOptArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group("optional arguments", "") tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '--outputFileBase', action='store', default=NotSet,
#!/usr/bin/env python from RingerCore import Logger, LoggerNamespace, ArgumentParser, emptyArgumentsPrintHelp parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',action='store', default="merge.root", help='output merged file') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nFilesPerMerge', type=int, default=2, help='Number of files per merge') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input' ,action='store', nargs='+',required=True, help='input file') mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__) #***************************** Main ****************************** emptyArgumentsPrintHelp( parser ) args = parser.parse_args( namespace = LoggerNamespace() )'Starting merging files...') poutput = args.output.replace('.root','') import numpy as np'Trying to merge %d files')%(len(args.input))) files = args.input files.sort() imerge=0 all_merged_files=str() while len(files) > 0:
#!/usr/bin/env python from RingerCore import (csvStr2List, emptyArgumentsPrintHelp, expandFolders, Logger, progressbar, LoggingLevel, ArgumentParser) from TuningTools.parsers import loggerParser, LoggerNamespace mainParser = ArgumentParser(description='Export files pdfs into unique file.', add_help=False) mainMergeParser = mainParser.add_argument_group("Required arguments", "") mainMergeParser.add_argument( '-i', '--inputFiles', action='store', metavar='InputFiles', required=True, nargs='+', help="The input files that will be used to generate a matlab file") mainMergeParser.add_argument('-f', '--filter-keys', action='store', required=False, default=[''], nargs='+', help="Filter histogram keys to be exported.") mainMergeParser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude-keys', action='store', required=False, default=[], nargs='+',
__all__ = ['crossValStatsJobParser'] from RingerCore import ArgumentParser, BooleanStr, NotSet from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import RingerOperation from TuningTools.TuningJob import ChooseOPMethod ################################################################################ # Create cross valid stats job parser file related objects ################################################################################ crossValStatsJobParser = ArgumentParser(add_help = False, description = 'Retrieve cross-validation information and tuned discriminators performance.', conflict_handler = 'resolve') ################################################################################ reqArgs = crossValStatsJobParser.add_argument_group( "required arguments", "") reqArgs.add_argument('-d', '--discrFiles', action='store', metavar='data', required = True, help = """The tuned discriminator data files or folders that will be used to run the cross-validation analysis.""") ################################################################################ optArgs = crossValStatsJobParser.add_argument_group( "optional arguments", "") # TODO Reset this when running on the Grid to the GridJobFilter optArgs.add_argument('--binFilters', action='store', default = NotSet, help = """This option filter the files types from each job. It can be a string with the name of a class defined on python/CrossValidStat dedicated to automatically separate the files or a comma separated list of patterns that identify unique group of files for each bin. A python list can also be speficied. E.g.: You can specify 'group001,group002' if you have file001.group001.pic, file002.group001, file001.group002, file002.group002 available and group001 specifies one binning limit, and group002 another, both of them with 2 files available in this case.
return False del cobject # Everything is good return True def save(self):'Saving file %s') % (self._outputDS)) self._file.Close() ######################### __main__ ############################ from RingerCore import expandFolders, csvStr2List, ArgumentParser from pprint import pprint mainFilterParser = ArgumentParser() mainFilterParser.add_argument( '-i', '--inputFiles', action='store', metavar='InputFiles', required=True, nargs='+', help="The input files that will be used to generate a extract file") mainFilterParser.add_argument( '-t', '--trigger', action='store', default='e0_perf_L1EM15',
def TuningJobParser(): tuningJobParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Tune discriminator for a specific TuningTool data.', conflict_handler='resolve', parents=[CoreFrameworkParser(), DataCurationParser()]) tuningOptArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group("optional arguments", "") tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '--outputFileBase', action='store', default=NotSet, help= """Base name for the output file, e.g. 'nn-tuned', 'tunedDiscr' etc.""" ) tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '-odir', '--outputDir', action='store', default=NotSet, help= """Output directory path. When not specified, output will be created in PWD.""" ) tuningOptArgs.add_argument('--overwrite', type=BooleanStr, default=NotSet, help="""Whether to overwrite output files.""") tuningLoopVars = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group( "Looping configuration", "") tuningLoopVars.add_argument( '-c', '--confFileList', nargs='+', default=None, help="""A python list or a comma separated list of the root files containing the configuration to run the jobs. The files can be generated using a CreateConfFiles instance which can be accessed via command line using the script.""") tuningLoopVars.add_argument('--neuronBounds', nargs='+', type=int, default=None, help=""" Input a sequential bounded list to be used as the neuron job range, the arguments should have the same format from the seq unix command or as the Matlab format. If not specified, the range will start from 1. I.e 5 2 9 leads to [5 7 9] and 50 leads to 1:50 """) tuningLoopVars.add_argument('--sortBounds', nargs='+', type=int, default=None, help=""" Input a sequential bounded list using seq format to be used as the sort job range, but the last bound will be opened just as happens when using python range function. If not specified, the range will start from 0. I.e. 5 2 9 leads to [5 7] and 50 leads to range(50) """) tuningLoopVars.add_argument('--initBounds', nargs='+', type=int, default=None, help=""" Input a sequential bounded list using seq format to be used as the inits job range, but the last bound will be opened just as happens when using python range function. If not specified, the range will start from 0. I.e. 5 2 9 leads to [5 7] and 50 leads to range(50) """) tuningDepVars = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group("Binning configuration", "") addBinningOptions(tuningDepVars) tuningOptArgs.add_argument('--compress', type=BooleanStr, default=NotSet, help="""Whether to compress output files.""") tuningArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group( "Tuning CORE configuration", "") tuningArgs.add_argument( '--show-evo', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of iterations where performance is shown.""") tuningArgs.add_argument( '--max-fail', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""Maximum number of failures to imrpove performance over validation dataset that is tolerated.""") tuningArgs.add_argument( '--epochs', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""Number of iterations where the tuning algorithm can run the optimization.""") tuningArgs.add_argument('--do-perf', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""Whether we should run performance testing under convergence conditions, using test/validation dataset and also estimate operation condition.""") tuningArgs.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""Set the batch size used during tuning.""") tuningArgs.add_argument( '--batch-method', type=BatchSizeMethod, default=NotSet, help="""Set the batch size method to be used during tuning. If batch size is set this will be overwritten by Manual method. """) tuningArgs.add_argument( '--expert-networks', nargs='+', default=NotSet, help="""The Cross-Valid summary data file with the expert networks.""") if hasExmachina: exMachinaArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group( "ExMachina CORE configuration", "") exMachinaArgs.add_argument('--algorithm-name', default=NotSet, help="""The tuning method to use.""") exMachinaArgs.add_argument( '--network-arch', default=NotSet, help="""The neural network architeture to use.""") exMachinaArgs.add_argument( '--cost-function', default=NotSet, help="""The cost function used by ExMachina.""") exMachinaArgs.add_argument( '--shuffle', default=NotSet, help="""Whether to shuffle datasets while training.""") else: tuningJobParser.set_defaults(algorithm_name=NotSet, network_arch=NotSet, cost_function=NotSet, shuffle=NotSet) if hasFastnet: fastNetArgs = tuningJobParser.add_argument_group( "FastNet CORE configuration", "") fastNetArgs.add_argument( '--seed', default=NotSet, help="""The seed to be used by the tuning algorithm.""") fastNetArgs.add_argument('--do-multi-stop', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="""Tune classifier using P_D, P_F and SP when set to True. Uses only SP when set to False.""") fastNetArgs.add_argument( '--add-pileup', default=None, type=BooleanStr, help="""Propagate pile-up to the network hidden layer.""") else: tuningJobParser.set_defaults(seed=NotSet, do_multi_stop=NotSet) return tuningJobParser
def CrossValStatsJobParser(): extraDescr = """NOTE: Only valid when --redo-decision-making flag to be set.""" crossValStatsJobParser = ArgumentParser(add_help = False, description = 'Retrieve cross-validation information and tuned discriminators performance.', conflict_handler = 'resolve', parents=[DataCurationParser( False, extraDescr)]) ################################################################################ reqArgs = crossValStatsJobParser.add_argument_group( "required arguments", "") reqArgs.add_argument('-d', '--discrFiles', action='store', metavar='files', required = True, help = """The tuned discriminator data files or folders that will be used to run the cross-validation analysis.""") ################################################################################ decisionMakingArgs = crossValStatsJobParser.add_argument_group( "Decision making configuration", extraDescr) addBinningOptions( decisionMakingArgs, 'thres' ) decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('--redo-decision-making', default = NotSet, type = BooleanStr , help = """Whether to overwrite decision making process using specified method and data. When NotSet, its value will be set accordingly to --data.""" ) decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('-dmm', '--decision-making-method', default = NotSet, type = DecisionMakingMethod , help = """Specify which method should be used in the decision making process.""" ) decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('-pup', '--pile-up-ref', default = NotSet, type = PileupReference , help = """Specify the pileup reference to be used. This will be used to determine the label in the plots using pile-up and the limits if not specified.""" ) decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('--fr-margin', default = NotSet, type = float, nargs = '+' , help = """Specify the fake rate margin multipliers to calculate the correction range estimators.""") decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('--max-corr', default = NotSet, type = float , help = """Specify the maximum correction limit.""" ) decisionMakingArgs.add_argument('--pile-up-limits', default = NotSet, nargs = '+', type = float , help = """Specify the limits for calculating the linear correction method. It must have size equal exactly to 3.""" ) ################################################################################ optArgs = crossValStatsJobParser.add_argument_group( "optional arguments", "") # TODO Reset this when running on the Grid to the GridJobFilter optArgs.add_argument('--binFilters', action='store', default = NotSet, help = """This option filter the files types from each job. It can be a string with the name of a class defined on python/CrossValidStat dedicated to automatically separate the files or a comma separated list of patterns that identify unique group of files for each bin. A python list can also be speficied. E.g.: You can specify 'group001,group002' if you have file001.group001.pic, file002.group001, file001.group002, file002.group002 available and group001 specifies one binning limit, and group002 another, both of them with 2 files available in this case. When not set, all files are considered to be from the same binning. """) optArgs.add_argument('-idx','--binFilterIdx', default = None, nargs='+',type = int, help = """The index of the bin job to run. e.g. two bins, idx will be: 0 and 1""" ) optArgs.add_argument('--doMonitoring', default=NotSet, help = "Enable or disable monitoring file creation.", type=BooleanStr, ) optArgs.add_argument('--doMatlab', default=NotSet, help = "Enable or disable matlab file creation.", type=BooleanStr, ) optArgs.add_argument('--doCompress', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help = "Enable or disable raw output file compression." ) optArgs.add_argument('-r','--refFile', default = None, help = """The performance reference file to retrieve the operation points.""") optArgs.add_argument('-op','--operation', default = None, type=RingerOperation, help = """The Ringer operation determining in each Trigger level or what is (are) the offline operation point reference(s).""" ) optArgs.add_argument('-rocm','--roc-method', nargs='+', default = NotSet, type=ChooseOPMethod, help = """The method to be used to choose the operation point on the ROC. Usually it will come in the following order: SP Pd Pf.""" ) optArgs.add_argument('-eps','--epsilon', nargs='+', default = NotSet, type=float, help = """The value is used to calculate the limits in which a point is accept as valid. Usually it will come in the following order: SP Pd Pf.""" ) optArgs.add_argument('-modelm','--model-method', nargs='+', default = NotSet, type=ChooseOPMethod, help = """The method to be used to choose the best model to operate from all models available operating at the chosen operation point by the roc method. Usually it will come in the following order: SP Pd Pf. """ ) optArgs.add_argument('-imodelm','--init-model-method', default = NotSet, #ChooseOPMethod.MSE, type=ChooseOPMethod, help = """Whether to overwrite, for all operation points, the initialization model choice method by the one specified here. If not set, it will use the same value as modelm. """ ) optArgs.add_argument('-aeps','--AUC-epsilon', nargs='+', default = NotSet, type=float, help = """The Area Under the ROC Curve epsilon value. This value is used as a delta from the reference in which the value is calculated. Usually it will come in the following order: SP Pd Pf. """) optArgs.add_argument('--expandOP', default = NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help = """If the tune was done using --do-multi-stop set to false, then this option will try to expand the operation point to derive the best models for each OP case, using the target Pd/Pf/SP. If no target Pd/Pf is available, then it will print a warning and choose only one model via SP maximization. """) optArgs.add_argument('--always-use-SP-network', default = NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help = """If the tune was done using --do-multi-stop set to true, then this option will force all operation points to be derived using the bestSP neural network epoch. """) optArgs.add_argument('--outputFileBase', action='store', default = NotSet, help = """Base name for the output file.""") optArgs.add_argument('--fullDumpNeurons', nargs='+', type=int, default = NotSet, help = """ For debuging purporses, input a sequential bounded list to be used as the neurons to be fully dumped by the monitoring. """) optArgs.add_argument('--overwrite', default = NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help = """ Whether to overwrite files or just skip those which already exist. """ ) optArgs.add_argument('--tmpFolder', '--tmpDir', default = None, help = """ Specify tmp folder for tar files extraction. Consider using this option if you are facing disk space issues. Please also note that failing jobs won't delete the created temporary files, so the user might need to take action by doing (assuming that the default tmp folder is /tmp): rm $(find /tmp -name "*.pic") """ ) optArgs.add_argument('--test', type=BooleanStr, help = "Set debug mode.") return crossValStatsJobParser
def CreateDataParser(): createDataParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Create TuningTool data from PhysVal.', parents=[CoreFrameworkParser(), DataframeParser()]) from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import Reference, Detector, PileupReference mainCreateData = createDataParser.add_argument_group( "Required arguments", "") mainCreateData.add_argument( '-s', '--sgnInputFiles', action='store', metavar='SignalInputFiles', required=True, nargs='+', help="The signal files that will be used to tune the discriminators") mainCreateData.add_argument( '-b', '--bkgInputFiles', action='store', metavar='BackgroundInputFiles', required=True, nargs='+', help="The background files that will be used to tune the discriminators" ) mainCreateData.add_argument( '-op', '--operation', default=NotSet, type=RingerOperation, help="""The Ringer operation determining in each Trigger level or what is the offline operation point reference.""" ) mainCreateData.add_argument( '-t', '--treePath', metavar='TreePath', action='store', default=NotSet, type=str, nargs='+', help="""The Tree path to be filtered on the files. It can be a value for each dataset.""") optCreateData = createDataParser.add_argument_group( "Configuration extra arguments", "") optCreateData.add_argument('--reference', action='store', nargs='+', default=NotSet, type=Reference, help=""" The reference used for filtering datasets. It needs to be set to a value on the Reference enumeration on ReadData file. You can set only one value to be used for both datasets, or one value first for the Signal dataset and the second for the Background dataset.""") optCreateData.add_argument('-tEff', '--efficiencyTreePath', metavar='EfficienciyTreePath', action='store', default=NotSet, type=str, nargs='+', help="""The Tree path to calculate efficiency. If not specified, efficiency is calculated upon treePath.""") optCreateData.add_argument('-l1', '--l1EmClusCut', default=NotSet, type=float, help="The L1 cut threshold") optCreateData.add_argument('-l2', '--l2EtCut', default=NotSet, type=float, help="The L2 Et cut threshold") optCreateData.add_argument('-ef', '--efEtCut', default=NotSet, type=float, help="The EF Et cut threshold") optCreateData.add_argument('-off', '--offEtCut', default=NotSet, type=float, help="The Offline Et cut threshold") optCreateData.add_argument( '--getRatesOnly', default=NotSet, action='store_true', help="""Don't save output file, just print benchmark algorithm operation reference.""") optCreateData.add_argument( '--etBins', action='store', nargs='+', default=NotSet, type=float, help="E_T bins (GeV) where the data should be segmented.") optCreateData.add_argument( '--etaBins', action='store', nargs='+', default=NotSet, type=float, help="eta bins where the data should be segmented.") optCreateData.add_argument( '--ringConfig', action='store', nargs='+', type=int, default=NotSet, help="Number of rings for each eta bin segmentation.") optCreateData.add_argument( '-nC', '--nClusters', default=NotSet, type=int, help="Maximum number of events to add to each dataset.") optCreateData.add_argument( '-o', '--pattern-output-file', default=NotSet, help= "The pickle intermediate file that will be used to train the datasets. It also contains the efficiency targets." ) optCreateData.add_argument( '-of', '--efficiency-output-file', default=NotSet, help="File only containing the dumped efficiencies for posterior use.") optCreateData.add_argument( '--crossFile', default=NotSet, type=str, help="""Cross-Validation file which will be used to tune the Ringer Discriminators.""") optCreateData.add_argument( '--extractDet', action='store', default=NotSet, type=Detector, help=""" Which detector to export data from. """) optCreateData.add_argument( '--standardCaloVariables', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help= "Whether to use standard calorimeter variables or rings information.") optCreateData.add_argument( '--useTRT', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="Enable or disable TRT usage when exporting tracking information." ) optCreateData.add_argument('--toMatlab', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="Also save data on matlab format.") optCreateData.add_argument('--plotMeans', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="Plot pattern mean values.") optCreateData.add_argument('--plotProfiles', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="Plot pattern profiles.") optCreateData.add_argument('--pileupRef', action='store', type=BooleanStr, default=NotSet, help="Luminosity reference branch.") optCreateData.add_argument( '--supportTriggers', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="Whether reading data comes from support triggers.") optCreateData.add_argument( '-l', '--label', default=NotSet, help="The label for tagging what has been proccessed.") ################################################################################ return createDataParser
#!/usr/bin/env python from RingerCore import (ArgumentParser, BooleanStr, OMP_NUM_THREADS, grouper, Logger, LoggingLevel) from itertools import repeat import sys, os, tempfile from shutil import rmtree from subprocess import call, PIPE hadd_chunk = ArgumentParser(add_help=False, description='') hadd_chunk.add_argument('target', action='store', help="Target file") hadd_chunk.add_argument('files', action='store', nargs='+', help="Input files") hadd_chunk.add_argument('--chunk-size', action='store', type=int, default=50, help="Chunk size of the hadd jobs") hadd_chunk.add_argument('--divide-by-run', action='store_true', help="""Try to divide using run counts equally.""") args, argv = hadd_chunk.parse_known_args() argv = list(argv) mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__, LoggingLevel.INFO) def lcall(inputs): target = inputs[0] files = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, inputs[1])) with open(os.devnull, "w") as w: if not call(['hadd'] + argv + [target] + files, stdout=w):
defaultTrigList = [ 'e24_medium_L1EM18VH', 'e24_lhmedium_L1EM18VH', 'e24_tight_L1EM20VH', #'e24_vloose_L1EM20VH', #'e5_loose_idperf', #'e5_lhloose_idperf', #'e5_tight_idperf', #'e5_lhtight_idperf', 'e24_medium_idperf_L1EM20VH', 'e24_lhmedium_idperf_L1EM20VH' ] parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--inFolderList', nargs='+', required=True, help="Input container to retrieve data") parser.add_argument('--signalDS', action='store_true', help="Whether the dataset contains TPNtuple") parser.add_argument('--outfile', action='store', default="mergedOutput.root", help="Name of the output file") parser.add_argument('--triggerList', nargs='+', default=defaultTrigList, help="Trigger list to keep on the filtered file.")
__all__ = ['createDataParser'] from RingerCore import ArgumentParser, get_attributes, BooleanStr, NotSet from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import RingerOperation from TuningTools.parsers.BaseModuleParser import coreFrameworkParser, dataframeParser ############################################################################### # Create data related objects ############################################################################### createDataParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Create TuningTool data from PhysVal.', parents=[coreFrameworkParser, dataframeParser]) from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import Reference, Detector, PileupReference mainCreateData = createDataParser.add_argument_group("Required arguments", "") mainCreateData.add_argument( '-s', '--sgnInputFiles', action='store', metavar='SignalInputFiles', required=True, nargs='+', help="The signal files that will be used to tune the discriminators") mainCreateData.add_argument( '-b', '--bkgInputFiles', action='store', metavar='BackgroundInputFiles', required=True, nargs='+',
def DataCurationParser(tuningDataRequired=True, extraDescr=''): dataCurationParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Apply transformation and cross-validation to tuning data.' ) tuningDataArgs = dataCurationParser.add_argument_group( "Data curation required arguments", extraDescr) tuningDataArgs.add_argument( '-d', '--data', action='store', nargs='+', metavar='data', required=tuningDataRequired, default=NotSet, help="The data file that will be used to tune the discriminators") tuningOptArgs = dataCurationParser.add_argument_group( "Data curation optional arguments", extraDescr) tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '-op', '--operation', default=None, type=RingerOperation, required=False, help="""The Ringer operation determining in each Trigger level or what is the offline operation point reference.""" ) tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '-r', '--refFile', default=None, help="""The Ringer references to set the discriminator point.""") tuningOptArgs.add_argument( '--saveMatPP', action='store', default=NotSet, type=BooleanStr, help="""Whether to save pre-processings to a matlab file.""") #tuningOptArgs.add_argument('--savePPFile', action='store', default = NotSet, type=BooleanStr, # help = """Whether to save pre-processings to pre-processed version of the tuning data.""") crossValArgs = dataCurationParser.add_argument_group( "Cross-validation configuration", extraDescr) # TODO Make these options mutually exclusive crossValArgs.add_argument( '-x', '--crossFile', action='store', default=NotSet, help="""The cross-validation file path, pointing to a file created with the create tuning job files""") crossValArgs.add_argument( '-xc', '--clusterFile', action='store', default=NotSet, help="""The subset cross-validation file path, pointing to a file created with the create tuning job files""") crossValArgs.add_argument( '-xm', '--crossValidMethod', type=CrossValidMethod, default=NotSet, help="""Which cross validation method to use when no cross-validation object was specified.""") crossValArgs.add_argument( '-xs', '--crossValidShuffle', type=BooleanStr, default=NotSet, help="""Which cross validation method to use when no cross-validation object was specified.""") ppArgs = dataCurationParser.add_argument_group( "Pre-processing configuration", extraDescr) ppArgs.add_argument( '-pp', '--ppFile', default=NotSet, help=""" The file containing the pre-processing collection to apply. """ ) return dataCurationParser
################################################################################ # Create tuningJob file related objects ################################################################################ class JobFileTypeCreation(EnumStringification): """ The possible file creation options """ all = 0, ConfigFiles = 1, CrossValidFile = 2, ppFile = 3 tuningJobFileParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Create files used by TuningJob.') tuningJobFileParser.add_argument( 'fileType', choices=get_attributes(JobFileTypeCreation, onlyVars=True, getProtected=False), nargs='+', help="""Which kind of files to create. You can choose one or more of the available choices, just don't use all with the other available choices.""") tuningJobFileParser.add_argument('--compress', type=BooleanStr, help="Whether to compress files or not.") ################################################################################ jobConfig = tuningJobFileParser.add_argument_group( "JobConfig Files Creation Options", """Change configuration for
#!/usr/bin/env python from RingerCore import ( csvStr2List, str_to_class, NotSet, BooleanStr, WriteMethod , get_attributes, expandFolders, Logger, getFilters, select , appendToFileName, ensureExtension, progressbar, LoggingLevel , printArgs, conditionalOption, emptyArgumentsPrintHelp, ArgumentParser) from TuningTools.parsers import loggerParser from TuningTools import GridJobFilter mainParser = ArgumentParser( add_help = False) mainGroup = mainParser.add_argument_group( "Required arguments", "") mainGroup.add_argument('--inDS','-i', action='store', required = True, dest = 'grid_inDS', help = "The input Dataset ID (DID)") mainGroup.add_argument('--outDS','-o', action='store', required = True, dest = 'grid_outDS', help = "The output Dataset ID (DID)") parser = ArgumentParser(description = 'Attach the input container files to the output dataset, creating it if necessary.', parents = [mainParser, loggerParser], conflict_handler = 'resolve') parser.make_adjustments() emptyArgumentsPrintHelp(parser) ## Retrieve parser args: args = parser.parse_args() mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__, args.output_level)
def TuningJobFileParser(): tuningJobFileParser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, description='Create files used by TuningJob.') tuningJobFileParser.add_argument( 'fileType', choices=get_attributes(JobFileTypeCreation, onlyVars=True, getProtected=False), nargs='+', help="""Which kind of files to create. You can choose one or more of the available choices, just don't use all with the other available choices.""") tuningJobFileParser.add_argument('--compress', type=BooleanStr, help="Whether to compress files or not.") ################################################################################ jobConfig = tuningJobFileParser.add_argument_group( "JobConfig Files Creation Options", """Change configuration for job config files creation.""") jobConfig.add_argument('-oJConf', '--jobConfiFilesOutputFolder', default=NotSet, help="The job config files output folder.") jobConfig.add_argument('--neuronBounds', nargs='+', type=int, default=NotSet, help=""" Input a sequential bounded list to be used as the neuron job range, the arguments should have the same format from the seq unix command or as the Matlab format. If not specified, the range will start from 1. I.e. 5 2 9 leads to [5 7 9] and 50 leads to 1:50 """) jobConfig.add_argument('--sortBounds', nargs='+', type=int, default=NotSet, help=""" Input a sequential bounded list using seq format to be used as the sort job range, but the last bound will be opened just as happens when using python range function. If not specified, the range will start from 0. I.e. 5 2 9 leads to [5 7] and 50 leads to range(50) """) jobConfig.add_argument( '--nInits', nargs='?', type=int, default=NotSet, help="The number of initilizations of the discriminator.") jobConfig.add_argument('--nNeuronsPerJob', type=int, default=NotSet, help="The number of hidden layer neurons per job.") jobConfig.add_argument('--nSortsPerJob', type=int, default=NotSet, help="The number of sorts per job.") jobConfig.add_argument('--nInitsPerJob', type=int, default=NotSet, help="The number of initializations per job.") ################################################################################ crossConfig = tuningJobFileParser.add_argument_group( "CrossValid File Creation Options", """Change configuration for CrossValid file creation.""") crossConfig.add_argument('-outCross', '--crossValidOutputFile', default='crossValid', help="The cross validation output file.") crossConfig.add_argument('-m', '--method', default=NotSet, type=CrossValidMethod, help="The Cross-Validation method.") crossConfig.add_argument( '-ns', '--nSorts', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of sort used by cross validation configuration.""") crossConfig.add_argument( '-nb', '--nBoxes', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of boxes used by cross validation configuration.""") crossConfig.add_argument('-ntr', '--nTrain', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of train boxes used by cross validation.""") crossConfig.add_argument('-nval', '--nValid', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of valid boxes used by cross validation.""") crossConfig.add_argument('-ntst', '--nTest', type=int, default=NotSet, help="""The number of test boxes used by cross validation.""") crossConfig.add_argument( '-seed', type=int, default=NotSet, help="The seed value for generating CrossValid object.") ################################################################################ ppConfig = tuningJobFileParser.add_argument_group( "PreProc File Creation Options", """Change configuration for pre-processing file creation. These options will only be taken into account if job fileType is set to "ppFile" or "all".""") ppConfig.add_argument('-outPP', '--preProcOutputFile', default='ppFile', help="The pre-processing validation output file") ppConfig.add_argument('-ppCol', type=str, default='[[Norm1()]]', help="""The pre-processing collection to apply. The string will be parsed by python and created using the available pre-processings on file. This string can have classes from the PreProc module initialized with determined values. E.g.: -ppCol "[[[Norm1(),MapStd()],[RingerRp(2.,1.3)],[MapStd]],[[Norm1(),MapStd],[Norm1],[MapStd]],[[Norm1,MapStd],[Norm1({'level' : 'VERBOSE'})],[MapStd({'d' : {'level' : 'VERBOSE'}})]]]" The explicit usage of () or not will make no difference resulting in the class instance initialization. Also, a special syntax need to be used when passing keyword arguments as specified in: MapStd({'level' : 'VERBOSE'}) (equivalent in python) => MapStd( level = VERBOSE ) MapStd({'d' : {'level' : 'VERBOSE'}}) => MapStd( d = { level : VERBOSE } ) """) ppConfig.add_argument('-pp_ns', '--pp_nSorts', default=NotSet, type=int, help="""The number of sort used by cross validation configuration. Import from nSorts if not set.""" ) ppConfig.add_argument('-pp_nEt', '--pp_nEtBins', default=NotSet, type=int, help="""The number of et bins.""") ppConfig.add_argument('-pp_nEta', '--pp_nEtaBins', default=NotSet, type=int, help="""The number of eta bins.""") ################################################################################ return tuningJobFileParser
__all__ = [ 'RetrieveCoreFramework', 'coreFrameworkParser', 'RetrieveDataFramework', 'dataframeParser' ] from RingerCore import argparse, ArgumentParser, NotSet from TuningTools.coreDef import coreConf, AvailableTuningToolCores, dataframeConf class RetrieveCoreFramework(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): coreConf.set(value) coreFrameworkParser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) coreFrameworkGroup = coreFrameworkParser.add_argument_group( "TuningTools CORE configuration", "") coreFrameworkGroup.add_argument( '-core', '--core-framework', type = AvailableTuningToolCores, action = RetrieveCoreFramework, help = """ Specify which core framework should be used in the job.""" \ + ( " Current default is: " + AvailableTuningToolCores.tostring( coreConf.default() ) )) if not hasattr(argparse.Namespace, 'core_framework'): # Decorate Namespace with the TuningTools core properties. # We do this on the original class to simplify usage, as there will be # no need to specify a different namespace for parsing the arguments. def _getCoreFramework(self): if coreConf: return coreConf() else: return None def _setCoreFramework(self, val):
#!/usr/bin/env python from RingerCore import emptyArgumentsPrintHelp, ArgumentParser from TuningTools.parsers import createDataParser, loggerParser, devParser parser = ArgumentParser(description='Create TuningTool data from PhysVal.', parents=[createDataParser, loggerParser, devParser]) parser.make_adjustments() emptyArgumentsPrintHelp(parser) # Retrieve parser args: args = parser.parse_args() # Treat special argument if len(args.reference) > 2: raise ValueError("--reference set to multiple values: %r", args.reference) if len(args.reference) is 1: args.reference.append(args.reference[0]) from RingerCore import Logger, LoggingLevel, printArgs, NotSet logger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__, args.output_level) from TuningTools import RingerOperation if RingerOperation.retrieve(args.operation) < 0 and not args.treePath: ValueError( "If operation is not set to Offline, it is needed to set the TreePath manually." ) printArgs(args, logger.debug) crossVal = NotSet
defaultTrigList = [ 'e24_medium_L1EM18VH', 'e24_lhmedium_L1EM18VH', 'e24_tight_L1EM20VH', #'e24_vloose_L1EM20VH', #'e5_loose_idperf', #'e5_lhloose_idperf', #'e5_tight_idperf', #'e5_lhtight_idperf', 'e24_medium_idperf_L1EM20VH', 'e24_lhmedium_idperf_L1EM20VH' ] parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--inDS', action='store', required=True, help="Input container to retrieve data") parser.add_argument('--outFolder', action='store', default="dumpOutput") parser.add_argument('--triggerList', nargs='+', default=defaultTrigList) parser.add_argument('--numberOfSamplesPerPackage', type=int, default=50) args = parser.parse_args() mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__, LoggingLevel.INFO) if os.path.exists('dq2_ls.txt'): os.system('rm dq2_ls.txt') if args.inDS[-1] != '/':