def __init__(self, w, b, **kwargs): Logger.__init__(self) self.layer = retrieve_kw(kwargs, 'Layer' ,0 ) self.funcName = retrieve_kw(kwargs, 'funcName' ,None ) checkForUnusedVars(kwargs) self.W = np.matrix(w) self.b = np.transpose( np.matrix(b) )
def __init__(self, rawDict, logger=None): Logger.__init__(self, logger=logger) self._u = 0.0 try: #Retrieve nodes information self._etbin = rawDict['configuration']['etBin'] self._etabin= rawDict['configuration']['etaBin'] self._nodes = rawDict['discriminator']['nodes'] w = rawDict['discriminator']['weights'] b = rawDict['discriminator']['bias'] except KeyError: self._logger.fatal("Not be able to retrieve the params from the dictionary") self._nLayers = len(self._nodes)-1 self._layers = list() for layer in range(self._nLayers): W=[]; B=[] for count in range(self._nodes[layer]*self._nodes[layer+1]): W.append(w.pop(0)) W=np.array(W).reshape(self._nodes[layer+1], self._nodes[layer]).tolist() for count in range(self._nodes[layer+1]): B.append(b.pop(0)) # Create hidden layers self._layers.append( Layer(W,B,Layer=layer,funcName='tansig') )
def __init__( self, outputFile, **kw ): Logger.__init__(self,kw) if not outputFile.endswith('.root'): outputFile += '.root' # Use this property to rebuild the storegate from a root file self._restoreStoreGate=retrieve_kw(kw,'restoreStoreGate',False) filterDirs=retrieve_kw(kw,'filterDirs', None) #Create TFile object to hold everything from ROOT import TFile outputFile = expandPath( outputFile ) if self._restoreStoreGate: import os.path if not os.path.exists( outputFile ): raise ValueError("File '%s' does not exist" % outputFile) self._file = TFile( outputFile, "read") else: self._file = TFile( outputFile, "recreate") self._currentDir = "" self._objects = dict() self._dirs = list() import os self._outputFile = os.path.abspath(outputFile) if self._restoreStoreGate: retrievedObjs = self.__restore(self._file, filterDirs=filterDirs) for name, obj in retrievedObjs: self._dirs.append(name) self._objects[name]=obj
def __init__( self, logger = None ): """ Load TuningTools C++ library and set logger """ # Retrieve python logger Logger.__init__( self, logger = logger) self._store = None
def __init__(self, fileList, logger=None): Logger.__init__(self, logger=logger) from RingerCore import StoreGate for f in fileList: self._store.append(StoreGate(f, restoreStoreGate=True)) paths = self._store[-1].getDirs() #TODO: this shold be a property # Only for egamma trigger staff def check_egamma_paths(p): paths = [] for s in p: if 'Egamma' in s: if not 'icalomedium' in s: paths.append(s) return paths # filter egamma only paths = check_egamma_paths(paths) resume1 = self.resume(paths, 'Efficiency') try: resume2 = self.resume(paths, 'Emulation') except: resume2 = None self._logger.warning( 'There is no emulation dirname in this file.') # hold the resume paths self._resume.append({'Efficiency': resume1, 'Emulation': resume2}) # display all chains self._effReader = Efficiency()
def __init__(self): Logger.__init__(self) try:# Check if rucio was set import os os.system('rucio --version') except RuntimeError: self._fatal('Rucio was not set! please setup this!') raise RuntimeError('Rucio command not found!')
def __init__(self, w, b, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, kw) self.layer = kw.pop("Layer", 0) self.func = kw.pop("Func", "tansig") checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._logger.warning) del kw self.W = np.matrix(w) self.b = np.transpose(np.matrix(b))
def __init__(self): Logger.__init__(self) try:# Check if rucio was set import os os.system('rucio --version') except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Rucio was not set! please setup this!') raise RuntimeError('Rucio command not found!')
def __init__( self, **kw ): Logger.__init__( self, kw ) self.references = ReferenceBenchmarkCollection( [] ) self.doPerf = retrieve_kw( kw, 'doPerf', True ) self.batchMethod = BatchSizeMethod.retrieve( retrieve_kw( kw, 'batchMethod', BatchSizeMethod.MinClassSize \ if not 'batchSize' in kw or kw['batchSize'] is NotSet else BatchSizeMethod.Manual ) ) self.batchSize = retrieve_kw( kw, 'batchSize', NotSet ) epochs = retrieve_kw( kw, 'epochs', 10000 ) maxFail = retrieve_kw( kw, 'maxFail', 50 ) self.useTstEfficiencyAsRef = retrieve_kw( kw, 'useTstEfficiencyAsRef', False ) self._core, self._coreEnum = retrieve_core() self.sortIdx = None if self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.ExMachina: self.trainOptions = dict() self.trainOptions['algorithmName'] = retrieve_kw( kw, 'algorithmName', 'rprop' ) self.trainOptions['print'] = retrieve_kw( kw, 'showEvo', True ) self.trainOptions['networkArch'] = retrieve_kw( kw, 'networkArch', 'feedforward' ) self.trainOptions['costFunction'] = retrieve_kw( kw, 'costFunction', 'sp' ) self.trainOptions['shuffle'] = retrieve_kw( kw, 'shuffle', True ) self.trainOptions['nEpochs'] = epochs self.trainOptions['nFails'] = maxFail self.doMultiStop = False elif self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.FastNet: seed = retrieve_kw( kw, 'seed', None ) self._core = self._core( level = LoggingLevel.toC(self.level), seed = seed ) self._core.trainFcn = retrieve_kw( kw, 'algorithmName', 'trainrp' ) self._core.showEvo = retrieve_kw( kw, 'showEvo', 50 ) self._core.multiStop = retrieve_kw( kw, 'doMultiStop', True ) self._core.epochs = epochs self._core.maxFail = maxFail else: self._logger.fatal("TuningWrapper not implemented for %s" % TuningToolCores.tostring(self._coreEnum)) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._logger.debug ) del kw # Set default empty values: if self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.ExMachina: self._emptyData = npCurrent.fp_array([]) elif self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.FastNet: self._emptyData = list() self._emptyHandler = None if self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.ExMachina: self._emptyTarget = npCurrent.fp_array([[]]).reshape( npCurrent.access( pidx=1, oidx=0 ) ) elif self._coreEnum is TuningToolCores.FastNet: self._emptyTarget = None # Set holders: self._trnData = self._emptyData self._valData = self._emptyData self._tstData = self._emptyData self._trnHandler = self._emptyHandler self._valHandler = self._emptyHandler self._tstHandler = self._emptyHandler self._trnTarget = self._emptyTarget self._valTarget = self._emptyTarget self._tstTarget = self._emptyTarget
def __init__(self, name): Logger.__init__(self) self._name = name self._basepath = str() self._wtd = StatusWatchDog.DISABLE self._status = StatusTool.ENABLE self._initialized = StatusTool.NOT_INITIALIZED self._finalized = StatusTool.NOT_FINALIZED self._ids = []
def __init__(self, outputDS): Logger.__init__(self) from ROOT import TFile # Check if the type is correct if not '.root' in outputDS: outputDS += '.root' self._file = TFile(outputDS, 'recreate') self._outputDS = outputDS ('Create root file with name: %s') \ %(outputDS) )
def __init__(self, **kw): #Retrive python logger logger = kw.pop('logger', None) self._label = kw.pop('label', '') Logger.__init__(self, logger=logger) self._obj = [] self._idxCorr = None = 0 self.worst = 0
def __init__(self, outputDS): Logger.__init__(self) from ROOT import TFile # Check if the type is correct if not '.root' in outputDS: outputDS+='.root' self._file = TFile( outputDS, 'recreate' ) self._outputDS=outputDS ('Create root file with name: %s') \ %(outputDS) )
def __init__( self, data, target, batch_size=32, secondaryPP=None, shuffle=True, **kw): super(Sequence, self).__init__() Logger.__init__(self,**kw) self._data = data self._target = target self.batch_size = batch_size self._secondaryPP=secondaryPP self.shuffle = shuffle self.on_epoch_end()
def __init__(self, crossvalFileName, monFileName, **kw): from ROOT import TFile, gROOT gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal;"); #Set all global setting from ROOT style plot! SetTuningStyle() Logger.__init__(self, kw) #Hold all information abount the monitoring root file self._infoObjs = list() try:#Protection'Reading monRootFile (%s)',monFileName) self._rootObj = TFile(monFileName, 'read') except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Could not open root monitoring file.') from RingerCore import load try:#Protection'Reading crossvalFile (%s)',crossvalFileName) crossvalObj = load(crossvalFileName) except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Could not open pickle summary file.') #Loop over benchmarks for benchmarkName in crossvalObj.keys(): #Must skip if ppchain collector if benchmarkName == 'infoPPChain': continue #Add summary information into MonTuningInfo helper class self._infoObjs.append( TuningMonitoringInfo( benchmarkName, crossvalObj[benchmarkName] ) )'Creating MonTuningInfo for %s and the iterator object [et=%d, eta=%d]', benchmarkName,self._infoObjs[-1].etbin(), self._infoObjs[-1].etabin()) #Loop over all benchmarks #Always be the same bin for all infoObjs etabin = self._infoObjs[0].etabin() etbin = self._infoObjs[0].etbin() #Reading the data rings from path or object refFile = kw.pop('refFile', None) if refFile: from TuningTools import TuningDataArchieve TDArchieve = TuningDataArchieve(refFile)'Reading perf file with name %s')%(refFile)) try: with TDArchieve as data: self._data = (data['signal_patterns'][etbin][etabin], data['background_patterns'][etbin][etabin]) except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Could not open the patterns data file.') raise RuntimeError('Could not open the patterns data file.') else: patterns = kw.pop('patterns', None) if patterns: self._data = (patterns['signal_patterns'][etbin][etabin], patterns['background_patterns'][etbin][etabin]) else: raise RuntimeError('You must pass the ref file as parameter. abort!')
def __init__(self, filePath = None, **kw): """ Either specify the file path where the file should be read or the data which should be appended to it with SubsetGeneratorArchieve("/path/to/file") as data: BLOCK SubsetGeneratorArchieve( "file/path", subsetCol= SubsetGeneratorPatternCollection([...]) ) """ Logger.__init__(self, kw) self._filePath = filePath self._subsetCol = kw.pop( 'subsetCol', None ) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._warning )
def __init__(self, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, **kw) self._maxPileupLinearCorrectionValue = retrieve_kw( kw, 'maxPileupLinearCorrectionValue', 100) self._removeOutputTansigTF = retrieve_kw(kw, 'removeOutputTansigTF', True) self._useEtaVar = retrieve_kw(kw, 'useEtaVar', False) self._useLumiVar = retrieve_kw(kw, 'useLumiVar', False) self._toPython = retrieve_kw(kw, 'toPython', True) self._doPileupCorrection = retrieve_kw(kw, 'doPileupCorrection', True)
def __init__(self, crossvalFileName, monFileName, **kw): from ROOT import TFile, gROOT gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal;") #Set all global setting from ROOT style plot! SetTuningStyle() Logger.__init__(self, kw) #Hold all information abount the monitoring root file self._infoObjs = list() try: #Protection'Reading monRootFile (%s)', monFileName) self._rootObj = TFile(monFileName, 'read') except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Could not open root monitoring file.') from RingerCore import load try: #Protection'Reading crossvalFile (%s)', crossvalFileName) crossvalObj = load(crossvalFileName) except RuntimeError: self._logger.fatal('Could not open pickle summary file.') #Loop over benchmarks for benchmarkName in crossvalObj.keys(): #Must skip if ppchain collector if benchmarkName == 'infoPPChain': continue #Add summary information into MonTuningInfo helper class self._infoObjs.append( TuningMonitoringInfo(benchmarkName, crossvalObj[benchmarkName])) 'Creating MonTuningInfo for %s and the iterator object [et=%d, eta=%d]', benchmarkName, self._infoObjs[-1].etbinidx(), self._infoObjs[-1].etabinidx()) #Loop over all benchmarks #Always be the same bin for all infoObjs etabinidx = self._infoObjs[0].etabinidx() etbinidx = self._infoObjs[0].etbinidx() #Reading the data rings from path or object dataPath = kw.pop('dataPath', None) if dataPath: from TuningTools import TuningDataArchieve ('Reading data tuning file with name %s') % (dataPath)) TDArchieve = TuningDataArchieve.load(dataPath, etBinIdx=etbinidx, etaBinIdx=etabinidx, loadEfficiencies=False) self._data = (TDArchieve.signalPatterns, TDArchieve.backgroundPatterns) else: self._logger.fatal( 'You must pass the ref file as parameter. abort!')
def __init__(self, filePath=None, **kw): """ Either specify the file path where the file should be read or the data which should be appended to it with CrosValidArchieve("/path/to/file") as data: BLOCK CrosValidArchieve( "file/path", crossValid = CrossValid() ) """ Logger.__init__(self, kw) self._filePath = filePath self.crossValid = kw.pop('crossValid', None) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._warning)
def __init__(self, filePath = None, **kw): """ Either specify the file path where the file should be read or the data which should be appended to it with CrosValidArchieve("/path/to/file") as data: BLOCK CrosValidArchieve( "file/path", crossValid = CrossValid() ) """ Logger.__init__(self, kw) self._filePath = filePath self.crossValid = kw.pop( 'crossValid', None ) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning )
def __init__(self, rawFile, benchmark, neuron, sort, init, etBinIdx, etaBinIdx, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, **kw) self._rawFile = rawFile self._benchmark = benchmark self._reference = benchmark.split('_')[-1] self._neuron = neuron self._sort = sort self._init = init self._etBinIdx = etBinIdx self._etaBinIdx = etaBinIdx ### Hold all ROOT objects self._obj = {} ### Current frame version self._version = 2
def __init__(self): Logger.__init__(self) # Do not change this if you dont know what are you doing # standard vortex configuration approach self._form = [ [72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81], [71, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 82], [70, 41, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 50, 83], [69, 40, 19, 6, 7, 8, 9, 26, 51, 84], [68, 39, 18, 5, 0, 1, 10, 27, 52, 85], [67, 38, 17, 4, 3, 2, 11, 28, 53, 86], [66, 37, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 29, 54, 87], [65, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 55, 88], [64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 89], [99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90], ] self._shape = (10, 10)
def __init__(self, filePath = None, **kw): """ Either specify the file path where the file should be read or the data which should be appended to it: with TuningJobConfigArchieve("/path/to/file") as data: BLOCK TuningJobConfigArchieve( "file/path", neuronBounds = ..., sortBounds = ..., initBounds = ... ) """ Logger.__init__(self, kw) self._filePath = filePath self.neuronBounds = kw.pop('neuronBounds', None) self._sortBounds = kw.pop('sortBounds', None) self._initBounds = kw.pop('initBounds', None) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning )
def __init__(self, model=None, trnData=None, valData=None, tstData=None, references=None, display=None): callbacks.History.__init__(self) Logger.__init__(self) self.model = model self.trnData = trnData self.valData = valData self.tstData = tstData self.trnRoc = Roc() self.valRoc = Roc() self.tstRoc = Roc() self.references = references self.display = display
def __init__(self, filePath = None, **kw): """ Either specify the file path where the file should be read or the data which should be appended to it: with TuningJobConfigArchieve("/path/to/file") as data: BLOCK TuningJobConfigArchieve( "file/path", neuronBounds = ..., sortBounds = ..., initBounds = ... ) """ Logger.__init__(self, kw) self._filePath = filePath self.neuronBounds = kw.pop('neuronBounds', None) self._sortBounds = kw.pop('sortBounds', None) self._initBounds = kw.pop('initBounds', None) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._warning )
def __init__(self, net, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, kw) train = kw.pop("train", None) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._logger.warning) del kw # Extract the information from c++ wrapper code self.nNodes = [] self.numberOfLayers = net.getNumLayers() self.dataTrain = None # Hold the train evolution information if train: self.dataTrain = DataTrainEvolution(train) self.layers = self.__retrieve(net) self._logger.debug("The Neural object was created.")
def __init__( self, discriminator = None, dataCurator = None, pileupRef = None , limits = None, maxCorr = None, frMargin = None ): Logger.__init__( self ) self._discr = discriminator self._dataCurator = dataCurator self._baseLabel = '' # Decision making parameters: self.pileupRef = PileupReference.retrieve( pileupRef ) self.limits = limits self.maxCorr = maxCorr if frMargin is not None: self.frMargin = [1.] + frMargin if frMargin[0] != 1. else frMargin self._pileupLabel = PileupReference.label( self.pileupRef ) self._pileupShortLabel = PileupReference.shortlabel( self.pileupRef ) self.subset = None if self.pileupRef is PileupReference.avgmu: #limits = [0,26,60] self.limits = [15,37.5,60] if limits is None else limits elif self.pileupRef is PileupReference.nvtx: self.limits = [0,13,30] if limits is None else limits # Other transient attributes: self.sgnOut = None self.bkgOut = None self.sgnHist = None self.bkgHist = None self.sgnCorrData = None self.bkgCorrDataList = None self._effSubset = None self._effOutput = None self._ol = 12. if self._discr.removeOutputTansigTF else 1. # Decision taking parameters: self.intercept = None self.slope = None self.slopeRange = None # Thresholds: self.thres = None self.rawThres = None # Performance: self.perf = None self.rawPerf = None # Bin information: self.etBinIdx = self._dataCurator.etBinIdx self.etaBinIdx = self._dataCurator.etaBinIdx self.etBin = self._dataCurator.etBin.tolist() self.etaBin = self._dataCurator.etaBin.tolist()
def __init__(self, display=1, doMultiStop=False, patience=25, save_the_best=True, val_generator=None, **kw): # initialize all base objects super(Callback, self).__init__() Logger.__init__(self, **kw) # number of max fails self._patience = {'max': patience, 'score': 0, 'loss': 0} self._display = display self._save_the_best = save_the_best # used to hold the best configs self._best_weights = None # used to hold the SP value self._current_score = 0.0 self._val_generator = val_generator
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): Logger.__init__(self,kw) self._title = kw.pop('title', 'Tuning Report') self._institute = kw.pop('institute', 'Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)') checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning ) import socket self._machine = socket.gethostname() import getpass self._author = getpass.getuser() from time import gmtime, strftime self._data = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) #Create output file self._pfile = open(filename+'.tex','w') # Import soma beamer contants from BeamerTemplates import BeamerConstants as bconst self._pfile.write( bconst.beginDocument ) pname = self._author+'$@$'+self._machine self._pfile.write( (bconst.beginHeader) % \ (self._title, self._title, pname, self._institute) ) self._pfile.write( bconst.beginTitlePage )
def __init__( self, dataCurator, d, **kw ): Logger.__init__( self, kw ) d.update( kw ); del kw # Define discriminator type (for now we only have one discriminator type): # FIXME This chould be configured using coreDef try: try: from libTuningTools import DiscriminatorPyWrapper except ImportError: from libTuningToolsLib import DiscriminatorPyWrapper except ImportError: self._fatal("Cannot use FastNet DiscriminatorPyWrapper: library is not available!") self.dataCurator = dataCurator # Discriminator parameters: self.DiscrClass = DiscriminatorPyWrapper self.removeOutputTansigTF = retrieve_kw(d, 'removeOutputTansigTF', True ) # Decision making parameters: self.thresEtBins = retrieve_kw( d, 'thresEtBins', None) self.thresEtaBins = retrieve_kw( d, 'thresEtaBins', None) # TODO There is no need to require this from user self.method = DecisionMakingMethod.retrieve( retrieve_kw(d, 'decisionMakingMethod', DecisionMakingMethod.LHLinearApproach ) ) # Pileup limits specification self.pileupRef = None self.pileupLimits = retrieve_kw( d, 'pileupLimits', None) self.maxCorr = retrieve_kw( d, 'maxCorr', None) self.frMargin = retrieve_kw( d, 'frMargin', [1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0]) if self.method is DecisionMakingMethod.LHLinearApproach: self._info("Using limits: %r", self.pileupLimits) if not 'pileupRef' in d: self._fatal("pileupRef must specified in order to correctly label the xaxis.") if 'pileupRef' in d: self.pileupRef = PileupReference.retrieve( retrieve_kw( d, 'pileupRef' ) ) # Linear LH Threshold Correction methods #self.maxFRMultipler = retrieve_kw( d, 'maxFRMultipler', None) #checkForUnusedVars( d ) # TODO: Add fix fraction allowing to load a module and a table of values if self.method is DecisionMakingMethod.LHLinearApproach: try: import ElectronIDDevelopment except ImportError: self._warning("Using a standalone version of the pile-up fitting version which may not be the latest.")
def __init__(self, filename, **kw): Logger.__init__(self,kw) self._title = kw.pop('title', 'Tuning Report') self._institute = kw.pop('institute', 'Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)') checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning ) import socket self._machine = socket.gethostname() import getpass self._author = getpass.getuser() from time import gmtime, strftime self._data = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) #Create output file self._pfile = open(filename+'.tex','w') from BeamerTemplates import BeamerConstants as bconst self._pfile.write( bconst.beginDocument ) pname = self._author+'$@$'+self._machine self._pfile.write( (bconst.beginHeader) % \ (self._title, self._title, pname, self._institute) ) self._pfile.write( bconst.beginTitlePage )
def __init__(self, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, kw) # Retrieve all information needed self._fList = retrieve_kw(kw, 'inputFiles', NotSet) self._ofile = retrieve_kw(kw, 'outputFile', "histos.root") self._treePath = retrieve_kw(kw, 'treePath', NotSet) self._dataframe = retrieve_kw(kw, 'dataframe', DataframeEnum.SkimmedNtuple) self._nov = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nov', -1) self._fList = csvStr2List(self._fList) self._fList = expandFolders(self._fList) # Loading libraries if ROOT.gSystem.Load('libTuningTools') < 0: self._fatal("Could not load TuningTools library", ImportError) self._containersSvc = {} self._storegateSvc = NotSet import random import time random.seed(time.time()) # return a random number self._id = random.randrange(100000)
except: logger.warning('%sc not found',pypath) try:'PathResolver: %s',pypath) return obj__Module__ except KeyError: logger.fatal('Key %s not found in this module. Abort') from RingerCore import Logger, LoggingLevel import argparse mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger("ConvertToPickle") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = '', add_help = False) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i','--inputFiles', action='store', dest='inputFiles', required = True, nargs='+', help = "The input files that will be used to generate the pic") import sys,os if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args()
dest = 'grid_outputs', help = argparse.SUPPRESS ) # Hide forceStaged and make it always be true parser.add_argument('--forceStaged', action='store_const', required = False, dest = 'grid_forceStaged', default = True, const = True, help = argparse.SUPPRESS) # Hide forceStagedSecondary and make it always be true parser.add_argument('--forceStagedSecondary', action='store_const', required = False, dest = 'grid_forceStagedSecondary', default = True, const = True, help = argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--mergeOutput', action='store_const', required = False, default = True, const = True, dest = 'grid_mergeOutput', help = argparse.SUPPRESS) mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__) import sys if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args( namespace = TuningToolGridNamespace('prun') ) mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger( __name__, args.output_level ) printArgs( args, mainLogger.debug ) args.grid_allowTaskDuplication = True # Set primary dataset number of files: import os.path
def __init__(self, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, kw) printArgs(kw, self._debug) self._nSorts = None self._nBoxes = None self._nTrain = None self._nValid = None self._nTest = None self._seed = None self._method = CrossValidMethod.retrieve( retrieve_kw(kw, 'method', CrossValidMethod.Standard)) if self._method is CrossValidMethod.Standard: self._nSorts = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nSorts', 50) self._nBoxes = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nBoxes', 10) self._nTrain = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nTrain', 6) self._nValid = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nValid', 4) self._nTest = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nTest', self._nBoxes - (self._nTrain + self._nValid)) self._seed = retrieve_kw(kw, 'seed', None) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._warning) # Check if variables are ok: if (not self._nTest is None) and self._nTest < 0: self._fatal("Number of test clusters is lesser than zero", ValueError) totalSum = self._nTrain + self._nValid + (self._nTest) if self._nTest else \ self._nTrain + self._nValid if totalSum != self._nBoxes: self._fatal( "Sum of train, validation and test boxes doesn't match.", ValueError) np.random.seed(self._seed) # Test number of possible combinations (N!/((N-K)!(K)!) is greater # than the required sorts. If number of sorts (greater than half of the # possible cases) is close to the number of combinations, generate all # possible combinations and then gather the number of needed sorts. # However, as calculating factorial can be heavy, we don't do this if the # number of boxes is large. self._sort_boxes_list = [] useRandomCreation = True from math import factorial if self._nBoxes < 201: totalPossibilities = ( factorial( self._nBoxes ) ) / \ ( factorial( self._nTrain ) * \ factorial( self._nValid ) * \ factorial( self._nTest ) ) if self._nSorts > (totalPossibilities / 2): useRandomCreation = False if useRandomCreation: count = 0 while True: random_boxes = np.random.permutation(self._nBoxes) random_boxes = tuple( chain( sorted(random_boxes[0:self._nTrain]), sorted(random_boxes[self._nTrain:self._nTrain + self._nValid]), sorted(random_boxes[self._nTrain + self._nValid:]))) # Make sure we are not appending same sort again: if not random_boxes in self._sort_boxes_list: self._sort_boxes_list.append(random_boxes) count += 1 if count == self._nSorts: break else: self._sort_boxes_list = list( combinations_taken_by_multiple_groups( range(self._nBoxes), (self._nTrain, self._nValid, self._nTest))) for i in range(totalPossibilities - self._nSorts): self._sort_boxes_list.pop( np.random.random_integers(0, totalPossibilities)) elif self._method is CrossValidMethod.JackKnife: self._nBoxes = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nBoxes', 10) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._warning) self._nSorts = self._nBoxes self._nTrain = self._nBoxes - 1 self._nValid = 1 self._nTest = 0 self._sort_boxes_list = list( combinations_taken_by_multiple_groups(range(self._nBoxes), ( 9, 1, ))) elif self._method is CrossValidMethod.StratifiedKFold: self._nBoxes = retrieve_kw(kw, 'nBoxes', 10) self._shuffle = retrieve_kw(kw, 'shuffle', False) checkForUnusedVars(kw, self._logger.warning) self._nSorts = self._nBoxes self._nTrain = self._nBoxes - 1 self._nValid = 1 self._nTest = 0
def __init__(self): Logger.__init__(self) self._eventStack = [] self._toolStack = []
#!/usr/bin/env python from rDev.Event import EventLooper from rDev.dataframe import ElectronCandidate from TuningTools.dataframe.EnumCollection import Dataframe as DataframeEnum from RingerCore import LoggingLevel, Logger, csvStr2List, expandFolders import argparse mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger("job") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='', add_help=False) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--data', action='store', dest='data', required=True, nargs='+', help="The input tuning files.") import sys, os if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # Take all files paths = csvStr2List( paths = expandFolders(paths) from RingerCore import load, save, appendToFileName
def __init__(self, obj, **kw): from pprint import pprint Logger.__init__(self, kw)
def __init__(self, **kw ): Logger.__init__( self, kw ) printArgs( kw, self._logger.debug ) self._nSorts = None self._nBoxes = None self._nTrain = None self._nValid = None self._nTest = None self._seed = None self._method = CrossValidMethod.retrieve( retrieve_kw( kw, 'method', CrossValidMethod.Standard ) ) if self._method is CrossValidMethod.Standard: self._nSorts = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nSorts', 50 ) self._nBoxes = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nBoxes', 10 ) self._nTrain = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nTrain', 6 ) self._nValid = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nValid', 4 ) self._nTest = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nTest', self._nBoxes - ( self._nTrain + self._nValid ) ) self._seed = retrieve_kw( kw, 'seed', None ) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning ) # Check if variables are ok: if (not self._nTest is None) and self._nTest < 0: self._logger.fatal("Number of test clusters is lesser than zero", ValueError) totalSum = self._nTrain + self._nValid + (self._nTest) if self._nTest else \ self._nTrain + self._nValid if totalSum != self._nBoxes: self._logger.fatal("Sum of train, validation and test boxes doesn't match.", ValueError) np.random.seed(self._seed) # Test number of possible combinations (N!/((N-K)!(K)!) is greater # than the required sorts. If number of sorts (greater than half of the # possible cases) is close to the number of combinations, generate all # possible combinations and then gather the number of needed sorts. # However, as calculating factorial can be heavy, we don't do this if the # number of boxes is large. self._sort_boxes_list = [] useRandomCreation = True from math import factorial if self._nBoxes < 201: totalPossibilities = ( factorial( self._nBoxes ) ) / \ ( factorial( self._nTrain ) * \ factorial( self._nValid ) * \ factorial( self._nTest ) ) if self._nSorts > (totalPossibilities / 2): useRandomCreation = False if useRandomCreation: count = 0 while True: random_boxes = np.random.permutation(self._nBoxes) random_boxes = tuple(chain(sorted(random_boxes[0:self._nTrain]), sorted(random_boxes[self._nTrain:self._nTrain+self._nValid]), sorted(random_boxes[self._nTrain+self._nValid:]))) # Make sure we are not appending same sort again: if not random_boxes in self._sort_boxes_list: self._sort_boxes_list.append( random_boxes ) count += 1 if count == self._nSorts: break else: self._sort_boxes_list = list( combinations_taken_by_multiple_groups(range(self._nBoxes), (self._nTrain, self._nVal, self._nTest))) for i in range(totalPossibilities - self._nSorts): self._sort_boxes_list.pop( np.random_integers(0, totalPossibilities) ) elif self._method is CrossValidMethod.JackKnife: self._nBoxes = retrieve_kw( kw, 'nBoxes', 10 ) checkForUnusedVars( kw, self._logger.warning ) self._nSorts = self._nBoxes self._nTrain = self._nBoxes - 1 self._nValid = 1 self._nTest = 0 self._sort_boxes_list = list( combinations_taken_by_multiple_groups(range(self._nBoxes), (9, 1,)) )
def __init__(self, input_, output): Logger.__init__( self ) self.f = TFile.Open(output, 'recreate') self.input_ = input_
#'e24_vloose_L1EM20VH', #'e5_loose_idperf', #'e5_lhloose_idperf', #'e5_tight_idperf', #'e5_lhtight_idperf', 'e24_medium_idperf_L1EM20VH', 'e24_lhmedium_idperf_L1EM20VH' ] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--inFolderList', nargs='+', required=True, help = "Input container to retrieve data") parser.add_argument('--signalDS', action='store_true', help = "Whether the dataset contains TPNtuple") parser.add_argument('--outfile', action='store', default="mergedOutput.root", help = "Name of the output file") parser.add_argument('--triggerList', nargs='+', default=defaultTrigList, help = "Trigger list to keep on the filtered file.") args=parser.parse_args() mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger( __name__, LoggingLevel.INFO ) files = expandFolders( args.inFolderList ) rFile = RootFile( files, args.outfile ) rFile.dump('Offline/Egamma/Ntuple', ['electron']) rFile.dump('Trigger/HLT/Egamma/Ntuple', args.triggerList) if args.signalDS: rFile.dump('Trigger/HLT/Egamma/TPNtuple', args.triggerList)
def __init__( self, logger = None ): Logger.__init__( self, logger = logger )
#!/usr/bin/env python # TODO Improve skeleton documentation from timeit import default_timer as timer start = timer() DatasetLocationInput = '/afs/' #try: from RingerCore import Logger, LoggingLevel mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__)"Entering main job.") from TuningTools import TuningJob tuningJob = TuningJob() from TuningTools.PreProc import * basepath = '/afs/' tuningJob( DatasetLocationInput, neuronBoundsCol = [15, 15], sortBoundsCol = [0, 1], initBoundsCol = 5, #confFileList = basepath + '/user.wsfreund.config.nn5to20_sorts50_1by1_inits100_100by100/job.hn0015.s0040.il0000.iu0099.pic.gz', #ppFileList = basepath+'/user.wsfreund.Norm1/ppFile_pp_Norm1.pic.gz', #crossValidFile = basepath+'/user.wsfreund.CrossValid.50Sorts.seed_0/crossValid.pic.gz', epochs = 100, showEvo = 0,
parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'Retrieve performance information from the Cross-Validation method on the GRID.', parents=[crossValStatsJobParser, parentParser, ioGridParser, loggerParser], conflict_handler='resolve') parser.make_adjustments() emptyArgumentsPrintHelp(parser) # Retrieve parser args: args = parser.parse_args(namespace=TuningToolGridNamespace('prun')) args.setBExec( 'source ./ --grid --with-scipy --no-color || source ./ --grid --with-scipy --no-color' ) mainLogger = Logger.getModuleLogger(__name__, args.output_level) printArgs(args, mainLogger.debug) # Set primary dataset number of files: try: # The input files can be send via a text file to avoid very large command lines?"Retrieving files on the data container to separate " "the jobs accordingly to each tunned bin reagion.")) from rucio.client import DIDClient from rucio.common.exception import DataIdentifierNotFound didClient = DIDClient() parsedDataDS = args.grid__inDS.split(':') did = parsedDataDS[-1] if len(parsedDataDS) > 1: scope = parsedDataDS else:
def __init__(self, net, **kw): Logger.__init__(self, kw)