Пример #1
def random_routing_table(n):
    table = RoutingTable()
    nodes = [i for i in range(n)]
    rd_prot = lambda: rd.choice(protocols)
    functions = [
        AdaptationFunction(rd_prot(), rd_prot(), CV) for i in range(n)
    for i in range(3 * n):
        table.add_route(rd.choice(nodes), random_stack(protocols, 1, 10),
                        rd.choice(nodes), rd.choice(functions),
    return table
Пример #2
def test_routing_table_add_valid():
    table = RoutingTable()
    nodes = [i for i in range(10)]
    for node in nodes:
        H = random_stack(protocols, 20, 20)
        function = AdaptationFunction(H[-1], H[-1], CV)
        assert table.add_route(node, H, node, function, 1)
        row = table.get(node, H)
        assert row.cost == 1 and row.next_hop == node and row.function == function
Пример #3
def test_routing_table_replace_route():
    table = RoutingTable()
    function = AdaptationFunction("a", "a", CV)
    assert table.add_route(0, ["a"], 1, function, 100)
    for i in range(1, 101):
        assert table.add_route(0, ["a"], 1, function, 100 - i)  # == True
Пример #4
def test_routing_table_add_invalid():
    table = RoutingTable()
    function = AdaptationFunction("a", "a", CV)
    assert table.add_route(0, ["a"], 1, function, 12)
    for i in range(30):
        assert not table.add_route(0, ["a"], 1, function, rd.randint(12, 20))
Пример #5
class Node(Thread):
    Each node represents a router in the network
    last_received = 0
    last_conf_received = 0

    def __init__(self, node_id, network, adapt_functions=None, **kwargs):
        :param node_id: any unique identifier
        :param network: a data structure holding every node
        Thread.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # temp
        if adapt_functions is None:
            adapt_functions = [
                AdaptationFunction(random.choice(("a", "b", "c")),
                                   random.choice(("a", "b", "c")), CV)
                for i in range(2)
        # --------------- communication related initialisation --------------- #
        # self.daemon = True
        self.id = node_id
        self.network = network
        self.wake_buffer = Queue()
        self.adapt_functions = adapt_functions
        self.routing_table = RoutingTable()
        for function in self.adapt_functions:
            self.routing_table.add_route(self.id, list(function._from),
                                         self.id, function, 0)
        # -------------------- counting sent and received -------------------- #
        self.conf_received = 0
        self.conf_sent = 0

    def neighbors_id(self):
        "returns the id of this node's neighbors"
        return list(self.network.graph.neighbors(self.id))

    # ------------------------- adaptation functions ------------------------- #
    def In(self):
        return list(set([x._from for x in self.adapt_functions]))

    def Out(self):
        return list(set([x._to for x in self.adapt_functions]))

    # ---------------------- send and receive messages ----------------------- #
    def send(self, receiver_id, message):
        "sends a specific message to a node"
        if isinstance(message, ConfigurationMessage):
            self.conf_sent += 1
        self.network.links[self.id, receiver_id].put(message)

    def receive(self, sender_id, message):
        "called upon reception of a message sent by another node"
        # ----------------------------- routing ------------------------------ #
        if isinstance(message, Message):
            if message.dest == self.id:
                self.route(sender_id, message)
        # ------------------ configuring the routing table ------------------- #
        if isinstance(message, ConfigurationMessage):
            self.conf_received += 1
            for function in self.adapt_functions:
                msg_copy = message.copy()
                if function.reverse.appliable(msg_copy):
                    in_stack = function.reverse.apply_to_stack(msg_copy.stack)
                    if len(in_stack) <= self.network.max_stack:
                        cost = self.network.links[self.id, sender_id].cost(
                            function) + msg_copy.cost
                        added = self.routing_table.add_route(
                            msg_copy.dest, in_stack, sender_id, function, cost)
                        if added:
                            for n_id in self.neighbors_id:
                                        msg_copy.dest, in_stack, cost))
            Node.last_conf_received = time()
        Node.last_received = time()

    # ---------------------------- route messages ---------------------------- #
    def route(self, sender_id, message):
        "uses the routing table to route any received message"
        stack, dest = message.stack, message.dest
        if (dest, stack) in self.routing_table:
            row = self.routing_table.get(dest, stack)
            if message.valid:
                self.send(row.next_hop, message)
            print("message {} not valid, I do not have this entry".format(

    def destination_reached(self, message):
        """Any message passed through this function was destined to this router"""
        print("The message reached its destination:\n\t- {}\n" \
              "\tArrived to {}".format(message, self.id))

    # ---------------------------- initialisation ---------------------------- #
    def init(self):
        Sends messages to each neighbors to initialise the routing table
        for x in self.In:
            for n_id in self.neighbors_id:
                self.send(n_id, ConfigurationMessage(self.id, list(x), 0))

    # ------------------------ wait for notifications ------------------------ #
    def wait_for_messages(self):
        # print(">> {} Finished sending".format(self.id))
        while self.network.running:
                sender = self.wake_buffer.get(timeout=1e-2)  # blocks
                link = self.network.links[sender, self.id]
                while not link.empty():
                    item = link.get_nowait()
                    self.receive(sender, item)
            except Empty:

    # ---------------------------- run the thread ---------------------------- #
    def run(self):
        # self.condition.acquire()