Пример #1
 def createHit(self, hsp_list):
     hit = Hit(hsp_list)
     hit.id_ = self.id_
     hit.evalue = self.evalue
     hit.bitscore = self.bitscore
     if self.description:
         hit.description = self.description
     hit.domain_obs_num = self.domain_obs_num
     return hit
Пример #2
    def _parse_hit(self, query_id):
        while True:
            self.line = self.handle.readline()
            if self.line.startswith('>>'):

        strand = None
        hsp_list = []
        while True:
            peekline = self.handle.peekline()
            # yield hit if we've reached the start of a new query or
            # the end of the search
            if peekline.strip() in [">>><<<", ">>>///"] or \
                    (not peekline.startswith('>>>') and '>>>' in peekline):
                # append last parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] line
                if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK:
                    hsp.aln_annotation['similarity'] += \
                # process HSP alignment and coordinates
                _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                hit.description = hit_desc
                hit.seq_len = seq_len
                yield hit, strand
                hsp_list = []
            # yield hit and create a new one if we're still in the same query
            elif self.line.startswith('>>'):
                # try yielding,  if we have hsps
                if hsp_list:
                    _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                    hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                    hit.description = hit_desc
                    hit.seq_len = seq_len
                    yield hit, strand
                    hsp_list = []
                # try to get the hit id and desc, and handle cases without descs
                    hit_id, hit_desc = self.line[2:].strip().split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    hit_id = self.line[2:].strip().split(' ', 1)[0]
                    hit_desc = ''
                # create the HSP object for Hit
                frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id)
                hsp = HSP([frag])
                # set or reset the state to none
                state = _STATE_NONE
                parsed_hsp = {'query': {}, 'hit': {}}
            # create and append a new HSP if line starts with '>--'
            elif self.line.startswith('>--'):
                # set seq attributes of previous hsp
                _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                # and create a new one
                frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id)
                hsp = HSP([frag])
                # set the state ~ none yet
                state = _STATE_NONE
                parsed_hsp = {'query': {}, 'hit': {}}
            # this is either query or hit data in the HSP, depending on the state
            elif self.line.startswith('>'):
                if state == _STATE_NONE:
                    # make sure it's the correct query
                    assert query_id.startswith(self.line[1:].split(' ')[0]), \
                            "%r vs %r" % (query_id, self.line)
                    state = _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK
                    parsed_hsp['query']['seq'] = ''
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    # make sure it's the correct hit
                    assert hit_id.startswith(self.line[1:].split(' ')[0])
                    state = _STATE_HIT_BLOCK
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] = ''
            # check for conservation block
            elif self.line.startswith('; al_cons'):
                state = _STATE_CONS_BLOCK
                hsp.fragment.aln_annotation['similarity'] = ''
            elif self.line.startswith(';'):
                # Fasta outputs do not make a clear distinction between Hit
                # and HSPs, so we check the attribute names to determine
                # whether it belongs to a Hit or HSP
                regx = re.search(_RE_ATTR, self.line.strip())
                name = regx.group(1)
                value = regx.group(2)

                # for values before the '>...' query block
                if state == _STATE_NONE:
                    if name in _HSP_ATTR_MAP:
                        attr_name, caster = _HSP_ATTR_MAP[name]
                        if caster is not str:
                            value = caster(value)
                        if name in ['_ident', '_sim']:
                            value *= 100
                        setattr(hsp, attr_name, value)
                # otherwise, pool the values for processing later
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['query'][name] = value
                elif state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    if name == '_len':
                        seq_len = int(value)
                        parsed_hsp['hit'][name] = value
                # for values in the hit block
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % self.line)
            # otherwise, it must be lines containing the sequences
                assert '>' not in self.line
                # if we're in hit, parse into hsp.hit
                if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['query']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK:
                    hsp.fragment.aln_annotation['similarity'] += \
                # we should not get here!
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % self.line)

            self.line = self.handle.readline()
Пример #3
    def _parse_hit(self, query_id):
        while True:
            self.line = self.handle.readline()
            if self.line.startswith('>>'):

        strand = None
        hsp_list = []
        while True:
            peekline = self.handle.peekline()
            # yield hit if we've reached the start of a new query or
            # the end of the search
            if peekline.strip() in [">>><<<", ">>>///"] or \
                    (not peekline.startswith('>>>') and '>>>' in peekline):
                # append last parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] line
                if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK:
                    hsp.aln_annotation['similarity'] += \
                # process HSP alignment and coordinates
                _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                hit.description = hit_desc
                hit.seq_len = seq_len
                yield hit, strand
                hsp_list = []
            # yield hit and create a new one if we're still in the same query
            elif self.line.startswith('>>'):
                # try yielding,  if we have hsps
                if hsp_list:
                    _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                    hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                    hit.description = hit_desc
                    hit.seq_len = seq_len
                    yield hit, strand
                    hsp_list = []
                # try to get the hit id and desc, and handle cases without descs
                    hit_id, hit_desc = self.line[2:].strip().split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    hit_id = self.line[2:].strip().split(' ', 1)[0]
                    hit_desc = ''
                # create the HSP object for Hit
                frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id)
                hsp = HSP([frag])
                # set or reset the state to none
                state = _STATE_NONE
                parsed_hsp = {'query':{}, 'hit': {}}
            # create and append a new HSP if line starts with '>--'
            elif self.line.startswith('>--'):
                # set seq attributes of previous hsp
                _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble['program'])
                # and create a new one
                frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id)
                hsp = HSP([frag])
                # set the state ~ none yet
                state = _STATE_NONE
                parsed_hsp = {'query':{}, 'hit': {}}
            # this is either query or hit data in the HSP, depending on the state
            elif self.line.startswith('>'):
                if state == _STATE_NONE:
                    # make sure it's the correct query
                    assert query_id.startswith(self.line[1:].split(' ')[0]), \
                            "%r vs %r" % (query_id, self.line)
                    state = _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK
                    parsed_hsp['query']['seq'] = ''
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    # make sure it's the correct hit
                    assert hit_id.startswith(self.line[1:].split(' ')[0])
                    state = _STATE_HIT_BLOCK
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] = ''
            # check for conservation block
            elif self.line.startswith('; al_cons'):
                state = _STATE_CONS_BLOCK
                hsp.fragment.aln_annotation['similarity'] = ''
            elif self.line.startswith(';'):
                # Fasta outputs do not make a clear distinction between Hit
                # and HSPs, so we check the attribute names to determine
                # whether it belongs to a Hit or HSP
                regx = re.search(_RE_ATTR, self.line.strip())
                name = regx.group(1)
                value = regx.group(2)

                # for values before the '>...' query block
                if state == _STATE_NONE:
                    if name in _HSP_ATTR_MAP:
                        attr_name, caster = _HSP_ATTR_MAP[name]
                        if caster is not str:
                            value = caster(value)
                        if name in ['_ident', '_sim']:
                            value *= 100
                        setattr(hsp, attr_name, value)
                # otherwise, pool the values for processing later
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['query'][name] = value
                elif state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    if name == '_len':
                        seq_len = int(value)
                        parsed_hsp['hit'][name] = value
                # for values in the hit block
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % self.line)
            # otherwise, it must be lines containing the sequences
                assert '>' not in self.line
                # if we're in hit, parse into hsp.hit
                if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK:
                    parsed_hsp['query']['seq'] += self.line.strip()
                elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK:
                    hsp.fragment.aln_annotation['similarity'] += \
                # we should not get here!
                    raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % self.line)

            self.line = self.handle.readline()
Пример #4
    def _parse_hit(self, root_hit_elem, query_id):
        """Generator that transforms Iteration_hits XML elements into Hit objects.

        root_hit_elem -- Element object of the Iteration_hits tag.
        query_id -- String of QueryResult ID of this Hit

        # Hit level processing
        # Hits are stored in the Iteration_hits tag, with the following
        # DTD
        # <!ELEMENT Hit (
        #        Hit_num,
        #        Hit_id,
        #        Hit_def,
        #        Hit_accession,
        #        Hit_len,
        #        Hit_hsps?)>

        # feed the loop below an empty list so iteration still works
        if root_hit_elem is None:
            root_hit_elem = []

        for hit_elem in root_hit_elem:

            # create empty hit object
            hit_id = hit_elem.findtext('Hit_id')
            hit_desc = hit_elem.findtext('Hit_def')
            # handle blast searches against databases with Blast's IDs
            if hit_id.startswith('gnl|BL_ORD_ID|'):
                blast_hit_id = hit_id
                id_desc = hit_desc.split(' ', 1)
                hit_id = id_desc[0]
                    hit_desc = id_desc[1]
                except IndexError:
                    hit_desc = ''
                blast_hit_id = ''

            hsps = [hsp for hsp in
                        query_id, hit_id)]

            hit = Hit(hsps)
            hit.description = hit_desc
            # blast_hit_id is only set if the hit ID is Blast-generated
            hit._blast_id = blast_hit_id

            for key, val_info in _ELEM_HIT.items():
                value = hit_elem.findtext(key)
                if value is not None:
                    caster = val_info[1]
                    # recast only if value is not intended to be str
                    if value is not None and caster is not str:
                        value = caster(value)
                    setattr(hit, val_info[0], value)

            # delete element after we finish parsing it
            yield hit
Пример #5
    def __iter__(self):
        for rec in self.blast_iter:
            # set attributes to SearchIO's
            # get id and desc
            if rec.query.startswith('>'):
                rec.query = rec.query[1:]
                qid, qdesc = rec.query.split(' ', 1)
            except ValueError:
                qid, qdesc = rec.query, ''
            qdesc = qdesc.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

            qresult = QueryResult(id=qid)
            qresult.program = rec.application.lower()
            qresult.target = rec.database
            qresult.seq_len = rec.query_letters
            qresult.version = rec.version

            # determine alphabet based on program
            if qresult.program == 'blastn':
                alphabet = generic_dna
            elif qresult.program in ['blastp', 'blastx', 'tblastn', 'tblastx']:
                alphabet = generic_protein

            # iterate over the 'alignments' (hits) and the hit table
            for idx, aln in enumerate(rec.alignments):
                # get id and desc
                if aln.title.startswith('> '):
                    aln.title = aln.title[2:]
                elif aln.title.startswith('>'):
                    aln.title = aln.title[1:]
                    hid, hdesc = aln.title.split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    hid, hdesc = aln.title, ''
                hdesc = hdesc.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

                # iterate over the hsps and group them in a list
                hsp_list = []
                for bhsp in aln.hsps:
                    frag = HSPFragment(hid, qid)
                    frag.alphabet = alphabet
                    # set alignment length
                    frag.aln_span = bhsp.identities[1]
                    # set frames
                        frag.query_frame = int(bhsp.frame[0])
                    except IndexError:
                        if qresult.program in ('blastp', 'tblastn'):
                            frag.query_frame = 0
                            frag.query_frame = 1
                        frag.hit_frame = int(bhsp.frame[1])
                    except IndexError:
                        if qresult.program in ('blastp', 'tblastn'):
                            frag.hit_frame = 0
                            frag.hit_frame = 1
                    # set query coordinates
                    frag.query_start = min(bhsp.query_start,
                            bhsp.query_end) - 1
                    frag.query_end = max(bhsp.query_start, bhsp.query_end)
                    # set hit coordinates
                    frag.hit_start = min(bhsp.sbjct_start,
                            bhsp.sbjct_end) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = max(bhsp.sbjct_start, bhsp.sbjct_end)
                    # set query, hit sequences and its annotation
                    qseq = ''
                    hseq = ''
                    midline = ''
                    for seqtrio in zip(bhsp.query, bhsp.sbjct, bhsp.match):
                        qchar, hchar, mchar = seqtrio
                        if qchar == ' ' or hchar == ' ':
                            assert all(' ' == x for x in seqtrio)
                            qseq += qchar
                            hseq += hchar
                            midline += mchar
                    frag.query, frag.hit = qseq, hseq
                    frag.aln_annotation['similarity'] = midline

                    # create HSP object with the fragment
                    hsp = HSP([frag])
                    hsp.evalue = bhsp.expect
                    hsp.bitscore = bhsp.bits
                    hsp.bitscore_raw = bhsp.score
                    # set gap
                        hsp.gap_num = bhsp.gaps[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        hsp.gap_num = 0
                    # set identity
                    hsp.ident_num = bhsp.identities[0]
                    hsp.pos_num = bhsp.positives[0]
                    if hsp.pos_num is None:
                        hsp.pos_num = hsp[0].aln_span


                hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                hit.seq_len = aln.length
                hit.description = hdesc

            qresult.description = qdesc
            yield qresult
Пример #6
    def _parse_hit(self, root_hit_elem, query_id):
        """Generator that transforms Iteration_hits XML elements into Hit objects.

        root_hit_elem -- Element object of the Iteration_hits tag.
        query_id -- String of QueryResult ID of this Hit

        # Hit level processing
        # Hits are stored in the Iteration_hits tag, with the following
        # DTD
        # <!ELEMENT Hit (
        #        Hit_num,
        #        Hit_id,
        #        Hit_def,
        #        Hit_accession,
        #        Hit_len,
        #        Hit_hsps?)>

        # feed the loop below an empty list so iteration still works
        if root_hit_elem is None:
            root_hit_elem = []

        for hit_elem in root_hit_elem:

            # create empty hit object
            hit_id = hit_elem.findtext('Hit_id')
            hit_desc = hit_elem.findtext('Hit_def')
            # handle blast searches against databases with Blast's IDs
            if hit_id.startswith('gnl|BL_ORD_ID|'):
                blast_hit_id = hit_id
                id_desc = hit_desc.split(' ', 1)
                hit_id = id_desc[0]
                    hit_desc = id_desc[1]
                except IndexError:
                    hit_desc = ''
                blast_hit_id = ''

            hsps = [
                hsp for hsp in self._parse_hsp(hit_elem.find('Hit_hsps'),
                                               query_id, hit_id)

            hit = Hit(hsps)
            hit.description = hit_desc
            # blast_hit_id is only set if the hit ID is Blast-generated
            hit._blast_id = blast_hit_id

            for key, val_info in _ELEM_HIT.items():
                value = hit_elem.findtext(key)
                if value is not None:
                    caster = val_info[1]
                    # recast only if value is not intended to be str
                    if value is not None and caster is not str:
                        value = caster(value)
                    setattr(hit, val_info[0], value)

            # delete element after we finish parsing it
            yield hit
Пример #7
    def __iter__(self):
        for rec in self.blast_iter:
            # set attributes to SearchIO's
            # get id and desc
            if rec.query.startswith('>'):
                rec.query = rec.query[1:]
                qid, qdesc = rec.query.split(' ', 1)
            except ValueError:
                qid, qdesc = rec.query, ''
            qdesc = qdesc.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

            qresult = QueryResult(id=qid)
            qresult.program = rec.application.lower()
            qresult.target = rec.database
            qresult.seq_len = rec.query_letters
            qresult.version = rec.version

            # determine alphabet based on program
            if qresult.program == 'blastn':
                alphabet = generic_dna
            elif qresult.program in ['blastp', 'blastx', 'tblastn', 'tblastx']:
                alphabet = generic_protein

            # iterate over the 'alignments' (hits) and the hit table
            for idx, aln in enumerate(rec.alignments):
                # get id and desc
                if aln.title.startswith('> '):
                    aln.title = aln.title[2:]
                elif aln.title.startswith('>'):
                    aln.title = aln.title[1:]
                    hid, hdesc = aln.title.split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    hid, hdesc = aln.title, ''
                hdesc = hdesc.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

                # iterate over the hsps and group them in a list
                hsp_list = []
                for bhsp in aln.hsps:
                    frag = HSPFragment(hid, qid)
                    frag.alphabet = alphabet
                    # set alignment length
                    frag.aln_span = bhsp.identities[1]
                    # set frames
                        frag.query_frame = int(bhsp.frame[0])
                    except IndexError:
                        if qresult.program in ('blastp', 'tblastn'):
                            frag.query_frame = 0
                            frag.query_frame = 1
                        frag.hit_frame = int(bhsp.frame[1])
                    except IndexError:
                        if qresult.program in ('blastp', 'tblastn'):
                            frag.hit_frame = 0
                            frag.hit_frame = 1
                    # set query coordinates
                    frag.query_start = min(bhsp.query_start,
                                           bhsp.query_end) - 1
                    frag.query_end = max(bhsp.query_start, bhsp.query_end)
                    # set hit coordinates
                    frag.hit_start = min(bhsp.sbjct_start, bhsp.sbjct_end) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = max(bhsp.sbjct_start, bhsp.sbjct_end)
                    # set query, hit sequences and its annotation
                    qseq = ''
                    hseq = ''
                    midline = ''
                    for seqtrio in zip(bhsp.query, bhsp.sbjct, bhsp.match):
                        qchar, hchar, mchar = seqtrio
                        if qchar == ' ' or hchar == ' ':
                            assert all(' ' == x for x in seqtrio)
                            qseq += qchar
                            hseq += hchar
                            midline += mchar
                    frag.query, frag.hit = qseq, hseq
                    frag.aln_annotation['similarity'] = midline

                    # create HSP object with the fragment
                    hsp = HSP([frag])
                    hsp.evalue = bhsp.expect
                    hsp.bitscore = bhsp.bits
                    hsp.bitscore_raw = bhsp.score
                    # set gap
                        hsp.gap_num = bhsp.gaps[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        hsp.gap_num = 0
                    # set identity
                    hsp.ident_num = bhsp.identities[0]
                    hsp.pos_num = bhsp.positives[0]
                    if hsp.pos_num is None:
                        hsp.pos_num = hsp[0].aln_span


                hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                hit.seq_len = aln.length
                hit.description = hdesc

            qresult.description = qdesc
            yield qresult