Пример #1
def execute():
    in_fname = INFILE
    out_fname = INFILE + '.out.txt'
    # generate output filenames and open them (SPLIT_OUT can be a list of any length)
    temp = [[x, INFILE + '.' + x + '.txt'] for x in SPLIT_OUT]
    out_fnames = dict(temp)
    out_files = dict()
    for o in out_fnames:
        fn = out_fnames[o]
        f = open(fn, mode='w', encoding='utf-8')
        out_files[o] = f
        f.write("File created by SFMMinor.py while splitting out minor entries marked by {}\n\n".format(o))

    with open(in_fname, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
        sfm_records = sfm.SFMRecordReader(infile)
        recs = list(sfm_records)  # load entire file into memory
        entries, _entries_stripped = sfm.build_indexes(recs, exclude_fields=DONT_INDEX_IF)

        with open(out_fname, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:

            for rec in recs:
                r = rec.as_lists()
                is_minor = rec.find_first(MINOR_MKRS)
                if is_minor:
                    minlx = r[0][1].strip()
                    report = "Probable minor entry {} identified due to link {}".format(minlx, str(is_minor))
                    #Strip it down to ASCII so the console can handle it
                    report = report.encode('ascii', 'replace')
                    mn = is_minor[1].strip()
                    matches = [main[2] for main in entries[mn]]
                    if len(matches) > 1:
                        print("ERROR: ambiguous link.")
                    for main in matches:
                        for bref in BACKREF_MKRS:
                            found = main.find_values(bref)
                            if minlx in found:
                                #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                                #print("  Main entry found ({}); it mentions the minor entry here: {} {}".format(main.as_lists()[0], bref, str(found)))
                                if not is_minor[0].endswith(bref):
                                    #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                                    #print("  Updating the minor entry by appending {} to marker {}.".format(bref, is_minor[0]))
                                    is_minor[0] += bref
#                                print(rec.as_string())
                s = rec.as_string()
                if SPLIT_OUT:
                    found = rec.find_first(SPLIT_OUT)
                    if found:
                        f = out_files[found[0]]
                        #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                        #print("  Removing entry {} from the main file since it contains field {}; saving it in {} instead".format(rec.as_lists()[0], found, f))
                        f.write(s) # write the minor entry out to the appropriate separate file
                        s = ''
    print("Done writing to file {}".format(out_fname))
    for o in out_files:
        print("Done writing to file {}".format(out_fnames[o]))
Пример #2
def execute():
    in_fname = INFILE
    out_fname = INFILE + '.out.txt'
    # generate output filenames and open them (SPLIT_OUT can be a list of any length)
    temp = [[x, INFILE + '.' + x + '.txt'] for x in SPLIT_OUT]
    out_fnames = dict(temp)
    out_files = dict()
    for o in out_fnames:
        fn = out_fnames[o]
        f = open(fn, mode='w', encoding='utf-8')
        out_files[o] = f
            "File created by SFMMinor.py while splitting out minor entries marked by {}\n\n"

    with open(in_fname, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
        sfm_records = sfm.SFMRecordReader(infile)
        recs = list(sfm_records)  # load entire file into memory
        entries, _entries_stripped = sfm.build_indexes(
            recs, exclude_fields=DONT_INDEX_IF)

        with open(out_fname, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:

            for rec in recs:
                r = rec.as_lists()
                is_minor = rec.find_first(MINOR_MKRS)
                if is_minor:
                    minlx = r[0][1].strip()
                    report = "Probable minor entry {} identified due to link {}".format(
                        minlx, str(is_minor))
                    #Strip it down to ASCII so the console can handle it
                    report = report.encode('ascii', 'replace')
                    mn = is_minor[1].strip()
                    matches = [main[2] for main in entries[mn]]
                    if len(matches) > 1:
                        print("ERROR: ambiguous link.")
                    for main in matches:
                        for bref in BACKREF_MKRS:
                            found = main.find_values(bref)
                            if minlx in found:
                                #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                                #print("  Main entry found ({}); it mentions the minor entry here: {} {}".format(main.as_lists()[0], bref, str(found)))
                                if not is_minor[0].endswith(bref):
                                    #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                                    #print("  Updating the minor entry by appending {} to marker {}.".format(bref, is_minor[0]))
                                    is_minor[0] += bref

#                                print(rec.as_string())

                s = rec.as_string()
                if SPLIT_OUT:
                    found = rec.find_first(SPLIT_OUT)
                    if found:
                        f = out_files[found[0]]
                        #The following needs to be stripped down to ASCII
                        #print("  Removing entry {} from the main file since it contains field {}; saving it in {} instead".format(rec.as_lists()[0], found, f))
                        )  # write the minor entry out to the appropriate separate file
                        s = ''

    print("Done writing to file {}".format(out_fname))
    for o in out_files:
        print("Done writing to file {}".format(out_fnames[o]))