Пример #1
 def test_get_simbad_objects(self):
     '''Test to see if retrieval of SIMBAD objects method behaves as expected'''
     from SIMBAD import get_simbad_data
     identifiers = ["3133169", "1575544"]
     mockdata = {
         "data": [[1575544, "NAME ANDROMEDA", "NAME ANDROMEDA"],
                  [3133169, "NAME LMC", "NAME LMC"]]
     QUERY_URL = self.app.config.get('OBJECTS_SIMBAD_TAP_URL')
                            body='%s' % json.dumps(mockdata))
     result = get_simbad_data(identifiers, 'identifiers')
     expected = {
         'data': {
             u'3133169': {
                 'id': '3133169',
                 'canonical': u'LMC'
             u'1575544': {
                 'id': '1575544',
                 'canonical': u'ANDROMEDA'
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #2
    def post(self):
        stime = time.time()
        # Get the supplied list of identifiers
        identifiers = []
        input_type = None
        # determine whether a source for the data was specified
            source = request.json['source'].lower()
            source = 'simbad'
        # We only deal with SIMBAD or NED as source
        if source not in ['simbad','ned']:
            current_app.logger.error('Unsupported source for object data specified: %s'%source)
            return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                   "Error Info": "Unsupported source for object data specified: %s"%source}, 200
        for itype in ['identifiers', 'objects']:
                identifiers = request.json[itype]
                identifiers = map(str, identifiers)
                input_type  = itype
        if not input_type:
            current_app.logger.error('No identifiers and objects were specified for SIMBAD object query')
            return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                    "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
        # We should either have a list of identifiers or a list of object names
        if len(identifiers) == 0:
            current_app.logger.error('No identifiers or objects were specified for SIMBAD object query')
            return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                    "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
        # We have a known object data source and a list of identifiers. Let's start!
        # We have identifiers
        if source == 'simbad':
            result = get_simbad_data(identifiers, input_type)
            if input_type == 'identifiers':
                input_type = 'simple'
            result = get_ned_data(identifiers, input_type)
        if 'Error' in result:
            # An error was returned!
            err_msg = result['Error Info']
            current_app.logger.error('Failed to find data for %s %s query (%s)!'%(source.upper(), input_type,err_msg))
            return result
            # We have results!
            duration = time.time() - stime
            current_app.logger.info('Found objects for %s %s in %s user seconds.' % (source.upper(), input_type, duration))
            # Now pick the entries in the results that correspond with the original object names
            if input_type == 'objects':
#                result['data'] = {k: result['data'].get(k.upper()) for k in identifiers}
                result['data'] = {k: result['data'].get(k) or result['data'].get(k.upper())  for k in identifiers}
            # Send back the results
            return result.get('data',{})
Пример #3
def get_object_data(identifiers, service):
    if service == 'simbad':
        object_data = get_simbad_data(identifiers, 'objects')
    elif service == 'ned':
        object_data = get_ned_data(identifiers, 'objects')
        object_data = {
            'Unable to get object data',
            'Error Info':
            'Do not have method to get object data for this service: {0}'.
    return object_data
Пример #4
 def post(self):
     stime = time.time()
     # Get the supplied list of identifiers
     identifiers = []
     objects = []
     facets = []
     input_type = None
     for itype in ['identifiers', 'objects', 'facets']:
             identifiers = request.json[itype]
             identifiers = map(str, identifiers)
             input_type = itype
     if not input_type:
             'No identifiers and objects were specified for SIMBAD object query'
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
         }, 200
     # We should either have a list of identifiers, a list of object names or a list of facets
     if len(identifiers) == 0 and len(objects) == 0 and len(facets) == 0:
             'No identifiers, objects or facets were specified for SIMBAD object query'
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
         }, 200
     # How many iden identifiers do we have?
     id_num = len(identifiers)
     if id_num == 0:
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
         }, 200
     # Source to query
     source = 'simbad'
     # Now check if we have anything cached for them
     cached = {
         id: current_app.cache.get(id.upper())
         for id in identifiers if current_app.cache.get(id.upper())
     if source in ['simbad', 'all'] and len(identifiers) > 0:
         # If we have cached values, filter those out from the initial list
         if cached:
                 'Received %s %s. Using %s entries from cache.' %
                 (id_num, input_type, len(cached)))
             identifiers = [
                 id for id in identifiers
                 if not current_app.cache.get(id.upper())
         if identifiers:
             ident_upper = [i.upper() for i in identifiers]
             # We have identifiers, not found in the cache
             result = get_simbad_data(identifiers, input_type)
             if 'Error' in result:
                 # An error was returned!
                     'Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!' %
                 return result
                 # We have results!
                 duration = time.time() - stime
                     'Found objects for SIMBAD %s in %s user seconds.' %
                     (input_type, duration))
                 # Before returning results, cache them
                 for ident, value in result['data'].items():
                 # Now pick the entries in the results that correspond with the original object names
                 if input_type == 'objects':
                     result['data'] = {
                         k: result['data'].get(k.upper())
                         for k in identifiers
                 # If we had results from cache, merge these in
                 if cached:
                     res = cached.copy()
                     res.update(result.get('data', {}))
                     return res
                 # Otherwise just send back the results
                     return result.get('data', {})
         elif cached:
             # We only had cached results
             return cached
             # This should never happen
                 'No data found, even though we had %s! Should never happen!'
                 % input_type)
             result = {
                 "Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!" % input_type,
                 "Error Info":
                 "No results found, where results were expected! Needs attention!"
             return result
Пример #5
 def post(self):
     stime = time.time()
     # Get the supplied list of identifiers
     identifiers = []
     query = None
     itype = None
     name2id = {}
         query = request.json['query']
         input_type = 'query'
             'No query was specified for SIMBAD object search')
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
         }, 200
     # If we get the request from BBB, the value of 'query' is actually an array
     if isinstance(query, list):
             solr_query = query[0]
             solr_query = ''
         solr_query = query
     current_app.logger.info('Received SIMBAD object query: %s' %
     new_query = solr_query.replace('object:', 'simbid:')
     # If we receive a (Solr) query string, we need to parse out the object names
         identifiers = get_objects_from_query_string(solr_query)
             'Parsing the identifiers out of the query string blew up!')
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No objects found in query string"
         }, 200
     identifiers = [
         iden for iden in identifiers
         if iden.lower() not in ['object', ':']
     # How many object names did we fid?
     id_num = len(identifiers)
     # Keep a list with the object names we found
     identifiers_orig = identifiers
     # If we did not find any object names, there is nothing to do!
     if id_num == 0:
         return {
             "Error": "Unable to get results!",
             "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
         }, 200
     # Source to query
     source = 'simbad'
     if source in ['simbad', 'all'] and len(identifiers) > 0:
         if identifiers:
             for ident in identifiers:
                 result = get_simbad_data([ident], 'objects')
                 if 'Error' in result:
                     # An error was returned!
                         'Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!' %
                     return result
                     SIMBADid = [
                         e.get('id', 0) for e in result['data'].values()
                     SIMBADid = '0'
                 name2id[ident] = SIMBADid
             for oname in identifiers:
                     SIMBADid = name2id.get(oname)
                     SIMBADid = '0'
                 new_query = new_query.replace(oname, SIMBADid)
             return {"query": new_query}
             # This should never happen
                 'No data found, even though we had %s! Should never happen!'
                 % input_type)
             result = {
                 "Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!" % input_type,
                 "Error Info":
                 "No results found, where results were expected! Needs attention!"
             return result
Пример #6
class QuerySearch(Resource):
    """Given a Solr query with object names, return a Solr query with SIMBAD identifiers"""
    scopes = []
    rate_limit = [1000, 60 * 60 * 24]
    decorators = [advertise('scopes', 'rate_limit')]

    def post(self):
        stime = time.time()
        # Get the supplied list of identifiers
        identifiers = []
        query = None
        itype = None
        name2id = {}
            query = request.json['query']
            input_type = 'query'
                'No query was specified for the  object search')
            return {
                "Error": "Unable to get results!",
                "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"
            }, 200
        # If we get the request from BBB, the value of 'query' is actually an array
        if isinstance(query, list):
            solr_query = query[0]
            solr_query = query
        current_app.logger.info('Received object query: %s' % solr_query)
        # This query will be split up into two components: a SIMBAD and a NED object query
        simbad_query = solr_query.replace('object:', 'simbid:')
        ned_query = solr_query.replace('object:', 'nedid:')
        # Check if an explicit target service was specified
            target = request.json['target']
            target = 'all'
        # If we receive a (Solr) query string, we need to parse out the object names
            identifiers = get_objects_from_query_string(solr_query)
        except Exception, err:
                'Parsing the identifiers out of the query string blew up!')
            return {
                "Unable to get results!",
                "Error Info":
                "Parsing the identifiers out of the query string blew up! (%s)"
                % str(err)
            }, 200
        identifiers = [
            iden for iden in identifiers
            if iden.lower() not in ['object', ':']
        # How many object names did we fid?
        id_num = len(identifiers)
        # Keep a list with the object names we found
        identifiers_orig = identifiers
        # If we did not find any object names, there is nothing to do!
        if id_num == 0:
            return {
                "Error": "Unable to get results!",
                "Error Info":
                "No identifiers/objects found in Solr object query"
            }, 200
        # Get translations
        simbad_query = ''
        ned_query = ''
        translated_query = ''
        if target.lower() in ['simbad', 'all']:
            name2simbid = {}
            for ident in identifiers:
                result = get_simbad_data([ident], 'objects')
                if 'Error' in result or 'data' not in result:
                    # An error was returned!
                        'Failed to find data for SIMBAD object {0}!: {1}'.
                        format(ident, result.get('Error Info', 'NA')))
                    name2simbid[ident] = 0
                    SIMBADid = [
                        e.get('id', 0) for e in result['data'].values()
                    SIMBADid = "0"
                name2simbid[ident] = SIMBADid
            simbad_query = translate_query(solr_query, identifiers,
                                           name2simbid, 'simbid:')
        if target.lower() in ['ned', 'all']:
            name2nedid = {}
            for ident in identifiers:
                result = get_ned_data([ident], 'objects')
                if 'Error' in result or 'data' not in result:
                    # An error was returned!
                        'Failed to find data for NED object {0}!: {1}'.format(
                            ident, result.get('Error Info', 'NA')))
                    name2nedid[ident] = 0
                    NEDid = [e.get('id', 0)
                             for e in result['data'].values()][0]
                    NEDid = 0
                name2nedid[ident] = str(NEDid)
            ned_query = translate_query(solr_query, identifiers, name2nedid,

        if simbad_query and ned_query:
            translated_query = '({0}) OR ({1})'.format(simbad_query, ned_query)
        elif simbad_query:
            translated_query = simbad_query
        elif ned_query:
            translated_query = ned_query
            translated_query = 'simbid:0'

        return {'query': translated_query}
Пример #7
 def post(self):
     stime = time.time()
     # Get the supplied list of identifiers
     identifiers = []
     objects = []
     facets = []
     input_type = None
     for itype in ['identifiers', 'objects', 'facets']:
             identifiers = request.json[itype]
             identifiers = map(str, identifiers)
             input_type  = itype
     if not input_type:
         current_app.logger.error('No identifiers and objects were specified for SIMBAD object query')
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
     # We should either have a list of identifiers, a list of object names or a list of facets
     if len(identifiers) == 0 and len(objects) == 0 and len(facets) == 0:
         current_app.logger.error('No identifiers, objects or facets were specified for SIMBAD object query')
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
     # How many iden identifiers do we have?
     id_num = len(identifiers)
     if id_num == 0:
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
     # Source to query 
     source = 'simbad'
     # Now check if we have anything cached for them
     cached = {id:current_app.cache.get(id.upper()) for id in identifiers if current_app.cache.get(id.upper())}
     if source in ['simbad','all'] and len(identifiers) > 0:
          # If we have cached values, filter those out from the initial list
         if cached:
             current_app.logger.debug('Received %s %s. Using %s entries from cache.' % (id_num, input_type, len(cached)))
             identifiers = [id for id in identifiers if not current_app.cache.get(id.upper())]
         if identifiers:
             ident_upper = [i.upper() for i in identifiers]
             # We have identifiers, not found in the cache
             result = get_simbad_data(identifiers, input_type)
             if 'Error' in result:
                 # An error was returned!
                 current_app.logger.error('Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!'%input_type)
                 return result
                 # We have results!
                 duration = time.time() - stime
                 current_app.logger.info('Found objects for SIMBAD %s in %s user seconds.' % (input_type, duration))
                 # Before returning results, cache them
                 for ident, value in result['data'].items():
                     current_app.cache.set(ident.upper(), value, timeout=current_app.config.get('OBJECTS_CACHE_TIMEOUT'))
                 # Now pick the entries in the results that correspond with the original object names
                 if input_type == 'objects':
                     result['data'] = {k: result['data'].get(k.upper()) for k in identifiers}
                 # If we had results from cache, merge these in
                 if cached:
                     res = cached.copy()
                     return res
                 # Otherwise just send back the results
                     return result.get('data',{})
         elif cached:
             # We only had cached results
             return cached
             # This should never happen
             current_app.logger.error('No data found, even though we had %s! Should never happen!'%input_type)
             result = {
                 "Error": "Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!"%input_type,
                 "Error Info": "No results found, where results were expected! Needs attention!"
             return result
Пример #8
 def post(self):
     stime = time.time()
     # Get the supplied list of identifiers
     identifiers = []
     query = None
     itype = None
     name2id = {}
         query = request.json['query']
         input_type = 'query'
         current_app.logger.error('No query was specified for SIMBAD object search')
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
     # If we get the request from BBB, the value of 'query' is actually an array
     if isinstance(query, list):
             solr_query = query[0]
             solr_query = ''
         solr_query = query
     current_app.logger.info('Received SIMBAD object query: %s'%solr_query)
     new_query = solr_query.replace('object:','simbid:')
     # If we receive a (Solr) query string, we need to parse out the object names
         identifiers = get_objects_from_query_string(solr_query)
         current_app.logger.error('Parsing the identifiers out of the query string blew up!')
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No objects found in query string"}, 200
     identifiers = [iden for iden in identifiers if iden.lower() not in ['object',':']]
     # How many object names did we fid?
     id_num = len(identifiers)
     # Keep a list with the object names we found
     identifiers_orig = identifiers
     # If we did not find any object names, there is nothing to do!
     if id_num == 0:
         return {"Error": "Unable to get results!",
                 "Error Info": "No identifiers/objects found in POST body"}, 200
     # Source to query 
     source = 'simbad'
     if source in ['simbad','all'] and len(identifiers) > 0:
         if identifiers:
             for ident in identifiers:
                 result = get_simbad_data([ident], 'objects')
                 if 'Error' in result:
                     # An error was returned!
                     current_app.logger.error('Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!'%input_type)
                     return result
                     SIMBADid =[e.get('id',0) for e in result['data'].values()][0]
                     SIMBADid = '0'
                 name2id[ident] = SIMBADid 
             for oname in identifiers:
                     SIMBADid = name2id.get(oname)
                     SIMBADid = '0'
                 new_query = new_query.replace(oname, SIMBADid)
             return {"query": new_query}
             # This should never happen
             current_app.logger.error('No data found, even though we had %s! Should never happen!'%input_type)
             result = {
                 "Error": "Failed to find data for SIMBAD %s query!"%input_type,
                 "Error Info": "No results found, where results were expected! Needs attention!"
             return result