def OSPC_getValues_Gen2(logger, fromGen2=True): """Get updated values for the SD.StatusDictionary from the Gen2 status server, using conversions specified therein.""" global __entryLineCnt global gen2FirstTime, statServerAvailable, g2Stat global newvaldict, keynum # First time -- check for status server presence, get remote proxy if gen2FirstTime: gen2FirstTime = False if fromGen2: g2Stat = g2StatusObj(svcname='status') else: g2Stat = cachedStatusObj('') statServerAvailable = True # Set __entryLineCnt, OSPC_IterCnt; open data log (first time only); # get epochTime and statusKeys epochTime, statusKeys = OSPC_getValues_CommonProlog() # Separate statusKeys into fetchKeys and telstatKeys fetchKeys = [] for key in statusKeys: if not key.startswith('TELSTAT.'): fetchKeys.append(key) current_keynum = len(fetchKeys) try: logger.debug('keynum=%d cur_keynum=%d' % (keynum, current_keynum)) if not keynum == current_keynum: keynum = current_keynum newvaldict = dict.fromkeys(fetchKeys, STATNONE) newvaldict = g2Stat.fetch(newvaldict) logger.debug('fetching from status server...') else: logger.debug('fetching from mon ...') #print "result = ",newvaldict except Exception, value: keynum = 0 # set TELSTAT.UNIXTIME SD.StatusDictionary['TELSTAT.UNIXTIME'].setValue(hrsec=epochTime) # log error logger.error( "ERROR (OSSC_screenPrintConversions:OSPC_getValues_Gen2): cannot access remote status object: %s" % str(value)) # set all other variables to None for key in statusKeys: if key != 'TELSTAT.UNIXTIME': SD.StatusDictionary[key].setValue(None) # if logging is turned on, write TELSTAT.NODATA, to data log if TelStat_cfg.telStatDataLogging: __OSPC_writeAliasToLog('TELSTAT.NODATA', 'No Data') TelStat_cfg.telStatDataLog_fd.write('\n') TelStat_cfg.telStatDataLog_fd.write('\n') # end of processing for this cycle -- return return
def main(): sc = cachedStatusObj('') syslog.openlog("SOSSstatusServer", syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_WARNING | syslog.LOG_DAEMON) while True: line = sys.stdin.readline() if line == "": break aliasname = line.strip(' \r\n') val = sc.get_statusValue(aliasname) sys.stderr.write(str(val) + "\n") syslog.closelog()
def __init__(self, options, logger): """Constructor for the INSintTester object. """ # Invoke our base class constructor. INSintGUI.__init__(self) self.logger = logger self.insconfig = INSconfig() # Set up default connection parameters from command line self.obcpnum = options.obcpnum self.monunitnum = options.monunitnum if not options.obcphost: self.obcphost = SOSSrpc.get_myhost(short=True) else: self.obcphost = options.obcphost self.raidpath = options.fitsdir self.transfermethod = options.transfermethod self.username = options.username self.password = options.password self.ev_quit = threading.Event() self.ev_mainquit = threading.Event() self.soss = None # Did user specify a Gen2 status source? if options.statussvc: ro_status = ro.remoteObjectProxy(options.statussvc) statusObj = INSint.FetchStatusWrapper_Gen2(ro_status) # Did user specify a SOSS status source? elif options.statushost: from SOSS.status import cachedStatusObj statusDict = cachedStatusObj(options.statushost) statusObj = INSint.FetchStatusWrapper_SOSS(statusDict) # Did user specify a SOSS status file? elif options.statusfile: try: in_f = open(options.statusfile, 'r') statusDict = eval( in_f.close() except Exception, e: self.showStatus("Error reading status file '%s': %s" % \ (options.statusfile, str(e))) statusDict = {} statusObj = INSint.FetchStatusWrapper_SOSS(statusDict)
def main(options, args): # create a handle to the status system whether gen2 or soss if options.soss: sc = cachedStatusObj(host=options.statushost) else: sc = g2StatusObj(host=options.statushost, svcname=options.statussvc) if options.regex: info = statusInfo() regexes = map(re.compile, args) args = [] for alias in info.getAliasNames(): for regex in regexes: if regex.match(alias): args.append(alias) args.sort() # fetch the list of status items (returns a dict) res = sc.get_statusValuesList(args) # print the key/values out, interpreting as necessary idx = 1 for aliasname in args: try: aliasdef = except statusError, e: # this means that does not contain this name aliasdef = None val = res.pop(0) if (aliasdef != None) and (aliasdef.stype == 'B'): if options.raw: print "%0x" % val else: print "% 3d : [%s]=[%0x]" % (idx, aliasname, val) else: if options.raw: print "%s" % str(val) else: print "% 3d : [%s]=[%s]" % (idx, aliasname, str(val)) idx += 1
def main(options, args): # Create a SOSS status object statusObj = cachedStatusObj(host=options.statushost) try: # One shot or..continuous? if options.interval == None: getAliases(statusObj, args) else: while True: getAliases(statusObj, args) print "---------------------------------" time.sleep(options.interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Received keyboard interrupt!"
def main(options, args): # Create status object sc = cachedStatusObj(host=options.statushost) # If "ALL" given as command line arg, then grab it, otherwise it is a # list of aliases if (len(args) == 1) and (args[0].upper() == "ALL"): if options.tables: args = sc.getTableNames() else: args = sc.getAliasNames() if options.statussvc: import remoteObjects as ro ro.init() sc = ro.remoteObjectProxy(options.statussvc) (d, errorlist) = captureAliasesGen2(sc, args) else: (d, errorlist) = captureAliases(sc, args) if options.g2prime: g2PrimeAliases(sc, d) # Dump Python readable repn to stdout #print repr(d) print "#\n# SOSS status snapshot: %s\n#\n" % (time.ctime()) pprint.pprint(d) if len(errorlist) > 0: sys.stderr.write("ERRORS fetching:\n") for (aliasname, errstr) in errorlist: sys.stderr.write("%16s: %s\n" % (aliasname, errstr))
# frameids asynchronously if options.framehost: try: frameint = rpcFrameObj(options.framehost) except rpc.PortMapError, e: logger.error("Can't connect to portmapper on framehost (%s)" % \ options.framehost) sys.exit(1) else: frameint = None # Specified a status server for the instrument to use to fetch # status (not via the DAQtk status mechanism) if options.statushost: statusObj = cachedStatusObj(options.statushost) else: statusObj = None # Create the instrument object simcam = Instrument(logger, ev_quit=ev_quit, ocsint=daqtk, frameint=frameint, statusObj=statusObj, obcpnum=options.obcpnum, threadPool=threadPool, allowNoPara=options.noparaok) # Load the personalities. User can specify several cams to be loaded # on the command line. Also, cams can be given aliases. for (alias, cam) in camlist: simcam.loadPersonality(cam, alias=alias)
def main(options, args): # Create top level logger. logger = ssdlog.make_logger('EnvMonitor', options) # Create status object to be shared by all interested parties if options.statsvc: # Specified Gen2 status status_obj = Gen2StatusObject(options.statsvc) else: # Specified SOSS status status_obj = st.cachedStatusObj(options.statint) # callback for popping up wind monitor def showWindDirection(): global windWindow if windWindow: windWindow.deiconify() return # Create the base frame for the widgets WindMonitor(status_obj, logger) # Create the base frame for the widgets root = Tk() Pmw.initialise(root) root.title("Environment Monitor")'tk', 'scaling', 1) if options.geometry: root.geometry(options.geometry) else: root.geometry("433x742") def dialogResult(result): global quitDialog #print 'You clicked on ', result quitDialog.deactivate(result) if result == 'Yes': root.quit() def askAboutQuitting(): # Create the dialog. global quitDialog quitDialog = Pmw.Dialog(None, buttons=('No', 'Yes'), defaultbutton='Yes', title='Quit Environment Monitor?', command=dialogResult) quitDialog.geometry("300x45") quitDialog.activate(globalMode=1) quitDialog.withdraw() def _delete_main_window(): askAboutQuitting() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", _delete_main_window) row = 0 widget1 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Wind direction (deg) N:0 E:90", statusKeys=("TSCL.WINDD", ), maxDeltas=(300, ), gconfig=(None, "black", "white", (0, 360, 90), 1, 0, 1), background="#f5fffc", statusObj=status_obj) widget1.grid(row=row, column=0) widget1.tick() row += 1 widget2 = sg.StatusGraph( root, title="Wind Speed(m/s)", statusKeys=("TSCL.WINDS_O", "TSCL.WINDS_I"), alarmValues=(10, 15), #gconfig = (None, "black", "white", (-1,20,5), 1, 0, 1), background="#f7fff4", statusObj=status_obj) widget2.grid(row=row, column=0) widget2.tick() row += 1 widget3 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Temperature(C)", statusKeys=("TSCL.TEMP_O", "TSCL.TEMP_I"), statusObj=status_obj) widget3.grid(row=row, column=0) widget3.tick() row += 1 widget4 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Humidity(%)", statusKeys=("TSCL.HUMI_O", "TSCL.HUMI_I"), alarmValues=(80, 80), background="#fffff6", size=(112, 430), displayTime=True, lconfig=THINDEFAULTLINE, statusObj=status_obj) widget4.grid(row=row, column=0) widget4.tick() row += 1 widget5 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Air Pressure(hPa) :", size=(97, 430), statusKeys=("TSCL.ATOM", ), statusFormats=("%0.1f", ), lconfig=THINDEFAULTLINE, statusObj=status_obj) widget5.grid(row=row, column=0) widget5.tick() row += 1 widget6 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Rain Gauge(mm/h) :", statusKeys=("TSCL.RAIN", ), statusFormats=("%0.1f", ), alarmValues=(50, ), size=(93, 430), background="#f4f4f4", statusObj=status_obj) widget6.grid(row=row, column=0) widget6.tick() row += 1 widget7 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Seeing Size(arcsec)", statusKeys=("TSCL.SEEN", "VGWD.FWHM.AG"), alarmValues=(1, 1), statusFormats=("TSC: %0.1f", "VGW: %0.1f"), displayTime=True, statusObj=status_obj) widget7.grid(row=row, column=0) widget7.tick() row += 1 # widget8 = sg.StatusGraph(root, title="Sky Transparency(%) :", # statusKeys=("TSCL.THRU",), # background="#f4f4f4", # displayTime=True, statusObj=status_obj) # widget8.grid(row=row, column=0) # widget8.tick() # row +=1 bottomframe = Frame(root, width=440) buttons = Pmw.ButtonBox(bottomframe) buttons.add('Quit', command=askAboutQuitting, font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold')) buttons.grid(row=0, column=0) resourceframe = ResourceMonitor(bottomframe, status_obj, logger) resourceframe.grid(row=0, column=1) resourceframe.tick() buttons = Pmw.ButtonBox(bottomframe) buttons.add('Wind Direction', command=showWindDirection, font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold')) buttons.grid(row=0, column=2) bottomframe.grid(row=row, column=0) row += 1 try: try: root.mainloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.error("Received keyboard interrupt!") except Exception, e: logger.error("Top-level exception raised: %s" % str(e)) raise e
in_f = open(infile, 'r') except IOError, e: print "Can't open input file '%s': %s" % (infile, str(e)) sys.exit(1) # Convert binary file to test data data = in_f.close() client(options, data, True) elif select == 'status': table = args[0] import SOSS.status as st status = st.cachedStatusObj(options.statushost) status.updateTable(table) # Convert binary file to test data data = status.cache[table].table client(options, data, True) elif select == 'calls': client2(options) else: print "I don't know how to do '%s'" % select sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
quit() ev_quit.set() # Set signal handler for signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SigHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, SigHandler)"Starting status service...") try: if not options.statint: stathost = SOSSrpc.get_myhost(short=True) else: stathost = options.statint #cso = gen2StatusObj(logger, stathost) cso = st.cachedStatusObj(stathost) # Create mini monitor to reflect to main monitor mymonname = ('%s.mon' % svcname) minimon = Monitor.Monitor(mymonname, logger, numthreads=15) minimon.start() minimon.start_server(usethread=True) mon_started = True if options.monitor: # Subscribe main monitor to our updates minimon.subscribe(options.monitor, monchannels, {}) # Subscribe ourselves to the statint feed via main monitor minimon.subscribe_remote(options.monitor, ['statint'], {})