def test_set_offset(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) offsets = [-2.535, -5.0077, -6.7831, -2.5544] spi.set_offsets(offsets) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 12) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x1"), ("0xa0", "0x7a"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x2"), ("0xa0", "0x73"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x3"), ("0xa0", "0x6f"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x4"), ("0xa0", "0x79"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs) spi.set_offsets([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs]
def test_set_phases(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) values = [-5.8921, -6.4829, 5.9341, 6.4409] spi.set_phases(values) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 12) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x1"), ("0xa4", "0x4a"), ("0x90", "0x80"), ("0x8f", "0x2"), ("0xa4", "0x45"), ("0x90", "0x80"), ("0x8f", "0x3"), ("0xa4", "0xb6"), ("0x90", "0x80"), ("0x8f", "0x4"), ("0xa4", "0xbb"), ("0x90", "0x80"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs)
def test_set_offset_2(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) offsets = [0.0] * 4 spi.set_offsets(offsets) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 12) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x1"), ("0xa0", "0x80"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x2"), ("0xa0", "0x80"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x3"), ("0xa0", "0x80"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ("0x8f", "0x4"), ("0xa0", "0x80"), ("0x90", "0x8"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs)
def test_set_gains(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) values = [-2.6737, 0.5534, 0.5995, 1.5208] spi.set_gains(values) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 12) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x1"), ("0xa2", "0x6d"), ("0x90", "0x20"), ("0x8f", "0x2"), ("0xa2", "0x84"), ("0x90", "0x20"), ("0x8f", "0x3"), ("0xa2", "0x84"), ("0x90", "0x20"), ("0x8f", "0x4"), ("0xa2", "0x8b"), ("0x90", "0x20"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs)
def test_inl_values_to_reg_values(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) values = [ 0.0, -0.0049, -0.158, -0.0952, 0.0614, 0.0008, -0.0537, 0.161, 0.1902, 0.5033, 0.327, 0.2102, 0.1048, -0.0875, -0.2342, -0.0445, 0.0, ] regs = spi.inl_values_to_reg_values(values) exp = [32, 5120, 0, 25, 24896, 40960] self.assertEqual(exp, list(regs))
def test_inl_regs_to_inl_vals(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) regs = [10, 5460, 40960, 37, 17749, 16384] vals = spi.inl_regs_to_inl_vals(regs) exp = [0.0, 0.0, -0.45, -0.3, 0.15, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.45, 0.15, -0.3, -0.3, -0.15, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(len(vals)): self.assertAlmostEquals(exp[i], vals[i], 2)
def test_get_control(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) # in test mode, controls are hardwired to this exp = {"fs": 0, "adcmode": 8, "bdw": 3, "bg": 1, "test": 0, "stdby": 0, "dmux": 1} controls = spi.get_control() self.assertEqual(exp, controls)
def test_get_inl_registers(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) offs = spi.get_inl_registers(1) # print offs exp = [0.0] * 17 self.assertEqual(exp, list(offs))
def test_set_test_mode(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) spi.set_test_mode() expRegs = [("0x85", "0x0"), ("0x81", "0x13c8")] self.assertEqual(expRegs, spi.get_hex_regs()) # writes: [(4, '\x00\x00\x85\x01'), (4, '\x13\xc8\x81\x01')] writes = spi.get_int_roach_writes() # [unpack(">I", data) for offset, data in spi.writes] expWrites = [(34049,), (331907329,)] self.assertEqual(expWrites, writes)
def main(argv): vcdfile = "./foo.vcd" #foo = VcdEater(vcdfile) foo = AntlrVCD(file(vcdfile)) spi = SPI(CPOL=0, CPHA=1, SCLK="/ad9510_hw/old_booter/clockEngine/SCLK", CSN="/ad9510_hw/old_booter/clockEngine/CSN", MOSI="/ad9510_hw/old_booter/clockEngine/SDIO") spi.register(foo) foo.go() spi.end() print '\n'.join(spi.get_mosi()) p = ad9510spi() cmds = #print cmds for c in cmds: tag = ("read" if c['read'] else "write") length = c['bytes'] addr_start = c['addr_hex'] value = c['value_hex'] print "%-5s addr:%5s value:%4s" % (tag, addr_start, value)
def test_set_control(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) spi.set_control() self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 1) # regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [("0x81", "0x3c8")] self.assertEqual(exp, spi.get_hex_regs()) # writes: [(4, '\x03\xc8\x81\x01')] writes = [unpack(">I", data) for offset, data in spi.writes] expWrites = [(63471873,)] # self.assertEqual(expWrites, writes)
# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Revision $Id$ ## Simple talker demo that listens to std_msgs/Strings published ## to the 'chatter' topic from SPI import SPI import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String spi = SPI(10000) def callback(data): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'I heard %s', data = print(data) def listener(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # name are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously.
if __name__ == "__main__": #myHandlers.timestamp = "_" import corr import time from SPI import SPI from AdcSnapshot import AdcSnapshot #logging.config.fileConfig('adc5g_logging_config.conf') #logger = logging.getLogger('adc5gLogging')"Started") roach_name = "srbsr2-1" roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(roach_name) time.sleep(3) print "connected: ", roach.is_connected() #bof = 'h1k_ver105_2013_Dec_02_1551.bof' #roach.progdev(bof) #time.sleep(5) test = False spi = SPI(roach=roach, test=test) adc = AdcSnapshot(roach=roach, test=test) mmcm = MMCM(spi=spi, adc=adc, test=test) mmcm.calibrate_mmcm_phase()
def __init__(self , roach = None , roach_name = None , zdok = 0 , gpib_addr = None , test = False , dir = '.' , now = None , config = False , bof = False , clockrate = None): self.zdok = zdok self.test = test self.dir = dir self.clockrate = clockrate if clockrate is not None else 1500.0 self.config = 0 #config self.bof = bof # Removing this check because you may be using ADCCalibrate in a read-only # mode where gpib is not needed (since it is write-only, TBF) #if not test and gpib_addr is None: # raise Exception, "Must specify gpib_addr if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." if not test and roach_name is None: raise Exception, "Must specify Roach if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." self.roach_name = roach_name if not test else "noroach" if not test and roach is None: self.roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(self.roach_name) time.sleep(3) if not self.roach.is_connected(): raise Exception, "%s did not work" % self.roach_name else: self.roach = roach = if now is None else now self.time_frmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S' self.current_time = #self.set_file_label() # helper classes self.gpib = GPIB(gpib_addr, test = test) self.spi = SPI(zdok = zdok, test = test, roach = self.roach) self.adc = AdcSnapshot(zdok = zdok, test = test, roach = self.roach, clockrate = self.clockrate) # higher-level classes self.ogp = OGP(zdok = zdok , spi = self.spi , adc = self.adc , roach_name = roach_name , clockrate = self.clockrate , now = now , dir = dir) self.inl = INL(zdok = zdok , spi = self.spi , roach_name = roach_name , now = now , dir = dir) self.mmcm = MMCM(zdok = zdok, spi = self.spi, adc = self.adc) self.configFile = "%s-adc.conf" % roach_name self.configPath = "%s/%s" % (dir, self.configFile) = ADCConfFile(self.configPath) self.n_cores = 4 self.cores = range(1,self.n_cores+1) #self.clockrate = 1500.0 self.samp_freq = 2*self.clockrate # file prefixes self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name = "post_mmcm_ramp_check" self.post_ramp_check_raw_name = "post_ramp_check_raw" self.raw_startup_name = "raw_startup" self.loaded_files = []
class ADCCalibrate: """ This is a high-level class responsible for the calibration of the two ADC cards (zdoks) in each of Vegas's Roach 2 boards. It may interact with the user, and leverages a suite of lower level helper classes. """ def __init__(self , roach = None , roach_name = None , zdok = 0 , gpib_addr = None , test = False , dir = '.' , now = None , config = False , bof = False , clockrate = None): self.zdok = zdok self.test = test self.dir = dir self.clockrate = clockrate if clockrate is not None else 1500.0 self.config = 0 #config self.bof = bof # Removing this check because you may be using ADCCalibrate in a read-only # mode where gpib is not needed (since it is write-only, TBF) #if not test and gpib_addr is None: # raise Exception, "Must specify gpib_addr if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." if not test and roach_name is None: raise Exception, "Must specify Roach if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." self.roach_name = roach_name if not test else "noroach" if not test and roach is None: self.roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(self.roach_name) time.sleep(3) if not self.roach.is_connected(): raise Exception, "%s did not work" % self.roach_name else: self.roach = roach = if now is None else now self.time_frmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S' self.current_time = #self.set_file_label() # helper classes self.gpib = GPIB(gpib_addr, test = test) self.spi = SPI(zdok = zdok, test = test, roach = self.roach) self.adc = AdcSnapshot(zdok = zdok, test = test, roach = self.roach, clockrate = self.clockrate) # higher-level classes self.ogp = OGP(zdok = zdok , spi = self.spi , adc = self.adc , roach_name = roach_name , clockrate = self.clockrate , now = now , dir = dir) self.inl = INL(zdok = zdok , spi = self.spi , roach_name = roach_name , now = now , dir = dir) self.mmcm = MMCM(zdok = zdok, spi = self.spi, adc = self.adc) self.configFile = "%s-adc.conf" % roach_name self.configPath = "%s/%s" % (dir, self.configFile) = ADCConfFile(self.configPath) self.n_cores = 4 self.cores = range(1,self.n_cores+1) #self.clockrate = 1500.0 self.samp_freq = 2*self.clockrate # file prefixes self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name = "post_mmcm_ramp_check" self.post_ramp_check_raw_name = "post_ramp_check_raw" self.raw_startup_name = "raw_startup" self.loaded_files = [] def set_zdok(self, zdok): # Note: this is zdok - or ADC ('0' or '1') that # the lower level classes interact with. In this # upper level class we sometimes see zdok == '2', # which means "work on both '0' and '1'" # Pass it down self.spi.set_zdok(zdok) self.adc.set_zdok(zdok) self.ogp.set_zdok(zdok) self.inl.set_zdok(zdok) self.mmcm.set_zdok(zdok) # self.set_file_label() def set_clockrate(self, clockrate): self.adc.set_clockrate(clockrate) self.ogp.set_clockrate(clockrate) def set_freq(self, freq): self.gpib.freq = freq def set_ampl(self, ampl): self.gpib.ampl = ampl def get_check_filename(self, title, zdoks): return "%s/%s_%s_zs%d_%s" % (self.dir , title , self.roach_name , zdoks , self.current_time) #def set_file_label(self): # self.file_label = "_%s_z%d_%s" % (self.roach_name # , self.zdok # , self.current_time) #def get_post_ramp_check_raw_filename(self): # return "post_ramp_check_raw%s" % self.file_label def user_input(self, prompt): prompt = "%s (Y/N)" % prompt logger.debug(prompt) response = raw_input(prompt) logger.debug("user response: \t%s" % response) return response in ["Y", "y"] def load_calibrations(self , indir = None , zdoks = None , types = None , use_conf = False , freq = None): "Loads the most recent ogp, inl calibration files and loads them into the ADC Cards." # where to find the calibration files? if indir is None: var = "YGOR_TELESCOPE" if not os.environ.has_key(var): msg = "If directory for calibration files is not given, YGOR_TELESCOPE must be set." logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg else: indir = os.path.join(os.environ[var], "etc/config") # which zdok (ADC card) to load calibrations into? if zdoks is None or zdoks == 2: zdoks = range(2) elif zdoks == 0 or zdoks == 1: zdoks = [zdoks] else: msg = "Zdoks value must be 0,1,2; unsupported: %d" % zdoks logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg # which type of calibration? allTypes = ['ogp', 'inl'] if types is None: types = allTypes else: if not all([t in allTypes for t in types]): msg = "Types %s not in %s" % (types, allTypes) logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg if use_conf and freq is None: msg = "Must specify freq (MHz) if .conf file is used for loading calibrations." logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg if use_conf: self.load_calibrations_from_conf(indir, zdoks, types, freq) else: # go through and find the most recent of each type # of file needed #example file: ogp_noroach_z0_2014-04-24-090838 self.loaded_files = [] for type in types: for zdok in zdoks: ext = "" if type == 'ogp' else ".meas" base_name = "%s_%s_z%s_*%s" % (type, self.roach_name, zdok, ext) # Rely on the timestamp at the end of the file name to make sure we # get the most recent file files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(indir) if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, base_name)] , reverse = True) if len(files) > 0: f = "%s/%s" % (indir, files[0]) if type == 'ogp': self.ogp.load_from_file(f, zdok = zdok) else: self.inl.load_from_file(f, zdok = zdok)"Loading file for calibration: %s" % f) self.loaded_files.append(f) else: msg = "load_calibrations: Could not find files in %s matching pattern %s" % (indir, base_name) logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg def load_calibrations_from_conf(self, indir, zdoks, types, freq): "Load calibrations from the <roach>-adc.conf file found in given directory." filename = "%s/%s" % (indir, self.configFile) for type in types: for zdok in zdoks: if type == 'ogp': self.ogp.set_zdok(zdok) self.ogp.spi.set_control() self.ogp.set_offsets(, zdok)) self.ogp.set_gains(, zdok)) self.ogp.set_phases(, zdok)) elif type == 'inl': self.inl.set_inls( def do_ogp(self, zdoks, freq, n_trails): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdoks==2: self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.do_ogp(0, freq, n_trails) self.do_ogp(1, freq, n_trails) elif zdoks!=1 and zdoks!=0: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdoks) + " is not a valid input, aborting...") else: self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.ogp.do_ogp(zdoks, freq, n_trails) if self.config:*1e6, zdoks, self.ogp.ogps) def do_inl(self, zdoks): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdoks==2: self.do_inl(0) self.do_inl(1) elif zdoks!=1 and zdoks!=0: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdoks) + " is not a valid input, aborting...") else: self.inl.do_inl(zdoks) if self.config:, self.inl.inls) def do_mmcm(self, zdok): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdok==2: self.do_mmcm(0) self.do_mmcm(1) elif zdok==1 or zdok==0:"doing MMCM calibration for zdok " + str(zdok)) self.mmcm.set_zdok(zdok) opt, g = self.mmcm.calibrate_mmcm_phase() logger.debug("MMCM (Optimal Phase, [Glitches]) for zdok " + str(zdok) + " : " + str((opt, g))) if self.config:, self.clockrate*1e6, zdok, opt) else: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdok) + " is not a valid input") def gpib_test(self, zdok, freq, ampl, manual=True):"Checking if the synthesizer is connected correctly...") #if self.gpib is None: #'Initializing the synthesizer...') # try: # with time_limit(15): # self.gpib = GPIB(self.freq, self.ampl) # except TimeoutException, msg: # to_continue = 'N' # logger.error("Time out trying to connect to the synthesizer at " \ # + addr+ "...aborting...") # time.sleep(2) logger.debug("ampl " + str(ampl)) logger.debug("test_freq " + str(freq)) self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.gpib.set_ampl(ampl) if manual: self.check_raw(zdok, save=False) self.check_spec(zdok, save=False) tprompt = "Does the system look OK so far, and you wish to continue?" to_continue = self.user_input(tprompt) else: to_continue = True #'Y' return to_continue def get_ramp(self, zdok, set_mode = True): self.set_zdok(zdok) if set_mode: self.spi.set_test_mode() else: print "Getting Ramp WITHOUT setting to test mode!" snap_name = "adcsnap%s" % zdok #self.get_snap_name(zdok) a, b, c, d = self.adc.get_test_vector([snap_name], man_trig=True, wait_period=2) if set_mode: self.spi.unset_test_mode() return a, b, c, d def check_ramp(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename=None, set_mode = True): #"ramp"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename(self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name, zdok) # get test vectors logmsg = "Checking ramp test... zdok: "+str(zdok)+" save:" + str(save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) + "\n" if zdok==2: a0, b0, c0, d0 = self.get_ramp(0, set_mode = set_mode) a1, b1, c1, d1 = self.get_ramp(1, set_mode = set_mode) elif zdok==0: a0, b0, c0, d0 = self.get_ramp(0, set_mode = set_mode) a1 = np.zeros(len(a0)) b1 = np.zeros(len(b0)) c1 = np.zeros(len(c0)) d1 = np.zeros(len(d0)) elif zdok==1: a1, b1, c1, d1 = self.get_ramp(1, set_mode = set_mode) a0 = np.zeros(len(a1)) b0 = np.zeros(len(b1)) c0 = np.zeros(len(c1)) d0 = np.zeros(len(d1)) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: "+ str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) ax0.plot(a0, '-o', b0, '-d', c0, '-^', d0, '-s') ax1.plot(a1, '-o', b1, '-d', c1, '-^', d1, '-s') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s"%(filename+'.png')) savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close() logger.debug("Now check raw data to make sure ADCs are back in data capturing mode...") # make sure the ADCs are succesfully set back to regular data capturing mode #self.check_raw(save=save, filename="post_ramp_check_raw" + timestamp) fn = self.get_check_filename(self.post_ramp_check_raw_name, zdok) self.check_raw(zdok, save=save, view=view, filename=fn) def check_raw(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename=None): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename(self.raw_startup_name, zdok) # get the data logmsg = "Checking raw data... zdok: "+str(zdok)+" save:" + str(save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) if zdok == 2: raw0 = self.adc.get_raw(0) raw1 = self.adc.get_raw(1) elif zdok == 0: raw0 = self.adc.get_raw(0) raw1 = np.zeros(len(raw0)) elif zdok == 1: raw1 = self.adc.get_raw(1) raw0 = np.zeros(len(raw1)) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: "+ str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) m0 = max(np.abs(raw0)) m1 = max(np.abs(raw1)) if m0>=128 or m1>=128: logger.warning("Power too high, clipping might be occurring...please check") # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(231) ax1 = f.add_subplot(234) ax0.plot(raw0, '-o') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.plot(raw1, '-d') ax1.set_title('ADC1') ax00 = f.add_subplot(232) ax10 = f.add_subplot(235) ax00.plot(raw0[0:int(len(raw0)/100)], '-o') ax00.set_title('ADC0 - Zoom 100x') ax10.plot(raw1[0:int(len(raw0)/100)], '-d') ax10.set_title('ADC1 - Zoom 100x') ax01 = f.add_subplot(233) ax11 = f.add_subplot(236) ax01.plot(raw0[0:int(len(raw0)/20)], '-o') ax01.set_title('ADC0 - Zoom 20x') ax11.plot(raw1[0:int(len(raw0)/20)], '-d') ax11.set_title('ADC1 - Zoom 20x') f.suptitle(filename) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'time', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'amplitude', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s"%(filename+'.png')) f.set_size_inches(18, 12) savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=150) if view: show() else: close() return def check_spec(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename = None): #filename="spec"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename("spec", zdok) logmsg = "Checking spectrum... zdok: "+str(zdok)+" save:" + str(save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) + "\n" if zdok == 2: nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 =self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) elif zdok == 0: nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 = np.zeros(len(nfr0)) - 1.0 spikes1 = np.array([-1.0]) elif zdok == 1: nfr1 = self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) nfr0 = np.zeros(len(nfr1)) - 1.0 spikes0 = np.array([-1.0]) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: "+ str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) nchan = len(nfr0) # this is NOT related to the FPGA design freqs = np.arange(0, self.clockrate, self.clockrate*1./nchan) logger.debug("Doing " + str(nchan) + " points FFT. ") logger.debug("Nyquist : " + str(self.clockrate) ) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC0"%spikes0) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC1"%spikes1) # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) ax0.plot(freqs, 10*np.log(nfr0)) ax0.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz'%spikes0[0], xy=(spikes0[0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes0[0]+500,-30), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1y = 10*np.log(nfr1) ax1.plot(freqs, ax1y) ax1.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz'%spikes1[0], xy=(spikes1[0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes1[0]+500,-30), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') info_str = "" if self.gpib.freq is not None: info_str += "Current input test tone frequency: %.4f"%self.gpib.freq if self.gpib.ampl is not None: info_str += "\nCurrent input power level: %.4f"%self.gpib.ampl ax1.text(450, min(ax1y)+20, info_str, bbox={'facecolor':'yellow', 'alpha':0.9}) ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'frequency (MHz)', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'power (dB)', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s"%(filename+'.png')) savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close() return def ampl_setup(self, zdok, manual=True, new_ampl=None, check_ampl=False): ampl = self.gpib.ampl # User interactions logmsg = "Changing input power level...current: " + str(ampl) if manual: tprompt = "Please enter the new Power level (dbM): (press enter to skip)" new_ampl_raw = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + new_ampl_raw) if new_ampl_raw=="": logger.debug("Keeping current power level...") return else: new_ampl = float(new_ampl_raw) # TBF: these limits seem arbitrary too_low = -15 too_high = 10 if check_ampl and (new_ampl<too_low or new_ampl>too_high): logmsg = "ampl " + str(new_ampl) + " too big or too small (range: " + str(too_low) + "-" + str(too_high) + ")" logger.error(logmsg) raise Exception, logmsg exit() # Finally, set the new amplitude logger.debug(" New ampl is: " + str(new_ampl)) ampl = new_ampl self.gpib.set_ampl(ampl) time.sleep(2) if manual: # Double check? tprompt = " Check raw ADC data now?" # (Y/N)" if self.user_input(tprompt): #logger.debug(tprompt) #to_check = raw_input(tprompt) #logger.debug("user input: " + to_check) #if to_check=='Y' or to_check=='y': self.check_raw(zdok, save=False, view=True) # Add notes to logger tprompt = "Does the raw data look okay? If not, "\ + "please briefly describe the problem here "\ + "(or press enter to proceed): " notes = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(notes) #if not isempty(notes): if len(notes) > 0: logger.warning(notes) def freq_setup(self, zdok, manual=True, freq=None): #global test_freq test_freq = freq if freq is not None else self.gpib.freq logmsg = "Changing input frequency...current: " + str(test_freq) if manual: tprompt = "Please enter the new test frequency (MHz): (press enter to skip)" logger.debug(tprompt) freq_raw = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + freq_raw) if freq_raw == "": logger.debug("Keeping current frequency...") return else: freq = float(freq_raw) if freq < 0 or freq > 1500: logmsg = "freq " + str(freq) + " too big or too small" logger.error(logmsg) raise Exception, logmsg exit() logger.debug(" New frequency is: " + str(freq)) test_freq = freq self.gpib.set_freq(test_freq) time.sleep(2) if manual: tprompt = " Check raw ADC data now? (Y/N)" to_check = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + to_check) if to_check=='Y' or to_check=='y': self.check_raw(zdok, save=False, view=True) tprompt = "Does the raw data look okay? If not, "\ + "please briefly describe the problem here "\ + "(or press enter to proceed): " notes = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug(notes) logger.warning(notes) def freq_scan(self, save=True, view=True, filename=None): #"freq_scan"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename("freq_scan", 2) test_freq = self.gpib.freq"Starting frequency scan (both ADCs)... save: " +str(save)) # Gather the data freqs = [] f0 = [] f1 = [] spikes0_arr = [] spikes1_arr = [] rng = 50 for i in range(0, rng): test_freq = i*30+random.random()*30 logger.debug("freq : " + str(test_freq)) self.gpib.set_freq(test_freq) time.sleep(2) nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 = self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC0"%spikes0) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC1"%spikes1) freqs.append(test_freq) f0.append(10*log(nfr0)) f1.append(10*log(nfr1)) spikes0_arr.append(spikes0) spikes1_arr.append(spikes1) # plot it! f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) logger.debug(" Plotting now...") nchan = len(nfr0) # this is NOT related to the FPGA design freqs_ind = np.arange(0, self.clockrate, self.clockrate*1./nchan) for i in range(1, rng, 10): logger.debug(" \ttest_freq: " + str(freqs[i])) ax0.plot(freqs_ind, f0[i]) ax0.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz'%spikes0_arr[i][0], xy=(spikes0_arr[i][0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes0_arr[i][0]+500,-1*i), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') logger.debug(" \tannotated spike (ADC0): %.4fMHz"%spikes0_arr[i][0]) ax1.plot(freqs_ind, f1[i]) ax1.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz'%spikes1_arr[i][0], xy=(spikes1_arr[i][0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes1_arr[i][0]+500,-1*i), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->",connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') logger.debug(" \tannotated spike (ADC1): %.4fMHz"%spikes1_arr[i][0]) ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) info_str = "Current input power level: %.4f"%self.gpib.ampl ax1.text(450, min(f1[0])+20, info_str, bbox={'facecolor':'yellow', 'alpha':0.9}) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'frequency (MHz)', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'power (dB)', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s"%(filename+'.png')) savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close()
def test_inc_mmcm_phase(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) spi.inc_mmcm_phase() self.assertEquals([(196608,)], spi.get_int_roach_writes())
def test_set_inl_registers(self): spi = SPI(zdok=0, test=True) self.assertEqual(spi.regs, []) values = [ 0.0, -0.0049, -0.158, -0.0952, 0.0614, 0.0008, -0.0537, 0.161, 0.1902, 0.5033, 0.327, 0.2102, 0.1048, -0.0875, -0.2342, -0.0445, 0.0, ] spi.set_inl_registers(1, values) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 8) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x1"), ("0xb0", "0x20"), ("0xb1", "0x1400"), ("0xb2", "0x0"), ("0xb3", "0x19"), ("0xb4", "0x6140"), ("0xb5", "0xa000"), ("0x90", "0x2"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs) # reset and test again spi.regs = [] values = [ 0.0, 0.0105, 0.0668, -0.0788, -0.233, -0.0821, 0.0365, 0.0753, 0.1046, -0.0899, -0.0987, 0.2009, 0.1752, 0.2263, -0.0184, -0.0449, 0.0, ] spi.set_inl_registers(2, values) self.assertEqual(len(spi.regs), 8) regs = [(hex(int(x)), hex(int(y))) for x, y in spi.regs] exp = [ ("0x8f", "0x2"), ("0xb0", "0x4"), ("0xb1", "0x2"), ("0xb2", "0x0"), ("0xb3", "0x9"), ("0xb4", "0x6949"), ("0xb5", "0x8000"), ("0x90", "0x2"), ] self.assertEqual(exp, regs)
def __init__(self): self.spi = SPI(150000) self.styr_queue = list() self.sens_queue = list()
class ADCCalibrate: """ This is a high-level class responsible for the calibration of the two ADC cards (zdoks) in each of Vegas's Roach 2 boards. It may interact with the user, and leverages a suite of lower level helper classes. """ def __init__(self, roach=None, roach_name=None, zdok=0, gpib_addr=None, test=False, dir='.', now=None, config=False, bof=False, clockrate=None, snapshot=None): self.zdok = zdok self.test = test self.dir = dir self.clockrate = clockrate if clockrate is not None else 1500.0 self.config = 0 #config self.bof = bof # Removing this check because you may be using ADCCalibrate in a read-only # mode where gpib is not needed (since it is write-only, TBF) #if not test and gpib_addr is None: # raise Exception, "Must specify gpib_addr if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." if not test and roach_name is None: raise Exception, "Must specify Roach if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." self.roach_name = roach_name if not test else "noroach" if not test and roach is None: self.roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(self.roach_name) time.sleep(3) if not self.roach.is_connected(): raise Exception, "%s did not work" % self.roach_name else: self.roach = roach = if now is None else now self.time_frmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S' self.current_time = #self.set_file_label() # helper classes #self.gpib = GPIB(gpib_addr, test = test) self.spi = SPI(zdok=zdok, test=test, roach=self.roach) self.adc = AdcSnapshot(zdok=zdok, snapshot=snapshot, test=test, roach=self.roach, clockrate=self.clockrate) # higher-level classes self.ogp = OGP(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, adc=self.adc, roach_name=roach_name, clockrate=self.clockrate, now=now, dir=dir) self.inl = INL(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, roach_name=roach_name, now=now, dir=dir) self.mmcm = MMCM(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, adc=self.adc) self.configFile = "%s-adc.conf" % roach_name self.configPath = "%s/%s" % (dir, self.configFile) = ADCConfFile(self.configPath) self.n_cores = 4 self.cores = range(1, self.n_cores + 1) #self.clockrate = 1500.0 self.samp_freq = 2 * self.clockrate # file prefixes self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name = "post_mmcm_ramp_check" self.post_ramp_check_raw_name = "post_ramp_check_raw" self.raw_startup_name = "raw_startup" self.loaded_files = [] def set_zdok(self, zdok): # Note: this is zdok - or ADC ('0' or '1') that # the lower level classes interact with. In this # upper level class we sometimes see zdok == '2', # which means "work on both '0' and '1'" # Pass it down self.spi.set_zdok(zdok) self.adc.set_zdok(zdok) self.ogp.set_zdok(zdok) self.inl.set_zdok(zdok) self.mmcm.set_zdok(zdok) # self.set_file_label() def set_clockrate(self, clockrate): self.adc.set_clockrate(clockrate) self.ogp.set_clockrate(clockrate) def set_freq(self, freq): self.gpib.freq = freq def set_ampl(self, ampl): self.gpib.ampl = ampl def get_check_filename(self, title, zdoks): return "%s/%s_%s_zs%d_%s" % (self.dir, title, self.roach_name, zdoks, self.current_time) #def set_file_label(self): # self.file_label = "_%s_z%d_%s" % (self.roach_name # , self.zdok # , self.current_time) #def get_post_ramp_check_raw_filename(self): # return "post_ramp_check_raw%s" % self.file_label def user_input(self, prompt): prompt = "%s (Y/N)" % prompt logger.debug(prompt) response = raw_input(prompt) logger.debug("user response: \t%s" % response) return response in ["Y", "y"] def load_calibrations(self, indir=None, zdoks=None, types=None, use_conf=False, freq=None): "Loads the most recent ogp, inl calibration files and loads them into the ADC Cards." # where to find the calibration files? if indir is None: var = "YGOR_TELESCOPE" if not os.environ.has_key(var): msg = "If directory for calibration files is not given, YGOR_TELESCOPE must be set." logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg else: indir = os.path.join(os.environ[var], "etc/config") # which zdok (ADC card) to load calibrations into? if zdoks is None or zdoks == 2: zdoks = range(2) elif zdoks == 0 or zdoks == 1: zdoks = [zdoks] else: msg = "Zdoks value must be 0,1,2; unsupported: %d" % zdoks logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg # which type of calibration? allTypes = ['ogp', 'inl'] if types is None: types = allTypes else: if not all([t in allTypes for t in types]): msg = "Types %s not in %s" % (types, allTypes) logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg if use_conf and freq is None: msg = "Must specify freq (MHz) if .conf file is used for loading calibrations." logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg if use_conf: self.load_calibrations_from_conf(indir, zdoks, types, freq) else: # go through and find the most recent of each type # of file needed #example file: ogp_noroach_z0_2014-04-24-090838 self.loaded_files = [] for type in types: for zdok in zdoks: ext = "" if type == 'ogp' else ".meas" base_name = "%s_%s_z%s_*%s" % (type, self.roach_name, zdok, ext) # Rely on the timestamp at the end of the file name to make sure we # get the most recent file files = sorted([ f for f in os.listdir(indir) if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, base_name) ], reverse=True) if len(files) > 0: f = "%s/%s" % (indir, files[0]) if type == 'ogp': self.ogp.load_from_file(f, zdok=zdok) else: self.inl.load_from_file(f, zdok=zdok)"Loading file for calibration: %s" % f) self.loaded_files.append(f) else: msg = "load_calibrations: Could not find files in %s matching pattern %s" % ( indir, base_name) logger.debug(msg) raise Exception, msg def load_calibrations_from_conf(self, indir, zdoks, types, freq): "Load calibrations from the <roach>-adc.conf file found in given directory." filename = "%s/%s" % (indir, self.configFile) for type in types: for zdok in zdoks: if type == 'ogp': self.ogp.set_zdok(zdok) self.ogp.spi.set_control() self.ogp.set_offsets(, zdok)) self.ogp.set_gains(, zdok)) self.ogp.set_phases(, zdok)) elif type == 'inl': self.inl.set_inls( def do_ogp(self, zdoks, freq, n_trails): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdoks == 2: #self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.do_ogp(0, freq, n_trails) self.do_ogp(1, freq, n_trails) elif zdoks != 1 and zdoks != 0: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdoks) + " is not a valid input, aborting...") else: #self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.ogp.do_ogp(zdoks, freq, n_trails) if self.config: * 1e6, zdoks, self.ogp.ogps) def do_inl(self, zdoks): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdoks == 2: self.do_inl(0) self.do_inl(1) elif zdoks != 1 and zdoks != 0: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdoks) + " is not a valid input, aborting...") else: self.inl.do_inl(zdoks) if self.config:, self.inl.inls) def do_mmcm(self, zdok): "Handles single zdok, or both" if zdok == 2: self.do_mmcm(0) self.do_mmcm(1) elif zdok == 1 or zdok == 0:"doing MMCM calibration for zdok " + str(zdok)) self.mmcm.set_zdok(zdok) opt, g = self.mmcm.calibrate_mmcm_phase() logger.debug("MMCM (Optimal Phase, [Glitches]) for zdok " + str(zdok) + " : " + str((opt, g))) if self.config:, self.clockrate * 1e6, zdok, opt) else: logger.error("ZDOK " + str(zdok) + " is not a valid input") def gpib_test(self, zdok, freq, ampl, manual=True):"Checking if the synthesizer is connected correctly...") #if self.gpib is None: #'Initializing the synthesizer...') # try: # with time_limit(15): # self.gpib = GPIB(self.freq, self.ampl) # except TimeoutException, msg: # to_continue = 'N' # logger.error("Time out trying to connect to the synthesizer at " \ # + addr+ "...aborting...") # time.sleep(2) logger.debug("ampl " + str(ampl)) logger.debug("test_freq " + str(freq)) self.gpib.set_freq(freq) self.gpib.set_ampl(ampl) if manual: self.check_raw(zdok, save=False) self.check_spec(zdok, save=False) tprompt = "Does the system look OK so far, and you wish to continue?" to_continue = self.user_input(tprompt) else: to_continue = True #'Y' return to_continue def get_ramp(self, zdok, set_mode=True): self.set_zdok(zdok) if set_mode: self.spi.set_test_mode() else: print "Getting Ramp WITHOUT setting to test mode!" snap_name = "adcsnap%s" % zdok #self.get_snap_name(zdok) a, b, c, d = self.adc.get_test_vector([snap_name], man_trig=True, wait_period=2) if set_mode: self.spi.unset_test_mode() return a, b, c, d def check_ramp(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename=None, set_mode=True): #"ramp"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename( self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name, zdok) # get test vectors logmsg = "Checking ramp test... zdok: " + str(zdok) + " save:" + str( save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) + "\n" if zdok == 2: a0, b0, c0, d0 = self.get_ramp(0, set_mode=set_mode) a1, b1, c1, d1 = self.get_ramp(1, set_mode=set_mode) elif zdok == 0: a0, b0, c0, d0 = self.get_ramp(0, set_mode=set_mode) a1 = np.zeros(len(a0)) b1 = np.zeros(len(b0)) c1 = np.zeros(len(c0)) d1 = np.zeros(len(d0)) elif zdok == 1: a1, b1, c1, d1 = self.get_ramp(1, set_mode=set_mode) a0 = np.zeros(len(a1)) b0 = np.zeros(len(b1)) c0 = np.zeros(len(c1)) d0 = np.zeros(len(d1)) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: " + str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) ax0.plot(a0, '-o', b0, '-d', c0, '-^', d0, '-s') ax1.plot(a1, '-o', b1, '-d', c1, '-^', d1, '-s') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s" % (filename + '.png')) savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close() logger.debug( "Now check raw data to make sure ADCs are back in data capturing mode..." ) # make sure the ADCs are succesfully set back to regular data capturing mode #self.check_raw(save=save, filename="post_ramp_check_raw" + timestamp) fn = self.get_check_filename(self.post_ramp_check_raw_name, zdok) self.check_raw(zdok, save=save, view=view, filename=fn) def check_raw(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename=None): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename( self.raw_startup_name, zdok) # get the data logmsg = "Checking raw data... zdok: " + str(zdok) + " save:" + str( save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) if zdok == 2: raw0 = self.adc.get_raw(0) raw1 = self.adc.get_raw(1) elif zdok == 0: raw0 = self.adc.get_raw(0) raw1 = np.zeros(len(raw0)) elif zdok == 1: raw1 = self.adc.get_raw(1) raw0 = np.zeros(len(raw1)) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: " + str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) m0 = max(np.abs(raw0)) m1 = max(np.abs(raw1)) if m0 >= 128 or m1 >= 128: logger.warning( "Power too high, clipping might be occurring...please check") # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(231) ax1 = f.add_subplot(234) ax0.plot(raw0, '-o') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.plot(raw1, '-d') ax1.set_title('ADC1') ax00 = f.add_subplot(232) ax10 = f.add_subplot(235) ax00.plot(raw0[0:int(len(raw0) / 100)], '-o') ax00.set_title('ADC0 - Zoom 100x') ax10.plot(raw1[0:int(len(raw0) / 100)], '-d') ax10.set_title('ADC1 - Zoom 100x') ax01 = f.add_subplot(233) ax11 = f.add_subplot(236) ax01.plot(raw0[0:int(len(raw0) / 20)], '-o') ax01.set_title('ADC0 - Zoom 20x') ax11.plot(raw1[0:int(len(raw0) / 20)], '-d') ax11.set_title('ADC1 - Zoom 20x') f.suptitle(filename) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'time', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'amplitude', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s" % (filename + '.png')) f.set_size_inches(18, 12) savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=150) if view: show() else: close() return def check_spec(self, zdok, save=True, view=True, filename=None): #filename="spec"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename( "spec", zdok) logmsg = "Checking spectrum... zdok: " + str(zdok) + " save:" + str( save) logmsg += " filename: " + str(filename) + "\n" if zdok == 2: nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 = self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) elif zdok == 0: nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 = np.zeros(len(nfr0)) - 1.0 spikes1 = np.array([-1.0]) elif zdok == 1: nfr1 = self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) nfr0 = np.zeros(len(nfr1)) - 1.0 spikes0 = np.array([-1.0]) else: logmsg = "Invalid input for zdok: " + str(zdok) + " aborting..." logger.error(logmsg) nchan = len(nfr0) # this is NOT related to the FPGA design freqs = np.arange(0, self.clockrate, self.clockrate * 1. / nchan) logger.debug("Doing " + str(nchan) + " points FFT. ") logger.debug("Nyquist : " + str(self.clockrate)) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC0" % spikes0) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC1" % spikes1) # plot stuff f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) ax0.plot(freqs, 10 * np.log(nfr0)) ax0.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz' % spikes0[0], xy=(spikes0[0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes0[0] + 500, -30), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1y = 10 * np.log(nfr1) ax1.plot(freqs, ax1y) ax1.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz' % spikes1[0], xy=(spikes1[0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes1[0] + 500, -30), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') info_str = "" if self.gpib.freq is not None: info_str += "Current input test tone frequency: %.4f" % self.gpib.freq if self.gpib.ampl is not None: info_str += "\nCurrent input power level: %.4f" % self.gpib.ampl ax1.text(450, min(ax1y) + 20, info_str, bbox={ 'facecolor': 'yellow', 'alpha': 0.9 }) ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'frequency (MHz)', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'power (dB)', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s" % (filename + '.png')) savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close() return def ampl_setup(self, zdok, manual=True, new_ampl=None, check_ampl=False): ampl = self.gpib.ampl # User interactions logmsg = "Changing input power level...current: " + str(ampl) if manual: tprompt = "Please enter the new Power level (dbM): (press enter to skip)" new_ampl_raw = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + new_ampl_raw) if new_ampl_raw == "": logger.debug("Keeping current power level...") return else: new_ampl = float(new_ampl_raw) # TBF: these limits seem arbitrary too_low = -15 too_high = 10 if check_ampl and (new_ampl < too_low or new_ampl > too_high): logmsg = "ampl " + str( new_ampl) + " too big or too small (range: " + str( too_low) + "-" + str(too_high) + ")" logger.error(logmsg) raise Exception, logmsg exit() # Finally, set the new amplitude logger.debug(" New ampl is: " + str(new_ampl)) ampl = new_ampl self.gpib.set_ampl(ampl) time.sleep(2) if manual: # Double check? tprompt = " Check raw ADC data now?" # (Y/N)" if self.user_input(tprompt): #logger.debug(tprompt) #to_check = raw_input(tprompt) #logger.debug("user input: " + to_check) #if to_check=='Y' or to_check=='y': self.check_raw(zdok, save=False, view=True) # Add notes to logger tprompt = "Does the raw data look okay? If not, "\ + "please briefly describe the problem here "\ + "(or press enter to proceed): " notes = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(notes) #if not isempty(notes): if len(notes) > 0: logger.warning(notes) def freq_setup(self, zdok, manual=True, freq=None): #global test_freq test_freq = freq if freq is not None else self.gpib.freq logmsg = "Changing input frequency...current: " + str(test_freq) if manual: tprompt = "Please enter the new test frequency (MHz): (press enter to skip)" logger.debug(tprompt) freq_raw = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + freq_raw) if freq_raw == "": logger.debug("Keeping current frequency...") return else: freq = float(freq_raw) if freq < 0 or freq > 1500: logmsg = "freq " + str(freq) + " too big or too small" logger.error(logmsg) raise Exception, logmsg exit() logger.debug(" New frequency is: " + str(freq)) test_freq = freq self.gpib.set_freq(test_freq) time.sleep(2) if manual: tprompt = " Check raw ADC data now? (Y/N)" to_check = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug("user input: " + to_check) if to_check == 'Y' or to_check == 'y': self.check_raw(zdok, save=False, view=True) tprompt = "Does the raw data look okay? If not, "\ + "please briefly describe the problem here "\ + "(or press enter to proceed): " notes = raw_input(tprompt) logger.debug(tprompt) logger.debug(notes) logger.warning(notes) def freq_scan(self, save=True, view=True, filename=None): #"freq_scan"): filename = filename if filename is not None else self.get_check_filename( "freq_scan", 2) test_freq = self.gpib.freq"Starting frequency scan (both ADCs)... save: " + str(save)) # Gather the data freqs = [] f0 = [] f1 = [] spikes0_arr = [] spikes1_arr = [] rng = 50 for i in range(0, rng): test_freq = i * 30 + random.random() * 30 logger.debug("freq : " + str(test_freq)) self.gpib.set_freq(test_freq) time.sleep(2) nfr0 = self.adc.get_spec(0) spikes0 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr0) nfr1 = self.adc.get_spec(1) spikes1 = self.adc.find_spike(nfr1) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC0" % spikes0) logger.debug("Found spikes at %.4fMHz for ADC1" % spikes1) freqs.append(test_freq) f0.append(10 * log(nfr0)) f1.append(10 * log(nfr1)) spikes0_arr.append(spikes0) spikes1_arr.append(spikes1) # plot it! f = figure() ax0 = f.add_subplot(211) ax1 = f.add_subplot(212) logger.debug(" Plotting now...") nchan = len(nfr0) # this is NOT related to the FPGA design freqs_ind = np.arange(0, self.clockrate, self.clockrate * 1. / nchan) for i in range(1, rng, 10): logger.debug(" \ttest_freq: " + str(freqs[i])) ax0.plot(freqs_ind, f0[i]) ax0.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz' % spikes0_arr[i][0], xy=(spikes0_arr[i][0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes0_arr[i][0] + 500, -1 * i), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') logger.debug(" \tannotated spike (ADC0): %.4fMHz" % spikes0_arr[i][0]) ax1.plot(freqs_ind, f1[i]) ax1.annotate('spike ~%.4fMHz' % spikes1_arr[i][0], xy=(spikes1_arr[i][0], 0), xycoords='data', xytext=(spikes1_arr[i][0] + 500, -1 * i), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ha='right', va='top') logger.debug(" \tannotated spike (ADC1): %.4fMHz" % spikes1_arr[i][0]) ax0.set_title('ADC0') ax1.set_title('ADC1') f.suptitle(filename) info_str = "Current input power level: %.4f" % self.gpib.ampl ax1.text(450, min(f1[0]) + 20, info_str, bbox={ 'facecolor': 'yellow', 'alpha': 0.9 }) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'frequency (MHz)', ha='center', va='center') f.text(0.06, 0.5, 'power (dB)', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save: logger.debug("Saving file :%s" % (filename + '.png')) savefig(filename + '.png', dpi=300) if view: show() else: close()
def __init__(self, roach=None, roach_name=None, zdok=0, gpib_addr=None, test=False, dir='.', now=None, config=False, bof=False, clockrate=None, snapshot=None): self.zdok = zdok self.test = test self.dir = dir self.clockrate = clockrate if clockrate is not None else 1500.0 self.config = 0 #config self.bof = bof # Removing this check because you may be using ADCCalibrate in a read-only # mode where gpib is not needed (since it is write-only, TBF) #if not test and gpib_addr is None: # raise Exception, "Must specify gpib_addr if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." if not test and roach_name is None: raise Exception, "Must specify Roach if ADCCalibrate is not in test mode." self.roach_name = roach_name if not test else "noroach" if not test and roach is None: self.roach = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient(self.roach_name) time.sleep(3) if not self.roach.is_connected(): raise Exception, "%s did not work" % self.roach_name else: self.roach = roach = if now is None else now self.time_frmt = '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S' self.current_time = #self.set_file_label() # helper classes #self.gpib = GPIB(gpib_addr, test = test) self.spi = SPI(zdok=zdok, test=test, roach=self.roach) self.adc = AdcSnapshot(zdok=zdok, snapshot=snapshot, test=test, roach=self.roach, clockrate=self.clockrate) # higher-level classes self.ogp = OGP(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, adc=self.adc, roach_name=roach_name, clockrate=self.clockrate, now=now, dir=dir) self.inl = INL(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, roach_name=roach_name, now=now, dir=dir) self.mmcm = MMCM(zdok=zdok, spi=self.spi, adc=self.adc) self.configFile = "%s-adc.conf" % roach_name self.configPath = "%s/%s" % (dir, self.configFile) = ADCConfFile(self.configPath) self.n_cores = 4 self.cores = range(1, self.n_cores + 1) #self.clockrate = 1500.0 self.samp_freq = 2 * self.clockrate # file prefixes self.post_mmcm_ramp_check_name = "post_mmcm_ramp_check" self.post_ramp_check_raw_name = "post_ramp_check_raw" self.raw_startup_name = "raw_startup" self.loaded_files = []
class SPI_node: def __init__(self): self.spi = SPI(150000) self.styr_queue = list() self.sens_queue = list() def insert_sens_back(self, data): self.sens_queue.append(data) def insert_sens_front(self, data): self.sens_queue = [] + spi_node.sens_queue def insert_styr_back(self, data): self.styr_queue.append(data) def insert_styr_front(self, data): self.styr_queue = [] + spi_node.sens_queue def perform_action(self): if(self.spi.done == True): if not len(self.styr_queue) == 0: self.spi.move(self.styr_queue.pop(0)) else:"acc")"angle")"dist")"ir")"ir_right") def close(self): self.spi.sens.close() self.spi.styr.close()