Пример #1
    def getLog(self, source, page, rows, orderby, sort):
        offset = int(rows) * (int(page) - 1)
        sql = {
            "error": "select logid, date, message from log where level = 'ERROR' and source = '" + source + "'"

        countSql = {
            "error": "select count(logid) from log where level = 'ERROR' and source = '" + source + "'"

        if("" != orderby):
            sql = sql + " order by " + orderby + " " + sort

        sql = sql + " limit " + rows + " offset " + str(offset)

        dbpath = os.path.join(logPath.getLogPath(), self.date, "pcd.log.v4.db3")

        if(False == os.path.isfile(dbpath)):
            return records()
            r = records()
            conn = SQLiteUtil.Connect(dbpath)
            countrs = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, countSql)
            r.total = countrs[0][0]
            rs = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, sql)
            r.rows = list(map(maps.maprecord2errorlog, rs))
            return r
Пример #2
def getLogSources(date):
    dbpath = os.path.join(logPath.getLogPath(), date, "pcd.log.v4.db3")
    if os.path.isfile(dbpath):
        conn = SQLiteUtil.Connect(dbpath)
        sql = "select distinct source from log"
        rs = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, sql)
        return json.dumps(list(map(maps.maprecord2source, rs)), default=generic_JsonEncode, ensure_ascii=False)
        return []
Пример #3
    def getRelativeLog(self, filename):
        sql = "select logid, date, message from log where message like '%" + filename + ".xml%'"
        countSql = "select count(logid) from log where message like '%" + filename + ".xml%'"

        cdate = filename[0:8]
        cdate = cdate[:4] + "-" + cdate[4:]
        cdate = cdate[:7] + "-" + cdate[7:]

        dbpath = os.path.join(logPath.getLogPath(), cdate, "pcd.log.v4.db3")
        if(False == os.path.isfile(dbpath)):
            return records()
            r = records()
            conn = SQLiteUtil.Connect(dbpath)
            countrs = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, countSql)
            r.total = countrs[0][0]
            rs = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, sql)
            r.rows = list(map(maps.maprecord2errorlog, rs))
            return r
Пример #4
    def loadExecuteInfo(self):
        exesql = "select count(LogId) from log where level='DEBUG' and source='" + self.taskName + "' and message like '%开始执行%'"
        errSql = "select count(LogId) from log where level='ERROR' and source='" + self.taskName + "' and message not like '%执行完毕%'"
        firstSql = "select date from log where level='DEBUG' and source='" + self.taskName + "' and message like '%开始执行' order by date limit 1"
        lastSql = "select date from log where (level='DEBUG' or level='ERROR') and source='" + self.taskName + "' and message like '%执行完毕%' order by date desc limit 1"

        dbpath = os.path.join(logPath.getLogPath(), self.date, "pcd.log.v4.db3")
            conn = SQLiteUtil.Connect(dbpath)
            exeRS = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, exesql)
            errRS = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, errSql)
            firstRS = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, firstSql)
            lastRS = SQLiteUtil.executeSql(conn, lastSql)

            self.taskEI.executeCount = exeRS[0][0]
            self.taskEI.errorCount = errRS[0][0]
            self.taskEI.firstStartTime = firstRS[0][0]
            self.taskEI.lastStartTime = lastRS[0][0]

        return self.taskEI