Пример #1
def pysynth(x0, id_el, elements, dw, g_fwhm, selected_model, region, dwin,
	Function:	Wrtie a parameter file for synth module called batch.par

	Variables:	x0 = abundance values
			id_el = element numbers which are allowed to vary
			elements = full array of tuples, [(element number,abundance)]
			dw = wavelength offset between data and model
			g_fwhm = convolve model with gaussian
			selected_model = MOOG capable stelalr model
			region = wavelength in region of interest
			dwin = resolution of model in Angstoms, should be higher than data resolution
			b_win = bounds of plotting window

	Expectations:	None
    from SRP import create_moog_file_synth
    from SRP import pymoogsilent
    from SRP import moog_synth_chisqr

    for i, e in enumerate(elements):
        t1, t2 = e
        s = np.where(t1 == id_el)
        elements[i] = (t1, x0[s])

    create_moog_file_synth('../DATS/' + selected_model, region - 6, region + 6,
                           dwin, 1.00, b_win, 1.1, elements, g_fwhm)

    #wave_m,flux_m = SRP.read_out3('out3')

    return moog_synth_chisqr('out3', 'star.xy', dw)
Пример #2
def pysynth_rot_metal_mcmc(x0, args):
	Function:	Wrtie a parameter file for synth module called batch.par, amended to use rotational broadening parameter which can varry in fit, metals a fixed to singular value from solar
	Variables:	x0 = abundance values
			id_el = element numbers which are allowed to vary
			elements = full array of tuples, [(element number,abundance)]
			dw = wavelength offset between data and model
			rot = convolve model with rotationally brodened profile
			selected_model = MOOG capable stelalr model
			region = wavelength in region of interest
			dwin = resolution of model in Angstoms, should be higher than data resolution
			b_win = bounds of plotting window
    #print args," : args"
    id_el, elements, dw, selected_model, region, dwin, b_win = args
    #print x0," : x0"
    from SRP import create_moog_file_synth
    from SRP import pymoogsilent
    from SRP import moog_synth_chisqr
    #print x0," : x0"
    rot = x0[0]
    x = x0[1]

    if (rot > 300.0 / 100.0) | (rot < 0.0):
        return -np.inf
    if (x > 2.0) | (x < -2.0):
        return -np.inf

    for i, e in enumerate(elements):
        t1, t2 = e
        elements[i] = (t1, x)
    #print elements," : elements"
    create_moog_file_synth_rot('../DATS/' + selected_model, region - 6,
                               region + 6, dwin, 1.00, b_win, 1.1, elements,
                               rot * 100.0)
    fyiwdwytm = pymoogsilent()

    #wave_m,flux_m = SRP.read_out3('out3')

    if fyiwdwytm:
        #jack up chisqr if moog failed
        prob = -np.inf
        chisqr = moog_synth_chisqr('out3', 'star.xy', dw)
        prob = 1 / chisqr
    return np.log(prob)
Пример #3
def pysynth_rot(x0, id_el, elements, dw, selected_model, region, dwin, b_win):
	Function:	Wrtie a parameter file for synth module called batch.par, amended to use rotational broadening parameter which can varry in fit
	Variables:	x0 = abundance values
			id_el = element numbers which are allowed to vary
			elements = full array of tuples, [(element number,abundance)]
			dw = wavelength offset between data and model
			rot = convolve model with rotationally brodened profile
			selected_model = MOOG capable stelalr model
			region = wavelength in region of interest
			dwin = resolution of model in Angstoms, should be higher than data resolution
			b_win = bounds of plotting window

    from SRP import create_moog_file_synth
    from SRP import pymoogsilent
    from SRP import moog_synth_chisqr
    #print x0," : x0 rot"
    rot = x0[0]
    x0 = x0[1:]

    if (rot > 300) | (rot < 0):
        return 10
    if (x0 > 2) | (x0 < -2):
        return 10

    for i, e in enumerate(elements):
        t1, t2 = e
        s = np.where(t1 == id_el)
        elements[i] = (t1, x0[s[0][0]])
    #print elements," : elements"
    create_moog_file_synth_rot('../DATS/' + selected_model, region - 6,
                               region + 6, dwin, 1.00, b_win, 1.1, elements,
    fyiwdwytm = pymoogsilent()

    #wave_m,flux_m = SRP.read_out3('out3')

    if fyiwdwytm:
        #jack up chisqr if moog failed
        chisqr = 1E6
        chisqr = moog_synth_chisqr('out3', 'star.xy', dw)
    #print chisqr," : chisqr"
    return chisqr
Пример #4
def pysynth_rot_fxd_mcmc(x0, id_el, elements, dw, rot, selected_model, region,
                         dwin, b_win):
	Function:	Wrtie a parameter file for synth module called batch.par, amended to use rotational broadening parameter (fixed)
	Variables:	x0 = abundance values
			id_el = element numbers which are allowed to vary
			elements = full array of tuples, [(element number,abundance)]
			dw = wavelength offset between data and model
			rot = convolve model with rotationally brodened profile
			selected_model = MOOG capable stelalr model
			region = wavelength in region of interest
			dwin = resolution of model in Angstoms, should be higher than data resolution
			b_win = bounds of plotting window

	Expectation:    selected models are in a local directory './DATS/' (probably should make that a var)
    print x0, " : x0"
    from SRP import create_moog_file_synth
    from SRP import pymoogsilent
    from SRP import moog_synth_chisqr
    #sanity check
    if (np.max(np.abs(x0)) > 5):
        return 1E3
    #print x0," : x0",rot
    for i, e in enumerate(elements):
        t1, t2 = e
        s = np.where(t1 == id_el)
        #print list(s),id_el,t1
        elements[i] = (t1, x0[s[0][0]])

    create_moog_file_synth_rot('../DATS/' + selected_model, region - 6,
                               region + 6, dwin, 1.00, b_win, 1.1, elements,
    fyiwdwytm = pymoogsilent()

    #wave_m,flux_m = SRP.read_out3('out3')

    if fyiwdwytm:
        #jack up chisqr if moog failed
        prob = -np.inf
        chisqr = moog_synth_chisqr('out3', 'star.xy', dw)
        prob = 1 / chisqr
    return np.log(prob)