Пример #1
 def __init__(self,runConfig):
     self.runConfig = runConfig
     self.folder = self.runConfig.folder
     self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(self.folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"), 'rw')
     if not self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper":
         raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Wrong fileID, got'"+self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")
     self.remoteJobID = self.__paramFile.dataDict["remoteJobID"]
     if self.remoteJobID == "":
         self.remoteJobID = None
     if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
         print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
         #raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
     elif self.remoteJobID == None and (self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running"):
         raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Did not find remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
     self.speedSSH = SSHspeedtransfer(self.hostname, AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser"))
Пример #2
class AcdOptiRunner_Hopper(AcdOptiRunner):
    type = "Hopper"
    CPUsPerNode = 24
    hostname = "hopper.nersc.gov"
    #commonExecs = {"Omega3P::2011May23":"~candel/.community/hopper2/omega3p-2011May23"}
    __sshClient = None #Try to keep using the same SSHClient
    __paramFile = None    
    #PBSjobName = None
    remoteJobID = None
    speedSSH = None
    def __init__(self,runConfig):
        self.runConfig = runConfig
        self.folder = self.runConfig.folder
        self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(self.folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"), 'rw')
        if not self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper":
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Wrong fileID, got'"+self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")
        self.remoteJobID = self.__paramFile.dataDict["remoteJobID"]
        if self.remoteJobID == "":
            self.remoteJobID = None
        if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
            print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
            #raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
        elif self.remoteJobID == None and (self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running"):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Did not find remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
        self.speedSSH = SSHspeedtransfer(self.hostname, AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser"))
    def getTorqueMeta(self):
        "Returns a pointer to the TorqueMeta data structure"
        return self.__paramFile.dataDict["TorqueMeta"]
    def getJobs(self):
        "Return a pointer to the jobs data structure"
        return self.__paramFile.dataDict["jobs"]
    def isRemote(self):
        return True
    def __connectSSH(self):
        Method that setups a ssh connection, returning a paramiko.SSHClient object.
        Please close() any SFTPClients opened, but don't close the client itself,
        as this method tries to reuse an existing client (connecting is what takes most of the time)  
        print "Connecting..."        
        if self.__sshClient != None:
            print "Found an old client"
            if self.__sshClient.get_transport() == None or self.__sshClient.get_transport().is_active() != True:
                print "Old client not active."
                "Old client OK!"
                return self.__sshClient
        print "Couldn't use old client, creating a new one."
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        client.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".ssh", "known_hosts")))
        client.connect(self.hostname, username=username)
        print "Connected."
        self.__sshClient = client
        return client
    def __SSHkillDir(self, dir, sftp):
        Recursively delete directory dir and its contents using a sftp connection
        #Emptying the folder...
        iDir = ""
        if dir[-1] == "/":
            iDir = dir[:-1]
            iDir = dir
        fileList = sftp.listdir(iDir)
        for file in fileList:
                sftp.remove(iDir + "/" + file)
            except IOError:
                self.__SSHkillDir(iDir + "/" + file, sftp)
    def upload(self):
        stageFile = self.runConfig.stageFile
        #Check for programming errors
        assert stageFile != None
        assert os.path.isfile(stageFile)
        #Setup the ssh connection
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()

        #Look for the acdopti scratch directory        
        sftp = client.open_sftp()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        remoteDirList = sftp.listdir(remoteDir)
        if not "acdopti_scratch" in remoteDirList:
            print "Making directory..."
            print remoteDirList
        scratchDirList =  sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        #Put the file
        if os.path.split(stageFile)[1] in scratchDirList:
            print "File already on HPC?!?"
        print "Uploading file..."
        remoteFile = remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1]
        self.speedSSH.put(stageFile, remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1])
        #sftp.put(stageFile, remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1])
        print "Uploading finished."
        print "Unzipping..."
        print "COMMAND:", "cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar xzvf " + remoteFile # + " --directory " + remoteScratch
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar xzvf " + remoteFile) #+ " --directory " + remoteScratch)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Unzipped."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem while unzipping, see output")
        #Delete the remote tar.gz
        print "Deleting tar.gz..."
        dirList = sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        if os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
    def remoteCleanup(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status in ["remote::uploaded", "remote::finished", "remote::unclean"]
        #Make connection...
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        sftp = client.open_sftp()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        remoteFile = remoteScratch + os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1]
        remoteFinishedFile = remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "--finished.tar.gz"

        #Delete the remote tar.gz's
        print "Deleting remote stage tar.gz..."
        dirList = sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        if os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
        print "Deleting remote finished tar.gz..."
        if os.path.split(remoteFinishedFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
        #Delete the remote folder
        print "Deleting remote folder..."
        if self.runConfig.stageName in dirList:
            self.__SSHkillDir(remoteScratch + "/" + self.runConfig.stageName, sftp)
            print "Already gone."
    def run(self):
        #Make connection...
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        #Submit job
        print "Submitting..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("cd " + remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "; qsub " + remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "/run.pbs")
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Submitted."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during submission, see output")
        #Check if the stdout matches XXXXX.YYY, where XXXXX is a number, and YYY is letters.
        # This is then the job ID.
        if re.match("[0-9]+\.\w+$", ssh_stdout_str):
            self.remoteJobID = ssh_stdout_str.strip()
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("remoteJobID", self.remoteJobID)
            print "Submission successful, JobID='" + self.remoteJobID + "'"
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_runError("Problem with job submission, see standard output")
    def cancelRun(self):
        assert self.remoteJobID != None 
        #Make connection...
        client =  self.__connectSSH()
        #Cancel the current job
        print "Issuing cancel command..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("qdel " + self.remoteJobID)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Cancel command issued."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            if "Unknown Job Id " + self.remoteJobID in ssh_stderr_str:
                #Aready finished
                print "Job was already finished"
                self.remoteJobID = None
            elif "errno=15096" in ssh_stderr_str:
                #Something went wrong with TORQUE on the server - but the job is very much dead...
                print "Torque problem, but job is dead. (see output)"
                self.remoteJobID = None
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during cancel, see output")

    def queryStatus(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running", "status = '" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
        #Make connection
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        print "Getting status..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("qstat " + self.remoteJobID)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Got status."
        #Parse the status output:
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            if "Unknown Job Id Error " + self.remoteJobID in ssh_stderr_str:
                self.remoteJobID = None
                return "remote::finished"
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem while getting status, see output")
        statusline = ""
        for line in ssh_stdout_str.splitlines():
            if line.startswith(self.remoteJobID):
                statusline = line
        statusChar = statusline.split()[-2]
        print "statusLine='" + statusline + "', statusChar='" + statusChar + "'"
        if statusChar == "Q":
            return "remote::queued"
        elif statusChar == "R" or statusChar == "E" or statusChar == "T": #E: Exiting after having run, T: transfer
            return "remote::running"
        elif statusChar == "C":
            self.remoteJobID = None
            return "remote::finished"
            raise ValueError("Unknown status char '" + statusChar + "'")
    def getRemoteData(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status=="remote::finished" or self.runConfig.status=="remote::unclean"
        #assert self.remoteJobID == None
        if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
            print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
        finishedLocalPath=os.path.join(self.folder, "finished")
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        #remoteJobDir = remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "/"
        remoteFile = self.runConfig.stageName + "--finished.tar.gz"

        #Make connection
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        #sftp = client.open_sftp()
        #Tar the data
        print "Zipping..."
        command = "cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar czvf " + remoteFile + " --force-local " + self.runConfig.stageName
        print "COMMAND:", command
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command(command)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read())
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Zipped."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during zipping, see output")
        #Download the tarball
        self.speedSSH.get(remoteScratch + remoteFile, os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile))
        #sftp.get(remoteScratch + remoteFile, os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile)) #TOO SLOW over transatlantic link...
        #Unzip the downloaded solution tar.gz
        archive = tarfile.open(os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile), "r:gz")
        return os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, self.runConfig.stageName) #Duplicated code in runConfig::init()!
    def stage(self):
    def __makePBS(self):
        Creates the run.pbs file used by Hopper's batch system
        #Calculate number of mpi nodes needed, and build the commands
        jobs = self.__paramFile.dataDict["jobs"]
        commands = []
        numNodes = 0
        for jobName, job in jobs:
            command = None
            if DataDict.boolconv(job["aprun"]):
                if job["tasksNode"] == "-1":
                    nodesThis = int(math.ceil(int(job["tasks"])/float(self.CPUsPerNode)))
                    assert int(job["tasksNode"]) <= self.CPUsPerNode
                    nodesThis = int(math.ceil(int(job["tasks"])/float(job["tasksNode"])))
                if nodesThis > numNodes:
                    numNodes = nodesThis
                def makeOption(optionName, key, optional):
                    get = job[key]
                    if get == "-1" and optional:
                        return "" 
                    return optionName + " " + get + " "
                command = "aprun "  + makeOption("-n", "tasks", False)\
                                    + makeOption("-N", "tasksNode", True)\
                                    + makeOption("-S", "tasksNuma", True)\
                                    + job["command"] + " " + job["commandArgs"]
                command = job["command"]
        if len(commands) == 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_stageError("No commands built")
        if not numNodes > 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_stageError("Got numNodes="+str(numNodes))
        #Write PBS file header
        runpbs = open(os.path.join(self.runConfig.stageFolder, "run.pbs"), 'w')
        torqueMeta = self.getTorqueMeta()
        runpbs.write("#PBS -q " + torqueMeta["queue"] + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -l mppwidth=" + str(numNodes*self.CPUsPerNode) + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -l walltime=" + torqueMeta["walltime"] + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -N " + self.runConfig.stageName + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -A " + torqueMeta["repo"] + "\n")
        if DataDict.boolconv(torqueMeta["importVars"]):
            runpbs.write("#PBS -V\n")
        #Write PBS script
        runpbs.write("## Commands:\n")
        for command in commands:
            runpbs.write(command + "\n")

        #Move it to stage folder
        #os.rename(os.path.join(self.folder, "run.pbs"), os.path.join(self.folder, "stage", "run.pbs")) 
    def __del__(self):
        if self.__sshClient != None:
    def write(self):
    def cloneInto(self,cloneFrom):
        Empty this runner and copy the data from cloneFrom.
        #Copy the torque stuff
        torqueOriginal = cloneFrom.getTorqueMeta()
        torqueThis = self.getTorqueMeta()
        for (k,v) in torqueOriginal.copy():
        #Copy the jobs stuff
        jobsOriginal = cloneFrom.getJobs()
        jobsThis = self.getJobs()
        for (k,v) in jobsOriginal.copy():
    def createNew(folder, type):
        #Create the settings file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"),"w")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper")

        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("remoteJobID", "")

        #Set default torque meta stuff
        torqueMeta = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("TorqueMeta", DataDict())
        torqueMeta.pushBack("queue", "regular")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("walltime", "00:59:00")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("repo", "m349")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("importVars", "True")

        #Create a datastructure for storing aprun jobs
        jobs = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("jobs", DataDict())
        # Each aprun job has the following fields:
        #  - aprun:       Boolean, true in the case of aprun jobs
        #  - command:     Command to run
        #  - commandArgs: Arguments to pass to the executable (such as name of input file)
        #  - tasks:       Number of MPI tasks, -n.               Essential!
        #  - tasksNode:   Number of MPI tasks pr. node, -N.      Optional.
        #  - tasksNuma:   Number of MPI tasks pr. NUMA node, -S. Optional.
        # If the aprun flag is False, then only command is used (but all keys should be present!)
        # Optional args should also be present. Set to "-1" to disable.
        #This command is always needed.
        cdpbs = jobs.pushBack("cdPBS", DataDict())
        cdpbs.pushBack("aprun", "False")
        cdpbs.pushBack("command", "cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR")
        cdpbs.pushBack("commandArgs", "")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasks", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNode", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNuma", "-1")