class GameEngine: def __init__(self, screensize): spi = SPI(1, baudrate=20000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(SPI_SCK), mosi=Pin(SPI_SDO), miso=None) # def __init__( self, spi, aDC, aReset, aCS) : # Pin details for SPI interface for screen self.tft = TFT(spi, SPI_DC, SPI_RS, SPI_CS) self.tft.initg() # Change this to make screen dimensions match board i.e if you get a line around the edge driver needs rewwwok for this self.tft.rgb(True) self.tft.set_size(screensize) self.set_caption("Tetris") self.level = 2 self.screenSize = screensize # Board offsets self.x = 4 self.y = 10 # Pin details for buttons. self.right_button = button(19) self.left_button = button(14) def set_caption(self, caption): self.tft.fill(TFT.BLACK) v = 30 v += sysfont["Height"] * 2 self.tft.text((20, v), caption, TFT.GREEN, sysfont, 2, nowrap=True) time.sleep_ms(1000) def render_text(self, aText, aColour, vPos, fSize): self.tft.text((8, vPos), aText, aColour, sysfont, fSize, nowrap=True) # Draw a grid by drawing hollow rectangles starting a smallest coordinate''' # Then fill the hollow retangles with colours of fallen frozen blocks ''' # For the filled rectangle. aStart is the smallest coordinate corner # and aSize is a tuple indicating width, heightalready rededuced for the ineer block def draw_board(self, myTetris): gridLineColour = TFT.RED # print (' blockOuter: {0} blockInner: {1} TWidth: {2} THeight: {3}'.format( blockOuter, blockInner, myTetris.width, myTetris.height)) for i in range(0, myTetris.width): for j in range(0, myTetris.height): # Render grid self.tft.rect((self.x + 12 * i , self.y + 7*j ), (120//10+1, 155//20+1), gridLineColour) def render_all(self,myTetris): for i in range(0, myTetris.width): for j in range(0, myTetris.height): self.tft.fillrect((self.x + 12 * i +1 , self.y + 7 * j + 1), (11,5) , (myTetris.field[j][i])) #print('\n'.join(' '.join(map(str,sl)) for sl in myTetris.field)) def render_frozen(self,myTetris): for i in range(0, myTetris.width): for j in range(0, myTetris.height): if myTetris.field[j][i] > 0: #(120//10-2, 155//20-2) self.tft.fillrect((self.x + 12 * i , self.y + 7 * j), (12,7) , (myTetris.field[j][i])) def hide_figure(self,figure): for i in range(4): for j in range(4): p = i * 4 + j if p in figure.orientation(): blockColor = TFT.BLACK fx = figure.x fy = figure.y self.tft.fillrect( (self.x + 12 * (j + fx) + 1, self.y + 7 * (fy + i) + 1), (120//10-2, 155//20-1), blockColor) # Render the floating blocks def render_figure(self, figure): if figure is not None: # print("fig or last:" + str(figure.orientation_last())) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): p = i * 4 + j if p in figure.orientation_last(): blockColor = TFT.BLACK fx = figure.x_org fy = figure.y_org self.tft.fillrect( (self.x + 12 * (j + fx) +1 , self.y + 7 * (fy + i) +1 ), (11,5) , blockColor) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): p = i * 4 + j if p in figure.orientation(): blockColor = figure.color fx = figure.x fy = figure.y self.tft.fillrect( (self.x + 12 * (j + fx) +1, self.y + 7 * (fy + i)+1), (11,5) , blockColor) def game_end(self): self.tft.fill(TFT.BLACK) self.render_text("Game Over", TFT.ORANGE, 50, 2) self.render_text("PRESS ANY KEY", TFT.ORANGE, 90, 1) def game_score(self, ascore): self.render_text("Tetris Score: " + str(ascore), TFT.ORANGE, 1, 1) def game_quit(self): self.tft.fill(TFT.BLACK) self.render_text("Game END", TFT.ORANGE, 50, 2) return
from ST7735 import TFT from sysfont import sysfont from machine import SPI, Pin import network import time import math spi = SPI(2, baudrate=20000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(05), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(19)) tft = TFT(spi, 17, 9, 16) tft.rgb(True) tft.initg() sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) sta.scan() sta.isconnected() sta.connect("SSID", "PASSWD") sta.ifconfig() def testlines(color): tft.fill(TFT.BLACK) for x in range(0, tft.size()[0], 6): tft.line((0, 0), (x, tft.size()[1] - 1), color) for y in range(0, tft.size()[1], 6): tft.line((0, 0), (tft.size()[0] - 1, y), color)