def getfitness(self): from SVD import SVD svd = SVD(size) f_tikhonov = svd.f_tikhonov(self.lam, self.AM, self.b.T) fvalue = 0.0 for f_tikobj in f_tikhonov: fvalue += f_tikobj * f_tikobj return np.std(f_tikhonov, dtype=np.float64)/np.mean(f_tikhonov)
def getfitness(self): from SVD import SVD svd = SVD(size) f_tikhonov = svd.f_tikhonov(self.lam, self.AM, self.b.T) fvalue = 0.0 for f_tikobj in f_tikhonov: fvalue += f_tikobj * f_tikobj return np.std(f_tikhonov, dtype=np.float64) / np.mean(f_tikhonov)
def Compute_U(train, C_frob, R_frob): W_matrix = [[train[int(i[0]), int(j[0])] for j in C_frob] for i in R_frob] X, Y, Sig1 = SVD(np.array(W_matrix), percent_energy_retain=100) Sig = np.diag(Sig1) Sigma_sum = np.sum(Sig) print(type(Sigma_sum)) print(Sigma_sum) print(Sigma_sum) Sigma_sum *= 0.9999 x = 0 t = 0 for i in range(len(Sig)): t = i if x > Sigma_sum: break else: x += Sig[i] print("Shape of X :: Shape of Y", X.shape, " :: ", Y.shape) for i in range(t): X = np.delete(X, len(Sig) - 1, 1) Y = np.delete(Y, len(Sig) - 1, 0) Sig = np.delete(Sig, len(Sig) - 1) print("New Sigma Shape :: ", Sig.shape) print("New Sigma Bro", len(Sig)) #time.sleep(10) q = len(Sig) print("Shape of X :: Shape of Y", X.shape, " :: ", Y.shape) Psuedo_inv = Y.transpose() ''' Translating Sigma(1-d) to Sigma(Diagonal Matrix) ''' print("New sigma :: ", Sig.shape) Sig_inv = np.diagflat(Sig) print("E:: ", Sig_inv[q - 1, q - 1]) Sig_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sig_inv) print("Sigma INverse :: ", Sig_inv.shape) print("N:: ", Sig_inv[q - 1, q - 1]) #time.sleep(10) Sig_inv = np.matmul(Sig_inv, Sig_inv.T) print("Sigma Shape :: ", Sig_inv.shape) Psuedo_inv = np.matmul(Psuedo_inv, Sig_inv) Psuedo_inv = np.matmul(Psuedo_inv, X.transpose()) U = Psuedo_inv return U
def train(self, maxK, maxLambda, sampleNumber=200): """ :param maxK: must larger than 1 :param maxLambda: must larger than 0 :param sampleNumber : sample number in one sampling :return: """ print("Bayesian training start.") self.X.append([self.k, self.lambdaR]) self.y.append(self.estimator_Calculate()) self.model =, y=np.array(self.y)) for t in range(self.trainingTimes): print("#################") print("It is at " + str(t) + " training.") Xsamples = [[ self.randomSearchK(1, maxK), self.randomSearchLambda(0., maxLambda) ] for _ in range(sampleNumber)] #print(Xsamples) p = np.random.rand(1) print("P value : ", p) if p <= self.p: nextX = self.maxAcquisition(Xsamples) self.k = nextX[0] print("The next k value is : ", self.k) self.lambdaR = nextX[1] print("The next lambda value is : ", self.lambdaR) else: index = int(np.random.rand(1) * len(Xsamples)) nextX = Xsamples[index] self.k = nextX[0] print("The next k value is : ", self.k) self.lambdaR = nextX[1] print("The next lambda value is : ", self.lambdaR) self.svd = SVD(self.matrix, int(self.k), biasSVD=self.biasSVD, prediction=True, regularization=self.lambdaR, trainingTimes=self.maxSVDTrainingTimes, device=self.device, actual = self.estimator_Calculate() self.X.append([self.k, self.lambdaR]) self.y.append(actual) print(np.array(self.X)) print(np.array(self.y)) self.model =, y=np.array(self.y))
def dimensionality_reduction(self): # self.set_database_matrix() # Note : when we have number of images <=20 or features <=20 , we are getting an error # this is because the database_matrix has <=20 images and the reduction models, # should have n_components parameters <= n,m # Hence, we have to take the min(min(len(self.database_matrix[0]),len(self.database_matrix)),20) if self.decomposition_name == 'PCA': self.decomposition_model = PCAModel(self.database_matrix, self.k_components, self.database_image_id) elif self.decomposition_name == 'SVD': self.decomposition_model = SVD(self.database_matrix, self.k_components, self.database_image_id) elif self.decomposition_name == 'NMF': self.decomposition_model = NMFModel(self.database_matrix, self.k_components, self.database_image_id) elif self.decomposition_name == 'LDA': self.decomposition_model = LDAModel(self.database_matrix, self.k_components, self.database_image_id) self.decomposition_model.decompose() print('Decomposition Complete') decomposed_database_matrix = self.decomposition_model.get_decomposed_data_matrix() reduced_dimension_folder_images_dict = {} for image_id, reduced_feature_vector in zip(self.database_image_id, decomposed_database_matrix): reduced_dimension_folder_images_dict[image_id] = reduced_feature_vector if self.metadata_label != '': misc.save2pickle(reduced_dimension_folder_images_dict, self.reduced_pickle_file_folder, feature=(self.feature_extraction_model_name+'_'+self.decomposition_name+ '_' + self.metadata_label)) else: misc.save2pickle(reduced_dimension_folder_images_dict, self.reduced_pickle_file_folder, feature=(self.feature_extraction_model_name + '_' + self.decomposition_name))
def __init__(self, matrix, iniK, iniLambda, device=torch.device("cpu"), biasSVD=True, lr=1e-3, pValue=0.75, maxSVDTrainingTimes=50000, maxBayesianTrainingTimes=150): ### if there are zeros in matrix, the position which value is zero will be predicted. ### we need to add a small number to prevent this matrix has zero values. self.matrix = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float32) + 1e-4 self.m = self.matrix.shape[0] self.n = self.matrix.shape[1] = lr self.p = pValue rand = np.random.rand(self.m, self.n) ### 80% as training set and 20% as testing set. self.oneMask = np.array(rand >= 0.2, dtype=np.float32) self.matrix = self.matrix * self.oneMask self.gp_kernel = gp.kernels.RBF() + gp.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-1) self.model = gp.GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=self.gp_kernel) self.k = iniK self.lambdaR = iniLambda self.maxSVDTrainingTimes = maxSVDTrainingTimes self.biasSVD = biasSVD self.svd = SVD(self.matrix, self.k, biasSVD=biasSVD, prediction=True, regularization=self.lambdaR, trainingTimes=maxSVDTrainingTimes, device=device, learning_rate=lr) self.device = device self.trainingTimes = maxBayesianTrainingTimes self.X = [] self.y = [] self.est = [] self.predict = []
def __init__(self, modelInstance): self.model = modelInstance features = [ cosine_similarity.CosineSimilarity(), n_gram_matching.NGramMatching(), sentiment_feature.SentimentFeature(), SVD.SVD(), TFIDF.TFIDF(), baseline_features.BaselineFeature(), cue_words.CueWords() ] self.features_train = np.hstack( [ for feature in features]) self.labels_train = DataSet(path="../FNC-1").get_labels() self.features_test = np.hstack( ['competition_test') for feature in features]) self.labels_test = DataSet(path="../FNC-1", name="competition_test").get_labels()
rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > 135*k and rawcount < 135*(k+1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount+1 sumAM = sumAM/135.0 AMarray = np.append(AMarray,sumAM) for j in range(0,n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i,j] = AMarray[j]/n print(AM) #noise = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,n)) #AM = AM +noise/1000 #TSVD method svdclass=SVD(n) g = iqewl f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(3,AM,g.T) f_tikhonov =svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05,AM,g.T) utb, utbs=svdclass.picardparameter(AM,g.T) U, s, V =svdclass.svdmatrix(AM) from pylab import * x= np.arange(0,17) ax1 = subplot(111) #ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') ax1.scatter (x/17.0,f_tsvd,marker='o',label='TSVD Regularization',color='black') #ax1.scatter (x,s,marker='o',label=r"${\sigma _i}$",color='black') #ax1.scatter (x,abs(utb),marker='o',label='$ {u_i^TP}$',color='red')
def CUR_decompoaition_with_replacement(selected_Columns, selected_Rows): print("List of Selected Columns") print(selected_Columns) sel_frob_c = [forbenius_norm_matrix_col[i] for i in selected_Columns] sel_frob_r = [forbenius_norm_matrix_row[i] for i in selected_Rows] R_frob = np.column_stack((selected_Rows, sel_frob_r)) C_frob = np.column_stack((selected_Columns, sel_frob_c)) print("No of Columns Considered : ", len(C_frob)) print("Matrix_C of CUR ::") try_C = train[:, selected_Columns] print(try_C.shape) Matrix_C = [[((train[i, y[0]]) / (sqrt(no_of_param * y[1]))) for y in C_frob] for i in range(len(forbenius_norm_matrix_row))] mat_c = np.array(Matrix_C) print(len(Matrix_C), " , ", len(Matrix_C[0])) R_frob = R_frob[:no_of_param] print("No of Rows Considered : ", len(R_frob)) print("Matrix_R of CUR") try_R = train[selected_Rows, :] print("Try_r") print(try_R.shape) Matrix_R = [[(train[int(y[0]), i]) / (sqrt(no_of_param * y[1])) for i in range(len(forbenius_norm_matrix_col))] for y in R_frob] print(len(Matrix_R), " , ", len(Matrix_R[0])) print("Matrix_W of CUR") W_matrix = [[train[int(i[0]), int(j[0])] for j in C_frob] for i in R_frob] print("Calculating the SVD of W matrix") X, Y, Sig1 = SVD(W_matrix) Sig = np.diag(Sig1) print("Shape of W matrix svd matrix") print(X.shape, " ", Sig.shape, " ", Y.shape) Psuedo_inv = Y.transpose() Sig_inv = np.diagflat(Sig) Sig_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sig_inv) Sig_inv = np.matmul(Sig_inv, Sig_inv) Psuedo_inv = np.matmul(Psuedo_inv, Sig_inv) Psuedo_inv = np.matmul(Psuedo_inv, X.transpose()) mat_c = np.array(Matrix_C) mat_r = np.array(Matrix_R) print(mat_c.shape, " ", Psuedo_inv.shape, " ", mat_r.shape) Cur_mat = np.matmul(Matrix_C, Psuedo_inv) Cur_mat = np.matmul(Cur_mat, Matrix_R) print("Final Matrix Shape with replacement as true") print("Final Matrix Shape") print(Cur_mat.shape) print(Cur_mat[0, 0]) Cur_mat = np.add(Cur_mat, means_mat) evaluation.rmse(Cur_mat)
rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > 617*k and rawcount < 617*(k+1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount+1 sumAM = sumAM/617.0 AMarray = np.append(AMarray,sumAM) for j in range(0,n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i,j] = AMarray[j]/n print('readingAM') noise = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,n)) #AM = AM +noise/100 #TSVD method svdclass=SVD(n) g = iqedataarray/100.0 f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(4,AM,g.T) f_tikhonov =svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05,AM,g.T) utb, utbs=svdclass.picardparameter(AM,g.T) from pylab import * x= np.arange(0,81) ax1 = subplot(111) #ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') reconstructioniqe =,f_tsvd) ax1.scatter (x/81.0,f_tsvd,marker='o',label='reconstruction',color='black') #ax1.plot (x/81.0,iqedataarray/100.0,label='measured',color='red')
QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_10x10x16_012.mat' ), QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x12_012.mat' ), QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x24_012.mat' ), QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x32_012.mat' ) ] #, QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x16_012.mat'), QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x24_012.mat'), QR('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x32_012.mat')] QR_times = [ QR_answers[0][1], QR_answers[1][1], QR_answers[2][1], QR_answers[3][1] ] #, QR_answers[4][1]], QR_answers[5][1], QR_answers[6][1]] SVD_answers = [ SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_10x10x16_012.mat' ), SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x12_012.mat' ), SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x24_012.mat' ), SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_20x20x32_012.mat' ) ] #, SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x16_012.mat'), SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x24_012.mat'), SVD('/Users/christopher/Documents/anaII/rte_matrix/mat/kelp1_50x50x32_012.mat')] SVD_times = [ SVD_answers[0][1], SVD_answers[1][1], SVD_answers[2][1], SVD_answers[3][1] ] #, SVD_answers[4][1]], SVD_answers[5][1], SVD_answers[6][1]] matrix_sizes = [ len(QR_answers[0][0]), len(QR_answers[1][0]),
relevant_projects, known_user_likes_test = get_precision_and_recall_by_time_split( user, 10, algorithm, None) precision_recall_by_k = precision_recall(user, known_user_likes_test, relevant_projects, algorithm, k_values) results.append(precision_recall_by_k) # ip_addresses[i%4])) i += 1 for k in range(len(k_values)): print("algorithm:" + str(algorithm) + " k " + str(k)) print(str([i[k][0] for i in results if i[k][0] >= 0]) + "\n") print(str([i[k][1] for i in results if i[k][1] >= 0]) + "\n") precisions = np.mean([i[k][0] for i in results if i[k][0] >= 0]) recalls = np.mean([i[k][1] for i in results if i[k][1] >= 0]) special_precisions = np.mean( [i[k][2] for i in results if i[k][2] >= 0]) print("algorithm:", algorithm, "k", k) print(precisions, recalls, special_precisions) if __name__ == '__main__': print(Recommender.data_items.shape) print(data_items_train.shape) # for ip change get_recommendation param # precision_recall_at_k([1, 5, 7, 10],['user'].values, CFUserUser(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([1, 3, 5, 7, 10],['user'].values, CFItemItem(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([1, 3, 5, 7, 10],['user'].values, PopularityBased(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([1, 3, 5, 7, 10],['user'].values, SVD(data_items_train))
for k in range(0,n): rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > discreteno*k and rawcount < discreteno*(k+1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount+1 sumAM = sumAM/discreteno AMarray = np.append(AMarray,sumAM) for j in range(0,n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i,j] = AMarray[j]/n noise = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,n)) #AM = AM +noise/100 #TSVD method svdclass=SVD(n) g = iqewl #f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(40,AM,g.T) #f_tikhonov =svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05,AM,g.T) utb, utbs=svdclass.picardparameter(AM,g.T) U, s, V =svdclass.svdmatrix(AM) from pylab import * x= np.arange(0,n) ax1 = subplot(111) ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') ax1.scatter (x,abs(utbs),marker='o',label='TSVD Regularization',color='black') ax1.set_xlabel('Normalize position in CIGS layer',fontsize=15)
for k in range(0, n): rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > discreteno * k and rawcount < discreteno * (k + 1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount + 1 sumAM = sumAM / discreteno AMarray = np.append(AMarray, sumAM) for j in range(0, n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i, j] = AMarray[j] / n noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, n)) #AM = AM +noise/100 #TSVD method svdclass = SVD(n) g = iqewl #f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(40,AM,g.T) #f_tikhonov =svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05,AM,g.T) utb, utbs = svdclass.picardparameter(AM, g.T) U, s, V = svdclass.svdmatrix(AM) from pylab import * x = np.arange(0, n) ax1 = subplot(111) ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') ax1.scatter(x, abs(utbs), marker='o',
results = [] ip_addresses = [''] i=0 for user in test_users: print (i) results.append(get_precision_and_recall_by_time_split(user, k, algorithm, ip_addresses[i%len(ip_addresses)])) i+=1 precisions = np.mean([i[0] for i in results if i[0]>=0]) recalls = np.mean([i[1] for i in results if i[1]>=0]) special_precisions = np.mean([i[2] for i in results if i[2]>=0]) print (precisions, recalls, special_precisions) if __name__ == '__main__': print(Recommender.data_items.shape) print(data_items_train.shape) # for ip change get_recommendation param <<<<<<< HEAD precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, ContentBased(data_items_train, PopularityBased(data_items_train))) # precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, CFItemItem(data_items_train)) # precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, CFUserUser(data_items_train)) # precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, PopularityBased(data_items_train)) # precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, SVD(data_items_train)) ======= precision_recall_at_k([3], old_users, CFUserUser(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, CFItemItem(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, PopularityBased(data_items_train)) precision_recall_at_k([3],['user'].values, SVD(data_items_train)) >>>>>>> master
import sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) import numpy as np from timeit import default_timer as timer from math import sqrt import pickle import Call_Function as cf from SVD import SVD import algo_common_func as ac #default dir : './ml-100k' cf.change_dir('../ml-100k') n_user, n_movie, n_rating = cf.read_user_inform() svd = SVD(n_user, 100, n_movie, 0, 0.1, 20) self_instance = svd.get_self_instance() ac.read_u_data(self_instance, cf.dir_location + '/') ac.get_overall_mean(self_instance) RMSE_list = [] start = timer() print('SVD Start') for i in range(cf.k_fold): start_train = timer() svd.gradient_descent(cf.train_set_list[i]) #print(i+1,'. fold training time : ',timer()-start_train) RMSE = svd.predict(cf.test_set_list[i])
iniLambda, device=device, maxSVDTrainingTimes=70000, maxBayesianTrainingTimes=64, lr=1e-4, pValue=0.65) bayesOpt.train(maxK, maxLambda, sampleNumber=500) optim = bayesOpt.getBest() print(optim) k = optim[0] r = optim[1] ### 98. 0.27777305 svd = SVD(matrix, int(k), device=torch.device("cuda"), biasSVD=True, prediction=True, regularization=r, trainingTimes=70000, learning_rate=1e-4) svd.train(verbose=True) finalResult = svd.prediction() m = finalResult.shape[0] n = finalResult.shape[1] with open("./predictionMatrix.txt", mode="w") as wh: for i in range(m): wh.write(colNames[i] + "\t") for j in range(n): wh.write(str(finalResult[i, j]) + "\t") wh.write("\n")
data_items = data.drop('user', 1) data_items.columns = [int(x) for x in data_items.columns] projects_info = pd.read_csv('projects_info.csv', index_col=0) user_algorithm_mapping_df = pd.read_csv('user_algorithm_mapping.csv') user_algorithm_mapping = { e.user_profile_id: e.algorithm for _, e in user_algorithm_mapping_df.iterrows() } non_active_projects = pd.read_csv('non_active_projects.csv') algorithms = [PopularityBased(data_items)] try: algorithms = [ CFItemItem(data_items), CFUserUser(data_items), PopularityBased(data_items), SVD(data_items), Baseline() ] except Exception as e: print("Exception in reading algorithms") algorithms = [PopularityBased(data_items)] * 5 def get_recommendations(user_profile_id, k, algorithm, ip_address): try: user_index_place = data[data['user'] == user_profile_id].index user_index = user_index_place[0] if len(user_index_place) > 0 else -1 if user_index == -1 or len( get_user_projects(user_index)) < HISTORY_THRES: # fresh user algorithm = PopularityBased(data_items) known_user_projects = get_user_projects(user_index)
# generate outputs to hdfs temp = temp.saveAsTextFile(output_file_path + 'pr_vs_count') if graph_statistics.getTotalDeg_vs_PR(): total_degree_rdd = deg.statistics_compute(D, 'total') pr_rdd = pr.statistics_compute(D, Iter, 0.85, debug_mod) total_degree_vs_pr_rdd = total_degree_rdd.join(pr_rdd).map( lambda x: x[1]) temp = temp.saveAsTextFile(output_file_path + 'total_degree_vs_pr') if graph_statistics.getSVD() == 1: svd = SVD() x_max = x: x[0]).max() - 1 y_max = x: x[1]).max() - 1 print(x_max, y_max) if x_max > y_max: D = x: (x[1], x[0])).cache() temp = x_max x_max = y_max y_max = temp adj_list = ut.edgelist2Adj(D, x_max, y_max) adj_list_rdd = sc.parallelize(adj_list).cache() mat = RowMatrix(adj_list_rdd)
class BayesianOptimization(object): def __init__(self, matrix, iniK, iniLambda, device=torch.device("cpu"), biasSVD=True, lr=1e-3, pValue=0.75, maxSVDTrainingTimes=50000, maxBayesianTrainingTimes=150): ### if there are zeros in matrix, the position which value is zero will be predicted. ### we need to add a small number to prevent this matrix has zero values. self.matrix = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float32) + 1e-4 self.m = self.matrix.shape[0] self.n = self.matrix.shape[1] = lr self.p = pValue rand = np.random.rand(self.m, self.n) ### 80% as training set and 20% as testing set. self.oneMask = np.array(rand >= 0.2, dtype=np.float32) self.matrix = self.matrix * self.oneMask self.gp_kernel = gp.kernels.RBF() + gp.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-1) self.model = gp.GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=self.gp_kernel) self.k = iniK self.lambdaR = iniLambda self.maxSVDTrainingTimes = maxSVDTrainingTimes self.biasSVD = biasSVD self.svd = SVD(self.matrix, self.k, biasSVD=biasSVD, prediction=True, regularization=self.lambdaR, trainingTimes=maxSVDTrainingTimes, device=device, learning_rate=lr) self.device = device self.trainingTimes = maxBayesianTrainingTimes self.X = [] self.y = [] self.est = [] self.predict = [] def maxAcquisition(self, Xnew): Xnew = np.array(Xnew) fMaxT_1 = np.max(self.y) yHatMean, std = self.model.predict(Xnew, return_std=True) # print(yHatMean) # print(std) mu = np.reshape(yHatMean, [len(yHatMean)]) scores = (mu - fMaxT_1) * norm.cdf( (mu - fMaxT_1) / (std + 1e-9)) + std * norm.pdf( (mu - fMaxT_1) / (std + 1e-9)) ix = np.argmax(scores) self.predict.append(mu[ix]) return Xnew[ix, :] def estimator_Calculate(self): print("Train Current SVD.") self.svd.train(verbose=True) zeroMask = np.array(self.matrix == 0, dtype=np.float32) mse = np.sum(np.abs(self.matrix - self.svd.prediction()) * zeroMask) print("Estimator is : ", 10000. / (mse + 1e-9)) self.est.append(mse) return 10000. / (mse + 1e-9) @staticmethod def randomSearchK(minBoundary, maxBoundary): k = int((maxBoundary - minBoundary) * np.random.rand() + minBoundary) return k @staticmethod def randomSearchLambda(minBoundary, maxBoundary): l = (maxBoundary - minBoundary) * np.random.rand() + minBoundary return l def train(self, maxK, maxLambda, sampleNumber=200): """ :param maxK: must larger than 1 :param maxLambda: must larger than 0 :param sampleNumber : sample number in one sampling :return: """ print("Bayesian training start.") self.X.append([self.k, self.lambdaR]) self.y.append(self.estimator_Calculate()) self.model =, y=np.array(self.y)) for t in range(self.trainingTimes): print("#################") print("It is at " + str(t) + " training.") Xsamples = [[ self.randomSearchK(1, maxK), self.randomSearchLambda(0., maxLambda) ] for _ in range(sampleNumber)] #print(Xsamples) p = np.random.rand(1) print("P value : ", p) if p <= self.p: nextX = self.maxAcquisition(Xsamples) self.k = nextX[0] print("The next k value is : ", self.k) self.lambdaR = nextX[1] print("The next lambda value is : ", self.lambdaR) else: index = int(np.random.rand(1) * len(Xsamples)) nextX = Xsamples[index] self.k = nextX[0] print("The next k value is : ", self.k) self.lambdaR = nextX[1] print("The next lambda value is : ", self.lambdaR) self.svd = SVD(self.matrix, int(self.k), biasSVD=self.biasSVD, prediction=True, regularization=self.lambdaR, trainingTimes=self.maxSVDTrainingTimes, device=self.device, actual = self.estimator_Calculate() self.X.append([self.k, self.lambdaR]) self.y.append(actual) print(np.array(self.X)) print(np.array(self.y)) self.model =, y=np.array(self.y)) def returnInfor(self): return self.X, self.y, self.est, self.predict, def getBest(self): self.X = np.array(self.X) self.y = np.array(self.y) ix = np.argmax(self.y) return self.X[ix, :]
84.937 / 100, 72.927 / 100, 41.473 / 100, 9.945 / 100, ] ) print(g) s = (n, n) AM = np.zeros(s) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, n): search = open(lambdaarray[i]) for line in search: if line.split()[0] == xarray[j]: AM[i, j] = float(line.split()[1]) * 1.0 / n svdclass = SVD(n) f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(3, AM, g.T) f_tikhonov = svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.4, AM, g.T) lcurvex, lcurvey = svdclass.lcurve(AM, g.T) ginverse_tsvd =, f_tsvd) ginverse_tikhonov =, f_tikhonov) x = np.arange(0, n) utb, utbs = svdclass.picardparameter(AM, g.T) U, s, V = svdclass.svdmatrix(AM) ########collection coefficient from modeling######## iqescr = 0.9 zmo = 2300.0 leff = 920.0 smooverd = 4.3e-4
def gettikhonov_x(self): from SVD import SVD svd = SVD(size) f_tikhonov = svd.f_tikhonov(self.lam, self.AM, self.b.T) return f_tikhonov
rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > 135*k and rawcount < 135*(k+1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount+1 sumAM = sumAM/135.0 AMarray = np.append(AMarray,sumAM) for j in range(0,n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i,j] = AMarray[j]/n print(AM) noise = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,n)) #AM = AM +noise/100 #TSVD method svdclass=SVD(n) f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(4,AM,g.T) f_tikhonov =svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05,AM,g.T) utb, utbs=svdclass.picardparameter(AM,g.T) from pylab import * x= np.arange(0,17) ax1 = subplot(111) #ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') ax1.scatter (x/17.0,f_tsvd,marker='o',label='TSVD Regularization',color='black') #ax1.scatter (x,iqeyy,marker='o',label='tkhonov',color='red') #ax1.scatter(x,f_tsvd,marker='o',label='tkhonov',color='green') ccx = np.arange(0,2300)
rawcount = 0 sumAM = 0.0 for rawobject in rawAMarray: if rawcount > 135 * k and rawcount < 135 * (k + 1): sumAM = sumAM + rawobject rawcount = rawcount + 1 sumAM = sumAM / 135.0 AMarray = np.append(AMarray, sumAM) for j in range(0, n): #AMarray = AMarray[::-1] AM[i, j] = AMarray[j] / n print(AM) #noise = np.random.normal(0,1,(n,n)) #AM = AM +noise/1000 #TSVD method svdclass = SVD(n) g = iqewl f_tsvd = svdclass.f_tsvd(3, AM, g.T) f_tikhonov = svdclass.f_tikhonov(0.05, AM, g.T) utb, utbs = svdclass.picardparameter(AM, g.T) U, s, V = svdclass.svdmatrix(AM) from pylab import * x = np.arange(0, 17) ax1 = subplot(111) #ax1.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') ax1.scatter(x / 17.0, f_tsvd, marker='o',
if i < 8: fexact = np.append(fexact, 2.0) else: fexact = np.append(fexact, 1.0) b =, fexact) ############################################## for i in range(0, size): for j in range(0, size): s = 1.0 / size * (j + 0.5) t = 1.0 / size * (i + 0.5) AM[i][j] = 1.0 / size * 0.27 / pow( pow(0.25, 2.0) + pow(s - t, 2.0), 1.5) from SVD import SVD svd = SVD(size) f_tikhonov = svd.f_tikhonov(0.00001, AM, b.T) fvalue = 0.0 for f_tikobj in f_tikhonov: fvalue += f_tikobj * f_tikobj fvalue1 = 0.0 bre =, f_tikhonov) bdif = bre - b for bdifobj in bdif: fvalue1 += bdifobj * bdifobj optimumarray = np.append(optimumarray, fvalue) print(optimumarray)