Пример #1
    def __init__(self, \
                 gpu_ctx, \
                 eta0, hu0, hv0, H, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f, r, \
                 angle=np.array([[0]], dtype=np.float32), \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, rk_order=2, \
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 max_wind_direction_perturbation = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.WindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 boundary_conditions_data=Common.BoundaryConditionsData(), \
                 small_scale_perturbation=False, \
                 small_scale_perturbation_amplitude=None, \
                 small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor = 1, \
                 reportGeostrophicEquilibrium=False, \
                 use_lcg=False, \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 comm=None, \
                 netcdf_filename=None, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 courant_number=0.8, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 flux_slope_eps = 1.0e-1, \
                 desingularization_eps = 1.0e-1, \
                 depth_cutoff = 1.0e-5, \
                 block_width=32, block_height=8, num_threads_dt=256,
                 block_width_model_error=16, block_height_model_error=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        H: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        angle: Angle of rotation from North to y-axis
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        rk_order: Order of Runge Kutta method {1,2*,3}
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        max_wind_direction_perturbation: Large-scale model error emulation by per-time-step perturbation of wind direction by +/- max_wind_direction_perturbation (degrees)
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        small_scale_perturbation: Boolean value for applying a stochastic model error
        small_scale_perturbation_amplitude: Amplitude (q0 coefficient) for model error
        small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor: Width factor for correlation in model error
        model_time_step: The size of a data assimilation model step (default same as dt)
        reportGeostrophicEquilibrium: Calculate the Geostrophic Equilibrium variables for each superstep
        use_lcg: Use LCG as the random number generator. Default is False, which means using curand.
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file
        comm: MPI communicator
        desingularization_eps: Used for desingularizing hu/h
        flux_slope_eps: Used for setting zero flux for symmetric Riemann fan
        depth_cutoff: Used for defining dry cells
        netcdf_filename: Use this filename. (If not defined, a filename will be generated by SimWriter.)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        assert( rk_order < 4 or rk_order > 0 ), "Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Runge Kutta supported"

        if (rk_order == 3):
            assert(r == 0.0), "3rd order Runge Kutta supported only without friction"
        # Sort out internally represented ghost_cells in the presence of given
        # boundary conditions
        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        #Coriolis at "first" cell
        x_zero_reference_cell = ghost_cells_x
        y_zero_reference_cell = ghost_cells_y # In order to pass it to the super constructor
        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2*ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2*ghost_cells_y
            x_zero_reference_cell += boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3]
            y_zero_reference_cell += boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2]

        #Compensate f for reference cell (first cell in internal of domain)
        north = np.array([np.sin(angle[0,0]), np.cos(angle[0,0])])
        f = f - coriolis_beta * (x_zero_reference_cell*dx*north[0] + y_zero_reference_cell*dy*north[1])
        x_zero_reference_cell = 0
        y_zero_reference_cell = 0
        A = None
        self.max_wind_direction_perturbation = max_wind_direction_perturbation
        super(CDKLM16, self).__init__(gpu_ctx, \
                                      nx, ny, \
                                      ghost_cells_x, \
                                      ghost_cells_y, \
                                      dx, dy, dt, \
                                      g, f, r, A, \
                                      t, \
                                      theta, rk_order, \
                                      coriolis_beta, \
                                      y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                      wind_stress, \
                                      write_netcdf, \
                                      ignore_ghostcells, \
                                      offset_x, offset_y, \
                                      comm, \
                                      block_width, block_height)
        # Index range for interior domain (north, east, south, west)
        # so that interior domain of eta is
        # eta[self.interior_domain_indices[2]:self.interior_domain_indices[0], \
        #     self.interior_domain_indices[3]:self.interior_domain_indices[1] ]
        self.interior_domain_indices = np.array([-2,-2,2,2])
        defines={'block_width': block_width, 'block_height': block_height,
                   'KPSIMULATOR_DESING_EPS': str(desingularization_eps)+'f',
                   'KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS': str(flux_slope_eps)+'f',
                   'KPSIMULATOR_DEPTH_CUTOFF': str(depth_cutoff)+'f'}
        #Get kernels
        self.kernel = gpu_ctx.get_kernel("CDKLM16_kernel.cu", 
                compile_args={                          # default, fast_math, optimal
                    'options' : ["--ftz=true",          # false,   true,      true
                                 "--prec-div=false",    # true,    false,     false,
                                 "--prec-sqrt=false",   # true,    false,     false
                                 "--fmad=false"]        # true,    true,      false
                    #'options': ["--use_fast_math"]
                    #'options': ["--generate-line-info"], 
                    #'arch': "compute_50", 
                    #'code': "sm_50"
                    #jit_options=[(cuda.jit_option.MAX_REGISTERS, 39)]
        # Get CUDA functions and define data types for prepared_{async_}call()
        self.cdklm_swe_2D = self.kernel.get_function("cdklm_swe_2D")
        self.update_wind_stress(self.kernel, self.cdklm_swe_2D)
        # CUDA functions for finding max time step size:
        self.num_threads_dt = num_threads_dt
        self.num_blocks_dt  = np.int32(self.global_size[0]*self.global_size[1])
        self.update_dt_kernels = gpu_ctx.get_kernel("max_dt.cu",
                defines={'block_width': block_width, 
                         'block_height': block_height,
                         'NUM_THREADS': self.num_threads_dt})
        self.per_block_max_dt_kernel = self.update_dt_kernels.get_function("per_block_max_dt")
        self.max_dt_reduction_kernel = self.update_dt_kernels.get_function("max_dt_reduction")
        # Bathymetry
        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(gpu_ctx, self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, H, boundary_conditions)
        # Adjust eta for possible dry states
        Hm = self.downloadBathymetry()[1]
        eta0 = np.maximum(eta0, -Hm)
        # Create data by uploading to device
        self.gpu_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, eta0, hu0, hv0)

        # Allocate memory for calculating maximum timestep
        host_dt = np.zeros((self.global_size[1], self.global_size[0]), dtype=np.float32)
        self.device_dt = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, self.global_size[0], self.global_size[1],
                                            0, 0, host_dt)
        host_max_dt_buffer = np.zeros((1,1), dtype=np.float32)
        self.max_dt_buffer = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, 1, 1, 0, 0, host_max_dt_buffer)
        self.courant_number = courant_number
        ## Allocating memory for geostrophical equilibrium variables
        self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium = np.int32(reportGeostrophicEquilibrium)
        self.geoEq_uxpvy = None
        self.geoEq_Kx = None
        self.geoEq_Ly = None
        if self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium:
            dummy_zero_array = np.zeros((ny+2*ghost_cells_y, nx+2*ghost_cells_x), dtype=np.float32, order='C') 
            self.geoEq_uxpvy = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)
            self.geoEq_Kx = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)
            self.geoEq_Ly = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)

        self.constant_equilibrium_depth = np.max(H)
        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(gpu_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
                                                           self.boundary_conditions, \
                                                           boundary_conditions_data, \

        # Small scale perturbation:
        self.small_scale_perturbation = small_scale_perturbation
        self.small_scale_model_error = None
        self.small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor = small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor
        if small_scale_perturbation:
            if small_scale_perturbation_amplitude is None:
                self.small_scale_model_error = OceanStateNoise.OceanStateNoise.fromsim(self,
                self.small_scale_model_error = OceanStateNoise.OceanStateNoise.fromsim(self, 
        # Data assimilation model step size
        self.model_time_step = model_time_step
        if model_time_step is None:
            self.model_time_step = self.dt
        self.total_time_steps = 0
        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, filename=netcdf_filename, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)
        #Upload data to GPU and bind to texture reference
        self.angle_texref = self.kernel.get_texref("angle_tex")
        self.angle_texref.set_array(cuda.np_to_array(np.ascontiguousarray(angle, dtype=np.float32), order="C"))
        # Set texture parameters
        self.angle_texref.set_filter_mode(cuda.filter_mode.LINEAR) #bilinear interpolation
        self.angle_texref.set_address_mode(0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP) #no indexing outside domain
        self.angle_texref.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
        self.angle_texref.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES) #Use [0, 1] indexing
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, \
                 gpu_ctx, \
                 eta0, H, hu0, hv0, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f=0.0, r=0.0, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, use_rk2=True,
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 y_zero_reference_cell = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.WindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 comm=None, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 flux_slope_eps = 1.0e-1, \
                 depth_cutoff = 1.0e-5, \
                 block_width=32, block_height=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        H: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        use_rk2: Boolean if to use 2nd order Runge-Kutta (false -> 1st order forward Euler)
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        y_zero_reference_cell: The cell representing y_0 in the above, defined as the lower face of the cell .
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file
        comm: MPI communicator
        depth_cutoff: Used for defining dry cells
        flux_slope_eps: Used for desingularization with dry cells

        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        y_zero_reference_cell = 2.0 + y_zero_reference_cell

        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions

        # Extend the computational domain if the boundary conditions
        # require it
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2 * ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2 * ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference_cell = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                2] + y_zero_reference_cell

        self.use_rk2 = use_rk2
        rk_order = np.int32(use_rk2 + 1)
        A = None
        super(KP07, self).__init__(gpu_ctx, \
                                   nx, ny, \
                                   ghost_cells_x, \
                                   ghost_cells_y, \
                                   dx, dy, dt, \
                                   g, f, r, A, \
                                   t, \
                                   theta, rk_order, \
                                   coriolis_beta, \
                                   y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                   wind_stress, \
                                   write_netcdf, \
                                   ignore_ghostcells, \
                                   offset_x, offset_y, \
                                   comm, \
                                   block_width, block_height)

        # Index range for interior domain (north, east, south, west)
        # so that interior domain of eta is
        # eta[self.interior_domain_indices[2]:self.interior_domain_indices[0], \
        #     self.interior_domain_indices[3]:self.interior_domain_indices[1] ]
        self.interior_domain_indices = np.array([-2, -2, 2, 2])

        # The ocean simulators and the swashes cases are defined on
        # completely different scales. We therefore specify a different
        # desingularization parameter if we run a swashes case.
        # Typical values:
        #ifndef SWASHES
        #define KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS   1e-1f
        #define KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS_4 1.0e-4f
        #define KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS   1.0e-4f
        #define KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS_4 1.0e-16f
        defines = {
            'block_width': block_width,
            'block_height': block_height,
            'KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS': str(flux_slope_eps) + 'f',
            'KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS_4': str(flux_slope_eps**4) + 'f',
            'KPSIMULATOR_DEPTH_CUTOFF': str(depth_cutoff) + 'f'

        #Get kernels
        self.kp07_kernel = gpu_ctx.get_kernel(
            compile_args={  # default, fast_math, optimal
                'options': [
                    "--ftz=true",  # false,   true,      true
                    "--prec-div=false",  # true,    false,     false,
                    "--prec-sqrt=false",  # true,    false,     false
                ]  # true,    true,      false

                #'options': ["--use_fast_math"]
                #'options': ["--generate-line-info"],
                #'arch': "compute_50",
                #'code': "sm_50"
                #jit_options=[(cuda.jit_option.MAX_REGISTERS, 39)]

        # Get CUDA functions and define data types for prepared_{async_}call()
        self.swe_2D = self.kp07_kernel.get_function("swe_2D")
        self.update_wind_stress(self.kp07_kernel, self.swe_2D)

        # Upload Bathymetry
        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(self.gpu_ctx, self.gpu_stream, \
                                            nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, H, boundary_conditions)

        # Adjust eta for possible dry states
        Hm = self.downloadBathymetry()[1]
        eta0 = np.maximum(eta0, -Hm)

        #Create data by uploading to device
        self.gpu_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                               ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,
                                               eta0, hu0, hv0)

        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(gpu_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \

        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, \
                 gpu_ctx, \
                 eta0, Hi, hu0, hv0, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f=0.0, r=0.0, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, use_rk2=True,
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 y_zero_reference_cell = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.WindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 block_width=32, block_height=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        Hi: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        use_rk2: Boolean if to use 2nd order Runge-Kutta (false -> 1st order forward Euler)
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        y_zero_reference_cell: The cell representing y_0 in the above, defined as the lower face of the cell .
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file
        ## After changing from (h, B) to (eta, H), several of the simulator settings used are wrong. This check will help detect that.
        if ( np.sum(eta0 - Hi[:-1, :-1] > 0) > nx):
            assert(False), "It seems you are using water depth/elevation h and bottom topography B, while you should use water level eta and equillibrium depth H."


        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        y_zero_reference_cell = 2.0 + y_zero_reference_cell
        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions

        # Extend the computational domain if the boundary conditions
        # require it
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2*ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2*ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference_cell = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] + y_zero_reference_cell
        self.use_rk2 = use_rk2
        rk_order = np.int32(use_rk2 + 1)
        A = None
        super(KP07, self).__init__(gpu_ctx, \
                                   nx, ny, \
                                   ghost_cells_x, \
                                   ghost_cells_y, \
                                   dx, dy, dt, \
                                   g, f, r, A, \
                                   t, \
                                   theta, rk_order, \
                                   coriolis_beta, \
                                   y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                   wind_stress, \
                                   write_netcdf, \
                                   ignore_ghostcells, \
                                   offset_x, offset_y, \
                                   block_width, block_height)
        # Index range for interior domain (north, east, south, west)
        # so that interior domain of eta is
        # eta[self.interior_domain_indices[2]:self.interior_domain_indices[0], \
        #     self.interior_domain_indices[3]:self.interior_domain_indices[1] ]
        self.interior_domain_indices = np.array([-2,-2,2,2])
        #Get kernels
        self.kp07_kernel = gpu_ctx.get_kernel("KP07_kernel.cu", defines={'block_width': block_width, 'block_height': block_height})
        # Get CUDA functions and define data types for prepared_{async_}call()
        self.swe_2D = self.kp07_kernel.get_function("swe_2D")
        self.update_wind_stress(self.kp07_kernel, self.swe_2D)
        #Create data by uploading to device    
        self.gpu_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, eta0, hu0, hv0)
        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(self.gpu_ctx, self.gpu_stream, \
                                            nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, Hi, boundary_conditions)
        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(gpu_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, \
                 gpu_ctx, \
                 eta0, hu0, hv0, H, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f, r, \
                 subsample_f=10, \
                 angle=np.array([[0]], dtype=np.float32), \
                 subsample_angle=10, \
                 latitude=None, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, rk_order=2, \
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 max_wind_direction_perturbation = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.WindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 boundary_conditions_data=Common.BoundaryConditionsData(), \
                 small_scale_perturbation=False, \
                 small_scale_perturbation_amplitude=None, \
                 small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor = 1, \
                 reportGeostrophicEquilibrium=False, \
                 use_lcg=False, \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 comm=None, \
                 local_particle_id=0, \
                 super_dir_name=None, \
                 netcdf_filename=None, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 courant_number=0.8, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 flux_slope_eps = 1.0e-1, \
                 desingularization_eps = 1.0e-1, \
                 depth_cutoff = 1.0e-5, \
                 block_width=12, block_height=32, num_threads_dt=256,
                 block_width_model_error=16, block_height_model_error=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        H: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        subsample_f: Subsample the coriolis f when creating texture by factor
        angle: Angle of rotation from North to y-axis as a texture (cuda.Array) or numpy array (in radians)
        subsample_angle: Subsample the angles given as input when creating texture by factor
        latitude: Specify latitude. This will override any f and beta plane already set (in radians)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        rk_order: Order of Runge Kutta method {1,2*,3}
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        max_wind_direction_perturbation: Large-scale model error emulation by per-time-step perturbation of wind direction by +/- max_wind_direction_perturbation (degrees)
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        small_scale_perturbation: Boolean value for applying a stochastic model error
        small_scale_perturbation_amplitude: Amplitude (q0 coefficient) for model error
        small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor: Width factor for correlation in model error
        model_time_step: The size of a data assimilation model step (default same as dt)
        reportGeostrophicEquilibrium: Calculate the Geostrophic Equilibrium variables for each superstep
        use_lcg: Use LCG as the random number generator. Default is False, which means using curand.
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file
        comm: MPI communicator
        local_particle_id: Local (for each MPI process) particle id
        desingularization_eps: Used for desingularizing hu/h
        flux_slope_eps: Used for setting zero flux for symmetric Riemann fan
        depth_cutoff: Used for defining dry cells
        super_dir_name: Directory to write netcdf files to
        netcdf_filename: Use this filename. (If not defined, a filename will be generated by SimWriter.)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        assert (rk_order < 4 or rk_order > 0
                ), "Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Runge Kutta supported"

        if (rk_order == 3):
            assert (r == 0.0
                    ), "3rd order Runge Kutta supported only without friction"

        # Sort out internally represented ghost_cells in the presence of given
        # boundary conditions
        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2

        #Coriolis at "first" cell
        x_zero_reference_cell = ghost_cells_x
        y_zero_reference_cell = ghost_cells_y  # In order to pass it to the super constructor

        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions

        #Compensate f for reference cell (first cell in internal of domain)
        north = np.array([np.sin(angle[0, 0]), np.cos(angle[0, 0])])
        f = f - coriolis_beta * (x_zero_reference_cell * dx * north[0] +
                                 y_zero_reference_cell * dy * north[1])

        x_zero_reference_cell = 0
        y_zero_reference_cell = 0

        A = None
        self.max_wind_direction_perturbation = max_wind_direction_perturbation
        super(CDKLM16, self).__init__(gpu_ctx, \
                                      nx, ny, \
                                      ghost_cells_x, \
                                      ghost_cells_y, \
                                      dx, dy, dt, \
                                      g, f, r, A, \
                                      t, \
                                      theta, rk_order, \
                                      coriolis_beta, \
                                      y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                      wind_stress, \
                                      write_netcdf, \
                                      ignore_ghostcells, \
                                      offset_x, offset_y, \
                                      comm, \
                                      block_width, block_height,

        # Index range for interior domain (north, east, south, west)
        # so that interior domain of eta is
        # eta[self.interior_domain_indices[2]:self.interior_domain_indices[0], \
        #     self.interior_domain_indices[3]:self.interior_domain_indices[1] ]
        self.interior_domain_indices = np.array([-2, -2, 2, 2])

        defines = {
            'block_width': block_width,
            'block_height': block_height,
            'KPSIMULATOR_DESING_EPS': "{:.12f}f".format(desingularization_eps),
            'KPSIMULATOR_FLUX_SLOPE_EPS': "{:.12f}f".format(flux_slope_eps),
            'KPSIMULATOR_DEPTH_CUTOFF': "{:.12f}f".format(depth_cutoff),
            'THETA': "{:.12f}f".format(self.theta),
            'RK_ORDER': int(self.rk_order),
            'NX': int(self.nx),
            'NY': int(self.ny),
            'DX': "{:.12f}f".format(self.dx),
            'DY': "{:.12f}f".format(self.dy),
            'GRAV': "{:.12f}f".format(self.g),
            'FRIC': "{:.12f}f".format(self.r)

        #Get kernels
        self.kernel = gpu_ctx.get_kernel(
            compile_args={  # default, fast_math, optimal
                'options': [
                    "--ftz=true",  # false,   true,      true
                    "--prec-div=false",  # true,    false,     false,
                    "--prec-sqrt=false",  # true,    false,     false
                ]  # true,    true,      false

                #'options': ["--use_fast_math"]
                #'options': ["--generate-line-info"],
                #'arch': "compute_50",
                #'code': "sm_50"
                #jit_options=[(cuda.jit_option.MAX_REGISTERS, 39)]

        # Get CUDA functions and define data types for prepared_{async_}call()
        self.cdklm_swe_2D = self.kernel.get_function("cdklm_swe_2D")
        self.update_wind_stress(self.kernel, self.cdklm_swe_2D)

        # CUDA functions for finding max time step size:
        self.num_threads_dt = num_threads_dt
        self.num_blocks_dt = np.int32(self.global_size[0] *
        self.update_dt_kernels = gpu_ctx.get_kernel("max_dt.cu",
        self.per_block_max_dt_kernel = self.update_dt_kernels.get_function(
        self.max_dt_reduction_kernel = self.update_dt_kernels.get_function(

        # Bathymetry
        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(gpu_ctx, self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                            ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, H,

        # Adjust eta for possible dry states
        Hm = self.downloadBathymetry()[1]
        eta0 = np.maximum(eta0, -Hm)

        # Create data by uploading to device
        self.gpu_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                               ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,
                                               eta0, hu0, hv0)

        # Allocate memory for calculating maximum timestep
        host_dt = np.zeros((self.global_size[1], self.global_size[0]),
        self.device_dt = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream,
                                            self.global_size[1], 0, 0, host_dt)
        host_max_dt_buffer = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.float32)
        self.max_dt_buffer = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, 1, 1, 0, 0,
        self.courant_number = courant_number

        ## Allocating memory for geostrophical equilibrium variables
        self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium = np.int32(
        self.geoEq_uxpvy = None
        self.geoEq_Kx = None
        self.geoEq_Ly = None
        if self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium:
            dummy_zero_array = np.zeros(
                (ny + 2 * ghost_cells_y, nx + 2 * ghost_cells_x),
            self.geoEq_uxpvy = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                                  ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,
            self.geoEq_Kx = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                               ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,
            self.geoEq_Ly = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny,
                                               ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,

        self.constant_equilibrium_depth = np.max(H)

        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(gpu_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
                                                           self.boundary_conditions, \
                                                           boundary_conditions_data, \

        def subsample_texture(data, factor):
            ny, nx = data.shape
            dx, dy = 1 / nx, 1 / ny
            I = interp2d(np.linspace(0.5 * dx, 1 - 0.5 * dx, nx),
                         np.linspace(0.5 * dy, 1 - 0.5 * dy, ny),

            new_nx, new_ny = max(2, nx // factor), max(2, ny // factor)
            new_dx, new_dy = 1 / new_nx, 1 / new_ny
            x_new = np.linspace(0.5 * new_dx, 1 - 0.5 * new_dx, new_nx)
            y_new = np.linspace(0.5 * new_dy, 1 - 0.5 * new_dy, new_ny)
            return I(x_new, y_new)

        # Texture for angle
        self.angle_texref = self.kernel.get_texref("angle_tex")
        if isinstance(angle, cuda.Array):
            # angle is already a texture, so we just set the texture reference
            #Upload data to GPU and bind to texture reference
            if (subsample_angle and angle.size >= eta0.size):
                self.logger.info("Subsampling angle texture by factor " +
                    "This will give inaccurate angle along the border!")
                angle = subsample_texture(angle, subsample_angle)

                cuda.np_to_array(np.ascontiguousarray(angle, dtype=np.float32),

        # Set texture parameters
            cuda.filter_mode.LINEAR)  #bilinear interpolation
            0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)  #no indexing outside domain
        self.angle_texref.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
            cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)  #Use [0, 1] indexing

        # Texture for coriolis f
        self.coriolis_texref = self.kernel.get_texref("coriolis_f_tex")

        # Create the CPU coriolis
        if (latitude is not None):
            if (self.f != 0.0):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Cannot specify both latitude and f. Make your mind up.")
            coriolis_f, _ = OceanographicUtilities.calcCoriolisParams(latitude)
            coriolis_f = coriolis_f.astype(np.float32)
            if (self.coriolis_beta != 0.0):
                if (angle.size != 1):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "non-constant angle cannot be combined with beta plane model (makes no sense)"
                #Generate coordinates for all cells, including ghost cells from center to center
                # [-3/2dx, nx+3/2dx] for ghost_cells_x == 2
                x = np.linspace((-self.ghost_cells_x + 0.5) * self.dx,
                                (self.nx + self.ghost_cells_x - 0.5) * self.dx,
                                self.nx + 2 * self.ghost_cells_x)
                y = np.linspace((-self.ghost_cells_y + 0.5) * self.dy,
                                (self.ny + self.ghost_cells_y - 0.5) * self.dy,
                                self.ny + 2 * self.ghost_cells_x)
                    "Using latitude to create Coriolis f texture ({:f}x{:f} cells)"
                    .format(x.size, y.size))
                x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
                n = x * np.sin(angle[0, 0]) + y * np.cos(
                    angle[0, 0])  #North vector
                coriolis_f = self.f + self.coriolis_beta * n
                if (self.f.size == 1):
                    coriolis_f = np.array([[self.f]], dtype=np.float32)
                elif (self.f.shape == eta0.shape):
                    coriolis_f = np.array(self.f, dtype=np.float32)
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "The shape of f should match up with eta or be scalar."

        if (subsample_f and coriolis_f.size >= eta0.size):
            self.logger.info("Subsampling coriolis texture by factor " +
                "This will give inaccurate coriolis along the border!")
            coriolis_f = subsample_texture(coriolis_f, subsample_f)

        #Upload data to GPU and bind to texture reference

        # Set texture parameters
            cuda.filter_mode.LINEAR)  #bilinear interpolation
            0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)  #no indexing outside domain
        self.coriolis_texref.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
            cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)  #Use [0, 1] indexing

        # Small scale perturbation:
        self.small_scale_perturbation = small_scale_perturbation
        self.small_scale_model_error = None
        self.small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor = small_scale_perturbation_interpolation_factor
        if small_scale_perturbation:
            self.small_scale_model_error = OceanStateNoise.OceanStateNoise.fromsim(

        # Data assimilation model step size
        self.model_time_step = model_time_step
        self.total_time_steps = 0
        if model_time_step is None:
            self.model_time_step = self.dt

        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, super_dir_name=super_dir_name, filename=netcdf_filename, \
                                            ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)

        # Update timestep if dt is given as zero
        if self.dt <= 0:
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, \
                 gpu_ctx, \
                 eta0, hu0, hv0, Hi, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f, r, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, rk_order=2, \
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 y_zero_reference_cell = 0, \
                 max_wind_direction_perturbation = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.WindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 small_scale_perturbation=False, \
                 small_scale_perturbation_amplitude=None, \
                 h0AsWaterElevation=False, \
                 reportGeostrophicEquilibrium=False, \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 block_width=32, block_height=4):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        Hi: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        rk_order: Order of Runge Kutta method {1,2*,3}
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        y_zero_reference_cell: The cell representing y_0 in the above, defined as the lower face of the cell .
        max_wind_direction_perturbation: Large-scale model error emulation by per-time-step perturbation of wind direction by +/- max_wind_direction_perturbation (degrees)
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        h0AsWaterElevation: True if h0 is described by the surface elevation, and false if h0 is described by water depth
        reportGeostrophicEquilibrium: Calculate the Geostrophic Equilibrium variables for each superstep
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file

        ## After changing from (h, B) to (eta, H), several of the simulator settings used are wrong. This check will help detect that.
        if ( np.sum(eta0 - Hi[:-1, :-1] > 0) > nx):
            assert(False), "It seems you are using water depth/elevation h and bottom topography B, while you should use water level eta and equillibrium depth H."
        assert( rk_order < 4 or rk_order > 0 ), "Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Runge Kutta supported"

        if (rk_order == 3):
            assert(r == 0.0), "3rd order Runge Kutta supported only without friction"
        # Sort out internally represented ghost_cells in the presence of given
        # boundary conditions
        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        y_zero_reference_cell = 2 + y_zero_reference_cell
        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2*ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2*ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference_cell = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] + y_zero_reference_cell
        A = None
        self.max_wind_direction_perturbation = max_wind_direction_perturbation
        super(CDKLM16, self).__init__(gpu_ctx, \
                                      nx, ny, \
                                      ghost_cells_x, \
                                      ghost_cells_y, \
                                      dx, dy, dt, \
                                      g, f, r, A, \
                                      t, \
                                      theta, rk_order, \
                                      coriolis_beta, \
                                      y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                      wind_stress, \
                                      write_netcdf, \
                                      ignore_ghostcells, \
                                      offset_x, offset_y, \
                                      block_width, block_height)
        # Index range for interior domain (north, east, south, west)
        # so that interior domain of eta is
        # eta[self.interior_domain_indices[2]:self.interior_domain_indices[0], \
        #     self.interior_domain_indices[3]:self.interior_domain_indices[1] ]
        self.interior_domain_indices = np.array([-2,-2,2,2])
        #Get kernels
        self.kernel = gpu_ctx.get_kernel("CDKLM16_kernel.cu", defines={'block_width': block_width, 'block_height': block_height})
        # Get CUDA functions and define data types for prepared_{async_}call()
        self.swe_2D = self.kernel.get_function("swe_2D")
        self.update_wind_stress(self.kernel, self.swe_2D)
        #Create data by uploading to device
        self.gpu_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, eta0, hu0, hv0)

        ## Allocating memory for geostrophical equilibrium variables
        self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium = np.int32(reportGeostrophicEquilibrium)
        dummy_zero_array = np.zeros((ny+2*ghost_cells_y, nx+2*ghost_cells_x), dtype=np.float32, order='C') 
        self.geoEq_uxpvy = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)
        self.geoEq_Kx = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)
        self.geoEq_Ly = Common.CUDAArray2D(self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)

        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(gpu_ctx, self.gpu_stream, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, Hi, boundary_conditions)
        self.h0AsWaterElevation = h0AsWaterElevation
        if self.h0AsWaterElevation:
        self.constant_equilibrium_depth = np.max(Hi)
        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(gpu_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
                                                           self.boundary_conditions, \

        # Small scale perturbation:
        self.small_scale_perturbation = small_scale_perturbation
        self.small_scale_model_error = None
        if small_scale_perturbation:
            if small_scale_perturbation_amplitude is None:
                self.small_scale_model_error = OceanStateNoise.OceanStateNoise.fromsim(self)
                self.small_scale_model_error = OceanStateNoise.OceanStateNoise.fromsim(self, soar_q0=small_scale_perturbation_amplitude)
        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)