Пример #1
def create_sample_params(
        params: Dict[str,
                     Any]) -> Tuple[Sample, Optional[UUID], Optional[int]]:
    Process the input from the create_sample API call and translate it into standard types.

    :param params: The unmarshalled JSON recieved from the API as part of the create_sample
    :returns: A tuple of the sample to save, the UUID of the sample for which a new version should
        be created or None if an entirely new sample should be created, and the previous version
        of the sample expected when saving a new version.
    :raises IllegalParameterError: if any of the arguments are illegal.
    if type(params.get('sample')) != dict:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'params must contain sample key that maps to a structure')
    s = params['sample']
    if type(s.get('node_tree')) != list:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'sample node tree must be present and a list')
    if s.get('name') is not None and type(s.get('name')) != str:
        raise _IllegalParameterError('sample name must be omitted or a string')
    nodes = _check_nodes(s)
    id_ = get_id_from_object(s, ID, name='sample.id')

    pv = params.get('prior_version')
    if pv is not None and type(pv) != int:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'prior_version must be an integer if supplied')
    s = Sample(nodes, s.get('name'))
    return (s, id_, pv)
Пример #2
def validate_samples_params(params: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Sample]:
    Process the input from the validate_samples API call and translate it into standard types.

    :param params: The unmarshalled JSON recieved from the API as part of the create_sample
    :returns: A tuple of the sample to save, the UUID of the sample for which a new version should
        be created or None if an entirely new sample should be created, and the previous version
        of the sample expected when saving a new version.
    :raises IllegalParameterError: if any of the arguments are illegal.
    if type(params.get('samples')) != list or len(params.get('samples',
                                                             [])) == 0:
        raise _IllegalParameterError('params must contain list of `samples`')
    samples = []
    for s in params['samples']:
        if type(s.get('node_tree')) != list:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                'sample node tree must be present and a list')
        if type(s.get('name')) != str or len(s.get('name')) <= 0:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                'sample name must be included as non-empty string')
        nodes = _check_nodes(s)
        s = Sample(nodes, s.get('name'))

    return samples
def test_sample_build():
    sn = SampleNode('foo')
    sn2 = SampleNode('bat')
    sn3 = SampleNode('bar', type_=SubSampleType.TECHNICAL_REPLICATE, parent='foo')
    sn4 = SampleNode('baz', type_=SubSampleType.SUB_SAMPLE, parent='foo')
    sndup = SampleNode('foo')

    s = Sample([sn])
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.name is None

    s = Sample([sn, sn2, sn4, sn3], '   \t   foo    ')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup, sn2, sn4, sn3)
    assert s.name == 'foo'

    s = Sample([sn], 'a' * 256)
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.name == 'a' * 256

    id_ = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('user'), [sn], dt(6))
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('user')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.savetime == dt(6)
    assert s.name is None
    assert s.version is None

    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('user2'), [sn], dt(6), 'foo')
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('user2')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.savetime == dt(6)
    assert s.name == 'foo'
    assert s.version is None

    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('user'), [sn], dt(6), 'foo', 1)
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('user')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.savetime == dt(6)
    assert s.name == 'foo'
    assert s.version == 1

    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('user'), [sn], dt(6), 'foo', 8)
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('user')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.savetime == dt(6)
    assert s.name == 'foo'
    assert s.version == 8

    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('user'), [sn], dt(6), version=8)
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('user')
    assert s.nodes == (sndup,)
    assert s.savetime == dt(6)
    assert s.name is None
    assert s.version == 8
Пример #4
def create_sample_params(
        params: Dict[str,
                     Any]) -> Tuple[Sample, Optional[UUID], Optional[int]]:
    Process the input from the create_sample API call and translate it into standard types.

    :param params: The unmarshalled JSON recieved from the API as part of the create_sample
    :returns: A tuple of the sample to save, the UUID of the sample for which a new version should
        be created or None if an entirely new sample should be created, and the previous version
        of the sample expected when saving a new version.
    :raises IllegalParameterError: if any of the arguments are illegal.
    if type(params.get('sample')) != dict:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'params must contain sample key that maps to a structure')
    s = params['sample']
    if type(s.get('node_tree')) != list:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'sample node tree must be present and a list')
    if s.get('name') is not None and type(s.get('name')) != str:
        raise _IllegalParameterError('sample name must be omitted or a string')
    nodes = []
    for i, n in enumerate(s['node_tree']):
        if type(n) != dict:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                f'Node at index {i} is not a structure')
        if type(n.get('id')) != str:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                f'Node at index {i} must have an id key that maps to a string')
            type_ = _SubSampleType(n.get('type'))
        except ValueError:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                f'Node at index {i} has an invalid sample type: {n.get("type")}'
        if n.get('parent') and type(n.get('parent')) != str:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(
                f'Node at index {i} has a parent entry that is not a string')
        mc = _check_meta(n.get('meta_controlled'), i, 'controlled metadata')
        mu = _check_meta(n.get('meta_user'), i, 'user metadata')
                _SampleNode(n.get('id'), type_, n.get('parent'), mc, mu))
            # already checked for the missing param error above, for id
        except _IllegalParameterError as e:
            raise _IllegalParameterError(f'Error for node at index {i}: ' +
                                         _cast(str, e.message)) from e

    id_ = get_id_from_object(s)

    pv = params.get('prior_version')
    if pv is not None and type(pv) != int:
        raise _IllegalParameterError(
            'prior_version must be an integer if supplied')
    s = Sample(nodes, s.get('name'))
    return (s, id_, pv)
def test_sample_eq():
    sn = SampleNode('foo')
    sn2 = SampleNode('bar')

    assert Sample([sn], 'yay') == Sample([sn], 'yay')
    assert Sample([sn], 'yay') != Sample([sn2], 'yay')
    assert Sample([sn], 'yay') != Sample([sn], 'yooo')

    id1 = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    id2 = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdea')
    dt1 = dt(5)
    dt2 = dt(8)
    u = UserID('u')
    u2 = UserID('u2')

    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1) == SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt(5))
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1) != SavedSample(id2, u, [sn], dt1)
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1) != SavedSample(id1, u2, [sn], dt1)
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1) != SavedSample(id1, u, [sn2], dt1)
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1) != SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt2)

    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay') == SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay')
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay') != SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yooo')

    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt2, 'yay', 6) == SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt2, 'yay', 6)
    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay', 6) != SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay', 7)

    assert SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay') != Sample([sn], 'yay')
    assert Sample([sn], 'yay') != SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay')
def test_create_sample_params_minimal():
    params = {'sample': {'version': 7,      # should be ignored
                         'save_date': 9,    # should be ignored
                         'node_tree': [{'id': 'foo',
                                        'type': 'BioReplicate'}]
    expected = Sample([SampleNode('foo')])

    assert create_sample_params(params) == (expected, None, None)
def _sample_build_fail(nodes, name, expected):
    with raises(Exception) as got:
        Sample(nodes, name)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, expected)

    id_ = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    with raises(Exception) as got:
        SavedSample(id_, UserID('u'), nodes, dt(8), name)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, expected)
def test_create_sample_params_maximal():
    params = {'sample': {'version': 7,      # should be ignored
                         'save_date': 9,    # should be ignored
                         'id': '706fe9e1-70ef-4feb-bbd9-32295104a119',
                         'name': 'myname',
                         'node_tree': [{'id': 'foo',
                                        'type': 'BioReplicate'},
                                       {'id': 'bar',
                                        'parent': 'foo',
                                        'type': 'TechReplicate',
                                                {'species': 'NO2',
                                                 'units': 'ppm',
                                                 'value': 78.91,
                                                 'protocol_id': 782,
                                                 'some_boolean_or_other': True
                                        'meta_user': {'location_name': {'name': 'my_buttocks'}}
              'prior_version': 1}

    assert create_sample_params(params) == (
                    {'species': 'NO2',
                     'units': 'ppm',
                     'value': 78.91,
                     'protocol_id': 782,
                     'some_boolean_or_other': True
                {'location_name': {'name': 'my_buttocks'}}
def test_sample_build_fail_sample_count():
    nodes = [SampleNode('s' + str(i)) for i in range(10000)]

    s = Sample(nodes)
    assert s.nodes == tuple(nodes)
    assert s.name is None

    id_ = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    s = SavedSample(id_, UserID('u'), nodes, dt(8))
    assert s.id == uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    assert s.user == UserID('u')
    assert s.nodes == tuple(nodes)
    assert s.savetime == dt(8)
    assert s.name is None
    assert s.version is None

    _sample_build_fail(nodes, None, IllegalParameterError(
                       'At most 10000 nodes are allowed per sample'))
Пример #10
def test_sample_hash():
    # hashes will change from instance to instance of the python interpreter, and therefore
    # tests can't be written that directly test the hash value. See
    # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__

    sn = SampleNode('foo')
    sn2 = SampleNode('bar')
    id1 = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    id2 = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdea')
    dt1 = dt(5)
    dt2 = dt(8)
    u = UserID('u')
    u2 = UserID('u2')

    assert hash(Sample([sn], 'yay')) == hash(Sample([sn], 'yay'))
    assert hash(Sample([sn], 'foo')) == hash(Sample([sn], 'foo'))
    assert hash(Sample([sn], 'yay')) != hash(Sample([sn2], 'yay'))
    assert hash(Sample([sn], 'yay')) != hash(Sample([sn], 'yo'))

    assert hash(SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'yay')) == hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id1, u, [sn], dt(5), 'yay'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) == hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id1, u2, [sn], dt1, 'foo'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id2, u, [sn2], dt1, 'foo'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id2, u, [sn], dt2, 'foo'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo')) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                 id2, u, [sn], dt1, 'bar'))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo', 6)) == hash(SavedSample(
                                                                    id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo', 6))
    assert hash(SavedSample(id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo', 6)) != hash(SavedSample(
                                                                    id1, u, [sn], dt1, 'foo', 7))
Пример #11
def _sample_with_id_build_fail(id_, user, nodes, savetime, name, version, expected):
    with raises(Exception) as got:
        SavedSample(id_, user, nodes, savetime, name, version)
        Sample(nodes, name)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, expected)