def __init__(self,x , y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/trap/single_thorn_1.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/trap/medium_thorn.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(20, 60) self.limit = 448 self.Active = False
def __init__(self, x, y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/map/grass1.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/map/grass1.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(32, 32) self.isActive = False self.Active = False self.count = 176 self.limit = 416
def __init__(self, x, y, input_manager): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.image = pygame.image.load('Scene4/images/player/player_stand.png') self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (32, 64)) self.width = self.image.get_width() self.heigth = self.image.get_height() = False self.isJump = False self.speed = 4 self.jumpHight = 16 self.input_manager = input_manager self.counter = FrameCounter(24) self.pressJump = False self.collider = BoxCollider(self.width, self.heigth) self.resetLock() self.Alive = True self.renderer = PlayerAnimation() self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0
def __init__(self, x, y, image_url, limity): Trap.__init__(self, x, y, image_url, limity) self.active_collider = BoxCollider()
def __init__(self,x , y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/map/platform.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/map/platform.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(32, 32)
def __init__(self, x, y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/trap/hidden_thorn.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/trap/hidden_thorn.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(30, 32) self.isActive = False
class Player(GameObject): def __init__(self, x, y, input_manager): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.image = pygame.image.load('Scene4/images/player/player_stand.png') self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (32, 64)) self.width = self.image.get_width() self.heigth = self.image.get_height() = False self.isJump = False self.speed = 4 self.jumpHight = 16 self.input_manager = input_manager self.counter = FrameCounter(24) self.pressJump = False self.collider = BoxCollider(self.width, self.heigth) self.resetLock() self.Alive = True self.renderer = PlayerAnimation() self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 def resetLock(self): self.lockDown = False self.lockUp = False self.lockLeft = False self.lockRight = False def update(self): if not self.Alive: return None self.update_animator() # print(self.y) self.collider.x = self.x self.collider.y = self.y self.resetLock() self.collide() # gavity if self.isJump == False: if not self.lockDown: self.y += self.jumpHight # print(self.jumpHight) else: # self.dy = 0 self.counter.count = self.counter.count_max if self.jumpHight > 32: self.jumpHight = 32 # print(self.limitDown, self.y) self.move() if self.y > 680: self.Alive = False def update_animator(self): self.renderer.update(self.dx, self.dy) def collide(self): left, right, top, bot = self.collider.corners() # print(left, right, top, bot) collide_at_peak = [] for game_object in game_objects: # print(game_object.x , game_object.y) if game_object.collider is not None and self.collider.overlap( game_object.collider): #and game_object.image is not None: if type(game_object) == Platform or type( game_object) == Grass or type( game_object) == Hidden_Grass or ( type(game_object) == Active_Grass and game_object.isActive): gleft, gright, gtop, gbot = game_object.collider.corners() if type(game_object) == Hidden_Grass: game_object.isActive = True cnt = 0 if bot == gtop or top == gbot: cnt += 1 if left == gright or right == gleft: cnt += 1 if cnt == 2: collide_at_peak.append(game_object) else: if bot == gtop: self.lockDown = True elif top == gbot: # if game_object.image == None: # print(type(game_object) , gtop , gbot, gleft, gright) self.lockUp = True elif left == gright: self.lockLeft = True elif right == gleft: self.lockRight = True elif type(game_object) == LockedDoor: = True elif type(game_object) is not Active_Grass: game_object.isActive = True self.Alive = False self.image = None death = PlayerDeath(self.x, self.y) game_object4_1.add(death) if not self.lockDown: for game_object in collide_at_peak: gleft, gright, gtop, gbot = game_object.collider.corners() if left == gright: self.lockLeft = True if right == gleft: self.lockRight = True def move(self): self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 # move left if self.input_manager.left_pressed and not self.lockLeft: self.dx = -1 if game_object4_1.start_point.x == 0 or self.x > 672: self.x -= self.speed else: for game_object in game_objects: if type(game_object) is not "Player": game_object.x += self.speed game_object4_1.start_point.x += self.speed game_object4_1.finish_point.x += self.speed # move right if self.input_manager.right_pressed and not self.lockRight: self.dx = 1 if game_object4_1.finish_point.x == 800 + 16 or self.x < 128: self.x += self.speed else: for game_object in game_objects: if type(game_object) is not "Player": game_object.x -= self.speed game_object4_1.start_point.x -= self.speed game_object4_1.finish_point.x -= self.speed # jump if self.input_manager.up_pressed and not self.pressJump and self.lockDown: self.pressJump = True self.isJump = True self.counter.reset() self.jumpHight = 32 if self.pressJump: self.dy = 1 if self.counter.count < self.counter.count_max // 2: if self.counter.count % 4 == 0: self.jumpHight /= 2 # print(self.counter.count , self.lockUp) if not self.lockUp: self.y -= self.jumpHight # print(self.jumpHight) # print(2 , self.y, self.counter.count_max , self.counter.count) else: self.counter.count = self.counter.count_max - self.counter.count - 1 # self.jumpHight *= 2 else: # if self.counter.count == self.counter.count_max // 2: # self.jumpHight /= 2 if self.counter.count % 4 == 0 and not self.counter.expired and self.counter.count is not self.counter.count_max // 2: self.jumpHight *= 2 # print(self.jumpHight) self.isJump = False if self.counter.expired: self.counter.reset() self.pressJump = False
def __init__(self, x, y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/trap/thorn.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/trap/thorn.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(24, 30)
def __init__(self, x, y): GameObject.__init__(self, x, y) self.renderer = ImageRenderer('Scene4/images/map/locked_door.png') # self.image = pygame.image.load('../images/map/grass1.png') self.collider = BoxCollider(32, 544)