def plot_year_wise_publications(): p = palette.Palette() year = Counter() labels = [] values = [] total = 0 for d in get_data(): year.update({d.year}) if d.year == 1980: total += 1 for y in year.most_common(): labels.append(y[0]) values.append(y[1]) zipped = zip(labels, values) zipped = sorted(zipped) zipped.reverse() labels, values = zip(*zipped) labels = list(labels) ind = range(len(labels)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111), values, color=p.cerulean()) plt.xticks(ind, labels, rotation=90) plt.ylabel("Number of publications") plt.xlabel("Year (till 11 March 2019)") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("year_wise.png", type="png", dpi=300)
def large_file_year_stats(): headers = ["Title", "URL", "Description", "Details", "ShortDetails", "Resource", "Type", "Identifiers", "Db", "EntrezUID", "Properties"] chunk_size = 100000 base_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=headers) for chunk in pd.read_csv(FILE_PUBMED, chunksize=chunk_size, names=headers, low_memory=False): chunk['year'] = chunk['ShortDetails'].str[-4:] base_df = pd.concat([base_df, chunk], sort=False) base_df = base_df.iloc[1:] base_df = base_df[base_df['year'].apply(lambda x: check_if_number(x))] base_df["year"] = base_df["year"].apply(pd.to_numeric) base_df = base_df[base_df.year > 1979] s = base_df["year"].value_counts() labels = list(s.index) values = s.values zipped = zip(labels, values) zipped = sorted(zipped) zipped.reverse() labels, values = zip(*zipped) ind = range(len(labels)), values, color=palette.Palette().magenta()) plt.xticks(ind, labels, rotation=90) plt.ylabel("Number of publications") plt.xlabel("Year (till 11 March 2019)") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("year_wise_other.png", type="png", dpi=300)
def author_per_year(): p = palette.Palette() year = defaultdict(int) articles = defaultdict(int) labels = [] values = [] for d in get_data(): if d.year > 1979: year[d.year] += len(d.authors) articles[d.year] += 1 for y in year: labels.append(y) values.append(year[y] / articles[y]) zipped = zip(labels, values) zipped = sorted(zipped) zipped.reverse() labels, values = zip(*zipped) labels = list(labels) ind = range(len(labels)), values, plt.xticks(ind, labels, rotation=90) plt.ylabel("Number of authors per article") plt.xlabel("Year (till 11 March 2019)") plt.tight_layout() plt.grid(axis='y', color="k", alpha=0.5, linestyle="--") plt.savefig("author_wise.png", type="png", dpi=300)
def plot_expression_profile(gene: str, parent_structure: str = None): p = palette.Palette() entries_start = [] for d in get_expression_pattern_in(gene, parent_structure): entries_start.append(float(d.start_stage.time)) plt.hist(entries_start, color=p.cerulean()) plt.ylabel("Frequency of Publications") plt.xlabel("hpf") plt.title("'{0}' Expression Star Stage".format(gene))
def budget_plot(): p = palette.Palette() data = [] with open(FILE_BUDGET_DATA) as f: for line in csv.reader(f): data.append(line[4:]) ind = range(len(data[0])), [round(float(x), 2) for x in data[2]],, label="World"), [round(float(x), 2) for x in data[1]],, label="India") plt.ylabel("% of GDP") plt.xlabel("Year") plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=2, fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.xticks(ind, data[0], rotation=90)
def journal_over_years(): number_of_journals = 3 p = palette.Palette(remove_white=True) year_data = defaultdict(Counter) for d in get_data(): if 2019 > d.year > 1999: year_data[d.year].update({d.journal}) year_label = [] year_values = [] year_journals = [] global_color = defaultdict(list) for y in year_data: total = 0 current_year = [] for t in year_data[y].most_common(): total += t[1] if len(current_year) < number_of_journals: current_year.append(t) temp_values = [] temp_name = [] for c in current_year: temp_values.append(c[1] * 100 / total) temp_name.append(c[0]) global_color[c[0]].append(1) year_label.append(f"{y}") year_values.append(temp_values) year_journals.append(temp_name) zipped = zip(year_label, year_values, year_journals) zipped = sorted(zipped) year_label, year_values, year_journals = zip(*zipped) color_palette = [] for f in p: color_palette.append(f) if len(color_palette) < len(global_color): color_palette.extend(p.random(no_of_colors=len(global_color), grade=40)) colors = {} for g in global_color: colors[g] = color_palette[0] color_palette.pop(0) ind = range(len(year_label)) year_values = np.asanyarray(year_values).T year_journals = np.asanyarray(year_journals).T fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) bar_patch = [] left_margin = np.zeros(len(year_label)) for i, v in enumerate(year_values): c = [] for journal in year_journals[i]: c.append(colors[journal]) bar_patch.append(ax.barh(ind, v, left=left_margin, color=c)) left_margin += v plt.yticks(ind, year_label) for j in range(len(bar_patch)): for i, patch in enumerate(bar_patch[j].get_children()): point = patch.get_xy() x = 0.5 * patch.get_width() + point[0] y = 0.4 * patch.get_height() + point[1] # ax.text(x, y, f"{round(patch.get_width(), 1)}%", ha='center') legend_patches = [] for key in colors: legend_patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[key], label=key)) plt.legend(handles=legend_patches, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plt.tight_layout() plt.xlabel("Percentage of all paper published in given year") plt.ylabel("Year") plt.savefig("year_top_journals.png", type="png", dpi=300)